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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
" What better theme than Masonry ?" MASONIC SONG . Words by Bro . JAMES STEVENS , P . M . 720 and 1216 , P . Z . 720 , G . J . O . Mark , W . M . 104 Mark , M . P . S . 14 , Xc , Music by Bro . WILHELM GANZ , Grand Organist , P . M . 435 Org . No . 4 , and of British Chapter 3 So . 8 . GEORGE KENNING , 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Britain , and 198 , Fleet-street , London , and 2 . Monument-place , Liverpool . Post-free 25 Stamps .
Languages . ITALIAN , SPANISH , AND LATIN . BRO . S . C . FA I ELLA is open to an engagement in Schools and private families , or as a Tutor . No objection to the country . Experience 10 years . References given . Address—36 , SEYMOUR STREET , LIVERPOOL .
MONEY ! CONFIDENTIALLY ADVANCED , in Town V- ^ or Country , to Householders , on their furniture and effects , without removal or publicity . Stocks , valuable effects , plate , diamonds , watches , furniture , pianos , & c , BOUGHT for IMMEDIATE CASH , or Advances made thereon without delay . Dry Store-rooms for the deposit of furniture and household effects . The highest references given on . application to MR . A COHEN , 130 , Dukc-strect , LIVERPOOL . ( Private Office . ) N . B . —Apply personally or by stamped directed envelope .
Bro . WM . N . S . COPE , THE NOTED 10 / 0 HATTER , 3 8 , LONDON ROAD , LIVERPOOL , Hosier , & c , at 61 , London-road .
Bro . E . L . HARRIS Has lately opened THE AMERICAN UNION CAFE AND REFRESHMENT ESTABLISHMENT , 44 , Great Charlotte Street , Liverpool . This Cafe * stands unrfvalfcd for excellence and style , Wc therefore recommend you to go aud rest awhile ; There ' s George ' s Hall , the Monument , Brown ' s Library and all , The Market and the Theatres , within an easy call . Tea , COJJC , and Chocolate always ready . Refreshments of ez'Cty description , W . nes , » 5 T- " C . 44 , GREAT CHARLOTTE STREET .
Mason ' s Hall Tavern , MASON'S AVENUE , 1 USINGHALL STREET , CITY . THE above old-established Tavern is NOW OPEN , newl y decorated , by llro CHARLES GOSDEN , late Manager of the Freemasons' Tavern Company . Every accommodation will be found for Lodges , Chapters , M ark and other degrees , for their Meetings , Dinners , Suppers , & c , and every attention will be paid to their comfort and enjoyment by the new Proprietor .
Caledonian Hotel , ROKERT STREET , ADELPHI TERRACE , STRAND . GENTLEMEN and Families visiting London will find every accommodation , combined with comfort and moderate charges , at the above Hotel . Ucds from es . ; Sitting Rooms from 3 s ; Breakfasts from 2 s , ; Table d'Hotc 6 . 30 , 3 s . 6 d . Every accommodation for Masonic Meetings and Ranqucts . A Spacious and Cheerful Coffee Room overlooking the Thames . l ! RO . GEOROE STATES , Manager .
Beer in Bottle . WHIT 13 READ and C O . ' s London Cooper , Stout aud Ales . Sole Agent , ROUT 1 IAKER . Prices and full particular .-- - can be obtained at the Stores , 277 . GRAY'S INN ROAD . W . C .
WILLIAM WINSOR , of 8 , Miles ' s-lane , London-bridge , Imports CIGAKSoflhe very Finest Urands only , and . Manufactures Cigars from the Choicest Tobaccos . Wholesale and Retail .
Bro . JAMES STEVENS , ( 25 , 720 , ZZlG , & C . ) AUCTIONEER & SURVEYOR , ffottse and Estate Agent , & c ., CLAPHAM COMMON , S . Valuations for P / oh . ife or l . mrncv Duties . . Agent to the Imperial Fire and Life Insurance Offices .
J . E . PETERS , OKNAMENTAL KNGRAVKR AND KANCY ENAMKL . LKR , 41 , Clerkenwell Close . Writing , Engraving of every ( Jer-crij . ciui ] , Masonic Ei : ii , Jcfij .-i Engraved or Enamelled ; old Enamelled wnrk repaired ; country ordera attended to with dispatch .
M . A . YERKRUZEN ( Grower ' s Agent ) , ^ llvils- *^ - Invites attention to his Fine and Extensive Stock of « PURE AND SELETED GERMAN WINES . j ^ mp < mk ^ INCLUDING THE V ^@^ p > LIGHT , REFRESHING DINNER SORTS , and all grades up to the Greatest Growths . Certain of these Wines have acquired celebrity for their curative effects in cases of stone and gravel , they act beneficially on the liver and kidneys , counteract constipation , promote skin action , are invaluable in cases of dropsy , rheumatism , and gout , tone and . purify the blood , greatly assist digestion , and diffuse throughout the system , even in the coldest weather , an agreeable sense of gentle warmth . Nothing is so refreshing , nothing gives such zest to a meal . DELICIOUS DINNER DESSERT CLASS . I SPARKLING . SORTS . VERY FIXE . 1 CKANDEST . HOCK . MOSELLE . From 17 s . 6 d . to 3 6 s . per doz . 40 s . to 72 s . [ 78 s . to 150 s . doz . I 3 os - to . 78 s . I 3 ° - to ° - dor - Packing and delivery within three miles' radius free . Wholesale Depot : 3 , Fell-street , Wood-street , London , E . C . Can also be ordered through the Trade . Each bottle bears the name of M . A . VERKRUZEN , as a guarantee . "VERY FINE CHAMPAGNES" ( by special contract ) , 34 s ., 40 s ., 46 s ., 58 s ., 70 s . per doien . CHOICE SHERRIES . I FINE PORTS . I FINE CLARETS . 26 s . to 9 6 s . I 30 s . to 72 s . I 12 S . to 3 6 s . Other Wines of Superior Quality , at lowest prices ( the Wines may be tasted at the Depot ) . Detailed Price Current forwarded on application . Terms Cash , Cheques crossed "Bank of England . " WINES FOR INVALIDS SPECIALLY SELECTED ACCORDING TO THE CASE .
GENTLEMEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING in all Textures , Fashions , and Prices : OUTFITS , HOSIERY WATERPROOF-CLOTHING and SHIRTS in Long Cloth Linen , and Shrunk Flannel ; supplied wholesale or retail by GANN , JONES AND CO ., OUTFITTING MANUFACTURERS , 171 , FENCHURCH-ST
DISEASES OF THE LUNGS AND AIR-VESSELS , CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXER . Opiates , Narcotics , and Squills arc too often invoked to give relief in Coughs , Colds , and all Pulmonary diseases . 1 nstcad of iuch fallacious remedies , which yield momentary relief at the expense of enfeebling the digestive organs aud thus increasing that debility which lies at the rcot of the malady , modern science points to CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXER as the true remedy . SELECT TESTIMONIAL . Dr . Rooke , Scarborough , author of the "Ami- Lancet , " says : "I have repeatedly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued cough , pain , and irritation of the chest in cases of Pulmonary Consumption , and 1 can , with the greatest confidence , recommend it as a most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment for this disease . " This medicine , which is free from opium and squills , not only allays the local irritation , but improves digestion and strengthens the constitution Hence it is used with the most signal success in Asthmas , Bronchitis , Consumption , Coughs , Inllucnza , Night Sweats of Consumption , Quinsy , and all affections of the throat and chest . Sold in bottles at is . gd ., 4 s . 6 d . and us each , b y all respectable Chemists , and wholesale by J . M . CKOSHY , Chemist , Scarborough . * * Invalids should read Crosby's Prize Treatise on "Diseases of the Lungs and Air-Vcsscls , " a copy of which can be had GKATIS of all Chemists .
r'ORNS and BUNIONS . —Hot weather makes ^— ' these more than usually troublesome , but BRODIE'S REMEDY , named from ils wonderful efficacy "THK MIRACULOUS CUKH , " will give immediate relief , and effect a speedy cure without pain or inconvenience . Sold in Packets in . iVzd . each hy mo * l Chemists . Or can be obtained direct from the MAKLTACTORV , 4 85 , OXFORD STREET , LONDON . Hy post 14 stamps .
YOUNG'S ARNICATED CORN AND HUN' ) N PLA 1 STERS arc the best ever invented for giving immediate case , and removing those painful excrescences . Price 6 d . and is . per box . May be had of most chemists . Observe the trade mark . —HY . —without which none are genuine , lie sure and ask for YOUNG'S .
RUPTURES . —11 Y ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S Moc-Main LEVER TRUSS fls allowed by upwards of 500 Medical Men to be the most effective invention in the curative treatment of HERNIA . Tlie use of a steel spring , so often hurtful in its effects , is here at'oided ; a soft bandage being worn round the body , while the requisite resisting power is supplied b > : the MOC-MAIN PAD and PATENT LEVER , fitting with so much case and closeness that il cannot be detected , and may be worn during sleep . A descriptive circular may be had , and the Truss , which cannot fail lo fit , forwarded by post , on the circumference of the body , two inches below the hips , being sent to the MANUFACTURE !! , Mr . WHITE , 228 , Piccadilly , London . , jtKC i » t a SinRic Truss , 16 s ., SIP ., 26 s , Cd . and 31 s , Gd . Postage is . ,, of a Double Truss , 31 s . C <\ ., 4 CS . and 52 s . 6 d . Postage is . 8 d . ,, of Umbilical Truss , 42 s . and 52 s . 6 d . Postage is . iod . Post Office Orders to be made payable to J Wmru , Post Office , Piccadilly . -V / i IP PA TENT ELASTIC STi K'A' / XCS , KNEECA PS , &" r The material of which these ; : rc made is recommended by the faculty as being peculiarl y ELASTIC and COMPRESSIBLE and the be > t invention f * . r ' ^ ivini ; efficient nnd permanent support in all cases of WEAKNESS , VARICOSE VEINS , & c . Price , 4 s . Cd ., 7 s . 6 d . , TOS . and 16 s . each . Postage Cd . hPlNAL MACHINES , LEO IRONS , and Every Description of Surgical Appliances . JOHN WUlTE Manufacture ^ 228 , Piuad-illy London . i
SPORRANS . No . 1 . —Goat-skin Sporran , with ornament on top .. 5 / 0 No . 2 . —Ditto , „ = nd size 5 / 6 No . 3 . —Ditto , same size as No . 1 , with bells and chain on ornament .. .. .. 7 / 0 No . 4 . —Ditto , same size as No . 2 , with cantle , bells , and chains on ornament .. .. 816 No . 5 . —Ditto , same size as No . 2 , with cantle , bells , and chains , and ornament .. .. 9 / 0 No . 6 . —Ditto , same size as No . 2 , with engraved top , cantle , bells , and chains .. .. 11 / 0 BLACK , WHITE OR GREY , AS DESIRED . An assorted quantity of Badges on Sporrans at prices as above . IN STOCK AT Kenning ' s Military "Warehouse , 2 , 3 & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN .
Masonic Note Paper and Envelopes , For Craft , Mark , Royal Arch , Red Cross of Rome and Constantine , Rose Croix , Knights Templar , 30 th Degree . IN BOXES THREE SHILLINGS . WHOLHSALE AITO RETAIL BRO . GEORGE KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOT . LITTLE BRITAIN , LONDON .
Masonic Cricket Match.
This match was played on the ground belonging to Pemberton School , the residence of Bro . C Jackson , the W . M . of the Darlington Lodge , near the delightful village of Middleton-St .-George , on Saturday afternoon last , and resulted in favour of the Middlesbrough brethren . Score : —
MIDDLESllROUGH . William , b . Marshall 2 Hikcley , 1 . b . w ., b . Jackson ... ... 16 T . C Davison , b . Marshall ... ... 2 K . Davison , b . J ackson ... ... 2 Stainsby , b . Jackson ... ... o
Mulom , run out ... ... ... 7 Doughty , 1 . b . \ v ., b . Marshal ... ... 10 ISIewitt , b . Jackson ... ... . « . 2 ' I ' ctchcll , b . Marshall ... ... ... 2 Dunning , not out ... ... ... O Watson , c . and b . Marshall ... ... o Extras ... ... ... 11
Total ... ... 54 DARLINGTON . Marshall , b . Doughty ... ... ... 1 Kaine , b . Doughty ... ... ... 11 ChAlwick , b . llikeley ... ... ... o Jackson , hit wicket ... ... ... 14 " Townc , 1 ) . Doughty ... ... ... 4
Hell , b . Doughty ... 5 ] it-union , st . K . Davison ... ... o Cowpcr , c . Pctchell ... ... ... o Mitfonl , b , K . Davison ... ... o Bailey , c . anil b . Doughty ... ... 2
Toes , not out ... ... ... o Extra ... ... ... I Total 3 s
Tho brethren adjourned to the Devonport Hotel to dine , after which a very pleasant evening was spent , and arrangements contemplated for a return match shortly , all seeming to have thoroughly enjoyed the day ' s outing . — "Northern Echo , " 4 th September ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
" What better theme than Masonry ?" MASONIC SONG . Words by Bro . JAMES STEVENS , P . M . 720 and 1216 , P . Z . 720 , G . J . O . Mark , W . M . 104 Mark , M . P . S . 14 , Xc , Music by Bro . WILHELM GANZ , Grand Organist , P . M . 435 Org . No . 4 , and of British Chapter 3 So . 8 . GEORGE KENNING , 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Britain , and 198 , Fleet-street , London , and 2 . Monument-place , Liverpool . Post-free 25 Stamps .
Languages . ITALIAN , SPANISH , AND LATIN . BRO . S . C . FA I ELLA is open to an engagement in Schools and private families , or as a Tutor . No objection to the country . Experience 10 years . References given . Address—36 , SEYMOUR STREET , LIVERPOOL .
MONEY ! CONFIDENTIALLY ADVANCED , in Town V- ^ or Country , to Householders , on their furniture and effects , without removal or publicity . Stocks , valuable effects , plate , diamonds , watches , furniture , pianos , & c , BOUGHT for IMMEDIATE CASH , or Advances made thereon without delay . Dry Store-rooms for the deposit of furniture and household effects . The highest references given on . application to MR . A COHEN , 130 , Dukc-strect , LIVERPOOL . ( Private Office . ) N . B . —Apply personally or by stamped directed envelope .
Bro . WM . N . S . COPE , THE NOTED 10 / 0 HATTER , 3 8 , LONDON ROAD , LIVERPOOL , Hosier , & c , at 61 , London-road .
Bro . E . L . HARRIS Has lately opened THE AMERICAN UNION CAFE AND REFRESHMENT ESTABLISHMENT , 44 , Great Charlotte Street , Liverpool . This Cafe * stands unrfvalfcd for excellence and style , Wc therefore recommend you to go aud rest awhile ; There ' s George ' s Hall , the Monument , Brown ' s Library and all , The Market and the Theatres , within an easy call . Tea , COJJC , and Chocolate always ready . Refreshments of ez'Cty description , W . nes , » 5 T- " C . 44 , GREAT CHARLOTTE STREET .
Mason ' s Hall Tavern , MASON'S AVENUE , 1 USINGHALL STREET , CITY . THE above old-established Tavern is NOW OPEN , newl y decorated , by llro CHARLES GOSDEN , late Manager of the Freemasons' Tavern Company . Every accommodation will be found for Lodges , Chapters , M ark and other degrees , for their Meetings , Dinners , Suppers , & c , and every attention will be paid to their comfort and enjoyment by the new Proprietor .
Caledonian Hotel , ROKERT STREET , ADELPHI TERRACE , STRAND . GENTLEMEN and Families visiting London will find every accommodation , combined with comfort and moderate charges , at the above Hotel . Ucds from es . ; Sitting Rooms from 3 s ; Breakfasts from 2 s , ; Table d'Hotc 6 . 30 , 3 s . 6 d . Every accommodation for Masonic Meetings and Ranqucts . A Spacious and Cheerful Coffee Room overlooking the Thames . l ! RO . GEOROE STATES , Manager .
Beer in Bottle . WHIT 13 READ and C O . ' s London Cooper , Stout aud Ales . Sole Agent , ROUT 1 IAKER . Prices and full particular .-- - can be obtained at the Stores , 277 . GRAY'S INN ROAD . W . C .
WILLIAM WINSOR , of 8 , Miles ' s-lane , London-bridge , Imports CIGAKSoflhe very Finest Urands only , and . Manufactures Cigars from the Choicest Tobaccos . Wholesale and Retail .
Bro . JAMES STEVENS , ( 25 , 720 , ZZlG , & C . ) AUCTIONEER & SURVEYOR , ffottse and Estate Agent , & c ., CLAPHAM COMMON , S . Valuations for P / oh . ife or l . mrncv Duties . . Agent to the Imperial Fire and Life Insurance Offices .
J . E . PETERS , OKNAMENTAL KNGRAVKR AND KANCY ENAMKL . LKR , 41 , Clerkenwell Close . Writing , Engraving of every ( Jer-crij . ciui ] , Masonic Ei : ii , Jcfij .-i Engraved or Enamelled ; old Enamelled wnrk repaired ; country ordera attended to with dispatch .
M . A . YERKRUZEN ( Grower ' s Agent ) , ^ llvils- *^ - Invites attention to his Fine and Extensive Stock of « PURE AND SELETED GERMAN WINES . j ^ mp < mk ^ INCLUDING THE V ^@^ p > LIGHT , REFRESHING DINNER SORTS , and all grades up to the Greatest Growths . Certain of these Wines have acquired celebrity for their curative effects in cases of stone and gravel , they act beneficially on the liver and kidneys , counteract constipation , promote skin action , are invaluable in cases of dropsy , rheumatism , and gout , tone and . purify the blood , greatly assist digestion , and diffuse throughout the system , even in the coldest weather , an agreeable sense of gentle warmth . Nothing is so refreshing , nothing gives such zest to a meal . DELICIOUS DINNER DESSERT CLASS . I SPARKLING . SORTS . VERY FIXE . 1 CKANDEST . HOCK . MOSELLE . From 17 s . 6 d . to 3 6 s . per doz . 40 s . to 72 s . [ 78 s . to 150 s . doz . I 3 os - to . 78 s . I 3 ° - to ° - dor - Packing and delivery within three miles' radius free . Wholesale Depot : 3 , Fell-street , Wood-street , London , E . C . Can also be ordered through the Trade . Each bottle bears the name of M . A . VERKRUZEN , as a guarantee . "VERY FINE CHAMPAGNES" ( by special contract ) , 34 s ., 40 s ., 46 s ., 58 s ., 70 s . per doien . CHOICE SHERRIES . I FINE PORTS . I FINE CLARETS . 26 s . to 9 6 s . I 30 s . to 72 s . I 12 S . to 3 6 s . Other Wines of Superior Quality , at lowest prices ( the Wines may be tasted at the Depot ) . Detailed Price Current forwarded on application . Terms Cash , Cheques crossed "Bank of England . " WINES FOR INVALIDS SPECIALLY SELECTED ACCORDING TO THE CASE .
GENTLEMEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING in all Textures , Fashions , and Prices : OUTFITS , HOSIERY WATERPROOF-CLOTHING and SHIRTS in Long Cloth Linen , and Shrunk Flannel ; supplied wholesale or retail by GANN , JONES AND CO ., OUTFITTING MANUFACTURERS , 171 , FENCHURCH-ST
DISEASES OF THE LUNGS AND AIR-VESSELS , CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXER . Opiates , Narcotics , and Squills arc too often invoked to give relief in Coughs , Colds , and all Pulmonary diseases . 1 nstcad of iuch fallacious remedies , which yield momentary relief at the expense of enfeebling the digestive organs aud thus increasing that debility which lies at the rcot of the malady , modern science points to CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXER as the true remedy . SELECT TESTIMONIAL . Dr . Rooke , Scarborough , author of the "Ami- Lancet , " says : "I have repeatedly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued cough , pain , and irritation of the chest in cases of Pulmonary Consumption , and 1 can , with the greatest confidence , recommend it as a most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment for this disease . " This medicine , which is free from opium and squills , not only allays the local irritation , but improves digestion and strengthens the constitution Hence it is used with the most signal success in Asthmas , Bronchitis , Consumption , Coughs , Inllucnza , Night Sweats of Consumption , Quinsy , and all affections of the throat and chest . Sold in bottles at is . gd ., 4 s . 6 d . and us each , b y all respectable Chemists , and wholesale by J . M . CKOSHY , Chemist , Scarborough . * * Invalids should read Crosby's Prize Treatise on "Diseases of the Lungs and Air-Vcsscls , " a copy of which can be had GKATIS of all Chemists .
r'ORNS and BUNIONS . —Hot weather makes ^— ' these more than usually troublesome , but BRODIE'S REMEDY , named from ils wonderful efficacy "THK MIRACULOUS CUKH , " will give immediate relief , and effect a speedy cure without pain or inconvenience . Sold in Packets in . iVzd . each hy mo * l Chemists . Or can be obtained direct from the MAKLTACTORV , 4 85 , OXFORD STREET , LONDON . Hy post 14 stamps .
YOUNG'S ARNICATED CORN AND HUN' ) N PLA 1 STERS arc the best ever invented for giving immediate case , and removing those painful excrescences . Price 6 d . and is . per box . May be had of most chemists . Observe the trade mark . —HY . —without which none are genuine , lie sure and ask for YOUNG'S .
RUPTURES . —11 Y ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S Moc-Main LEVER TRUSS fls allowed by upwards of 500 Medical Men to be the most effective invention in the curative treatment of HERNIA . Tlie use of a steel spring , so often hurtful in its effects , is here at'oided ; a soft bandage being worn round the body , while the requisite resisting power is supplied b > : the MOC-MAIN PAD and PATENT LEVER , fitting with so much case and closeness that il cannot be detected , and may be worn during sleep . A descriptive circular may be had , and the Truss , which cannot fail lo fit , forwarded by post , on the circumference of the body , two inches below the hips , being sent to the MANUFACTURE !! , Mr . WHITE , 228 , Piccadilly , London . , jtKC i » t a SinRic Truss , 16 s ., SIP ., 26 s , Cd . and 31 s , Gd . Postage is . ,, of a Double Truss , 31 s . C <\ ., 4 CS . and 52 s . 6 d . Postage is . 8 d . ,, of Umbilical Truss , 42 s . and 52 s . 6 d . Postage is . iod . Post Office Orders to be made payable to J Wmru , Post Office , Piccadilly . -V / i IP PA TENT ELASTIC STi K'A' / XCS , KNEECA PS , &" r The material of which these ; : rc made is recommended by the faculty as being peculiarl y ELASTIC and COMPRESSIBLE and the be > t invention f * . r ' ^ ivini ; efficient nnd permanent support in all cases of WEAKNESS , VARICOSE VEINS , & c . Price , 4 s . Cd ., 7 s . 6 d . , TOS . and 16 s . each . Postage Cd . hPlNAL MACHINES , LEO IRONS , and Every Description of Surgical Appliances . JOHN WUlTE Manufacture ^ 228 , Piuad-illy London . i
SPORRANS . No . 1 . —Goat-skin Sporran , with ornament on top .. 5 / 0 No . 2 . —Ditto , „ = nd size 5 / 6 No . 3 . —Ditto , same size as No . 1 , with bells and chain on ornament .. .. .. 7 / 0 No . 4 . —Ditto , same size as No . 2 , with cantle , bells , and chains on ornament .. .. 816 No . 5 . —Ditto , same size as No . 2 , with cantle , bells , and chains , and ornament .. .. 9 / 0 No . 6 . —Ditto , same size as No . 2 , with engraved top , cantle , bells , and chains .. .. 11 / 0 BLACK , WHITE OR GREY , AS DESIRED . An assorted quantity of Badges on Sporrans at prices as above . IN STOCK AT Kenning ' s Military "Warehouse , 2 , 3 & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN .
Masonic Note Paper and Envelopes , For Craft , Mark , Royal Arch , Red Cross of Rome and Constantine , Rose Croix , Knights Templar , 30 th Degree . IN BOXES THREE SHILLINGS . WHOLHSALE AITO RETAIL BRO . GEORGE KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOT . LITTLE BRITAIN , LONDON .
Masonic Cricket Match.
This match was played on the ground belonging to Pemberton School , the residence of Bro . C Jackson , the W . M . of the Darlington Lodge , near the delightful village of Middleton-St .-George , on Saturday afternoon last , and resulted in favour of the Middlesbrough brethren . Score : —
MIDDLESllROUGH . William , b . Marshall 2 Hikcley , 1 . b . w ., b . Jackson ... ... 16 T . C Davison , b . Marshall ... ... 2 K . Davison , b . J ackson ... ... 2 Stainsby , b . Jackson ... ... o
Mulom , run out ... ... ... 7 Doughty , 1 . b . \ v ., b . Marshal ... ... 10 ISIewitt , b . Jackson ... ... . « . 2 ' I ' ctchcll , b . Marshall ... ... ... 2 Dunning , not out ... ... ... O Watson , c . and b . Marshall ... ... o Extras ... ... ... 11
Total ... ... 54 DARLINGTON . Marshall , b . Doughty ... ... ... 1 Kaine , b . Doughty ... ... ... 11 ChAlwick , b . llikeley ... ... ... o Jackson , hit wicket ... ... ... 14 " Townc , 1 ) . Doughty ... ... ... 4
Hell , b . Doughty ... 5 ] it-union , st . K . Davison ... ... o Cowpcr , c . Pctchell ... ... ... o Mitfonl , b , K . Davison ... ... o Bailey , c . anil b . Doughty ... ... 2
Toes , not out ... ... ... o Extra ... ... ... I Total 3 s
Tho brethren adjourned to the Devonport Hotel to dine , after which a very pleasant evening was spent , and arrangements contemplated for a return match shortly , all seeming to have thoroughly enjoyed the day ' s outing . — "Northern Echo , " 4 th September ,