Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
Chap 14 ° > St- George's Globe Tav ., Greenwich . 145 , Prudent Brethren , F . M . H . 554 , Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney . 1583 , Fiiends in Council , 33 , Golden-sq ., W . Mark 86 , Samson and Lion , M . H ., Masons' Avenue .
K . T . Encamp . 45 , Temple Cressing , Bridge House Hot . „ ,, 117 , New Temple , the Inner Temple , City . LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . 0 nion Waterloo , Chatham Arms , Thomas-st ., Woolwich . Egyptian , Hercules Tav ., Leadenhall-st . Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-st ., W . Fii . sbury , Jolly Angler ' s' Tav ., Bath-st ., City-road . Temperance in the East , Catherine-st ., Poplar .
Ebury , 12 , Ponsonby-st ., Milbank . Highgate , Bui ! - > , d Gate , Kentish-town . The Great City , M . H ., Masons' Avenue . High Cross , Coach & Horses , High-road , Tottenham . Salisbury , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . Southern Star , Crown Hot ., Blackfriars-rd . Great Northern , Berwick Arms , Berners-st ., Oxford-st . Prince Frederick William Chanter , St . John ' s Wood .
FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 15 . House Com ., Boys' School , at 4 . Lodge 6 , Friendship , Willis ' s Rooms , King-st . „ 143 , Middlesex , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st . 201 , Jordan , F . M . H .
„ 1118 , University , F . M . H . „ 1589 , St . Dunstan ' s , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st . Chap . 92 , Moira . Mark 104 , Macdonald , M . H .. M . Avenue , Basinghall-st . Rose Croix Chap . Invicta , 33 , Golden-sq . P . G . C . and L ., Royal Order of Scotland , 33 , Golden-sq .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Robert Burns , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . Belgrave , Constitution , Bedford-st ., Covent Garden . Unions Emulation ( for M . M . ' s ) , F . M . H . Temperance , Victoria Tav ., Victoria-road , Deptford .
Clapton , White Hart , Clapton . Metropolitan , Portugal Hot ., Fleet-st , at 7 . St . Marylebone , British Stores Tav ., St . John ' s Wood . Westbourne , Lord ' s Hotel , St . John ' s Wood . United Pilgrims , Surrey M . H ., Camberwell New-road .
St . James's , New Tanners' Arms , Grange-rd ., Bermondsey . Duke of Edinburgh , Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar . Doric , ' 79 , Whitechapel-road , at 8 . Burgoyne , Grafton Arms , Prince of Wales's-road , N . W . St . Luke ' s , White Hart , King's-rd ., Chelsea . Chigwell , Prince's Hall , Buckliurst-hill .
Royal Standard , The Castle , Holloway-rd . Ranelagh , Hell and Anchor , Hammersmith-rd . William Preston , Feathers Tav ., Up . George-st ., Edgware-rd . Hervey , 99 , Fleet-street , at 8 . Earl of Carnarvon , Mitre Ho ,, Goulbornc-rd ., Notting-hill . Pythagorean Chapter , Portland Hot ., London-st ., Greenwich . Sir Hugh Myddelton , 25 , King Edward-st ., Liverpool-rd ., N .
Masonic Meetings In West Lancashire And Cheshire.
For the Week ending Saturday , February 16 , 1878 . MONDAY , FEBRUARY 11 . Lodge 314 , Peace and Unity , Militia Rooms , Preston . „ 613 , Unity , Palatine Bdgs ., Southport . „ 703 , Clifton , Clifton Arms , Blackpool .
„ 7 21 , Independence , Eastgate-row , Chester . „ 1021 , Hartington , Custom House Bdgs ., Barrow . ,, 1390 , Baldwin , Castle , Dalton-in-Furness . „ 149 6 , Trafford , Northumberland Hot ., Old Trafford .. U . io , Fermor Hesketh , M . H ., Liverpool . Derby L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . Egerton Mark Lodge , 16 5 , Bedford House , Rock Ferry .
TUESDAY , FEBRUARY 12 . Lodge 241 , Merchants , M . H ., Liverpool . „ 8 97 , Loyalty , Fleece Inn ; St . Helen's . „ 9 86 , Hesketh , Grapes Inn , Croston . „ 1250 , Gilbert Grcenall , M . R ., Warrington .
„ 1256 , Fidelity , Bull Hot ., Poulton , C . Fylde . ..17131 Wilbraham , Wnlton Institute , Walton . Chap . 537 , Zion , M . R ., Birkenhead . Stanley L . of I ., 214 , Great Homer-st ., Liverpool . Prince Arthur L . of I ., 80 , N . Hill-st ., Liverpool .
WEDNESDAY , FEBRUARY 13 . Lodge 86 , Loyalty , Crown Hot ., Prescot . „ 281 , Fortitude , The Athenteum , Lancaster . „ 4 8 4 , Faith , Gerard ' s Arms , Ashton-in-Makerfield . 1 , 5 80 , Harmony , Wheat Sheaf , Ormskirk . „ 75 8 , Ellesmere , M . H ,, Runcorn . » 1094 , Temple , JI . H ., Liverpool .
» i 35 u . De Grey and Ripon , M . R ., N . Hill-st ., L'pool . 11 1 547 , Liverpool , M . H ., Liverpool , Chap . 673 , St . John's , M . H ., Liverpool . ., I . USi Victoiia , Cross Keys , Eccles . Neptune L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 14 . Lod ge 216 , Harmonic , Adelphi Hot ., Liverpool .
» 333 . Royal Preston , Royal Hot ., Preston . n 477 . Mersey , M . R ., Birkenhead . . 1 786 , Croxteth , United Servic .- , M . H ., Liverpool . . . 950 , Hesketh , Royal Hot ., Fleetwood . .. 1032 , Townley Parker , Howard ' s Arms , Whittle .
» > ° 35 > Prince of Wales , M . H ., Kirkdale . . 1 1070 , Starkie , Black Morse Hot ., Kirkham . 1 . 1182 , Duke of Edinburgh , M . H ., Liveipool . > 1213 ; Bridge-water , Cross Keys , Eccles . .. " . IJ 7 ° . ee , Union Hotel , Park Gate . Manners I . ol L , M . H ., Liverpool . .. FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 15 . Hamer L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool .
For Masonic Meetings throughout Scotland see Scottish iovlZT " ' ^ Ca " obtained at the ° <* «* this journal , 198 , Fleet-street , London .
FURNISHTHROUGHOUT. 67,69,71,73,77&79,HAMPSTEADRflAO, NEAR TOTTENHAM COURT ROAD , LONDON . t' ^ 0 uvf" 3 ^ f ^^^^^^^ K . fi l ^^^rir- ^ " \ JtJS ^ yYwW ^^^^^ >^^^^& v ^ SppBlisgisill £ f ~ i^dMi%M^f^^fiul&^i^i\spiping W^m^^WrTnMf^^^immmm w ^^ ^^ fe % 5 ^ va ^ w ^ S ^^ vAl ^ t ^^ P >( dt >^ ¦ , li . lWM'Tp ^ I ; TVie Eugenie Easy Cheiir . _ .. . r ^**^ ' " T A „ , y = ri £ - ^ " " \ 1 jjjF ° J These superior Carpets of which Messrs . Oetzmann and . j Co ., have thc exclusive sale , are of first-class liritish Manu- Walnut Cabinet . Spring Scat , good Castors jjs od facture , have all the style and appearance of real Tuikev Superior do ., stuffed all Carpets , at little more than the price of good Brussels , anil , , ., ,, . , _ Hair 31 s 6 d are verv durable . Price lists free on application . Forthe Inlaid Marquetcrre and Orrnoln The Vienna , Gent ' s Easy convenience of those residing at a distance , a large piece mounted , lined msrde with Velvet Chair , Jargcr size , to showing thc border and centre of carpet will be sent on re- Itt . ton . vide ... ... 42 s Oct match 35 * od ceipt of ; s .,-nhich will be deducted from price of carpet , or 3 't . 6 m . wide , with 2 doors 73 s Gd Superior do ., stuffed all refunded upon return of pattern . Hearth-rugs to match , 6 ft . 4 K with a doors 84 s od Hair 42 s od Ions : bv 2 ft . Sin . wide , £ 1 Js . 6 d . DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE , THE BEST FURNISHING GUIDE EXTANT , POST FREE . Lowest prices consistent with guaranteed quality . Orders per post receive prompt and faithful attention
r TUE LONDONAND GENERALWATER PURIFYING COMPANY ( LIMITED ) . PATENT CISTERN FILTERS CHARGED SOLELY WITH ANIMAL CHARCOAL . Requiring , when once fixed , no attention whatever , wittfa Cl ' sternVilter . THE LATEST PATENTED FILTER IN GENERAL USE . ,, ___ . _ .. _ __ .. __ And superior to all others , Vide Professor Frankland ' s Reports to the Registrar General , July 1866 . Novem ! S ? 3 - , S ! S t" ® ' W * rS ' ; r :- "d ber , 1867 , and May , iS 7 o ; the " Lancet , " January 12 , ISGJ , and Testimonials from Dr . Hassall , September 23 ; jil ; rrf > ' ^ c : S : AjM : | 1863 ; Dr . Letheby , February ij , 1 S 73 , and December , 1873 . j , Af _ ASKS'i | S I " ' " & 10 s . ami upwards . POKTABLE FILTERS on this System , £ 1 $ s . to £ 3 . i | S j ^ - - ^§ : [ it _ l | f Patronized and used by Her Majesty the Queen , at Osborne ; by H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., fj ^ sl rSAli ^^ -IHSl Sandringharn ; by H . R . H . the Duke of Cambridge ; tlic elite of the Medical Profession , and at the Londo ( J Aj ^ _ f ^™ S ( t _ l _ p St . George ' s , Fever , and German Hospitals , and various Lunatic Asylums , KiS ^ ir 3 £ 3 ?^|^ h 5 »* Institutions , Breweries , & c . if POCKET FILTERS , 4 s . 6 d . and 6 s . each . HOUSEHOLD and FANCY FILTERS from xas . 6 d . WATER TESTING APPARATUS FOR DETECTING THE IMPURITIES IN WATER , 10 s . Cd . and 21 s . each . Danchell ' s ' ^ Testing Apparatus for Discovering the Presence of Impurities in Water , " isa most convenient and portable one—Vide Dyke on tlie Preliminary Duties of Health Officers . This is a very handy case for the Study Table or Carpet Bag . It contains the Chief Chemical Ter . ts for Qanlitive , Water Analysis , and will be found of use hy medical and other men who may have occasion to ascertain in a ready manner whether any of the more actual impurities are present or not in water . Vide the " Medical Record , " January 29 , 1873 . 157 , STRAND ( four doors from Somerset House ) , LONDON .
GEORGEKENNING,MANUFACTURER. Masonic Aprons . Epaulettes . Masonic Publisher . „ Jewels . Buttons . Gold and Silver Laces . , Medals . Swords . ,, Fringes . „ Banners . Belts . „ Braids . ,, Furniture . Fishing Gimp . „ Tassels . Tracing Boards . Ball Favours . „ Embroidery . Insignia for all Societies . i , 2 , 3 , LITTLE BRITAIN , and 175 , ALDERSGATE-ST ., LONDON . BRANCHES —198 , Fleet-st ., London ; 2 , Monument-placo , Liverpool ; 47 , Bridge-st ., Manchester 9 , West Howard-st ., Glasgow .
FURNITURE , CARPETS , BEDSTEADS , BEDDING , & c , WILLIAMWAINE, Complete House l ' urnisher , and IVholesale and Export Upholsterer , 131 to 139 , NEWINGTON BUTTS , The most convenient Furnishing- Establishment in the Kingdom . Stocks immense . Illustrated Price Lists gratis All goods delivered free and warranted . Carpets . Brussels , 300 pieces , 2 / 4 J , 2 / 9 , 2 / 11 , and 3 J 3 per yard ; best ditto , 3 / 11 , worth 4 / 11 . Inspect before purchasing elsewhere ; especially members of the Civil Service and Co-operative Societies , and compare prices . Vast slocks of Table Linen , Sheetings , Quilts , Blankets , Flannels , Huckabacks , Glass Cloths , Crumb Cloths , Muslin Lace , and Damask Curtains , Reps , Pekinades , Cretonnes , Floorcloths , now being offered at prices much below the present market value . Guaranteed genuine and of the best quality . Horrock ' s Long Cloths at their own list prices . Furniture , Bedsteads , Bedding , tic , well seasoned , and at very reduced prices . Sixty Pianofortes by thc most eminent makers at very low prices . Music at one quarter published price , and large quantities at much less . WM . WAINE , 131 fo 150 , Newington But is , London , S . E . Factories , Grampian Street and Frederick Place .
S.YARDLEY &SONS , ( ESTABLISHED 1838 ) ShopFrontBuilders, SHOPFITTERS, AND Air Tight Show Case Manufacturers , WORKS—8 , LOWER WOOD STREET , EXMOUTII STREET , SHOW R 00 MS-25 , MOUNT PLEASANT , CLERKENWELL . Every description of linings manufactured for Jewellers , Cutlers , Stationers , Oilices , Drapers , Museums , Banks , Libraries , Outlitlers and H osers , Fancy Trades , & c . Plans and Estimates provided for shop fronts and internal fittings in Town or any part ofthe country . S . YARDLIV & SONS respectfull y solicit the patronage of Architects and Surveyors , whose instructions shall receive special and faithful attention .
Now ready , Crown 8 vo ., Cloth , Gilt Edges . Price 3 s , post free , 3 s . 2 d . A SELECTION MASONICSONGS, SET TO POPULAR AIRS , uv BRO . E . P . PHILPOTS , M . D ., F . R . G . S . The airs include those of " Nil Desperandum , " " The Bay of Biscay , " " Excelsior , " " My Native Hig hland Home , " "John Barleycorn , " "Red , White and Blue , " " Auld Lang Syne , " " God Save the Queen , " " God Bless the Prince of Wales , " " Hearts of Oak , " " Thc Pilgrim of Love , " " Bonnie Dundee , " " Annie Laurie , " " To the West" & c . Sec . 198 , ' FLEET STREET , LONDON ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
Chap 14 ° > St- George's Globe Tav ., Greenwich . 145 , Prudent Brethren , F . M . H . 554 , Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney . 1583 , Fiiends in Council , 33 , Golden-sq ., W . Mark 86 , Samson and Lion , M . H ., Masons' Avenue .
K . T . Encamp . 45 , Temple Cressing , Bridge House Hot . „ ,, 117 , New Temple , the Inner Temple , City . LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . 0 nion Waterloo , Chatham Arms , Thomas-st ., Woolwich . Egyptian , Hercules Tav ., Leadenhall-st . Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-st ., W . Fii . sbury , Jolly Angler ' s' Tav ., Bath-st ., City-road . Temperance in the East , Catherine-st ., Poplar .
Ebury , 12 , Ponsonby-st ., Milbank . Highgate , Bui ! - > , d Gate , Kentish-town . The Great City , M . H ., Masons' Avenue . High Cross , Coach & Horses , High-road , Tottenham . Salisbury , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . Southern Star , Crown Hot ., Blackfriars-rd . Great Northern , Berwick Arms , Berners-st ., Oxford-st . Prince Frederick William Chanter , St . John ' s Wood .
FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 15 . House Com ., Boys' School , at 4 . Lodge 6 , Friendship , Willis ' s Rooms , King-st . „ 143 , Middlesex , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st . 201 , Jordan , F . M . H .
„ 1118 , University , F . M . H . „ 1589 , St . Dunstan ' s , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st . Chap . 92 , Moira . Mark 104 , Macdonald , M . H .. M . Avenue , Basinghall-st . Rose Croix Chap . Invicta , 33 , Golden-sq . P . G . C . and L ., Royal Order of Scotland , 33 , Golden-sq .
LODGES OF INSTRUCTION . Robert Burns , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . Belgrave , Constitution , Bedford-st ., Covent Garden . Unions Emulation ( for M . M . ' s ) , F . M . H . Temperance , Victoria Tav ., Victoria-road , Deptford .
Clapton , White Hart , Clapton . Metropolitan , Portugal Hot ., Fleet-st , at 7 . St . Marylebone , British Stores Tav ., St . John ' s Wood . Westbourne , Lord ' s Hotel , St . John ' s Wood . United Pilgrims , Surrey M . H ., Camberwell New-road .
St . James's , New Tanners' Arms , Grange-rd ., Bermondsey . Duke of Edinburgh , Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar . Doric , ' 79 , Whitechapel-road , at 8 . Burgoyne , Grafton Arms , Prince of Wales's-road , N . W . St . Luke ' s , White Hart , King's-rd ., Chelsea . Chigwell , Prince's Hall , Buckliurst-hill .
Royal Standard , The Castle , Holloway-rd . Ranelagh , Hell and Anchor , Hammersmith-rd . William Preston , Feathers Tav ., Up . George-st ., Edgware-rd . Hervey , 99 , Fleet-street , at 8 . Earl of Carnarvon , Mitre Ho ,, Goulbornc-rd ., Notting-hill . Pythagorean Chapter , Portland Hot ., London-st ., Greenwich . Sir Hugh Myddelton , 25 , King Edward-st ., Liverpool-rd ., N .
Masonic Meetings In West Lancashire And Cheshire.
For the Week ending Saturday , February 16 , 1878 . MONDAY , FEBRUARY 11 . Lodge 314 , Peace and Unity , Militia Rooms , Preston . „ 613 , Unity , Palatine Bdgs ., Southport . „ 703 , Clifton , Clifton Arms , Blackpool .
„ 7 21 , Independence , Eastgate-row , Chester . „ 1021 , Hartington , Custom House Bdgs ., Barrow . ,, 1390 , Baldwin , Castle , Dalton-in-Furness . „ 149 6 , Trafford , Northumberland Hot ., Old Trafford .. U . io , Fermor Hesketh , M . H ., Liverpool . Derby L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . Egerton Mark Lodge , 16 5 , Bedford House , Rock Ferry .
TUESDAY , FEBRUARY 12 . Lodge 241 , Merchants , M . H ., Liverpool . „ 8 97 , Loyalty , Fleece Inn ; St . Helen's . „ 9 86 , Hesketh , Grapes Inn , Croston . „ 1250 , Gilbert Grcenall , M . R ., Warrington .
„ 1256 , Fidelity , Bull Hot ., Poulton , C . Fylde . ..17131 Wilbraham , Wnlton Institute , Walton . Chap . 537 , Zion , M . R ., Birkenhead . Stanley L . of I ., 214 , Great Homer-st ., Liverpool . Prince Arthur L . of I ., 80 , N . Hill-st ., Liverpool .
WEDNESDAY , FEBRUARY 13 . Lodge 86 , Loyalty , Crown Hot ., Prescot . „ 281 , Fortitude , The Athenteum , Lancaster . „ 4 8 4 , Faith , Gerard ' s Arms , Ashton-in-Makerfield . 1 , 5 80 , Harmony , Wheat Sheaf , Ormskirk . „ 75 8 , Ellesmere , M . H ,, Runcorn . » 1094 , Temple , JI . H ., Liverpool .
» i 35 u . De Grey and Ripon , M . R ., N . Hill-st ., L'pool . 11 1 547 , Liverpool , M . H ., Liverpool , Chap . 673 , St . John's , M . H ., Liverpool . ., I . USi Victoiia , Cross Keys , Eccles . Neptune L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 14 . Lod ge 216 , Harmonic , Adelphi Hot ., Liverpool .
» 333 . Royal Preston , Royal Hot ., Preston . n 477 . Mersey , M . R ., Birkenhead . . 1 786 , Croxteth , United Servic .- , M . H ., Liverpool . . . 950 , Hesketh , Royal Hot ., Fleetwood . .. 1032 , Townley Parker , Howard ' s Arms , Whittle .
» > ° 35 > Prince of Wales , M . H ., Kirkdale . . 1 1070 , Starkie , Black Morse Hot ., Kirkham . 1 . 1182 , Duke of Edinburgh , M . H ., Liveipool . > 1213 ; Bridge-water , Cross Keys , Eccles . .. " . IJ 7 ° . ee , Union Hotel , Park Gate . Manners I . ol L , M . H ., Liverpool . .. FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 15 . Hamer L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool .
For Masonic Meetings throughout Scotland see Scottish iovlZT " ' ^ Ca " obtained at the ° <* «* this journal , 198 , Fleet-street , London .
FURNISHTHROUGHOUT. 67,69,71,73,77&79,HAMPSTEADRflAO, NEAR TOTTENHAM COURT ROAD , LONDON . t' ^ 0 uvf" 3 ^ f ^^^^^^^ K . fi l ^^^rir- ^ " \ JtJS ^ yYwW ^^^^^ >^^^^& v ^ SppBlisgisill £ f ~ i^dMi%M^f^^fiul&^i^i\spiping W^m^^WrTnMf^^^immmm w ^^ ^^ fe % 5 ^ va ^ w ^ S ^^ vAl ^ t ^^ P >( dt >^ ¦ , li . lWM'Tp ^ I ; TVie Eugenie Easy Cheiir . _ .. . r ^**^ ' " T A „ , y = ri £ - ^ " " \ 1 jjjF ° J These superior Carpets of which Messrs . Oetzmann and . j Co ., have thc exclusive sale , are of first-class liritish Manu- Walnut Cabinet . Spring Scat , good Castors jjs od facture , have all the style and appearance of real Tuikev Superior do ., stuffed all Carpets , at little more than the price of good Brussels , anil , , ., ,, . , _ Hair 31 s 6 d are verv durable . Price lists free on application . Forthe Inlaid Marquetcrre and Orrnoln The Vienna , Gent ' s Easy convenience of those residing at a distance , a large piece mounted , lined msrde with Velvet Chair , Jargcr size , to showing thc border and centre of carpet will be sent on re- Itt . ton . vide ... ... 42 s Oct match 35 * od ceipt of ; s .,-nhich will be deducted from price of carpet , or 3 't . 6 m . wide , with 2 doors 73 s Gd Superior do ., stuffed all refunded upon return of pattern . Hearth-rugs to match , 6 ft . 4 K with a doors 84 s od Hair 42 s od Ions : bv 2 ft . Sin . wide , £ 1 Js . 6 d . DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE , THE BEST FURNISHING GUIDE EXTANT , POST FREE . Lowest prices consistent with guaranteed quality . Orders per post receive prompt and faithful attention
r TUE LONDONAND GENERALWATER PURIFYING COMPANY ( LIMITED ) . PATENT CISTERN FILTERS CHARGED SOLELY WITH ANIMAL CHARCOAL . Requiring , when once fixed , no attention whatever , wittfa Cl ' sternVilter . THE LATEST PATENTED FILTER IN GENERAL USE . ,, ___ . _ .. _ __ .. __ And superior to all others , Vide Professor Frankland ' s Reports to the Registrar General , July 1866 . Novem ! S ? 3 - , S ! S t" ® ' W * rS ' ; r :- "d ber , 1867 , and May , iS 7 o ; the " Lancet , " January 12 , ISGJ , and Testimonials from Dr . Hassall , September 23 ; jil ; rrf > ' ^ c : S : AjM : | 1863 ; Dr . Letheby , February ij , 1 S 73 , and December , 1873 . j , Af _ ASKS'i | S I " ' " & 10 s . ami upwards . POKTABLE FILTERS on this System , £ 1 $ s . to £ 3 . i | S j ^ - - ^§ : [ it _ l | f Patronized and used by Her Majesty the Queen , at Osborne ; by H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., fj ^ sl rSAli ^^ -IHSl Sandringharn ; by H . R . H . the Duke of Cambridge ; tlic elite of the Medical Profession , and at the Londo ( J Aj ^ _ f ^™ S ( t _ l _ p St . George ' s , Fever , and German Hospitals , and various Lunatic Asylums , KiS ^ ir 3 £ 3 ?^|^ h 5 »* Institutions , Breweries , & c . if POCKET FILTERS , 4 s . 6 d . and 6 s . each . HOUSEHOLD and FANCY FILTERS from xas . 6 d . WATER TESTING APPARATUS FOR DETECTING THE IMPURITIES IN WATER , 10 s . Cd . and 21 s . each . Danchell ' s ' ^ Testing Apparatus for Discovering the Presence of Impurities in Water , " isa most convenient and portable one—Vide Dyke on tlie Preliminary Duties of Health Officers . This is a very handy case for the Study Table or Carpet Bag . It contains the Chief Chemical Ter . ts for Qanlitive , Water Analysis , and will be found of use hy medical and other men who may have occasion to ascertain in a ready manner whether any of the more actual impurities are present or not in water . Vide the " Medical Record , " January 29 , 1873 . 157 , STRAND ( four doors from Somerset House ) , LONDON .
GEORGEKENNING,MANUFACTURER. Masonic Aprons . Epaulettes . Masonic Publisher . „ Jewels . Buttons . Gold and Silver Laces . , Medals . Swords . ,, Fringes . „ Banners . Belts . „ Braids . ,, Furniture . Fishing Gimp . „ Tassels . Tracing Boards . Ball Favours . „ Embroidery . Insignia for all Societies . i , 2 , 3 , LITTLE BRITAIN , and 175 , ALDERSGATE-ST ., LONDON . BRANCHES —198 , Fleet-st ., London ; 2 , Monument-placo , Liverpool ; 47 , Bridge-st ., Manchester 9 , West Howard-st ., Glasgow .
FURNITURE , CARPETS , BEDSTEADS , BEDDING , & c , WILLIAMWAINE, Complete House l ' urnisher , and IVholesale and Export Upholsterer , 131 to 139 , NEWINGTON BUTTS , The most convenient Furnishing- Establishment in the Kingdom . Stocks immense . Illustrated Price Lists gratis All goods delivered free and warranted . Carpets . Brussels , 300 pieces , 2 / 4 J , 2 / 9 , 2 / 11 , and 3 J 3 per yard ; best ditto , 3 / 11 , worth 4 / 11 . Inspect before purchasing elsewhere ; especially members of the Civil Service and Co-operative Societies , and compare prices . Vast slocks of Table Linen , Sheetings , Quilts , Blankets , Flannels , Huckabacks , Glass Cloths , Crumb Cloths , Muslin Lace , and Damask Curtains , Reps , Pekinades , Cretonnes , Floorcloths , now being offered at prices much below the present market value . Guaranteed genuine and of the best quality . Horrock ' s Long Cloths at their own list prices . Furniture , Bedsteads , Bedding , tic , well seasoned , and at very reduced prices . Sixty Pianofortes by thc most eminent makers at very low prices . Music at one quarter published price , and large quantities at much less . WM . WAINE , 131 fo 150 , Newington But is , London , S . E . Factories , Grampian Street and Frederick Place .
S.YARDLEY &SONS , ( ESTABLISHED 1838 ) ShopFrontBuilders, SHOPFITTERS, AND Air Tight Show Case Manufacturers , WORKS—8 , LOWER WOOD STREET , EXMOUTII STREET , SHOW R 00 MS-25 , MOUNT PLEASANT , CLERKENWELL . Every description of linings manufactured for Jewellers , Cutlers , Stationers , Oilices , Drapers , Museums , Banks , Libraries , Outlitlers and H osers , Fancy Trades , & c . Plans and Estimates provided for shop fronts and internal fittings in Town or any part ofthe country . S . YARDLIV & SONS respectfull y solicit the patronage of Architects and Surveyors , whose instructions shall receive special and faithful attention .
Now ready , Crown 8 vo ., Cloth , Gilt Edges . Price 3 s , post free , 3 s . 2 d . A SELECTION MASONICSONGS, SET TO POPULAR AIRS , uv BRO . E . P . PHILPOTS , M . D ., F . R . G . S . The airs include those of " Nil Desperandum , " " The Bay of Biscay , " " Excelsior , " " My Native Hig hland Home , " "John Barleycorn , " "Red , White and Blue , " " Auld Lang Syne , " " God Save the Queen , " " God Bless the Prince of Wales , " " Hearts of Oak , " " Thc Pilgrim of Love , " " Bonnie Dundee , " " Annie Laurie , " " To the West" & c . Sec . 198 , ' FLEET STREET , LONDON ,