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Bro . George Kenning , GOLDSMITH , JEWELLER & WATCHMAKER . Per oz . Presentation Jewels , guaranteed ( g-carat Gold ) ... 90 / 0 „ „ „ ( 15-carat Gold ) ... 110 / 0 „ „ „ ( 18-carat Gold ) ... 130 / 0 Silver ( Hall-marked ) Lodge Jewels ... ... 13 / 6 London : 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Britain , AND 198 , Fleet Street . Liverpool : 2 , Monument Place .
GEO . CARR AND COMP ., Manufacturers and Importers of HARMONIUMS AND PIANOFORTES , AND INVENTORS OK TltlC TRANSPOSING PIANOFORTES Enabling Performers to TRANSI-OSE music into any / . ry . PIANOFORTES wilh PATENT MOLINEUX ACTION and lhe PATENT ESCAPEMENT ACTION , from 35 Guineas . PIANOFORTES WITH CARR'S TRANSPOSING KEYBOARD , From 45 Guineas . PARIS GRAND MODEL OBLIQUE PIANOS , from 35 to 65 Guineas . HARMONIUMS with or without Percussion action and Transposing Keyboard , from 5 to 65 Guineas . HARMONIUMS for Extreme Climates , to order . HARMONIUMS with two rows of Keys and Pedals ., to order . MUSICAL STANDARD , ( ESTAHMSHKI ) lS 62 ) , Published every Saturday , Price rj . All communications to be addressed to 42 , BREAD ST ., 27 , CANNON ST ., LONDON , E . C
H A . E , JVE o ] sr 1 u M S , SALE OR HIRE , For Lodges , Chapels , Schools and Families , PRICES from £ 4 to £$ 0 . G . CAMP , 215 , STANiiorE ST .. MORNINOTON CRKSCENT . N . W .
"TRUTH MUST PKIIV . MI .. "— Common Sense . Lamps , Baths , Cutlery , Urns / ics , Fenders ana Fire Irons , Electroplate and Aichcl-Sitvcr Goods . R . D . PARR General House-Furnishing Ironmonger , 42 , IJLACKMAN STREET , BOROUGH , OFFERS nothing extraordinary , but REALLY <; oo » Articles at fair and reasonable prices . He docs not Keep an "Immense Sloe !; , " but SUI'FRIUNTI . Y I . AKOH for any person to select from . lie docs not sell * ' cheaper than every other house m lhe Trade , " but quite as cheap as ANV . A visit ivill , at all times , be very much appreciated .
A LODGE CHAPLAIN ( M . A . Cantab . ) , ¦ ^ *¦ with no interest and no private resources , having been a . working CURATE nearly sfxfiv / t years , would he MOST GKATKFUL if some kind ami inilueiuial brother Mason would help him lo a more independent position . A small country living , or a Chaplaincy , would be very acceptable . Highest clerical and lay testimonials , nfeo a letter uf commendation from his Iale Rector , jii ^ l deceased . Address , R . D ,, Post-office , Sudbury , Suffolk .
MASONIC ASSURANCE OFFICE ' 9 , NEAV BRIDGE STREET . Chairman London Board ... DR . BEAMAN . „ Portsmouth ,, ... ALD . FORD . ,, Leeds „ ... ALD . ADDYMAN . ,, Plymouth ,. ... MAJOR S TUDDY . This Company invites the attention of the Craft to its entirely novel and original instrument of Positive Life Policy . FREDK . BIGG , P . M ., Manager & Actuary . LOANS GRANTED .
HTHE UPHALL MINERAL OIL COMPANY JL ( LIMITED ) . The Paraffin Oil manufactured by this Company is now admitted to be the very finest in the" market . D . FLANNERY , 15 , BACHELOR ' WALK , DUBLIN , Sole Agent for Ireland .
OCEAN EXPRESS . — OVERLAND AND GENERAL SHIPPING AND FORWARDINGAGENCY . . ESTABLISHED 1 S 52 . For the Conveyance of Parcels and Goods to all parts of the World , with despatch , and at lowest rates . Residents m India , West Indies , Australia , New Zealand , etc ., ordering their Goods from England to be sent by this Express , will find the charges lower than any other Agency , and have the option of paying in England or on arrival at destination . Same arrangements on goods and Parcels to England . Agents at Bombay ^ N . V . Currance and Co . ; Calcutta , Bahner Lawric and Co . ; Madras ( N . Beach ) , F . W . Shaw ; Kitrrachec ' , W . J . Potter and Co . ; Melbourne , Mr . jas . Down , 97 , Flinders-street West ; Sydney , Messrs . Gcyde , McCrca and Co ., Circular Quay ; Adelaide , Messrs . Jos . Stilling and Co . London Offices : —No . 56 , King William-street , E . C . ; 4 , A garstreet , Strand , W . C . ; and 40 , Regent-circus , Piccadilly . Liverpool : S , Castle-street . Managers , NIXON AND KING .
THE FREEMASONS LIFE BOAT .-A Committee Koom : Bro . FOKSTISK ' , Railway Tavern , Londonstreet , E . C . COMMITTEK : Bro . A . E . Harris , P . HI . 141 , Bro . Tlios . White , W . M . ==. President . ,, John Coutts , P . M . 27 , 1 3 10 , ,, S . Davis , 141 , the Promoter V . Z . 3 S 2 , 177 , A . G . I ' anil Treasurer . „ C . A . Cotlelirune , KM . 733 , ,, E . Gottheil , P . M . 141 , Hon . 957 , 1257 , V . Z . 177 . 733 , 77 . Secretary . ,, Jas . WyM , 511 . Prop . Lie . „ John Thomas , P . M . 507 , Vict . Guardian . P . G . D . C . „ Mann , P . M . and P . Z . iSG , „ Rev . D . Shahoc . P . M . P . W . M .- 1306 , Sc . G . Chaplain Middlesex . ,, T . Barilclt , W . M . 813 . ,, T . Kcnnett , I . G . 141 . „ Laccy , P . M . 174 . „ H . M . Lew , P . M . 18 S . „ S . Levy , 141 . „ N . GluckstiVm , 141 , P . M . 51 , „ Wm . Carter , P . M . & T . 141 . P . P . S . G . W . „ J . R . Sicbhin-, P . M ., aud „ C . C . Taylor , S . W . 141 . P . G . D . England . ,, Rev . M . Ii . Levy , P . M . 1017 . ,, Dr . Johnson , P . M . Z 49 & 1094 ,, Emanuel , P . M . 20 ; . ,, E . Grant . 220 and 74 =, Hun . „ E . J . Pasc , W . M . Grancl Mem . 415 . Stewards' Lod-e , i P . M . ,, Fred . Webb , W . M . 704 . JiandSCo . „ John Cuom ' . ie , P . M . .-c See . ,, B . Salmon , 141 . 45 ° & 1272 , P . GS ., P . G . „ T . S . Mortlock . P . M . iS ( 3 . . Steward , and P . P . S . W . ,, J . Boyd , 1260 , P . M . 145 , 534 , Cornwall , etc ., etc . P . Z . 145 , Z . 514 . I „ D . Beck , l . W . 1306 . „ K . YV . Little , W . M . 1293 , „ Urns . J . Colder , P . M . 712 , P . M . 975 , P . M . & Sec S-J 2 , 27 .. Ssi , I' . Z . 732 , 1 \ P . 1194 , J 319 , P . Z . 177 , 975 , S . G . W . Sussex . Prov . ( j . Sec . Middlesex . ,, Magnus Olncn , P . M . 452 , , Chas . Dairv , 141 . S . W . 33 , J . 33 , ,, las . W . Giilard , 180 . ,, II . Einmelt , ib' 6 . „ V . A . Philbrick , W .. U ' . 18 . ,, Francis Bennoch , P . M . 1 , ,, Ellis Berg , 14 :. P . Z . 2 , and P . G S . nANICRKS . London and Westminster Bank , Eastern Branch . The following brethren who arc not on the Committee have promised their support : —Br . Col . Malclde Cavtcicl , P . G . M . Channel Islands ; Br . Prosscr , P . M . 244 , Jersey : Br . Gardiner , W . M . 84 , Guernsey ; Br . Ashley , P . M . 254 , Coventry , P . G . J . W . Warwickshire ; Br . De Gilltc , Birmingham ; and others . The Committee meet at their Room on the first Thursday in every month at 8 p . m . All subscriptions , together with the names of the donors , will be acknowledged in Tin : 1- ' KICI : M \ S < IN- . In order lo ensure success , it is hop .-d lhat every Brother will personally inlerest hiuisell in lhe movement . Bro . E . GOTTHEIL , P . M . 141 , Hon . Sec ., : ao . Mile End Ko . id , E .
STILL & SPARKLING RHINE WINES AT GKOWKUS' TRICKS . A PURE HIERSTEIWER , 21 / -per doz . In original 3-dozcn cases . A First-class SPARKLING HOCK or MOSELLE , 33 / - per doz . SAMPLE BOTTLES ON APPLICATION . The above Wines for shipping charged less the duty . KI' . T CASH THICKS . Ml CilAUOi : I'll ); C . \ S ! 'S Of : lloj ILLS . Cheipies ciossed Gi . Y , * .- , MILLS O : CO . SOI . K AGENT : Bro . II . W . WICKIWS , 0 , Gutter Lhne . B KO . A U LARD'S JKWEL ATTAC I ! KK Rcgislcrcd . Masoiii .- Clothier , Sc , : .-j , Lli ^ h Hulboni , W . C
MUSIC FOR THE CEREMONY OF ADVANCEMENT To the Degree of a MARK MASTER MASON , Composed by Brother EDWIN J . CROW . F . C . O ., P . G . O . Leicestershire . Published with the approval of THE M . W . G . M . BKO . Rev . G . R . PORTAL , M . A ., ¦ whom it is , byhis permission , dedicated . POST FREE , 1 / 7 . London : GEORGE KENNING , 2 , 3 and 4 , Little Britain .
Now READY . PRICE THREE SHILLINGS . Wew Masonic Lyric . "THE FINAL TOAST , " Written by Bro . D . L . RICHARDSON . Arranged , with Pianoforte Accompaniment , by Bro . EDWIN J . CROW , Fellow of the College of Organists , J . W . 270 , P . G . O . Lcic . and Rutland . GEORGE KENNING , London aud Liverpool ; Posl-free 19 stamps .
The Great American Masonic Poem . Ne-. o ready , Price Twopence , or sent / ost-fre to any part of Great Britain or Iiclandon receipt of three Penny Postage Stamps . "KING SOLOMON'S TEMPLE , " A MASONIC POf-M , By Bro . AUGUSTINE J . H . DUGANNE , of New York City . Bro * . TWKDDKLL am ! SONS . Cleveland Printing nnd Publishing Offices and Masonic Depot , 07 , Linthorpe-road , Middlesbrough . London : G : OKGU ICKNTCING .
JUST PUBLISHED . PRICE ONE SHILLING . Post Free for Twelve Stamps . By authority and under tlie . sanction of The FUOVIXCIAL . GKAND MASTKK OF D VOX and the PROVINCIAL GKAND MASTKK OF CORNWALL . The Devon and Cornwall MASONIC REGISTER FOR 1871 . Illustrated with a Photograph of tKc Hon . Mrs . ALDWOKTH ( the J . idy Freemason ) , Together with a short Biographical Sketch by 13 RO . HUGHAN , Prov . Grand Secretary of Cornwall . PLYMOUTH : Printed and published by LEONARD D . WESTCOTT , ( P . M . 70 ) , 14 , Er . tnk fort-street .
NOW READY , Price One Shilling , Second Edition , Revised and Enlarged , Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle , BY BRO . CHALMERS I . PATON . ' "" PHIS work is a perfect handbook of the principles X of Freemasonry , founded on the Ancient Charges anil Symbol * , and will be found lo be eminently practical aud usual iu the vindication aud support of the Order . Members of the Craft wi-hing copies should order them from London ; GKOKGH KKNMM ; , .- % 3 and 4 , Little Britain . Liverpool ; ,, ;• , Monument-place . Edinburgh J MKNZIKS , 2 , Hanuver-Mrcet . Dublin : CHAKLKS lliiiMJKi . oNi ; , 26 , Grafton-strcct . And may be had of any Bookseller throughout the Kingdom .
NOW READY , REFLECTED RAYS OF LIGHT UPON FREEMASONRY : OR , The Freemason ' s Pocket Compendium , With an F . iiddeiiiutieal Frontispiece , A Ilaml-liook of tlio Priuujiles of l- ' rociiuMim-y , nut ! Pocket Vnile Meouiil anil tl-iidu to th . _ - various LYn monies O > M : ICI . ted wilh Oat ' t Masonry , so tar as lhe soae a : i ; jiiiu-v M ! to 1 ,.: r om-MaaienMo , in afr- > r
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bro . George Kenning , GOLDSMITH , JEWELLER & WATCHMAKER . Per oz . Presentation Jewels , guaranteed ( g-carat Gold ) ... 90 / 0 „ „ „ ( 15-carat Gold ) ... 110 / 0 „ „ „ ( 18-carat Gold ) ... 130 / 0 Silver ( Hall-marked ) Lodge Jewels ... ... 13 / 6 London : 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Britain , AND 198 , Fleet Street . Liverpool : 2 , Monument Place .
GEO . CARR AND COMP ., Manufacturers and Importers of HARMONIUMS AND PIANOFORTES , AND INVENTORS OK TltlC TRANSPOSING PIANOFORTES Enabling Performers to TRANSI-OSE music into any / . ry . PIANOFORTES wilh PATENT MOLINEUX ACTION and lhe PATENT ESCAPEMENT ACTION , from 35 Guineas . PIANOFORTES WITH CARR'S TRANSPOSING KEYBOARD , From 45 Guineas . PARIS GRAND MODEL OBLIQUE PIANOS , from 35 to 65 Guineas . HARMONIUMS with or without Percussion action and Transposing Keyboard , from 5 to 65 Guineas . HARMONIUMS for Extreme Climates , to order . HARMONIUMS with two rows of Keys and Pedals ., to order . MUSICAL STANDARD , ( ESTAHMSHKI ) lS 62 ) , Published every Saturday , Price rj . All communications to be addressed to 42 , BREAD ST ., 27 , CANNON ST ., LONDON , E . C
H A . E , JVE o ] sr 1 u M S , SALE OR HIRE , For Lodges , Chapels , Schools and Families , PRICES from £ 4 to £$ 0 . G . CAMP , 215 , STANiiorE ST .. MORNINOTON CRKSCENT . N . W .
"TRUTH MUST PKIIV . MI .. "— Common Sense . Lamps , Baths , Cutlery , Urns / ics , Fenders ana Fire Irons , Electroplate and Aichcl-Sitvcr Goods . R . D . PARR General House-Furnishing Ironmonger , 42 , IJLACKMAN STREET , BOROUGH , OFFERS nothing extraordinary , but REALLY <; oo » Articles at fair and reasonable prices . He docs not Keep an "Immense Sloe !; , " but SUI'FRIUNTI . Y I . AKOH for any person to select from . lie docs not sell * ' cheaper than every other house m lhe Trade , " but quite as cheap as ANV . A visit ivill , at all times , be very much appreciated .
A LODGE CHAPLAIN ( M . A . Cantab . ) , ¦ ^ *¦ with no interest and no private resources , having been a . working CURATE nearly sfxfiv / t years , would he MOST GKATKFUL if some kind ami inilueiuial brother Mason would help him lo a more independent position . A small country living , or a Chaplaincy , would be very acceptable . Highest clerical and lay testimonials , nfeo a letter uf commendation from his Iale Rector , jii ^ l deceased . Address , R . D ,, Post-office , Sudbury , Suffolk .
MASONIC ASSURANCE OFFICE ' 9 , NEAV BRIDGE STREET . Chairman London Board ... DR . BEAMAN . „ Portsmouth ,, ... ALD . FORD . ,, Leeds „ ... ALD . ADDYMAN . ,, Plymouth ,. ... MAJOR S TUDDY . This Company invites the attention of the Craft to its entirely novel and original instrument of Positive Life Policy . FREDK . BIGG , P . M ., Manager & Actuary . LOANS GRANTED .
HTHE UPHALL MINERAL OIL COMPANY JL ( LIMITED ) . The Paraffin Oil manufactured by this Company is now admitted to be the very finest in the" market . D . FLANNERY , 15 , BACHELOR ' WALK , DUBLIN , Sole Agent for Ireland .
OCEAN EXPRESS . — OVERLAND AND GENERAL SHIPPING AND FORWARDINGAGENCY . . ESTABLISHED 1 S 52 . For the Conveyance of Parcels and Goods to all parts of the World , with despatch , and at lowest rates . Residents m India , West Indies , Australia , New Zealand , etc ., ordering their Goods from England to be sent by this Express , will find the charges lower than any other Agency , and have the option of paying in England or on arrival at destination . Same arrangements on goods and Parcels to England . Agents at Bombay ^ N . V . Currance and Co . ; Calcutta , Bahner Lawric and Co . ; Madras ( N . Beach ) , F . W . Shaw ; Kitrrachec ' , W . J . Potter and Co . ; Melbourne , Mr . jas . Down , 97 , Flinders-street West ; Sydney , Messrs . Gcyde , McCrca and Co ., Circular Quay ; Adelaide , Messrs . Jos . Stilling and Co . London Offices : —No . 56 , King William-street , E . C . ; 4 , A garstreet , Strand , W . C . ; and 40 , Regent-circus , Piccadilly . Liverpool : S , Castle-street . Managers , NIXON AND KING .
THE FREEMASONS LIFE BOAT .-A Committee Koom : Bro . FOKSTISK ' , Railway Tavern , Londonstreet , E . C . COMMITTEK : Bro . A . E . Harris , P . HI . 141 , Bro . Tlios . White , W . M . ==. President . ,, John Coutts , P . M . 27 , 1 3 10 , ,, S . Davis , 141 , the Promoter V . Z . 3 S 2 , 177 , A . G . I ' anil Treasurer . „ C . A . Cotlelirune , KM . 733 , ,, E . Gottheil , P . M . 141 , Hon . 957 , 1257 , V . Z . 177 . 733 , 77 . Secretary . ,, Jas . WyM , 511 . Prop . Lie . „ John Thomas , P . M . 507 , Vict . Guardian . P . G . D . C . „ Mann , P . M . and P . Z . iSG , „ Rev . D . Shahoc . P . M . P . W . M .- 1306 , Sc . G . Chaplain Middlesex . ,, T . Barilclt , W . M . 813 . ,, T . Kcnnett , I . G . 141 . „ Laccy , P . M . 174 . „ H . M . Lew , P . M . 18 S . „ S . Levy , 141 . „ N . GluckstiVm , 141 , P . M . 51 , „ Wm . Carter , P . M . & T . 141 . P . P . S . G . W . „ J . R . Sicbhin-, P . M ., aud „ C . C . Taylor , S . W . 141 . P . G . D . England . ,, Rev . M . Ii . Levy , P . M . 1017 . ,, Dr . Johnson , P . M . Z 49 & 1094 ,, Emanuel , P . M . 20 ; . ,, E . Grant . 220 and 74 =, Hun . „ E . J . Pasc , W . M . Grancl Mem . 415 . Stewards' Lod-e , i P . M . ,, Fred . Webb , W . M . 704 . JiandSCo . „ John Cuom ' . ie , P . M . .-c See . ,, B . Salmon , 141 . 45 ° & 1272 , P . GS ., P . G . „ T . S . Mortlock . P . M . iS ( 3 . . Steward , and P . P . S . W . ,, J . Boyd , 1260 , P . M . 145 , 534 , Cornwall , etc ., etc . P . Z . 145 , Z . 514 . I „ D . Beck , l . W . 1306 . „ K . YV . Little , W . M . 1293 , „ Urns . J . Colder , P . M . 712 , P . M . 975 , P . M . & Sec S-J 2 , 27 .. Ssi , I' . Z . 732 , 1 \ P . 1194 , J 319 , P . Z . 177 , 975 , S . G . W . Sussex . Prov . ( j . Sec . Middlesex . ,, Magnus Olncn , P . M . 452 , , Chas . Dairv , 141 . S . W . 33 , J . 33 , ,, las . W . Giilard , 180 . ,, II . Einmelt , ib' 6 . „ V . A . Philbrick , W .. U ' . 18 . ,, Francis Bennoch , P . M . 1 , ,, Ellis Berg , 14 :. P . Z . 2 , and P . G S . nANICRKS . London and Westminster Bank , Eastern Branch . The following brethren who arc not on the Committee have promised their support : —Br . Col . Malclde Cavtcicl , P . G . M . Channel Islands ; Br . Prosscr , P . M . 244 , Jersey : Br . Gardiner , W . M . 84 , Guernsey ; Br . Ashley , P . M . 254 , Coventry , P . G . J . W . Warwickshire ; Br . De Gilltc , Birmingham ; and others . The Committee meet at their Room on the first Thursday in every month at 8 p . m . All subscriptions , together with the names of the donors , will be acknowledged in Tin : 1- ' KICI : M \ S < IN- . In order lo ensure success , it is hop .-d lhat every Brother will personally inlerest hiuisell in lhe movement . Bro . E . GOTTHEIL , P . M . 141 , Hon . Sec ., : ao . Mile End Ko . id , E .
STILL & SPARKLING RHINE WINES AT GKOWKUS' TRICKS . A PURE HIERSTEIWER , 21 / -per doz . In original 3-dozcn cases . A First-class SPARKLING HOCK or MOSELLE , 33 / - per doz . SAMPLE BOTTLES ON APPLICATION . The above Wines for shipping charged less the duty . KI' . T CASH THICKS . Ml CilAUOi : I'll ); C . \ S ! 'S Of : lloj ILLS . Cheipies ciossed Gi . Y , * .- , MILLS O : CO . SOI . K AGENT : Bro . II . W . WICKIWS , 0 , Gutter Lhne . B KO . A U LARD'S JKWEL ATTAC I ! KK Rcgislcrcd . Masoiii .- Clothier , Sc , : .-j , Lli ^ h Hulboni , W . C
MUSIC FOR THE CEREMONY OF ADVANCEMENT To the Degree of a MARK MASTER MASON , Composed by Brother EDWIN J . CROW . F . C . O ., P . G . O . Leicestershire . Published with the approval of THE M . W . G . M . BKO . Rev . G . R . PORTAL , M . A ., ¦ whom it is , byhis permission , dedicated . POST FREE , 1 / 7 . London : GEORGE KENNING , 2 , 3 and 4 , Little Britain .
Now READY . PRICE THREE SHILLINGS . Wew Masonic Lyric . "THE FINAL TOAST , " Written by Bro . D . L . RICHARDSON . Arranged , with Pianoforte Accompaniment , by Bro . EDWIN J . CROW , Fellow of the College of Organists , J . W . 270 , P . G . O . Lcic . and Rutland . GEORGE KENNING , London aud Liverpool ; Posl-free 19 stamps .
The Great American Masonic Poem . Ne-. o ready , Price Twopence , or sent / ost-fre to any part of Great Britain or Iiclandon receipt of three Penny Postage Stamps . "KING SOLOMON'S TEMPLE , " A MASONIC POf-M , By Bro . AUGUSTINE J . H . DUGANNE , of New York City . Bro * . TWKDDKLL am ! SONS . Cleveland Printing nnd Publishing Offices and Masonic Depot , 07 , Linthorpe-road , Middlesbrough . London : G : OKGU ICKNTCING .
JUST PUBLISHED . PRICE ONE SHILLING . Post Free for Twelve Stamps . By authority and under tlie . sanction of The FUOVIXCIAL . GKAND MASTKK OF D VOX and the PROVINCIAL GKAND MASTKK OF CORNWALL . The Devon and Cornwall MASONIC REGISTER FOR 1871 . Illustrated with a Photograph of tKc Hon . Mrs . ALDWOKTH ( the J . idy Freemason ) , Together with a short Biographical Sketch by 13 RO . HUGHAN , Prov . Grand Secretary of Cornwall . PLYMOUTH : Printed and published by LEONARD D . WESTCOTT , ( P . M . 70 ) , 14 , Er . tnk fort-street .
NOW READY , Price One Shilling , Second Edition , Revised and Enlarged , Freemasonry in Relation to Civil Authority and the Family Circle , BY BRO . CHALMERS I . PATON . ' "" PHIS work is a perfect handbook of the principles X of Freemasonry , founded on the Ancient Charges anil Symbol * , and will be found lo be eminently practical aud usual iu the vindication aud support of the Order . Members of the Craft wi-hing copies should order them from London ; GKOKGH KKNMM ; , .- % 3 and 4 , Little Britain . Liverpool ; ,, ;• , Monument-place . Edinburgh J MKNZIKS , 2 , Hanuver-Mrcet . Dublin : CHAKLKS lliiiMJKi . oNi ; , 26 , Grafton-strcct . And may be had of any Bookseller throughout the Kingdom .
NOW READY , REFLECTED RAYS OF LIGHT UPON FREEMASONRY : OR , The Freemason ' s Pocket Compendium , With an F . iiddeiiiutieal Frontispiece , A Ilaml-liook of tlio Priuujiles of l- ' rociiuMim-y , nut ! Pocket Vnile Meouiil anil tl-iidu to th . _ - various LYn monies O > M : ICI . ted wilh Oat ' t Masonry , so tar as lhe soae a : i ; jiiiu-v M ! to 1 ,.: r om-MaaienMo , in afr- > r