Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF HERTFORD. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF HERTFORD. Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1
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Provincial Grand Lodge Of Hertford.
Bauser H . Cox , & c . No . 504—Bros . E . Baxter , J . Winter , H . Lambert , VV . Hendry , S : c . No . 404—Bros . W . F . Green , Dawson , E . J . Foord ; also Bro . Legg , 851 ; Bros . Bootl es , 506 ; J . Taylor , 409 ; J . C . Cussans , 443 ; i-attison , 13 S 5 ; H . C . Hearn , 403 ; S . Smith , 742 ; C . Henry , 201 ; E . C . Massey , 1267 (" Freemason" ) , and last thoug h not least , our esteemed P . G . Chaplain , Bro . the
Rev . W . Simpson . The Prov . G . Sec . Bro . F . H . Wilson lies having read the minutes of the last P . Grand Lodge , the Report of the Finance Board , upon the accounts , which had been printed and circulated , was ordered to bc taken as read . The P . G . S . having reported that the jewel of the P . G . P . was still missing , and that all endeavours to trace it had
proved ineffectual . Bro . Terry , P . G . D . C , proposed and the P . G . J . W . seconded a motion that a new jewel be provided which was carried . The P . G . Secretary reported that the Bishops Stortford Lodge , of the removal of which Prov . G . Lodge had had notice , had intimated that the removal of the lodge had been duly reported to Grand Lodge .
Bro . Lowthier , P . G . S . W ., P . M 138 s and 1479 : —Right Worshipful Provincial Granel Master , in accordance with the notice that I gave at the last meeting I have now to propose that the sum of twenty guineas be given to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . 1 am sure I need not add any remarks of my own to this proposition because you all know so well how useful that Institution is .
The motion was seconded by tbe P . G . J . W . Bro . Lambert : Right Worshipful P . G M ., if mine be the only voice against it , I shall object to the proposed vote . Have the brethren considered the vast amount of funded property the Instituiion possesses ? 1 understand they want to increase the size of the buildings and increase the number of girls received , and when they have got them
they will not be able to spend their income . The speaker concluded by proposing that the money should not be voted , which was seconded by Bro . Ponsonwait . Bro . Wylie supported the original motion as he thought that endeavours should be continued to extend the beiefits of the Institutions . Another Brother suggested that the donation should not be made till it was required . They knew that the
Institution did not require it . Bro . lies , P . G . Secretary : I wish to ask a question , which perhaps Bro . Terry can answer . Is it not intended very much to enlarge the Institution ? Bro . Terry , P . P . D . C .: The project is to expend a very large sum of money , and to take another ninety-four children . At the next election in October there are some lorty applicants , and they will only be able to take in eight
or . Bro . Lambert inquired whether it would take £ 42 , 000 to provide for the reception of ninety-four children . Bro . Terry : I understand that is the contract price for the arrangements for building and furnishing . The P . G . M . then put the motion , which was carried . Bro . Carter moved , and P . G . S . W . seconded that the
sum of cwenty guineas be addeel to Bro . Campkin's list , which was agreed to . Bro . Carter : I rise with very great pleasure to propose a vote of £ to to the Gresham and King Harold Lodges , towards the expenses ol receiving Provincial Grand Lodge , but I think tliatjthcy should have afforded a little light refreshment before the assembling of Provincial Grand Lodge , as many brethren have come from thirty to forty miles to attend .
The motion was seconded by P . G . Secretary and carried unanimously . Bro . Gompertz : Now that the motion is disposed of , I beg to explain that the lodges referreel to had laboured under considerable disadvantages . They had only been in possession of this place a few months , and had had a great deal to do in cleaning anil decorating , and making it
as comfortable as possible . They had been at considera - ble expense of labour , time and money , the old hall was some hundreds of years old , and required a good ileal of work to make it presentible . They had , as he had said , had a great deal to do , and he trusted that P . G . Lodge would , with true Masonic Charity , bear with them and forgive the oversi ght to which Bro . Carter had referred .
Bro . Lambert : The next proposition has been entrusted to me b y Bro . Wilson , P . P . G . J . W . It is , that this Provincial Grand Lodge do consider the desirability of publishing a Masonic Calendar for the province . The speaker went » n to say that people must have some amusement in the country , and he did not know anything more agreeable for Masons than visiting at each ctheis' lodges ; and for
"' is purpose it was very desirable that they should have luller information than they now possessed of the dates and places of meeting of all the lodges in the province . 1 here were also places of interest in the province that it would be very delightful to have further information about , ror instance , there was this magnificent house in which tney were assembled , which belonged to almost the E . iod
P « , and would probably take us back as far as Henry '• i and forward again to James IL , about which would be 171 lnte , restin £ if they had special information , and if 'h ° i ? be embodied in the calendar of the province , he L 1 uV brethren would agree with him that it would be highl y desirable . The motion was seconded by Bro . Young . II ^^ -- ¦ - - - — •* ___ . ^ W ** *** ** * J Y Ml + Jn I ISL 4 J 11 L
' is a ^ ' ^ , aylor : No doubt many brethren will say that this avoid n . notiDn ' whilc othcrs wi " argrue 'hat we should Public i , mg ' ° much '" print Wlth re £ ard t 0 Masonry , want toV necessar y as regards the charities , because we fonli o i ? W the tlmes ot tne various meetings and so pect A th ' this Calendar will do good in that resall men me ™ bers of the Craft we believe and hope that selves bT ' ff and ab 'e to do what they can for themwidelvd ! j T 6 caIendars after a time will be very ¦ w'SPfrsed , 1 tl ] jnk that unScrUpUi 0 US men will U 5 e
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Hertford.
them , and ride about the province taking each individual lodge in succession , canvassing them for their own purposes . The Calendar would no doubt be useful , but I fear that difficulties will arise in years to come when it may be used in a manner we do not now contemplate . 1 think it is a matter that requires consideration before we adopt it . Bro . Carter : I shall propose that a committee be formed
during the orthcoming year to consider the desirability of publishing a Masonic Calendar for the province . The Prov . Grand Master : Before I put this question I should like to say a few words myself , because it is a question I have considered , but I am bound to say that I wish the brethren to do exactly as they please , without their chairman making a speech much on one side or the
other . But at the same I will say this , I cannot see the great objection to a Calendar that is under proper control as to the matter that is published in it . I think the province is getting so large now , and lodges are so scattered , that Masons in one part have hut little opportunity of knowing what is doing in other parts of the province . A Calendar , which would contain all the detailed information
is therefore very desirable . We are told that we can obtain this from the official Calendar of the Grand Lodge This is not quite correct ; it is light as regards London lodges , but not as to provincial lodges . For instance , if we look at No . 869 , we find that it meets on the first Wednesday or first Thursday , but not the months in which the meetings are held . Then as regards the publication
of the names , it would be , I think ,, a great convenience to see at a glance who the officers and leading brethren of a lodge are , although of course one is supposed to know it -, and it will become more difficult as lodges increase in number . We can of course find any information out cf the book s , but by having it in a Calendar wc have it in a condensed form . When a matter is brought before me I
can refer to my Calcnear and see who the officers are without applying to the Secretary to send me a list . I cannot see that the question cf improper applications for charity applies . 1 do not think it would be necessary to publish all the names of brethren iu the province , and it seems to mc that an unprincipled person seeking to make am improper use of the Calendar would find that it would entail
more trouble than he would care to undertake . 1 do not see why the information should not be confined to the ordinary list of officers of the lodges , but I would point out in the case of any names no addresses are printed , and therefore I apprehend that the Masonic beggar' would be unable to make out a programme . If he came to Waltham Cross he would find when he got there that a great many of those
brethren lived in London ; therefore , ! think the risk is infinitessimal , and the question is the expense . Bro . Carter Ii 3 s published in a very public spirited manner , a calendar , but of course the question ' would be whether a sufficient number of brethren would support it to make it worth his while , if the brethren approve of the principle of this Calendar in the province . [ The conclusion of this report will be given next week . ]
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The monthly meeting of the Committee of this Institution was held on Wednesday , at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . Benjamin Head in the chair , Bros . C . A . Cottebrune , Levy , J . Newton , Stephens , John G . Stevens , J . A . Farnfield , Charles Lacey , Hyde Pullen , L . Stean , Thos .
W . White , Lane , H . Massey ( " Freemason " ) . James Terry ( Secretary ) was also preset . t . After the reading and confirmation of the minutes the Secretary announced the deaths of two annuitants . The Warden ' s report was also . rcad , and in it was
contained the information that Dr . Strong had presented the institution with 200 bedding out plants , which his gardener had planted . A vote of thanks was then unanimously passed to Dr . Strong for the gift . The Financial Committee ' s report was as follows : —
MALI : FUNII . Balance last quarter ^ ' 3825 y 3 Subsequent receipts 18 39 3 8 5 6 ( 14 10 10 Disbursements £ 142 $ " n Purchase of Annuities 1880 o o 3303 11 11 2338 18 11
WIDOWS . Balance last quarter £ > 34 ' ' 7 " Receipts 1 O 08 18 0 2946 15 11 Disbursements £ » 3 " 1 l 0 Purchase of Annuities 940 o o 1911 ^ 7 10
>) S 3 8 1 Balance on Sustentation Fund 6 18 7 £ 3 . V <) a 7 Bro . Terry stated ' that out of the £ 9174 subscribed at last festival , all had been collected except £ 216 . He
also informed the Committee that he had received a letter from one of the old ladies whom the Committee had taken on to the fund without election , thanking them for what they had done . He further read a letter of thanks from Miss Norris for being elected Matron of the Asylum .
In answer to a question Bro . Terry . said that the Cripplegate Lodge , which he consecrated three weeks ago , subscribed on the right of consecration £ 50 to the Benevolent Institution . The proceedings terminated with a vote of thanks to the Chairman :
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
St . John ' s Gate has changed hands , and belongs again to the very Order of the Knights of St . John of Jerusalem who formerly possessed it . Bro . Sir Edmund Lechmere , M . P ., has purchased the building . One of the upper rooms is in course of restoration for the purpose of serving as a chapel .
Bro . Alderman Hadley has met with a slight accident , which has rendered him lame , but not so as to prevent his attendance to his official duties . — " City Press . "
The sum received at the Mansion House on behalf of the Metropolitan Hospital Sunday Fund amounts to about £ 26 , 500 . The Prince and Princess of Wales have signified their intention of visiting- the Crystal Palace on Wednesday next , when they will be accompanied by the King and Queen of Greece . It being the first visit of the
Prince to the Crystal Palace since his return from India , the occasion promises to be one of special interest . Apartments are being prepared at Fiershill Barracks , Edinburgh , for Bro . H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , who will arrive there with his regiment on the 2 gth inst . The members of the Navy Club gave their
annual dinner to Bro . the Right Hon . George Ward Hunt the First Lord of the Admiralty , on Wednesday evening at Willis ' s Rooms . The consecration of the West Middlesex Lodge , No . 1612 , will take place this ( Saturday ) afternoon , at 3 . 30 , at the Ealing Institute , Ealing . The ceremony will be worked by the Grand Secretary . A full
report of the proceedings will appear in our next . The ceremony of consecration and installation will be worked on Wednesday next , at 7 o'clock , by Bro . Terry , at the Finsbury Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 12 S 8 , held at the Finsbury Park Tavern , Seven Sisters Road , Holloway . Bro . P . Dickinson , Preceptor . The
brethren to assemble in full Masonic costume . Bro . S . Pollitzer , P . M ., 107 ; , P . Z . 188 , 438 , has been honoured by his Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Austria with the "golden cross of merit with the crown " for his great services rendered at the International Exhibition .
The appointment of Lord Suffield as Provincial Grand Master of Norfolk by H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., as announced in the " Freemason " of May 6 th has been officially confirmed . The installation will take place in October . An evening costume recital , comprising
dramatic , vocal , and instrumental selections , will take place on Monday next at the Horns Tavern , Kennington , for the benefit of Bro . Edgar Anderson . The City of London Flower Show , originally fixed to take place on Tuesday , nth inst ., was postponed until Thursday , 13 th inst ., to meet the wishes of Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Teck .
Bro . Sir E . Lechmere was introduced to the I louse of Parliament on Monday last , and after the usual oaths , took his seat as member for West Worcestershire . The Chapter of the Order of St . John of Jerusalem in England have voted the silver medal to Constant Van Hoydonck , the steward , and the bronze medal to the youth , Henry Troussclott , with vellum
certificates , for their intrepid conduct on board the Lennie . The medals have been sent for the recipients to the Netherlands and Belgian Ministers . The Rev . Dr . I . Strauss , Jewish minister of ; Bradford , has been appointed Chaplain of the Lodge of Harmony ( 600 ) , Bradford . Tne greater number of the members of the lodge ( including the
Master ) are Christians , and the appointment is therefore all the more gratifying . We can only regret there are still a few countries where the ruling principles of Freemasonry are disregarded by Masons , and Jews excluded by reason only of their faith . We question whether the time has not arrived for English Jewish Masons ( an enormous number ) to take a more spirited action in this matter .
1 he act of the late Mr . Faudell in the Grand Lodge of England about a quarter of a century ago in raising an objection to the admission of the Crown Prince of Prussia ( the present Emperor ) on the ground of the exclusion of Jews from German lodges , is still remembered , and its significance should not be lost upon young and active Jewish Masons of the present day . — " Jewish Chronicle . "
A report of the proceedings at the Summer Festival of the William Preston Lodge will appear in our next . The fete of the National Temperance League at the Crystal Palace on Tuesday was very successful . The total number of visitors was 33 , 980 . Towards the close of the day a banquet was held in the Grand Saloon , when about 400 persons took their scats , and listened to an able address from Mr . Richardson , M . D ., F . R . S .
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Hertford.
Bauser H . Cox , & c . No . 504—Bros . E . Baxter , J . Winter , H . Lambert , VV . Hendry , S : c . No . 404—Bros . W . F . Green , Dawson , E . J . Foord ; also Bro . Legg , 851 ; Bros . Bootl es , 506 ; J . Taylor , 409 ; J . C . Cussans , 443 ; i-attison , 13 S 5 ; H . C . Hearn , 403 ; S . Smith , 742 ; C . Henry , 201 ; E . C . Massey , 1267 (" Freemason" ) , and last thoug h not least , our esteemed P . G . Chaplain , Bro . the
Rev . W . Simpson . The Prov . G . Sec . Bro . F . H . Wilson lies having read the minutes of the last P . Grand Lodge , the Report of the Finance Board , upon the accounts , which had been printed and circulated , was ordered to bc taken as read . The P . G . S . having reported that the jewel of the P . G . P . was still missing , and that all endeavours to trace it had
proved ineffectual . Bro . Terry , P . G . D . C , proposed and the P . G . J . W . seconded a motion that a new jewel be provided which was carried . The P . G . Secretary reported that the Bishops Stortford Lodge , of the removal of which Prov . G . Lodge had had notice , had intimated that the removal of the lodge had been duly reported to Grand Lodge .
Bro . Lowthier , P . G . S . W ., P . M 138 s and 1479 : —Right Worshipful Provincial Granel Master , in accordance with the notice that I gave at the last meeting I have now to propose that the sum of twenty guineas be given to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . 1 am sure I need not add any remarks of my own to this proposition because you all know so well how useful that Institution is .
The motion was seconded by tbe P . G . J . W . Bro . Lambert : Right Worshipful P . G M ., if mine be the only voice against it , I shall object to the proposed vote . Have the brethren considered the vast amount of funded property the Instituiion possesses ? 1 understand they want to increase the size of the buildings and increase the number of girls received , and when they have got them
they will not be able to spend their income . The speaker concluded by proposing that the money should not be voted , which was seconded by Bro . Ponsonwait . Bro . Wylie supported the original motion as he thought that endeavours should be continued to extend the beiefits of the Institutions . Another Brother suggested that the donation should not be made till it was required . They knew that the
Institution did not require it . Bro . lies , P . G . Secretary : I wish to ask a question , which perhaps Bro . Terry can answer . Is it not intended very much to enlarge the Institution ? Bro . Terry , P . P . D . C .: The project is to expend a very large sum of money , and to take another ninety-four children . At the next election in October there are some lorty applicants , and they will only be able to take in eight
or . Bro . Lambert inquired whether it would take £ 42 , 000 to provide for the reception of ninety-four children . Bro . Terry : I understand that is the contract price for the arrangements for building and furnishing . The P . G . M . then put the motion , which was carried . Bro . Carter moved , and P . G . S . W . seconded that the
sum of cwenty guineas be addeel to Bro . Campkin's list , which was agreed to . Bro . Carter : I rise with very great pleasure to propose a vote of £ to to the Gresham and King Harold Lodges , towards the expenses ol receiving Provincial Grand Lodge , but I think tliatjthcy should have afforded a little light refreshment before the assembling of Provincial Grand Lodge , as many brethren have come from thirty to forty miles to attend .
The motion was seconded by P . G . Secretary and carried unanimously . Bro . Gompertz : Now that the motion is disposed of , I beg to explain that the lodges referreel to had laboured under considerable disadvantages . They had only been in possession of this place a few months , and had had a great deal to do in cleaning anil decorating , and making it
as comfortable as possible . They had been at considera - ble expense of labour , time and money , the old hall was some hundreds of years old , and required a good ileal of work to make it presentible . They had , as he had said , had a great deal to do , and he trusted that P . G . Lodge would , with true Masonic Charity , bear with them and forgive the oversi ght to which Bro . Carter had referred .
Bro . Lambert : The next proposition has been entrusted to me b y Bro . Wilson , P . P . G . J . W . It is , that this Provincial Grand Lodge do consider the desirability of publishing a Masonic Calendar for the province . The speaker went » n to say that people must have some amusement in the country , and he did not know anything more agreeable for Masons than visiting at each ctheis' lodges ; and for
"' is purpose it was very desirable that they should have luller information than they now possessed of the dates and places of meeting of all the lodges in the province . 1 here were also places of interest in the province that it would be very delightful to have further information about , ror instance , there was this magnificent house in which tney were assembled , which belonged to almost the E . iod
P « , and would probably take us back as far as Henry '• i and forward again to James IL , about which would be 171 lnte , restin £ if they had special information , and if 'h ° i ? be embodied in the calendar of the province , he L 1 uV brethren would agree with him that it would be highl y desirable . The motion was seconded by Bro . Young . II ^^ -- ¦ - - - — •* ___ . ^ W ** *** ** * J Y Ml + Jn I ISL 4 J 11 L
' is a ^ ' ^ , aylor : No doubt many brethren will say that this avoid n . notiDn ' whilc othcrs wi " argrue 'hat we should Public i , mg ' ° much '" print Wlth re £ ard t 0 Masonry , want toV necessar y as regards the charities , because we fonli o i ? W the tlmes ot tne various meetings and so pect A th ' this Calendar will do good in that resall men me ™ bers of the Craft we believe and hope that selves bT ' ff and ab 'e to do what they can for themwidelvd ! j T 6 caIendars after a time will be very ¦ w'SPfrsed , 1 tl ] jnk that unScrUpUi 0 US men will U 5 e
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Hertford.
them , and ride about the province taking each individual lodge in succession , canvassing them for their own purposes . The Calendar would no doubt be useful , but I fear that difficulties will arise in years to come when it may be used in a manner we do not now contemplate . 1 think it is a matter that requires consideration before we adopt it . Bro . Carter : I shall propose that a committee be formed
during the orthcoming year to consider the desirability of publishing a Masonic Calendar for the province . The Prov . Grand Master : Before I put this question I should like to say a few words myself , because it is a question I have considered , but I am bound to say that I wish the brethren to do exactly as they please , without their chairman making a speech much on one side or the
other . But at the same I will say this , I cannot see the great objection to a Calendar that is under proper control as to the matter that is published in it . I think the province is getting so large now , and lodges are so scattered , that Masons in one part have hut little opportunity of knowing what is doing in other parts of the province . A Calendar , which would contain all the detailed information
is therefore very desirable . We are told that we can obtain this from the official Calendar of the Grand Lodge This is not quite correct ; it is light as regards London lodges , but not as to provincial lodges . For instance , if we look at No . 869 , we find that it meets on the first Wednesday or first Thursday , but not the months in which the meetings are held . Then as regards the publication
of the names , it would be , I think ,, a great convenience to see at a glance who the officers and leading brethren of a lodge are , although of course one is supposed to know it -, and it will become more difficult as lodges increase in number . We can of course find any information out cf the book s , but by having it in a Calendar wc have it in a condensed form . When a matter is brought before me I
can refer to my Calcnear and see who the officers are without applying to the Secretary to send me a list . I cannot see that the question cf improper applications for charity applies . 1 do not think it would be necessary to publish all the names of brethren iu the province , and it seems to mc that an unprincipled person seeking to make am improper use of the Calendar would find that it would entail
more trouble than he would care to undertake . 1 do not see why the information should not be confined to the ordinary list of officers of the lodges , but I would point out in the case of any names no addresses are printed , and therefore I apprehend that the Masonic beggar' would be unable to make out a programme . If he came to Waltham Cross he would find when he got there that a great many of those
brethren lived in London ; therefore , ! think the risk is infinitessimal , and the question is the expense . Bro . Carter Ii 3 s published in a very public spirited manner , a calendar , but of course the question ' would be whether a sufficient number of brethren would support it to make it worth his while , if the brethren approve of the principle of this Calendar in the province . [ The conclusion of this report will be given next week . ]
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
The monthly meeting of the Committee of this Institution was held on Wednesday , at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . Benjamin Head in the chair , Bros . C . A . Cottebrune , Levy , J . Newton , Stephens , John G . Stevens , J . A . Farnfield , Charles Lacey , Hyde Pullen , L . Stean , Thos .
W . White , Lane , H . Massey ( " Freemason " ) . James Terry ( Secretary ) was also preset . t . After the reading and confirmation of the minutes the Secretary announced the deaths of two annuitants . The Warden ' s report was also . rcad , and in it was
contained the information that Dr . Strong had presented the institution with 200 bedding out plants , which his gardener had planted . A vote of thanks was then unanimously passed to Dr . Strong for the gift . The Financial Committee ' s report was as follows : —
MALI : FUNII . Balance last quarter ^ ' 3825 y 3 Subsequent receipts 18 39 3 8 5 6 ( 14 10 10 Disbursements £ 142 $ " n Purchase of Annuities 1880 o o 3303 11 11 2338 18 11
WIDOWS . Balance last quarter £ > 34 ' ' 7 " Receipts 1 O 08 18 0 2946 15 11 Disbursements £ » 3 " 1 l 0 Purchase of Annuities 940 o o 1911 ^ 7 10
>) S 3 8 1 Balance on Sustentation Fund 6 18 7 £ 3 . V <) a 7 Bro . Terry stated ' that out of the £ 9174 subscribed at last festival , all had been collected except £ 216 . He
also informed the Committee that he had received a letter from one of the old ladies whom the Committee had taken on to the fund without election , thanking them for what they had done . He further read a letter of thanks from Miss Norris for being elected Matron of the Asylum .
In answer to a question Bro . Terry . said that the Cripplegate Lodge , which he consecrated three weeks ago , subscribed on the right of consecration £ 50 to the Benevolent Institution . The proceedings terminated with a vote of thanks to the Chairman :
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
St . John ' s Gate has changed hands , and belongs again to the very Order of the Knights of St . John of Jerusalem who formerly possessed it . Bro . Sir Edmund Lechmere , M . P ., has purchased the building . One of the upper rooms is in course of restoration for the purpose of serving as a chapel .
Bro . Alderman Hadley has met with a slight accident , which has rendered him lame , but not so as to prevent his attendance to his official duties . — " City Press . "
The sum received at the Mansion House on behalf of the Metropolitan Hospital Sunday Fund amounts to about £ 26 , 500 . The Prince and Princess of Wales have signified their intention of visiting- the Crystal Palace on Wednesday next , when they will be accompanied by the King and Queen of Greece . It being the first visit of the
Prince to the Crystal Palace since his return from India , the occasion promises to be one of special interest . Apartments are being prepared at Fiershill Barracks , Edinburgh , for Bro . H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , who will arrive there with his regiment on the 2 gth inst . The members of the Navy Club gave their
annual dinner to Bro . the Right Hon . George Ward Hunt the First Lord of the Admiralty , on Wednesday evening at Willis ' s Rooms . The consecration of the West Middlesex Lodge , No . 1612 , will take place this ( Saturday ) afternoon , at 3 . 30 , at the Ealing Institute , Ealing . The ceremony will be worked by the Grand Secretary . A full
report of the proceedings will appear in our next . The ceremony of consecration and installation will be worked on Wednesday next , at 7 o'clock , by Bro . Terry , at the Finsbury Park Lodge of Instruction , No . 12 S 8 , held at the Finsbury Park Tavern , Seven Sisters Road , Holloway . Bro . P . Dickinson , Preceptor . The
brethren to assemble in full Masonic costume . Bro . S . Pollitzer , P . M ., 107 ; , P . Z . 188 , 438 , has been honoured by his Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Austria with the "golden cross of merit with the crown " for his great services rendered at the International Exhibition .
The appointment of Lord Suffield as Provincial Grand Master of Norfolk by H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , M . W . G . M ., as announced in the " Freemason " of May 6 th has been officially confirmed . The installation will take place in October . An evening costume recital , comprising
dramatic , vocal , and instrumental selections , will take place on Monday next at the Horns Tavern , Kennington , for the benefit of Bro . Edgar Anderson . The City of London Flower Show , originally fixed to take place on Tuesday , nth inst ., was postponed until Thursday , 13 th inst ., to meet the wishes of Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Teck .
Bro . Sir E . Lechmere was introduced to the I louse of Parliament on Monday last , and after the usual oaths , took his seat as member for West Worcestershire . The Chapter of the Order of St . John of Jerusalem in England have voted the silver medal to Constant Van Hoydonck , the steward , and the bronze medal to the youth , Henry Troussclott , with vellum
certificates , for their intrepid conduct on board the Lennie . The medals have been sent for the recipients to the Netherlands and Belgian Ministers . The Rev . Dr . I . Strauss , Jewish minister of ; Bradford , has been appointed Chaplain of the Lodge of Harmony ( 600 ) , Bradford . Tne greater number of the members of the lodge ( including the
Master ) are Christians , and the appointment is therefore all the more gratifying . We can only regret there are still a few countries where the ruling principles of Freemasonry are disregarded by Masons , and Jews excluded by reason only of their faith . We question whether the time has not arrived for English Jewish Masons ( an enormous number ) to take a more spirited action in this matter .
1 he act of the late Mr . Faudell in the Grand Lodge of England about a quarter of a century ago in raising an objection to the admission of the Crown Prince of Prussia ( the present Emperor ) on the ground of the exclusion of Jews from German lodges , is still remembered , and its significance should not be lost upon young and active Jewish Masons of the present day . — " Jewish Chronicle . "
A report of the proceedings at the Summer Festival of the William Preston Lodge will appear in our next . The fete of the National Temperance League at the Crystal Palace on Tuesday was very successful . The total number of visitors was 33 , 980 . Towards the close of the day a banquet was held in the Grand Saloon , when about 400 persons took their scats , and listened to an able address from Mr . Richardson , M . D ., F . R . S .
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wonderfully improve a weak digestion by augmenting ths gastric secretion and moderately rousln ; the function ofthe liver , hence their well-known power of lemoving tainted breath , and remedying eierv other dispcptic unpleasantness . They entirely overcome the lethargic symptoms attending bad digestion , and have for years been esteemed the best and safest family aperient , They are particularly suitable for young females and children , —ADVT .