Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 4 of 4 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 4 of 4 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 4 of 4 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 1 Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
and appreciation of it . To say that he would do his best to discharge the duties of his high office to thc utmost of his abilities , and to merit a continuance of their confidence , was to say very little—that was only what they had a right to demand of him ; and when he looked around upon the long and distinguished list of his piedecessors , who had so worthily filled thc chair of Union Lodge—many of
whom had made their mark in the Craft—he might well feel the deep responsibility of thc trust they had thought fit to repose in him . He called to mind with much pleasure and satisfaction that night five years , when in that very room he made his first Masonic speech , and he then made a resolve that it should be his ambition to attain thc honourable position
the then W . M . of Lodge 129 occupied . His ambition had been realised , inasmuch as he had that day been installed by his near friend , Bro . Gibson , ably assisted by Bros . Bowes and Talbot . He had held every office in the lodge—I . G . ; Deacon ; Sec ; J . W . ; and S . W . ; and to this he mainly owed his proud position that night . He now asked for the kind co-operation of the worthy P . M . ' s , and
especially his officers , without which he could not hope for a successful year of office . They would g ive him encouragement by attending constantly , regularly , and punctually . Let them be animated with one desire—the welfare and prosperity of the lodge . Union Lodge , No . 129 , stood high in the Craft , and in thc province of Cumberland and Westmorland . Let them , therefore , endeavour to
raise it still higher , and they might be assured he would endeavour to discharge the duties connected with the chair , he trusted with honour to the Craft in general , and with satisfaction to the P . M . ' s and brethren of Union Lodge in particular . ( Applause . ) The W . M . then proposed , in complimentary terms , " The I . P . M ., " which was acknowledged by Bro . Nelson . Bro . Holme gave " The
Newlyinvested Officers of 129 , " and in doing so gave it as his opinion that the W . M . could not have found a better lot of officers , had he picked the lodge through and through . Rros . Banks , Watson , and the remainder of the officers responded in terms that augurs well for the prosperity and efficient working of the lodge . Bro . Nelson proposed •'The Installing Officers , " which was acknowledged by
Bro . Bowes , Bro . Gibson , having had to leave for the north at an early period of the proceedings . The W . M . next gave " The Visitors , " prefacing his remarks by saying that this was always a welcome toast in Lodge 129 . He believed that vifiting other lodges was very necessary , because it not only engendered kindly feelings amongst the brethren , but it gave them an
opportunity of improving and perfecting themselves m Masonic knowledge . Lodge 129 was proverbial for her hospitality , and long might she continue so . Thc various visiting brethren present having replied , the W . M . proposed " Thc Masonic Charities . " He said he intended representing the province for the second time at the Boy ' s School festival . ( Applause . ) Having detailed the great
good the thrc # Institutions were effecting , and of which Masons were so justly proud , he asked them to practise in a substantial manner the greatest of Masonic institutions , which they professed so much to admire , and send him up to London with a long list of subscriptions . ( Applause . ) They would thus do honour to their lodge , the province of Cumberland and Westmorland , and the
distinguished brother who would preside on the occasionthc S . G . W . of England , H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught . ( Applause . ) He coupled with the toast the name of Bro . Grayson , one of the most open handed members of Union Lodge , who made a modest reply . The proceedings , which throughout had been of a most successful and enjoyable character , were then brought to a close . The
musical arrangements , both during lodge business and the post-prand'al proceedings , were under thc direction of Bro . R . Godfrey , in the absence through illness of Bro . Cox , the Organist . Excellent harmony was contributed by Bros . Bintley , Gooding , Scales , Geo . Taylor , and others . WINSHILL . —Royal Sussex Lodge ( No . 31 : 3 ) . —The sixtieth anniversary of this prosperous lodge
of Freemasons was held on Monday , the 28 th ult ,, at the Swan Hotel , Winshill , when Bro . W . Boden was installed in the chair of King Solomon , the ceremony being performed by Bro . 11 . Howe , the Immediate Past Master . The Worshipful Master invested the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing yenr : —Bros . W . J . Booth , S . W . ; F . I . Roe , I . W . ; W . Walters , Secretary ; W . J . Drewiy ,
P . M ., Treasurer ; W . J . Gothard , P . M ., P . P . G . P ., D . of C ; F . J . Gane , S . D . ; W . Johnson , J . D . ; W . L . Ball , I . G . ; John Johnson , Tyler . During the ceremony a handsome gold watch and chain was presented by the members of the lodge to Bro . H . Turner , on his retirement from the office as Tyler , which post he has held for the long period of twenty-four years . The presentation was made in
suitable terms by Bro . T . A . Jackson , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D . The lodge having been closed , about forty brethren sat down to a banquet served by Bro . Spooner . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and heartily responded to , much gratification being expressed by thc visiting brethren at the admirable manner in which the ceremony was performed , it being their unanimous opinion
that this ancient lodge has a long and prosperous career before it . The harmony of thc evening was much enhanced by some excellent singing . Letters of apology were read from Bros . H . C . Okeover , D . P . G . M ., Past J . W . England , and W . Naylor , P . P . S . G . W ., P . G . Secretary , and several other brethren , regretting their unavoidable absence . The following is the list of visitors present : —Bros .
T . Cox , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., P . G . Treasurer , 253 ; 1 . Horsley , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., 2 5 s ; H . Hillam , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., 731 ; W . II . Marsden , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., 253 ; A . G . Taylor , W . M . 2 ^; jno . Smith , P . M ., P . P . J . G . W ., 731 ; E . Starey , P . M ., P . P . | . G . W ., 624 ; C Graham , P . M . 624 ; S . Briygs , P . M . 624 ; K . Macrae , W . M . C 24 ; T . B . Edwards , P . M . 296 ; J . Bland , J . D . 1391 ; J . H . Pragnell , 108 5 ; W . Wright , ( Ashby ) .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
BEDFORD . —Stuart Lodge ( No . 5 40 ) . — The brethren of this lodge held their January meeting on thc 30 th ult ., but under a great feeling of regret for thc severe accident that befell the W . M ., Bro . Dr . Rhys Williams , of Bethlehem Hospital , which we mentioned in our last issue . In his absence the chair was taken by Bro . Alderman Sergeant , P . M . and Treasurer , who opened the lodge , at
which there were present Bros . P . M . ' s Dr . Prior , Sec ; Alderman Bull , J . P ., Steward ; Cuthbert , Cookson , Billson , Capt . Green , Rev . Faussett Ward , and Boughton-Smith . Officers : Bros . Capt . Colburn , S . W . ; Coombs , J . W . ; Allan , S . D . ; Thody , J . D . ; Carter , I . G . ; and Reynolds , Tyler ; Bros . Leslie , Capt . Glubb , H . Allen , Stafford , Kilpin , Ayrcs , Pick , Jarvis , Harris ,
Moon , and Chibnall ; and visitor , Bro . J . R . Green , United Strength , 228 . The minutes of the last lodge having been read and confirmed , a ballot , which proved unanimous , was taken for Mr . S . Foster , as a candidate for initiation . A ballot , which also proved unanimous , was taken for Bro . Thomas Vincent De Denne , of Ledge of Loyalty , 86 , Northampton , as a joining member . Bro . Denne is a
son of a late respected member of the Stuart Lodge . Dr . Prior then took thc chair and initiated Mr . Foster . When the time for propo sitions came , Bro . Bull proposed , and Bro . P . M . Billson seconded a vote cf sympathy with their W . M , in his suffering consequent upon his untoward accident . This vote , which was , of course , as hearty as it was unanimrus , was directed to be conveyed by letter to
Dr . Williams . A resident of Bedford was then duly proposed for initiation , and thc lodge having been closed , about twenty brethren sat down to supper , and spent , as usual , a most pleasant evening . EASTDEREHAM . —Sondes Lodge ( No . 99 6 ) . Thc annual meeting of the brethren of this lodge was held on Wednesday 50 th ult . at the Eagle Hotel , for the purpose
of installing Bro . F . W . Abram as W . M . for thc year ensuing ( this being the fourth time Bro . Abram has been elected to this position ) . The ceremony of installation was most impressively performed hy Bro . F . B . Quinton , P . P . G . A . D . C , from Norwich , while the duties of D . C . were very efficiently rendered by Bro . Lord , P . P . G . S . of W . The XV M . chose the following brethren as his officers for thc year
ensuing : —I . P . M ., Bro . E . H . Smith ; S . W ., Bro . J . Whear ; J . W ., Bro . F . Beck ; S . D . Bro . W . H . Doughty ; J . D ., Bro . W . Fiske ; I . G ., Bro . A . Massingham ; Steward , Bro . Tench ; Secretary , Bro . L . E . Hatfield ; Treasurer , Bro . W . T . Gidney ; Tyler , Bro . W . Mayes . The brethren afterwards sat down to an elegant banquet provided by Host Bro . Minn , which we need scarcely say was of a character to sustain
that worthy ' s reputation ns . a caterer ; a meed of thanks is also due to Bro . McLaren for his generous supply of choice plants and flowers with which the table and room were embellished . The cloth having been removed , the Worshipful Master gave in succession , "The Queen and the Craft , " "Thc G . M . of England ( Bro . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales ) , " " Earl Carnarvon , Pro G . M ., " and
" Lord Skelmersdale , D . P . G . M . of England , " which were duly honoured . P . M . Edward Barwell followed with " Lord Suffield , the G . M . of Norfolk "—a good man and a good Mason . Bro . Lord directed the customary " fire " suitable to each toast , the W . M . ' s health being greeted with musical honours in addition . Bro . E . 11 . Smith ( in the vice-chair ) proposed the D . Prov . G . M ., Major Penrice ,
and officers of thc Province . Bro . Lord responded for the past and Bro . Smith for the present officers . Secretary Hatfield next gave their " fourth-time Master , " which of course met with uproarious applause ; and in reply Bro . Abram enunciated some laudable Masonic sentiments , pointing out the necessity of younger brethren becoming aspiring Craftsmen , and how tbey might get to the top
round of the ladder . He concluded by proposing the healths of Bros . Quinton and Lord , who had attended the annual gatherings of their lodge for so many years . They replied , and the W . M . gave " The Masonic Charities , " showing from a case under their own eye the necessity of supporting those institutions . Acknowledged by Bro . Lord , a hardworking Steward of thc province . Charity , one of the
first tenets of Freemasonry , lost nothing at the hands of the speaker , nearly £ 4 being collected in the room on behalf of the homes and schools . " Thc I . P . M . " met with a cordial reception , and Bro . Massingham said something appropriate for "The Lodge Officers . " " The Visitors " brought up Bro . G . W . Page , P . G . S . ( W . M . elect of Lodge Philanthropic , Lynn ) , and Bros . P . Soman and Spencer
Stevens , of Norwich . Bro . Braun replied for departing and absent friends , and the I lost for himself and spouse . Then Bro . Soman talked about thc Press , and the ladies had a champion in Bro . Middleton . This brought the toast-list proper to a close—not that anything improper followedfar from it ; but the W . M . having retired , his place was taken by Bro . Whear , who , through magisterial kindness , was enabled to keep thc party together till midnight .
INSTRUCTION . JORDAN LODGE ( No . 201 ) . —This lodge held its meeting on Wednesday , thc 30 th ult ., at the Devonshire Arms , Devonshire-street , Portland-place . Bro . Goodwin , W . M . elect of the Westbourne Lodge , 733 , in the chair , Bro . Long , S . W . ; Franks , j . W . ; Hiscox , S . D . and Treasurer ; Hole , I G . ; and others . The lodge was opened
in due form with solemn prayer , the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Thc lodge was then opened in thc Second Degree , and the ceremony of passing was then rehearsed . Bro . Hele , candidate . Lodge resumed to First Degree , proposed by the W . M . " That the ceremony of Installation be worked on Wednesday
evening , the 20 th of Feb . "—carried unanimously . A vote of thanks was proposed and seconded to the W . M . for the very able manner in which he had performed his duties in the chair , proposed by Bro . Hiscox , " That thc S . W . be elected W . M . for the ensuing week . " Carried unanimously The lodge was closed in due form , and in perfect harmony .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
EARLOF CARNARVON LODGE ( No . 1642 ) . —A meeting of this lodge of instruction was held at the Mitre Hotel , Goulborne-road , Notting-bill , on Friday , the ist February . Bros . Penn , W . M . ; Adkins , S . W . ; Smout , sen ., J . W . ; Spiegel , S . D . ; Gable , J . D . ; Woodmason , I . G . ; Bro . Savage , P . M . Preceptor ; Newland , Tettenboon , H . Dehane , Hatton , Oldrey , Chalford , 1425 ; and others .
The First and Second Degrees was rehearsed , Bro . Oldrey being the candidate for initiation and Bro . Hatton for passing . Bro . Oldrey was elected a member of this Lodge of Instruction . Bro . Savage , P . M . Preceptor , begged of the brethren to be a little more punctual in their attendance , he is always at his post at half past seven
o ' clock , and regrets to say he has sometimes to wait half an hour to open the lodge . The brethren present pledged themselves , that the worthy Preceptor shall have no further complaints to make in this respect , and they promised one and all to be here in good time . Bro . Adkins was elected W . M . for thc next week .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
KENDAL . —Kendal Castle Chapter ( No . 129 ) . —The annual convocation of this chapter was held on Thursday , Jan . 3 rst ., at thc Masonic Hall , Stramongate . In the absence of thc M . E . Z .. E . Comp . John Bowes , P . Z ., Prov . G . S . N ., took the chair and assisted by E . Comps . Joseph Bintley , H . ; John Talbot , J . ; Titus Wilson , P . Z . ; and W . B . Gibson , P . Z . ; Prov . G . J . ; opened the chapter ,
after which the companions were admitted , and amongst them we noticed Comps . John Holme , M . E . Z . ; R . J Nelson , Robt . Godfrey , Geo . J . McKay , J . Bell , T . Baron , J . Gooding , W . Tattersal , J . Banks , D . Cleary , and others . Thc minutes of the last convocation having been read and confirmed , E . Comp . Bowes was asked to instal the Principals for the ensuing year , viz ., Joseph Bintley ,
Z . ; John Talbot , H . ; and George J . McKay , J . The other officers invested were Comps . Robt . Godfrey , S . E . ; J . Bell , S . N . ; John Banks , P . S . ; who nominated Comps . Baron and Gooding his assistants , and Dan . Cleary , Janitor . Thc Installing Principal then proclaimed the new Principals and after they had been greeted and saluted he closed the ceremony with the benediction . A hearty
vote of thanks was ordered to be placed on the minutes to E . Comp . Bowes for his services that day . A committee was nominated to frame bye . laws for the governance of the chapter , and four brethren were proposed as candidates for exaltation . There being no further business the chapter was closed and the companions joined their brethren of the Union Lodge at the banquet table .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
LANCASTER . —Moore Lodge ( No . 146 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 28 th ult ., at the Masonic Rooms , Athenceum . There were present Bros . F . Dean , Prov . G . J . O ., W . M . ; Dr . J . Daniel Moore , G . J . O . of England , as I . P . M . ; Wm . Hall , S . W . ; W . J . Sly , Prov . G . D ., as J . W . ; Edward Simpson , P . M ., P . P . G . R of M ., Sec . ; H . Longman , M . O ., J . Stanley , S . O . ; Croskell , J . O ., and others . After the usual lodge and the accounts audited and
business had been transacted , passed , thc election took place for W . M . for the ensuing year , which resulted in the unanimous choice of Bro . Wm . Hall , S . W ., to that important office , and Bro . W . J . Sly was elected Treas . The installation will take place on Monday , 25 th March , on which occasion thc founder ofthe lodge , Bro . Dr . Moore , will officiate as Installing Officer . Some instruction was given and other business transacted , after which the lodge was closed in due form .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
NEWPORT .-Gwent Preceptory . —A meeting of this Preceptory was held at the Masonic Hall , Dockstreet , on Tuesday , 20 th January , when the Preceptory was opened by Sir Knt . W . Williams , as E . P . ; and the following were present : Sir Knt . Captain L . Geo . Homfray , P . E . P . ; W . Lawson , P . E . P . ; Captain Haldane , M . ; W . Watkins , Registrar ; H . Howell , N . Wells , W .
Pickford , and others . Bro . J . L . Hunter Little was then installed as a Sir Knight ; after which Sir Knight W . Pickford was installed as E . P . for thc next twelve months , Both ceremonies were performed in a most impressive manner by Sir Knight W . Williams . The preceptory was then closed , and the Sir Knights adjourned to a banquet at the King ' s Head , presided over by Sit Knight W . Pickford .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
NEWPORT .-Ivor Hael Chapter . —A meeting of this chapter was held at the Masonic Hall , Dockstreet , on Wednesday , 30 th January , where in the absence of Bro . Chambers , M . W . S ., the chapter was opened by Captain S . Geo . Homfray , 30 , and the following were present , Bros . W . Lawson , 31 ° ; J . Chandler , 30 ; L . A . Homfray , 31 ; F . Binckes , 30 ; Captain Haldane , 18 ° ; W . Williams , iS ° ; W . Watkins 18 , and several others . The
ballot was then taken for Bros . Julius and Philips , who were unanimously elected , and being in attendance were duly perfected . Bro . Captain E . V . Haldane , was then unanimously elected as M . W . S ., to be installed in July . A vote of thanks was passed to Bros . Lawson , Chandler , and Binckes for their kindness in visiting the chapter , which was suitably acknowledged , and the chapter was closed .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
and appreciation of it . To say that he would do his best to discharge the duties of his high office to thc utmost of his abilities , and to merit a continuance of their confidence , was to say very little—that was only what they had a right to demand of him ; and when he looked around upon the long and distinguished list of his piedecessors , who had so worthily filled thc chair of Union Lodge—many of
whom had made their mark in the Craft—he might well feel the deep responsibility of thc trust they had thought fit to repose in him . He called to mind with much pleasure and satisfaction that night five years , when in that very room he made his first Masonic speech , and he then made a resolve that it should be his ambition to attain thc honourable position
the then W . M . of Lodge 129 occupied . His ambition had been realised , inasmuch as he had that day been installed by his near friend , Bro . Gibson , ably assisted by Bros . Bowes and Talbot . He had held every office in the lodge—I . G . ; Deacon ; Sec ; J . W . ; and S . W . ; and to this he mainly owed his proud position that night . He now asked for the kind co-operation of the worthy P . M . ' s , and
especially his officers , without which he could not hope for a successful year of office . They would g ive him encouragement by attending constantly , regularly , and punctually . Let them be animated with one desire—the welfare and prosperity of the lodge . Union Lodge , No . 129 , stood high in the Craft , and in thc province of Cumberland and Westmorland . Let them , therefore , endeavour to
raise it still higher , and they might be assured he would endeavour to discharge the duties connected with the chair , he trusted with honour to the Craft in general , and with satisfaction to the P . M . ' s and brethren of Union Lodge in particular . ( Applause . ) The W . M . then proposed , in complimentary terms , " The I . P . M ., " which was acknowledged by Bro . Nelson . Bro . Holme gave " The
Newlyinvested Officers of 129 , " and in doing so gave it as his opinion that the W . M . could not have found a better lot of officers , had he picked the lodge through and through . Rros . Banks , Watson , and the remainder of the officers responded in terms that augurs well for the prosperity and efficient working of the lodge . Bro . Nelson proposed •'The Installing Officers , " which was acknowledged by
Bro . Bowes , Bro . Gibson , having had to leave for the north at an early period of the proceedings . The W . M . next gave " The Visitors , " prefacing his remarks by saying that this was always a welcome toast in Lodge 129 . He believed that vifiting other lodges was very necessary , because it not only engendered kindly feelings amongst the brethren , but it gave them an
opportunity of improving and perfecting themselves m Masonic knowledge . Lodge 129 was proverbial for her hospitality , and long might she continue so . Thc various visiting brethren present having replied , the W . M . proposed " Thc Masonic Charities . " He said he intended representing the province for the second time at the Boy ' s School festival . ( Applause . ) Having detailed the great
good the thrc # Institutions were effecting , and of which Masons were so justly proud , he asked them to practise in a substantial manner the greatest of Masonic institutions , which they professed so much to admire , and send him up to London with a long list of subscriptions . ( Applause . ) They would thus do honour to their lodge , the province of Cumberland and Westmorland , and the
distinguished brother who would preside on the occasionthc S . G . W . of England , H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught . ( Applause . ) He coupled with the toast the name of Bro . Grayson , one of the most open handed members of Union Lodge , who made a modest reply . The proceedings , which throughout had been of a most successful and enjoyable character , were then brought to a close . The
musical arrangements , both during lodge business and the post-prand'al proceedings , were under thc direction of Bro . R . Godfrey , in the absence through illness of Bro . Cox , the Organist . Excellent harmony was contributed by Bros . Bintley , Gooding , Scales , Geo . Taylor , and others . WINSHILL . —Royal Sussex Lodge ( No . 31 : 3 ) . —The sixtieth anniversary of this prosperous lodge
of Freemasons was held on Monday , the 28 th ult ,, at the Swan Hotel , Winshill , when Bro . W . Boden was installed in the chair of King Solomon , the ceremony being performed by Bro . 11 . Howe , the Immediate Past Master . The Worshipful Master invested the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing yenr : —Bros . W . J . Booth , S . W . ; F . I . Roe , I . W . ; W . Walters , Secretary ; W . J . Drewiy ,
P . M ., Treasurer ; W . J . Gothard , P . M ., P . P . G . P ., D . of C ; F . J . Gane , S . D . ; W . Johnson , J . D . ; W . L . Ball , I . G . ; John Johnson , Tyler . During the ceremony a handsome gold watch and chain was presented by the members of the lodge to Bro . H . Turner , on his retirement from the office as Tyler , which post he has held for the long period of twenty-four years . The presentation was made in
suitable terms by Bro . T . A . Jackson , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D . The lodge having been closed , about forty brethren sat down to a banquet served by Bro . Spooner . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and heartily responded to , much gratification being expressed by thc visiting brethren at the admirable manner in which the ceremony was performed , it being their unanimous opinion
that this ancient lodge has a long and prosperous career before it . The harmony of thc evening was much enhanced by some excellent singing . Letters of apology were read from Bros . H . C . Okeover , D . P . G . M ., Past J . W . England , and W . Naylor , P . P . S . G . W ., P . G . Secretary , and several other brethren , regretting their unavoidable absence . The following is the list of visitors present : —Bros .
T . Cox , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., P . G . Treasurer , 253 ; 1 . Horsley , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., 2 5 s ; H . Hillam , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., 731 ; W . II . Marsden , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., 253 ; A . G . Taylor , W . M . 2 ^; jno . Smith , P . M ., P . P . J . G . W ., 731 ; E . Starey , P . M ., P . P . | . G . W ., 624 ; C Graham , P . M . 624 ; S . Briygs , P . M . 624 ; K . Macrae , W . M . C 24 ; T . B . Edwards , P . M . 296 ; J . Bland , J . D . 1391 ; J . H . Pragnell , 108 5 ; W . Wright , ( Ashby ) .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
BEDFORD . —Stuart Lodge ( No . 5 40 ) . — The brethren of this lodge held their January meeting on thc 30 th ult ., but under a great feeling of regret for thc severe accident that befell the W . M ., Bro . Dr . Rhys Williams , of Bethlehem Hospital , which we mentioned in our last issue . In his absence the chair was taken by Bro . Alderman Sergeant , P . M . and Treasurer , who opened the lodge , at
which there were present Bros . P . M . ' s Dr . Prior , Sec ; Alderman Bull , J . P ., Steward ; Cuthbert , Cookson , Billson , Capt . Green , Rev . Faussett Ward , and Boughton-Smith . Officers : Bros . Capt . Colburn , S . W . ; Coombs , J . W . ; Allan , S . D . ; Thody , J . D . ; Carter , I . G . ; and Reynolds , Tyler ; Bros . Leslie , Capt . Glubb , H . Allen , Stafford , Kilpin , Ayrcs , Pick , Jarvis , Harris ,
Moon , and Chibnall ; and visitor , Bro . J . R . Green , United Strength , 228 . The minutes of the last lodge having been read and confirmed , a ballot , which proved unanimous , was taken for Mr . S . Foster , as a candidate for initiation . A ballot , which also proved unanimous , was taken for Bro . Thomas Vincent De Denne , of Ledge of Loyalty , 86 , Northampton , as a joining member . Bro . Denne is a
son of a late respected member of the Stuart Lodge . Dr . Prior then took thc chair and initiated Mr . Foster . When the time for propo sitions came , Bro . Bull proposed , and Bro . P . M . Billson seconded a vote cf sympathy with their W . M , in his suffering consequent upon his untoward accident . This vote , which was , of course , as hearty as it was unanimrus , was directed to be conveyed by letter to
Dr . Williams . A resident of Bedford was then duly proposed for initiation , and thc lodge having been closed , about twenty brethren sat down to supper , and spent , as usual , a most pleasant evening . EASTDEREHAM . —Sondes Lodge ( No . 99 6 ) . Thc annual meeting of the brethren of this lodge was held on Wednesday 50 th ult . at the Eagle Hotel , for the purpose
of installing Bro . F . W . Abram as W . M . for thc year ensuing ( this being the fourth time Bro . Abram has been elected to this position ) . The ceremony of installation was most impressively performed hy Bro . F . B . Quinton , P . P . G . A . D . C , from Norwich , while the duties of D . C . were very efficiently rendered by Bro . Lord , P . P . G . S . of W . The XV M . chose the following brethren as his officers for thc year
ensuing : —I . P . M ., Bro . E . H . Smith ; S . W ., Bro . J . Whear ; J . W ., Bro . F . Beck ; S . D . Bro . W . H . Doughty ; J . D ., Bro . W . Fiske ; I . G ., Bro . A . Massingham ; Steward , Bro . Tench ; Secretary , Bro . L . E . Hatfield ; Treasurer , Bro . W . T . Gidney ; Tyler , Bro . W . Mayes . The brethren afterwards sat down to an elegant banquet provided by Host Bro . Minn , which we need scarcely say was of a character to sustain
that worthy ' s reputation ns . a caterer ; a meed of thanks is also due to Bro . McLaren for his generous supply of choice plants and flowers with which the table and room were embellished . The cloth having been removed , the Worshipful Master gave in succession , "The Queen and the Craft , " "Thc G . M . of England ( Bro . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales ) , " " Earl Carnarvon , Pro G . M ., " and
" Lord Skelmersdale , D . P . G . M . of England , " which were duly honoured . P . M . Edward Barwell followed with " Lord Suffield , the G . M . of Norfolk "—a good man and a good Mason . Bro . Lord directed the customary " fire " suitable to each toast , the W . M . ' s health being greeted with musical honours in addition . Bro . E . 11 . Smith ( in the vice-chair ) proposed the D . Prov . G . M ., Major Penrice ,
and officers of thc Province . Bro . Lord responded for the past and Bro . Smith for the present officers . Secretary Hatfield next gave their " fourth-time Master , " which of course met with uproarious applause ; and in reply Bro . Abram enunciated some laudable Masonic sentiments , pointing out the necessity of younger brethren becoming aspiring Craftsmen , and how tbey might get to the top
round of the ladder . He concluded by proposing the healths of Bros . Quinton and Lord , who had attended the annual gatherings of their lodge for so many years . They replied , and the W . M . gave " The Masonic Charities , " showing from a case under their own eye the necessity of supporting those institutions . Acknowledged by Bro . Lord , a hardworking Steward of thc province . Charity , one of the
first tenets of Freemasonry , lost nothing at the hands of the speaker , nearly £ 4 being collected in the room on behalf of the homes and schools . " Thc I . P . M . " met with a cordial reception , and Bro . Massingham said something appropriate for "The Lodge Officers . " " The Visitors " brought up Bro . G . W . Page , P . G . S . ( W . M . elect of Lodge Philanthropic , Lynn ) , and Bros . P . Soman and Spencer
Stevens , of Norwich . Bro . Braun replied for departing and absent friends , and the I lost for himself and spouse . Then Bro . Soman talked about thc Press , and the ladies had a champion in Bro . Middleton . This brought the toast-list proper to a close—not that anything improper followedfar from it ; but the W . M . having retired , his place was taken by Bro . Whear , who , through magisterial kindness , was enabled to keep thc party together till midnight .
INSTRUCTION . JORDAN LODGE ( No . 201 ) . —This lodge held its meeting on Wednesday , thc 30 th ult ., at the Devonshire Arms , Devonshire-street , Portland-place . Bro . Goodwin , W . M . elect of the Westbourne Lodge , 733 , in the chair , Bro . Long , S . W . ; Franks , j . W . ; Hiscox , S . D . and Treasurer ; Hole , I G . ; and others . The lodge was opened
in due form with solemn prayer , the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . Thc lodge was then opened in thc Second Degree , and the ceremony of passing was then rehearsed . Bro . Hele , candidate . Lodge resumed to First Degree , proposed by the W . M . " That the ceremony of Installation be worked on Wednesday
evening , the 20 th of Feb . "—carried unanimously . A vote of thanks was proposed and seconded to the W . M . for the very able manner in which he had performed his duties in the chair , proposed by Bro . Hiscox , " That thc S . W . be elected W . M . for the ensuing week . " Carried unanimously The lodge was closed in due form , and in perfect harmony .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
EARLOF CARNARVON LODGE ( No . 1642 ) . —A meeting of this lodge of instruction was held at the Mitre Hotel , Goulborne-road , Notting-bill , on Friday , the ist February . Bros . Penn , W . M . ; Adkins , S . W . ; Smout , sen ., J . W . ; Spiegel , S . D . ; Gable , J . D . ; Woodmason , I . G . ; Bro . Savage , P . M . Preceptor ; Newland , Tettenboon , H . Dehane , Hatton , Oldrey , Chalford , 1425 ; and others .
The First and Second Degrees was rehearsed , Bro . Oldrey being the candidate for initiation and Bro . Hatton for passing . Bro . Oldrey was elected a member of this Lodge of Instruction . Bro . Savage , P . M . Preceptor , begged of the brethren to be a little more punctual in their attendance , he is always at his post at half past seven
o ' clock , and regrets to say he has sometimes to wait half an hour to open the lodge . The brethren present pledged themselves , that the worthy Preceptor shall have no further complaints to make in this respect , and they promised one and all to be here in good time . Bro . Adkins was elected W . M . for thc next week .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
KENDAL . —Kendal Castle Chapter ( No . 129 ) . —The annual convocation of this chapter was held on Thursday , Jan . 3 rst ., at thc Masonic Hall , Stramongate . In the absence of thc M . E . Z .. E . Comp . John Bowes , P . Z ., Prov . G . S . N ., took the chair and assisted by E . Comps . Joseph Bintley , H . ; John Talbot , J . ; Titus Wilson , P . Z . ; and W . B . Gibson , P . Z . ; Prov . G . J . ; opened the chapter ,
after which the companions were admitted , and amongst them we noticed Comps . John Holme , M . E . Z . ; R . J Nelson , Robt . Godfrey , Geo . J . McKay , J . Bell , T . Baron , J . Gooding , W . Tattersal , J . Banks , D . Cleary , and others . Thc minutes of the last convocation having been read and confirmed , E . Comp . Bowes was asked to instal the Principals for the ensuing year , viz ., Joseph Bintley ,
Z . ; John Talbot , H . ; and George J . McKay , J . The other officers invested were Comps . Robt . Godfrey , S . E . ; J . Bell , S . N . ; John Banks , P . S . ; who nominated Comps . Baron and Gooding his assistants , and Dan . Cleary , Janitor . Thc Installing Principal then proclaimed the new Principals and after they had been greeted and saluted he closed the ceremony with the benediction . A hearty
vote of thanks was ordered to be placed on the minutes to E . Comp . Bowes for his services that day . A committee was nominated to frame bye . laws for the governance of the chapter , and four brethren were proposed as candidates for exaltation . There being no further business the chapter was closed and the companions joined their brethren of the Union Lodge at the banquet table .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
LANCASTER . —Moore Lodge ( No . 146 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 28 th ult ., at the Masonic Rooms , Athenceum . There were present Bros . F . Dean , Prov . G . J . O ., W . M . ; Dr . J . Daniel Moore , G . J . O . of England , as I . P . M . ; Wm . Hall , S . W . ; W . J . Sly , Prov . G . D ., as J . W . ; Edward Simpson , P . M ., P . P . G . R of M ., Sec . ; H . Longman , M . O ., J . Stanley , S . O . ; Croskell , J . O ., and others . After the usual lodge and the accounts audited and
business had been transacted , passed , thc election took place for W . M . for the ensuing year , which resulted in the unanimous choice of Bro . Wm . Hall , S . W ., to that important office , and Bro . W . J . Sly was elected Treas . The installation will take place on Monday , 25 th March , on which occasion thc founder ofthe lodge , Bro . Dr . Moore , will officiate as Installing Officer . Some instruction was given and other business transacted , after which the lodge was closed in due form .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
NEWPORT .-Gwent Preceptory . —A meeting of this Preceptory was held at the Masonic Hall , Dockstreet , on Tuesday , 20 th January , when the Preceptory was opened by Sir Knt . W . Williams , as E . P . ; and the following were present : Sir Knt . Captain L . Geo . Homfray , P . E . P . ; W . Lawson , P . E . P . ; Captain Haldane , M . ; W . Watkins , Registrar ; H . Howell , N . Wells , W .
Pickford , and others . Bro . J . L . Hunter Little was then installed as a Sir Knight ; after which Sir Knight W . Pickford was installed as E . P . for thc next twelve months , Both ceremonies were performed in a most impressive manner by Sir Knight W . Williams . The preceptory was then closed , and the Sir Knights adjourned to a banquet at the King ' s Head , presided over by Sit Knight W . Pickford .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
NEWPORT .-Ivor Hael Chapter . —A meeting of this chapter was held at the Masonic Hall , Dockstreet , on Wednesday , 30 th January , where in the absence of Bro . Chambers , M . W . S ., the chapter was opened by Captain S . Geo . Homfray , 30 , and the following were present , Bros . W . Lawson , 31 ° ; J . Chandler , 30 ; L . A . Homfray , 31 ; F . Binckes , 30 ; Captain Haldane , 18 ° ; W . Williams , iS ° ; W . Watkins 18 , and several others . The
ballot was then taken for Bros . Julius and Philips , who were unanimously elected , and being in attendance were duly perfected . Bro . Captain E . V . Haldane , was then unanimously elected as M . W . S ., to be installed in July . A vote of thanks was passed to Bros . Lawson , Chandler , and Binckes for their kindness in visiting the chapter , which was suitably acknowledged , and the chapter was closed .