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Supreme Grand Chapter Of England.
The Quarterly Convocation of this body was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on Wednesday the 3 th inst . M . E . Comp . the Rev . J . Huyshe , M . A ., 3 rd Grand Principal , and P . G . Supt . for Devonshire , filled the chair
of Z ., with Comp . J . Fawcett , P . G . Supt . for Durham as H . ; and Comp . H . Murray , D . G . Superintendent for China as J . Among others present we noticed Comps . J . Hervey , E . ; M . J . Mclntvre , Registrar ; E . S . Snell , J . Smith
J . Nunn , F . AValters , H . G . Buss , J . M . Clabon , J . Brett , R . \ V . Little , F . Bennoch , W . Piatt , W . "Watson , T . J . Sabine , R . Spencer , E . B . Baker , R . J . Spiers , Dr . T . H . J . Goldsboro ' , G . S . States , C . T . Dorey , H . Browse , C . 0 .
Dumas , H . Muggeridge S . B ., J . Thomas D . C , B . Head , G . W . K . Potter , N . Bradford , W . A . F . Powell , A . Holman , W . Ough , J . Caldwell , T . J . Sabine , R . Grey , C . Thorne , W . M . Bywater , J . K . Stevens , J . H . Cox , Rev . R . J . F ., » nd Thomas .
Upon the minutes being put for confirmation a division ensued upon that portion relating to the change of the hour of Meeting , from 8 to 7 o ' clock , when the alteration to the latter time was confirmed by a majority of one .
The following Report Avas , upon motion duly made and seconded , taken as read : — The Report of the Committee of General Purposes . To the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England .
The Committee of General purposes beg to Report that they have examined the Accounts from the 20 th January , 1869 , to the 20 th April , 1869 , both inclusive , which they find to be as follows : — To Balance 20 th January £ 357 4 10 To Subsequent Receipts 251 0 C
. £ 608 5 4 By Disbursements during the Quarter £ 122 19 8 Applied from Unappropriated Account 6 4 0 By Balance 479 1 8 £ 608 5 4
which Balance is in the hands of Messrs . AVillis , Percival and Co ., Bankers of the Grand Treasurer . Tho Committee have also to report that a Complaint has been laid before them by the British Chapter , No . 33-1 , Cape Town , South Africa , against
Comp . AVilliam Rufus Ellis , for having represented that he had a Grand Chapter Certsficate , when in fact ho had none . Tho summary of thc Complaint is that , in 1863 , Comp . AV . R . Ellis visited the Chapter , No . 331 , and produced a Certificate from
tho Voluhian Chapter , Falmouth , No . 89 ( now 75 ) , that he had been exalted in that Chapter in 1816 , which Certificate was then ( in 1863 ) indorsed by Scribe E . of Chapter , No . 334 . That in the early part of 1868 , he had been admitted as a joining
Member of No . 33-1 , on the proposition of Comp . King ( thc complainant ) . That he was then asked by the Scribe E . of the Chapter , No . 334 , for the fee for registration in the Supreme Grand Chapter ;—that he replied , that being already registered , it was not
necessary to remit it to the Supreme Grand Chapter , and that he had occupied thc Chair of J , in the Volubian Chapter . That Ids name was nevertheless transmitted to the Grand Scribe E . in England , for registration in tho books of tho Supreme Grand
Chapter , lliat in July , 1868 , ho was elected to and installed in the chair of II ., in thc Chapter , No . 334 . That in consequence of some question having been raised ( after the installation had taken place ) as to his eligibility to fill the Chair by reason of communication
from the Grand Scribe E ., dated 28 th March , 1868 , to the effect that the name of Comp . Ellis did not appear on thc Registry of the Supreme Grand Chapter as a Comp of the Volubiun Chapter . Comp . Ellis was called upon for an explanation , when he attributed
tho omision to tho negligence of thc then Grand Scribe E . ( Comp . AVilliam Henry AVhite ) . That the Chapter , No . 334 , accepted the explanation , but
wrote again to the Grand Scribe E ., and received in due course a letter dated 28 th July , 1868 , repeating that the name of Comp . Ellis had never been returned for registration by thc Volubian
Supreme Grand Chapter Of England.
Chapter . That Comp . Ellis was , at the next Convocation , on the 20 th October , 1868 , called upon for further explanation ; when he stated that the Supreme Grand Chapter was not in the habit of granting any Certificate other than the one he had produced by him ( that of the Volubian Chapter )
during the time that he was connected with the Volubian Chapter . That this explanation was at onco rejected by the Chapter 334 , as incorrect , whereupon Comp . Ellis expressed his desire to retire from the Chapter pending a reference to thc Supreme Grand Chapter , which was unanimously agreed to by the
Chapter , No . 334 ; and which Resolution was confirmed at the next Convocation , on the llth January , 1869 . That after the Chapter of the 20 th October , 1868 , was closed , Comp . Ellis admitted that he knew his Certificate was not a Grand Chapter Certificate , and that ho knew his name had never been returned
to Grand Chapter for registration . That a notice was thereupon sent to the other chapters in the neighbourhood , and a Resolution was passed—" That Comp . Ellis had been irregularly admitted to the Chapter , No . 334 , and to the office of H ., and that he having withdrawn , his Chair be declared vacant , and another
Comp . was thereupon elected to fill the Chair . " Companion Ellis addressed a communication to the Grand Scribe E , dated the 20 th February , 1869 , wherein he states that he was exalted in the Volubian Chapter , in 1846 , by his father John Ellis , who was then M . E . Z . of the Chapter , and received the
Certificate of that Chapter , which he had produced to the Chapter ; No . 334 . He virtually admits the statements contained in the Complaint , but attempts to explain his remarks at the Convocation in October , 1868 , by stating that he " could only account for his not being in possession of a Grand Chapter Certificate , if his memory served him rightly , that he had
an idea that some years ago ( probably 15 or more ) the question as to Private Chapters granting Certificates was brought before the Grand Chapter , and it was then decided that those Companions who had Certificates under such Chapters should be allowed to retain them , but that afterwards no Private Chapter should be allowed to issue Certificates . "
The Committee have fully investigated and carefully considered this Complaint , and they regret that they can come to no other conclusion than that Comp . Ellis deliberately and wilfully deceived the Chapter , No . 334 , by making tho representation that he was in possession of a Certificate from the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons , and the " British
Chapter , No . 334 , Cape Town , " have made out their statement and complaint . Thc Committee , therefore , in pursuance of their duty to tho Supreme Grand Chaper , respectfully recommend that Companion AVilliam Rufus Ellis , be suspended from his functions and privileges as a Royal Arch Mason during the pleasure of the Supremo Grand Chapter .
The Committee havo likewise to report that they have received the following Petitions ; viz : 1 st . From Companions Francis George Irwin as Z ., AVilliam Augustus Scott as II ., Frederick Vizard as J , and six others , for a Chapter to bo attached to the St . Kew Lodge , No . 1222 , Weston-super-Mare , to be
called tho " Inkcrman Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonic Rooms , Regent-street , Weston-super-Mare , in the County of Somerset , on tho third Monday of January , April , July and October . 2 ndly . From Companions John Boyd as Z ., George
I . Sliarpc as II ., AVilliam Carter as J ., and eleven others , for a Chapter to bo attached to the Lodgo of Prudent Brethren , No . 145 , London , to be called the " Chapter of Prudent Brethren , " and to meet at Freemasons' Hall , London , on the first Tuesday in the months of February , April and December .
Srdly . From Companions Richard Hall as Z ., Thomas Ilcflcrnan as II ., Henry Cotton as J ., and six others , for a Chapter to be attached to the AVitham Lodge , No . 297 , Lincoln , to be called the " Chapter of Concord , " and to meet at thc Masonic Hall , Lincoln , on the first Tuesday in each month .
4 thly . From Companions Edward James Morris as Z ., Philip Henry Rowland as II ., Peter Donaldson as J ., and six others , for a Chapter to bo attached to thc Cambrian Lodge , No . 364 , Neath , to be called the " St . David ' s Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonic Hall , Neath , Glamorganshire , on the second Monday in each month .
othly . From Companions Richard de Mulinfeldt Lawson as Z ., Samuel AVittey as II ., and Charles Itaikes Davy as J ., and six others for a Chapter to be attached to the Lodge of Concord , No . 632 , Trowbridge , to be called the " Chapter of Harmony , " and to meet at the Masonic llall , Trowbridge , Aviltshire , on the third Wednesday in the months of January , March , May , September and November .
Gthly . Irom Companions John Morton as Z ., AA'illiam Archer as II ., John Lunt as J ., and seven others , for a Chapter to be attached to thc AValton Lodge , No . 1086 , Kirkdale , to be called tho " AValton Chapter , " and to meet at thc Queen's Arms hotel , Kirkdale on the first Friday in each month .
Supreme Grand Chapter Of England.
7 thly . From Companions William Langley as Z ., Frederick P . Newcombc as II ., AA'illiam Kelly as J ., and seven others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Rutland Lodge , No . 1130 , Melton Mowbray , to be called the " De Mowbray Chapter , " and to meet at
tho George Hotel , Melton Mowbray , Leicestershire , twice in every year : The foregoing Petitions being in all respects regular , the Committee recommend that the prayers thereof be respectively granted .
The Committee have also received a Petition from Campanions Georgo Fead Lambert as Z ., Thomas Francis Dallin as II ., Charles AV . Spencer Stanhope as J ., and seven others , for a Chapter to be attached to the " Aposlo University Lodge , 357 , Oxford , to be called the " Apollo University Chapter , " and to meet at the University Masonic Hall , Oxford , on the last
Thursday of February , May and November . This Petition is recommended by the Provincial Grand Superintendent , but requires the consent of the Lodge to which it is to be attached , and thc registration of two of the Petitioners . Subject to these requisites being supplied before the Meeting of the Grand Chapter , the Committee recommend the prayer of the Petition to be granted .
( Signed ) AV . PULTENEY SCOTT , President , FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , W . C , 21 st April , 1869
Comp . AV . R . Ellis was , pursuant to the
recommendation of the Committee , suspended from his functions as a Eoyal Arch . Mason , and all the Chapters applied for were granted , including the Apollo University Chapter , ab
Oxford . The M . E . Z ., in the chair , then announced the appointments for the year as hereunder stated : —The Earl of Zetland , Z . ; The Earl de Grey and Ripon , II . ; The Rev . J .
Huyshe , M . A ., J . ; John Hervey , E . ; John M . Clabon , N . ; S . Leith Tomkins , P . S . ; "Wm . A . F . Powell , 1 st A . Soj . ; E . Brackstone Baker , 2 nd A . Soj . ; Samuel Tomkins , Treasurer : iEneas
J . Mclntyre , Registrar ; Henry Empson , Sword Bearer ; Conrad C . Dumas , Standard Bearer ; Joshua Nunn , Director of Ceremonies ; Charles B . Payne , G . Janitor .
The Committee for the ensuing year will be as follows : —Comp . W . Pultency Scott , President ; B . Head , and E . J . Fraser , nominated by the M . E . Z . ; and Comps . J . Smith , E . B .
Baker , J . Nunn , J ; Brett , F . Bennoch , and J . Savage , elected by Grand Chapter . We regret much to find that Comp . F . AValters , an indefatigable worker in the cause , and a
constant attendant at every Masonic duty , was not re-elected a member of tho Committee , but the extraordinary popularity of tho companions above-named will account for this . The Grand Chapter was then closed .
Wc beg to remind Royal Arch Masons , especially those residing in the southern districts of the metropolis , that thc Domatic Chapter of Instruction will be formally ro opened at the Horns Tavern , Kennington Park , at 7 p . m ., on Saturday , the 15 th inst . At a preliminary meeting held recently , Comp . R . AVentworth Little , M . E . Z ., of the parent chapter ,
and P . Z . 97 o , was unanimously elected Preceptor , and ho will preside as Z . on the 15 th inst ., assisted by Companions J . Stevens , P . Z . 720 as II . ; and II . AVebb , M . E Z . 72 as J . A numerous attendance is expected , and Companion Brett , President of Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , will lend his efficient aid .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION VOK GIIILS . —AVe beg to remind the brethren that the 81 st Anniversary Festival of this excellent Institution will be held at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , under the presidency of Lord Leigh , Provincial Grand Master
of AVarwickslurc , on AVednesday , the 12 th inst ., when wo hepo to see a large gathering of tho supporters of our Masonic Charities . AVe can testify unequivocally that the school is admirably managed , and in every respect reflects the greatest credit upon all who are officially connected with thc Institution .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Supreme Grand Chapter Of England.
The Quarterly Convocation of this body was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on Wednesday the 3 th inst . M . E . Comp . the Rev . J . Huyshe , M . A ., 3 rd Grand Principal , and P . G . Supt . for Devonshire , filled the chair
of Z ., with Comp . J . Fawcett , P . G . Supt . for Durham as H . ; and Comp . H . Murray , D . G . Superintendent for China as J . Among others present we noticed Comps . J . Hervey , E . ; M . J . Mclntvre , Registrar ; E . S . Snell , J . Smith
J . Nunn , F . AValters , H . G . Buss , J . M . Clabon , J . Brett , R . \ V . Little , F . Bennoch , W . Piatt , W . "Watson , T . J . Sabine , R . Spencer , E . B . Baker , R . J . Spiers , Dr . T . H . J . Goldsboro ' , G . S . States , C . T . Dorey , H . Browse , C . 0 .
Dumas , H . Muggeridge S . B ., J . Thomas D . C , B . Head , G . W . K . Potter , N . Bradford , W . A . F . Powell , A . Holman , W . Ough , J . Caldwell , T . J . Sabine , R . Grey , C . Thorne , W . M . Bywater , J . K . Stevens , J . H . Cox , Rev . R . J . F ., » nd Thomas .
Upon the minutes being put for confirmation a division ensued upon that portion relating to the change of the hour of Meeting , from 8 to 7 o ' clock , when the alteration to the latter time was confirmed by a majority of one .
The following Report Avas , upon motion duly made and seconded , taken as read : — The Report of the Committee of General Purposes . To the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England .
The Committee of General purposes beg to Report that they have examined the Accounts from the 20 th January , 1869 , to the 20 th April , 1869 , both inclusive , which they find to be as follows : — To Balance 20 th January £ 357 4 10 To Subsequent Receipts 251 0 C
. £ 608 5 4 By Disbursements during the Quarter £ 122 19 8 Applied from Unappropriated Account 6 4 0 By Balance 479 1 8 £ 608 5 4
which Balance is in the hands of Messrs . AVillis , Percival and Co ., Bankers of the Grand Treasurer . Tho Committee have also to report that a Complaint has been laid before them by the British Chapter , No . 33-1 , Cape Town , South Africa , against
Comp . AVilliam Rufus Ellis , for having represented that he had a Grand Chapter Certsficate , when in fact ho had none . Tho summary of thc Complaint is that , in 1863 , Comp . AV . R . Ellis visited the Chapter , No . 331 , and produced a Certificate from
tho Voluhian Chapter , Falmouth , No . 89 ( now 75 ) , that he had been exalted in that Chapter in 1816 , which Certificate was then ( in 1863 ) indorsed by Scribe E . of Chapter , No . 334 . That in the early part of 1868 , he had been admitted as a joining
Member of No . 33-1 , on the proposition of Comp . King ( thc complainant ) . That he was then asked by the Scribe E . of the Chapter , No . 334 , for the fee for registration in the Supreme Grand Chapter ;—that he replied , that being already registered , it was not
necessary to remit it to the Supreme Grand Chapter , and that he had occupied thc Chair of J , in the Volubian Chapter . That Ids name was nevertheless transmitted to the Grand Scribe E . in England , for registration in tho books of tho Supreme Grand
Chapter , lliat in July , 1868 , ho was elected to and installed in the chair of II ., in thc Chapter , No . 334 . That in consequence of some question having been raised ( after the installation had taken place ) as to his eligibility to fill the Chair by reason of communication
from the Grand Scribe E ., dated 28 th March , 1868 , to the effect that the name of Comp . Ellis did not appear on thc Registry of the Supreme Grand Chapter as a Comp of the Volubiun Chapter . Comp . Ellis was called upon for an explanation , when he attributed
tho omision to tho negligence of thc then Grand Scribe E . ( Comp . AVilliam Henry AVhite ) . That the Chapter , No . 334 , accepted the explanation , but
wrote again to the Grand Scribe E ., and received in due course a letter dated 28 th July , 1868 , repeating that the name of Comp . Ellis had never been returned for registration by thc Volubian
Supreme Grand Chapter Of England.
Chapter . That Comp . Ellis was , at the next Convocation , on the 20 th October , 1868 , called upon for further explanation ; when he stated that the Supreme Grand Chapter was not in the habit of granting any Certificate other than the one he had produced by him ( that of the Volubian Chapter )
during the time that he was connected with the Volubian Chapter . That this explanation was at onco rejected by the Chapter 334 , as incorrect , whereupon Comp . Ellis expressed his desire to retire from the Chapter pending a reference to thc Supreme Grand Chapter , which was unanimously agreed to by the
Chapter , No . 334 ; and which Resolution was confirmed at the next Convocation , on the llth January , 1869 . That after the Chapter of the 20 th October , 1868 , was closed , Comp . Ellis admitted that he knew his Certificate was not a Grand Chapter Certificate , and that ho knew his name had never been returned
to Grand Chapter for registration . That a notice was thereupon sent to the other chapters in the neighbourhood , and a Resolution was passed—" That Comp . Ellis had been irregularly admitted to the Chapter , No . 334 , and to the office of H ., and that he having withdrawn , his Chair be declared vacant , and another
Comp . was thereupon elected to fill the Chair . " Companion Ellis addressed a communication to the Grand Scribe E , dated the 20 th February , 1869 , wherein he states that he was exalted in the Volubian Chapter , in 1846 , by his father John Ellis , who was then M . E . Z . of the Chapter , and received the
Certificate of that Chapter , which he had produced to the Chapter ; No . 334 . He virtually admits the statements contained in the Complaint , but attempts to explain his remarks at the Convocation in October , 1868 , by stating that he " could only account for his not being in possession of a Grand Chapter Certificate , if his memory served him rightly , that he had
an idea that some years ago ( probably 15 or more ) the question as to Private Chapters granting Certificates was brought before the Grand Chapter , and it was then decided that those Companions who had Certificates under such Chapters should be allowed to retain them , but that afterwards no Private Chapter should be allowed to issue Certificates . "
The Committee have fully investigated and carefully considered this Complaint , and they regret that they can come to no other conclusion than that Comp . Ellis deliberately and wilfully deceived the Chapter , No . 334 , by making tho representation that he was in possession of a Certificate from the Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons , and the " British
Chapter , No . 334 , Cape Town , " have made out their statement and complaint . Thc Committee , therefore , in pursuance of their duty to tho Supreme Grand Chaper , respectfully recommend that Companion AVilliam Rufus Ellis , be suspended from his functions and privileges as a Royal Arch Mason during the pleasure of the Supremo Grand Chapter .
The Committee havo likewise to report that they have received the following Petitions ; viz : 1 st . From Companions Francis George Irwin as Z ., AVilliam Augustus Scott as II ., Frederick Vizard as J , and six others , for a Chapter to bo attached to the St . Kew Lodge , No . 1222 , Weston-super-Mare , to be
called tho " Inkcrman Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonic Rooms , Regent-street , Weston-super-Mare , in the County of Somerset , on tho third Monday of January , April , July and October . 2 ndly . From Companions John Boyd as Z ., George
I . Sliarpc as II ., AVilliam Carter as J ., and eleven others , for a Chapter to bo attached to the Lodgo of Prudent Brethren , No . 145 , London , to be called the " Chapter of Prudent Brethren , " and to meet at Freemasons' Hall , London , on the first Tuesday in the months of February , April and December .
Srdly . From Companions Richard Hall as Z ., Thomas Ilcflcrnan as II ., Henry Cotton as J ., and six others , for a Chapter to be attached to the AVitham Lodge , No . 297 , Lincoln , to be called the " Chapter of Concord , " and to meet at thc Masonic Hall , Lincoln , on the first Tuesday in each month .
4 thly . From Companions Edward James Morris as Z ., Philip Henry Rowland as II ., Peter Donaldson as J ., and six others , for a Chapter to bo attached to thc Cambrian Lodge , No . 364 , Neath , to be called the " St . David ' s Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonic Hall , Neath , Glamorganshire , on the second Monday in each month .
othly . From Companions Richard de Mulinfeldt Lawson as Z ., Samuel AVittey as II ., and Charles Itaikes Davy as J ., and six others for a Chapter to be attached to the Lodge of Concord , No . 632 , Trowbridge , to be called the " Chapter of Harmony , " and to meet at the Masonic llall , Trowbridge , Aviltshire , on the third Wednesday in the months of January , March , May , September and November .
Gthly . Irom Companions John Morton as Z ., AA'illiam Archer as II ., John Lunt as J ., and seven others , for a Chapter to be attached to thc AValton Lodge , No . 1086 , Kirkdale , to be called tho " AValton Chapter , " and to meet at thc Queen's Arms hotel , Kirkdale on the first Friday in each month .
Supreme Grand Chapter Of England.
7 thly . From Companions William Langley as Z ., Frederick P . Newcombc as II ., AA'illiam Kelly as J ., and seven others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Rutland Lodge , No . 1130 , Melton Mowbray , to be called the " De Mowbray Chapter , " and to meet at
tho George Hotel , Melton Mowbray , Leicestershire , twice in every year : The foregoing Petitions being in all respects regular , the Committee recommend that the prayers thereof be respectively granted .
The Committee have also received a Petition from Campanions Georgo Fead Lambert as Z ., Thomas Francis Dallin as II ., Charles AV . Spencer Stanhope as J ., and seven others , for a Chapter to be attached to the " Aposlo University Lodge , 357 , Oxford , to be called the " Apollo University Chapter , " and to meet at the University Masonic Hall , Oxford , on the last
Thursday of February , May and November . This Petition is recommended by the Provincial Grand Superintendent , but requires the consent of the Lodge to which it is to be attached , and thc registration of two of the Petitioners . Subject to these requisites being supplied before the Meeting of the Grand Chapter , the Committee recommend the prayer of the Petition to be granted .
( Signed ) AV . PULTENEY SCOTT , President , FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , W . C , 21 st April , 1869
Comp . AV . R . Ellis was , pursuant to the
recommendation of the Committee , suspended from his functions as a Eoyal Arch . Mason , and all the Chapters applied for were granted , including the Apollo University Chapter , ab
Oxford . The M . E . Z ., in the chair , then announced the appointments for the year as hereunder stated : —The Earl of Zetland , Z . ; The Earl de Grey and Ripon , II . ; The Rev . J .
Huyshe , M . A ., J . ; John Hervey , E . ; John M . Clabon , N . ; S . Leith Tomkins , P . S . ; "Wm . A . F . Powell , 1 st A . Soj . ; E . Brackstone Baker , 2 nd A . Soj . ; Samuel Tomkins , Treasurer : iEneas
J . Mclntyre , Registrar ; Henry Empson , Sword Bearer ; Conrad C . Dumas , Standard Bearer ; Joshua Nunn , Director of Ceremonies ; Charles B . Payne , G . Janitor .
The Committee for the ensuing year will be as follows : —Comp . W . Pultency Scott , President ; B . Head , and E . J . Fraser , nominated by the M . E . Z . ; and Comps . J . Smith , E . B .
Baker , J . Nunn , J ; Brett , F . Bennoch , and J . Savage , elected by Grand Chapter . We regret much to find that Comp . F . AValters , an indefatigable worker in the cause , and a
constant attendant at every Masonic duty , was not re-elected a member of tho Committee , but the extraordinary popularity of tho companions above-named will account for this . The Grand Chapter was then closed .
Wc beg to remind Royal Arch Masons , especially those residing in the southern districts of the metropolis , that thc Domatic Chapter of Instruction will be formally ro opened at the Horns Tavern , Kennington Park , at 7 p . m ., on Saturday , the 15 th inst . At a preliminary meeting held recently , Comp . R . AVentworth Little , M . E . Z ., of the parent chapter ,
and P . Z . 97 o , was unanimously elected Preceptor , and ho will preside as Z . on the 15 th inst ., assisted by Companions J . Stevens , P . Z . 720 as II . ; and II . AVebb , M . E Z . 72 as J . A numerous attendance is expected , and Companion Brett , President of Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , will lend his efficient aid .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION VOK GIIILS . —AVe beg to remind the brethren that the 81 st Anniversary Festival of this excellent Institution will be held at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , under the presidency of Lord Leigh , Provincial Grand Master
of AVarwickslurc , on AVednesday , the 12 th inst ., when wo hepo to see a large gathering of tho supporters of our Masonic Charities . AVe can testify unequivocally that the school is admirably managed , and in every respect reflects the greatest credit upon all who are officially connected with thc Institution .