Article PHŒNIX LODGE, No. 1860, SIMONSTOWN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC CHURCH SERVICE AT INVERESK. Page 1 of 1 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Our portrait Gallery. Page 1 of 2 →
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Phœnix Lodge, No. 1860, Simonstown.
The installation ceremony was performed by Bro . J . B . Wheelwright , the „ e \ v D . D . G . M ., Western Division of South Africa , who was accompanied by the Allowing , officers of District Grand Lodge : Bros . C . J . Hogg , P . M . 193 S , OS G . W . ; f . A . Yallop , I . P . M . 173 ^ , President Board of General Purposes , n ' l G . W . ; A . Hooper , P . M . 1 S 60 , D . S . G . D . ; G . Withinshaw , W . M . 2 = 138 , n ' l G . D . ; G . E . O . Bennett , I . P . M . 334 , D . G . D . C , and A . D . G . S . ; T . Millward , W . M . 2557 , D . A . G . D . C ; T . Healey , I . P . M . 2379 . D . G . Std . Br . ; W . Ledlie , VV . M . 334 , D . G . Stwd . ; and E . A . Buxton , D . G . Tyler .
Bro . C . W . Marshall , W . M . i 860 , D . G . Stwd ., presented Bro . A . Redclift , S . W-, D . G . Stwd ., to the Installing Officer , as W . M . elect for the ensuing year , and he was duly obligated and received the benefit of installation by a Board of Installed Masters and invested Bro . Marshall as I . P . M . He was then duly proclaimed and saluted by the brethren generally , and especially by the brethren of the Pheenix Lodge , the working tools in the Three Degrees being presented respectively by Bros . Hooper , Crane , and Marshall .
The D . D . G . M . made the other presentations , and the new-installed W . M ., having taken the chair as a ruler in the Craft , invested , with the assistance of the D . G . Director and Assistant Director of Ceremonies , the following brethren with collars and insignia of office respectively : Bros . C . Bambury , S . W . ; F . Woodhams , J . W . ; S . Craig , P . D . G . S . B ., Treas . ; J . Westlake , S . D . ; J . Taylor , J . S . Williams , I . G . ; J . Pollard , Org . ; J . Currie , D . C . ; G . Good and Chapman , Stwds . ; and E . Hayward , Tyler .
Bro . J . A . Yallop then delivered the charge to the W . M ., Bro . C . J . Hogg that to the Wardens , the Installing Officer giving that to the brethren generally . A collection was made in aid of the Masonic Education Fund .
The visitors were then thanked for their attendance by the W . M ., the W . M . of the Royal Alfred Lodge taking that opportunity of wishing the newly-installed Mastcr a successlul year of office , and touching on the universality of Masonry , and the proceedings in the Temple were closed . The banquet immediately followed in the hall belonging to the lodge .
The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and honoured . Bro . J . B . WHEELWRIGHT , D . D . G . M ., in responding for " The R . W . D . G . M ., the Dean of Capetown , and the D . G . Lodge , " conveyed the good wishes of the ruler of the district to the W . M ., and the pleasure it always afforded the D . G . Lodge to visit Simonstown , especially on such a line day .
Bro . C . E . LEWIS , P . G . M . of the Netherlands Constitution , thanked them for their kindness , and hoped that the ensuing year would be as free from anything like a hitch as the recent ceremony had been . Bro . MARSHALL , I . P . M ., in proposing the toast of the evening , " The Worshipful Master , " said that no words could tell how much the incoming Master hael done for Masonry ever since he had been one of them . Bro . A . REDCLIFT , in responding , thanked them all heartily for the cordial manner they had drank his health .
Bro . C . W . MARSHALL , I . P . M ., in responding to the toast of " The I . P . M ., " proposed from the chair , said that it was a source of pleasure to feel that the 12 months of his being in the chair was over , more especially as though there had been nothing extraordinary still they had improved during that time . They had had about 19 meetings , and he hoped before the next installation to be in a temple worthy the Phcenix Lodge .
" The Visitors " was duly proposed and responded to , many of those responding dealing especially with the qualities that should be possessed by all who were admitted into the Craft . "The Wardens and Officers of the Phcenix Lodge" and "The Outgoing Ollieers " were also given and responded to .
Masonic Church Service At Inveresk.
Under the auspices of St . Johns Lodge , No . 112 , Fisherrow , a Masonic ser » vice was held in Inveresk Parish Church , New Edinburgh , on Sunday night , the 2 jrd ultimo . The building , which is seated for 1800 , was crowded to overflowing , hundreds being unable to obtain admission . Deputations were present from
nearly every Iodge in Edinburgh and the County of Mid-Lothian , while numerous brethren also attended from West and East Lothian . Among the strangers were several representatives from America . The members of the Craft , including about 200 visiting brethren and some 80 belonging to the local lodge , occupied the centre area of the church , in the front of which was seated a choir of 100
voices . Bro . the Very Rev . Professor STORY , Past Grand Chaplain , preached the sermon , being assisted in the service by Bro . the Rev . A . M'Neill Houston , B . D ., Auchterderran , Chaplain of Lodge Minto , No . 3 S 5 , Lochgelly , and Bro . Sir Charles Dalrymple , of Nswhailes , Bart ., M . P ., Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason , who read the scripture lessons .
The service of praise , which included the rendering of the Hallelujah chorus iind olher pieces by the choir , was under the conductorship of Bro . T . Jamieson None , St . John ' s , No . 112 ; while Bro . Charles Bradley , St . David's , No . 36 , presided at the organ . A collection was taken in aid of the Red House Home for Destitute Boys ; inel the Musselburgh Training Home for Girls at Levenhall , the inmates of which "' ilitutions attended the service . —Scotsman .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
Era Lodge , No . 1423 . Ihe 122 nd meetingof this lodge was held at Twickenham on the Sth ult ., when there were present Bros . C . H . Wheatley , W . M . ; H . Saunion , LP . M . ; J . Wheatley , f W- ; J . I-I . Anderson , J . W . ; F . J . Peckham , S . D . ; D . Mart Davies , P . M ., i . G . ; I- Heresford Ryley , P . M ., Treas . ; G . L . Wingate , P . M ., Sec . ; j . W . Brett , blwd . ; H . T . Tallack , P . M . ; and F . W . Tallack . Bro . P . A . HubbareT Lewis , 1209 , was a visitor .
After the lodge had been opened and the minutes of . the previous meeting continued , the ballot was taken for Mr . Edmond Chas . St . Aubyn , which proved unanimous , and the chair was by reeiuest assumed by Bro . D . Hart Davies , when Mr . Edmond J-narles St . Aubyn was duly initiated , and the charge was given by Bro . J . Beresford 'ty'ey , P . P . G . DI After the lodge had been closed , the brethren dined together at the Albany Hotel , hcn the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and honoured .
Abercorn Lodge , No . 1549 . . "us increasing lodge held its installation meeting at the Abercorn Hotel , on the 5 th . ' •, > with a large attendance of members and visitors . it being the 21 st anniversary of ,. * ormation . There were present Bros . John Blackburn , W . M . ; W . W . Mans-• j ! - ' . I . P . M . ; C T . Tolman , P . M ., S . W . ; C . J . Veal , J . W . ; E . Bamford , P . M ., t , . -i C . Veal , P . M ., Sec ; F . S . Conway , S . D . ; E . Winterbottom , J . D . ; R . * - ' - bisher , D . C . ; F . S . Winkley , I . G . j 1 . Percival , Tyler ; R . W . Bilby , H . M . ;
Craft Masonry.
W . Taylor , E . Bull , F . Gurney , W . Truelove , W . J . Overhead . S . W . Hunt , C . Hilsden , H . Necdham , T . S . Godwin , W . Woodman , II . Smith , A . Withers , J . Gurney , E . F . Jones , J . Westcott , A . Findlater , J . Haves , Tom A . Godwin , G . Rookes , T . A . Webb , S . Lea-Smith , G . VV . Dickson , and G . Cheshire . Visitors : Bros . J . P . Taylar , I . P . M . 1984 ; E . Stark , W . M . 19 S 4 ; Regd . Groome , 1920 ; W . Halliday , 2548 ; j . H . Tychener , 254 S ; R . T . Wreathill , 254 S , P . P . G . O . Middx . ; H . W . Schartau , 1549 ; J . Lea-Smith , P . M . 1159 ; and Frank L . Moir , Org . 1591 .
Thelodge was opened by the W . M . The minutes of the previous meeting , with also a very satisfactory report from the Audit Committee , were read and confirmed . The W . M . ( prior to vacating the chair for the I . P . M ., Bro . Mansfield , to perform the ceremony of installation ) , then addressed Bro . C . Veal , P . M . and S ; c , and complimented him on the success of the lodge under his long service of 21 years , and in rememVanc ; of his regular attendance , not having once been absent from his duties , he had the pleasure , as his last duty in that chair of making him a presentation in the name of every member of the lodge , of a purse of gold—wishing him every success in life , and a continuxnc ; of
that position he had held so long for many 111 jre years . To this Bra . Veal gratefully responded , and then approached the chair , presenting his el lest son Bro . Charles John Veal , W . M . elect , for the benefit of installation , which ceremonv wis very ably p : rformed by the I . P . M ., and amidst the hearty salutes of many P . Ms ., wis placed in the chair of K . S . Having invested his I . P . M ., the brethren were admitted , and tha new W . M . was saluted . The officers were then presented and invested as follows : Bros .
F . S . Conway , S . W . ; E . Winterbottom , J . W . ; F . S . Winkley , S . D . ; R . E . H . Fisher , J . D . ; W . Taylor , I . G . ; A . Findlater , D . C ; and J . Percival , Tyler . The first address to the W . M . was very feelingly given by Bro . Bilby , the others to the officers and brethren were equally well rendered by the Installing Alaster . Letters of regret for absence were read from the D . P . G . M ., the P . G . Sec , and many others . With " Hearty good wishes " from the visiting brethren , the lodge was closed .
The usual excellent banquet followed . The W . M . ably submitted the customary toasts , and all were fully honoured . The I . P . M ., Bro . Blackburn , who had been regularly invested with the handsome Past Master ' s jewel , in returning thanks , also expressed to Bro . C . Veal the many kind letters of congratulation he , with Bro . Bamtord , had received—one from an old P . M . in Johannesburg , also from Bro . Keyser , P . G . D ., and many others . " The Health of Mrs . Veale was also heartily joined in , it being their 38 th wedding day .
Bro . C . Veal , Sec , feelingly replied / expressing his thanks on behalf of himself , wife , and family .
The W . M ., the Installing Master , and officers replied for their respective toasts . The music , as may be expected , was excellent in the hands of Bros . Schartau ( an old initiate ) , Reginald Groome , Arthur Withers , and Frank Moir . The Tyler ' s toast brought this long and eventful evening to a very happy termination .
Our Portrait Gallery.
Our portrait Gallery .
BRO . SAM HENDERSON , W . M . S 67 . In this issue we present to our readers a portrait of a W . M . of one of our Colonial lodges—the Royal Prince of Wales Lodge , No . 867 , of Trinidad—a lodge which has of late years become somewhat prominent among Colonial lodges . This is in a great measure due to him whose portrait we present . The fate of the Iodge was in his hands in 1894 , in which year he so ably conducted the affairs as W . JL , and to the firm and considerate way in which he this year also presides
over it . Bro . S . Henderson is not a very old Mason ; he was initiated in 188 9 ; J . W ., 1892 ;• S . W ., 1893 ; and W . M ., 18 94 and 1896 . His excellent character as well as his high abilities were well known to many before he joined the Fraternity . He was looked upon as an acquisition to the lodge , and he advanced rapidly and deservedly from office to office till he reached the Master ' s chair . During his year of Mastership he made a very important move ; he acquired a property in the centre of Port of Spain , which is in every respect worthy of our Fraternity . He succeeded in raising the Iodge from the humble estate in which it formerly had
lived its quiet and slow life , and housed it in its present and magnificent building —a house which was built up in the days of slavery with thick solid walls and staircases , quite unlike the unsubstantial tropic il buildings which surround it . Bro . Sam Henderson had , at the close of his year of ofibe in 189 } , this building dedicated to Masonry with great ceremony and pomp . On this occasion H . E . the Governor , his Lordship the Bishop , the Chief Judge , the Commander of the
Troops , the Hon . C . C . Knollys , and many other Masons of rank attended , and after the solemn ceremony was ended , a sumptuous banquet took place . By thus acquiring suitable premises , Bro . S . Henderson secured the position of the lodge Its membership soon rose , and new life was infused into the lodge . He was again elected W . M . forthe presentyear , showingthe appreciation ^ which he isheld by his brother Masons , and he continues in advancing the welfare of Masonry in Trinidad ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Phœnix Lodge, No. 1860, Simonstown.
The installation ceremony was performed by Bro . J . B . Wheelwright , the „ e \ v D . D . G . M ., Western Division of South Africa , who was accompanied by the Allowing , officers of District Grand Lodge : Bros . C . J . Hogg , P . M . 193 S , OS G . W . ; f . A . Yallop , I . P . M . 173 ^ , President Board of General Purposes , n ' l G . W . ; A . Hooper , P . M . 1 S 60 , D . S . G . D . ; G . Withinshaw , W . M . 2 = 138 , n ' l G . D . ; G . E . O . Bennett , I . P . M . 334 , D . G . D . C , and A . D . G . S . ; T . Millward , W . M . 2557 , D . A . G . D . C ; T . Healey , I . P . M . 2379 . D . G . Std . Br . ; W . Ledlie , VV . M . 334 , D . G . Stwd . ; and E . A . Buxton , D . G . Tyler .
Bro . C . W . Marshall , W . M . i 860 , D . G . Stwd ., presented Bro . A . Redclift , S . W-, D . G . Stwd ., to the Installing Officer , as W . M . elect for the ensuing year , and he was duly obligated and received the benefit of installation by a Board of Installed Masters and invested Bro . Marshall as I . P . M . He was then duly proclaimed and saluted by the brethren generally , and especially by the brethren of the Pheenix Lodge , the working tools in the Three Degrees being presented respectively by Bros . Hooper , Crane , and Marshall .
The D . D . G . M . made the other presentations , and the new-installed W . M ., having taken the chair as a ruler in the Craft , invested , with the assistance of the D . G . Director and Assistant Director of Ceremonies , the following brethren with collars and insignia of office respectively : Bros . C . Bambury , S . W . ; F . Woodhams , J . W . ; S . Craig , P . D . G . S . B ., Treas . ; J . Westlake , S . D . ; J . Taylor , J . S . Williams , I . G . ; J . Pollard , Org . ; J . Currie , D . C . ; G . Good and Chapman , Stwds . ; and E . Hayward , Tyler .
Bro . J . A . Yallop then delivered the charge to the W . M ., Bro . C . J . Hogg that to the Wardens , the Installing Officer giving that to the brethren generally . A collection was made in aid of the Masonic Education Fund .
The visitors were then thanked for their attendance by the W . M ., the W . M . of the Royal Alfred Lodge taking that opportunity of wishing the newly-installed Mastcr a successlul year of office , and touching on the universality of Masonry , and the proceedings in the Temple were closed . The banquet immediately followed in the hall belonging to the lodge .
The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and honoured . Bro . J . B . WHEELWRIGHT , D . D . G . M ., in responding for " The R . W . D . G . M ., the Dean of Capetown , and the D . G . Lodge , " conveyed the good wishes of the ruler of the district to the W . M ., and the pleasure it always afforded the D . G . Lodge to visit Simonstown , especially on such a line day .
Bro . C . E . LEWIS , P . G . M . of the Netherlands Constitution , thanked them for their kindness , and hoped that the ensuing year would be as free from anything like a hitch as the recent ceremony had been . Bro . MARSHALL , I . P . M ., in proposing the toast of the evening , " The Worshipful Master , " said that no words could tell how much the incoming Master hael done for Masonry ever since he had been one of them . Bro . A . REDCLIFT , in responding , thanked them all heartily for the cordial manner they had drank his health .
Bro . C . W . MARSHALL , I . P . M ., in responding to the toast of " The I . P . M ., " proposed from the chair , said that it was a source of pleasure to feel that the 12 months of his being in the chair was over , more especially as though there had been nothing extraordinary still they had improved during that time . They had had about 19 meetings , and he hoped before the next installation to be in a temple worthy the Phcenix Lodge .
" The Visitors " was duly proposed and responded to , many of those responding dealing especially with the qualities that should be possessed by all who were admitted into the Craft . "The Wardens and Officers of the Phcenix Lodge" and "The Outgoing Ollieers " were also given and responded to .
Masonic Church Service At Inveresk.
Under the auspices of St . Johns Lodge , No . 112 , Fisherrow , a Masonic ser » vice was held in Inveresk Parish Church , New Edinburgh , on Sunday night , the 2 jrd ultimo . The building , which is seated for 1800 , was crowded to overflowing , hundreds being unable to obtain admission . Deputations were present from
nearly every Iodge in Edinburgh and the County of Mid-Lothian , while numerous brethren also attended from West and East Lothian . Among the strangers were several representatives from America . The members of the Craft , including about 200 visiting brethren and some 80 belonging to the local lodge , occupied the centre area of the church , in the front of which was seated a choir of 100
voices . Bro . the Very Rev . Professor STORY , Past Grand Chaplain , preached the sermon , being assisted in the service by Bro . the Rev . A . M'Neill Houston , B . D ., Auchterderran , Chaplain of Lodge Minto , No . 3 S 5 , Lochgelly , and Bro . Sir Charles Dalrymple , of Nswhailes , Bart ., M . P ., Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason , who read the scripture lessons .
The service of praise , which included the rendering of the Hallelujah chorus iind olher pieces by the choir , was under the conductorship of Bro . T . Jamieson None , St . John ' s , No . 112 ; while Bro . Charles Bradley , St . David's , No . 36 , presided at the organ . A collection was taken in aid of the Red House Home for Destitute Boys ; inel the Musselburgh Training Home for Girls at Levenhall , the inmates of which "' ilitutions attended the service . —Scotsman .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
Era Lodge , No . 1423 . Ihe 122 nd meetingof this lodge was held at Twickenham on the Sth ult ., when there were present Bros . C . H . Wheatley , W . M . ; H . Saunion , LP . M . ; J . Wheatley , f W- ; J . I-I . Anderson , J . W . ; F . J . Peckham , S . D . ; D . Mart Davies , P . M ., i . G . ; I- Heresford Ryley , P . M ., Treas . ; G . L . Wingate , P . M ., Sec . ; j . W . Brett , blwd . ; H . T . Tallack , P . M . ; and F . W . Tallack . Bro . P . A . HubbareT Lewis , 1209 , was a visitor .
After the lodge had been opened and the minutes of . the previous meeting continued , the ballot was taken for Mr . Edmond Chas . St . Aubyn , which proved unanimous , and the chair was by reeiuest assumed by Bro . D . Hart Davies , when Mr . Edmond J-narles St . Aubyn was duly initiated , and the charge was given by Bro . J . Beresford 'ty'ey , P . P . G . DI After the lodge had been closed , the brethren dined together at the Albany Hotel , hcn the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and honoured .
Abercorn Lodge , No . 1549 . . "us increasing lodge held its installation meeting at the Abercorn Hotel , on the 5 th . ' •, > with a large attendance of members and visitors . it being the 21 st anniversary of ,. * ormation . There were present Bros . John Blackburn , W . M . ; W . W . Mans-• j ! - ' . I . P . M . ; C T . Tolman , P . M ., S . W . ; C . J . Veal , J . W . ; E . Bamford , P . M ., t , . -i C . Veal , P . M ., Sec ; F . S . Conway , S . D . ; E . Winterbottom , J . D . ; R . * - ' - bisher , D . C . ; F . S . Winkley , I . G . j 1 . Percival , Tyler ; R . W . Bilby , H . M . ;
Craft Masonry.
W . Taylor , E . Bull , F . Gurney , W . Truelove , W . J . Overhead . S . W . Hunt , C . Hilsden , H . Necdham , T . S . Godwin , W . Woodman , II . Smith , A . Withers , J . Gurney , E . F . Jones , J . Westcott , A . Findlater , J . Haves , Tom A . Godwin , G . Rookes , T . A . Webb , S . Lea-Smith , G . VV . Dickson , and G . Cheshire . Visitors : Bros . J . P . Taylar , I . P . M . 1984 ; E . Stark , W . M . 19 S 4 ; Regd . Groome , 1920 ; W . Halliday , 2548 ; j . H . Tychener , 254 S ; R . T . Wreathill , 254 S , P . P . G . O . Middx . ; H . W . Schartau , 1549 ; J . Lea-Smith , P . M . 1159 ; and Frank L . Moir , Org . 1591 .
Thelodge was opened by the W . M . The minutes of the previous meeting , with also a very satisfactory report from the Audit Committee , were read and confirmed . The W . M . ( prior to vacating the chair for the I . P . M ., Bro . Mansfield , to perform the ceremony of installation ) , then addressed Bro . C . Veal , P . M . and S ; c , and complimented him on the success of the lodge under his long service of 21 years , and in rememVanc ; of his regular attendance , not having once been absent from his duties , he had the pleasure , as his last duty in that chair of making him a presentation in the name of every member of the lodge , of a purse of gold—wishing him every success in life , and a continuxnc ; of
that position he had held so long for many 111 jre years . To this Bra . Veal gratefully responded , and then approached the chair , presenting his el lest son Bro . Charles John Veal , W . M . elect , for the benefit of installation , which ceremonv wis very ably p : rformed by the I . P . M ., and amidst the hearty salutes of many P . Ms ., wis placed in the chair of K . S . Having invested his I . P . M ., the brethren were admitted , and tha new W . M . was saluted . The officers were then presented and invested as follows : Bros .
F . S . Conway , S . W . ; E . Winterbottom , J . W . ; F . S . Winkley , S . D . ; R . E . H . Fisher , J . D . ; W . Taylor , I . G . ; A . Findlater , D . C ; and J . Percival , Tyler . The first address to the W . M . was very feelingly given by Bro . Bilby , the others to the officers and brethren were equally well rendered by the Installing Alaster . Letters of regret for absence were read from the D . P . G . M ., the P . G . Sec , and many others . With " Hearty good wishes " from the visiting brethren , the lodge was closed .
The usual excellent banquet followed . The W . M . ably submitted the customary toasts , and all were fully honoured . The I . P . M ., Bro . Blackburn , who had been regularly invested with the handsome Past Master ' s jewel , in returning thanks , also expressed to Bro . C . Veal the many kind letters of congratulation he , with Bro . Bamtord , had received—one from an old P . M . in Johannesburg , also from Bro . Keyser , P . G . D ., and many others . " The Health of Mrs . Veale was also heartily joined in , it being their 38 th wedding day .
Bro . C . Veal , Sec , feelingly replied / expressing his thanks on behalf of himself , wife , and family .
The W . M ., the Installing Master , and officers replied for their respective toasts . The music , as may be expected , was excellent in the hands of Bros . Schartau ( an old initiate ) , Reginald Groome , Arthur Withers , and Frank Moir . The Tyler ' s toast brought this long and eventful evening to a very happy termination .
Our Portrait Gallery.
Our portrait Gallery .
BRO . SAM HENDERSON , W . M . S 67 . In this issue we present to our readers a portrait of a W . M . of one of our Colonial lodges—the Royal Prince of Wales Lodge , No . 867 , of Trinidad—a lodge which has of late years become somewhat prominent among Colonial lodges . This is in a great measure due to him whose portrait we present . The fate of the Iodge was in his hands in 1894 , in which year he so ably conducted the affairs as W . JL , and to the firm and considerate way in which he this year also presides
over it . Bro . S . Henderson is not a very old Mason ; he was initiated in 188 9 ; J . W ., 1892 ;• S . W ., 1893 ; and W . M ., 18 94 and 1896 . His excellent character as well as his high abilities were well known to many before he joined the Fraternity . He was looked upon as an acquisition to the lodge , and he advanced rapidly and deservedly from office to office till he reached the Master ' s chair . During his year of Mastership he made a very important move ; he acquired a property in the centre of Port of Spain , which is in every respect worthy of our Fraternity . He succeeded in raising the Iodge from the humble estate in which it formerly had
lived its quiet and slow life , and housed it in its present and magnificent building —a house which was built up in the days of slavery with thick solid walls and staircases , quite unlike the unsubstantial tropic il buildings which surround it . Bro . Sam Henderson had , at the close of his year of ofibe in 189 } , this building dedicated to Masonry with great ceremony and pomp . On this occasion H . E . the Governor , his Lordship the Bishop , the Chief Judge , the Commander of the
Troops , the Hon . C . C . Knollys , and many other Masons of rank attended , and after the solemn ceremony was ended , a sumptuous banquet took place . By thus acquiring suitable premises , Bro . S . Henderson secured the position of the lodge Its membership soon rose , and new life was infused into the lodge . He was again elected W . M . forthe presentyear , showingthe appreciation ^ which he isheld by his brother Masons , and he continues in advancing the welfare of Masonry in Trinidad ,