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Consecration Of The Golden Rule
LODGE , No . 1261 . The consecration of the " Golden Rule" Lodge took p lace on the 6 th inst ., at the Great Western Hotel , Paddington . There was a numerous and influential attendance of brethren , of whom the following is a list : —Brothers Henry Muggeridge , Frederick Bigg , P . M . ; John Sunley , A . G . Sharpe ,
J . J . Harris , E . Addis , S . Cornish , D . Newsham , A . Williams , R . Cross , M . D ., G . Beaman , M . D ., WiUiam Smith , P . G . S . ; E . H . Fennell , 969 ; J . H . Cox , 49 ; Newton . Jennings , W . M . 452 ; S . Pidcock , 90 ; P . Matthews , 569 ; W . Birdseye , 715 ; C . Wycke , 715 ; C . Jenkins , 27 ; A . Partridge , 22 ; P . Gowland , 569 ; C . A . Long , 136 ; M . Wolfsky , 286 ; H . Birdseye , 715 ; C . Collard , 190 ; W . Jones ,
M . D ., 704 ; E . Patten , P . G . S . B . ; J . Emmens , P . G . Purst . ; Fred . Adlard , P . M . ; T . P . Griffin , W . M . 20 ; J . Hervey , G . S . ; W . E . Storier , 715 ; J . Gale , 715 •J . Miles , S . W . 49 ; C . Moutrie , P . M . ll ; Chas . E . Thompson , 1 , 158 , 177 . The following is a copy of the programme supplied to the brethren for the occasion : — The Brethren assemble at half-past three p . m , and form in
procession , the juniors first , headed by the Director of the Ceremonies . The Presiding Officer takes tho Chair , and appoints the Wardens , pro . tem . The Lodge is duly opened in the Three Degrees . The Chaplain offers up Prayer . Solemn Music . The Grand Secretary addrcssc- the Presiding Officer , who
desires hint to road the Petition and Warrant . The Presiding Officer inquires if the Brethren approve of tlie Officers named in the Warrant . The Presiding Officer ( Bro . Henry Muggeridge ) will deliver an oration . Anthem— " Behold ! how pleasant and how good " —St .
Stephen . The Grand Secretary presents the Kew Master to tlie Presiding Officer , who places him on his left , the Brethren of the New Lodge arrange themselves on each side of the Lodge Hoard . The first portion of tlie " Dedication Prayer . " All . —Chant , " So mote it be . "
Sanctus , " Glory be to Thee , 0 Lord . " All the Brethren turn to the East , when the Presiding
Officer gives the Invocation . All . —Chant , "So mote it be . " The Lodge Board is uncovered , and three Past Masters carry Corn , Wine , nnd Oil three times round the Lodge , during Solemn Music , "Glory be to God on high . " AH . —Chant , " So mote it be . " The Chaplain takes ( lie Censer threo times round thc Lodge
during Solemn Music . Tlie second portion of the " Dedication Prayer . " All . —Chant , "So mote it be " Tlie Presiding Officer ' Dedicates" the Lodge . All . —Chant , " So mote it be . " The Presiding Officer "Constitutes '' the Lodge . All — Chant , " So mote it be . " Anthem , " The spacious firmament on high . " —Haydn .
Installation . Shortly after the appointed time the business commenced , and the programme was gone through , Bro . Muggeridge impressively delivering an oration ( we understand composed by himself ) , to which the brethren paid great attention . Bro . Jennings , assisted by professional brethren , ably conducted the musical arrangements , and everything passed
off with eclat . When Bro . Rglese had been installed in the chair of K . S ., according to ancient custom , he was greeted with the customary salutations , and proceeded to appoint and invest his ofiicers for the year : —Dr . Beaman , Treasurer ; Fred . Bigg , P . M ., Secretary ; John Sunlev , S . AV . ; A . G . Sharpe , J . W . ; J . Harris , S . O . ; " P . II . Cornish , J . D . ; A . II . AVilliams , G . G . ; the other offices were for the present left open .
Bro . BEAJIAN , in returning thanks to the AV . M . and brethren , for having that evening elected him their treasurer for the year , said he felt grateful to them for the honour conferred upon him , and it would be his constant endeavour to promote the harmony of the lodge , and do his duty faithfull y and well . ( Hear , hear . )
The AV . M ., who upon rising for the first time was applauded , proposed that a vote of thanks be given to Bro . H . Muggeridge , P . M ., & c , for the very able and excellent manner in which he had performed the duties of consecration and installation that evening . They were all ready to expect what they should hear , for they knew him so well , and knew
his capabilities , and had ho not done it so well he would have fallen short of his usual excellence . ( Hear , hear . ) He ( the AV . M . ) could assure them it was with great gratification to himself he had been put into the chair that evening to preside over them by his respected friend , Bro . Muggeridge , who had
been Ins chief preceptor , and to whom he owed his knowledge of the Craft , and which knowledge had given him a desire to become a good Mason ami a better man . ( Hear , hoar . ) He had therefore , as he had already stated , very much pleasure in proposing "That a vote of thanks be given to Bro . Muggeridge for the excellent manner in which he had performed the duties of Consecrating ami In-
Consecration Of The Golden Rule
stalling Master , and that the same be recorded on the minutes of the lodge . " The S . W . seconded the motion , which was put by the J . AV ., and carried unanimously . Bro . MUG-E 1 UDGE returned thanks for the compliment paid him , and said if he had given
satisfaction he was very pleased , and fully repaid for auy trouble he might have beeu put to . Five propositions were received of gentlemen desirous of being initiated , and several joining members were proposed , aud the lodge , after the usual enquiries of the W . M ., was closed with solemn
prayer . The meeting then adjourned . [ Subsequently several speeches were delivered , but as our representative was not honoured with an invitation we are unable to give a report of them . ] The fittings , jewels , books , & c ., were made by Bro . George Kenning , of Little Britain , from the designs of Bro . Eglese , the AV . M .
Presentation To Bro. Wm. Cooke, P.M. St. James's Lodge, Halifax.
At the weekly Instruction Meeting of this Lodge , held on Tuesday evening , the 4 th inst ., an interesting feature of thc evening's proceedings was the presentation of a testimonial to Bro . AVilliam Cooke , P . M ., who for the last six years has filled the office of Secretary
to the above Lodge , acted as Scribe E . to the Chapter of Regularity , and as Secretary to the Fearnley Lodge of Mark Masters , No . 58 . In the absence of the AV . M ., Bro . R . Lord , who was confined to bed through an accident , the chair was occupied by Bro . Ibberson , S . W .
After the usual loyal and masonic toasts had been given , that of the Right Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , R . AV . P . G . M ., of W . York ; Bro . Bentley Shaw , AV . D , P . G . M . ; and tlie P . G . Officers , being responded to by Bro . R . R . Nelson , P . D . P . G . M ., and P . G . Sec . The CHAIRMAN rose and said they now came to the
toast of the evening , which was the health of their esteemed member , Bro . W . Cooke . After alluding to the satisfactory way in which' Bro . Cooke had discharged the duties of his oflice , both as secretary and as a Past Master , he said the brethren were so well aware of Bro . Cooke ' s merits , that he could say little but what they already know . He had , therefore , great
pleasure , in addition to proposing his health , of presenting Bro . Cooke , on behalf of the members of St . James ' s Lodge , with a handsome English lever watch and gold Albert , and hoped he might long bo spared to render further services to the Craft . The following inscription was engraved on the watch : —
"Presented to Bro . WILLIAM COOKE , P . M ., Lodge of St . James ' s , . 48 , in recognition of past services ; April , 1809 . " Comp . NOUMASTOK , Z ., Chapter of Regularity , on behalf of the Companions of that chapter , then presented Comp . Cooke with an elegant gold P . Z . jewel , and , in doing so , expressed the delight it afforded him
in being able that evening to take part in paying a tribute , of respect to Comp . Cooke , lie also mentioned the peculiar p leasure he experienced , when W . M . of 118 , iu signing the first voting paper as a vice-president of the Boys' School , as it was through Comp . Cooke ' s advocacy of the benefits of that noble
institution , which caused the brethren to subscribe to place the AV . M . in that proud position . Having read the inscription on the jewel"Presented to Comp . WILLIAM COOKK , P . Z . of No . 418 , as it token of icspeet for past services ; April , 18 C !) , " he then placed it on the breast , with the wish that he
might have health to attend many future meetings of the chapter . Bro . BATES , P . M ., in the absence of the AV . M ., Bro . John Stott , then presented Bro . Cooke , on behalf of thc members of the Fearnley Lodge of Mark Masters , with the collar jewel of a Past Grand Senior
Overseer ol the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters for England mid Wales . lie stated that he had noticed Bro . Cooke from his initiation into Frecniasonrv , and found him always anxious to make progress iu the knowledge of the Craft ; and so convinced was ho of
this , that , when elected AV . M . of No . 418 , he at once promoted Bro . Cooke from J . D . to S . W ., and had never had cause to regret the choice lie made , and from that time Bro . Cooke ' s progress in Masonry had been steady but certain . 'J'hc inscription on this jewel was as follows : —
•Presented to Bro . WILLIAM COOKE , P . M ., Fearnley Lodge No . 58 , and P . G . S . O ., as a token of respect for past services ; Halifax , April , 1809 . " Previous to Bro . Cooke ' s reply , the train being nearly due , the health of " The Visitors " was given from the chair , which was responded to by Bro . T .
Ar . nx ANDKii of the Masonic Life , and Kire Association , and Bro . FREDERICI * SCIIOI ' IBT . U , of the Caledonian Lodge , No . ' 192 , Edinburgh . Bro . COOKE then rose to thank the brethren , and was received with considerable applause . Having
stated his regret at being unable to express his gratitude in a manner which the occasion deserved , he went on to say that from his initiation Masonry had been his " hobby , " nnd when men have a hobby , be it what it may , they generally devote plenty of time in
Presentation To Bro. Wm. Cooke, P.M. St. James's Lodge, Halifax.
the practice of it . He had been privileged with a deal of spare time , and he did not consider he should have been doing his duty as a Mason had he neglected to avail himself of the opportunity thus presented to him , and endeavour to obtain a general knowledge of the Craft . He had received the utmost kindness from an
old Freemason at Keighley , Bro . Thomas Brown , P . M . ( now 56 years a Mason , and whom he should have liked , had he known earlier , to have seen present that evening to witness the reward of one of his pupils ) , and he should always be ready to give , with the same freedom it had been given to him , anything that he
knew concerning the mysteries of our ancient Craft , not to the members of No . 448 alone , but to the members of any other lodge who were desirous of instruction . After again thanking the brethren for the great kindness shown to him on this as on former occasions , ho said he could not sit down without proposing to
them a toast , and that was the health of the " W . M . and Officers of No . 448 . " Ho regretted the absence ofthe AV . M . that evening—a circumstance which they all regretted—as it was from a cause over which he had no control . He had observed , with the greatest pleasure , the AV . M . reviving the former weekly instruction meetings , as it was from them so much benefit
was derived by the younger members of the Lodge . If the AV . M . continued during his term of office in the way he had begun , he ( Bro . Cooke ) believed the members of the Lodge would have no cause to regret the choice made at the last election . Bro . IBBERSON , S . AV ., Bro . LUPTON , J . AA \ , and Bro . Dr . DOLAN , I . G ., having replied , the remainder ofthe evening was spent in a social and convivial manner .
MACDONALD LODGE OF IMPROVEMENT , NO . 1216 The Fifteen Sections will be worked in the above Lodge , at the Head Quarters of the First Surrey Rifle Volunteers , Brunswick-road , Camberwell , on
Wednesday , May filth , 18 G 9 . Bro . J . Stevens , P . M ., P . Z ,, 720 , S . AV . 1210 , will preside . The Lodge will be opened at half-past six o ' clock precisely . THE SOCIAL BUCKS' PHILANTHROPIC SOCIETY . —
llus Society held a meeting at Bro . Swainston ' s , the Three Bucks' Tavern , corner of Old Jewry , Greshamstreet , on Saturday last . Bro . Stroud , A ^ icc-president of the Society , in the unavoidable absence of Bro . Thos . Beard , President , occupied the chair , and was faced bv Bro . Swainston , the Treasurer . There wero
also present Bro . John Emmens , Past Grand Pursuivant , Past Master ofthe Old and New Concord Lodges , and Secretary ofthe Society ; Bro . James Hill ; Bro . Maynard ; Bro . Charles It . Slouiau ( author , & c ); Bro . Chaddock ; Bro . John Hill ; Bro . Nicholson , of the Concord Lodge ; J . W . Dupere ; Bro . Robinson ;
Bro . Arthur McNamara ; Bro . Chas . E . Thompson , & c . This charitable Society was formed some fovr years ago for the purpose of supplying the poor in the winter time with broad and coals , and can now boast ofthe patronage ofthe lit . Hon . the Lord Mayor , Mr . Under-sheriff Roche ( member of the Metropolitan
Board of Works ) , and several barristers , solicitors , & c , and since its establishment has done a great deal of good . Bro . John Emniens , the Secretary , read tho minutes of the former meeting , which were confirmed ; and after the transaction of some routine , business , the brethren adjourned to a dinner served in excellent
style by Bro . Swainston , and after the cloth was drawn several toasts were given and responded to . Bro . I lill , in proposing the health of the Chairman , spoke in felicitous terms of his urbanity and general kindness of disposition . It was a toast they would all do honour to , for he was sure they all respected him as much as
he ( Bro . Hill ) did , and , indeed , ho did not think lie ( I 5 ro . Stroud ) had an enemy in the world . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . Stroud returned thanks and said he was very much obliged to lh-o . Hill for his good opinion , and as 1 OII . as he . was connected with it he should do all he could to promote the interests of the Society .
Some songs were sung by Bro . Sloman , and the brethren adjourned at an early hour . AVe were indebted on this , as on many former occasions , to thc courtesy of Bro . John Emmens , the Secretary , who takes great interest in promoting the comfort of the brethren as well as the laudable objects ofthe Society .
AN OLD MASON . —Mr . Wri ght , said to be one of the oldest Masons in Canada , died at Montreal on AVednesday last . He was born iu Halifax . N . S ., on the 2 nd August , 1801 , and died on the 4 th instant . He was therefore in his (> . * ith year . He became a member ofthe Masonic fraternity in 18 . 'M , at Quebec ,
aud was Master of many different lodges both in the ancient capital and Montreal , lie it was who started the benevolent system in Quebec in connection with Masonry , lie was for over thirty-six years in the Adjutant- General ' - oflice , where for many years he held the position of Chief Clerk . For the hist three years he lias been placed upon thc retired list with an
allowance . There is an older Mason in our own town than was Mr AV right at the . time of his death AV . F McCulloch , KM * ., of the Grange , having been initiated as an apprentice Mason on April 12 th , 1832 , at Caen , Normandy , France . AVe may add that our respected townsman is not only among the oldest , but the highest and most accomplished Masons in Canada . — Deacon , Canada AVest , March 20 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Golden Rule
LODGE , No . 1261 . The consecration of the " Golden Rule" Lodge took p lace on the 6 th inst ., at the Great Western Hotel , Paddington . There was a numerous and influential attendance of brethren , of whom the following is a list : —Brothers Henry Muggeridge , Frederick Bigg , P . M . ; John Sunley , A . G . Sharpe ,
J . J . Harris , E . Addis , S . Cornish , D . Newsham , A . Williams , R . Cross , M . D ., G . Beaman , M . D ., WiUiam Smith , P . G . S . ; E . H . Fennell , 969 ; J . H . Cox , 49 ; Newton . Jennings , W . M . 452 ; S . Pidcock , 90 ; P . Matthews , 569 ; W . Birdseye , 715 ; C . Wycke , 715 ; C . Jenkins , 27 ; A . Partridge , 22 ; P . Gowland , 569 ; C . A . Long , 136 ; M . Wolfsky , 286 ; H . Birdseye , 715 ; C . Collard , 190 ; W . Jones ,
M . D ., 704 ; E . Patten , P . G . S . B . ; J . Emmens , P . G . Purst . ; Fred . Adlard , P . M . ; T . P . Griffin , W . M . 20 ; J . Hervey , G . S . ; W . E . Storier , 715 ; J . Gale , 715 •J . Miles , S . W . 49 ; C . Moutrie , P . M . ll ; Chas . E . Thompson , 1 , 158 , 177 . The following is a copy of the programme supplied to the brethren for the occasion : — The Brethren assemble at half-past three p . m , and form in
procession , the juniors first , headed by the Director of the Ceremonies . The Presiding Officer takes tho Chair , and appoints the Wardens , pro . tem . The Lodge is duly opened in the Three Degrees . The Chaplain offers up Prayer . Solemn Music . The Grand Secretary addrcssc- the Presiding Officer , who
desires hint to road the Petition and Warrant . The Presiding Officer inquires if the Brethren approve of tlie Officers named in the Warrant . The Presiding Officer ( Bro . Henry Muggeridge ) will deliver an oration . Anthem— " Behold ! how pleasant and how good " —St .
Stephen . The Grand Secretary presents the Kew Master to tlie Presiding Officer , who places him on his left , the Brethren of the New Lodge arrange themselves on each side of the Lodge Hoard . The first portion of tlie " Dedication Prayer . " All . —Chant , " So mote it be . "
Sanctus , " Glory be to Thee , 0 Lord . " All the Brethren turn to the East , when the Presiding
Officer gives the Invocation . All . —Chant , "So mote it be . " The Lodge Board is uncovered , and three Past Masters carry Corn , Wine , nnd Oil three times round the Lodge , during Solemn Music , "Glory be to God on high . " AH . —Chant , " So mote it be . " The Chaplain takes ( lie Censer threo times round thc Lodge
during Solemn Music . Tlie second portion of the " Dedication Prayer . " All . —Chant , "So mote it be " Tlie Presiding Officer ' Dedicates" the Lodge . All . —Chant , " So mote it be . " The Presiding Officer "Constitutes '' the Lodge . All — Chant , " So mote it be . " Anthem , " The spacious firmament on high . " —Haydn .
Installation . Shortly after the appointed time the business commenced , and the programme was gone through , Bro . Muggeridge impressively delivering an oration ( we understand composed by himself ) , to which the brethren paid great attention . Bro . Jennings , assisted by professional brethren , ably conducted the musical arrangements , and everything passed
off with eclat . When Bro . Rglese had been installed in the chair of K . S ., according to ancient custom , he was greeted with the customary salutations , and proceeded to appoint and invest his ofiicers for the year : —Dr . Beaman , Treasurer ; Fred . Bigg , P . M ., Secretary ; John Sunlev , S . AV . ; A . G . Sharpe , J . W . ; J . Harris , S . O . ; " P . II . Cornish , J . D . ; A . II . AVilliams , G . G . ; the other offices were for the present left open .
Bro . BEAJIAN , in returning thanks to the AV . M . and brethren , for having that evening elected him their treasurer for the year , said he felt grateful to them for the honour conferred upon him , and it would be his constant endeavour to promote the harmony of the lodge , and do his duty faithfull y and well . ( Hear , hear . )
The AV . M ., who upon rising for the first time was applauded , proposed that a vote of thanks be given to Bro . H . Muggeridge , P . M ., & c , for the very able and excellent manner in which he had performed the duties of consecration and installation that evening . They were all ready to expect what they should hear , for they knew him so well , and knew
his capabilities , and had ho not done it so well he would have fallen short of his usual excellence . ( Hear , hear . ) He ( the AV . M . ) could assure them it was with great gratification to himself he had been put into the chair that evening to preside over them by his respected friend , Bro . Muggeridge , who had
been Ins chief preceptor , and to whom he owed his knowledge of the Craft , and which knowledge had given him a desire to become a good Mason ami a better man . ( Hear , hoar . ) He had therefore , as he had already stated , very much pleasure in proposing "That a vote of thanks be given to Bro . Muggeridge for the excellent manner in which he had performed the duties of Consecrating ami In-
Consecration Of The Golden Rule
stalling Master , and that the same be recorded on the minutes of the lodge . " The S . W . seconded the motion , which was put by the J . AV ., and carried unanimously . Bro . MUG-E 1 UDGE returned thanks for the compliment paid him , and said if he had given
satisfaction he was very pleased , and fully repaid for auy trouble he might have beeu put to . Five propositions were received of gentlemen desirous of being initiated , and several joining members were proposed , aud the lodge , after the usual enquiries of the W . M ., was closed with solemn
prayer . The meeting then adjourned . [ Subsequently several speeches were delivered , but as our representative was not honoured with an invitation we are unable to give a report of them . ] The fittings , jewels , books , & c ., were made by Bro . George Kenning , of Little Britain , from the designs of Bro . Eglese , the AV . M .
Presentation To Bro. Wm. Cooke, P.M. St. James's Lodge, Halifax.
At the weekly Instruction Meeting of this Lodge , held on Tuesday evening , the 4 th inst ., an interesting feature of thc evening's proceedings was the presentation of a testimonial to Bro . AVilliam Cooke , P . M ., who for the last six years has filled the office of Secretary
to the above Lodge , acted as Scribe E . to the Chapter of Regularity , and as Secretary to the Fearnley Lodge of Mark Masters , No . 58 . In the absence of the AV . M ., Bro . R . Lord , who was confined to bed through an accident , the chair was occupied by Bro . Ibberson , S . W .
After the usual loyal and masonic toasts had been given , that of the Right Hon . the Earl de Grey and Ripon , R . AV . P . G . M ., of W . York ; Bro . Bentley Shaw , AV . D , P . G . M . ; and tlie P . G . Officers , being responded to by Bro . R . R . Nelson , P . D . P . G . M ., and P . G . Sec . The CHAIRMAN rose and said they now came to the
toast of the evening , which was the health of their esteemed member , Bro . W . Cooke . After alluding to the satisfactory way in which' Bro . Cooke had discharged the duties of his oflice , both as secretary and as a Past Master , he said the brethren were so well aware of Bro . Cooke ' s merits , that he could say little but what they already know . He had , therefore , great
pleasure , in addition to proposing his health , of presenting Bro . Cooke , on behalf of the members of St . James ' s Lodge , with a handsome English lever watch and gold Albert , and hoped he might long bo spared to render further services to the Craft . The following inscription was engraved on the watch : —
"Presented to Bro . WILLIAM COOKE , P . M ., Lodge of St . James ' s , . 48 , in recognition of past services ; April , 1809 . " Comp . NOUMASTOK , Z ., Chapter of Regularity , on behalf of the Companions of that chapter , then presented Comp . Cooke with an elegant gold P . Z . jewel , and , in doing so , expressed the delight it afforded him
in being able that evening to take part in paying a tribute , of respect to Comp . Cooke , lie also mentioned the peculiar p leasure he experienced , when W . M . of 118 , iu signing the first voting paper as a vice-president of the Boys' School , as it was through Comp . Cooke ' s advocacy of the benefits of that noble
institution , which caused the brethren to subscribe to place the AV . M . in that proud position . Having read the inscription on the jewel"Presented to Comp . WILLIAM COOKK , P . Z . of No . 418 , as it token of icspeet for past services ; April , 18 C !) , " he then placed it on the breast , with the wish that he
might have health to attend many future meetings of the chapter . Bro . BATES , P . M ., in the absence of the AV . M ., Bro . John Stott , then presented Bro . Cooke , on behalf of thc members of the Fearnley Lodge of Mark Masters , with the collar jewel of a Past Grand Senior
Overseer ol the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters for England mid Wales . lie stated that he had noticed Bro . Cooke from his initiation into Frecniasonrv , and found him always anxious to make progress iu the knowledge of the Craft ; and so convinced was ho of
this , that , when elected AV . M . of No . 418 , he at once promoted Bro . Cooke from J . D . to S . W ., and had never had cause to regret the choice lie made , and from that time Bro . Cooke ' s progress in Masonry had been steady but certain . 'J'hc inscription on this jewel was as follows : —
•Presented to Bro . WILLIAM COOKE , P . M ., Fearnley Lodge No . 58 , and P . G . S . O ., as a token of respect for past services ; Halifax , April , 1809 . " Previous to Bro . Cooke ' s reply , the train being nearly due , the health of " The Visitors " was given from the chair , which was responded to by Bro . T .
Ar . nx ANDKii of the Masonic Life , and Kire Association , and Bro . FREDERICI * SCIIOI ' IBT . U , of the Caledonian Lodge , No . ' 192 , Edinburgh . Bro . COOKE then rose to thank the brethren , and was received with considerable applause . Having
stated his regret at being unable to express his gratitude in a manner which the occasion deserved , he went on to say that from his initiation Masonry had been his " hobby , " nnd when men have a hobby , be it what it may , they generally devote plenty of time in
Presentation To Bro. Wm. Cooke, P.M. St. James's Lodge, Halifax.
the practice of it . He had been privileged with a deal of spare time , and he did not consider he should have been doing his duty as a Mason had he neglected to avail himself of the opportunity thus presented to him , and endeavour to obtain a general knowledge of the Craft . He had received the utmost kindness from an
old Freemason at Keighley , Bro . Thomas Brown , P . M . ( now 56 years a Mason , and whom he should have liked , had he known earlier , to have seen present that evening to witness the reward of one of his pupils ) , and he should always be ready to give , with the same freedom it had been given to him , anything that he
knew concerning the mysteries of our ancient Craft , not to the members of No . 448 alone , but to the members of any other lodge who were desirous of instruction . After again thanking the brethren for the great kindness shown to him on this as on former occasions , ho said he could not sit down without proposing to
them a toast , and that was the health of the " W . M . and Officers of No . 448 . " Ho regretted the absence ofthe AV . M . that evening—a circumstance which they all regretted—as it was from a cause over which he had no control . He had observed , with the greatest pleasure , the AV . M . reviving the former weekly instruction meetings , as it was from them so much benefit
was derived by the younger members of the Lodge . If the AV . M . continued during his term of office in the way he had begun , he ( Bro . Cooke ) believed the members of the Lodge would have no cause to regret the choice made at the last election . Bro . IBBERSON , S . AV ., Bro . LUPTON , J . AA \ , and Bro . Dr . DOLAN , I . G ., having replied , the remainder ofthe evening was spent in a social and convivial manner .
MACDONALD LODGE OF IMPROVEMENT , NO . 1216 The Fifteen Sections will be worked in the above Lodge , at the Head Quarters of the First Surrey Rifle Volunteers , Brunswick-road , Camberwell , on
Wednesday , May filth , 18 G 9 . Bro . J . Stevens , P . M ., P . Z ,, 720 , S . AV . 1210 , will preside . The Lodge will be opened at half-past six o ' clock precisely . THE SOCIAL BUCKS' PHILANTHROPIC SOCIETY . —
llus Society held a meeting at Bro . Swainston ' s , the Three Bucks' Tavern , corner of Old Jewry , Greshamstreet , on Saturday last . Bro . Stroud , A ^ icc-president of the Society , in the unavoidable absence of Bro . Thos . Beard , President , occupied the chair , and was faced bv Bro . Swainston , the Treasurer . There wero
also present Bro . John Emmens , Past Grand Pursuivant , Past Master ofthe Old and New Concord Lodges , and Secretary ofthe Society ; Bro . James Hill ; Bro . Maynard ; Bro . Charles It . Slouiau ( author , & c ); Bro . Chaddock ; Bro . John Hill ; Bro . Nicholson , of the Concord Lodge ; J . W . Dupere ; Bro . Robinson ;
Bro . Arthur McNamara ; Bro . Chas . E . Thompson , & c . This charitable Society was formed some fovr years ago for the purpose of supplying the poor in the winter time with broad and coals , and can now boast ofthe patronage ofthe lit . Hon . the Lord Mayor , Mr . Under-sheriff Roche ( member of the Metropolitan
Board of Works ) , and several barristers , solicitors , & c , and since its establishment has done a great deal of good . Bro . John Emniens , the Secretary , read tho minutes of the former meeting , which were confirmed ; and after the transaction of some routine , business , the brethren adjourned to a dinner served in excellent
style by Bro . Swainston , and after the cloth was drawn several toasts were given and responded to . Bro . I lill , in proposing the health of the Chairman , spoke in felicitous terms of his urbanity and general kindness of disposition . It was a toast they would all do honour to , for he was sure they all respected him as much as
he ( Bro . Hill ) did , and , indeed , ho did not think lie ( I 5 ro . Stroud ) had an enemy in the world . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . Stroud returned thanks and said he was very much obliged to lh-o . Hill for his good opinion , and as 1 OII . as he . was connected with it he should do all he could to promote the interests of the Society .
Some songs were sung by Bro . Sloman , and the brethren adjourned at an early hour . AVe were indebted on this , as on many former occasions , to thc courtesy of Bro . John Emmens , the Secretary , who takes great interest in promoting the comfort of the brethren as well as the laudable objects ofthe Society .
AN OLD MASON . —Mr . Wri ght , said to be one of the oldest Masons in Canada , died at Montreal on AVednesday last . He was born iu Halifax . N . S ., on the 2 nd August , 1801 , and died on the 4 th instant . He was therefore in his (> . * ith year . He became a member ofthe Masonic fraternity in 18 . 'M , at Quebec ,
aud was Master of many different lodges both in the ancient capital and Montreal , lie it was who started the benevolent system in Quebec in connection with Masonry , lie was for over thirty-six years in the Adjutant- General ' - oflice , where for many years he held the position of Chief Clerk . For the hist three years he lias been placed upon thc retired list with an
allowance . There is an older Mason in our own town than was Mr AV right at the . time of his death AV . F McCulloch , KM * ., of the Grange , having been initiated as an apprentice Mason on April 12 th , 1832 , at Caen , Normandy , France . AVe may add that our respected townsman is not only among the oldest , but the highest and most accomplished Masons in Canada . — Deacon , Canada AVest , March 20 .