Article Births, Marriages, and Deaths. Page 1 of 1 Article IMPORTANT. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article THE NEW GRAND OFFICERS. Page 1 of 1 Article THE NEW GRAND OFFICERS. Page 1 of 1 Article Multum in Parbo, or Masonic Notes and Queries. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Jurisprudence. Page 1 of 1 Article SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
Births , Marriages , and Deaths .
[ Announcements of Births , Marriages , and Deaths relating to the Craft , or their families , will bo inserted , free of charge , if properly authenticated . ]
BIRTHS . HADDOCKS . —On the 17 th ult ., at Newport , Monmouthshire , the wife of Bro . Jas . Haddocks ( P . M . 683 ) , of a daughter . MASSKK . —On the 2 nd inst ., thewife of Bro . AVilliam Manser , of Penryn , Cornwall , of a daughter . SMITH . —On the 27 th ult ., at 1 , Albert-road , Morice Town , Devonport , the wife of Bro . W . R . Smith , of a daughter .
MARRIAGE . YINCKST—HARDISOIIAM . —On the 24 th ult ., at St . Mary ' s , Newington . Surrey , by the Rev . C . H . Hardingham , M . A ., of Trinity Hall , Cambridge , brother of the bride , Bro . Thomas Vincent , M . M . 1076 , to Helen Frances , youngest daughter of the late Mr . C . AV . Hardingham , of Dover Road .
DEATHS . FISHER . —On the 24 th ult ., at Oak Bank Terrace , Whitehaven , Henry Fisher , Esq ., ( P . M . of Lodge 872 , M . M ., R . A ., and P . P . G . G . D . of Cumberland and Westmorland ) , highly respected , aged 40 . LABOUUNK . —On the 22 nd ult ., at " The Lawn , " Rhymney , Emily Rose , daughter of Bro . Richard Laybourne ( P . M . 683 ) , aged 8 months .
We have determined to permanently enlarge " The Freemason , " from next week , to 12 pages , thus making it the largest Masonic Journal in the world . We are induced to take this step not only by reason of the great circulation whi 3 h " The Freemason " has already
secured , but in order to find space for the many interesting articles on Freemasonry which we have now on hand . Thoroughly assured of the support of many leading members of the Order in the United Kingdom , we now appeal to the
Craft Universal to aid in extending the circulation of our Journal ; and if each subscriber will only introduce " The Freemason " to his friends we shall soon attain to a weekly circulation of Ten Thousand copies .
A full account of the Consecration of the Golden Rule Lodgo ivill be given in our next .
C|cJfrcemmn, SATURDAY , MAY 8 , 18 G 9 .
THK FniiKMisox is published on Saturday Mornings in time for tho early trains . Tho prico of Tim Fitimmsoif is Twoponco per week ; quarterly Mibscription ( including postage ) 3 s . 3 d . Annual Subscription , lis . Subscriptions payable in advance . AU communications , Ict ' . ors , & c , to 1 ) 0 addressed to tho BDITOB , 3 & I , l . ittlu llrilain , K . C . Tim Editor will pay careful attention to nil MSS . entrusted to Jiim , but cannot undertake to return thorn unless accompanioil liy postage stamps .
The New Grand Officers.
THE task of selection , when the aspirants are numerous and the appointments few , is ono at all times attended with difficulties , but in thc choice
of Grand Lodge officers for ISCS-GO , such a wise discrimination and sound judgment have been exercised as to call for our unqualified admiration .
In tbe R . AV , Brother EARL PERCY , who has been advanced to the dignity of Senior Grand Warden , we recognise a young and zealous craftsman , who now wields the hiram of power in the
Churchill Lodgo , at Oxford , and whose earnest devotion to the interests of Freemasonry bespeaks the approbation of every member of the Order .
Bro . DODSON , the Junior Grand Warden , has been a member of thc Royal Clarence Lodge , at Bri g hton , for about eleven years , and is much respected b y tho Craffc in Sussex . His ability as tho Chairman of Committees in the House of
Commons is so well known as to render comment superfluous . Bro . the Rev . C . J . MARTYN , our new Graud Chaplain , hails from the Foundation Lodge , at Cheltenham , and is a hi ghly worthy member of
The New Grand Officers.
his sacred profession , as well as of our ancient institution . Bro . SAMUEL LEITH TOMKINS , S . G . D ., is a Past Grand Steward , a P . M . of the Lodge of Antiquity ( No . 2 ) , and a member of the
University Lodge , No . 1118 . Bro . Tomkins not only possesses strong hereditary claims as the son of our esteemed Grand Treasurer , and the nephew of that ever-genial Mason , Bro . J . Newton Tomkins , but is also an eminent Craftsman himself ,
having filled with distinction the post of Vice-President of the Board of General Purposes during the past year . Bro . AVILLIAM A . F . POWELL , S . G . D ., is the popular Deputy Prov . Grand Master for Bristol ,
where his name is a household word in Freemasonry , and we can say without hesitation that Bro . Powell ' s promotion to the dais is a source of satisfaction and delight to our brethren in the
West of England . Bro . J . COOPER FORSTER , J . G . D ,, is a P . M . of the Lodge of Unity , No . G 9 . He is a highly-respected brother , and has borne his fair share in the work of Masonic boards and
committees . Bro . E . BRACKSTONE BAKER , Past Grand Steward , and P . M . of the Lodge of Emulation , No . 21 , is a most zealous and efficient Mason , and
has likewise served with great credit on the various boards and committees of the Craft . Our readers will not have forgotten the services of Bro . Baker as a mediator between the Grand
Lodges of England and Canada , when certain difficulties affecting the St . Lawrence Lodge , at Montreal , were adjusted through his able and kindly interposition . In recognition of his effective aid , the Grand Lodge of Canada , we believe ,
at the period to which we refer , conferred upon Bro . Baker the rank of a Past Senior Graud AVarden . To Bro . CONRAD C . DUMAS , A . G . Director of Ceremonies , most of the observations made upon
tlie preceding names apply in every respect . He a Past Grand Steward , a P . M ., and a Past Vice President , of tho Board of General Purjioses In greeting Bro . Dumas ' s appointment , we cannot however witness the retirement of his predecessor ,
Bro . Fenn , without expressing our sense of the rare ability and uniform urbanity with which he conducted the duties of his important post , mora especially during the recent ceremonial at the Inauguration of the New Buildings .
The Sword of State could not havo been confided to better hands than those of Bro . JOSHUA NUNN , who has evinced throughout the whole of his Masonic career , a thorough lovo for the Order , and unquestionable energy in promoting
its prosperity . Bro . Nunn is a P . M . of the Caledonian and Lily Lodges , and tho present W . M . of thc Eclectic Lodge , No . 1201 . IIo is also a regular attendant , at the meetings of the Boards of General Purposes and Benevolence ,
where his practical experience renders him a preeminently useful member The appointment of Bro . JAMES BRETT , P . M . 177 , as Assistant Grand Pursuivant , has been hailed with unbounded gratification by all who
knowhisworth—that is to say , b y tho whole metropolitan Craft , and b y many in other parts ot tho country . If untiring perseverance in the pursuit of Masonic knowledge , ability in acquiring it , and inexhaustible good-humour in imparting it , are
just claims to tho honours of Grand Lodge , no living Mason in England can prefer stronger ones than Brother James Brett . He , and we believe all , the new Grand Officers are distinguished for thoir support of the charities , and of every good work in connection with the Order .
We therefore heartily congratulate the Craft , as well as the brethren in question , upon the accession of such worth y Masons to the honours and dignities of the Grand Lodge .
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
Multum in Parbo , or Masonic Notes and Queries .
The Ancient and Accepted Rite . — " Rose Croix" may perhaps learn something about the Belgian Constitution , quoted by Bro . Dr . Leeson , on applying to Bro . Rd . Spencer , of London ; it mentions several high grades besides the Knight Kadosh . I am acquainted with everything of importance that
has been written in reference to the Ancients and the Moderns , and believe , with the former , thafc their system was the older one of the two , both being the outgrowth of the Operative Guilds . I look upon the statement of Bro . Dr . Leeson , as to the Baldwin Camp of Bristol , to refer to the Rose Croix and other degrees , aud as made to advance his own
rite . That camj : > was certainly reinforced by French Knights , after a long previous existence . If Bro . Dr . Leeson has any documents , referring to the ori ginal establishment of the Bristol Templar Camp , let them be produced . The Rose Croix was formerly considered , in England , the Templar ne plus ultraa fact in itself sufficient to show that it was of more recent establishment in this country than the
Templar . The closing remark of " Rose Croix " about second-hand quotations , is mere assumption ; I made no quotations , and was quite aware of the difference in reading to which he alludes . I have written upon ordinary evidence , accessible to any well-informed Mason , and were I to go over all the Masonic literature of 150 years in support of my views , I should require a dozen of your double numbers . —JOHN YARKER .
Masonic Jurisprudence.
Masonic Jurisprudence .
—?—FULHAM . — The AA . M . miist serve for twelve months to be entitled to rank as a P . M . IOTA . — If 3 ou apply to the Provincial Grand Master , through the Provincial Grand Secretary , you will doubtless obtain the information desired .
AVith reference to the status of P . M . ' s in a lodge , there can be no objection to allowing brethren who have not passed the chair in that particular lodge , to sit with the P . M . 's at tlie social board ; it is an act of courtesy which is pleasing to the brethren concerned , aud does no harm to anyone .
Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals.
On Tuesday , the 4 th instant , the ceremony of laying [ the foundation stones of tho new offices of this society was performed by Miss Burdett Coutts . The site of the new buildings , which is situated in Jermyn-streot , St . James ' s , and is valued at nearl y ¦ £ 4000 , was presented a short time ago by a member of the committee , Mr . G . AVood , and the erection of
the offices was immediately commenced . The works are now in an advanced state , and it is intended that they shall be completed before the end of July next . Miss Burdett Coutts , accompanied by the Earl of I farrowby , President of the Society ; thc Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol , Mr . AVood , and other members of the Committee , entered the building on
Tuesday shortly before four o clock , and after the 100 th Psalm had beeu chanted , the Secretary , Mr . John Oolam , read the statistical report of the proceedings and development of thc society since its commencement in 1824 . Another Psalm was then chanted , after which the noble President addressed tlio assembly . Ho pointed out the magnitude of
the work undertaken by the society , and showed how easy it would be for every one to assist them , b y instilling into the minds of children the duty of kindness to dumb animals . He also referred to the numerous Acts of Parliament passed mainl y through the exertions of this society , and appealed for funds to defray the cost of the building .
Miss Burdett Coutts then laid the foundationstone with tho assistance of Bro . Edward Clark , P . M . 1194 , one of the architects . The trowel used on tho occasion , and manufactured by Mr . J . AV . Benson , of 25 , Old Bond-street , was of silver , handsomel y engraved , and bore a suitable inscription . The square , level , plumb-rule , and maul wero supplied
by Bro . Geo . Kenning , Little Britain , London . The 104 th psalm having been sung , the Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol said a prayer and pronounced the benediction . The National Anthem was next suim and the proceedings closed . Amongst thoso
present were the Earl of Romney , Field Marshal Sir J . F . Burgoyne , the Dowager Countess of Essex , tho Countess Beanchamp , & c . The architects of the new building are Messrs . Pain and Clark , and tlic estimated cost . £ 3 , 000 . Several donations were promised by ladies and gentleman present at the
ceremony . We have seen a drawing of the intended building , which will bo in the Italian style , with the elevation in Portland stone , and polished granite .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
Births , Marriages , and Deaths .
[ Announcements of Births , Marriages , and Deaths relating to the Craft , or their families , will bo inserted , free of charge , if properly authenticated . ]
BIRTHS . HADDOCKS . —On the 17 th ult ., at Newport , Monmouthshire , the wife of Bro . Jas . Haddocks ( P . M . 683 ) , of a daughter . MASSKK . —On the 2 nd inst ., thewife of Bro . AVilliam Manser , of Penryn , Cornwall , of a daughter . SMITH . —On the 27 th ult ., at 1 , Albert-road , Morice Town , Devonport , the wife of Bro . W . R . Smith , of a daughter .
MARRIAGE . YINCKST—HARDISOIIAM . —On the 24 th ult ., at St . Mary ' s , Newington . Surrey , by the Rev . C . H . Hardingham , M . A ., of Trinity Hall , Cambridge , brother of the bride , Bro . Thomas Vincent , M . M . 1076 , to Helen Frances , youngest daughter of the late Mr . C . AV . Hardingham , of Dover Road .
DEATHS . FISHER . —On the 24 th ult ., at Oak Bank Terrace , Whitehaven , Henry Fisher , Esq ., ( P . M . of Lodge 872 , M . M ., R . A ., and P . P . G . G . D . of Cumberland and Westmorland ) , highly respected , aged 40 . LABOUUNK . —On the 22 nd ult ., at " The Lawn , " Rhymney , Emily Rose , daughter of Bro . Richard Laybourne ( P . M . 683 ) , aged 8 months .
We have determined to permanently enlarge " The Freemason , " from next week , to 12 pages , thus making it the largest Masonic Journal in the world . We are induced to take this step not only by reason of the great circulation whi 3 h " The Freemason " has already
secured , but in order to find space for the many interesting articles on Freemasonry which we have now on hand . Thoroughly assured of the support of many leading members of the Order in the United Kingdom , we now appeal to the
Craft Universal to aid in extending the circulation of our Journal ; and if each subscriber will only introduce " The Freemason " to his friends we shall soon attain to a weekly circulation of Ten Thousand copies .
A full account of the Consecration of the Golden Rule Lodgo ivill be given in our next .
C|cJfrcemmn, SATURDAY , MAY 8 , 18 G 9 .
THK FniiKMisox is published on Saturday Mornings in time for tho early trains . Tho prico of Tim Fitimmsoif is Twoponco per week ; quarterly Mibscription ( including postage ) 3 s . 3 d . Annual Subscription , lis . Subscriptions payable in advance . AU communications , Ict ' . ors , & c , to 1 ) 0 addressed to tho BDITOB , 3 & I , l . ittlu llrilain , K . C . Tim Editor will pay careful attention to nil MSS . entrusted to Jiim , but cannot undertake to return thorn unless accompanioil liy postage stamps .
The New Grand Officers.
THE task of selection , when the aspirants are numerous and the appointments few , is ono at all times attended with difficulties , but in thc choice
of Grand Lodge officers for ISCS-GO , such a wise discrimination and sound judgment have been exercised as to call for our unqualified admiration .
In tbe R . AV , Brother EARL PERCY , who has been advanced to the dignity of Senior Grand Warden , we recognise a young and zealous craftsman , who now wields the hiram of power in the
Churchill Lodgo , at Oxford , and whose earnest devotion to the interests of Freemasonry bespeaks the approbation of every member of the Order .
Bro . DODSON , the Junior Grand Warden , has been a member of thc Royal Clarence Lodge , at Bri g hton , for about eleven years , and is much respected b y tho Craffc in Sussex . His ability as tho Chairman of Committees in the House of
Commons is so well known as to render comment superfluous . Bro . the Rev . C . J . MARTYN , our new Graud Chaplain , hails from the Foundation Lodge , at Cheltenham , and is a hi ghly worthy member of
The New Grand Officers.
his sacred profession , as well as of our ancient institution . Bro . SAMUEL LEITH TOMKINS , S . G . D ., is a Past Grand Steward , a P . M . of the Lodge of Antiquity ( No . 2 ) , and a member of the
University Lodge , No . 1118 . Bro . Tomkins not only possesses strong hereditary claims as the son of our esteemed Grand Treasurer , and the nephew of that ever-genial Mason , Bro . J . Newton Tomkins , but is also an eminent Craftsman himself ,
having filled with distinction the post of Vice-President of the Board of General Purposes during the past year . Bro . AVILLIAM A . F . POWELL , S . G . D ., is the popular Deputy Prov . Grand Master for Bristol ,
where his name is a household word in Freemasonry , and we can say without hesitation that Bro . Powell ' s promotion to the dais is a source of satisfaction and delight to our brethren in the
West of England . Bro . J . COOPER FORSTER , J . G . D ,, is a P . M . of the Lodge of Unity , No . G 9 . He is a highly-respected brother , and has borne his fair share in the work of Masonic boards and
committees . Bro . E . BRACKSTONE BAKER , Past Grand Steward , and P . M . of the Lodge of Emulation , No . 21 , is a most zealous and efficient Mason , and
has likewise served with great credit on the various boards and committees of the Craft . Our readers will not have forgotten the services of Bro . Baker as a mediator between the Grand
Lodges of England and Canada , when certain difficulties affecting the St . Lawrence Lodge , at Montreal , were adjusted through his able and kindly interposition . In recognition of his effective aid , the Grand Lodge of Canada , we believe ,
at the period to which we refer , conferred upon Bro . Baker the rank of a Past Senior Graud AVarden . To Bro . CONRAD C . DUMAS , A . G . Director of Ceremonies , most of the observations made upon
tlie preceding names apply in every respect . He a Past Grand Steward , a P . M ., and a Past Vice President , of tho Board of General Purjioses In greeting Bro . Dumas ' s appointment , we cannot however witness the retirement of his predecessor ,
Bro . Fenn , without expressing our sense of the rare ability and uniform urbanity with which he conducted the duties of his important post , mora especially during the recent ceremonial at the Inauguration of the New Buildings .
The Sword of State could not havo been confided to better hands than those of Bro . JOSHUA NUNN , who has evinced throughout the whole of his Masonic career , a thorough lovo for the Order , and unquestionable energy in promoting
its prosperity . Bro . Nunn is a P . M . of the Caledonian and Lily Lodges , and tho present W . M . of thc Eclectic Lodge , No . 1201 . IIo is also a regular attendant , at the meetings of the Boards of General Purposes and Benevolence ,
where his practical experience renders him a preeminently useful member The appointment of Bro . JAMES BRETT , P . M . 177 , as Assistant Grand Pursuivant , has been hailed with unbounded gratification by all who
knowhisworth—that is to say , b y tho whole metropolitan Craft , and b y many in other parts ot tho country . If untiring perseverance in the pursuit of Masonic knowledge , ability in acquiring it , and inexhaustible good-humour in imparting it , are
just claims to tho honours of Grand Lodge , no living Mason in England can prefer stronger ones than Brother James Brett . He , and we believe all , the new Grand Officers are distinguished for thoir support of the charities , and of every good work in connection with the Order .
We therefore heartily congratulate the Craft , as well as the brethren in question , upon the accession of such worth y Masons to the honours and dignities of the Grand Lodge .
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
Multum in Parbo , or Masonic Notes and Queries .
The Ancient and Accepted Rite . — " Rose Croix" may perhaps learn something about the Belgian Constitution , quoted by Bro . Dr . Leeson , on applying to Bro . Rd . Spencer , of London ; it mentions several high grades besides the Knight Kadosh . I am acquainted with everything of importance that
has been written in reference to the Ancients and the Moderns , and believe , with the former , thafc their system was the older one of the two , both being the outgrowth of the Operative Guilds . I look upon the statement of Bro . Dr . Leeson , as to the Baldwin Camp of Bristol , to refer to the Rose Croix and other degrees , aud as made to advance his own
rite . That camj : > was certainly reinforced by French Knights , after a long previous existence . If Bro . Dr . Leeson has any documents , referring to the ori ginal establishment of the Bristol Templar Camp , let them be produced . The Rose Croix was formerly considered , in England , the Templar ne plus ultraa fact in itself sufficient to show that it was of more recent establishment in this country than the
Templar . The closing remark of " Rose Croix " about second-hand quotations , is mere assumption ; I made no quotations , and was quite aware of the difference in reading to which he alludes . I have written upon ordinary evidence , accessible to any well-informed Mason , and were I to go over all the Masonic literature of 150 years in support of my views , I should require a dozen of your double numbers . —JOHN YARKER .
Masonic Jurisprudence.
Masonic Jurisprudence .
—?—FULHAM . — The AA . M . miist serve for twelve months to be entitled to rank as a P . M . IOTA . — If 3 ou apply to the Provincial Grand Master , through the Provincial Grand Secretary , you will doubtless obtain the information desired .
AVith reference to the status of P . M . ' s in a lodge , there can be no objection to allowing brethren who have not passed the chair in that particular lodge , to sit with the P . M . 's at tlie social board ; it is an act of courtesy which is pleasing to the brethren concerned , aud does no harm to anyone .
Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals.
On Tuesday , the 4 th instant , the ceremony of laying [ the foundation stones of tho new offices of this society was performed by Miss Burdett Coutts . The site of the new buildings , which is situated in Jermyn-streot , St . James ' s , and is valued at nearl y ¦ £ 4000 , was presented a short time ago by a member of the committee , Mr . G . AVood , and the erection of
the offices was immediately commenced . The works are now in an advanced state , and it is intended that they shall be completed before the end of July next . Miss Burdett Coutts , accompanied by the Earl of I farrowby , President of the Society ; thc Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol , Mr . AVood , and other members of the Committee , entered the building on
Tuesday shortly before four o clock , and after the 100 th Psalm had beeu chanted , the Secretary , Mr . John Oolam , read the statistical report of the proceedings and development of thc society since its commencement in 1824 . Another Psalm was then chanted , after which the noble President addressed tlio assembly . Ho pointed out the magnitude of
the work undertaken by the society , and showed how easy it would be for every one to assist them , b y instilling into the minds of children the duty of kindness to dumb animals . He also referred to the numerous Acts of Parliament passed mainl y through the exertions of this society , and appealed for funds to defray the cost of the building .
Miss Burdett Coutts then laid the foundationstone with tho assistance of Bro . Edward Clark , P . M . 1194 , one of the architects . The trowel used on tho occasion , and manufactured by Mr . J . AV . Benson , of 25 , Old Bond-street , was of silver , handsomel y engraved , and bore a suitable inscription . The square , level , plumb-rule , and maul wero supplied
by Bro . Geo . Kenning , Little Britain , London . The 104 th psalm having been sung , the Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol said a prayer and pronounced the benediction . The National Anthem was next suim and the proceedings closed . Amongst thoso
present were the Earl of Romney , Field Marshal Sir J . F . Burgoyne , the Dowager Countess of Essex , tho Countess Beanchamp , & c . The architects of the new building are Messrs . Pain and Clark , and tlic estimated cost . £ 3 , 000 . Several donations were promised by ladies and gentleman present at the
ceremony . We have seen a drawing of the intended building , which will bo in the Italian style , with the elevation in Portland stone , and polished granite .