Article Original Correspondence. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ORDERS OF CHIVALRY. Page 1 of 1 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article NEW GALLOWAY. Page 1 of 2 →
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Original Correspondence.
perly conducted , it might be of immense value to the Craft . Suppose it were entitled The Masonic Archaeological Society , all its members being " Masons . " The qualifications for membership being election and the payment of , say , about half-a-crown yearly , so as to make it
popular . Over and above M . M . A . S . ( Member , Masonic Archaeological Society ) , there might also be F . M . A , S . ( Fellow , Masonic Archaeological Society ) , the extra qualifications for which would be nomination and merit . Its motto ought to be " Truth ; " and if , as a society , the
members banded themselves together to seek out , support , and tell the truth , the whole truth , and nothing but the truth , in so far as they were able , the Society would command universal respect . Unless such would be its chief end and intention , better it should not be formed at all . Our London brethren ought to take the lead in
this matter , and see about getting it properly started . As its first "job" I would respectfully suggest photographs being taken and distributed to its members of the Sloane MS . 3 ? 2 o , fol . 142 .
With good wishes for the practical carrying out of the idea , I remain , fraternally yours , W . P . BUCHAN .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
METROPOLITAN . Star Lodge , No . 1275 . —On Friday , Sept . ist , at the Marquis of Granby , Deptford , the installation meeting of this young and most prosperous lodge was held . Bro . \ V . Ough , P . G . P ., P . M ., W . M ., presided , and opened the lodge . There were also
present : Bros . C . J . Hogg , P . G . S ., P . M ., S . W . and W . M .-elect ; H . Keeble , J . W . ; J . Smith , P . G . P ., P . M ., Treas . ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec . ; H . Crabtree , J . D . ; T . R . Darke , D . C ; J . Davis , J . Finch , C Saunders , J . Fox , W . Okey , A . Farr ( M . D . ) , R . F . Duff , W . H . Tramplcasure , E . Townshend , W . M .
Bull , W . Kipps , A . Stevens , W . Bell ( jun . ) , E . Harper , J . J . Limebeer , S . Homcwood , E . S . Lane , G . S . Elliott , W . Avill , H . J . Clare , and many more . The visitors were Bros . H . Potter , P . M . 11 ; W . Watson , P . G . S ., P . M . 25 ; S . Adams , 2 ;; T .-J . Thompson , 30 ; E . M . Hubbuck , P . G . S ., P . M . 58
P . M . 140 ; E . Harris , P . M . and Treas . 73 ; J . Bagshaw , P . M . 158 ; G . A . Garnett , W . M . 704 ; C . G . Dilley , P . M . 1155 ; W . Buchanan , 12 ( S . C ); Nicholas Weekes , P . M . 358 ( S . C . ) ; and others . The minutes of the last regular meeting and the minutes of the several emergency meetings were
read seriatim , put separately , and carried nein . con The report of the Audit Committee ( taken as read , in consequence of each member having a balance sheet given him ) was unanimously received , adopted , and entered in the lodge minute book . It showed a large balance in the hands of the
Treasurer , and no liabilities against the lodge . Ballots , taken separately , were unanimous in favour of the admission of Dr . A . Farr , W . Avill , VI . Bell , jun ., and E . S . Lane , and being in attendance , were introduced ( in the order named ) separately , and initiated into ancient Freemasonry in a most
impressive , painstaking , and correct manner . Bro . J . Smith , P . G . P ., I . P . M ., presented Bro . C . J . Hogg , S . W . ancl W . M .-elect , for installation , and according to ancient custom , he was duly installed W . M . for the ensuing year , appointing as his officers : Bros . W . Ough , I . P . M . ; II . Keeble , S . W . ; H .
Crabtree , J . W . ; J . Smith , P . G . P ., P . M ., Treas . ( rc-invested ) ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec . ( rc-invested ); T . R . Darke , S . D . ; G . Pymm , P . M ., J . D . ; E . Harper , I . G . ; G . F . Guest , D . C . ; and J . Gilbert , Tyler . The beautiful addresses were then given , and on the termination of the ceremony a hearty
burst of applause proved how well the brethren appreciated the admirable manner in which the ceremony had been performed . A vote of thanks , and the same to be entered on the minute-book , was given to Pro . Frederick Walters , P . M . and Sec , for the admirable , painstaking , and efficient
manner inwhich he had performed his duties as the Secretary of the lodge . A similar vote was given to Bro . W . Ough , P . G . P ., I . P . M ., for his kind , valuable , and most useful present of three large handsome tracing-boards , and also for his services in rendering the installation ceremony in such an
efficient manner . Afterwards , at the termination of the banquet , the W . M ., on behalf of the lodge , presented Bro . W . Ough with three diamond studs , very handsomely mounted , of the value of ten guineas , in lieu of a Past Master ' s jewel , which had been unanimously voted to him from the lodge funds , at the last regular meeting , as a slight recog-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
nition of his very many essential services rendered to the lodge , and for the admirable manner he had presided over the lodge , during his year of office , as the Worshipful Master . Bro . Nicholas Weekes , P . M . 358 ( S . C ) beingunable to stay to the banquet , in consequence of his having to return to Australia
( via Southampton ) on that evening , expressed his gratitude for the kind , fraternal , and welcome manner he had been received at the lodge as a visitor , assuring them he would convey to the members of his lodge at Sydney , on his return , how pleased he had been with his reception . He expressed the
pleasure he felt at witnessing the excellent manner in which all the ceremonies had been worked . — Bro . J . Smith , P . G . P ., P . M . and Treas ., gave a notice of motion— " That the future meetings of the lodge be held elsewhere . " Several candidates were proposed for initiation at the next meeting of the lodge , and two members' resignations wereaccepted
with regret , when the lodge was closed . The banquet was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , and nearly forty brethren sat down . It was served under the superintendence of Bro . W . Smith , who was , as \ isual , successful in pleasing all with his unremitting attention . Bro . Mackney ' s singing was as good as ever . The brethren separated early .
PROVINCIAL . HERTFORD . —Hertford Lodege , No . 403 . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday evening , 29 th ult ., at the Town Hall , Hertford . The brethren present were H . B . Hodges , W . M . ; I . R . Cocks , Treas . ; T , S . Carter , Hon . Sec . ; C . P . Wyman , I . G . ; A . S . Neale , D . C . ; C . Drummond ,
I . P . M . ; S . Austin , P . M . ; E . Salisbury , H . Campkin , J . Boatwright , W . P . Willson , W . Warrener , F . Taylor ; visitor , Bro . A . H . Bryant , W . M . 12 . Bro . J . Harrington was passed to the second degree , and the Rev . Lewis Deedes ( rector of Brantfield ) , Mr . Pilcher Page ( Hertford ) , and Mr . Fredk . Fountain ( of the merchant marine service ) were severally initiated into Freemasonry .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . Rose of Denmark Chapter . No . 975 . The quarterly meeting of this chapter was held at the Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge , on Saturday , the 2 nd inst . Comp . G . Powell , Z ., presided , supported by Comps . Pendlebury , P . Z ., as H . ; T .
Price , J . ; R W . Little , P . Z ., S . E . : H . G . Buss , P . Z ., Treas . ; W . Dodd , S . N . ; J . E . Walford , P . S . ; J . Newton , C . Braid ( Organist ) , G . C . Banks , E . Collins , J . Owens , D . A . Chudleigh , J . . Poole , J . Arnold , G . Everett , and T . H . P . Hartley . A ballot was taken for a candidate , after which a conclave of Installed Principals was formed , and Comp .
Tanner , H .-elect , was installed in the second chair by Comp . Little , P . Z . The chapter was then closed , and the companions sat down to one of Comp . Banks' best banquets . Due honour was rendered to all the loyal and Masonic toasts , and for that of "The Visitors" Comps . W . Long , Z .-elect 1056 , and T . B . Yeoman , 22 , responded .
Orders Of Chivalry.
RED CROSS OF CONSTANTINE . Original or Premier Conclave of England . This conclave met on Monday , the 4 th inst , at Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , when , in the unavoidable absence of Sir Knight Anpclo J .
Lewis , M . P . S ., the conclave was opened by Sir Kt . Marsh , P . S . There being no business upon this occasion the conclave was closed , and the knights , to the number of fifteen , sat down to an excellent banquet and enjoyed a very pleasant evening .
GLASGOW . An emergency meeting of the Neptune Lodge , No . 419 , was held on Wednesday , 30 th August , for tlie purpose of conferring tlie three degrees on Captain Thomas Osmont and Phili p Verlide , his mate , both of Jersey , who were about to leave this part . The ceremonies were very
ably rendered by the R . W . M ., Bro . Alexander M'Dougall , and his Officers , Bros . J . Scott , S . W . ; William Donaldson , acting J . W . ; J . Quigley , Sec . ; and W . Dubie , acting as Deacon . After labour the brethren partook of refreshment . Tlie
R . W . M ., in a neat speech , proposed "The Health of the Initiates , " which was briefly responded to by Bro . Captain Osmont . Pro . Weightman , P . M ., proposed "The Health of the Visiting Brethren , " which was responded to by Bros . Irving ( of Belfast Lodge ) , Batel ( of S 7 ,
Manchester ) , and G . W . Wheeler ( of 73 ) , all of whom highly praised the excellent working of the R . W . M . and his office-bearers , and spoke highly of the Neptune Lodge , which is principally composed of those interested in shipping .
The usual monthly meeting of the Caledonia of Unity Chapter , No . 73 , was held in the Masonic Hall , Buchanan-street , on the 29 th of August . The principal business was the nomination of office-bearers for the ensuing year .
Comp . D . Gilchrist was unanimously proposed for re-election as Z . For the chair of H . there were two candidates—Comps . T . Findler and G . McDonald . For that of J . it was unanimously voted to Comp . G . W . Wheeler , as was the case with
the remainder of officers , except 3 rd Sojourner . Amongst the visitors were Comps . Morrison and Comming , from the State of Michigan , who have received high honours in their own State and in Canada , both in the K . T . and Craft , and have
taken the 32 ° of the A . and A . Rite . They were cordially received , and expressed their acknowledgments of the fraternal greetings they had received here and elsewhere since they left their adopted home .
New Galloway.
On Tuesday , the 22 nd ult ., Lodge St . John , No . 494 , held its usual monthly meeting . After having been opened in due and solemn form by the R . W . M ., Bro . D . Millman , P . G . S . D ., Wigtownshire and Kirkcudbright , the minutes of the previous meeting were read . and confirmed .
Bros . J . W . McGill , J . Vine , and C . Blood , who were unable to attend at the installation meeting , were then installed as Depute Master , Director of Music , and Bible Bearer , and invested with the respective jewels of office . After they had returned thanks for the honour which had been
conferred upon them , the lodge was opened m the second degree and Bro . McMichael having requested an advancement was duly examined by the Dep . M . and found worthy . The candidate having retired for the purpose of being properly prepared by Bro . J . B . Morgan , the Lodge was
opened in the third degree , and on his readmission the ceremony of raising was admirably performed by the R . W . M ., assisted by the Dep . M . The latter ' s rendering of the air and recitative " Remember now thy Creator " added considerably to the solemnity of the rite . The Lodge
having been closed down to the first degree , the R . W . M . proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . C . Blood , for his present of a lamp for the third degree : this was carried unamiously . Nothing more appearing for the good of Freemasonry in general or this lodge in particular , it was closed in due and solemn form .
On the following day tlie brethren met to celebrate their annual festival . The lodge having been opened in the first degree , Bro . McMuldrow took the oath defideli and was installed as Sub . Master . Bro . Blood acted as S . W . in the unavoidable absence of Bro . McAndrew . The
brethren and visitors ( amongst whom were Bros . Cranstoun , P . G . S . W . and P . M . ; Clarks , P . G . I . G . and P . M . ; McKenzie , Clegg , & c , St . Cuthbert ' s Lodge , No . 41 , Kirkcudbright ; Maxwell , acting R . W . M ., Gordon , S . W ., Pearson , & c , of St . Johns , No . 18 9 , Castle Douglas ; Putchie , P . M ..
and Sandown , 1 reasurer , " Granite Union , No . 480 , Dalbeattie ) , were then called by Bro . Turner , J . W . from labor to refreshment , and did ample justice to a most excellent banquet , supplied by Mr . and Mrs . Robb , of the Cross Keys Hotel . The cloth having been withdrawn
the R . W . M . proposed "The Holy Lodge of St . John" ( in silence ) , followed by "The Queen and Craft , " which was duly and right-loyally honoured , and " The Prince Steward of Scotland and Members of the Royal Family . " Bro . J . W . McGill , Dep . M ., proposed "The Grand Lodges of Scotland , England and Ireland , " which , like its
predecessors , was received with Masonic honours . Acting S . W ., Bro . Blood proposed "The Provincial Grand Lodge of Wigtownshire and Kirkcudbright , " which was replied to b y Bro . Cranstoun , P . G . S . W .. Tlie R . W . M . proposed the toast of " The Visiting Brethren , " coupled with the name of Bro . J . H . Maxwell , acting R . W . M ., St . John , No . 189 , who replied .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original Correspondence.
perly conducted , it might be of immense value to the Craft . Suppose it were entitled The Masonic Archaeological Society , all its members being " Masons . " The qualifications for membership being election and the payment of , say , about half-a-crown yearly , so as to make it
popular . Over and above M . M . A . S . ( Member , Masonic Archaeological Society ) , there might also be F . M . A , S . ( Fellow , Masonic Archaeological Society ) , the extra qualifications for which would be nomination and merit . Its motto ought to be " Truth ; " and if , as a society , the
members banded themselves together to seek out , support , and tell the truth , the whole truth , and nothing but the truth , in so far as they were able , the Society would command universal respect . Unless such would be its chief end and intention , better it should not be formed at all . Our London brethren ought to take the lead in
this matter , and see about getting it properly started . As its first "job" I would respectfully suggest photographs being taken and distributed to its members of the Sloane MS . 3 ? 2 o , fol . 142 .
With good wishes for the practical carrying out of the idea , I remain , fraternally yours , W . P . BUCHAN .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
METROPOLITAN . Star Lodge , No . 1275 . —On Friday , Sept . ist , at the Marquis of Granby , Deptford , the installation meeting of this young and most prosperous lodge was held . Bro . \ V . Ough , P . G . P ., P . M ., W . M ., presided , and opened the lodge . There were also
present : Bros . C . J . Hogg , P . G . S ., P . M ., S . W . and W . M .-elect ; H . Keeble , J . W . ; J . Smith , P . G . P ., P . M ., Treas . ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec . ; H . Crabtree , J . D . ; T . R . Darke , D . C ; J . Davis , J . Finch , C Saunders , J . Fox , W . Okey , A . Farr ( M . D . ) , R . F . Duff , W . H . Tramplcasure , E . Townshend , W . M .
Bull , W . Kipps , A . Stevens , W . Bell ( jun . ) , E . Harper , J . J . Limebeer , S . Homcwood , E . S . Lane , G . S . Elliott , W . Avill , H . J . Clare , and many more . The visitors were Bros . H . Potter , P . M . 11 ; W . Watson , P . G . S ., P . M . 25 ; S . Adams , 2 ;; T .-J . Thompson , 30 ; E . M . Hubbuck , P . G . S ., P . M . 58
P . M . 140 ; E . Harris , P . M . and Treas . 73 ; J . Bagshaw , P . M . 158 ; G . A . Garnett , W . M . 704 ; C . G . Dilley , P . M . 1155 ; W . Buchanan , 12 ( S . C ); Nicholas Weekes , P . M . 358 ( S . C . ) ; and others . The minutes of the last regular meeting and the minutes of the several emergency meetings were
read seriatim , put separately , and carried nein . con The report of the Audit Committee ( taken as read , in consequence of each member having a balance sheet given him ) was unanimously received , adopted , and entered in the lodge minute book . It showed a large balance in the hands of the
Treasurer , and no liabilities against the lodge . Ballots , taken separately , were unanimous in favour of the admission of Dr . A . Farr , W . Avill , VI . Bell , jun ., and E . S . Lane , and being in attendance , were introduced ( in the order named ) separately , and initiated into ancient Freemasonry in a most
impressive , painstaking , and correct manner . Bro . J . Smith , P . G . P ., I . P . M ., presented Bro . C . J . Hogg , S . W . ancl W . M .-elect , for installation , and according to ancient custom , he was duly installed W . M . for the ensuing year , appointing as his officers : Bros . W . Ough , I . P . M . ; II . Keeble , S . W . ; H .
Crabtree , J . W . ; J . Smith , P . G . P ., P . M ., Treas . ( rc-invested ) ; F . Walters , P . M ., Sec . ( rc-invested ); T . R . Darke , S . D . ; G . Pymm , P . M ., J . D . ; E . Harper , I . G . ; G . F . Guest , D . C . ; and J . Gilbert , Tyler . The beautiful addresses were then given , and on the termination of the ceremony a hearty
burst of applause proved how well the brethren appreciated the admirable manner in which the ceremony had been performed . A vote of thanks , and the same to be entered on the minute-book , was given to Pro . Frederick Walters , P . M . and Sec , for the admirable , painstaking , and efficient
manner inwhich he had performed his duties as the Secretary of the lodge . A similar vote was given to Bro . W . Ough , P . G . P ., I . P . M ., for his kind , valuable , and most useful present of three large handsome tracing-boards , and also for his services in rendering the installation ceremony in such an
efficient manner . Afterwards , at the termination of the banquet , the W . M ., on behalf of the lodge , presented Bro . W . Ough with three diamond studs , very handsomely mounted , of the value of ten guineas , in lieu of a Past Master ' s jewel , which had been unanimously voted to him from the lodge funds , at the last regular meeting , as a slight recog-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
nition of his very many essential services rendered to the lodge , and for the admirable manner he had presided over the lodge , during his year of office , as the Worshipful Master . Bro . Nicholas Weekes , P . M . 358 ( S . C ) beingunable to stay to the banquet , in consequence of his having to return to Australia
( via Southampton ) on that evening , expressed his gratitude for the kind , fraternal , and welcome manner he had been received at the lodge as a visitor , assuring them he would convey to the members of his lodge at Sydney , on his return , how pleased he had been with his reception . He expressed the
pleasure he felt at witnessing the excellent manner in which all the ceremonies had been worked . — Bro . J . Smith , P . G . P ., P . M . and Treas ., gave a notice of motion— " That the future meetings of the lodge be held elsewhere . " Several candidates were proposed for initiation at the next meeting of the lodge , and two members' resignations wereaccepted
with regret , when the lodge was closed . The banquet was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , and nearly forty brethren sat down . It was served under the superintendence of Bro . W . Smith , who was , as \ isual , successful in pleasing all with his unremitting attention . Bro . Mackney ' s singing was as good as ever . The brethren separated early .
PROVINCIAL . HERTFORD . —Hertford Lodege , No . 403 . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday evening , 29 th ult ., at the Town Hall , Hertford . The brethren present were H . B . Hodges , W . M . ; I . R . Cocks , Treas . ; T , S . Carter , Hon . Sec . ; C . P . Wyman , I . G . ; A . S . Neale , D . C . ; C . Drummond ,
I . P . M . ; S . Austin , P . M . ; E . Salisbury , H . Campkin , J . Boatwright , W . P . Willson , W . Warrener , F . Taylor ; visitor , Bro . A . H . Bryant , W . M . 12 . Bro . J . Harrington was passed to the second degree , and the Rev . Lewis Deedes ( rector of Brantfield ) , Mr . Pilcher Page ( Hertford ) , and Mr . Fredk . Fountain ( of the merchant marine service ) were severally initiated into Freemasonry .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . Rose of Denmark Chapter . No . 975 . The quarterly meeting of this chapter was held at the Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge , on Saturday , the 2 nd inst . Comp . G . Powell , Z ., presided , supported by Comps . Pendlebury , P . Z ., as H . ; T .
Price , J . ; R W . Little , P . Z ., S . E . : H . G . Buss , P . Z ., Treas . ; W . Dodd , S . N . ; J . E . Walford , P . S . ; J . Newton , C . Braid ( Organist ) , G . C . Banks , E . Collins , J . Owens , D . A . Chudleigh , J . . Poole , J . Arnold , G . Everett , and T . H . P . Hartley . A ballot was taken for a candidate , after which a conclave of Installed Principals was formed , and Comp .
Tanner , H .-elect , was installed in the second chair by Comp . Little , P . Z . The chapter was then closed , and the companions sat down to one of Comp . Banks' best banquets . Due honour was rendered to all the loyal and Masonic toasts , and for that of "The Visitors" Comps . W . Long , Z .-elect 1056 , and T . B . Yeoman , 22 , responded .
Orders Of Chivalry.
RED CROSS OF CONSTANTINE . Original or Premier Conclave of England . This conclave met on Monday , the 4 th inst , at Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , when , in the unavoidable absence of Sir Knight Anpclo J .
Lewis , M . P . S ., the conclave was opened by Sir Kt . Marsh , P . S . There being no business upon this occasion the conclave was closed , and the knights , to the number of fifteen , sat down to an excellent banquet and enjoyed a very pleasant evening .
GLASGOW . An emergency meeting of the Neptune Lodge , No . 419 , was held on Wednesday , 30 th August , for tlie purpose of conferring tlie three degrees on Captain Thomas Osmont and Phili p Verlide , his mate , both of Jersey , who were about to leave this part . The ceremonies were very
ably rendered by the R . W . M ., Bro . Alexander M'Dougall , and his Officers , Bros . J . Scott , S . W . ; William Donaldson , acting J . W . ; J . Quigley , Sec . ; and W . Dubie , acting as Deacon . After labour the brethren partook of refreshment . Tlie
R . W . M ., in a neat speech , proposed "The Health of the Initiates , " which was briefly responded to by Bro . Captain Osmont . Pro . Weightman , P . M ., proposed "The Health of the Visiting Brethren , " which was responded to by Bros . Irving ( of Belfast Lodge ) , Batel ( of S 7 ,
Manchester ) , and G . W . Wheeler ( of 73 ) , all of whom highly praised the excellent working of the R . W . M . and his office-bearers , and spoke highly of the Neptune Lodge , which is principally composed of those interested in shipping .
The usual monthly meeting of the Caledonia of Unity Chapter , No . 73 , was held in the Masonic Hall , Buchanan-street , on the 29 th of August . The principal business was the nomination of office-bearers for the ensuing year .
Comp . D . Gilchrist was unanimously proposed for re-election as Z . For the chair of H . there were two candidates—Comps . T . Findler and G . McDonald . For that of J . it was unanimously voted to Comp . G . W . Wheeler , as was the case with
the remainder of officers , except 3 rd Sojourner . Amongst the visitors were Comps . Morrison and Comming , from the State of Michigan , who have received high honours in their own State and in Canada , both in the K . T . and Craft , and have
taken the 32 ° of the A . and A . Rite . They were cordially received , and expressed their acknowledgments of the fraternal greetings they had received here and elsewhere since they left their adopted home .
New Galloway.
On Tuesday , the 22 nd ult ., Lodge St . John , No . 494 , held its usual monthly meeting . After having been opened in due and solemn form by the R . W . M ., Bro . D . Millman , P . G . S . D ., Wigtownshire and Kirkcudbright , the minutes of the previous meeting were read . and confirmed .
Bros . J . W . McGill , J . Vine , and C . Blood , who were unable to attend at the installation meeting , were then installed as Depute Master , Director of Music , and Bible Bearer , and invested with the respective jewels of office . After they had returned thanks for the honour which had been
conferred upon them , the lodge was opened m the second degree and Bro . McMichael having requested an advancement was duly examined by the Dep . M . and found worthy . The candidate having retired for the purpose of being properly prepared by Bro . J . B . Morgan , the Lodge was
opened in the third degree , and on his readmission the ceremony of raising was admirably performed by the R . W . M ., assisted by the Dep . M . The latter ' s rendering of the air and recitative " Remember now thy Creator " added considerably to the solemnity of the rite . The Lodge
having been closed down to the first degree , the R . W . M . proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . C . Blood , for his present of a lamp for the third degree : this was carried unamiously . Nothing more appearing for the good of Freemasonry in general or this lodge in particular , it was closed in due and solemn form .
On the following day tlie brethren met to celebrate their annual festival . The lodge having been opened in the first degree , Bro . McMuldrow took the oath defideli and was installed as Sub . Master . Bro . Blood acted as S . W . in the unavoidable absence of Bro . McAndrew . The
brethren and visitors ( amongst whom were Bros . Cranstoun , P . G . S . W . and P . M . ; Clarks , P . G . I . G . and P . M . ; McKenzie , Clegg , & c , St . Cuthbert ' s Lodge , No . 41 , Kirkcudbright ; Maxwell , acting R . W . M ., Gordon , S . W ., Pearson , & c , of St . Johns , No . 18 9 , Castle Douglas ; Putchie , P . M ..
and Sandown , 1 reasurer , " Granite Union , No . 480 , Dalbeattie ) , were then called by Bro . Turner , J . W . from labor to refreshment , and did ample justice to a most excellent banquet , supplied by Mr . and Mrs . Robb , of the Cross Keys Hotel . The cloth having been withdrawn
the R . W . M . proposed "The Holy Lodge of St . John" ( in silence ) , followed by "The Queen and Craft , " which was duly and right-loyally honoured , and " The Prince Steward of Scotland and Members of the Royal Family . " Bro . J . W . McGill , Dep . M ., proposed "The Grand Lodges of Scotland , England and Ireland , " which , like its
predecessors , was received with Masonic honours . Acting S . W ., Bro . Blood proposed "The Provincial Grand Lodge of Wigtownshire and Kirkcudbright , " which was replied to b y Bro . Cranstoun , P . G . S . W .. Tlie R . W . M . proposed the toast of " The Visiting Brethren , " coupled with the name of Bro . J . H . Maxwell , acting R . W . M ., St . John , No . 189 , who replied .