Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
on the first degree , was closed on the same , and the brethren thereafter dismissed with a blessing . GLASGOW . —Lodge Clyde , No . 408 . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , the 1 st inst ., in the Hall , 170 , Buchanan-street , when a deputation , consisting of the following brethren , from the Prov . Grand Lodge was received : Walter Montgomerie Neilson , P . G . M . ; Jas .
Steel , S . P . G . M . ; J . B . Walker , P . G . Treas . ; Archibald McTaggart , M . A ., P . G . Sec . ; J . Wallace , P . G . J . D . ; D . P . Low , P . G . Architect ; Robert Robb , P . G . Marshal ; James Gillies , P . G . Sword-bearer ; James Balfour , P . G . I . G . ; James Pollock , P . G . Tyler ; William Hamilton , P . G . Convenor of Committee ; and James Thomson , Treasurer Prov . Benevolent Fund . Bro . John
Buchanan , R . W . M . Lodge Clyde , presided . The lodge having been opened in the usual manner , two candidates were initiated by T . M . Campbell , P . M . After a satisfactory examination of the books , the deputation was introduced , when Bro . McTaggart read a minute subscribed by the deputation to that effect . —The P . G . M . said the report was as favourable a one as could be read to any lodge ,
and it gave the deputation much pleasure to find matters in such good order . This encouraged the Prov . Grand Lodge in their labours . The present deputation was the largest he had seen since assuming office , and this certainly showed the respect in which the Clyde Lodge was held . The Prov . Grand Lodge was desirous to see the Masonic brethren more united , and maintaining a high position ,
not only among themselves but in the eyes of the neutral world . It was well kn-jwn that in civil , military , and Masonic affairs unity could only be obtained by order and discipline , and he had no doubt these two virtues were manifested by the Clyde lodge . He suggested to all the lodges that their siderunt books should be more strictly kept ; that no brother should be admitted till he had signed
the book and indicated the lodge to which he belonged . He also counselled the lodges to be very careful not only in their words but also in their forms . In admitting young Masons the lodges should take care that in every degree the ceremonies were gone through with due propriety and solemnity , because first impressions last longest . He was most desirous to visit all the lodges , and to become
acquainted with their members , so that he might be supported by them in the duties which as P . G . M . he was called upon to discharge . —The brethren were then called from labour to refreshment . The usual toasts were given , that of "The Three Grand Lodges" being responded to by the P . G . M . in a neat speech . —Bro . Steel , in an able and appropriate address , proposed "The health of the
R . W . M , and prosperity to the Clyde Lodge , No . 408 , " which was responded to with the highest honours . —The lodge was recalled to labour , and the deputation left . Another candidate was announced , who was introduced and initiated by Bro . Wm . McEwen ( Treasurer ) . Several
bye-laws and amendments to old ones were passed , and the lodge was closed in due and ancient form . It may be remarked that the Treasurer of the Clyde Lodge handed a cheque on their bankers to the P . G . Treasurer for the handsome sum of , £ 18 , being £ 2 for yearly fees and £ 16 to the P . G . Benevolent Fund .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . Chapter of Prudent Brethren , No . 145 . —This young but flourishing chapter held its usual meeting at thc Freemasons' Tavem on Tuesday , 5 th inst ., for the transaction of its ordinary business . Comp . John Boyd , the M . E . Z ., was supported by Comps G . J . Sharpe , H . ; F . IL Gilbart , as J . ; George States ( Z . ) , Scribe E . ; and Allcnder , N .
After the confirmation of thc minutes of the two preceding meetings ( one of them being the "open night" of thc previous week ) , C . J . W . Davis , having been duly balloted for and elected , was introduced and exaltctl to the supreme degree of a Royal Arch Mason , Comp . II . giving the Symbolic , Comp . J . thc Historical , and the M . E . Z . the Mystical lectures in a perfect antl impressive
manner . After the exaltation , Comp . Grant , of the Crystal Palace Chapter , was balloted for and elected a joining companion , and Comp . Pope , of the same chapter , was proposed as a joining companion . Both were present , but thc election of the latter necessarily stands over for the next convocation . There were several candidates for exaltation , most of whom were absent through illness and
consequently stand for exaltation at the next meeting of the chapter . The business being concluded , the M . E . Z . addressed the companions on the progress and prospects of the chapter , which , although holding only its third meeting that evening , already exceeded fifty in number , antl had eleven or twelve candidates for exaltation . With reference to their open night , in the preceding week , he
must admit that it was a bold experiment , but he thought he might say it had been a success . ( Hear . ) There were more than 200 companions present , and he believed they were all well satisfied , antl gratified with the ceremonials that were worked . ( Cheers . ) The chapter had thought that they might afford an opportunity for unveiling the arcana of Royal Arch Masonry in a way in which it was
seldom witnessed , and to Comp . Bred and thc other companions who had officiated , they owed a deep debt of gratitude for the beautiful and impressive way in which they went through their work . ( Hear , hear . ) This was the last time he would have to address them as the M . E . Z ., antl he took thc opportunity of thanking the companions for the support they had afforded him during his term of office , and of expressing his gratification at the progress
the chapter had made , and the bright prospect they had before them . Though having passed the chair of M . E . Z ., he hoped still to be found amongst them , and should be most happy on all occasions to render them any assistance he could that they might wish for . ( Cheers . ) --The chanter was then closed in due form , and the companions reiircd to a sumptuous banquet . After the removal of the cloth thc usual . Masonic and loyal toasts were given and heartily re-
Royal Arch.
sponded to , and then Companion William Carpenter , P . Z . 177 , proposed by desire , there being no P . Z . of the Chapter yetin existence , the toast of the M . E . Z . in a complimentary speech , in which he felicitated the chapter on having so competent a M . E . Z ., who evidently gave a tone by his admirable working to the chapter , and set an example to the other companions and subordinate officers
which they had shown they had profited by , for it was difficult to say which excelled in their several positions . It was very gratifying , he said , to find so young a chapter so ably governed and directed , so rapidly progressing , and so emulous of provoking others to love and good works , and it could not be doubted that it would fill a prominent place in Royal Arch Masonry . The toast was drank
with enthusiasm , and the M . E . Z . returned thanks in a speech characterised by much ability and feeling . The health of the newly-exalted companion having been drank and responded to , the M . E . Z . proposed the visitors in a complimentary speech , in the course of which he referred to the open night , at which they were all present and in which some of them had taken part , for which he , in the
name of the chapter , thanked them , and Comps . James L . Thomas , William Carpenter and Gottheil responded . The other toasts having been proposed and drank , including a special one in compliment to Companion James Brett , for his valuable services rendered to the chapter from its oijening , and espcially on the " open night , "
the success of which was mainly due to Iran , to which he gracefully responded ; and another to which the Scribe E . responded , expressive of the interest he felt in the progress , of the chapter , and of his resolve to work hard to ensure its permanent prosperity , the labour being to him , as he said , a labour of love . The Companions separated after having had a most enjoyable and satisfactory evening .
United Pilgrims' Lodge of Instruction , No . 507 . ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL . The annual meeting of this excellent Lodge of Instruction was held on Friday evening , April 1 , at the Horns Tavern , Kennington . Brother John Thomas , P . M . of the parent lodge , and Preceptor of this lodge , presided . Bro . H . J . Wright , S . W . of the Royal Jubilee Lodge ,
acted as S . W ., and Bro . Larlham , of the Macdonald Lodge , No . 1216 , as J . W . There were a great many members of the Craft present , amongst whom were several P . M . 's of other lodges . The lodge was opened precisely at seven o ' clock , when three sections of the first lecture were worked by the brethren , after which the lodge was closed , and the
brethren retired to the banquet-room , where a bountiful repast was provided . The cloth having been withdrawn , the usual loyal and formal masonic toasts were given and responded to . Bro . FRANCES , P . M . and Sec . to the Lodge of Instruction , then called upon the brethren to fill bumpers for the toast he was about to propose , which was " The Health
of Bro . Thomas , P . M . antl Preceptor of the Lodge , " and one of the most distinguished members of the Craft . He hoped he might long be amongst them , trusting that the day might be far distant when they should see his place vacant in that lodge . It would be a bitter day for them whenever that should happen , for a more able antl distinguished member in thc Craft did not exist than
Bro . Thomas . ( Hear , hear . ) The toast was drunk with acclamation , Bro . THOMAS P . M ., said he was very much obliged lo Bro . Francis for the very kind way in which he had spoken of him , and he was also obliged to the brethren for thc way in which they had responded to the toast It was true that he was an old member of the Craft , and
he had the honour of holding the office of Preceptor of the lodge for some years , and he could tell them that as long as he was spared by the G . A . O . T . U ., he should feel pleased in attending that Lodge of Instruction , and give instruction to the brethren who were willing to receive it , as he had hitherto done . It was an encouragement to him to go on when he found brethren as
willing to learn as he was to instruct them . He was more immediately connected wilh that lodge than any other , they holding it under thc sanction of thc parent lodge to which he belonged ; he felt especially interested in its welfare , and he should have been pleased lo have seen a larger number of brethren present on that occasion , but he felt gratified that there were present several
brethren well-known 111 frequenting lodges of Instruction . He was honoured that evening by the presence of a number of P . M . 's , amongst whom were Bro . Frances , the immediate P . M . of the St . Mark ' s Lodge ; liro . II . Thompson , P . M . of thc Domatic , ami also of thc Southern Star Lodge , of the latter of which he ( Bro . Thomas ) had the pleasure of being an honorary member ; Bro . Wolpert ,
W . M . of the Panmure Lodge , No . 720 ; Bro . Wright , S . W . of the Royal Jubilee Lodge ; Bro . Wclsford , P . M . of thc Wellington Lodge , and several others whose names he did not mention , so that he was well supported by thc P . M . 'sand Wardcnsofothcrlodgcs ; amlhchopcd that they had all enjoyed themselves , and that ihcy should all meet again on their next anniversary thai time twelve months .
lie gave "The Past Masters and Wardens , " coupling with thc toast the name of Bro . Thompson , P . M . of the Domatic Lodge antl also of thc Southern Star Lodge . Bro . THOMPSON-, in returning thanks lor the Past Masters , expressed the gratification he had experienced in being present at the working of the lodge , which was so
perfect , and alluded lo the high estimation in which Bro . Thomas was held throughout the Craft , not only for his great ability as a Mason , but for the very kind and courteous way in which he communicated instruction to those younger brethren who sought it at his hands . While he was willing at all times to impart information
to them , he did so m such a genial spirit and so free from ostentation as to his own abilities , that it became really a pleasure to receive it at his hands . For himself he ( Bro . Thompson ) could say that for a great deal that he knew he was indebted to Bro . Thomas , who never considered anything a trouble , ancl indeed felt an interest in giving , not only in the lodge , but out of it , any amount of
information or instruction that was required to fit them for any duties that they might be called upon to perform . He thanked them sincerely , and felt it a great honour to have his name associated with the toast which had just been proposed ancl drunk with such unanimity . The W . M . next gave " The Health of the worthy Secretary of the United Pilgrims' Lodge of Instruction ,
Bro . Frances . The brethren knew what he was , for he was not only a fund of humour in himself , but was of great service in the Lodge of Instruction , and he ( the W . M . ) believed that he had given satisfaction to the brethren , as they had recently expressed their appreciation of his services . ( The toast was cordially received . ) Bro . FRANCES , in a tone of quaint raillery , replied to the toast , and said that he had endeavoured to discharge his
duty , and if any brother required instraction , he should be happy to render it to the best of his ability . The health of the Stewards of the Festival was next drank , for which Bros . H . J . Wright , Welsford , and Pain severally returned thanks . Some other toasts were given and well received , ancl in the course of the evening several excellent songs were sung , and it was passed in a very happy manner , with warm expressions as to their next " merry meeting . "
Domatic Chapter of Instruction , A o . 177 , was reopened on Monday evening last week , at Bro . Fisher ' s Restaurant , Victoria Station , under very auspicious circumstances . There was a good assemblage of companions who are localised in the neighbourhood , and have promised it their support . The proceedings were commenced by the rehearsal of the ceremony of consecration by Comp . Little ,
P . Z . 177 and 975 , assisted by Comp . Brett , P . Z . 177 and 975 , who delivered the oration . The rehearsal of the ceremony was greatly enhanced by the kindness of Comp . Braid , of Chapt . 975 , who presided at the harmonium . The ceremony of exaltation was then rehearsed , the principal officers being Comps . Brett , Z ; Cottebrune , H . ; Little J . ; Dodd , P . S . The admirable maimer in
which the ceremony was performed was highly appreciated by the companions . Comjis . Boyd , Cottebrune , and Braid were elected Honorary Members . Votes of thanks were ordered to be recorded lo Comps . Brett , Cottebrune , Little , and Braid . About twelve companions were elected
joining members , and the chapter was adjourned till Friday at eight . We hope all R . A . Masons living in the S . W . district will rally round Comp . Cottebrune , and help him to give the Domatic Chapter of Instruction the same prestige in the West , as the Metropolitan has in the East , of London .
Mark Masonry.
PROVINCIAL . LEICESTER . —Fowke Lodge , No . 19 . —A regular himonthly meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 24 th ult ., at the Freemasons' Hall , under thc presidency of the Prov . S . M ., Bro . Kelly , in the absence abroad of the outgoing W . M ., Bro . Major Brewin , this being thc annual meeting for installing the W . M ., & c . The
meeting was fairly attended , although not so numerously as on some recent occasions . Among thc brethren present were W . Pettifer , P . M . ; A . M . Duff , J . W . and W . M .-elect ; W . Beaumont Smith , S . W . ; Stretton , Treas . ; Partridge , Sec . ; Richardson , as Registrar of Marks ; C . Johnson , M . O . ; Toller , as S . O . ; Wcare , J . O . ; Rev . Dr . Haycroft , Chaplain ; Crow , Dir . of M . and Cer . ; Moor ,
Ba ' mes , L . A . Clarke , Buzzard and others . Thc election of the W . M . having been confirmed , and thc reading of the minutes of the last lodge , Bio ' s . George Edmund Donisthorpc , of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 279 , Leicester , and William Ratcliffe Bryan , of thc Howe andCharnwood Lodge , No . 1007 , Loughborough , were balloted for and elected as candidates for Mark Masonry , and were duly
advanced , as was also Bro . Alfred Palmer , of No . 279 , elected at the last meeting . Three other candidates were due , namely : Bros . Dr . Wilkinson , P . M ., No . 181 , London ; Dr . Pearce , Sec . of No . 279 , Leicester ; ancl Henry Carson , P . P . G . J . W ., Derbyshire ; but were prevented being present , the two former by other engagements , Bro . Carson byillncss . Thc ceremony of advancement being
concluded by the lecture of the degree , and the Treasurer ' s accounts having been passed , the P . G . M . installed Bro . Duff as W . M . for the ensuing year , who then appointed and invested the following officers : C . Johnson , S . W ; Wcare , I . W . : Partridge , M . O . ; Rev . Dr . Haycroft , S . O . and Chaplain ; L . A . Clarke , J . O . ; Stretton ,
Treas ; Richardson , Sec . ; Toller , S . D . ; Baincs , J . D . ; Sculthorpe , Reg . of Marks ; Crow ( Fell ., of Coll . Org . ) , Dir . of M . and Cer . ; Pcttifor , P . M ., and Atwood , Stewards ; Buzzard , I . G . ; Bcmbridgc , Tyler . On the conclusion of the business , thc lodge was closed and the brethren celebrated thc festival under the presidency of the newly-installed W . M .
TRURO . —Lodge of Marl : Masters , No . 78 . —The regular meeting of this large antl flourishing lodge of Mark Masters was held at the Fortitude Lodge Rooms , on Friday , thc Sth inst ., at 7 p . m . Edward Trcwbody Carlyon , P . Prov . G . Reg ., W . M ., in thc chair ; Thomas Solomon , J . P ., Prov . G . Reg ., S . W . ; Richard John ,
Prov . G . D . Cer ., Cornwall , J . W . ; and other officers were present . We also noticed William James Hughan , P . M . No . 78 , Past G . Overseer , P . Prov . G . Sec , Cornwall ; William James Johns , P . M ., No . 78 , Prov . I . G W ., Cornwall ; N . B . Bullen . Prov . G . Org ., and other wellknown brethren who arc always in attendance , and do their
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
on the first degree , was closed on the same , and the brethren thereafter dismissed with a blessing . GLASGOW . —Lodge Clyde , No . 408 . —A meeting of this lodge was held on Friday , the 1 st inst ., in the Hall , 170 , Buchanan-street , when a deputation , consisting of the following brethren , from the Prov . Grand Lodge was received : Walter Montgomerie Neilson , P . G . M . ; Jas .
Steel , S . P . G . M . ; J . B . Walker , P . G . Treas . ; Archibald McTaggart , M . A ., P . G . Sec . ; J . Wallace , P . G . J . D . ; D . P . Low , P . G . Architect ; Robert Robb , P . G . Marshal ; James Gillies , P . G . Sword-bearer ; James Balfour , P . G . I . G . ; James Pollock , P . G . Tyler ; William Hamilton , P . G . Convenor of Committee ; and James Thomson , Treasurer Prov . Benevolent Fund . Bro . John
Buchanan , R . W . M . Lodge Clyde , presided . The lodge having been opened in the usual manner , two candidates were initiated by T . M . Campbell , P . M . After a satisfactory examination of the books , the deputation was introduced , when Bro . McTaggart read a minute subscribed by the deputation to that effect . —The P . G . M . said the report was as favourable a one as could be read to any lodge ,
and it gave the deputation much pleasure to find matters in such good order . This encouraged the Prov . Grand Lodge in their labours . The present deputation was the largest he had seen since assuming office , and this certainly showed the respect in which the Clyde Lodge was held . The Prov . Grand Lodge was desirous to see the Masonic brethren more united , and maintaining a high position ,
not only among themselves but in the eyes of the neutral world . It was well kn-jwn that in civil , military , and Masonic affairs unity could only be obtained by order and discipline , and he had no doubt these two virtues were manifested by the Clyde lodge . He suggested to all the lodges that their siderunt books should be more strictly kept ; that no brother should be admitted till he had signed
the book and indicated the lodge to which he belonged . He also counselled the lodges to be very careful not only in their words but also in their forms . In admitting young Masons the lodges should take care that in every degree the ceremonies were gone through with due propriety and solemnity , because first impressions last longest . He was most desirous to visit all the lodges , and to become
acquainted with their members , so that he might be supported by them in the duties which as P . G . M . he was called upon to discharge . —The brethren were then called from labour to refreshment . The usual toasts were given , that of "The Three Grand Lodges" being responded to by the P . G . M . in a neat speech . —Bro . Steel , in an able and appropriate address , proposed "The health of the
R . W . M , and prosperity to the Clyde Lodge , No . 408 , " which was responded to with the highest honours . —The lodge was recalled to labour , and the deputation left . Another candidate was announced , who was introduced and initiated by Bro . Wm . McEwen ( Treasurer ) . Several
bye-laws and amendments to old ones were passed , and the lodge was closed in due and ancient form . It may be remarked that the Treasurer of the Clyde Lodge handed a cheque on their bankers to the P . G . Treasurer for the handsome sum of , £ 18 , being £ 2 for yearly fees and £ 16 to the P . G . Benevolent Fund .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . Chapter of Prudent Brethren , No . 145 . —This young but flourishing chapter held its usual meeting at thc Freemasons' Tavem on Tuesday , 5 th inst ., for the transaction of its ordinary business . Comp . John Boyd , the M . E . Z ., was supported by Comps G . J . Sharpe , H . ; F . IL Gilbart , as J . ; George States ( Z . ) , Scribe E . ; and Allcnder , N .
After the confirmation of thc minutes of the two preceding meetings ( one of them being the "open night" of thc previous week ) , C . J . W . Davis , having been duly balloted for and elected , was introduced and exaltctl to the supreme degree of a Royal Arch Mason , Comp . II . giving the Symbolic , Comp . J . thc Historical , and the M . E . Z . the Mystical lectures in a perfect antl impressive
manner . After the exaltation , Comp . Grant , of the Crystal Palace Chapter , was balloted for and elected a joining companion , and Comp . Pope , of the same chapter , was proposed as a joining companion . Both were present , but thc election of the latter necessarily stands over for the next convocation . There were several candidates for exaltation , most of whom were absent through illness and
consequently stand for exaltation at the next meeting of the chapter . The business being concluded , the M . E . Z . addressed the companions on the progress and prospects of the chapter , which , although holding only its third meeting that evening , already exceeded fifty in number , antl had eleven or twelve candidates for exaltation . With reference to their open night , in the preceding week , he
must admit that it was a bold experiment , but he thought he might say it had been a success . ( Hear . ) There were more than 200 companions present , and he believed they were all well satisfied , antl gratified with the ceremonials that were worked . ( Cheers . ) The chapter had thought that they might afford an opportunity for unveiling the arcana of Royal Arch Masonry in a way in which it was
seldom witnessed , and to Comp . Bred and thc other companions who had officiated , they owed a deep debt of gratitude for the beautiful and impressive way in which they went through their work . ( Hear , hear . ) This was the last time he would have to address them as the M . E . Z ., antl he took thc opportunity of thanking the companions for the support they had afforded him during his term of office , and of expressing his gratification at the progress
the chapter had made , and the bright prospect they had before them . Though having passed the chair of M . E . Z ., he hoped still to be found amongst them , and should be most happy on all occasions to render them any assistance he could that they might wish for . ( Cheers . ) --The chanter was then closed in due form , and the companions reiircd to a sumptuous banquet . After the removal of the cloth thc usual . Masonic and loyal toasts were given and heartily re-
Royal Arch.
sponded to , and then Companion William Carpenter , P . Z . 177 , proposed by desire , there being no P . Z . of the Chapter yetin existence , the toast of the M . E . Z . in a complimentary speech , in which he felicitated the chapter on having so competent a M . E . Z ., who evidently gave a tone by his admirable working to the chapter , and set an example to the other companions and subordinate officers
which they had shown they had profited by , for it was difficult to say which excelled in their several positions . It was very gratifying , he said , to find so young a chapter so ably governed and directed , so rapidly progressing , and so emulous of provoking others to love and good works , and it could not be doubted that it would fill a prominent place in Royal Arch Masonry . The toast was drank
with enthusiasm , and the M . E . Z . returned thanks in a speech characterised by much ability and feeling . The health of the newly-exalted companion having been drank and responded to , the M . E . Z . proposed the visitors in a complimentary speech , in the course of which he referred to the open night , at which they were all present and in which some of them had taken part , for which he , in the
name of the chapter , thanked them , and Comps . James L . Thomas , William Carpenter and Gottheil responded . The other toasts having been proposed and drank , including a special one in compliment to Companion James Brett , for his valuable services rendered to the chapter from its oijening , and espcially on the " open night , "
the success of which was mainly due to Iran , to which he gracefully responded ; and another to which the Scribe E . responded , expressive of the interest he felt in the progress , of the chapter , and of his resolve to work hard to ensure its permanent prosperity , the labour being to him , as he said , a labour of love . The Companions separated after having had a most enjoyable and satisfactory evening .
United Pilgrims' Lodge of Instruction , No . 507 . ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL . The annual meeting of this excellent Lodge of Instruction was held on Friday evening , April 1 , at the Horns Tavern , Kennington . Brother John Thomas , P . M . of the parent lodge , and Preceptor of this lodge , presided . Bro . H . J . Wright , S . W . of the Royal Jubilee Lodge ,
acted as S . W ., and Bro . Larlham , of the Macdonald Lodge , No . 1216 , as J . W . There were a great many members of the Craft present , amongst whom were several P . M . 's of other lodges . The lodge was opened precisely at seven o ' clock , when three sections of the first lecture were worked by the brethren , after which the lodge was closed , and the
brethren retired to the banquet-room , where a bountiful repast was provided . The cloth having been withdrawn , the usual loyal and formal masonic toasts were given and responded to . Bro . FRANCES , P . M . and Sec . to the Lodge of Instruction , then called upon the brethren to fill bumpers for the toast he was about to propose , which was " The Health
of Bro . Thomas , P . M . antl Preceptor of the Lodge , " and one of the most distinguished members of the Craft . He hoped he might long be amongst them , trusting that the day might be far distant when they should see his place vacant in that lodge . It would be a bitter day for them whenever that should happen , for a more able antl distinguished member in thc Craft did not exist than
Bro . Thomas . ( Hear , hear . ) The toast was drunk with acclamation , Bro . THOMAS P . M ., said he was very much obliged lo Bro . Francis for the very kind way in which he had spoken of him , and he was also obliged to the brethren for thc way in which they had responded to the toast It was true that he was an old member of the Craft , and
he had the honour of holding the office of Preceptor of the lodge for some years , and he could tell them that as long as he was spared by the G . A . O . T . U ., he should feel pleased in attending that Lodge of Instruction , and give instruction to the brethren who were willing to receive it , as he had hitherto done . It was an encouragement to him to go on when he found brethren as
willing to learn as he was to instruct them . He was more immediately connected wilh that lodge than any other , they holding it under thc sanction of thc parent lodge to which he belonged ; he felt especially interested in its welfare , and he should have been pleased lo have seen a larger number of brethren present on that occasion , but he felt gratified that there were present several
brethren well-known 111 frequenting lodges of Instruction . He was honoured that evening by the presence of a number of P . M . 's , amongst whom were Bro . Frances , the immediate P . M . of the St . Mark ' s Lodge ; liro . II . Thompson , P . M . of thc Domatic , ami also of thc Southern Star Lodge , of the latter of which he ( Bro . Thomas ) had the pleasure of being an honorary member ; Bro . Wolpert ,
W . M . of the Panmure Lodge , No . 720 ; Bro . Wright , S . W . of the Royal Jubilee Lodge ; Bro . Wclsford , P . M . of thc Wellington Lodge , and several others whose names he did not mention , so that he was well supported by thc P . M . 'sand Wardcnsofothcrlodgcs ; amlhchopcd that they had all enjoyed themselves , and that ihcy should all meet again on their next anniversary thai time twelve months .
lie gave "The Past Masters and Wardens , " coupling with thc toast the name of Bro . Thompson , P . M . of the Domatic Lodge antl also of thc Southern Star Lodge . Bro . THOMPSON-, in returning thanks lor the Past Masters , expressed the gratification he had experienced in being present at the working of the lodge , which was so
perfect , and alluded lo the high estimation in which Bro . Thomas was held throughout the Craft , not only for his great ability as a Mason , but for the very kind and courteous way in which he communicated instruction to those younger brethren who sought it at his hands . While he was willing at all times to impart information
to them , he did so m such a genial spirit and so free from ostentation as to his own abilities , that it became really a pleasure to receive it at his hands . For himself he ( Bro . Thompson ) could say that for a great deal that he knew he was indebted to Bro . Thomas , who never considered anything a trouble , ancl indeed felt an interest in giving , not only in the lodge , but out of it , any amount of
information or instruction that was required to fit them for any duties that they might be called upon to perform . He thanked them sincerely , and felt it a great honour to have his name associated with the toast which had just been proposed ancl drunk with such unanimity . The W . M . next gave " The Health of the worthy Secretary of the United Pilgrims' Lodge of Instruction ,
Bro . Frances . The brethren knew what he was , for he was not only a fund of humour in himself , but was of great service in the Lodge of Instruction , and he ( the W . M . ) believed that he had given satisfaction to the brethren , as they had recently expressed their appreciation of his services . ( The toast was cordially received . ) Bro . FRANCES , in a tone of quaint raillery , replied to the toast , and said that he had endeavoured to discharge his
duty , and if any brother required instraction , he should be happy to render it to the best of his ability . The health of the Stewards of the Festival was next drank , for which Bros . H . J . Wright , Welsford , and Pain severally returned thanks . Some other toasts were given and well received , ancl in the course of the evening several excellent songs were sung , and it was passed in a very happy manner , with warm expressions as to their next " merry meeting . "
Domatic Chapter of Instruction , A o . 177 , was reopened on Monday evening last week , at Bro . Fisher ' s Restaurant , Victoria Station , under very auspicious circumstances . There was a good assemblage of companions who are localised in the neighbourhood , and have promised it their support . The proceedings were commenced by the rehearsal of the ceremony of consecration by Comp . Little ,
P . Z . 177 and 975 , assisted by Comp . Brett , P . Z . 177 and 975 , who delivered the oration . The rehearsal of the ceremony was greatly enhanced by the kindness of Comp . Braid , of Chapt . 975 , who presided at the harmonium . The ceremony of exaltation was then rehearsed , the principal officers being Comps . Brett , Z ; Cottebrune , H . ; Little J . ; Dodd , P . S . The admirable maimer in
which the ceremony was performed was highly appreciated by the companions . Comjis . Boyd , Cottebrune , and Braid were elected Honorary Members . Votes of thanks were ordered to be recorded lo Comps . Brett , Cottebrune , Little , and Braid . About twelve companions were elected
joining members , and the chapter was adjourned till Friday at eight . We hope all R . A . Masons living in the S . W . district will rally round Comp . Cottebrune , and help him to give the Domatic Chapter of Instruction the same prestige in the West , as the Metropolitan has in the East , of London .
Mark Masonry.
PROVINCIAL . LEICESTER . —Fowke Lodge , No . 19 . —A regular himonthly meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 24 th ult ., at the Freemasons' Hall , under thc presidency of the Prov . S . M ., Bro . Kelly , in the absence abroad of the outgoing W . M ., Bro . Major Brewin , this being thc annual meeting for installing the W . M ., & c . The
meeting was fairly attended , although not so numerously as on some recent occasions . Among thc brethren present were W . Pettifer , P . M . ; A . M . Duff , J . W . and W . M .-elect ; W . Beaumont Smith , S . W . ; Stretton , Treas . ; Partridge , Sec . ; Richardson , as Registrar of Marks ; C . Johnson , M . O . ; Toller , as S . O . ; Wcare , J . O . ; Rev . Dr . Haycroft , Chaplain ; Crow , Dir . of M . and Cer . ; Moor ,
Ba ' mes , L . A . Clarke , Buzzard and others . Thc election of the W . M . having been confirmed , and thc reading of the minutes of the last lodge , Bio ' s . George Edmund Donisthorpc , of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 279 , Leicester , and William Ratcliffe Bryan , of thc Howe andCharnwood Lodge , No . 1007 , Loughborough , were balloted for and elected as candidates for Mark Masonry , and were duly
advanced , as was also Bro . Alfred Palmer , of No . 279 , elected at the last meeting . Three other candidates were due , namely : Bros . Dr . Wilkinson , P . M ., No . 181 , London ; Dr . Pearce , Sec . of No . 279 , Leicester ; ancl Henry Carson , P . P . G . J . W ., Derbyshire ; but were prevented being present , the two former by other engagements , Bro . Carson byillncss . Thc ceremony of advancement being
concluded by the lecture of the degree , and the Treasurer ' s accounts having been passed , the P . G . M . installed Bro . Duff as W . M . for the ensuing year , who then appointed and invested the following officers : C . Johnson , S . W ; Wcare , I . W . : Partridge , M . O . ; Rev . Dr . Haycroft , S . O . and Chaplain ; L . A . Clarke , J . O . ; Stretton ,
Treas ; Richardson , Sec . ; Toller , S . D . ; Baincs , J . D . ; Sculthorpe , Reg . of Marks ; Crow ( Fell ., of Coll . Org . ) , Dir . of M . and Cer . ; Pcttifor , P . M ., and Atwood , Stewards ; Buzzard , I . G . ; Bcmbridgc , Tyler . On the conclusion of the business , thc lodge was closed and the brethren celebrated thc festival under the presidency of the newly-installed W . M .
TRURO . —Lodge of Marl : Masters , No . 78 . —The regular meeting of this large antl flourishing lodge of Mark Masters was held at the Fortitude Lodge Rooms , on Friday , thc Sth inst ., at 7 p . m . Edward Trcwbody Carlyon , P . Prov . G . Reg ., W . M ., in thc chair ; Thomas Solomon , J . P ., Prov . G . Reg ., S . W . ; Richard John ,
Prov . G . D . Cer ., Cornwall , J . W . ; and other officers were present . We also noticed William James Hughan , P . M . No . 78 , Past G . Overseer , P . Prov . G . Sec , Cornwall ; William James Johns , P . M ., No . 78 , Prov . I . G W ., Cornwall ; N . B . Bullen . Prov . G . Org ., and other wellknown brethren who arc always in attendance , and do their