Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
METROPOLITAN . Fortitude and Old Cumberland Lodge , No . 12 . —The last meeting of thc season of this old lodge was held on Monday , the 4 th inst ., at the Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-street , City . The lodge was opened by Bro . Dudley Rolls , W . M ., and there were present , Bros . Bryant , P . M ., S . W . ; Bowler , P . M . as J . W . ; Ruff ,
P . M ., Treas . -, Cogan , Sec . ; C . F . Lilley , S . D . ; A . Snelgrove , J . D . ; Blum , I . G . ; Stewart , Le Maitre , and Ware , P . M . ' s , and a large number of members . Amongst the visitors we noticed : Bros . Hardy ( P . M . late 12 ) , F . Walters ( P . M . 73 ) Jones ( W . M . 10 S ) , Dr . Biegel ( W . M . 1 S 5 ) , John Wilton ( 55 ) , Charles Morton ( 157 ) , Edwin Villiers ( 7 S 0 ) , Tagliafico , and several others . No
work having presented itself , the lodge was closed . The usual good banquet followed . The great event of the evening was when , " The health of thc P . M . " was proposed . A magnificent massive silver cup was presented to the ever popular and highly-respected Bro . Raynham W . Stewart , who is so well-known in the Craft , more especially for his liberalsupport of all the Masonic charities .
The cup bears this inscription : — " Presented 4 th April , iS / o , to Raynham William Stewart , l' . M ., V . Z ., P . P . J . D . Essex , & c ., by the members of the Fortitude and Old Cumberland Lodge , No . 12 , in recognition of the zeal ancl ability displayed by him during his year of office as W . M . " Some good songs were sung , and a pleasant evening was spent .
Lodge of Faith , No . 141 . —This lodge met on Tuesday , the 29 th lilt ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , Bro . Jas . Hill in the chair , assisted by Bros . Peavers , P . M ., as S . W . ; C . C . Taylor , J . W . ; Themaus , J . D . ; Pitt , I . G . ; Hyde , I . P . M . There were also present : Bros . Carter , P . M . and Treas . ; Anslow , P . M ., Sec . ; Gotthiel , P . M . ; A . Gluckstein , P . M . ; W . Stewart , P . M . ; W . Pope ,
P . M ., and a number of other brethren . Bros . Malenoir and Johnson were raised to the third , and Bros . David and Morris Davis passed to the second , degree . The W . M . proposed that . £ 5 5 s . should be given to the " Freemasons ' Life Boat Fund , " which was seconded by Bro . Gotthiel , P . M ., who announced that when an appeal was made at the last meeting , the brethren who were present subscribed
about , £ 6 towards the fund . ( Carried . ) The W . M . also proposed , that £ 5 5 s . should be ghren to Annuity Fund for Aged Freemasons . This was warmly seconded by Bro . W . Stewart , P . M ., who stated that in his opinion , more than enough has already been done towards thc Boys '
Institution , it was therefore high time to do all that is possible for the aged , who have spent their time and substance to teach us our duties as Masons . ( Carried . ) Bro . W . Musto , of the Upton Lodges was the sole visitor present . Ther . c being no banquet , ihe brethren separated at an early hour .
Bedford Lodge , No . 157 . —The regular meeting of this flourishing lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern on Friday , April Sth . Brother John Smith took the chair of K . S . at half-past four o ' clock punctually . Present : —Bros . John Hills , S . W . ; William Holland , J . W . ; Joseph Lavender , P . M ., Treas . ; Samuel Hill , P . M ., Sec . ; and J . Jehu , J . D . ; P . Masters Millis , G . A . Brown ,
and Robert Jones . The following members were present : —J . Briggs , J . W . Selby , J . Iltandcr , R . K . Hades , F . Tttlbitt , J . l- ' ovatcr , and liohert Untmstle . The following visitors were present :- —J . Powneeby , Constitution , 55 ; Geo . Pymm , W . M . 749 ; Wm . Jameson , Belgrave , 749 ; J . Hasler , Pythagorean , 79 ; and Edward Harper , I . G . 749 . Bro . Briggs , having answered the questions
was passed to thc degee of I ' . C . in a very able manner by thc W . M . It was then proposed and carried unanimously that the summer banquet be held at Br . Holland ' s North Woolwich Gardens , the second Friday it \ June . A proposition was brought forward lo vote a sum of money to the Masonic Life Boat Fund ; ihe amount to be subscribed was left open for consideration at the next
meeting . The brethren then adjourned to the banquet , where , in a most able and eloquent manner , thc W . M . gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . P . M . Millis then paid a warm tribute to the admirable way in which thc W . M . had discharged the duties of his ofiice ; to which the W . M . responded in a feeling speech . lie then proposed the health of the " Visitors , " to which Bro ,
Pymm and Bro . Hasler responded . Thc " Healths of the Past Masters " was then proposed in a very eloquent manner hy the W . M ., lo which Past Master Millis responded , Thc " Health of the Secretary , Treasurer , and Officers" was then proposed , lo which they all duly responded . The "Tylers" toast brought a most enjoyable evening to a conclusion .
Lodge of Joppa , No . 1 S 8 . —The members of this numerous lodge met on Monday , , the 4 th inst ., at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , Bro . B . W . Aaron , W . M ., in the ehair . Bros . II . M . Levy , as S . W . ; M . Alexander , J . W . , * Arthur Swanboroi ' igh , S . D . ; O . Roberts , I . G . ; E . P . Albert , P . M . and Sec . ; I . Abrahams , Treas . The minutes having been read and
confirmed , a ballot was taken for the admission of Mr . Herman-Rosenheim , who was duly initialed . Bro . M . L . Yuly was passed to the second degree , antl Bros . Cook , Dobson and | . De Roocy were raised to the third degree , The working was excellent throughout , the W . M . and every officer being perfect in the various
ceremonies . A distressed brother was relieved from the funds of the lodge , and il was closed in due form , and with solemn prayer . The brethren then sat down to a sli ght repast , and thc various loyal ancl Masonic toasts followed , including that of "II . R . II . the Prince of Wales , " Bro . L , Alexander , P . M ., responded in very excellent terms on be-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
half of thc Benevolent Fund attached to the lodge . The newly-initiated brother gave the sum of 2 . 1 s to that fund . Bro . L . Alexander proposed "The health of the W . M ., " aud in the course of his speech paid a very high and deserved compliment to that worthy brother for the excellent manner in which he had performed the various ceremonies , and also for his very able presidency . The W . M . in his
usual genial manner responded . Bro . II . M . Levy responded for the officers . The visitors were Bros . P . Solomon , late iSS , and P . P . G . S . B . Warwickshire , and Sondheim , 84 , New York . The latter brother returned thanks . Some very excellent singing was rendered during the evening by Bros . H . F . Isaac , L . Alexander , P . M ., Frankford , -Sic ., and a very agreeable evening was passed .
Stability Lodge , No . 217 . — This lodge met at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , 315 . 30 p . m ., on Tuesday , the 5 th inst ., Bro . Thomas James , W . M ., in the chair . The lodge was opened in thc first degree , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge was opened in thc second degree , and Bro . Henry Wilson , ( second , ) was passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge
was opened in the third degree , and Bros . Mills , Chippendale , and Hall were raised to the sublime degree . The lodge was resumed in the first degree . Bro . Brocley moved , and Bro . Warsap seconded , "That the sum of five guineas be given to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , and placed on Bro . Sillifant ' s list , " ( carried unanimously ) . Bro . Samuels , P . M ., moved , ancl Bro . Hughes ,
P . M ., seconded , '' That the ballot and initiation of gentlemen shall not take place on the same day in future , except in cases of emergency , " ( carried unanimously ) . Bro . Samuels gave notice of motion , "That the initiation fee be raised to eight , and the joining fee to four , guineas . " Bro . Sillifant announced , that lie had twenty-five guineas on his list as Steward for the girls at the forthcoming festival , ( this was increased to about fifty guineas before the
brethren separated , ) and he asked for the fullest possible support to enable him to carry in a good list . Bros , Brodey , Hall , and Sillifant were the successful members in the ballot for the " Stability Charities' Fund , " drawn on this occasion . The visitors were Bros . Wright , P . G . S . D . Herts , and Gladding , Star of India , 1062 . The latter was proposed by Bro . Hughes , P . M ., as a joining member , to be ballotted for at next meeting . The lodge adjourned to the first Tuesday in October .
MIDDLESEX . ISLKWORTII . —Villiers Lodge , A ' o . 1194 . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the Northumberland Arms Hotel , on Saturday , the 2 nd inst . Bro . E . Clark , P . G . S . Works , P . M ., presided , and was supported hy Bros . W . Dodd , S . W . ; H . Allman , J . W . ; R . W . Little , P . G . Sec . ; E . T . Osbaldeston , S . D . ; F . J . Lancaster , J . D . ;
T . Smales , I . G . ; II . G . Buss , P . G . Treas ; F . Walters , P . M . ; G . Cattel , P . G . D . Norths , and Hunts ; G . Kenning , P . G . Steward ; W . Harvey , W . S ., and a very large muster of brethren . The Prov . G . Master , Col . Burdett , honoured the lodge with his company , and there were also present among other visitors , Bros . W . West Smith , W . M . 79 , and W . ' Mann , P . M . 1 S 6 . The business
coinprised three initiations ( Messrs . J . Smith , R . Gray Green and T . Verity ) , four passings ( Bros . Tomlin , Forsyth , Ridge and Woodbridge ) , and two raisings ( Bros . Green antl Glover . ) Two joining members were also elected . A handsome sword , with sheath and case complete , was presented to the lodge by Bro . 11 . A . Steel , to whom a beany vote of thanks was awarded for the present . The petitions for two new lodges , one at Harrow and the
other at West Barnet , were unanimously recommended , there being no lodges in those localities , and the formation of a R . A . Chapter in connection with the lodge was also sanctioned . The P . G . Sec . announced that the P . G . M . intended to hold a P . G . Lodge on the 7 th May , under the auspices of the Villiers Lodge . Thc lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet lo which about thirty-live sat down , and a pleasant evening was spent by all .
PROVINCIAL . NEWPORT , MON . —Silurian Lodge , No . 271 . —The Usual monthly meeting of the members of the lodge took place at the Masonic Hall , Great Dock-street , on Friday , the 1 st day of April , at 7 p . m ., and there was a very good muster of Craft Masons . The minutes of the last general lod ^ e and a subsequ en t lodge of
emergency having been read and confirmed , the ballot took place , when Mr . William Evans , Pcnimore , Manager of the Company ' s Shop , Cwmbran , was unanimously admitted . Thc balloting for Mr . George Harford , Cliflontcrracc-place , Maindee , was adjourned till the next meeting . Mr . William Oliver , Mr . James Powell , and Mr . William Hooper Matthews , being in attendance ,
were initiated into Masonry , flic ceremony being admirably rendered by thc W . M . The lodge was closed in harmony at 9 p . m . IPSWICH . —Prince of Wales' Lodge , No . 959 . —At the monthly meeting of this lodge , held on Monday , 4 th inst ., a more than usually large number of the brethren assembled . The lodge having been opened in regular
form the minutes of thc last meeting were read antl confirmed , after which two gentlemen were balloted for and accepted for initiation , one of whom being present was initialed in the mysteries of the Craft . Tlie lodge was opened into the second degree , and the brother initiated at thc last regular lodge was passetl to the degree of a Fellow Craft . The Fellow Craft Lodge having been closed , one or two gentlemen were proposed for
initiation , and some private lodge business having been discttssetl the lodge was closed in harmony . All the lodges of the town were represented on this occasion , and we arc pleased to learn that another of them have decided upon holding their meetings in ibis beautiful hall , where wc hope in clue time all will see the benefit of the advantages offered , HINCKLEY . — A ' nights of Malta Lodge , No . 50 , —After
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
being in a dormant state for more than a year , a very praiseworthy effort has lately been made among the members to revive this ancient lodge , one movement in the right direction being its removal from the Plough Inn to its former place of meeting , the Town Hall , for which permission had been obtained from the feoffees of the town estate . In order to assist in the revival of this , the
mother lodge of the province , whose warrant was granted by the Earl of Kellie , G . M . of the Athol Masons , in 1756 , a very zealous Mason , the Rev . W . Langley , I . P . M . of the Rutland Lodge , No . 1130 , Melton Mowbray , volunteered his services as W . M . for the ensuing year , which were gladly accepted by the members . A meeting was accordingly held at the Town Hall on Wednesday , the 30 th
ult ., for the j-mrjrose of confirming the election of the W . M . ancl the removal of the lodge , and for the installation of the W . M ., and the appointment of officers , & c . Among the brethren present on the occasion as members of the lodge were , Bros . W . H . Griffiths , W . M . ; Rev . W . Langlev , P . M . 1130 , and P . P . G . S . W ., W . M .-elect ; T . W . Clarke , P . M ., and P . P . G . J . W . ; T . Goadby , P . M .,
P . P . G . J . W . ; E . Houlston ( P . M . 432 ) , and P . P . G . S . D ., J . W . ; S . Davis , P . M ., P . P . G . J . W . ; Jno . Atkins , P . M . ; Hooscy , Taverner , and others . There were also present the P . G . M ., Bro . Kelly , Bros . F . Goodyer , ( P . M . 523 ) , and P . P . G . S . W . ; Geo . Toller ( W . M . 523 ) , and P . G . Sec . ; A . M . Duff ( P . M . 523 ) , P . P . G . J . D . ; L . L . Atwood ( 279 ) , G . B . Atkins ( 523 ); Nugent , W . M .,
Tippetts , and several other brethren of 432 , Nuneaton ; Clarke 9 6 3 , and other visitors . The chair was taken by the Prov . Grand Master , Bros . Houlston and Jno . Atkins acting as Wardens . The lodge having been opened , and the preliminary business , including a ballot for "Bro . T . Harrold , a former P . M . of the lodge , as a joining member , transacted , the lodge was opened in the
second degree , and the Rev . Bro . Langley having been presented as W . M .-elect , the P G . M . proceeded to instal him in ancient form , after which he was proclaimed and saluted in the three degrees . The Rev . Brother , after expressing his acknowledgments for the honour which the members of the lodge had done him , moved a vote of thanks to the Provincial Grand Master for the interest
which he took in the revival of the lodge , and for his kindness in attending on this occasion to instal him , and he called upon the brethren to salute the P . G . M . with the honours . —The P . G . M ., in reply , expressed the gratification he had in assisting in the revival of so venerable a lodge as No . 50 , ami also in installing so zealous a Mason as Bro . Langley , who in undertaking the Mastership
would have to travel fifty miles in going to and returning from the lodge . The P . G . M . then drew the attention of the members to the fact that Ihe lodge having been founded in 1756 was 104 years old , ancl as he hoped , it had now taken a renewed and prolonged lease of life , recommended that advantage should be taken of its present favourable prospects lo celebrate the centenary during
the year . This proposal having been discussed , it was decided lo take the necessary steps to obtain permission to wear a centenary jewel in commemoration of the event . The W . M . then appointed and invested the following brethren as officers for the ensuing year : Bros . Houlston , S . W . ; Hoosey , JAV . ; Clarke , P . M ., Sec . ; Jno . Atkins , P . M ., S . D . ; S . Davis , P . M ., J . D . ; Griffiths , P . M .,
I . G . Bro . T . W . Clarke , P . M ., having been elected Treasurer , was duly invested , and Bro . Young having been electetl Tyler , was also invested . After some further business of a routine character had been transacted , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet at the George Hotel , where , under the presidency of the W . M ., they celebrated the festival . It is understood , that although very few initiations have taken place in the
lodge of late years , insomuch that nearly the whole of the members are P . M . 's , an accession of candidates is about to take place , antl it is hoped and believed , that with increased zeal on the part of the members , and by united and harmonious efforts , coupled with the well-known efficiency and zeal of the W . M ., brighter prospects and a . prolonged career of Masonic usefulness are in store for this venerable lodge . Esto perpetua !
SCOTLAND . Lodge Paisley St . Mirren , No . 129 . —On Monday evening , 4 th April , the usual statutory meeting of the brethren of this lodge was held in their hall , 5 , Moss-street , Paisley . There was a fair attendance , and a deputation from Renfrew County Kilwinning Lodge , No . 370 . Bro . A . Wallace , jun ., R . W . M ., in the chair . The lodge having been duly opened on the E . A . or first degree , and
the formal business having been disposed of , an application was read from a gentleman who was desirous of being initiated into the mysteries of Free and Accepted Masonry . The application having met with the approval of the brethren , the candidate , after being prepared , was initiated into the arts antl parts of this degree . Bro . A . Wallace , jun ., R . W . M ., ( assisted by the Wardens of tbe lodge ) ,
performed the ceremony , with honour to himself and credit to the Craft . It was intimated to the brethren that liro . James Gilmour , through unavoidable circumstances was unable to be present at this meeting to deliver his lecture as promised , but that at next regular meeting , viz ., on Monday the iSth inst ., he expected to be present , and in a position to give his paper . Thc evening being now
far spent , it was thought advisable not to continue the sitting any longer , but to hold a special meeting for the dispatch of business left over from this meeting . The lodge was then called from labour to refreshment , and after a short time being spent in harmony , was afterwards closed in due antl ancient form . As agreed upon at the
meeting held on Monday , the brethren met on Wednesday night , 6 th inst ., in the hall . Bro . A . Wallace , jun . R . W . M ., in the cast , supported by Bros . Wm . Foulds , S . W ., in the west , and Bro . Francis , Nicholas , J . G ., acting J . W ., in the south . An initiation having been disposed of , and the business left over from last meeting ha vine been dispatched ; thelodee . which hud been opened
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
METROPOLITAN . Fortitude and Old Cumberland Lodge , No . 12 . —The last meeting of thc season of this old lodge was held on Monday , the 4 th inst ., at the Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-street , City . The lodge was opened by Bro . Dudley Rolls , W . M ., and there were present , Bros . Bryant , P . M ., S . W . ; Bowler , P . M . as J . W . ; Ruff ,
P . M ., Treas . -, Cogan , Sec . ; C . F . Lilley , S . D . ; A . Snelgrove , J . D . ; Blum , I . G . ; Stewart , Le Maitre , and Ware , P . M . ' s , and a large number of members . Amongst the visitors we noticed : Bros . Hardy ( P . M . late 12 ) , F . Walters ( P . M . 73 ) Jones ( W . M . 10 S ) , Dr . Biegel ( W . M . 1 S 5 ) , John Wilton ( 55 ) , Charles Morton ( 157 ) , Edwin Villiers ( 7 S 0 ) , Tagliafico , and several others . No
work having presented itself , the lodge was closed . The usual good banquet followed . The great event of the evening was when , " The health of thc P . M . " was proposed . A magnificent massive silver cup was presented to the ever popular and highly-respected Bro . Raynham W . Stewart , who is so well-known in the Craft , more especially for his liberalsupport of all the Masonic charities .
The cup bears this inscription : — " Presented 4 th April , iS / o , to Raynham William Stewart , l' . M ., V . Z ., P . P . J . D . Essex , & c ., by the members of the Fortitude and Old Cumberland Lodge , No . 12 , in recognition of the zeal ancl ability displayed by him during his year of office as W . M . " Some good songs were sung , and a pleasant evening was spent .
Lodge of Faith , No . 141 . —This lodge met on Tuesday , the 29 th lilt ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , Bro . Jas . Hill in the chair , assisted by Bros . Peavers , P . M ., as S . W . ; C . C . Taylor , J . W . ; Themaus , J . D . ; Pitt , I . G . ; Hyde , I . P . M . There were also present : Bros . Carter , P . M . and Treas . ; Anslow , P . M ., Sec . ; Gotthiel , P . M . ; A . Gluckstein , P . M . ; W . Stewart , P . M . ; W . Pope ,
P . M ., and a number of other brethren . Bros . Malenoir and Johnson were raised to the third , and Bros . David and Morris Davis passed to the second , degree . The W . M . proposed that . £ 5 5 s . should be given to the " Freemasons ' Life Boat Fund , " which was seconded by Bro . Gotthiel , P . M ., who announced that when an appeal was made at the last meeting , the brethren who were present subscribed
about , £ 6 towards the fund . ( Carried . ) The W . M . also proposed , that £ 5 5 s . should be ghren to Annuity Fund for Aged Freemasons . This was warmly seconded by Bro . W . Stewart , P . M ., who stated that in his opinion , more than enough has already been done towards thc Boys '
Institution , it was therefore high time to do all that is possible for the aged , who have spent their time and substance to teach us our duties as Masons . ( Carried . ) Bro . W . Musto , of the Upton Lodges was the sole visitor present . Ther . c being no banquet , ihe brethren separated at an early hour .
Bedford Lodge , No . 157 . —The regular meeting of this flourishing lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern on Friday , April Sth . Brother John Smith took the chair of K . S . at half-past four o ' clock punctually . Present : —Bros . John Hills , S . W . ; William Holland , J . W . ; Joseph Lavender , P . M ., Treas . ; Samuel Hill , P . M ., Sec . ; and J . Jehu , J . D . ; P . Masters Millis , G . A . Brown ,
and Robert Jones . The following members were present : —J . Briggs , J . W . Selby , J . Iltandcr , R . K . Hades , F . Tttlbitt , J . l- ' ovatcr , and liohert Untmstle . The following visitors were present :- —J . Powneeby , Constitution , 55 ; Geo . Pymm , W . M . 749 ; Wm . Jameson , Belgrave , 749 ; J . Hasler , Pythagorean , 79 ; and Edward Harper , I . G . 749 . Bro . Briggs , having answered the questions
was passed to thc degee of I ' . C . in a very able manner by thc W . M . It was then proposed and carried unanimously that the summer banquet be held at Br . Holland ' s North Woolwich Gardens , the second Friday it \ June . A proposition was brought forward lo vote a sum of money to the Masonic Life Boat Fund ; ihe amount to be subscribed was left open for consideration at the next
meeting . The brethren then adjourned to the banquet , where , in a most able and eloquent manner , thc W . M . gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . Bro . P . M . Millis then paid a warm tribute to the admirable way in which thc W . M . had discharged the duties of his ofiice ; to which the W . M . responded in a feeling speech . lie then proposed the health of the " Visitors , " to which Bro ,
Pymm and Bro . Hasler responded . Thc " Healths of the Past Masters " was then proposed in a very eloquent manner hy the W . M ., lo which Past Master Millis responded , Thc " Health of the Secretary , Treasurer , and Officers" was then proposed , lo which they all duly responded . The "Tylers" toast brought a most enjoyable evening to a conclusion .
Lodge of Joppa , No . 1 S 8 . —The members of this numerous lodge met on Monday , , the 4 th inst ., at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , Bro . B . W . Aaron , W . M ., in the ehair . Bros . II . M . Levy , as S . W . ; M . Alexander , J . W . , * Arthur Swanboroi ' igh , S . D . ; O . Roberts , I . G . ; E . P . Albert , P . M . and Sec . ; I . Abrahams , Treas . The minutes having been read and
confirmed , a ballot was taken for the admission of Mr . Herman-Rosenheim , who was duly initialed . Bro . M . L . Yuly was passed to the second degree , antl Bros . Cook , Dobson and | . De Roocy were raised to the third degree , The working was excellent throughout , the W . M . and every officer being perfect in the various
ceremonies . A distressed brother was relieved from the funds of the lodge , and il was closed in due form , and with solemn prayer . The brethren then sat down to a sli ght repast , and thc various loyal ancl Masonic toasts followed , including that of "II . R . II . the Prince of Wales , " Bro . L , Alexander , P . M ., responded in very excellent terms on be-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
half of thc Benevolent Fund attached to the lodge . The newly-initiated brother gave the sum of 2 . 1 s to that fund . Bro . L . Alexander proposed "The health of the W . M ., " aud in the course of his speech paid a very high and deserved compliment to that worthy brother for the excellent manner in which he had performed the various ceremonies , and also for his very able presidency . The W . M . in his
usual genial manner responded . Bro . II . M . Levy responded for the officers . The visitors were Bros . P . Solomon , late iSS , and P . P . G . S . B . Warwickshire , and Sondheim , 84 , New York . The latter brother returned thanks . Some very excellent singing was rendered during the evening by Bros . H . F . Isaac , L . Alexander , P . M ., Frankford , -Sic ., and a very agreeable evening was passed .
Stability Lodge , No . 217 . — This lodge met at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , 315 . 30 p . m ., on Tuesday , the 5 th inst ., Bro . Thomas James , W . M ., in the chair . The lodge was opened in thc first degree , and the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge was opened in thc second degree , and Bro . Henry Wilson , ( second , ) was passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge
was opened in the third degree , and Bros . Mills , Chippendale , and Hall were raised to the sublime degree . The lodge was resumed in the first degree . Bro . Brocley moved , and Bro . Warsap seconded , "That the sum of five guineas be given to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , and placed on Bro . Sillifant ' s list , " ( carried unanimously ) . Bro . Samuels , P . M ., moved , ancl Bro . Hughes ,
P . M ., seconded , '' That the ballot and initiation of gentlemen shall not take place on the same day in future , except in cases of emergency , " ( carried unanimously ) . Bro . Samuels gave notice of motion , "That the initiation fee be raised to eight , and the joining fee to four , guineas . " Bro . Sillifant announced , that lie had twenty-five guineas on his list as Steward for the girls at the forthcoming festival , ( this was increased to about fifty guineas before the
brethren separated , ) and he asked for the fullest possible support to enable him to carry in a good list . Bros , Brodey , Hall , and Sillifant were the successful members in the ballot for the " Stability Charities' Fund , " drawn on this occasion . The visitors were Bros . Wright , P . G . S . D . Herts , and Gladding , Star of India , 1062 . The latter was proposed by Bro . Hughes , P . M ., as a joining member , to be ballotted for at next meeting . The lodge adjourned to the first Tuesday in October .
MIDDLESEX . ISLKWORTII . —Villiers Lodge , A ' o . 1194 . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the Northumberland Arms Hotel , on Saturday , the 2 nd inst . Bro . E . Clark , P . G . S . Works , P . M ., presided , and was supported hy Bros . W . Dodd , S . W . ; H . Allman , J . W . ; R . W . Little , P . G . Sec . ; E . T . Osbaldeston , S . D . ; F . J . Lancaster , J . D . ;
T . Smales , I . G . ; II . G . Buss , P . G . Treas ; F . Walters , P . M . ; G . Cattel , P . G . D . Norths , and Hunts ; G . Kenning , P . G . Steward ; W . Harvey , W . S ., and a very large muster of brethren . The Prov . G . Master , Col . Burdett , honoured the lodge with his company , and there were also present among other visitors , Bros . W . West Smith , W . M . 79 , and W . ' Mann , P . M . 1 S 6 . The business
coinprised three initiations ( Messrs . J . Smith , R . Gray Green and T . Verity ) , four passings ( Bros . Tomlin , Forsyth , Ridge and Woodbridge ) , and two raisings ( Bros . Green antl Glover . ) Two joining members were also elected . A handsome sword , with sheath and case complete , was presented to the lodge by Bro . 11 . A . Steel , to whom a beany vote of thanks was awarded for the present . The petitions for two new lodges , one at Harrow and the
other at West Barnet , were unanimously recommended , there being no lodges in those localities , and the formation of a R . A . Chapter in connection with the lodge was also sanctioned . The P . G . Sec . announced that the P . G . M . intended to hold a P . G . Lodge on the 7 th May , under the auspices of the Villiers Lodge . Thc lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet lo which about thirty-live sat down , and a pleasant evening was spent by all .
PROVINCIAL . NEWPORT , MON . —Silurian Lodge , No . 271 . —The Usual monthly meeting of the members of the lodge took place at the Masonic Hall , Great Dock-street , on Friday , the 1 st day of April , at 7 p . m ., and there was a very good muster of Craft Masons . The minutes of the last general lod ^ e and a subsequ en t lodge of
emergency having been read and confirmed , the ballot took place , when Mr . William Evans , Pcnimore , Manager of the Company ' s Shop , Cwmbran , was unanimously admitted . Thc balloting for Mr . George Harford , Cliflontcrracc-place , Maindee , was adjourned till the next meeting . Mr . William Oliver , Mr . James Powell , and Mr . William Hooper Matthews , being in attendance ,
were initiated into Masonry , flic ceremony being admirably rendered by thc W . M . The lodge was closed in harmony at 9 p . m . IPSWICH . —Prince of Wales' Lodge , No . 959 . —At the monthly meeting of this lodge , held on Monday , 4 th inst ., a more than usually large number of the brethren assembled . The lodge having been opened in regular
form the minutes of thc last meeting were read antl confirmed , after which two gentlemen were balloted for and accepted for initiation , one of whom being present was initialed in the mysteries of the Craft . Tlie lodge was opened into the second degree , and the brother initiated at thc last regular lodge was passetl to the degree of a Fellow Craft . The Fellow Craft Lodge having been closed , one or two gentlemen were proposed for
initiation , and some private lodge business having been discttssetl the lodge was closed in harmony . All the lodges of the town were represented on this occasion , and we arc pleased to learn that another of them have decided upon holding their meetings in ibis beautiful hall , where wc hope in clue time all will see the benefit of the advantages offered , HINCKLEY . — A ' nights of Malta Lodge , No . 50 , —After
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
being in a dormant state for more than a year , a very praiseworthy effort has lately been made among the members to revive this ancient lodge , one movement in the right direction being its removal from the Plough Inn to its former place of meeting , the Town Hall , for which permission had been obtained from the feoffees of the town estate . In order to assist in the revival of this , the
mother lodge of the province , whose warrant was granted by the Earl of Kellie , G . M . of the Athol Masons , in 1756 , a very zealous Mason , the Rev . W . Langley , I . P . M . of the Rutland Lodge , No . 1130 , Melton Mowbray , volunteered his services as W . M . for the ensuing year , which were gladly accepted by the members . A meeting was accordingly held at the Town Hall on Wednesday , the 30 th
ult ., for the j-mrjrose of confirming the election of the W . M . ancl the removal of the lodge , and for the installation of the W . M ., and the appointment of officers , & c . Among the brethren present on the occasion as members of the lodge were , Bros . W . H . Griffiths , W . M . ; Rev . W . Langlev , P . M . 1130 , and P . P . G . S . W ., W . M .-elect ; T . W . Clarke , P . M ., and P . P . G . J . W . ; T . Goadby , P . M .,
P . P . G . J . W . ; E . Houlston ( P . M . 432 ) , and P . P . G . S . D ., J . W . ; S . Davis , P . M ., P . P . G . J . W . ; Jno . Atkins , P . M . ; Hooscy , Taverner , and others . There were also present the P . G . M ., Bro . Kelly , Bros . F . Goodyer , ( P . M . 523 ) , and P . P . G . S . W . ; Geo . Toller ( W . M . 523 ) , and P . G . Sec . ; A . M . Duff ( P . M . 523 ) , P . P . G . J . D . ; L . L . Atwood ( 279 ) , G . B . Atkins ( 523 ); Nugent , W . M .,
Tippetts , and several other brethren of 432 , Nuneaton ; Clarke 9 6 3 , and other visitors . The chair was taken by the Prov . Grand Master , Bros . Houlston and Jno . Atkins acting as Wardens . The lodge having been opened , and the preliminary business , including a ballot for "Bro . T . Harrold , a former P . M . of the lodge , as a joining member , transacted , the lodge was opened in the
second degree , and the Rev . Bro . Langley having been presented as W . M .-elect , the P G . M . proceeded to instal him in ancient form , after which he was proclaimed and saluted in the three degrees . The Rev . Brother , after expressing his acknowledgments for the honour which the members of the lodge had done him , moved a vote of thanks to the Provincial Grand Master for the interest
which he took in the revival of the lodge , and for his kindness in attending on this occasion to instal him , and he called upon the brethren to salute the P . G . M . with the honours . —The P . G . M ., in reply , expressed the gratification he had in assisting in the revival of so venerable a lodge as No . 50 , ami also in installing so zealous a Mason as Bro . Langley , who in undertaking the Mastership
would have to travel fifty miles in going to and returning from the lodge . The P . G . M . then drew the attention of the members to the fact that Ihe lodge having been founded in 1756 was 104 years old , ancl as he hoped , it had now taken a renewed and prolonged lease of life , recommended that advantage should be taken of its present favourable prospects lo celebrate the centenary during
the year . This proposal having been discussed , it was decided lo take the necessary steps to obtain permission to wear a centenary jewel in commemoration of the event . The W . M . then appointed and invested the following brethren as officers for the ensuing year : Bros . Houlston , S . W . ; Hoosey , JAV . ; Clarke , P . M ., Sec . ; Jno . Atkins , P . M ., S . D . ; S . Davis , P . M ., J . D . ; Griffiths , P . M .,
I . G . Bro . T . W . Clarke , P . M ., having been elected Treasurer , was duly invested , and Bro . Young having been electetl Tyler , was also invested . After some further business of a routine character had been transacted , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet at the George Hotel , where , under the presidency of the W . M ., they celebrated the festival . It is understood , that although very few initiations have taken place in the
lodge of late years , insomuch that nearly the whole of the members are P . M . 's , an accession of candidates is about to take place , antl it is hoped and believed , that with increased zeal on the part of the members , and by united and harmonious efforts , coupled with the well-known efficiency and zeal of the W . M ., brighter prospects and a . prolonged career of Masonic usefulness are in store for this venerable lodge . Esto perpetua !
SCOTLAND . Lodge Paisley St . Mirren , No . 129 . —On Monday evening , 4 th April , the usual statutory meeting of the brethren of this lodge was held in their hall , 5 , Moss-street , Paisley . There was a fair attendance , and a deputation from Renfrew County Kilwinning Lodge , No . 370 . Bro . A . Wallace , jun ., R . W . M ., in the chair . The lodge having been duly opened on the E . A . or first degree , and
the formal business having been disposed of , an application was read from a gentleman who was desirous of being initiated into the mysteries of Free and Accepted Masonry . The application having met with the approval of the brethren , the candidate , after being prepared , was initiated into the arts antl parts of this degree . Bro . A . Wallace , jun ., R . W . M ., ( assisted by the Wardens of tbe lodge ) ,
performed the ceremony , with honour to himself and credit to the Craft . It was intimated to the brethren that liro . James Gilmour , through unavoidable circumstances was unable to be present at this meeting to deliver his lecture as promised , but that at next regular meeting , viz ., on Monday the iSth inst ., he expected to be present , and in a position to give his paper . Thc evening being now
far spent , it was thought advisable not to continue the sitting any longer , but to hold a special meeting for the dispatch of business left over from this meeting . The lodge was then called from labour to refreshment , and after a short time being spent in harmony , was afterwards closed in due antl ancient form . As agreed upon at the
meeting held on Monday , the brethren met on Wednesday night , 6 th inst ., in the hall . Bro . A . Wallace , jun . R . W . M ., in the cast , supported by Bros . Wm . Foulds , S . W ., in the west , and Bro . Francis , Nicholas , J . G ., acting J . W ., in the south . An initiation having been disposed of , and the business left over from last meeting ha vine been dispatched ; thelodee . which hud been opened