Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 1 Article THE ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
THE CRAFT . METROPOLITAN . Royal Jubilee Lodge , No . 72 This lodge , so
celebrated tor its excellent working , met on Monday last , at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street ,. The W . M ., Bro . George Oxford , was in the chair . The minutes of the previous lodge were read and confirmed . A ballot was taken for the admission of
Mr . G . D . Legge , who was proposed by Br . J . Johnson and seconded by the W . M ., and on its proving unanimous in his favour , he was duly initiated into the mysteries of the Order by the W . M . in a very excellent manner . Brothers Manning and Foster having answered the usual questions satisfactorily , were , by particular desire , raised to the sublime
degree of M . M . by Bro . Joshua Nunn , P . M . The lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to a very excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Clemmo and superintended by Bro . Smith . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and the W . M . then proposed the health of the newly-initiated Bro . Legge , who in au eloquent reply said he felt a
deep regret for not having been initiated many years ago , but hoped his future career in Masonry would prove to the brethren the pleasure he had in being initiated by so old and valued a friend and brother as the AV . M . —Bro . Nunn then proposed the health of the AV . M ., saying that he aud the brethren had to congratulate themselves in the selection of the
W . M ., who had for two successive years occupied that proud position , giving satisfaction to every one , not only by his excellent working and able presidency , but by his unceasing efforts to see the duties of the chair carried out . He ( Bro . Nunn ) considered that the success of the lod ge was attributable to the exertions of its worthy AV . M . —The AV . M ., in
appropriate terms , returned thanks , and said he hoped to meet the brethren of the lodge at a summer banquet , when the ladies would be present . ( Applause . ) He then proposed " The Visitors , " who were Bros . T . White , J . AV . 22 ; J . Green , G 63 ; J . Collis , P . P . G . S . D . of Hants , P . M . 130 ; J . Thomas , P . M . 507 ; H . M . Levy , P . M . 188 ; Taylor , P . M . 22 ;
Rudderforth , late 195 ; Child , 1158 ; and Long , AV . M . 435 . Bros . Collis and Thomas returned thanks in able speeches . The harmony of the evening was enlivened with some excellent singing by the AV . M . and Bros . Marsden , AViddowson , Dodson , H . M . Levy , AVebb , Nunn , and Rudderforth . Altogether a most agreeable evening was spent , and the brethren separated at an early hour .
Lodge of Joppa , Ao . 188 . —The above lodge met on Monday , the 3 rd inst ., at the Albion Hotel , Aldersgate-street . Bro . M . Vandipenheur , the J . P . M . , having taken the chair ( in the absence of the AV . M ., Bro . Ralph , through indisposition ) , the minutes of the former lodge were read and confirmed . A ballot was then taken for the admission of Mr . II . Hartof ,
who was unanimously elected and duly initiated into the Order . liro . J . Grieve , of Lodge 153 , was balloted for and accepted as a joining member . Bros . Montague Barnett , C . Nathan , and J . Susman having answered the usual questions in a satisfactory manner , were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to a
slight repast , the usual toasts being given and responded to . The visitors were Bros . N . Defries , P . M . Tranquillity ; and AVolfe . Some good singing by Brs . Hartog , Parker , Nathan and Hunt enhanced the pleasures of a very agreeable evening . Southern Star Lodge , No . 1158 . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Monday evening last , at Bro .
Allatt s , the Montpeher Tavern , AValworth , Brother Thomas II . Pulsford , W . M ., presiding ; H . Thompson , I . P . M ., Bro . Goldsbond , P . M ., acting as Senior Warden , D . Scott Bayfield , Junior AVarden , Charles E . Thompson , Secretary and Senior Deacon , Towers . Inner Guard , and Bros . Shepherd , Page , Harris , Stevenson , Anstey , AVright , Huddlestone , Lewin
( of the Domatic 177 ) , Allatt , Potter ( P . M . of several Lodges ) , Shaunessy ( of an Irish Lodge ) , Hammond , and Walker . The Lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayer , and afterwards raised to the third degree , when Bros . Stevenson . Anstey , Varnham , and Lewin , of the Domatic Lodge 177 , were admitted , entrusted , and afterwards raised to
the sublime degree of M . M . ' s , the W . M . giving with due effect the traditional history , to which the brethren paid great attention . A description of tlio tracing board followed . The Lodge was lowered to the second degree , when Bros . Pearson and Jaques were passed to the degree of a F . C . The entered apprentice degree was then assumed , when Messrs . W . Gibbs , J . Warne , and AVilliam Daviswere duly
, initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient , free , and accepted Masonry . A light supper was provided , after which tho toast of the " Initiates " was given , to which Bro . Gibbs responded , and said he felt very proud indeed in being julmitted a member of the Grand Order of Freemasons , and trusted lie might do all in his power befitting a good and true member . Bro . Thompson , P . M ., proposed the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
health of the W . M ., and said as it was about the last time he would preside over them he did not think they ought to pass over it without paying him a compliment , for the unusually excellent manner in which he had performed his duties . The toast was received with cheers , and the brethren separated , pleased with their evening's entercainment .
Urban Lodge , No . 1196 . —This lodge met on the 27 th ult . at the Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell . The W . M ., Brother R . Marsh ( Henry Marston ) in the chair . The lodge being opened and the minutes of former lodge read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for the admission of Messrs . John Crawford AVilson and Wm . Creswiek
( the eminent tragedian ) . Bro . James Henderson ( 1221 ) was passed to the degree of F . C . , the ceremony being worked in a manner Avorthy of imitation by every brother who aspires to so high an honour as that of W . M . The brethren then sat down to a
very excellent banquet , provided in Bro . Wicken's best style . The usual loyal and masonic toasts were given and responded to . The W . M ., in proposing the health of the newly-initiated brethren , said it was the proudest moment of his life to have had the pleasure of initiating two such distinguished brethren ,
one of whom he had been professionally connected with for so many years , and whose high moral and intellectual character was so well known as to need no further eulogium on his part . Bro . Wilson was known as one whom to know was to respect as a great writer and a sincere and warm-hearted friend .
He ( the W . M . ) had therefore had the pleasure aud honour this evening of initiating a great actor and a great poet . —Bro . Creswiek , in returning thanks , said that it had been his wish for years to receive this honour , but his professional avocations had hitherto prevented it . Yet , he had always been a
Brother in heart , sympathy , and feeling . He was now a Brother in reality . It was a hope long deferred , but his greatest wish had now been gratified , namely , that of having had the very high honour of being initiated by one whom he so much esteemed . —Bro . AAIlson , in a very happy and humorous speech ,
also returned thanks . —Bro . AVilson responded for the country visitors , aud Bro . H . M . Levy for the town . —The visitors were Bros . AVilson ( P . P . G . S . D . South AA aIes ) , Creswiek ( son of the newly-initiated brother ) , Nelson ( AV . M . 1221 ) , Buller ( 9 ) , Le Miere ( 9 ) , Henderson ( 1221 ) , II . M . Levy ( P . M . 188 ) , and
Field ( P . M . G 24 ) . —Bro . Dr . J . Carpenter , I . P . M , then proposed the health of the AV . M . in very eloquent terms , congratulating the brethren on having selected oue so well qualified to perform the Masonic ritual , and so perfect when presiding over the banquet table . —The AV . M . returned thanks iu a suitable
speech ; and it was remarked that few lodges could have a more excellent Master . —Bro . Sawyer , in returning thanks for the junior officers , said the lodge had originated from tlie Urban Club , composed chiefly of literary gentlemen . —In the course of the evening some capital singing was given by Bros . EL . Blanchard ( who , in a song of his own composition ,
created roars of laughter ) , Creswiek , jun ., Carpenter , II . AVilliams , II . M . Levy , and Field . —Great credit is due to Bro . Jas . Terry , the indefatigable secretary , who not only in his official capacity looked after the interests of the lodge , but also to the comfort of the brethren and visitors . After passing a deli ghtful evening the brethren separated at an early hour .
PKOVINCIAL . Vtllicrs Lodge , No . 1194 . —A regular meeting of the lodge was hold on the 1 st inst ., at the Northumberland Arms Hotel , Isleworth , Middlesex , and was one of thc most successful ever held . Bro . E . Clark , I . P . M ., occupied the chair , ( the AV . M . being abroad ) ,
aud was supported by Bros . J . Trickett , S . AV . ; II , Allman , S . D . as J . AV . ; R . Gurney , Treas . ; R . Wentworth Little , P . M . Sec . ; E . T . Osbaldeston , J . D . ; T . Small , D . C . ; AV . Harvey , F . AValters , P . M . ; R . A . Steel , J . Jones , Major II . AV . Palmer , E . J . Bailey , AV . B . Tustin , E . II . Dalby , Geo .
Kenning , and J . G . Marsh . The only visitor was Bro . Boddy of 915 . Messrs . Benjamin Glover , C . E ., and Lewis Ackworth , were duly iniatcd during the evening , and Bro . Palmer was raised to tho sublime degree of M . M . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet ,
admirably served , and comprising all the delicacies of the season . The usual toasts were given and responded to , especial honour being rendered to the two " initiates , " Bros . Glover and Ackworth , with whose names those of the two joining members , Bros . J . G . Marsh , P . M . 192 , and Geo . Kenning 192 , were
coupled by the AV . M . AVe anticipate a very prosperous future for this young lodgo , as the management of affairs is evidently entrusted to experienced heads in the Order . Apologies for non-attendance were received from Bros . AV . Dodd , J . AV . ' . F . J . Lancaster , I . G . ; A . Avery , P . M ' ., and G . Cattel , P . M ., & c .
IRELAND . BANDON . — The Ancient Boyne Lodge , No . 84 . —The brethren of Unsold fraternity assembled in full force at their Lodge Rooms , Downshire Arms Hotel , on
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Friday evening , April 23 rd , at seven , p . m ., on an Emergency Summons , to initiate Lord Bernard , of Castle-Bernard , only son and heir of the Right Hon . the Earl of Bandou , R . Wheeler Doherty , Esq ., of Mount Prospect , and Eyre Maunsell Eyre , Esq ., of Downdanial Castle . A great number of the brethren of " old 84 " attended . In fact , since this
Lodge was first opened , which was on the 29 th of May , 1738 , and it is now approaching its hundred and thirty-first anniversary , the books do not record so large a gathering . There were present , —Steward R . Tresilian , W . M ., G . AVilliams French , P . M . S . W ., Robert Sutton , J . W ., R . Seargent Topham , S . D ., Carroll Dawson , J . D ., Matthew Lee , I . G ., George
Bennett , Secretary and Treasurer , William Belcher , R . N . Wolfe , Thomas Peters , AVingfield Corley , Samuel Cotterall , Samuel Stvahan , William Joyce , Joseph Morris , William Sillifant , Alexander Appleby , Edward Ollifie , Charles Greaves , Edward Toole , William Fuller , Ryder Nash , Edward Stanley , George Hagarty , AVilliam Topham , Robert Payne ,
AValter Bullen , Thomas Ruddock , Frederick Cornwall , Zachariah Hawks , P . M ., Eichard Bright , Jas . Martin , James Chatterton , 70 th Regiment No . 2 , Rev . J . Meldon , Apollo , Oxford , AVilliam TTn ! lan rj Kingston , Edward Alexander Appleby , Lord Bernard , R . Wheeler Doherty , Eyre Maunsell Eyre , Edward Lysson , Tyler . Upon the conclusion of the usual ceremonies the brethren
adjourned to their supper room , which was tastefully decorated for the occasion with flags and banners of a lo 3 al and Masonic character , and after doing ample justice to the good things placed before them by Bro . Lavne , they were entertained with several good songs . Amongst the rest " The Entered Apprentice " was given by Bro . Hawks , with all that
sweetness and brilliancy for which that eminent member of the Craft is distinguished . Then followed a number of songs by Bros . Cornwall , Lee , Peters , Payne , & c , after which the brethren departed , having spent a delightful evening . Tralee Lodge , No . 379 . —This lodge which boasts of being one of the largest provincial lodges in
Ireland , met as usual on Mondsy evening 3 rd inst . Bro . R . H . AValpole , W . M ., in the chair . Lodge opened in first degree , aud called up to second , when Bro . B . O'Connor was passed to F . C . by the Treas ., Bro . D . AV . Gillycuddy , junr ., in his usual impressive and efficient manner . Bro . John Gray , who since his admission has shown a spirit thoroughly imbued
with a desire to serve the best interests of the lodge , gave notice of his intention to move a complete revision of the rules . Some other business having been transacted lodge was closed , ond the brethren adjourned to refreshment , a visitor , Bro . J . Gordon , of 93 Dublin , largely contributing to the evening ' s amusement . The emergency meetings were held
during the past month , aud so great is thc amount of business on hand , that another is called for this week , when Bro . Newbold will be raised to the sublime degree of M . M . It is gratifying to add , that notwithstanding the severe and pointed opposition Masonry has experienced in this iu this town , the
Craft continues to progress most satisfactorily , and although fiercely attacked by the Ultramontane party in every issue of their local journal , it recommends itself to the favour of every well-thinking mind as evidenced by the increased anxiety to gain a true and clear knowledge of the Order .
St . Mark's Lodge , No . 24 . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , on the 3 rd inst , when the chair was occupied by Bro . II . C . Levander , G . D . C , AV . Master , supported by the following ofiicers : Bros . T . AVescombe , G . Steward , S . AV . ; J . G . Marsh , J . AV . ; R . AV . Little , P . M ., Sec . ; Rev . AV . B . Church , Chaplain and M . O . ; T . Cubitt , S . O . ; and II . Parker , Organist .
During the evening the election of officers for the ensuing year was held , with the undermentioned result : Bros . T . AVescombe , AV . M ., and T . Cubitt , Treasurer ; thc election of the Tyler was deferred , in consequence of his unaccountable non-attendance . A banquet followed the proceedings in the lodge , and a most agreeable evening was enjoyed by the brethren .
The Royal Arch.
Joppa Chapter , No . 188 . —A convocation of this excellent chapter took place on Monday , 20 th inst ., at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . Comps . J . Lazarus , M . E . Z . ; Littauer , II . ; S . V . Abrahams , J . ; and Pollitzer , first soj ., the ceremony being worked in a perfect manner , and a ballot was taken for the following brethren , viz .: Bros . II . M . Levy , P . M ., 188 : Hemsworth , AV . M ., 190 ; Rowsell , 205 ;
Faulkener , 188 ; AVorrell , J . AV ., 795 . The chapter being closed , the company adjourned to a very splended banquet , superintended by Bros . Jennings and Keeping . The usual toasts were given . Tlie newly exalted companions severally returned thanks . The visitors were Bros . Rued , 733 , and Crappell , who were then regularly exalted into Royal Arch Masonry .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
THE CRAFT . METROPOLITAN . Royal Jubilee Lodge , No . 72 This lodge , so
celebrated tor its excellent working , met on Monday last , at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street ,. The W . M ., Bro . George Oxford , was in the chair . The minutes of the previous lodge were read and confirmed . A ballot was taken for the admission of
Mr . G . D . Legge , who was proposed by Br . J . Johnson and seconded by the W . M ., and on its proving unanimous in his favour , he was duly initiated into the mysteries of the Order by the W . M . in a very excellent manner . Brothers Manning and Foster having answered the usual questions satisfactorily , were , by particular desire , raised to the sublime
degree of M . M . by Bro . Joshua Nunn , P . M . The lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to a very excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Clemmo and superintended by Bro . Smith . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and the W . M . then proposed the health of the newly-initiated Bro . Legge , who in au eloquent reply said he felt a
deep regret for not having been initiated many years ago , but hoped his future career in Masonry would prove to the brethren the pleasure he had in being initiated by so old and valued a friend and brother as the AV . M . —Bro . Nunn then proposed the health of the AV . M ., saying that he aud the brethren had to congratulate themselves in the selection of the
W . M ., who had for two successive years occupied that proud position , giving satisfaction to every one , not only by his excellent working and able presidency , but by his unceasing efforts to see the duties of the chair carried out . He ( Bro . Nunn ) considered that the success of the lod ge was attributable to the exertions of its worthy AV . M . —The AV . M ., in
appropriate terms , returned thanks , and said he hoped to meet the brethren of the lodge at a summer banquet , when the ladies would be present . ( Applause . ) He then proposed " The Visitors , " who were Bros . T . White , J . AV . 22 ; J . Green , G 63 ; J . Collis , P . P . G . S . D . of Hants , P . M . 130 ; J . Thomas , P . M . 507 ; H . M . Levy , P . M . 188 ; Taylor , P . M . 22 ;
Rudderforth , late 195 ; Child , 1158 ; and Long , AV . M . 435 . Bros . Collis and Thomas returned thanks in able speeches . The harmony of the evening was enlivened with some excellent singing by the AV . M . and Bros . Marsden , AViddowson , Dodson , H . M . Levy , AVebb , Nunn , and Rudderforth . Altogether a most agreeable evening was spent , and the brethren separated at an early hour .
Lodge of Joppa , Ao . 188 . —The above lodge met on Monday , the 3 rd inst ., at the Albion Hotel , Aldersgate-street . Bro . M . Vandipenheur , the J . P . M . , having taken the chair ( in the absence of the AV . M ., Bro . Ralph , through indisposition ) , the minutes of the former lodge were read and confirmed . A ballot was then taken for the admission of Mr . II . Hartof ,
who was unanimously elected and duly initiated into the Order . liro . J . Grieve , of Lodge 153 , was balloted for and accepted as a joining member . Bros . Montague Barnett , C . Nathan , and J . Susman having answered the usual questions in a satisfactory manner , were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to a
slight repast , the usual toasts being given and responded to . The visitors were Bros . N . Defries , P . M . Tranquillity ; and AVolfe . Some good singing by Brs . Hartog , Parker , Nathan and Hunt enhanced the pleasures of a very agreeable evening . Southern Star Lodge , No . 1158 . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Monday evening last , at Bro .
Allatt s , the Montpeher Tavern , AValworth , Brother Thomas II . Pulsford , W . M ., presiding ; H . Thompson , I . P . M ., Bro . Goldsbond , P . M ., acting as Senior Warden , D . Scott Bayfield , Junior AVarden , Charles E . Thompson , Secretary and Senior Deacon , Towers . Inner Guard , and Bros . Shepherd , Page , Harris , Stevenson , Anstey , AVright , Huddlestone , Lewin
( of the Domatic 177 ) , Allatt , Potter ( P . M . of several Lodges ) , Shaunessy ( of an Irish Lodge ) , Hammond , and Walker . The Lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayer , and afterwards raised to the third degree , when Bros . Stevenson . Anstey , Varnham , and Lewin , of the Domatic Lodge 177 , were admitted , entrusted , and afterwards raised to
the sublime degree of M . M . ' s , the W . M . giving with due effect the traditional history , to which the brethren paid great attention . A description of tlio tracing board followed . The Lodge was lowered to the second degree , when Bros . Pearson and Jaques were passed to the degree of a F . C . The entered apprentice degree was then assumed , when Messrs . W . Gibbs , J . Warne , and AVilliam Daviswere duly
, initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient , free , and accepted Masonry . A light supper was provided , after which tho toast of the " Initiates " was given , to which Bro . Gibbs responded , and said he felt very proud indeed in being julmitted a member of the Grand Order of Freemasons , and trusted lie might do all in his power befitting a good and true member . Bro . Thompson , P . M ., proposed the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
health of the W . M ., and said as it was about the last time he would preside over them he did not think they ought to pass over it without paying him a compliment , for the unusually excellent manner in which he had performed his duties . The toast was received with cheers , and the brethren separated , pleased with their evening's entercainment .
Urban Lodge , No . 1196 . —This lodge met on the 27 th ult . at the Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell . The W . M ., Brother R . Marsh ( Henry Marston ) in the chair . The lodge being opened and the minutes of former lodge read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for the admission of Messrs . John Crawford AVilson and Wm . Creswiek
( the eminent tragedian ) . Bro . James Henderson ( 1221 ) was passed to the degree of F . C . , the ceremony being worked in a manner Avorthy of imitation by every brother who aspires to so high an honour as that of W . M . The brethren then sat down to a
very excellent banquet , provided in Bro . Wicken's best style . The usual loyal and masonic toasts were given and responded to . The W . M ., in proposing the health of the newly-initiated brethren , said it was the proudest moment of his life to have had the pleasure of initiating two such distinguished brethren ,
one of whom he had been professionally connected with for so many years , and whose high moral and intellectual character was so well known as to need no further eulogium on his part . Bro . Wilson was known as one whom to know was to respect as a great writer and a sincere and warm-hearted friend .
He ( the W . M . ) had therefore had the pleasure aud honour this evening of initiating a great actor and a great poet . —Bro . Creswiek , in returning thanks , said that it had been his wish for years to receive this honour , but his professional avocations had hitherto prevented it . Yet , he had always been a
Brother in heart , sympathy , and feeling . He was now a Brother in reality . It was a hope long deferred , but his greatest wish had now been gratified , namely , that of having had the very high honour of being initiated by one whom he so much esteemed . —Bro . AAIlson , in a very happy and humorous speech ,
also returned thanks . —Bro . AVilson responded for the country visitors , aud Bro . H . M . Levy for the town . —The visitors were Bros . AVilson ( P . P . G . S . D . South AA aIes ) , Creswiek ( son of the newly-initiated brother ) , Nelson ( AV . M . 1221 ) , Buller ( 9 ) , Le Miere ( 9 ) , Henderson ( 1221 ) , II . M . Levy ( P . M . 188 ) , and
Field ( P . M . G 24 ) . —Bro . Dr . J . Carpenter , I . P . M , then proposed the health of the AV . M . in very eloquent terms , congratulating the brethren on having selected oue so well qualified to perform the Masonic ritual , and so perfect when presiding over the banquet table . —The AV . M . returned thanks iu a suitable
speech ; and it was remarked that few lodges could have a more excellent Master . —Bro . Sawyer , in returning thanks for the junior officers , said the lodge had originated from tlie Urban Club , composed chiefly of literary gentlemen . —In the course of the evening some capital singing was given by Bros . EL . Blanchard ( who , in a song of his own composition ,
created roars of laughter ) , Creswiek , jun ., Carpenter , II . AVilliams , II . M . Levy , and Field . —Great credit is due to Bro . Jas . Terry , the indefatigable secretary , who not only in his official capacity looked after the interests of the lodge , but also to the comfort of the brethren and visitors . After passing a deli ghtful evening the brethren separated at an early hour .
PKOVINCIAL . Vtllicrs Lodge , No . 1194 . —A regular meeting of the lodge was hold on the 1 st inst ., at the Northumberland Arms Hotel , Isleworth , Middlesex , and was one of thc most successful ever held . Bro . E . Clark , I . P . M ., occupied the chair , ( the AV . M . being abroad ) ,
aud was supported by Bros . J . Trickett , S . AV . ; II , Allman , S . D . as J . AV . ; R . Gurney , Treas . ; R . Wentworth Little , P . M . Sec . ; E . T . Osbaldeston , J . D . ; T . Small , D . C . ; AV . Harvey , F . AValters , P . M . ; R . A . Steel , J . Jones , Major II . AV . Palmer , E . J . Bailey , AV . B . Tustin , E . II . Dalby , Geo .
Kenning , and J . G . Marsh . The only visitor was Bro . Boddy of 915 . Messrs . Benjamin Glover , C . E ., and Lewis Ackworth , were duly iniatcd during the evening , and Bro . Palmer was raised to tho sublime degree of M . M . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet ,
admirably served , and comprising all the delicacies of the season . The usual toasts were given and responded to , especial honour being rendered to the two " initiates , " Bros . Glover and Ackworth , with whose names those of the two joining members , Bros . J . G . Marsh , P . M . 192 , and Geo . Kenning 192 , were
coupled by the AV . M . AVe anticipate a very prosperous future for this young lodgo , as the management of affairs is evidently entrusted to experienced heads in the Order . Apologies for non-attendance were received from Bros . AV . Dodd , J . AV . ' . F . J . Lancaster , I . G . ; A . Avery , P . M ' ., and G . Cattel , P . M ., & c .
IRELAND . BANDON . — The Ancient Boyne Lodge , No . 84 . —The brethren of Unsold fraternity assembled in full force at their Lodge Rooms , Downshire Arms Hotel , on
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Friday evening , April 23 rd , at seven , p . m ., on an Emergency Summons , to initiate Lord Bernard , of Castle-Bernard , only son and heir of the Right Hon . the Earl of Bandou , R . Wheeler Doherty , Esq ., of Mount Prospect , and Eyre Maunsell Eyre , Esq ., of Downdanial Castle . A great number of the brethren of " old 84 " attended . In fact , since this
Lodge was first opened , which was on the 29 th of May , 1738 , and it is now approaching its hundred and thirty-first anniversary , the books do not record so large a gathering . There were present , —Steward R . Tresilian , W . M ., G . AVilliams French , P . M . S . W ., Robert Sutton , J . W ., R . Seargent Topham , S . D ., Carroll Dawson , J . D ., Matthew Lee , I . G ., George
Bennett , Secretary and Treasurer , William Belcher , R . N . Wolfe , Thomas Peters , AVingfield Corley , Samuel Cotterall , Samuel Stvahan , William Joyce , Joseph Morris , William Sillifant , Alexander Appleby , Edward Ollifie , Charles Greaves , Edward Toole , William Fuller , Ryder Nash , Edward Stanley , George Hagarty , AVilliam Topham , Robert Payne ,
AValter Bullen , Thomas Ruddock , Frederick Cornwall , Zachariah Hawks , P . M ., Eichard Bright , Jas . Martin , James Chatterton , 70 th Regiment No . 2 , Rev . J . Meldon , Apollo , Oxford , AVilliam TTn ! lan rj Kingston , Edward Alexander Appleby , Lord Bernard , R . Wheeler Doherty , Eyre Maunsell Eyre , Edward Lysson , Tyler . Upon the conclusion of the usual ceremonies the brethren
adjourned to their supper room , which was tastefully decorated for the occasion with flags and banners of a lo 3 al and Masonic character , and after doing ample justice to the good things placed before them by Bro . Lavne , they were entertained with several good songs . Amongst the rest " The Entered Apprentice " was given by Bro . Hawks , with all that
sweetness and brilliancy for which that eminent member of the Craft is distinguished . Then followed a number of songs by Bros . Cornwall , Lee , Peters , Payne , & c , after which the brethren departed , having spent a delightful evening . Tralee Lodge , No . 379 . —This lodge which boasts of being one of the largest provincial lodges in
Ireland , met as usual on Mondsy evening 3 rd inst . Bro . R . H . AValpole , W . M ., in the chair . Lodge opened in first degree , aud called up to second , when Bro . B . O'Connor was passed to F . C . by the Treas ., Bro . D . AV . Gillycuddy , junr ., in his usual impressive and efficient manner . Bro . John Gray , who since his admission has shown a spirit thoroughly imbued
with a desire to serve the best interests of the lodge , gave notice of his intention to move a complete revision of the rules . Some other business having been transacted lodge was closed , ond the brethren adjourned to refreshment , a visitor , Bro . J . Gordon , of 93 Dublin , largely contributing to the evening ' s amusement . The emergency meetings were held
during the past month , aud so great is thc amount of business on hand , that another is called for this week , when Bro . Newbold will be raised to the sublime degree of M . M . It is gratifying to add , that notwithstanding the severe and pointed opposition Masonry has experienced in this iu this town , the
Craft continues to progress most satisfactorily , and although fiercely attacked by the Ultramontane party in every issue of their local journal , it recommends itself to the favour of every well-thinking mind as evidenced by the increased anxiety to gain a true and clear knowledge of the Order .
St . Mark's Lodge , No . 24 . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the George Hotel , Aldermanbury , on the 3 rd inst , when the chair was occupied by Bro . II . C . Levander , G . D . C , AV . Master , supported by the following ofiicers : Bros . T . AVescombe , G . Steward , S . AV . ; J . G . Marsh , J . AV . ; R . AV . Little , P . M ., Sec . ; Rev . AV . B . Church , Chaplain and M . O . ; T . Cubitt , S . O . ; and II . Parker , Organist .
During the evening the election of officers for the ensuing year was held , with the undermentioned result : Bros . T . AVescombe , AV . M ., and T . Cubitt , Treasurer ; thc election of the Tyler was deferred , in consequence of his unaccountable non-attendance . A banquet followed the proceedings in the lodge , and a most agreeable evening was enjoyed by the brethren .
The Royal Arch.
Joppa Chapter , No . 188 . —A convocation of this excellent chapter took place on Monday , 20 th inst ., at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . Comps . J . Lazarus , M . E . Z . ; Littauer , II . ; S . V . Abrahams , J . ; and Pollitzer , first soj ., the ceremony being worked in a perfect manner , and a ballot was taken for the following brethren , viz .: Bros . II . M . Levy , P . M ., 188 : Hemsworth , AV . M ., 190 ; Rowsell , 205 ;
Faulkener , 188 ; AVorrell , J . AV ., 795 . The chapter being closed , the company adjourned to a very splended banquet , superintended by Bros . Jennings and Keeping . The usual toasts were given . Tlie newly exalted companions severally returned thanks . The visitors were Bros . Rued , 733 , and Crappell , who were then regularly exalted into Royal Arch Masonry .