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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
cained for this noted hostelry , the head quarters of the B . V . H . The dessert was of a recherche character , and the wines of a first class vintage . A mple justice having been done to all the good things , and the cloth having been cleared , the W . M . presided in his usual courteous and urbane manner , and gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts in a manner which , while it did justice to the themes
he dilated upon , did not bore his hearers . The proceedings were diversified by some excellent singing , accompanied by Bro . A . R . Price ( Yeovil ) , and the Tyler ' s toast brought a very enjoyable afternoon to a close . The lodge has been established about nine years , and we are g lad to say is in a flourishing condition , and we doubt not , from the well known interest the present W . M . takes
in it , that it will continue to prosper . LIVERPOOL . —Hamer Lodge fNo . 1393 ) . — The annual installation meeting of this lodge took place on Tuesday , the 27 th ult . The brethren assembled in the lodge-room , Clarence Hotel , at two o ' clock p . m ., and the chair was taken by the W . M ., Bro . H . Jackson . After the usual routine business the W . M ., Bro . H . Jackson , at
once proceeded to the business of the day , which was the installation of the W . M . elect , Bro . J . McCarthy , S . W ., who was duly presented by Bro . Wylie , P . P . G . S . D ., and Bro . Armstrong , Prov . G . Treas . Bro . McCarthy appointed his officers as follows -. —Bros . Sammons , S . W . ; T . Large , J . W . ; C . Tyrer , Treas . ; R . Leason , Sec . ; L Price , S . D . ; Dr . B . Price , J . D . ; W . Erwin , I . G . ;
R . H . Evans , P . M ., M . C . ; C . Pilling , Steward ; M . Williamson , Tyler . Bro . McCarthy then proceeded to initiate Mr . Gallagher . Nearly one hundred brethren then adjourned to the Masonic Hall , and sat down to a recherche banquet , under the presidency of Bro . McCarthy , supported by Bros , the Rev . H . G . Vernon , P . P . G . Chaplain ; the Rev . J . Rees Jenkins , H . Jackson , R . H . Evans , P . M . ;
Robt . Wylie , P . P . G . S . D . ; J . R . Goepel , P . P . G . D . C ; and T . Armstrong , P . G . Treas . The W . M . gave " The Health of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen , Bro . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., the Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " and expressed his opinion that none rejoiced more at the safe return of His Royal Highness from India than the brethren over
whom he presided as M . W . G . M ., and expressed a hope that the Craft would have an opportunity before long of showing in his presence their devotion to their Grand Master and their joy at " his safe return . " The W . M . next gave "The Earl of Carnarvon , M . W . Pro G . M ., and the Officers of Grand Lodge . " Bro . H . Jackson , in giving " Lord Skelmersdale , W . D . G . M ., and Prov . G . M . West
Lancashire , and the Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge , said : Worshipful Sir and brethren , —I am sure that you require very few words from me to induce you to drink this toast with all the enthusiasm you can muster , Lord Skelmersdale is deservedly popular in this province , and has by his urbane and courteous demeanour , and by his evident kindness of disposition , won the hearts of all
who have had an opportunity of coming in contact with him , and his devotion to Masonry is such , I should imagine , that there are very few of the brethren present who have not had an opportunity of seeing his lordship in either lodge , chapter , or other Masonic gatherings , and I am sure that all whom I am now addressing will join with mc in wishing him long life and
happiness . We arc also very glad to fee with us to-day so many members of Prov . Grand Lodge , and I am sure I express the sentiments of every member of the Hamer Lodge , when I say that I believe that the Prov . G . Officers of this province thoroughly deserve all the respect and regard that we can show them . I couple this toast with the names of Bros . Wylie , P . P . G . S . D . ; Goepel , P . P . G . D . C . ;
Armstrong , Prov . G . Treas . ; and Rev . H . G . Vernon . P . P . G . Chap . Bro . Robt . Wylie , in responding , said that the members ef Prov . G . Lodge were always happy to lend their countenances and support to the lodges in the province , and that in the present instance , as far as he was concerned , he was very glad to have had another opportunity of visiting the Hamer Lodge , and seeing the
excellent working which characterised it , especially the installation ceremony , which had been performed by Bro . Jackson in a manner that could hardly be surpassed , and which was creditable not only to himself , but to the lodge with which he was connected . Bro . R . H . Evans gave " The West Lancashire Charitable Institutions . " He ( Bro . R . II . Evans ) then proceeded to claim the support of thebrethren
to the West Lancashire Educational Institute , and to the Hamer Fund , for the assistance of aged Freemasons . Bro . T . Armstrong , Prov . G . Treas ., responded . " The Health of the W . M . " was proposed by Bro . H . Jackson , I P . M ., v . ho said : Brethren , I rise to propose what I think you will all admit to be the toast of the evening , " The Health ' the Newly-installed W . M ., Bro . J . McCarthy . lam
• ire , brethren , it is unnecessary for me to praise him , as ' !¦•; abilities and good qualities are well known to you all , and I am satisfied that it is seldom that a W . M . is placed in the chair of K . S . who more thoroughly possesses the confidence and esteem of his brethren . Bro . McCarthyhas been closely connected with the Hamer Lodge from its commencement , and whether in a subordinate or
prominent office , he has always endeavoured , and not only endeavoured , but has succeeded in discharging any duty that « e had to fulfil in a manner that could hardly be excelled . 1 am satisfied that the interests of the Hamer Lodge are safe in his hands , and that the reputation which the Hamer Lodge has obtained for excellent working will be maintained . The good ship Hamer starts to
day on another twelve months' voyage , and I am sure that the captain here at my right may confidently anticipate a pleasant and successful one . The first and second jnates , Bros . Sammons and Large , will , I am sure , do all ln their power to assist him , and I am satisfied that the cordial feeling which ' exists between officers and crew will jnake this fourth voyage equal if not superior to any that nave gone before , Bro , McCarthy , in responding , said :
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Brethren , I thank yru first of all most heartily for the great honour you have done me in unanimously electing me to the proud position of W . M . of this lodge , and I thank you most heartily for the very cordial reception you have given to this toast . I can assure you , brethren , that it will be my earnest desire to carry out the duties of the office to your entire satisfaction . I find it impossible for
me to express my deep sense of the honour you have conferred upon me in placing me in this proud- position . I cannot find words to express myself as I could wish , but if you could read my heart you would find thereon , engraved in letters of gold , the one word gratitude . The W . M . then , gave " The Health of the Installing Master , Bro . H . Jackson , I . P . M . " In conclusion , he said—Bro .
Jackson , on behalf of the Hamer Lodge , I have the pleasure of presenting you with this jewel as a token of the high regard in which you are held by this lodge . 1 have also the pleasure of presenting you , on behalf of some of the members of the lodge who have desired still further to evince their appreciation of your good qualities , both as a man and as a Mason , with this watch , as a slight
token of their regard for you personally . I hope you may be long spared to wear them . Bro . Jackson who was geeteel with great cheering , which prevented him speaking for some minutes , said : W . M . and brethren—Never until to-night did I feel so utterly incompetent to shape my thoughts into words , or to express myself towards yon as I could wish ; but I can assure you it is the depth of
my gratitude that chains my tongue , and the fulness of my heart that impedes my utterance . I feel quite unworthy of the magnificent gifts with which you have presented me , but I can assure you that I shall prize them as my most valued possessions , and shall prize them even more for their associations than for their intrinsic value . I have endeavoured to discharge my duties to the best of
my ability , and to promote the interests of this lodge in every way in my power , yet I feel that your recognition of my efforts is beyond what I deserve . For your cordial reception of the toast of my health , and the very enthusiastic way you have received it , and for your many kindnesses to me on all accounts , I thank you fram the bottom of my heart . The W . M . then
proposed "The P . M . ' s , " responded to by Bros . R . H . Evans ard W . S . May . Other toasts followed , songs being contributed by Bros . Hague , Richardson , Heywood , Magee , Armstrong , Evans , Robert , Merrilees , and others . Bro . Asher gave two recitations , Bro . Jackson gave "The Charge of the Light Brigade , " and Bro . Walker recited a piece from Longfellow .
WOODSTOCK . —The Marlborough Lodge ( No . 1399 ) . —The fourth annual meeting was held on the 27 th ult . The agenda comprised ( in addition to the installation of the W . M . ) the passing of two brethren and the raising of one candidate to the Third Degree . The following is a list of brethren present : —V . W . Bros . John Galpin , W . M . of the Bertie Lodge , P . P . G . S . W . ;
T . W . Goldsbrough , P . P . G . S . W . North Wales and Salop ; W- Bros . T . B . Brown , P . P . G . Sup . of W . North Wales , Pro--. G . S . D . Oxon ; Alderman Eagleston , P . P . G . S . B . ; Bros . Heller , Richards , Calcutt , Acock , Robbins , and Codd , of Alfred Lodee , No . 340 ; Coles , Chipping Norton Lodge ; H . Williams , Prov . G . Purst . ; H . II . Parry , Prov . G . Std . B . ; Falkener
Tibbetts , Salter , Brooks , Butler , Haines , Brushour , Halliwell , Meadley , Westland , Crane , Reynolds , J . W . ; Long , S . D . ; Seelej , J . D ., P . P . G . Pt . ; Prescott , I . G . ; Crane , Palmer , Boon , Lowells , and Bayliss . In the absence of the I . P . M ., Bro . Goldsbrough opened the lodge , and passed Bros . Brooks and Butler to the Second Degree . Bro . T . B . Brown , Senior P . M ., then took
the duties of the chair , and raised Bro . Salter to the degree of a M M ., after which he installed W . Bro . H . Williams Master elect . The ceremonies were performed in a faultless and impressive manner , and called forth from the brethren a marked testimony of their high appreciation of the Masonic talent of Bro . Brown . The W . M . appointed the following officers : —Bros . Reynolds , S . W . ;
Long , J . W . ; Seeley , S . D . ; Prescott , J . D . ; Crane , I . G . ; Palmer , Org . ; Boon and Lowells , Dir . of Cer . ; Bayliss , re-elected Tyler . Letters from the R . W . Bros . Reginald Bird , D . P . G . M ., and R . J . Spiers , P . D . P . G . M ., also from Bros . Hobbs , P . P . G . Sec , and Potts , W . M . of the Cherwell Lodge , were read , expressing their regret at being unable to attend . " Hearty good wishes "
were expressed to the W . M . on behalf of the several lodges represented by the visiting brethren . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren partook of a well served banquet provided by Bro . Haines , the W . M . presiding . The customary toasts were given and honoured with due loyalty and warm Masonic feeling . " The Health of the R . W . Bro . Reginald Bird , the Dep . Prov . G . Master , " was
proposed by the W . M ., with that of " The Officers of the Prov . Grand Lodge , " and coupled with the names of Bro . John Galpin , W . M . of the Bertie Lodge , P . P . G . S . W ., and Bro . H . H . Parry , Prov . Grand Steward . Bro . Galpin , in reply , said : " Worshipful Master , officers , and brethren , I am somewhat sorry it has fallen to my lot to be the first speaker to this toast , as it is difficult to
make discordant sounds at all accord with the beautiful harmony we have all listened to with so much pleasure from the singers , and it places me at a considerable disadvantage . It is some time since I had the honour to attend this lodge . Many of the brethren think I was initiated in this lodge , but such is not the case ; I associated myself with it as I do with all the young lodges in
theprovince . I can assure you it is with much pleasure and delig ht that I have observed the progress made in Freemasonry by some of the young blood I was instrumental in introducing into the lodge , and especially the brother who occupies the distinguished position of Worshipful Mister on the present occasion , and I cannot help expressing the contrast between the time when I looked on him as the trembling initiate , and now that he occupies the chair of
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
W . M . of the lodge which gave him birth into Freemasonry , and the pleasure is enhanced by my seeing also the next office in rank to the W . M ., and whom I was chiefly instrumental in introducing into the lodge , in the second position in the lodge , it speaks somewhat in his favour . Still dwelling on contrasts as affected by the facts and positions of others , as a member of this lodge I
was only a Master Mason . My Masonic greatness has much increased , having been invested with the Mastership of my lodge , and this has brought me before you at so early a period of the evening . The more I see of the Craft the better I like Freemasonry , and the greater progress I make the greater is my fondness for it . I can assure my brethren it will amply repay them to acquire those
positions , and when they have gone through them , as I have done , they will be as well satisfied as I have been . Ending my subject of contrasts , with respect to my old friend , Bro . Goldsbrough , on my right , there is no change ; he is always the same , ever ready to assist us with his great Masonic knowledge and goodness . All I can say is "Long may he live , and may we all live to meet him for
many years to come . " Bro . T . B . Brown Prov . G . S . D . " proposed The Health ofthe W . M . " and said—Bro . Galpin has expressed how great is the pleasure he feels that the brother' whom he was the means of bringing into the Lodge had aspired to and reached the office of Master , I need not say how great a pleasure it is to me to reflect that I initiated him in this lodge not more than three
years ago . To become the Master of a lodge in so short a time is a comparatively rare circumstance , and can only occur in the case of young lodges . It is usually many years before a new member of a lodge gets to the chair of W . M . I do not think any brother will repent having elected Bro . Williams as the Master of this Lodge he will do honour to himself and to the lodge . " The W . M . ; "I
thank Bro . Brown very much for the way in which he has proposed to you my health , and you , brethren , for the warmth of your reception of the toast . I will do all I can for the welfare of Freemasonry , and for this lodge in particular , and I trust that at the expiration of my year of office you will not have any cause to find fault with me . I have to thank my brother Brown for the excellent
and impressive manner in which he has performed the ceremony of my installation , which must have been a great treat to you all ; and as he was the means of introducing me to the light of Freemasonry I trust that he will give me the benefit of his able support during my year of office , and enable me to carry out the duties of the lodge to your satisfaction . He is one of the founders , and
is the father of the lodge , and without him we could not carry on . I hope to have his assistance during my year of office . I again return you my sincere thanks . Bro . Goldsbrough : I need no word of eulogy to commend to you the toast I have to propose . It is " The Health of the Founder and Father of the Lodge , Bro . Brown , G . Senior Deacon of this Province . " It has been my privilege to know Bro .
Brown for many years past , and to have installed him as my successor in the chair of a lodge ( of which he was one of the most energetic of its founders ) in the widely spread Province of North Wales anel Shropshire , where the R . W , Provincial Grand Master appointed him Grand Superintendent of Works . As many of you are aware , I had also the pleasure of installing Bro . Brown as the first Master
of this lodge , and he has well earned the high distinction conferred upon him by His Royal Highness Prince Leopold , the Right Worshipful Grand Master of this province . Long may he live to enjoy the honour , and continue to render his valuable services to his brethren in this province . Bro . Brown , P . G . S . D ., acknowledged the compliment paid him by Bro . Goldsbrough , and responded to by the
brethren , and said that so far as the lodge was concerned , he was anxious to keep up what he considered the proper working , and if he succeeded in that , he should be satisfied , and that he was always pleased to assist the brethren in the work of any of the offices of the lodges in the province when he was called upon to do so . The W . M .: —In no lodge are visitors more welcome than
they are in the "Marlborough , " and we are always pleased to see them with us , and to show them what we can do . To-day we are honoured with the presence of Bros . Codd , Weller , Acock , Cotes , and Robbins , and I am happy to say that three of those brethren , seeing what we are doing in the Marlborough Lodge , have expressed their desire to become joining members of it , and I am quite sure we
shall only be too pleased to have them with us . I shall couple with this toast the name of Bro . Codd . Bro . Codd said—I could wish that the Worshipful Master had chosen some one else to respond to the toast , but I can assure him that we all feel grateful for the kindness and hospitality we have experienced at the Marlborough Lodge , and we have all been greatly pleased at the way in which
the ceremonies have been performed this evening , everything so thoroughly well conducted . The Worshipful Master may well feel proud to show such perfect order and good working as we have witnessed to-day . The W . M . Proposed " The Health of Bro . Goldsbrough , " and said , —This is a toast which ought to have been brought before you earlier in the evening . Bro . Goldsbrough is
a distinguished member of this lodge , and we hope to have the pleasure of seeing him here for many years to come . We have to thank him to-day , especially , for the excellent and impressive manner in which he conducted the duties of the Second Degree . Bro . Goldsbrough having replied , the W . M . proposed "The Health of the Officers of the Lodge . " and said he
had been fortunate in being able to select brethren whom he was sure would attend regularly , and coupled with the toast Bro . Reynolds , the Senior Warden , and Bro . Long , the Junior Warden . Bro . Reynolds : I beg to thank the Worshipful Master for his kindness in proposing the health of the officers ' , and to assure him that I will endeavour to carry him through his year of office , and will assist him in every way in my power in the duties of the lodge .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
cained for this noted hostelry , the head quarters of the B . V . H . The dessert was of a recherche character , and the wines of a first class vintage . A mple justice having been done to all the good things , and the cloth having been cleared , the W . M . presided in his usual courteous and urbane manner , and gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts in a manner which , while it did justice to the themes
he dilated upon , did not bore his hearers . The proceedings were diversified by some excellent singing , accompanied by Bro . A . R . Price ( Yeovil ) , and the Tyler ' s toast brought a very enjoyable afternoon to a close . The lodge has been established about nine years , and we are g lad to say is in a flourishing condition , and we doubt not , from the well known interest the present W . M . takes
in it , that it will continue to prosper . LIVERPOOL . —Hamer Lodge fNo . 1393 ) . — The annual installation meeting of this lodge took place on Tuesday , the 27 th ult . The brethren assembled in the lodge-room , Clarence Hotel , at two o ' clock p . m ., and the chair was taken by the W . M ., Bro . H . Jackson . After the usual routine business the W . M ., Bro . H . Jackson , at
once proceeded to the business of the day , which was the installation of the W . M . elect , Bro . J . McCarthy , S . W ., who was duly presented by Bro . Wylie , P . P . G . S . D ., and Bro . Armstrong , Prov . G . Treas . Bro . McCarthy appointed his officers as follows -. —Bros . Sammons , S . W . ; T . Large , J . W . ; C . Tyrer , Treas . ; R . Leason , Sec . ; L Price , S . D . ; Dr . B . Price , J . D . ; W . Erwin , I . G . ;
R . H . Evans , P . M ., M . C . ; C . Pilling , Steward ; M . Williamson , Tyler . Bro . McCarthy then proceeded to initiate Mr . Gallagher . Nearly one hundred brethren then adjourned to the Masonic Hall , and sat down to a recherche banquet , under the presidency of Bro . McCarthy , supported by Bros , the Rev . H . G . Vernon , P . P . G . Chaplain ; the Rev . J . Rees Jenkins , H . Jackson , R . H . Evans , P . M . ;
Robt . Wylie , P . P . G . S . D . ; J . R . Goepel , P . P . G . D . C ; and T . Armstrong , P . G . Treas . The W . M . gave " The Health of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen , Bro . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., the Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " and expressed his opinion that none rejoiced more at the safe return of His Royal Highness from India than the brethren over
whom he presided as M . W . G . M ., and expressed a hope that the Craft would have an opportunity before long of showing in his presence their devotion to their Grand Master and their joy at " his safe return . " The W . M . next gave "The Earl of Carnarvon , M . W . Pro G . M ., and the Officers of Grand Lodge . " Bro . H . Jackson , in giving " Lord Skelmersdale , W . D . G . M ., and Prov . G . M . West
Lancashire , and the Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge , said : Worshipful Sir and brethren , —I am sure that you require very few words from me to induce you to drink this toast with all the enthusiasm you can muster , Lord Skelmersdale is deservedly popular in this province , and has by his urbane and courteous demeanour , and by his evident kindness of disposition , won the hearts of all
who have had an opportunity of coming in contact with him , and his devotion to Masonry is such , I should imagine , that there are very few of the brethren present who have not had an opportunity of seeing his lordship in either lodge , chapter , or other Masonic gatherings , and I am sure that all whom I am now addressing will join with mc in wishing him long life and
happiness . We arc also very glad to fee with us to-day so many members of Prov . Grand Lodge , and I am sure I express the sentiments of every member of the Hamer Lodge , when I say that I believe that the Prov . G . Officers of this province thoroughly deserve all the respect and regard that we can show them . I couple this toast with the names of Bros . Wylie , P . P . G . S . D . ; Goepel , P . P . G . D . C . ;
Armstrong , Prov . G . Treas . ; and Rev . H . G . Vernon . P . P . G . Chap . Bro . Robt . Wylie , in responding , said that the members ef Prov . G . Lodge were always happy to lend their countenances and support to the lodges in the province , and that in the present instance , as far as he was concerned , he was very glad to have had another opportunity of visiting the Hamer Lodge , and seeing the
excellent working which characterised it , especially the installation ceremony , which had been performed by Bro . Jackson in a manner that could hardly be surpassed , and which was creditable not only to himself , but to the lodge with which he was connected . Bro . R . H . Evans gave " The West Lancashire Charitable Institutions . " He ( Bro . R . II . Evans ) then proceeded to claim the support of thebrethren
to the West Lancashire Educational Institute , and to the Hamer Fund , for the assistance of aged Freemasons . Bro . T . Armstrong , Prov . G . Treas ., responded . " The Health of the W . M . " was proposed by Bro . H . Jackson , I P . M ., v . ho said : Brethren , I rise to propose what I think you will all admit to be the toast of the evening , " The Health ' the Newly-installed W . M ., Bro . J . McCarthy . lam
• ire , brethren , it is unnecessary for me to praise him , as ' !¦•; abilities and good qualities are well known to you all , and I am satisfied that it is seldom that a W . M . is placed in the chair of K . S . who more thoroughly possesses the confidence and esteem of his brethren . Bro . McCarthyhas been closely connected with the Hamer Lodge from its commencement , and whether in a subordinate or
prominent office , he has always endeavoured , and not only endeavoured , but has succeeded in discharging any duty that « e had to fulfil in a manner that could hardly be excelled . 1 am satisfied that the interests of the Hamer Lodge are safe in his hands , and that the reputation which the Hamer Lodge has obtained for excellent working will be maintained . The good ship Hamer starts to
day on another twelve months' voyage , and I am sure that the captain here at my right may confidently anticipate a pleasant and successful one . The first and second jnates , Bros . Sammons and Large , will , I am sure , do all ln their power to assist him , and I am satisfied that the cordial feeling which ' exists between officers and crew will jnake this fourth voyage equal if not superior to any that nave gone before , Bro , McCarthy , in responding , said :
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Brethren , I thank yru first of all most heartily for the great honour you have done me in unanimously electing me to the proud position of W . M . of this lodge , and I thank you most heartily for the very cordial reception you have given to this toast . I can assure you , brethren , that it will be my earnest desire to carry out the duties of the office to your entire satisfaction . I find it impossible for
me to express my deep sense of the honour you have conferred upon me in placing me in this proud- position . I cannot find words to express myself as I could wish , but if you could read my heart you would find thereon , engraved in letters of gold , the one word gratitude . The W . M . then , gave " The Health of the Installing Master , Bro . H . Jackson , I . P . M . " In conclusion , he said—Bro .
Jackson , on behalf of the Hamer Lodge , I have the pleasure of presenting you with this jewel as a token of the high regard in which you are held by this lodge . 1 have also the pleasure of presenting you , on behalf of some of the members of the lodge who have desired still further to evince their appreciation of your good qualities , both as a man and as a Mason , with this watch , as a slight
token of their regard for you personally . I hope you may be long spared to wear them . Bro . Jackson who was geeteel with great cheering , which prevented him speaking for some minutes , said : W . M . and brethren—Never until to-night did I feel so utterly incompetent to shape my thoughts into words , or to express myself towards yon as I could wish ; but I can assure you it is the depth of
my gratitude that chains my tongue , and the fulness of my heart that impedes my utterance . I feel quite unworthy of the magnificent gifts with which you have presented me , but I can assure you that I shall prize them as my most valued possessions , and shall prize them even more for their associations than for their intrinsic value . I have endeavoured to discharge my duties to the best of
my ability , and to promote the interests of this lodge in every way in my power , yet I feel that your recognition of my efforts is beyond what I deserve . For your cordial reception of the toast of my health , and the very enthusiastic way you have received it , and for your many kindnesses to me on all accounts , I thank you fram the bottom of my heart . The W . M . then
proposed "The P . M . ' s , " responded to by Bros . R . H . Evans ard W . S . May . Other toasts followed , songs being contributed by Bros . Hague , Richardson , Heywood , Magee , Armstrong , Evans , Robert , Merrilees , and others . Bro . Asher gave two recitations , Bro . Jackson gave "The Charge of the Light Brigade , " and Bro . Walker recited a piece from Longfellow .
WOODSTOCK . —The Marlborough Lodge ( No . 1399 ) . —The fourth annual meeting was held on the 27 th ult . The agenda comprised ( in addition to the installation of the W . M . ) the passing of two brethren and the raising of one candidate to the Third Degree . The following is a list of brethren present : —V . W . Bros . John Galpin , W . M . of the Bertie Lodge , P . P . G . S . W . ;
T . W . Goldsbrough , P . P . G . S . W . North Wales and Salop ; W- Bros . T . B . Brown , P . P . G . Sup . of W . North Wales , Pro--. G . S . D . Oxon ; Alderman Eagleston , P . P . G . S . B . ; Bros . Heller , Richards , Calcutt , Acock , Robbins , and Codd , of Alfred Lodee , No . 340 ; Coles , Chipping Norton Lodge ; H . Williams , Prov . G . Purst . ; H . II . Parry , Prov . G . Std . B . ; Falkener
Tibbetts , Salter , Brooks , Butler , Haines , Brushour , Halliwell , Meadley , Westland , Crane , Reynolds , J . W . ; Long , S . D . ; Seelej , J . D ., P . P . G . Pt . ; Prescott , I . G . ; Crane , Palmer , Boon , Lowells , and Bayliss . In the absence of the I . P . M ., Bro . Goldsbrough opened the lodge , and passed Bros . Brooks and Butler to the Second Degree . Bro . T . B . Brown , Senior P . M ., then took
the duties of the chair , and raised Bro . Salter to the degree of a M M ., after which he installed W . Bro . H . Williams Master elect . The ceremonies were performed in a faultless and impressive manner , and called forth from the brethren a marked testimony of their high appreciation of the Masonic talent of Bro . Brown . The W . M . appointed the following officers : —Bros . Reynolds , S . W . ;
Long , J . W . ; Seeley , S . D . ; Prescott , J . D . ; Crane , I . G . ; Palmer , Org . ; Boon and Lowells , Dir . of Cer . ; Bayliss , re-elected Tyler . Letters from the R . W . Bros . Reginald Bird , D . P . G . M ., and R . J . Spiers , P . D . P . G . M ., also from Bros . Hobbs , P . P . G . Sec , and Potts , W . M . of the Cherwell Lodge , were read , expressing their regret at being unable to attend . " Hearty good wishes "
were expressed to the W . M . on behalf of the several lodges represented by the visiting brethren . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren partook of a well served banquet provided by Bro . Haines , the W . M . presiding . The customary toasts were given and honoured with due loyalty and warm Masonic feeling . " The Health of the R . W . Bro . Reginald Bird , the Dep . Prov . G . Master , " was
proposed by the W . M ., with that of " The Officers of the Prov . Grand Lodge , " and coupled with the names of Bro . John Galpin , W . M . of the Bertie Lodge , P . P . G . S . W ., and Bro . H . H . Parry , Prov . Grand Steward . Bro . Galpin , in reply , said : " Worshipful Master , officers , and brethren , I am somewhat sorry it has fallen to my lot to be the first speaker to this toast , as it is difficult to
make discordant sounds at all accord with the beautiful harmony we have all listened to with so much pleasure from the singers , and it places me at a considerable disadvantage . It is some time since I had the honour to attend this lodge . Many of the brethren think I was initiated in this lodge , but such is not the case ; I associated myself with it as I do with all the young lodges in
theprovince . I can assure you it is with much pleasure and delig ht that I have observed the progress made in Freemasonry by some of the young blood I was instrumental in introducing into the lodge , and especially the brother who occupies the distinguished position of Worshipful Mister on the present occasion , and I cannot help expressing the contrast between the time when I looked on him as the trembling initiate , and now that he occupies the chair of
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
W . M . of the lodge which gave him birth into Freemasonry , and the pleasure is enhanced by my seeing also the next office in rank to the W . M ., and whom I was chiefly instrumental in introducing into the lodge , in the second position in the lodge , it speaks somewhat in his favour . Still dwelling on contrasts as affected by the facts and positions of others , as a member of this lodge I
was only a Master Mason . My Masonic greatness has much increased , having been invested with the Mastership of my lodge , and this has brought me before you at so early a period of the evening . The more I see of the Craft the better I like Freemasonry , and the greater progress I make the greater is my fondness for it . I can assure my brethren it will amply repay them to acquire those
positions , and when they have gone through them , as I have done , they will be as well satisfied as I have been . Ending my subject of contrasts , with respect to my old friend , Bro . Goldsbrough , on my right , there is no change ; he is always the same , ever ready to assist us with his great Masonic knowledge and goodness . All I can say is "Long may he live , and may we all live to meet him for
many years to come . " Bro . T . B . Brown Prov . G . S . D . " proposed The Health ofthe W . M . " and said—Bro . Galpin has expressed how great is the pleasure he feels that the brother' whom he was the means of bringing into the Lodge had aspired to and reached the office of Master , I need not say how great a pleasure it is to me to reflect that I initiated him in this lodge not more than three
years ago . To become the Master of a lodge in so short a time is a comparatively rare circumstance , and can only occur in the case of young lodges . It is usually many years before a new member of a lodge gets to the chair of W . M . I do not think any brother will repent having elected Bro . Williams as the Master of this Lodge he will do honour to himself and to the lodge . " The W . M . ; "I
thank Bro . Brown very much for the way in which he has proposed to you my health , and you , brethren , for the warmth of your reception of the toast . I will do all I can for the welfare of Freemasonry , and for this lodge in particular , and I trust that at the expiration of my year of office you will not have any cause to find fault with me . I have to thank my brother Brown for the excellent
and impressive manner in which he has performed the ceremony of my installation , which must have been a great treat to you all ; and as he was the means of introducing me to the light of Freemasonry I trust that he will give me the benefit of his able support during my year of office , and enable me to carry out the duties of the lodge to your satisfaction . He is one of the founders , and
is the father of the lodge , and without him we could not carry on . I hope to have his assistance during my year of office . I again return you my sincere thanks . Bro . Goldsbrough : I need no word of eulogy to commend to you the toast I have to propose . It is " The Health of the Founder and Father of the Lodge , Bro . Brown , G . Senior Deacon of this Province . " It has been my privilege to know Bro .
Brown for many years past , and to have installed him as my successor in the chair of a lodge ( of which he was one of the most energetic of its founders ) in the widely spread Province of North Wales anel Shropshire , where the R . W , Provincial Grand Master appointed him Grand Superintendent of Works . As many of you are aware , I had also the pleasure of installing Bro . Brown as the first Master
of this lodge , and he has well earned the high distinction conferred upon him by His Royal Highness Prince Leopold , the Right Worshipful Grand Master of this province . Long may he live to enjoy the honour , and continue to render his valuable services to his brethren in this province . Bro . Brown , P . G . S . D ., acknowledged the compliment paid him by Bro . Goldsbrough , and responded to by the
brethren , and said that so far as the lodge was concerned , he was anxious to keep up what he considered the proper working , and if he succeeded in that , he should be satisfied , and that he was always pleased to assist the brethren in the work of any of the offices of the lodges in the province when he was called upon to do so . The W . M .: —In no lodge are visitors more welcome than
they are in the "Marlborough , " and we are always pleased to see them with us , and to show them what we can do . To-day we are honoured with the presence of Bros . Codd , Weller , Acock , Cotes , and Robbins , and I am happy to say that three of those brethren , seeing what we are doing in the Marlborough Lodge , have expressed their desire to become joining members of it , and I am quite sure we
shall only be too pleased to have them with us . I shall couple with this toast the name of Bro . Codd . Bro . Codd said—I could wish that the Worshipful Master had chosen some one else to respond to the toast , but I can assure him that we all feel grateful for the kindness and hospitality we have experienced at the Marlborough Lodge , and we have all been greatly pleased at the way in which
the ceremonies have been performed this evening , everything so thoroughly well conducted . The Worshipful Master may well feel proud to show such perfect order and good working as we have witnessed to-day . The W . M . Proposed " The Health of Bro . Goldsbrough , " and said , —This is a toast which ought to have been brought before you earlier in the evening . Bro . Goldsbrough is
a distinguished member of this lodge , and we hope to have the pleasure of seeing him here for many years to come . We have to thank him to-day , especially , for the excellent and impressive manner in which he conducted the duties of the Second Degree . Bro . Goldsbrough having replied , the W . M . proposed "The Health of the Officers of the Lodge . " and said he
had been fortunate in being able to select brethren whom he was sure would attend regularly , and coupled with the toast Bro . Reynolds , the Senior Warden , and Bro . Long , the Junior Warden . Bro . Reynolds : I beg to thank the Worshipful Master for his kindness in proposing the health of the officers ' , and to assure him that I will endeavour to carry him through his year of office , and will assist him in every way in my power in the duties of the lodge .