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NOVELTY THEATRE , CHEAT QUEEN ST ., HOLBORN . Open all the vcnr round . Miss V . ST . LAWRENCE AND POWERFUL COMPANY . MONDAY . SRITEMB ' -R 7 J 1 , at 7 . 30 o ' clock , for one week , " IHE WAGES OF SIN , " by frank Haivey . PRICES 3 d . GUINKA . Manager , Mr . WALTER TYRRELL .
BRIGHTON , GORDON HOUSE , 35 , CANNON PLACE , BOARDING HOUSE , S eloors from the Sea-tront , from 30 s . to 42 s . per week ; per day , 5 s . to 6 s . Cd . No extras . Sanitation peifect . Libev ; il table . Masonic Instruction ( Gratis ) if desired . Proprietor—Bro . J . RHODES , P . M . 132 S & . 155 G , P . P . G . O . Surrey .
A NDER ION'S HOTEL & TAVERN t \ FLEET STREET , LONDON . F . II . CLEMOW , Proprietor . In connection with thc Peacock Hotel , and Royal Hotel , Boston , Lincolnshire . The central position of Anderton's is unequalled for . Masonic Banquets , Public Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , Meetings of Creditors , Arbitrations , & c . lhe RE . VTAURANTon Eastern Side of Hotel Entrance is open to the public from 7 a . m . to 7 p . m . for Breakfasts , Luncheons , Teas , and Dinners . The 25 . Hot Luncheon , from 1 p . m . to 3 p . m ., in Coffee Reem , unequalled . Registered Address for Telegrams : — CLEMOW , LONDON .
* -p H . STEVENS'S GAME , POULTRY , AND PROVISION STORKS , 6 , HAYMARKET , LONDON , S . W . SURREY FOWLS , Y 03 K HAMS , AND CHOICE OLD CHEDDAR CHEESE . Cluls , Restaurants and Hotels supplied on the most advantageous terms . Prompt attention given to Country orders . Telephone No . 35 , 239 .
npHE SHIP AND TURTLE . J . Proprietor , Bro . C . J . PAINTER . Best and oldest house in London for recherchd Masonic Banquets , Private Patties , and Dinners . ASSEMISLY ROOMS FOR COMPANIES , & C . OUR TURTLE "THE ELIXIR 01 < LIFE , " Vide faculty . Purveyors to H . R . H . Prince of Wales , H . I . M . Emperor of Russia , Dukes of Saxe Gotha , Connaught , Cambridge , and most ot Crowned Heads of Europe . Manager , Bro . E . ASHBY .
MONTAGUE MANSION ( Opposite thc British Museum Entrance ) , GREAT RUSSELL STREET , W . C . Most conveniently situated for Business or Pleasure . Cab Fare from " Montague Mansion " is One Shilling to nearly all Railways , Theatres , and the Royal Courts of Justice . Omnibuses to all parts for a few pence . Bedroom , Bath , Breakfast , and Attendance , 5 s . and 5 s . fid-Night Porter . Telephone 2906 . Terms Moderate .
MAYO'S CASTLE liOTEL , EAST MOLESEY , HAMPTON COURT STATION . BRO . JOHN MAYO , MASONIC TEMPLE . Accommodation in thc new wing for Banquets for any number up to 120 . Every convenience for Ladies' Gatherings . Spacious landing to river , whence Steam Launches can start . Five Lodges meet here , and reference may be made to the respective Masters as to the catering , & c .
ESTABLISHED OVER A CENTURY . OFFICE FURNITURE & IRON SAFliS ( NEW AND SECONDHAND ) , / . aignl Slock in London to select from . Bricllayeis , Plumbers , Painfc rs , Paper hangers , Wiiters and l-rgraveis , Shrplittcrr ., Carpels , Linoleums , Safes , Gai-litD is , Sn itlis , Blind Mil eis , Upholsterers , Licensed Valuer ; , Sanitary Enguucu , Insurance and General Agents . ELECTRIC LIGHTING AND BELLS . Estimates in all Departments . Iron Safes removed for the Trade . A . ARDLEY " & SON , Offices—17 , GREAT ST . HELEN ' S ; Workshops— : ¦> , Helmet-court ; b ' uiniture Warehouses—10 and 27 , Wormwood-street ; LONDON , E . C .
/^ REAT NORTHERN RAILWAY . CHEAP HOLIDAY EXCURSIONS FROM LONDON . To ST . ALBANS , WHEATHAMPS 1 T . AD , and HARPENDEN , each SATURDAY AFTERNOON until September 2 ( 5 th inclusive , from Moorgate at 1 . 51 , Aldersgate , 1 . 5 S , Farringdon , 2 . 0 , King ' s Cress ( G . N . ) , 2 . 30 , Finsbury Park , 2 . 35 . 'To SKEGNESS , SUTTON-ON-SEA and MABLETHORPE , SH-TEMI-. I ' . R 12 'h , fro ™ Mnorgate at 6 . 51 a . m ., Aldersgate , ( i 53 , Farringdon , G . 55 , King ' s Cross ( G . N . ) , 7 . 15 , Holloway , 7 . 5 , Finsbury Park , 7 20 . Third class return fare 4 s . 6 d . Saturday to Monday or Tuesday , fare Gs . To SHER 1 NGHAM , CROMER ( tfta-h ) , and YARMOUTH ( Beach ) , Sui-Ti " MISER 7 th , from King ' s Cross ( G . N . ) at 6 . 15 a . m ., Finsbury Park , C . 20 , returning from Yarmou th at 0 p . m ., Cromer , C . 55 , Sheringham , 7 . 5 . Third class return fare , 5 s . Eich SA-URD . W from King's Cross ( G . N . I , for 3 , S , 10 . 15 , or 17 dayr , t . » BRIDLINGTON , FILfcY , SCARBOKU' , RUBIN HOOD'S BAY , WHITBY , EliDCAR , SAM-BURN , ' SEA'IO . V ( AREtV , TYNEMOUITl , WHITLEY , CULLERCOATS , LIVERPOOL , SOUTHPORT , and DOUGLAS ( Isle of Man ) . From Woolwich ( Arsenal and Dockyard ) , Victoria ( L . C . and D . ) , Ludgate Hill , Moorgate , Aldersgate , Farringdon , King's Cross . ( G . N . ) , & c . FRIDAY NIGHT , SEPT . nth , for 11 days , to Northallerton , Darlington , Richmond , Durham , Newcastle , Berwick , Edinburgh , Glasgow , and Helensburgh ; and for 5 or 11 days to Stirling , Perth , Dundee , Oban , Montrose , Aberdeen , Inverness , & c . Tickets at a single fare for the double journey will also be issued by these Excursions , to places named , available for iC days . SATURDAY , SEPT . 12 th , for three or six days , to Cambridge , Ramsey , Huntingdon , Peterboio ' , Lynn , Norwich , Cromer , Yarmouth , Lincoln , Boston , Spalding , Great Grimsby , Leicester , Nottingham , Derby , Burton , Burslem , Tutbury , Stoke , Newark , Sheffield , Barns Uy , Rotherham , Hueldersfield , Manchester , Liverpool , Djnrasler , Wakelirld , Leeds . Bradford , Keighley , Halifax , Hull , York , Bridlington , Malton , Scarboro' , Whitby , Stockton , Darlington , Richmond , Durham , Hartlepool , Middlesboro ' , Newcastle , & c , & c . For fares and full particulars see bills to be obtained at Company ' s Stations and Town Offices . HENRY OAKLEY , General Manager .
FISH , POULTRY GAME , OYSTERS . JOHN GOW , LIMITED ** 17 , NEW BROAD STREET , E . C , ta , HONEY LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE , E . G ., 23 , LONDON STREET , MARK LANE , E . C , 93 , THEOBALD'S RD ., HOLBORN , W . C ., AND SO , HIGH STREET , PECKHAM , S . E . JOHN GOW , Limited , always have on sale thc Largest Stock in landon of thc Very Best Quality at Lowest Prices .
BREE'S ROYAL HOTEL , JERSEY Healthiest situation in St . Helier . 20 degrees Cooler than the sea front . BED AND BREAKFAST 5 / 6 AND 6 / -. FULL BOARD , ROOMS & SERVICE , S / 0 & 9 / - per elay . Telegraphic Address— "BREF . S , J ERSEY . "
STAGE LADIES & GENTLEMEN desirous of entering the Theatrical Profession in Drama , Comedy , Comic Opera , or Music Hall , apply for terms to MR . CARLTON ST . AUBYN , Late Manager Olympic Theatre , Royal AquaiiumTheatre , Theatre Royal , Scarboro ' , & c ( Letter lor interview ) . Mr . CMU -T ON ST . AUKVN , School e . f Dramatic Art , 87 , Neiv Oxford-street .
WANTED—VOL . II . of GOULD'S HISTORY , in Morocco . Apply Ollice of the Freemason .
/~* REAT WESTERN RAILWAY . During JULY . AUGUST & SEPTEMBER , SPECI . M FAST EXCURSIONS will leave PADDINGTON STATION as under : NEW DAYI IGHT SF . RVK E betevpen WEYMOUTH and CHANNEL ISLANDS , SATURDAY to MONDAY TRIPS . DIRECT STEAMERS to GUERNSEY and to JERSEY ( SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE ) . EVERY SATURDAY , S . 50 a . m . ( SPECIAL DAY LIGHT SERVICE EXPRESS ) , 045 p . m . ( NIGHT BOAT EXPRESS ) for GUERNSEY and JERSEY for * S , 10 , 15 , or 17 days . RETURN FARE , THIRD CLASS and AFTER CABIN , 24 s . Gd . EVERY FRIDAY NIGHTat ro . io . m . —For EXETER Dawlish , Teignmouth , PLYMOUTH , Devonport , Bodmin Wadebridge , NEWQUAY , Truro , FALMOUTH , St . Ives ' , PENZANCE , Scillylilands , for 3 , S , 10 , 15 , cr 17 days . 12 . 2 <; midnight—For Chepstow , Newport , CARDIFF SWANSEA , Llanelly , CARMARTHEN , Pembroke Dock , Tenby , Cardigan , New and Old Milford , & c , for 7 or I _ diys . EVERY SATURDAY , 7 . 55 a . m . —For MINEHEAD LYNTON , LYNMOUTH , Barnstaple , ILFRACOMBE , ' PLYMOUTH , Tavistock , Launceston , Devonport , NEWQUAY , Truro , FALMOUTH , St . Ives , PENZANCE , & c , for 3 , S , 10 , 15 , or 17 days . 8 . 5 a . m . —For Wellington , SHREWSBURY , Church Stretton , Leominster , HEREFORD , 0 ; westry , Welshpool , ABERYSTWYTH , Llangollen , Cnnven , BALA , Blaenau Festmiog , DOLGELLY , BARMOUTH , Harlech , Criccietli , CHESTER , Birkenhead , LIVERPOOL , Rhyl , LLANDUDNO , BETTYVS-Y-COED , Bangor , CARNARVON , Llanberis ( for Snowdon ) , & c , for 3 . S , 10 , 15 , or 17 days . S . o a . m .-For WESTON-SUPER-MARE , EXETER , Dawlish , Teignmouth , 'TORQUAY , Kingswear . DARTMOUTH , & c , for 3 , S , 10 , 15 , or 17 days . 9 30 a . m . —For DOUGLAS ( Isle of Man ) , for 3 , S , io-15 , or 17 days . 11 . 15 a . m . —For FROME , Shrptnn Millet , Wells , YEOVIL , Bridport , Dorchester , WF . YMOU Tl I ( for the CHANNEL ISLANDS ) , Portland , & c , for 3 , 10 , or 17 dajs . 12 5 noon—For Newbury , Savernake , Marlborough , Dev zes , Tiowbridge , Warminster , & c , for 3 , 10 , or 17 days . 12 40 p . m .-For CLEVEDON , Bridgwater , TAUNTON , MINEHEAD ( for LYN ION and LYNMOUTH ) , Barnstaple , ILFRACOMBE , Wellington ( Som . ) , TIVERTON , Sic , for 3 , 10 , or 17 days . 4 . 5 p . m . —For SWINDON , Cirencester , Stroud , GLOUCESTER , CHELTENHAM , HEREFORD , & c , for 3 , 10 , or 17 days . G . 15 p . m . —For Chippenham , BATH and BRISTOL , for 3 , 10 , or 17 days . 10 . 10 p . m . —For SWINDON , WESTON-SUPEKMARE , EXETFR , Dawlish , Teignmouth , TORQUAY , Kingswear , PLYMOUTH , 'Truro , FALMOUTH , PENZANCE , & c , for 3 , S , 10 , 15 , or 17 days . THAMES RIVERSIDE SEASON . IMPROVED SERVICE EXCURSION TICKETS aie issued DAILY by certain trains from PADDINGTON , Addison Road , Ilamnursmith , & c , to Staines 2 s . ; WINDSOR , 2 s . Cd . ; TAPLOW , MAIDENHEAD , and BURM 1 AM BEECHES , 3 s . ; Cookhm , Bourne Enel , GREAT MALVERN , Shiplake , and HENLEY , 3 s . ( id . ; Tilchurst , PANGBOURNE , and Goring , Gs . ; Cholsey , Gs . Gd . ; and on WEEK-DAYS ONLY to WALL 1 NGFORD , 7 s . A FORTNIGHT IN IRELAND . 'THURSDAYS , AUGUST 27 , SEI-TEMIJER 10 , and -1 , 3 . 35 p . m ., for CORK . FRIDAYS , AUGUST 2 S , SHI-IEAHIER II and 25 , G . 10 p . m . to WATERFORD , Dungarvan , Lismore , Clonmel , Tipperary , Kilkenny , & c . FRIDAYS , AUGUST 21 , SEPTEMBER 4 and iS , 4 . i : i p . m . —To UELKAST , Armagh , Enniskillen , Larne , GIANT'S CAUSEWAY , & c . THURSDAY , SEI-TE . MIIER 24 , G . 10 p . m . — To K 1 LLARNEV . Bills , pamphlets , and Lists of Farmhouse anil CounUy Lodgings can be obtained at lhe Company ' s Stations , anel at the usual Receiving Ollices . Ordinary and Excursion Tickets to Ireland , by the Gieat Western Railway Route , are now issued at the I '' 3 ' 1 Railways Committee Ollices , 2 , Charing Cross . J . L . WILKINSON , GENERAL M ANAGER .
FOR ECONOMICAL AND RESPECTABLE FUNERALS at stated charges To cover all expenses , exclusive of cemetery fees . BRO . C . G . HATT , UNDERTAKER , i-z , HIGH STREET , KENSINGTON , VV . CREMATION AND EMBALMING . Distance no object . Orders by post or telegrams promptly attended ! " ¦ Price Lists free on application .
MONEY PROMPTLY ADVANCED ON BILLS OF SALE , And other Securities , at moderate Interest , repayable instalments or otherwise . Office Established 1856 . G . J . SHIPWAY , 3 , TAVISTOCK STREET , STRAND .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NOVELTY THEATRE , CHEAT QUEEN ST ., HOLBORN . Open all the vcnr round . Miss V . ST . LAWRENCE AND POWERFUL COMPANY . MONDAY . SRITEMB ' -R 7 J 1 , at 7 . 30 o ' clock , for one week , " IHE WAGES OF SIN , " by frank Haivey . PRICES 3 d . GUINKA . Manager , Mr . WALTER TYRRELL .
BRIGHTON , GORDON HOUSE , 35 , CANNON PLACE , BOARDING HOUSE , S eloors from the Sea-tront , from 30 s . to 42 s . per week ; per day , 5 s . to 6 s . Cd . No extras . Sanitation peifect . Libev ; il table . Masonic Instruction ( Gratis ) if desired . Proprietor—Bro . J . RHODES , P . M . 132 S & . 155 G , P . P . G . O . Surrey .
A NDER ION'S HOTEL & TAVERN t \ FLEET STREET , LONDON . F . II . CLEMOW , Proprietor . In connection with thc Peacock Hotel , and Royal Hotel , Boston , Lincolnshire . The central position of Anderton's is unequalled for . Masonic Banquets , Public Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , Meetings of Creditors , Arbitrations , & c . lhe RE . VTAURANTon Eastern Side of Hotel Entrance is open to the public from 7 a . m . to 7 p . m . for Breakfasts , Luncheons , Teas , and Dinners . The 25 . Hot Luncheon , from 1 p . m . to 3 p . m ., in Coffee Reem , unequalled . Registered Address for Telegrams : — CLEMOW , LONDON .
* -p H . STEVENS'S GAME , POULTRY , AND PROVISION STORKS , 6 , HAYMARKET , LONDON , S . W . SURREY FOWLS , Y 03 K HAMS , AND CHOICE OLD CHEDDAR CHEESE . Cluls , Restaurants and Hotels supplied on the most advantageous terms . Prompt attention given to Country orders . Telephone No . 35 , 239 .
npHE SHIP AND TURTLE . J . Proprietor , Bro . C . J . PAINTER . Best and oldest house in London for recherchd Masonic Banquets , Private Patties , and Dinners . ASSEMISLY ROOMS FOR COMPANIES , & C . OUR TURTLE "THE ELIXIR 01 < LIFE , " Vide faculty . Purveyors to H . R . H . Prince of Wales , H . I . M . Emperor of Russia , Dukes of Saxe Gotha , Connaught , Cambridge , and most ot Crowned Heads of Europe . Manager , Bro . E . ASHBY .
MONTAGUE MANSION ( Opposite thc British Museum Entrance ) , GREAT RUSSELL STREET , W . C . Most conveniently situated for Business or Pleasure . Cab Fare from " Montague Mansion " is One Shilling to nearly all Railways , Theatres , and the Royal Courts of Justice . Omnibuses to all parts for a few pence . Bedroom , Bath , Breakfast , and Attendance , 5 s . and 5 s . fid-Night Porter . Telephone 2906 . Terms Moderate .
MAYO'S CASTLE liOTEL , EAST MOLESEY , HAMPTON COURT STATION . BRO . JOHN MAYO , MASONIC TEMPLE . Accommodation in thc new wing for Banquets for any number up to 120 . Every convenience for Ladies' Gatherings . Spacious landing to river , whence Steam Launches can start . Five Lodges meet here , and reference may be made to the respective Masters as to the catering , & c .
ESTABLISHED OVER A CENTURY . OFFICE FURNITURE & IRON SAFliS ( NEW AND SECONDHAND ) , / . aignl Slock in London to select from . Bricllayeis , Plumbers , Painfc rs , Paper hangers , Wiiters and l-rgraveis , Shrplittcrr ., Carpels , Linoleums , Safes , Gai-litD is , Sn itlis , Blind Mil eis , Upholsterers , Licensed Valuer ; , Sanitary Enguucu , Insurance and General Agents . ELECTRIC LIGHTING AND BELLS . Estimates in all Departments . Iron Safes removed for the Trade . A . ARDLEY " & SON , Offices—17 , GREAT ST . HELEN ' S ; Workshops— : ¦> , Helmet-court ; b ' uiniture Warehouses—10 and 27 , Wormwood-street ; LONDON , E . C .
/^ REAT NORTHERN RAILWAY . CHEAP HOLIDAY EXCURSIONS FROM LONDON . To ST . ALBANS , WHEATHAMPS 1 T . AD , and HARPENDEN , each SATURDAY AFTERNOON until September 2 ( 5 th inclusive , from Moorgate at 1 . 51 , Aldersgate , 1 . 5 S , Farringdon , 2 . 0 , King ' s Cress ( G . N . ) , 2 . 30 , Finsbury Park , 2 . 35 . 'To SKEGNESS , SUTTON-ON-SEA and MABLETHORPE , SH-TEMI-. I ' . R 12 'h , fro ™ Mnorgate at 6 . 51 a . m ., Aldersgate , ( i 53 , Farringdon , G . 55 , King ' s Cross ( G . N . ) , 7 . 15 , Holloway , 7 . 5 , Finsbury Park , 7 20 . Third class return fare 4 s . 6 d . Saturday to Monday or Tuesday , fare Gs . To SHER 1 NGHAM , CROMER ( tfta-h ) , and YARMOUTH ( Beach ) , Sui-Ti " MISER 7 th , from King ' s Cross ( G . N . ) at 6 . 15 a . m ., Finsbury Park , C . 20 , returning from Yarmou th at 0 p . m ., Cromer , C . 55 , Sheringham , 7 . 5 . Third class return fare , 5 s . Eich SA-URD . W from King's Cross ( G . N . I , for 3 , S , 10 . 15 , or 17 dayr , t . » BRIDLINGTON , FILfcY , SCARBOKU' , RUBIN HOOD'S BAY , WHITBY , EliDCAR , SAM-BURN , ' SEA'IO . V ( AREtV , TYNEMOUITl , WHITLEY , CULLERCOATS , LIVERPOOL , SOUTHPORT , and DOUGLAS ( Isle of Man ) . From Woolwich ( Arsenal and Dockyard ) , Victoria ( L . C . and D . ) , Ludgate Hill , Moorgate , Aldersgate , Farringdon , King's Cross . ( G . N . ) , & c . FRIDAY NIGHT , SEPT . nth , for 11 days , to Northallerton , Darlington , Richmond , Durham , Newcastle , Berwick , Edinburgh , Glasgow , and Helensburgh ; and for 5 or 11 days to Stirling , Perth , Dundee , Oban , Montrose , Aberdeen , Inverness , & c . Tickets at a single fare for the double journey will also be issued by these Excursions , to places named , available for iC days . SATURDAY , SEPT . 12 th , for three or six days , to Cambridge , Ramsey , Huntingdon , Peterboio ' , Lynn , Norwich , Cromer , Yarmouth , Lincoln , Boston , Spalding , Great Grimsby , Leicester , Nottingham , Derby , Burton , Burslem , Tutbury , Stoke , Newark , Sheffield , Barns Uy , Rotherham , Hueldersfield , Manchester , Liverpool , Djnrasler , Wakelirld , Leeds . Bradford , Keighley , Halifax , Hull , York , Bridlington , Malton , Scarboro' , Whitby , Stockton , Darlington , Richmond , Durham , Hartlepool , Middlesboro ' , Newcastle , & c , & c . For fares and full particulars see bills to be obtained at Company ' s Stations and Town Offices . HENRY OAKLEY , General Manager .
FISH , POULTRY GAME , OYSTERS . JOHN GOW , LIMITED ** 17 , NEW BROAD STREET , E . C , ta , HONEY LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE , E . G ., 23 , LONDON STREET , MARK LANE , E . C , 93 , THEOBALD'S RD ., HOLBORN , W . C ., AND SO , HIGH STREET , PECKHAM , S . E . JOHN GOW , Limited , always have on sale thc Largest Stock in landon of thc Very Best Quality at Lowest Prices .
BREE'S ROYAL HOTEL , JERSEY Healthiest situation in St . Helier . 20 degrees Cooler than the sea front . BED AND BREAKFAST 5 / 6 AND 6 / -. FULL BOARD , ROOMS & SERVICE , S / 0 & 9 / - per elay . Telegraphic Address— "BREF . S , J ERSEY . "
STAGE LADIES & GENTLEMEN desirous of entering the Theatrical Profession in Drama , Comedy , Comic Opera , or Music Hall , apply for terms to MR . CARLTON ST . AUBYN , Late Manager Olympic Theatre , Royal AquaiiumTheatre , Theatre Royal , Scarboro ' , & c ( Letter lor interview ) . Mr . CMU -T ON ST . AUKVN , School e . f Dramatic Art , 87 , Neiv Oxford-street .
WANTED—VOL . II . of GOULD'S HISTORY , in Morocco . Apply Ollice of the Freemason .
/~* REAT WESTERN RAILWAY . During JULY . AUGUST & SEPTEMBER , SPECI . M FAST EXCURSIONS will leave PADDINGTON STATION as under : NEW DAYI IGHT SF . RVK E betevpen WEYMOUTH and CHANNEL ISLANDS , SATURDAY to MONDAY TRIPS . DIRECT STEAMERS to GUERNSEY and to JERSEY ( SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE ) . EVERY SATURDAY , S . 50 a . m . ( SPECIAL DAY LIGHT SERVICE EXPRESS ) , 045 p . m . ( NIGHT BOAT EXPRESS ) for GUERNSEY and JERSEY for * S , 10 , 15 , or 17 days . RETURN FARE , THIRD CLASS and AFTER CABIN , 24 s . Gd . EVERY FRIDAY NIGHTat ro . io . m . —For EXETER Dawlish , Teignmouth , PLYMOUTH , Devonport , Bodmin Wadebridge , NEWQUAY , Truro , FALMOUTH , St . Ives ' , PENZANCE , Scillylilands , for 3 , S , 10 , 15 , cr 17 days . 12 . 2 <; midnight—For Chepstow , Newport , CARDIFF SWANSEA , Llanelly , CARMARTHEN , Pembroke Dock , Tenby , Cardigan , New and Old Milford , & c , for 7 or I _ diys . EVERY SATURDAY , 7 . 55 a . m . —For MINEHEAD LYNTON , LYNMOUTH , Barnstaple , ILFRACOMBE , ' PLYMOUTH , Tavistock , Launceston , Devonport , NEWQUAY , Truro , FALMOUTH , St . Ives , PENZANCE , & c , for 3 , S , 10 , 15 , or 17 days . 8 . 5 a . m . —For Wellington , SHREWSBURY , Church Stretton , Leominster , HEREFORD , 0 ; westry , Welshpool , ABERYSTWYTH , Llangollen , Cnnven , BALA , Blaenau Festmiog , DOLGELLY , BARMOUTH , Harlech , Criccietli , CHESTER , Birkenhead , LIVERPOOL , Rhyl , LLANDUDNO , BETTYVS-Y-COED , Bangor , CARNARVON , Llanberis ( for Snowdon ) , & c , for 3 . S , 10 , 15 , or 17 days . S . o a . m .-For WESTON-SUPER-MARE , EXETER , Dawlish , Teignmouth , 'TORQUAY , Kingswear . DARTMOUTH , & c , for 3 , S , 10 , 15 , or 17 days . 9 30 a . m . —For DOUGLAS ( Isle of Man ) , for 3 , S , io-15 , or 17 days . 11 . 15 a . m . —For FROME , Shrptnn Millet , Wells , YEOVIL , Bridport , Dorchester , WF . YMOU Tl I ( for the CHANNEL ISLANDS ) , Portland , & c , for 3 , 10 , or 17 dajs . 12 5 noon—For Newbury , Savernake , Marlborough , Dev zes , Tiowbridge , Warminster , & c , for 3 , 10 , or 17 days . 12 40 p . m .-For CLEVEDON , Bridgwater , TAUNTON , MINEHEAD ( for LYN ION and LYNMOUTH ) , Barnstaple , ILFRACOMBE , Wellington ( Som . ) , TIVERTON , Sic , for 3 , 10 , or 17 days . 4 . 5 p . m . —For SWINDON , Cirencester , Stroud , GLOUCESTER , CHELTENHAM , HEREFORD , & c , for 3 , 10 , or 17 days . G . 15 p . m . —For Chippenham , BATH and BRISTOL , for 3 , 10 , or 17 days . 10 . 10 p . m . —For SWINDON , WESTON-SUPEKMARE , EXETFR , Dawlish , Teignmouth , TORQUAY , Kingswear , PLYMOUTH , 'Truro , FALMOUTH , PENZANCE , & c , for 3 , S , 10 , 15 , or 17 days . THAMES RIVERSIDE SEASON . IMPROVED SERVICE EXCURSION TICKETS aie issued DAILY by certain trains from PADDINGTON , Addison Road , Ilamnursmith , & c , to Staines 2 s . ; WINDSOR , 2 s . Cd . ; TAPLOW , MAIDENHEAD , and BURM 1 AM BEECHES , 3 s . ; Cookhm , Bourne Enel , GREAT MALVERN , Shiplake , and HENLEY , 3 s . ( id . ; Tilchurst , PANGBOURNE , and Goring , Gs . ; Cholsey , Gs . Gd . ; and on WEEK-DAYS ONLY to WALL 1 NGFORD , 7 s . A FORTNIGHT IN IRELAND . 'THURSDAYS , AUGUST 27 , SEI-TEMIJER 10 , and -1 , 3 . 35 p . m ., for CORK . FRIDAYS , AUGUST 2 S , SHI-IEAHIER II and 25 , G . 10 p . m . to WATERFORD , Dungarvan , Lismore , Clonmel , Tipperary , Kilkenny , & c . FRIDAYS , AUGUST 21 , SEPTEMBER 4 and iS , 4 . i : i p . m . —To UELKAST , Armagh , Enniskillen , Larne , GIANT'S CAUSEWAY , & c . THURSDAY , SEI-TE . MIIER 24 , G . 10 p . m . — To K 1 LLARNEV . Bills , pamphlets , and Lists of Farmhouse anil CounUy Lodgings can be obtained at lhe Company ' s Stations , anel at the usual Receiving Ollices . Ordinary and Excursion Tickets to Ireland , by the Gieat Western Railway Route , are now issued at the I '' 3 ' 1 Railways Committee Ollices , 2 , Charing Cross . J . L . WILKINSON , GENERAL M ANAGER .
FOR ECONOMICAL AND RESPECTABLE FUNERALS at stated charges To cover all expenses , exclusive of cemetery fees . BRO . C . G . HATT , UNDERTAKER , i-z , HIGH STREET , KENSINGTON , VV . CREMATION AND EMBALMING . Distance no object . Orders by post or telegrams promptly attended ! " ¦ Price Lists free on application .
MONEY PROMPTLY ADVANCED ON BILLS OF SALE , And other Securities , at moderate Interest , repayable instalments or otherwise . Office Established 1856 . G . J . SHIPWAY , 3 , TAVISTOCK STREET , STRAND .