Article PROVINCIAL MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL MEETINGS. Page 3 of 3 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 1 Article Ancient and Accepted Rite. Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY IN HERTFORDSHIRE, 1739-1892 . Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article Marriages. Page 1 of 1 Article Deaths. Page 1 of 1
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Provincial Meetings.
In Yorkshire the name of Lord Lathom was honoured and esteemed , not only for his Masonry , but for his personal qualities , while the fact of his installing the present Prov . Grand Master of West Yorkshire would long be remembered as an historical event there . Lord Mount Edgcumbe had conducted the business of Grand Lodge in the absence of the Grand and Pro Grand Masters in an excellent and perfect manner . For himself , he could only say that as a
very humble member of Grand Lodge he heartily thanked them for the toast and the honour done him by coupling his name with it . Bro . Railing also responded for the toast of " The R . W . Prov . G . M ., the Right Hon . Lord Brooke ; the V . W . Dep . P . G . M ., Bro . F . A . Philbrick , Q . C . ; and the rest of the Prov . Grand Officers , Present and Past . " He said they had so recently heard his voice that they would not want to
hear it much longer . Well , he thanked them for their kind reception of the toast , and could assure them that they and every Mason in the province were most fortunate in having so good and excellent a brother as Lord Brooke to preside over them . It was not so very long ago that his lordship was at work consecrating a new lodge in the province ; it was their " baby lodge . " On that occasion there was a great meeting of the brethren , and the reception given their
beloved Provincial Grand Master showed the affection in which he was held . After speaking of the extraordinary growth of the province under Lord Brooke , he averred that they did not want many more lodges in the province except when it was felt that one was absolutely necessary . He spoke highly of the earnestness of Bro . Philbrick for the good of the province . For many years he ( Bro . Philbrick ) had given them the use of his chambers for the
meetings of the Provincial Charity Committee , and in every way had done his best for the success of the province . He thanked the brethren for their hearty reception of the toast , and resumed his seat amid hearty cheering . Bro . Ringrose also briefly responded , and then , in eloquent terms , proposed the toast of " 'The VV . M . " He sain they were fortunate in having in their W . M . a brother who had the interests of the lodge at heart , and
who would carry out the duties of his important position in the best possible manner . As Bro . Hammond had said , they ( Bros . Hammond and Ringrose ) were initiated together , and worked together in the same lodge . They were both founders of that lodge , and both had achieved the highest honour the brethren could bestow . He asked them to drink the toast in bumpers . The W . M ., in response , said there were times when a
man was placed in an awkward position , and he was in one then for want of words to thank therh , not only for their generous reception of the toast , but for putting him in the proud position he held that evening . He could , however , assure them that during his term of office he should endeavour to carry out the duties of the chair to the best of his ability . He was initiated into Masonry a month after their I . P . M ., and followed him as a founder of that lodge
and an officer of it . He trusted the brethren would help him to make it one of the best lodges of the p rovince . Bro . Ringrose , in responding loan enthusiastic . reception of his name as Installing Officer , took that opportunity to thank every brother of the lodge for their loyal support during his year of office . He had no doubt of the perfect success of the lodge and of its strength , and felt sure that it had a bright prospect before it . They had said that he
had discharged the duties of Installing Officer to the-ir satisfaction . He had tried to regenerate the lodge , and if he had done so that was his reward . He was proud of such a meeting as they had that nig h ' , and proud ol the presence among them of their esteemed Prov . Grand Sec , and they might rest assured that nothing shodd be wanted on his part to suppoit and uphold the prestige and prosperity ot the Royal Victorian Jubilee Lodge .
The W . M . then proposed a special toast ta Bro . Railing , Prov . G . Sec , " which was duly responded to . The toast of "The Past Masters" was responded to hy Bros . Canning and Jolly . "The Visitors , " " The Officers , " and the Tyler's toasts concluded thc proceedings , which were rendered doubly
enjoyable by the splendid singing in solo and chorus of Miss Mary Turner , Miss Nellie Whitmore , Mr . Fred . Turner , and Mr . VV . H . Edgeworth . Bro . Jolly recited , and Ihe perfect accompaniment of Miss Whitmore , who presided at the piano , was much admired . The jewel was manufactured by Bro . George Kenning .
SALFORD . Newall Lodge ( No . 1134 ) . —The regular meeting was held on Tuesday , the 3 rd inst ., at Adelphi House , when the following were present : Bros . E . Webb , W . M . ; G . S . Smith , Prov . G . Org ., l . P . M . ; B . Eckersley . S . W . ;
Charles Driver , J . W . ; John Holroyd , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., Treas . ; ] ohn Waring , P . M ., Sec . j A . Waterhouse , S . D . j John Ogden , J . D . j R . VV . Martin , l . G . j A . H . Duffin , P . M . j James Green , A . K . Boothroyd , A . Cadwell , H . Mainwaring , S . Ayland , P . M . j H . Atkinson , N . C . Grey , E . M . Williams , W . E . Hands , and VV . H . Brown .
TEDDINGTON . Sir Charles Bright Lodge ( No . 1793 ) . — This lodge met lor the dispatch of business at the Clarence Hotel , on the 27 th ult . Amongst those in attendance were Bros . W . H . Windeatt , W . M . ; B . Miiller , S . W . j F . L . Chandler , P . M . 1656 , P . P . G . P ., J . W . j R . W . Forge , P . M ., P . P . G . D ., Treas . j E . VV . Warner , P . M ., P . P . A . G . D . C , Sec . ; J . E . Ruffell , S . D . j W . R . Plaford , J . D . ;
W . Smith , I . G . j E . J . Packington , Org . j Capt . Walls , P . P . G . W ., G . Stwd ., Steward ,- T . Middlewrek , R . J . Williams , and E . Hall , Asst . Stwd " . j W . Middleweek , l . P . M . j I . Finch , P . M ., P . P . G . S . of VV . ; VV . J . Porter , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C . ; John R . Barnes , P . M . ; and J . Gilbert , P . G . Tyler , Tjler . Bro . Campbell was a visitor . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken on beball of Messrs ,
Arthur Goddard and William Brougham , and it proving to be unanimous , they were ably inducted into Craft mysteries . Apologies for non-altendance were received from Bros . R . H . Thrupp , D . P . G . M ., P . A . G . D . C , & c . j 1 . Piller , P . M ., P . P . G . Std . Br . j A . J . R . Simmonds , P . M . j J . Barns , D . C j and others .
Thc lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . A few toasts followed . Bro . R . VV . Forge acknowledged the toast of " The Provincial Grand Officers" in a neat speech . Bro . W . Middleweek proposed the toast of "The Worshipful Master . " In the course of his remarks , which were pertinent , but commendably brief , he said that he
Provincial Meetings.
personally felt gratified at the manner in which his old friend had discharged , for the first time , his onerous duties of W . M . He had ably initiated two gentlemen that evening into Freemasonry , and he ( the l . P . M . ) trusted there would be other candidates brought forward before the completion of the W . M ' s . year of office . He also mentioned the fact that the Provincial Grand Lodge in May last had paid a high compliment to Bros . Forge and Simmonds
for their exertions in carrying out the arrangements . The Worshi p ful Master having replied , gave "The Initiates . " This toast having been duly acknowledged , "The Health of the Visitors " followed . Bro . Campbell , in his reply , congratulated the W . M . upon his effective working , and the lodge upon its thorough harmony and pleasant hospitality . Bro . VV . Middleweek replied to the toast of " The Past
Masters j" Bros . R . W . Forge and E . VV . Warner for "The Treasurer and Secretary ,- " and Bros . Miiller and Chandler to " The Health of the Officers . " The proceedings then terminated . An excellent and varied programme of music had been arranged , but in consequence of the pianoforte being conspicuous by its absence , it could not be carried out , much to the regret of the members of No . 1 793 , a music-loving body .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
GATESHEAD-ON-TYNE . Industry Lodge ( No . 293 ) . — The regular meeting of this thriving lodge was held at the Industry Masonic Hall , on Monday evening , the 2 nd instant , when there was a goodly gathering of brethren . Bro . J . A . Armstrong , W . M ., presided , and was supported and assisted by Bros . Wm . Richardson , l . P . M . j Wm . Brown , P . M ., D . C . j Robt . Whitfield , P . M . ; M . Corbitt , P . M . j
VV . F . Carmon , P . M ., Treas . ; T . R . Short , S . W . j T . R . J obson , J . W . j A . Dodds , M . O . j C . P . Lajdler , S . O . j R . Wilson , P . M ., as J . O .,- H . Jackson , R . of M . j W . J . Jobson . Sec . j H . S . Bird , S . D . j T . VV . Bagnall , J . D . j W . Holzapfel , I . G . j R . Ferry , Org . j Joshua Curry , Tyler j Thosma Dinning , W . M . j G . VV . Boag , J . R . Turner , J . H . Elliott , and others .
Two candidates were balloted for and elected . Bro . C . W . Hodgson , being in attendance , was duly advanced as a iVLM . M . by the W . M ., who also explained the tools , and gave the charge incidental to the Degree . A candidate was proposed , and , after other business , the proceedings terminated .
SHEFFIELD . Britannia Lodge ( No . 53 ) —The annual festival was held at the Masonic Hall , on Thursday , the 5 th inst . The W . M ., Bro . V . G . S . Dearden , presided , and was supported by the following officers and brethren : Bros . Maurice J . Dodworth , S . W ., W . M . elect ; G . Wragg , P . P . G . Org ., J . W . ; H . A . Brook , M . O . j T . Rowbotham , SO . ; A . J . Forsdyke , J . O . ; H . 1 . Garnett , P . M ., P . P .
S . G . W ., P . G . D ., Treas . j Geo . Edwards , P . P . G . Org ., Sec . j W . C . Fox , S . D . j W . F . Brook , J . D . j W . C . Wilson , D . C . j VV . Fearnenough , l . G . ; J . T . Thompson , Stwd . j T . Leighton , Tyler ; J . P . Hewitt , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C . j A . E . Kirkham , Prov . G . Reg ., l . P . M . j J . Unwin , jun ., P . M .. P . P . S . G . W ., P . A . G . I . G ., D . C ; T . Clarke , P . M ., P . P . G . D . j J . B . Wostenholme , P . M . j J . Shaw , P . M ., P . P . G . O . j F . Cleeves , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W .,
P . G . Std . Br . j T . H . yernon , Wm . Walker , J . Barton , and G . Wilkinson . Visitors : Bros . John Barker , P . M ., P . P . G 1 . of W ., D . P . G . M . ; S . Wetherill , and Wm . Middleton . The lodge was opened , and the W . M . appointed a deputation to receive the D . P . G . M ., Bro . John Barker , P . M ., P . P . G . I . of W ., who , on his entrance into the lodge , met with a very hearty reception , and was saluted with the
accustomed honours . ' 1 he minutes of the last meeting were then read and confirmed , after which the W . M . duly installed his successor , Bro . Maurice J . Dodsworth , S . W ., as W . M . for the ensuing year , who afterwards appointed and invested his oflicers as follows : Bros . V . G . S . Dearden , P . A . G . D . C , l . P . M . j G . Wragg , P . P . G . Org ., S . W . j H . A . Brook , J . W . j H . J . Garnett , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., P . G . D ., Treas . j T . Rowbotham , M . O . j A . ] . Forsdyke ,
S . O . j T . H . Vernon , J . O . j G . Edwards , P . P . G . Org ., R . of M . ; VV . C . Fox , Sec . j VV . F . Brook , S . D . j W . C . Wilson . J . D . j J . Unwin , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., P . A . G . I . G ., D . C . j W . Fearnenough , A . D . C . j W . Gadsby , P . P . G . O . Notts , Org . j J . F . Thompson , l . G . j J . Barton and Wm , Johnson , Stewards j and T . Leighton , Tyler . Bro . Barker , D . P . G . M ., expressed the great pleasure it gave him to visit the lodge , and , as that was his first visit to the
lodge since his appointment as D . P . G . M ., he congratulated the brethren on the admirable manner in which the lodge business was conducted , and tendered a few words of encouragement and advice . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting room , where an excellent dinner ,
provided by Bro . Turner , the Hall Steward , awaited them . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were submitted , and duly honoured , and a very happy evening was spent . There is every prospect of a very prosperous year of office before the newly-installed W . M ., who is very popular with all the brethren , and there are already candidates on the list for advancement .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
SUPREME COUNCIL . A meeting of the Supreme Council , presided over by the Lieut . Grand Commander , Bro . Captain N . G . Philips , was held at the Masonic Hall , 33 , Goldensquare , on Tuesday , the 10 th inst ., at whicn Bro . A . Cooper was advanced to the 31 ° , and Bros . Z . Milledge , W . R . Burkitt , W . de Manby Sergison , and Captain 0
H . M . Prior to the 30 . In the course ot his address , which touched upon many topics of interest , the LIEUT . GRAND COMMANDER informed the brethren that the Spring meeting of 1894 , usually held in May , would , in all probability take place at the beginning of April , as that time was found to be convenient to the Supreme Councils of Scotland and Ireland , whom they hoped to have the
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
p leasure of welcoming on the occasion , when he hope < j there would be a large muster of brethren to greet their friends from the sister British Councils . 111 . Bro . W . de M . Sergison was invested b y the Lieut . Grand Commander as Deputy Organist . At the conclusion of the meeting , the brethren dined together at the Cafd Royal , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given .
Freemasonry In Hertfordshire, 1739-1892 .
In the compilation of this history , Bro . G . B . Abbott has gone beyond the limits which the authors of similar histories have prescribed to themselves . Not only has he traced the rise and progress of Freemasonry in this county during the 18 th and 19 th centuries in such
general terms as will enable the reader to form a just and adequate opinion of the past and present condition of its several branches ; but he has likewise compiled a separate and distinct history of every Masonic bod y which has at any time been constituted on Hertfordshire soil . These separate histories are arranged
in order of lodge or chapter constitution , under their several heads of Craft , Arch , Mark , and Templar Masonry , while those which treat of lodges and chapters that have become extinct , or have migrated to other districts , are grouped together in one chapter . There are also portraits and biographical sketches of
distinguished brethren who have successively been appointed as Provincial Grand Masters , and a full and circumstantial account of the services rendered by the province and its lodges to our Royal Masonic Institutions . The appendices contain a " Table of Events Chro
nologically Arranged ; " lists of all the officers of the provincial and private Masonic bodies , 'in the county , from their respective dates of constitution to the present time ; and a series of tabular statements showing the contributions by Hertfordshire to our Masonic Institutions during the period from 1874 to 1892 . I
Bro . Abbott has published his work , with the sanction and approval of Bro . Thomas F . Halsey , M . P ,, Prov . Grand Master , Grand Superintendent , and Prov . Grand Mark Master of Hertfordshire , by subscription , at half a guinea per copy . A superior edition—large
paper , and elegantly bound—may be had at one guinea each , but only a few of these are now obtainable . Application for copies of either edition should be made to Bro . George Kenning , 16 , Great Queen-street , London , W . C .
Obituary .
BRO . JOHN DARWIN SMITH , P . M . 1658 , P . Z . 1216 . The late Bro . Smith , who was killed near the Elephant and Castle on the 30 th ult ., was buried at Nunhead Cemetery on Saturday last ; he was P . M . 1658 , P . Z . 1216 , and a member of the Kintore Mark Lodge , and a supporter of the Charities . The funeral was
attended by many of his relatives and representatives from several of the London departments of the Great Western Railway Company , in whose service he had spent 42 years . The following brethren were present among others : Bros . Letchford , B . Cope , Boys , P . M . ; Hill , P . M . ; Croxon , Buckridge , J . D . ; King , Cowen , Gabell , Mastriven , F . Pen , M . Syer . Lefeber , Jec ,
Culhngford , Delahay , Bygrave , Farmer , Bridge , and Upton , all of 1658 . The following companions were also present : Comps . J . H . Lane , J . 126 9 ; J . Whiteman , Walker , J . A . Smith , P . Z . 1216 ; Mackway , E . A . Francis , P . G . P . S . Middx . j H . Dehane , P . Z . 890 ;
Scawen , 1658 ; W . E . Bennett , J . Bridge , C . S . Mote , P . M . ; and W . R . Shuter , 1692 ; the Secretary of the Democratic Club and several gentlemen of the N . A . C . P . U ., and representatives ot many City firms . 'The hearse and coffin were entirely covered with beautiful wreaths .
Marriages .
MCLKAKN—JoLLiKfE . —On the 7 th inst ., at St . Marys , Primrose-hill , by the Rev . A . C . Spencer , vicar , assisted by the Rev . H . Cockson , I . Crawford McLearn , M . D ., M . R . C . S ., D . P . H . Eng ., Holborn Infirmary , Highgate , to Maud , youngest daughter of Bro . E . Y . Jolliffe , of 100 , King Henry ' s-road , Primrose-hill .
WHITE—VINES . —On the 4 th inst ., Mr . R . White to Ada F ., only surviving child of the late Mr . R . G . Vines , and stepdaughter of Bro . W . H . Froom , Aldersgate-street , and Canfield Gardens , South Hampstead .
BENNOCH . —At her residence , Keats' Cottage , John street , Hampstead , Mrs . Bennoch , widow of Bro Francis Bennoch , F . S . A ., in her 79 th year . READ . —At his residence , Jubilee-street , E ,, on Tuesday , the 10 th inst ., Bro . Henry Read , of the Yarborougl '
Lodge , No . 554 , and the Lion and Lamb Chapter , No . 192 , aged 30 . LEVANDER . —On the nth inst ., at 30 , North Villas ' Camden-square , Susannah Elizabeth , wife of Bro F . W . Levander , and daughter of the late Captain E . Oakes , R . N ., aged 55 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Meetings.
In Yorkshire the name of Lord Lathom was honoured and esteemed , not only for his Masonry , but for his personal qualities , while the fact of his installing the present Prov . Grand Master of West Yorkshire would long be remembered as an historical event there . Lord Mount Edgcumbe had conducted the business of Grand Lodge in the absence of the Grand and Pro Grand Masters in an excellent and perfect manner . For himself , he could only say that as a
very humble member of Grand Lodge he heartily thanked them for the toast and the honour done him by coupling his name with it . Bro . Railing also responded for the toast of " The R . W . Prov . G . M ., the Right Hon . Lord Brooke ; the V . W . Dep . P . G . M ., Bro . F . A . Philbrick , Q . C . ; and the rest of the Prov . Grand Officers , Present and Past . " He said they had so recently heard his voice that they would not want to
hear it much longer . Well , he thanked them for their kind reception of the toast , and could assure them that they and every Mason in the province were most fortunate in having so good and excellent a brother as Lord Brooke to preside over them . It was not so very long ago that his lordship was at work consecrating a new lodge in the province ; it was their " baby lodge . " On that occasion there was a great meeting of the brethren , and the reception given their
beloved Provincial Grand Master showed the affection in which he was held . After speaking of the extraordinary growth of the province under Lord Brooke , he averred that they did not want many more lodges in the province except when it was felt that one was absolutely necessary . He spoke highly of the earnestness of Bro . Philbrick for the good of the province . For many years he ( Bro . Philbrick ) had given them the use of his chambers for the
meetings of the Provincial Charity Committee , and in every way had done his best for the success of the province . He thanked the brethren for their hearty reception of the toast , and resumed his seat amid hearty cheering . Bro . Ringrose also briefly responded , and then , in eloquent terms , proposed the toast of " 'The VV . M . " He sain they were fortunate in having in their W . M . a brother who had the interests of the lodge at heart , and
who would carry out the duties of his important position in the best possible manner . As Bro . Hammond had said , they ( Bros . Hammond and Ringrose ) were initiated together , and worked together in the same lodge . They were both founders of that lodge , and both had achieved the highest honour the brethren could bestow . He asked them to drink the toast in bumpers . The W . M ., in response , said there were times when a
man was placed in an awkward position , and he was in one then for want of words to thank therh , not only for their generous reception of the toast , but for putting him in the proud position he held that evening . He could , however , assure them that during his term of office he should endeavour to carry out the duties of the chair to the best of his ability . He was initiated into Masonry a month after their I . P . M ., and followed him as a founder of that lodge
and an officer of it . He trusted the brethren would help him to make it one of the best lodges of the p rovince . Bro . Ringrose , in responding loan enthusiastic . reception of his name as Installing Officer , took that opportunity to thank every brother of the lodge for their loyal support during his year of office . He had no doubt of the perfect success of the lodge and of its strength , and felt sure that it had a bright prospect before it . They had said that he
had discharged the duties of Installing Officer to the-ir satisfaction . He had tried to regenerate the lodge , and if he had done so that was his reward . He was proud of such a meeting as they had that nig h ' , and proud ol the presence among them of their esteemed Prov . Grand Sec , and they might rest assured that nothing shodd be wanted on his part to suppoit and uphold the prestige and prosperity ot the Royal Victorian Jubilee Lodge .
The W . M . then proposed a special toast ta Bro . Railing , Prov . G . Sec , " which was duly responded to . The toast of "The Past Masters" was responded to hy Bros . Canning and Jolly . "The Visitors , " " The Officers , " and the Tyler's toasts concluded thc proceedings , which were rendered doubly
enjoyable by the splendid singing in solo and chorus of Miss Mary Turner , Miss Nellie Whitmore , Mr . Fred . Turner , and Mr . VV . H . Edgeworth . Bro . Jolly recited , and Ihe perfect accompaniment of Miss Whitmore , who presided at the piano , was much admired . The jewel was manufactured by Bro . George Kenning .
SALFORD . Newall Lodge ( No . 1134 ) . —The regular meeting was held on Tuesday , the 3 rd inst ., at Adelphi House , when the following were present : Bros . E . Webb , W . M . ; G . S . Smith , Prov . G . Org ., l . P . M . ; B . Eckersley . S . W . ;
Charles Driver , J . W . ; John Holroyd , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., Treas . ; ] ohn Waring , P . M ., Sec . j A . Waterhouse , S . D . j John Ogden , J . D . j R . VV . Martin , l . G . j A . H . Duffin , P . M . j James Green , A . K . Boothroyd , A . Cadwell , H . Mainwaring , S . Ayland , P . M . j H . Atkinson , N . C . Grey , E . M . Williams , W . E . Hands , and VV . H . Brown .
TEDDINGTON . Sir Charles Bright Lodge ( No . 1793 ) . — This lodge met lor the dispatch of business at the Clarence Hotel , on the 27 th ult . Amongst those in attendance were Bros . W . H . Windeatt , W . M . ; B . Miiller , S . W . j F . L . Chandler , P . M . 1656 , P . P . G . P ., J . W . j R . W . Forge , P . M ., P . P . G . D ., Treas . j E . VV . Warner , P . M ., P . P . A . G . D . C , Sec . ; J . E . Ruffell , S . D . j W . R . Plaford , J . D . ;
W . Smith , I . G . j E . J . Packington , Org . j Capt . Walls , P . P . G . W ., G . Stwd ., Steward ,- T . Middlewrek , R . J . Williams , and E . Hall , Asst . Stwd " . j W . Middleweek , l . P . M . j I . Finch , P . M ., P . P . G . S . of VV . ; VV . J . Porter , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C . ; John R . Barnes , P . M . ; and J . Gilbert , P . G . Tyler , Tjler . Bro . Campbell was a visitor . The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken on beball of Messrs ,
Arthur Goddard and William Brougham , and it proving to be unanimous , they were ably inducted into Craft mysteries . Apologies for non-altendance were received from Bros . R . H . Thrupp , D . P . G . M ., P . A . G . D . C , & c . j 1 . Piller , P . M ., P . P . G . Std . Br . j A . J . R . Simmonds , P . M . j J . Barns , D . C j and others .
Thc lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . A few toasts followed . Bro . R . VV . Forge acknowledged the toast of " The Provincial Grand Officers" in a neat speech . Bro . W . Middleweek proposed the toast of "The Worshipful Master . " In the course of his remarks , which were pertinent , but commendably brief , he said that he
Provincial Meetings.
personally felt gratified at the manner in which his old friend had discharged , for the first time , his onerous duties of W . M . He had ably initiated two gentlemen that evening into Freemasonry , and he ( the l . P . M . ) trusted there would be other candidates brought forward before the completion of the W . M ' s . year of office . He also mentioned the fact that the Provincial Grand Lodge in May last had paid a high compliment to Bros . Forge and Simmonds
for their exertions in carrying out the arrangements . The Worshi p ful Master having replied , gave "The Initiates . " This toast having been duly acknowledged , "The Health of the Visitors " followed . Bro . Campbell , in his reply , congratulated the W . M . upon his effective working , and the lodge upon its thorough harmony and pleasant hospitality . Bro . VV . Middleweek replied to the toast of " The Past
Masters j" Bros . R . W . Forge and E . VV . Warner for "The Treasurer and Secretary ,- " and Bros . Miiller and Chandler to " The Health of the Officers . " The proceedings then terminated . An excellent and varied programme of music had been arranged , but in consequence of the pianoforte being conspicuous by its absence , it could not be carried out , much to the regret of the members of No . 1 793 , a music-loving body .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
GATESHEAD-ON-TYNE . Industry Lodge ( No . 293 ) . — The regular meeting of this thriving lodge was held at the Industry Masonic Hall , on Monday evening , the 2 nd instant , when there was a goodly gathering of brethren . Bro . J . A . Armstrong , W . M ., presided , and was supported and assisted by Bros . Wm . Richardson , l . P . M . j Wm . Brown , P . M ., D . C . j Robt . Whitfield , P . M . ; M . Corbitt , P . M . j
VV . F . Carmon , P . M ., Treas . ; T . R . Short , S . W . j T . R . J obson , J . W . j A . Dodds , M . O . j C . P . Lajdler , S . O . j R . Wilson , P . M ., as J . O .,- H . Jackson , R . of M . j W . J . Jobson . Sec . j H . S . Bird , S . D . j T . VV . Bagnall , J . D . j W . Holzapfel , I . G . j R . Ferry , Org . j Joshua Curry , Tyler j Thosma Dinning , W . M . j G . VV . Boag , J . R . Turner , J . H . Elliott , and others .
Two candidates were balloted for and elected . Bro . C . W . Hodgson , being in attendance , was duly advanced as a iVLM . M . by the W . M ., who also explained the tools , and gave the charge incidental to the Degree . A candidate was proposed , and , after other business , the proceedings terminated .
SHEFFIELD . Britannia Lodge ( No . 53 ) —The annual festival was held at the Masonic Hall , on Thursday , the 5 th inst . The W . M ., Bro . V . G . S . Dearden , presided , and was supported by the following officers and brethren : Bros . Maurice J . Dodworth , S . W ., W . M . elect ; G . Wragg , P . P . G . Org ., J . W . ; H . A . Brook , M . O . j T . Rowbotham , SO . ; A . J . Forsdyke , J . O . ; H . 1 . Garnett , P . M ., P . P .
S . G . W ., P . G . D ., Treas . j Geo . Edwards , P . P . G . Org ., Sec . j W . C . Fox , S . D . j W . F . Brook , J . D . j W . C . Wilson , D . C . j VV . Fearnenough , l . G . ; J . T . Thompson , Stwd . j T . Leighton , Tyler ; J . P . Hewitt , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C . j A . E . Kirkham , Prov . G . Reg ., l . P . M . j J . Unwin , jun ., P . M .. P . P . S . G . W ., P . A . G . I . G ., D . C ; T . Clarke , P . M ., P . P . G . D . j J . B . Wostenholme , P . M . j J . Shaw , P . M ., P . P . G . O . j F . Cleeves , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W .,
P . G . Std . Br . j T . H . yernon , Wm . Walker , J . Barton , and G . Wilkinson . Visitors : Bros . John Barker , P . M ., P . P . G 1 . of W ., D . P . G . M . ; S . Wetherill , and Wm . Middleton . The lodge was opened , and the W . M . appointed a deputation to receive the D . P . G . M ., Bro . John Barker , P . M ., P . P . G . I . of W ., who , on his entrance into the lodge , met with a very hearty reception , and was saluted with the
accustomed honours . ' 1 he minutes of the last meeting were then read and confirmed , after which the W . M . duly installed his successor , Bro . Maurice J . Dodsworth , S . W ., as W . M . for the ensuing year , who afterwards appointed and invested his oflicers as follows : Bros . V . G . S . Dearden , P . A . G . D . C , l . P . M . j G . Wragg , P . P . G . Org ., S . W . j H . A . Brook , J . W . j H . J . Garnett , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., P . G . D ., Treas . j T . Rowbotham , M . O . j A . ] . Forsdyke ,
S . O . j T . H . Vernon , J . O . j G . Edwards , P . P . G . Org ., R . of M . ; VV . C . Fox , Sec . j VV . F . Brook , S . D . j W . C . Wilson . J . D . j J . Unwin , P . M ., P . P . S . G . W ., P . A . G . I . G ., D . C . j W . Fearnenough , A . D . C . j W . Gadsby , P . P . G . O . Notts , Org . j J . F . Thompson , l . G . j J . Barton and Wm , Johnson , Stewards j and T . Leighton , Tyler . Bro . Barker , D . P . G . M ., expressed the great pleasure it gave him to visit the lodge , and , as that was his first visit to the
lodge since his appointment as D . P . G . M ., he congratulated the brethren on the admirable manner in which the lodge business was conducted , and tendered a few words of encouragement and advice . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting room , where an excellent dinner ,
provided by Bro . Turner , the Hall Steward , awaited them . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were submitted , and duly honoured , and a very happy evening was spent . There is every prospect of a very prosperous year of office before the newly-installed W . M ., who is very popular with all the brethren , and there are already candidates on the list for advancement .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
Ancient and Accepted Rite .
SUPREME COUNCIL . A meeting of the Supreme Council , presided over by the Lieut . Grand Commander , Bro . Captain N . G . Philips , was held at the Masonic Hall , 33 , Goldensquare , on Tuesday , the 10 th inst ., at whicn Bro . A . Cooper was advanced to the 31 ° , and Bros . Z . Milledge , W . R . Burkitt , W . de Manby Sergison , and Captain 0
H . M . Prior to the 30 . In the course ot his address , which touched upon many topics of interest , the LIEUT . GRAND COMMANDER informed the brethren that the Spring meeting of 1894 , usually held in May , would , in all probability take place at the beginning of April , as that time was found to be convenient to the Supreme Councils of Scotland and Ireland , whom they hoped to have the
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
p leasure of welcoming on the occasion , when he hope < j there would be a large muster of brethren to greet their friends from the sister British Councils . 111 . Bro . W . de M . Sergison was invested b y the Lieut . Grand Commander as Deputy Organist . At the conclusion of the meeting , the brethren dined together at the Cafd Royal , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given .
Freemasonry In Hertfordshire, 1739-1892 .
In the compilation of this history , Bro . G . B . Abbott has gone beyond the limits which the authors of similar histories have prescribed to themselves . Not only has he traced the rise and progress of Freemasonry in this county during the 18 th and 19 th centuries in such
general terms as will enable the reader to form a just and adequate opinion of the past and present condition of its several branches ; but he has likewise compiled a separate and distinct history of every Masonic bod y which has at any time been constituted on Hertfordshire soil . These separate histories are arranged
in order of lodge or chapter constitution , under their several heads of Craft , Arch , Mark , and Templar Masonry , while those which treat of lodges and chapters that have become extinct , or have migrated to other districts , are grouped together in one chapter . There are also portraits and biographical sketches of
distinguished brethren who have successively been appointed as Provincial Grand Masters , and a full and circumstantial account of the services rendered by the province and its lodges to our Royal Masonic Institutions . The appendices contain a " Table of Events Chro
nologically Arranged ; " lists of all the officers of the provincial and private Masonic bodies , 'in the county , from their respective dates of constitution to the present time ; and a series of tabular statements showing the contributions by Hertfordshire to our Masonic Institutions during the period from 1874 to 1892 . I
Bro . Abbott has published his work , with the sanction and approval of Bro . Thomas F . Halsey , M . P ,, Prov . Grand Master , Grand Superintendent , and Prov . Grand Mark Master of Hertfordshire , by subscription , at half a guinea per copy . A superior edition—large
paper , and elegantly bound—may be had at one guinea each , but only a few of these are now obtainable . Application for copies of either edition should be made to Bro . George Kenning , 16 , Great Queen-street , London , W . C .
Obituary .
BRO . JOHN DARWIN SMITH , P . M . 1658 , P . Z . 1216 . The late Bro . Smith , who was killed near the Elephant and Castle on the 30 th ult ., was buried at Nunhead Cemetery on Saturday last ; he was P . M . 1658 , P . Z . 1216 , and a member of the Kintore Mark Lodge , and a supporter of the Charities . The funeral was
attended by many of his relatives and representatives from several of the London departments of the Great Western Railway Company , in whose service he had spent 42 years . The following brethren were present among others : Bros . Letchford , B . Cope , Boys , P . M . ; Hill , P . M . ; Croxon , Buckridge , J . D . ; King , Cowen , Gabell , Mastriven , F . Pen , M . Syer . Lefeber , Jec ,
Culhngford , Delahay , Bygrave , Farmer , Bridge , and Upton , all of 1658 . The following companions were also present : Comps . J . H . Lane , J . 126 9 ; J . Whiteman , Walker , J . A . Smith , P . Z . 1216 ; Mackway , E . A . Francis , P . G . P . S . Middx . j H . Dehane , P . Z . 890 ;
Scawen , 1658 ; W . E . Bennett , J . Bridge , C . S . Mote , P . M . ; and W . R . Shuter , 1692 ; the Secretary of the Democratic Club and several gentlemen of the N . A . C . P . U ., and representatives ot many City firms . 'The hearse and coffin were entirely covered with beautiful wreaths .
Marriages .
MCLKAKN—JoLLiKfE . —On the 7 th inst ., at St . Marys , Primrose-hill , by the Rev . A . C . Spencer , vicar , assisted by the Rev . H . Cockson , I . Crawford McLearn , M . D ., M . R . C . S ., D . P . H . Eng ., Holborn Infirmary , Highgate , to Maud , youngest daughter of Bro . E . Y . Jolliffe , of 100 , King Henry ' s-road , Primrose-hill .
WHITE—VINES . —On the 4 th inst ., Mr . R . White to Ada F ., only surviving child of the late Mr . R . G . Vines , and stepdaughter of Bro . W . H . Froom , Aldersgate-street , and Canfield Gardens , South Hampstead .
BENNOCH . —At her residence , Keats' Cottage , John street , Hampstead , Mrs . Bennoch , widow of Bro Francis Bennoch , F . S . A ., in her 79 th year . READ . —At his residence , Jubilee-street , E ,, on Tuesday , the 10 th inst ., Bro . Henry Read , of the Yarborougl '
Lodge , No . 554 , and the Lion and Lamb Chapter , No . 192 , aged 30 . LEVANDER . —On the nth inst ., at 30 , North Villas ' Camden-square , Susannah Elizabeth , wife of Bro F . W . Levander , and daughter of the late Captain E . Oakes , R . N ., aged 55 .