Article Our portrait Gallery. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Lodges and Chapter of Instruction. Page 1 of 1 Article Lodges and Chapter of Instruction. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1
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Our Portrait Gallery.
He makes an excellent Master ; he rules with determined , but kind , firmness , and is deservedly held in high esteem by the members for his straight anel fair dealings in all affairs , so that they feel it a pleasure to obey his orders and submit to his authority . His position outside the lodge is an important one in the community , being perhaps the largest individual proprietor of sugar estates in Trinidad . On moie than one occasion the loelge has benefiieel by his cheerful and open-handed Charity . The earnest wish of the lodge is that their worthy Master may long be spared to the Royal Prince of Wales Lodge , No . S 6 7 , and to the Craft .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
All Saints Chapter , No . 422 . A meeting of this chapter was held at thc Masonic Hall , Gainsboro' on Tuesday , the nth ult . Present : Comps . C . R . Farmer , M . E . Z . ; F . Barnes , P . Z ., acting 11 . ; . 1 . Constable , J . ; T . B . Adlaed , acting S . E . ; S . Beaumont , S . N . ; S . Middleton ; C . Caldecott ; TI . Scott , Janitor ; and others .
Apolcgirs were read from Com | s . T . Sowby , TI . ; R . Pearson , S . E . ; C . F . Livcrsidpe , P . S . ; and G . Moxon , P . Z . The clcclinntf Piinripals and officers was the chitf business of tbe evening , and lesulted as follows : Crimps . T . B . Lowby , M . E . Z . ; J . Constable , H . ; T . B . Adlard , J . ; C . F . Liversidge , P . S . anel Treas ; C . Caldecott , S . E . ; S . Middleton , S . N . ; and H . Scott , Janilo " . A candidate was named for exultation .
St . Peter ' s Chapter , No . 4 S 1 . The regular netting—being the annual convocation—of this chapter was held on \ Vtdnefdsy evenintr , lhe 19 th ultimo , at lhc Central Masonic Hall , Pilgrim-street , Neevrastlc-on-Tyre . The pending Piincipals were Comps . T . R . Short , P . A . G . S . E ., M . E . Z . ; T . Funis , P . G . S . E ., TL ; James Shaw , J . ; and among others present were Coups . John Nesbilt , Piov . G . H . ; VV . M . Lyon , P . P . G . S . N . ; J . C . Ridley , P . P . G . H . ; ] . Usher , P . P . G . P . S . ; C . F . Cannon , P . P . G . J . ; John Spearman , P . P . G . H . ;
1 . C Mcor , P . P . G . R . Durham ; J . R . Turner , Tl . 431 ; J . R . J obson , P . Z . 4 S ; G . Harland , P . Z . 240 ; R . Ferry , and others . The installation cf the Principals for the ensuing year took place as follows : Comps . Tremas Puivis , P . G . S . E ., M . E . Z . ; James Shaw , II . ; and J . A . Stelling , J . 'The fdiceiswere afterwards invested by Comp . T . Purvis , M . E . Z ., as follows : Comps . L .
Nixrn . S . E . ; G . Wilson . S . N . ; John Spearman , P . Z ., 1 reas . ; J . R . Turner , P . S . ; J . McPhail Bruce , ist A . S . ; J . A . S . Salt , 2 nd A . S . ; C . B . Ford , P . Z , D . C ; J . T . Spaik , Stwd . ; and Joshua Curry , Janitor . Afler " Ileal ty gold wishes" the chapter was duly closed , and the companions aftenvaids assembled at supper at Saycr's Royal Exchange Hotel , the M . E . Z ., Comp . Thos . Puivis , P . G . S . E ., presiding , and was supuorted by a large number of companions .
Stanmore Chapter , No , 1549 . 1 his prosperous chapter held ils installation meeting at the Abercorn Hotel , Great Slanmeiie , on the Sth Julv , with avery large attendance—Comps . A . J . Oliver , M . E . Z . ; R . W . Bilby , II . ; VV . VV . Mansfield , J . ; W . R . Shutt , P . Z ., Treas . ; C . Veal , P . Z ., SE . ; J . P . Taylor , S . N . ; C . J . Veal and VV . A . Crcks , Sijs . ; J . Percival , Janitor ; C . II . Webb , P . Z . ; C B . Todd , P . Z . ; T , J . MaieiweP , P . Z . ; Nicholson , Wilson , Darcocles , A . E . Todd , E . Bell , Southam , Brown , VV . Taylor , Sheppard , Moody , Buck , l ' eaccck , Reed , Foyer , A . Hardy , and C . Solman . Visi'ors : Comps . T . C . Edwards , 1507 ; H . J . Tibbatts , 13 S 5 ; E . Prince , 771 ; and A . Weston , 1572 .
The chapter was opentd . and after confirming the minutes and a very favourable report frrm the Auditors , the ballot was taken for Bros . II . G . Wigmore 18 94 ; E . Slaik , 1804 ; and John Hayes , 1425 ; also a joining member , Comp . CT . Nelson , VV . M . 1702 and 171 G ; and proving unanimous in favour of all of them Bros . Wigmore and Slaik were duly exalted and invested as Royal Arch Masons . 'The chapter was called off , when a very successful photograph of the companions was taken by Comp . Arthur Wcslon . On resuming , Comps . R . VV . Bilby , P . Z . 1 ; ejfi , P . P . G . Treas ., was duly installed as M . E . Z . by Comp . Oliver ; Comp . VV . VV . Mansfield , II ., by Comp . Bilby ;
Ctmp . j . P . Taylor , ] ., by Comp . Webb , P . ' / ., and the following were invested officers : Comps . ' VV . R . Shutf , ' P . Z ., Treas ; C Veal , P . Z ., S . E . ; VV . Wilson , S . N . ; C . J . Vrai , P . S . ; VV . A . Cocks , ist A . S . ; T . Sheppard , 2 nd A . S . ; and J . Percival , Janitor . 'The usual handsome chapter jrw ; l was then presented to Comp . Oliver on his rtlircmt nt after a highly successful year of office with 13 new members , and for which he suitably icsponded . The letter of icsignation was acci pied with regret and several frcm inability to attend . The chapter was closed with '" Hearty good wishes , " and three candidates were announced for next meeting .
The M . E . Z . presided at a sumptuous banquet and gave the customary toasts , which were fully responded to . . 'I > e Visitors also complimented the chapter on its able officers , and a very enjoyable gatheiing was closed .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
Stamford Lodge , No . 148 . An etieigcncy mcetirg uf this lodge was held on Monday , lhe 17 th ultimo , at the Tcnn Hall , Altrincham . The ledge was opened by Bro . E . G . Parker , W . M ., and two candidates wetc advanced Uy Beo . Feed Broadsmith , P . P . G . Reg , in his tnoit eloquent style , arel he was well supported by the olher officers . There were present , in addition , to Ihcic already named Bros . Richard Newhouse , P . S . G . D . Eng ., P . G . Sec . ; G . S . Sniih , P . M ., Prov . G . Org . ; Stanley' Derbyshire , P . A G . Sec ; Harry Gordon Small , P . M ., P . G . D . C ; J . TI . Nicholson , S . D . ; J . Ferguson , Treas . ; J . Davenport , l . G . ¦ John Law , M . O . ; and others .
Lodges And Chapter Of Instruction.
Lodges and Chapter of Instruction .
ST . LUKE'S LODGE , No . 144 . A meeting was held on Thursday , the 27 th u ' t ., at the Victoria Tavern , Gertrudestreet , Chelsea , when theie were present Bros . Thomas , VV . M . ; Thwaites , S . W . ; Marriott-Matthews , J . W . ; Carlstrom , Preceptor ; Stutfield , Sec . ; White , S . D . ; Royle , J . D . ; Sellick , l . G . ; Hayward , Place , Wall , Weller , and Markland . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . 'J he lodge was opened in the Second and Third Degrees , and the
ceremony of installation was rehearsed , Bro . I hwaites being the candidate . The lodge was resumed to Ihe First Degree . 'TheW . M . invested his officers . Bro . Thomas gave thc three address . es , and returned the chair . Ihe lodge was resumed to the Second Degice , and the cerciruny of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Place , who had previously answered the usual questions anel been entrusted , being the candidate . 'The lodge was closed in the Second Degree . Bro . Thwaites was elected W . M . for the next meeting . After lhc third lising , the lodge was closed .
ISLINGTON LODGE , No . 1471 . The opining meeting of the season was held on Tuesday , the ist inst ., at the Cock Tavern , Highbury , when there weie : present : liros . VV . Hancock , P . M ., Preceptor , W . M . ; VV . Rapley , S . W . ; C . Smith , J . VV . ; J . Peich , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . Herts , Treas . ; C M . Coxon , P . M ., P . P . G . D . Ilerli , anel J . Duncan , P . M ., Sees . ; CC . Renaud , S . D . ; A . F . Hardyment , J . D . j S . C ' load , l . G . ; J . K . White , 1 ) . C . Ritchie , A . L . Langton , G . A . Hopkins , T . A . Spotswooel , C Nicole , G . Yexley , W . A . Goring , II . R . Bower , F . Stallard , P . M ., W . J . North , P . F . Hulmden , P . M . ; G . Gregory , P . M . ; G . Popham , II . B . Harding , and H . J . Kimbell .
Lodges And Chapter Of Instruction.
The lodge was opened and the minnles read and confirmed . The ceremony 0 i initiation was then rehearsed , Hro . Gering l > e ng the candidate . Thc lodge was opened in thc Second Degree , and the questions leading to ( lie 'Third Degree havin-r been answered , the lodge was opened in the ' ! hird Degree , and the ceremony of raising rehearsed , Bro . Hopkins being the cindidate . Bro . Rapley was elected W . M . for the next meeting , and appointed his officers in rotation . After reading a number of communications , the lodge was closed .
KENSINGTON LODGE , No . 1767 . A meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 25 th ult , at the Town Hall Tavern , High-street , Kensington , when there were present Bros . J . H . Neville , VV . M 1767 , W . M . ; VV . Hide . S . W . ; W . H . Marler , J . VV . ; R . TI . Williams , P . M ., & c " Deputy Preceptor ; F . Ciaggs , P . M ., Sec . ; II . G . Danby , P . M ., S . D . ; C . G . Hatt ' P . M ., J . D .: G . II . Poulton ' , I . G . ; A . J . Clayton , Stwd . ; A . Williams , P . M . ; , \! J . Turner , T . Leete , Joseph Cox , W . M . 15 S 5 ; F . F . Thompson , II . Robinson , N
Rode ) , A . F . Hunt , J . T . Davies , R . N . Larter , VV . M . 1791 ; and W . H . Dresden , P . M The Iodge was opened in the usual form , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . A . Williams offered himself as a candidate for passing , and was duly c xamir . ed and entrusted . The lodge was resumed in the First Degree , and called off . When called on again it was resumed in thc Second Degree . Bro Clayton e ffered himself as a candidate for raising ; he was , therefore , examinee ] , and
having given the necessary proofs , was entrusted . The lodge was opened in the 'Third Degree , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed . The lodge was resumed in the First Degree . Bro . Hide was unanimously elected W . M . for thc next meeting . The Secretary again reported the decease of Bro . David Stroud , P . M ., and that a wreath had been sent to his family in accordance with a resolution passed at the previous meeting , and that several brethren had attended the funeral , which had taken place that day . The lodge was then closed .
HORNSEY CHAPTER OF IMPROVEMENT . A meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , the 23 th ult ., at the Prince of Wales Hotel , Eastbourne-terrace , Bishops-road , Paddington , VV ., when there were present Bros . T . C . Edmonds , P . Z . 1507 , M . E . Z . ; A . J . Taylor , H . iSG , II . ; VV . Hillier , J S 3 I . J-J J . C lilt , M . E . Z . S 62 , Treas . ; H . Dehane , P . Z . S 90 , Prov . G . P . S . Essex , S . E . ; E . Fox , 705 , S . N . ; j . Cruttenden , 779 , P . S . ; J . Cox , J . 733 , ist Asst . S . ; A . Clark , P . Z ., M . E . Z . 2021 ; C . Hatt , P . Z ., M . E . Z . 733 : and T . jobson , N . 733 .
'The chapter was declared open , and the minutes of the last convocati in were real and conlirmed . The ceicmony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Hatt acting as candidate . The M . E . Z . rose the usual number of times , and after " Hearty good wishes , " the chapter was closed .
Obituary .
BRO . II . BROOKS MARSHALL , J . ., P . G . TREASURER . Freemasonry has undoubtedly sustained a heavy loss by the death , on Tuesday , the ist inst ., of Bro . Horace Brooks Marshall , J . P ., Past G . Treasurer , and head of the well-known firm of Marshall and Son , newsagents , of Temple House , Thames Embankment . Bro . Marshall , who had been in failing health for the lust two or three years , was initiated in the Royal Hanover Lodge , No . 1777 ,
Twickenham , early in thc year 1879 , the first fruits of his E . A . P . ship being a donation of £ 105 to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . Hc rose in time lo be the W . M ., in 1 SS 6 , of this lodge , and retained his connection with it till the close of his life . He was also a member of the Farringdon Without Lodge , No . 1745 , and , we believe , of the Union Lodge , No . 127 , Margate . In addition , he was a Royal Arch Mason , and was , in 1884 , founder and first M . E . Z . of the
Royal Hanover Chapter , No . 1777 . In 18 S 4 hc offered himself as candidate for the post of Grand Treasurer ol United Grand Lodge in opposition to the late Bro . J . Derby Allcroft , who served in that capacity in 1883 , and presented himself for re-election the following year . The latter was , however , defeated , and Bro . Marshall was invested at the Grand Festival next ensuing , becoming also , ex-afficin , Grand Treasurer of Supreme Grand Chapter a few days later . But
Bro . Marshall ' s principal services were rendered in behalf of our Institutions , of each of which he was a Patron , and in support of lvhicli lie had served—we think we are correct in stating—at every Festival that has been held since his initiation . For a time he was Treasurer ot the Girls' School , but latterly his hcallh had prevented him laking a . very active part in our
proceedings . However , though he himself has passed away , the services he has rendered to our Institutions—and we have great pleasure in adding to numbers of other Charitable Institutions likewise—will be affectionately remembered by his brother Masons and the very large circle of friends and acquaintances with whom hc was associated .
BRO . C . J . STEPHENS , P . M ., P . Z ., No . 334 , PAST DIST . S . G . W . SOUTH AFRICA ( W . D . ) . We regret lo learn from the South African Telegraph that the British Lodge No . 334 , Capetown , has lost two of its members b y the wreck of the Drumineiud Castle . Bro . Kay was not a very old Mason , but he was generally lo be found in his place in lodge , and showed promise of increasing usefulness in the Craft . But
a lar heavier loss is that of lijo . C . J . Stephens . He was one of a circle , ever growing smaller , of old members of the British Lodge , deeply imbued v . i'li British traditions of the old days , when information from Masonic hcadejuarler ^ was not so easily obtainable as at the present time , when scarce a lodge is helel al which there is not a visitor from the Old Country . The younger school of Masons may be in many respects far ahead of them in Masonic knowledge , h "
the elders should be by no means despised . What they knew was at the cost ° ' many hours of labour , that those of thc present day are not called upon to undertake . Bro . Stephens was VV . M . of the British Lodge in 18 7 S , and had also filled the chair of W . M . in the British Mark Lodge , No . 345 . He had held several offices in the District Grand Lodge South Africa ( W . D . J , notably that of President of the Board o ! General Purposes and District Senior Grand Warden . In l ' ie
IJiitish Royal Arch Chapter he had twice filled the chair of M . E . Z ., being at '' time of his death I . P . Z . The late esteemed companion , while filling the chair for the R . A . Masonic year 1894-5 had the very rare privilege of being the Installing Officer of the Grand Superintendent at the formation of a District Grand Chap ter-This unique event took place ' on February 25 th , 1895 , and was a most brilli- '
function . Comp . Stephens was elected District Grand Treasurer on that occasion , but he retired at the end of his year of office . Bro . Stephens was also one of H _ Committee of Referenceiof the Masonic Education Fund , and held past rank in the Grand Lodgeof Mark Master Masons of England , having had the rank " Past Grand Standard Bearer of England conferred on him in connection with t ' Oueen ' s Jubilee in 1 SS 7 .
I ' m- ; SECOND SON of the Emperor of Germany met with an accident w '"' ., ' | lC riding at Plaen , his Inipeiial Highness being thrown anel kicked by the hejrse . young Prince , however , was able to mount and lidu back to the castle , where he was a time confined lo his bed . 'The return of the Empress from Be : rlin on the same after visiting her son is taken as an indication that the young Prince is in no danger .
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Our Portrait Gallery.
He makes an excellent Master ; he rules with determined , but kind , firmness , and is deservedly held in high esteem by the members for his straight anel fair dealings in all affairs , so that they feel it a pleasure to obey his orders and submit to his authority . His position outside the lodge is an important one in the community , being perhaps the largest individual proprietor of sugar estates in Trinidad . On moie than one occasion the loelge has benefiieel by his cheerful and open-handed Charity . The earnest wish of the lodge is that their worthy Master may long be spared to the Royal Prince of Wales Lodge , No . S 6 7 , and to the Craft .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
All Saints Chapter , No . 422 . A meeting of this chapter was held at thc Masonic Hall , Gainsboro' on Tuesday , the nth ult . Present : Comps . C . R . Farmer , M . E . Z . ; F . Barnes , P . Z ., acting 11 . ; . 1 . Constable , J . ; T . B . Adlaed , acting S . E . ; S . Beaumont , S . N . ; S . Middleton ; C . Caldecott ; TI . Scott , Janitor ; and others .
Apolcgirs were read from Com | s . T . Sowby , TI . ; R . Pearson , S . E . ; C . F . Livcrsidpe , P . S . ; and G . Moxon , P . Z . The clcclinntf Piinripals and officers was the chitf business of tbe evening , and lesulted as follows : Crimps . T . B . Lowby , M . E . Z . ; J . Constable , H . ; T . B . Adlard , J . ; C . F . Liversidge , P . S . anel Treas ; C . Caldecott , S . E . ; S . Middleton , S . N . ; and H . Scott , Janilo " . A candidate was named for exultation .
St . Peter ' s Chapter , No . 4 S 1 . The regular netting—being the annual convocation—of this chapter was held on \ Vtdnefdsy evenintr , lhe 19 th ultimo , at lhc Central Masonic Hall , Pilgrim-street , Neevrastlc-on-Tyre . The pending Piincipals were Comps . T . R . Short , P . A . G . S . E ., M . E . Z . ; T . Funis , P . G . S . E ., TL ; James Shaw , J . ; and among others present were Coups . John Nesbilt , Piov . G . H . ; VV . M . Lyon , P . P . G . S . N . ; J . C . Ridley , P . P . G . H . ; ] . Usher , P . P . G . P . S . ; C . F . Cannon , P . P . G . J . ; John Spearman , P . P . G . H . ;
1 . C Mcor , P . P . G . R . Durham ; J . R . Turner , Tl . 431 ; J . R . J obson , P . Z . 4 S ; G . Harland , P . Z . 240 ; R . Ferry , and others . The installation cf the Principals for the ensuing year took place as follows : Comps . Tremas Puivis , P . G . S . E ., M . E . Z . ; James Shaw , II . ; and J . A . Stelling , J . 'The fdiceiswere afterwards invested by Comp . T . Purvis , M . E . Z ., as follows : Comps . L .
Nixrn . S . E . ; G . Wilson . S . N . ; John Spearman , P . Z ., 1 reas . ; J . R . Turner , P . S . ; J . McPhail Bruce , ist A . S . ; J . A . S . Salt , 2 nd A . S . ; C . B . Ford , P . Z , D . C ; J . T . Spaik , Stwd . ; and Joshua Curry , Janitor . Afler " Ileal ty gold wishes" the chapter was duly closed , and the companions aftenvaids assembled at supper at Saycr's Royal Exchange Hotel , the M . E . Z ., Comp . Thos . Puivis , P . G . S . E ., presiding , and was supuorted by a large number of companions .
Stanmore Chapter , No , 1549 . 1 his prosperous chapter held ils installation meeting at the Abercorn Hotel , Great Slanmeiie , on the Sth Julv , with avery large attendance—Comps . A . J . Oliver , M . E . Z . ; R . W . Bilby , II . ; VV . VV . Mansfield , J . ; W . R . Shutt , P . Z ., Treas . ; C . Veal , P . Z ., SE . ; J . P . Taylor , S . N . ; C . J . Veal and VV . A . Crcks , Sijs . ; J . Percival , Janitor ; C . II . Webb , P . Z . ; C B . Todd , P . Z . ; T , J . MaieiweP , P . Z . ; Nicholson , Wilson , Darcocles , A . E . Todd , E . Bell , Southam , Brown , VV . Taylor , Sheppard , Moody , Buck , l ' eaccck , Reed , Foyer , A . Hardy , and C . Solman . Visi'ors : Comps . T . C . Edwards , 1507 ; H . J . Tibbatts , 13 S 5 ; E . Prince , 771 ; and A . Weston , 1572 .
The chapter was opentd . and after confirming the minutes and a very favourable report frrm the Auditors , the ballot was taken for Bros . II . G . Wigmore 18 94 ; E . Slaik , 1804 ; and John Hayes , 1425 ; also a joining member , Comp . CT . Nelson , VV . M . 1702 and 171 G ; and proving unanimous in favour of all of them Bros . Wigmore and Slaik were duly exalted and invested as Royal Arch Masons . 'The chapter was called off , when a very successful photograph of the companions was taken by Comp . Arthur Wcslon . On resuming , Comps . R . VV . Bilby , P . Z . 1 ; ejfi , P . P . G . Treas ., was duly installed as M . E . Z . by Comp . Oliver ; Comp . VV . VV . Mansfield , II ., by Comp . Bilby ;
Ctmp . j . P . Taylor , ] ., by Comp . Webb , P . ' / ., and the following were invested officers : Comps . ' VV . R . Shutf , ' P . Z ., Treas ; C Veal , P . Z ., S . E . ; VV . Wilson , S . N . ; C . J . Vrai , P . S . ; VV . A . Cocks , ist A . S . ; T . Sheppard , 2 nd A . S . ; and J . Percival , Janitor . 'The usual handsome chapter jrw ; l was then presented to Comp . Oliver on his rtlircmt nt after a highly successful year of office with 13 new members , and for which he suitably icsponded . The letter of icsignation was acci pied with regret and several frcm inability to attend . The chapter was closed with '" Hearty good wishes , " and three candidates were announced for next meeting .
The M . E . Z . presided at a sumptuous banquet and gave the customary toasts , which were fully responded to . . 'I > e Visitors also complimented the chapter on its able officers , and a very enjoyable gatheiing was closed .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
Stamford Lodge , No . 148 . An etieigcncy mcetirg uf this lodge was held on Monday , lhe 17 th ultimo , at the Tcnn Hall , Altrincham . The ledge was opened by Bro . E . G . Parker , W . M ., and two candidates wetc advanced Uy Beo . Feed Broadsmith , P . P . G . Reg , in his tnoit eloquent style , arel he was well supported by the olher officers . There were present , in addition , to Ihcic already named Bros . Richard Newhouse , P . S . G . D . Eng ., P . G . Sec . ; G . S . Sniih , P . M ., Prov . G . Org . ; Stanley' Derbyshire , P . A G . Sec ; Harry Gordon Small , P . M ., P . G . D . C ; J . TI . Nicholson , S . D . ; J . Ferguson , Treas . ; J . Davenport , l . G . ¦ John Law , M . O . ; and others .
Lodges And Chapter Of Instruction.
Lodges and Chapter of Instruction .
ST . LUKE'S LODGE , No . 144 . A meeting was held on Thursday , the 27 th u ' t ., at the Victoria Tavern , Gertrudestreet , Chelsea , when theie were present Bros . Thomas , VV . M . ; Thwaites , S . W . ; Marriott-Matthews , J . W . ; Carlstrom , Preceptor ; Stutfield , Sec . ; White , S . D . ; Royle , J . D . ; Sellick , l . G . ; Hayward , Place , Wall , Weller , and Markland . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . 'J he lodge was opened in the Second and Third Degrees , and the
ceremony of installation was rehearsed , Bro . I hwaites being the candidate . The lodge was resumed to Ihe First Degree . 'TheW . M . invested his officers . Bro . Thomas gave thc three address . es , and returned the chair . Ihe lodge was resumed to the Second Degice , and the cerciruny of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Place , who had previously answered the usual questions anel been entrusted , being the candidate . 'The lodge was closed in the Second Degree . Bro . Thwaites was elected W . M . for the next meeting . After lhc third lising , the lodge was closed .
ISLINGTON LODGE , No . 1471 . The opining meeting of the season was held on Tuesday , the ist inst ., at the Cock Tavern , Highbury , when there weie : present : liros . VV . Hancock , P . M ., Preceptor , W . M . ; VV . Rapley , S . W . ; C . Smith , J . VV . ; J . Peich , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . Herts , Treas . ; C M . Coxon , P . M ., P . P . G . D . Ilerli , anel J . Duncan , P . M ., Sees . ; CC . Renaud , S . D . ; A . F . Hardyment , J . D . j S . C ' load , l . G . ; J . K . White , 1 ) . C . Ritchie , A . L . Langton , G . A . Hopkins , T . A . Spotswooel , C Nicole , G . Yexley , W . A . Goring , II . R . Bower , F . Stallard , P . M ., W . J . North , P . F . Hulmden , P . M . ; G . Gregory , P . M . ; G . Popham , II . B . Harding , and H . J . Kimbell .
Lodges And Chapter Of Instruction.
The lodge was opened and the minnles read and confirmed . The ceremony 0 i initiation was then rehearsed , Hro . Gering l > e ng the candidate . Thc lodge was opened in thc Second Degree , and the questions leading to ( lie 'Third Degree havin-r been answered , the lodge was opened in the ' ! hird Degree , and the ceremony of raising rehearsed , Bro . Hopkins being the cindidate . Bro . Rapley was elected W . M . for the next meeting , and appointed his officers in rotation . After reading a number of communications , the lodge was closed .
KENSINGTON LODGE , No . 1767 . A meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 25 th ult , at the Town Hall Tavern , High-street , Kensington , when there were present Bros . J . H . Neville , VV . M 1767 , W . M . ; VV . Hide . S . W . ; W . H . Marler , J . VV . ; R . TI . Williams , P . M ., & c " Deputy Preceptor ; F . Ciaggs , P . M ., Sec . ; II . G . Danby , P . M ., S . D . ; C . G . Hatt ' P . M ., J . D .: G . II . Poulton ' , I . G . ; A . J . Clayton , Stwd . ; A . Williams , P . M . ; , \! J . Turner , T . Leete , Joseph Cox , W . M . 15 S 5 ; F . F . Thompson , II . Robinson , N
Rode ) , A . F . Hunt , J . T . Davies , R . N . Larter , VV . M . 1791 ; and W . H . Dresden , P . M The Iodge was opened in the usual form , and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . A . Williams offered himself as a candidate for passing , and was duly c xamir . ed and entrusted . The lodge was resumed in the First Degree , and called off . When called on again it was resumed in thc Second Degree . Bro Clayton e ffered himself as a candidate for raising ; he was , therefore , examinee ] , and
having given the necessary proofs , was entrusted . The lodge was opened in the 'Third Degree , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed . The lodge was resumed in the First Degree . Bro . Hide was unanimously elected W . M . for thc next meeting . The Secretary again reported the decease of Bro . David Stroud , P . M ., and that a wreath had been sent to his family in accordance with a resolution passed at the previous meeting , and that several brethren had attended the funeral , which had taken place that day . The lodge was then closed .
HORNSEY CHAPTER OF IMPROVEMENT . A meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , the 23 th ult ., at the Prince of Wales Hotel , Eastbourne-terrace , Bishops-road , Paddington , VV ., when there were present Bros . T . C . Edmonds , P . Z . 1507 , M . E . Z . ; A . J . Taylor , H . iSG , II . ; VV . Hillier , J S 3 I . J-J J . C lilt , M . E . Z . S 62 , Treas . ; H . Dehane , P . Z . S 90 , Prov . G . P . S . Essex , S . E . ; E . Fox , 705 , S . N . ; j . Cruttenden , 779 , P . S . ; J . Cox , J . 733 , ist Asst . S . ; A . Clark , P . Z ., M . E . Z . 2021 ; C . Hatt , P . Z ., M . E . Z . 733 : and T . jobson , N . 733 .
'The chapter was declared open , and the minutes of the last convocati in were real and conlirmed . The ceicmony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Hatt acting as candidate . The M . E . Z . rose the usual number of times , and after " Hearty good wishes , " the chapter was closed .
Obituary .
BRO . II . BROOKS MARSHALL , J . ., P . G . TREASURER . Freemasonry has undoubtedly sustained a heavy loss by the death , on Tuesday , the ist inst ., of Bro . Horace Brooks Marshall , J . P ., Past G . Treasurer , and head of the well-known firm of Marshall and Son , newsagents , of Temple House , Thames Embankment . Bro . Marshall , who had been in failing health for the lust two or three years , was initiated in the Royal Hanover Lodge , No . 1777 ,
Twickenham , early in thc year 1879 , the first fruits of his E . A . P . ship being a donation of £ 105 to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . Hc rose in time lo be the W . M ., in 1 SS 6 , of this lodge , and retained his connection with it till the close of his life . He was also a member of the Farringdon Without Lodge , No . 1745 , and , we believe , of the Union Lodge , No . 127 , Margate . In addition , he was a Royal Arch Mason , and was , in 1884 , founder and first M . E . Z . of the
Royal Hanover Chapter , No . 1777 . In 18 S 4 hc offered himself as candidate for the post of Grand Treasurer ol United Grand Lodge in opposition to the late Bro . J . Derby Allcroft , who served in that capacity in 1883 , and presented himself for re-election the following year . The latter was , however , defeated , and Bro . Marshall was invested at the Grand Festival next ensuing , becoming also , ex-afficin , Grand Treasurer of Supreme Grand Chapter a few days later . But
Bro . Marshall ' s principal services were rendered in behalf of our Institutions , of each of which he was a Patron , and in support of lvhicli lie had served—we think we are correct in stating—at every Festival that has been held since his initiation . For a time he was Treasurer ot the Girls' School , but latterly his hcallh had prevented him laking a . very active part in our
proceedings . However , though he himself has passed away , the services he has rendered to our Institutions—and we have great pleasure in adding to numbers of other Charitable Institutions likewise—will be affectionately remembered by his brother Masons and the very large circle of friends and acquaintances with whom hc was associated .
BRO . C . J . STEPHENS , P . M ., P . Z ., No . 334 , PAST DIST . S . G . W . SOUTH AFRICA ( W . D . ) . We regret lo learn from the South African Telegraph that the British Lodge No . 334 , Capetown , has lost two of its members b y the wreck of the Drumineiud Castle . Bro . Kay was not a very old Mason , but he was generally lo be found in his place in lodge , and showed promise of increasing usefulness in the Craft . But
a lar heavier loss is that of lijo . C . J . Stephens . He was one of a circle , ever growing smaller , of old members of the British Lodge , deeply imbued v . i'li British traditions of the old days , when information from Masonic hcadejuarler ^ was not so easily obtainable as at the present time , when scarce a lodge is helel al which there is not a visitor from the Old Country . The younger school of Masons may be in many respects far ahead of them in Masonic knowledge , h "
the elders should be by no means despised . What they knew was at the cost ° ' many hours of labour , that those of thc present day are not called upon to undertake . Bro . Stephens was VV . M . of the British Lodge in 18 7 S , and had also filled the chair of W . M . in the British Mark Lodge , No . 345 . He had held several offices in the District Grand Lodge South Africa ( W . D . J , notably that of President of the Board o ! General Purposes and District Senior Grand Warden . In l ' ie
IJiitish Royal Arch Chapter he had twice filled the chair of M . E . Z ., being at '' time of his death I . P . Z . The late esteemed companion , while filling the chair for the R . A . Masonic year 1894-5 had the very rare privilege of being the Installing Officer of the Grand Superintendent at the formation of a District Grand Chap ter-This unique event took place ' on February 25 th , 1895 , and was a most brilli- '
function . Comp . Stephens was elected District Grand Treasurer on that occasion , but he retired at the end of his year of office . Bro . Stephens was also one of H _ Committee of Referenceiof the Masonic Education Fund , and held past rank in the Grand Lodgeof Mark Master Masons of England , having had the rank " Past Grand Standard Bearer of England conferred on him in connection with t ' Oueen ' s Jubilee in 1 SS 7 .
I ' m- ; SECOND SON of the Emperor of Germany met with an accident w '"' ., ' | lC riding at Plaen , his Inipeiial Highness being thrown anel kicked by the hejrse . young Prince , however , was able to mount and lidu back to the castle , where he was a time confined lo his bed . 'The return of the Empress from Be : rlin on the same after visiting her son is taken as an indication that the young Prince is in no danger .