Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
THE CRAFT . METROPOLITAN . St . Luke ' s Lodge , No . 144 . —The firsfc meeting of this excellent lodge was held on Monday evening ,
last week , at Bro . Golding ' s , the Pier Hotel , Chelsea , and was most numerously attended . Bro . John W . Dawson , W . M ., presiding ,
supported by his officers . Amongst the brethren present were : Bros . Kirke , Berry . Waite , J . Maples , Purch , Todd , and Warland ; Past Masters : Bros . Golding , Buer , Pullen , Morton Edwards , H . II . Kirke , Patient , Wallbancke , Cadwell , Roberts , & c . The visitors were . Bros . Joshua Nunn , G . S . B . ;
A . Laird , P . M . 13 ; J . Wright , 22 ; W . Travers , P . M . 63 ; Thos . Twyford , 98 ; W . Carter , P . M . 141 ; Harfc , 1-15 ; David Saunders . 172 ; T . Mortlock , 186 ; J . E . Wyttie , 186 ; Jas . Cook , P . M . 507 ; Ashton Godwin , 8 J 8 ( S . Middlesex ) , G . S . Svnionds , 1017 ; E . Hickey , 534 , W . Winn , 115 S , aud Chas . E .
Thompson , J . W . 115 S . The lodge having been opened iu due form and with solemn prayer , the minutes of the former meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken , which proving unanimous in favour of their admission , Messrs . W . Hyde , Carr Roberts , M . D ., and E . Watts ,
were regularly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Masonry by the W . M ., who performed the ceremony with very fair accuracy . The gentlemen , as they afterwards declared , were very much impressed with the solemnity of the occasion . The next business was the Installation of a W . M . for the
ensuing year , and the choice of the brethren having unanimously fallen upou the S . W ., Bro . David Pullen , he was installed by the W . M ., Bro . Dawson , who rendered che ceremony , together with the subsequent beautiful addresses iu a perfect manner and was much applauded at tlie close . The
newly installed W . M . then proceeded to appoint and invest bis officers as follows ; Wallbancke , S . W . ; Cadwell , J . W . ; W . Burehall , Treas . ; John Todd , P . M ., Sec . ; Kirke , sen ., Dir . Cer . ; Patient , J . D . ; H . Kirke , I . G . ; Morton Edwards , W . Steward ; Longstaff , Tyler . The office of S . D ., intended for
Bro . Mann , was left open on account of his unavoidable absence in Ireland The W . M . then performed a very agreeably duty , and he said it would be as well to state that tlie lodge had an intimation a short time back from Past Master Waite , that he was leaving London to go into the country to remain
there permanently . He was the father of the lodge , having been connected with it for 33 years , and they felt they could not part with him in that cool manner which other societies sometimes did with their old friends , but had resolved to do something in the shape of giving him some little memento of the
respect and fraternal regard they held him in . At a meeting of tlie members of tlie lodge , it was resolved to present him with the handsome testimonial exhibited that evening , consisting of an engrossment on vellum , handsomely framed and glazed . He could have wished that the duty had devolved
upon some one else more able to do justice to it than he was , but if lie did neglect to say anything which the subject deserved , they knew Bro . Waite too well to let that militate in any way against tlie honour they all desired to confer upon him . Addressing Bro . Waite , he said he was deputed by the
Lodge St . Luke ' s , No . 144 , to present to him a little souvenir of tlie great respect and esteem in which he was held by all the members of the lodge during his service , not only as treasurer ot tlie lodge , but for his general amiable and kind conduct and willingness at all times to oblige . He was not onl y
a valuable member of the lodge , but also of tlie Lodge of Instruction attached to it , where he was an able Instructor . He never heard his name mentioned but with tlie greatest possible respect and friendship . He would please accept it , not for its intrinsic value , for if thev were to give him
something of equivalent value he would receive something very valuable indeed . ( Cheers ) . Bro . Waite returned thanks in a few brief , but appropriate remarks . The W . M . said he had another equally pleasing duty to perform , and that was to present to Bro . Dawson , the retiring Master , with a handsome
Past Master ' s Jewel , and he trusted he might long live to wear it and be amongst them . He thanked him cordiall y for what Masonic knoweledgo ho had taught him ( the W . M . ) , and assured him the brethren were well satisfied with tlie manner in which he hud performed his duties . Bro . Dawson ,
I . P . M ., thanked the lodge most heartily for the honour conferred upon him , and said he should always endeavour to do his duty to the best of his poor ability . Some other lodge business having been disposed of , the brethren sat down to an excellent
repast . Cavenc Lodge , No . 17 C—At tlie ordinary meeting of this lodgo on Saturday last , at Dudley ' s Hotel , there was very little business done , on account of but one candidate , ( Bro . J . J . Groves ) , out a good list of aspirants for a position in Freemasonry comiu" *
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
fjrward . This brother who formed the exception was passed to the second by Bro . W . Nelson Smith , W . M ., and as a few items of lodge business only had to be considered , the work of the day was wound up with their discussion , and the pleasures of banquet table followed . Bro . Hart , supplied the best of
viands and wiues , and dessert which might have made an Oriental's mouth water . After the formal toasts had been drank , Bro . P . A . Nairne , I . P . M ., proposed "The Health of the W . M ., " who filled the chair with so much honour to himself and the lodge . The work that evening had fallen short of
thenexpectations , but if there had been more the AV . M ., backed up by his officers , would have done it to perfection . The work of the lodge latterly had very much increased , and with it the accomplishment of the officers ; and for the performance of tlie work a better Master could nofc be found
than Bro . Smith , whose heart was thoroughly in his work . The W . M ., although very gratified at hearing , such kind sentiments expressed , felt that his working was very defective , ancl that itvvouldbe better to say nothing about it . The kind and generous recognition of his endeavours to do his duties
properly made the welfare of Caveac Lodge still more dear to his heart than before . Looking back for years and seeing around the table the P . M . ' s who had kept the lodge in such good order , he felt himself a degenerate brother , but he trusted that though he was unable to give the lodge that go which they
had done , they would overlook his faults or forgive them . As to Bro . Nairne , he was a good fellow for saying what he had , because he could perform the Master ' s duties much better himself . The W . M . afterwards proposed a special toast for Bro . Nairne , upon whom he in his office of Master was very
dependent . Bz-o . Nairne had had for the last three years , to respond so often in one capacity or other to toasts in the lodge , that he was tired of hearing his own voice . What Masonic work he had performed it was only his duty to do , and he was sorry that that night had been such a fallow one as to
leave him comparatively unemployed . To the toast of" The Visitors , " Bro . Griffin responded , and Bro . Charles Browne to that of "P . M . ' s . " Bro . Elijah Litchfield , P . M . and Sec , was honoured with a special toast , which he acknowledged in feeling terms . Bro . Henry Muggeridge responded for 'Tlie . Masonic
Charities . " Amongst the brethren who attended , we noticed , Bros . P . A . Nairne , I . P . M . ; E . Litchfield , P . M ., ( t ' . ie Father of the Lodge ); Pemble Browne , P . A 1 . ; Charles Browne , P . M . ; II . Muggeridge , Alfred Bryant , S . D ., 12 ; F . Walters , P . M . 73 , and W . M ., 871 ; J . T . Trickett , 1104 ; II .
Massey , P . M ., 610 ; Ed . Coates , B . Church , Ed Turner , 11 . S . Foreman , J . M'AJlister , Ii . Besley , J .. H . Godsell , H . Jennings , J . F . Smyth , and H . Puckle . Domatic Lodge , No . 177 . —On Friday last week , this lodge under its respected and able W . M ., Bro .
11 . Tanner , held its first meeting after tho long recess , at Anderton ' s Hotel . Bros . Tomkins , Upham and llassell , were raised and Bro . Sullivan was passed , both these ceremonies being skilfully performed by Bro . Joseph Smith , P . G . P ., P . M . Messrs . Pereival , Geo . Clark , W . Palmer , M . T . Gillo , and E . II .
Macklin , were initiated by the W . M . The minutes of the fenner regular meeting and also of the emergency were read and passed , and some slight questions havcing been put and answered , the W . M . closed the lodge and headed the brethren at the banquet table . The attendance , was numerous , and the P . M . s consisted of
Bro . Joseph Smith , M . llaydon , James Brett , VV . F . Smith , II . Thompson , II . Klines , Carpenter , H . Potter , and T . II , Pulsford . Tho visitors also wuro plentiful and included Bros . F . Walters , P . M . ( 73 ); Millis , W . M . ( 157 ); Dawson ( 186 ); the last of whom
enlivened the evening by singing some pretty songs in masterly style . Tlie toasts were proposed with much good humour and tact by tho W . M ., and Bro , Joseph Smith , and the festivities produced a happy ellect on the mass of the brethren .
Lion and Lamb Lodge , No . 192 The first regular meetinL" * for the season of this old and influential lodge , was held at the . Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Thursday , the 7 th instant , under the Presidency ol Bro . E . King , W . M ., at which about 40 brethren were present . The W . M . being supported by the following
officers , Bros . E . Roberts , J . W ' ., W . Goodyer , P . M ., Treasurer , J . G . Marsh , I . P . M ., Secretary , J . J . Han-is , S . D ., F . Trott , J . D ., Geo . Abbott , I . G ., the lodge was duly oper . ed in the 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd degree , and Bros . Haynes , and Taylor , being present ( after having shewn their proficiency in former degrees ) arc
raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The W . M . then resumed the lodge in the 1 st degree , and Bros . W . Younger , and C . Arkell , being present responded to thc usual questions , and thu lodge was then again opened in tlie 2 nd degree , and the said Bros , were duly passed to that degree . The lodge was then after
sundry business had been disposed of duly closed and adjourned . The Brethren then retired to a sumptuous Bunquet served in Bro . S ydney Spencer ' s , ( the Manager of thc Hotel Co ., ) usual good style , and which was Presided over by Bro . King , the highly respected W . M ., after tlio cloth had been removed the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
usual Masonic Toasts were given , wluc . i were most heartily responded by very excellent speeches , from the Past Masters , Officers , and Visitors . Bro . J . G . Marsh , I . P . M ., at the particular request of the AV . M . proposed a special though solemn toast , to the memory of a departed member of the lodge , Bro . W . Allatsor ,.
whoso death transpired last month , having been a subscribing member of the lodge during the last 18 years—the deceased Bro . had served the office of S . AV ., the intellegence of his death was received with deep regret , and to mark the high esteem in which he was held many of the brethren appeared in Masonic
Mourning . The toast was drank in solemn silence to thc memory of one who was not only highly respected by his lodge , but has left behind him an unsullied name . The company consisted of also the following Bros . J . Johnston , P . ' M . ; Ch . Hosgood , P . M . ; Geo . Kenning , P . J . Warden , H . Davis , E . Taylor , S Haynes , G
Newman , E . Page , AV . Baker , J . R . France , R . £ 0 Bright , ! J . Harvey , J . Kent , J . McKeirnan , A . J Dickenson , R . G . Dixon . Brookman E . Halle , Thos .. Colin , and other brethren . The "Visitors who honoured the lodge on the occasion were Bros . A . Bryant , ( P . M . of the lodge , ) J . D ., 12 ; Thos . White , 22 ; II . B . Dunn , 28 ; Jas . Johnson 295 ; AV . WorreU , 7 C 6 ; Geo .
, King , 766 ; W . Lewens , 766 ; XV . H . Thompson P . M . 7 SS ' ; AV . Clark , 1087 . all of whom expressed themselves highly pleased with the hospitality extended to them by the Lion and Lamb Lodge , for which it has been so long famed , and the cordial ami genial kind ness of the AV . M ., and the brethren generally ; the mc'itinrr was as usual a verv successful one , and
terminated at an early hour . Stability Lodge , No . 217 . —This lodge met at Auderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Tuesday , 5 th inst ., at 5 o ' clock p . m ., the W . M . Bro . Edward Hughes in the chair . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the lat > t ( emergency ) meeting
were confirmed . Bros . Coley and AVilson were examined and entrusted , and the lodge was opened in the second degree , when those brothers were passed to the degree of F . C . Bro . AVarsap passed his examination in a very admirable manner , and the lodge having been opened in the third degree ,
he was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . The lodge was then closed to the second and firsfc degrees , and the petition to Supreme Grand Chapter for permission to hold a Chapter of R . A . Masons , under tho sanction of " Stability " was read aud signed by the VV . M ., Wardens , & c , in open
lodge . On the motion of Bro . Samoa , seconded by Bro . James , S . AV ., two guineas was voted to the Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their AVidows , to be placed on Bro . Taylor ' s list . Nothing further being offered , the lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayer . Visitors
present were Bros . Heath , P . G . S . AA ., Herts ; Fielder , P . M ., Panmure , 715 ; and Coghlan , Caveac , 176 . Crystal Palace Lodge , No . 742 . —This lodge held its last meeting for the season at the Crystal Palace , Sydenham , on Thursday the 7 th inst ., Bro . Samuel Foxall , W . M ., presiding , the minutes of the
pveceeding meeting being read and confirmed , Bro . Marshall was raised to the third degree , Bros . Elsey and Whale wero passed to the second degree and AVm . Pope , Faith Lodge No . 141 was unanimously elected joining member of the lodge . The variousceremonies were admirably and perfectly rendered by the AV . M . The lodge was closed , and the
brethren to the number of 86 sat down to a very recherche banquet , provided iu Bros . Bertram and ' Roberts best style . After the usual loyal toasts , "Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen , " "The Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , Grand Master of Masons , " " His Royal Hig hness the Prince of
AVales , P . G . M . of Masons . Thc AV . M . proposed "The health of the Earl de Grey and Ripon , D . G . M , and the rest of the Grand Officers , coupling with the toast the name o ( the Grand Secretary , tlie V . W . Bro . John Hervey . The AV . M . said that the many excellencies of the Earl de Grev as D . G . M ., had so
often and so properly been commended that he should not then take up their time with tho subject . The other Grand officers had all of them performed their duties iu the most satisfactory manner , and he was sure he spoko the sentiments of every Bro . present when ho said he felt honoured
and proud to have the G . S . Bro . John Hervey amongst them that evening , for we feel that beside the exalted position he holds iu the Craft , which entitled hiin to every mark of respect , that ho is one of Nature ' s noblemen . He has subscribed so liberally to our charities , he has devoted so much of
his valuable time to their welfare , he has assisted so bly at Grand Lodgo and has done so much good , work for Freemasonry , that if ho were to speak for any length of time of the many great and good things lie litis done for Freemasonry , lie should still leave something- unsaid that reflects honor aud
credit on him . But his many excellences are so well known , that a short time ago when tho office of G . S . became vacant , the name of Joint Hervey was prominent ou every brothers lips , as the right man for tho appointment . Tho toast was responded torn thc most hearty and brotherly manlier . In response the G . S . said he thanked the brethren most .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
THE CRAFT . METROPOLITAN . St . Luke ' s Lodge , No . 144 . —The firsfc meeting of this excellent lodge was held on Monday evening ,
last week , at Bro . Golding ' s , the Pier Hotel , Chelsea , and was most numerously attended . Bro . John W . Dawson , W . M ., presiding ,
supported by his officers . Amongst the brethren present were : Bros . Kirke , Berry . Waite , J . Maples , Purch , Todd , and Warland ; Past Masters : Bros . Golding , Buer , Pullen , Morton Edwards , H . II . Kirke , Patient , Wallbancke , Cadwell , Roberts , & c . The visitors were . Bros . Joshua Nunn , G . S . B . ;
A . Laird , P . M . 13 ; J . Wright , 22 ; W . Travers , P . M . 63 ; Thos . Twyford , 98 ; W . Carter , P . M . 141 ; Harfc , 1-15 ; David Saunders . 172 ; T . Mortlock , 186 ; J . E . Wyttie , 186 ; Jas . Cook , P . M . 507 ; Ashton Godwin , 8 J 8 ( S . Middlesex ) , G . S . Svnionds , 1017 ; E . Hickey , 534 , W . Winn , 115 S , aud Chas . E .
Thompson , J . W . 115 S . The lodge having been opened iu due form and with solemn prayer , the minutes of the former meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot was then taken , which proving unanimous in favour of their admission , Messrs . W . Hyde , Carr Roberts , M . D ., and E . Watts ,
were regularly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Masonry by the W . M ., who performed the ceremony with very fair accuracy . The gentlemen , as they afterwards declared , were very much impressed with the solemnity of the occasion . The next business was the Installation of a W . M . for the
ensuing year , and the choice of the brethren having unanimously fallen upou the S . W ., Bro . David Pullen , he was installed by the W . M ., Bro . Dawson , who rendered che ceremony , together with the subsequent beautiful addresses iu a perfect manner and was much applauded at tlie close . The
newly installed W . M . then proceeded to appoint and invest bis officers as follows ; Wallbancke , S . W . ; Cadwell , J . W . ; W . Burehall , Treas . ; John Todd , P . M ., Sec . ; Kirke , sen ., Dir . Cer . ; Patient , J . D . ; H . Kirke , I . G . ; Morton Edwards , W . Steward ; Longstaff , Tyler . The office of S . D ., intended for
Bro . Mann , was left open on account of his unavoidable absence in Ireland The W . M . then performed a very agreeably duty , and he said it would be as well to state that tlie lodge had an intimation a short time back from Past Master Waite , that he was leaving London to go into the country to remain
there permanently . He was the father of the lodge , having been connected with it for 33 years , and they felt they could not part with him in that cool manner which other societies sometimes did with their old friends , but had resolved to do something in the shape of giving him some little memento of the
respect and fraternal regard they held him in . At a meeting of tlie members of tlie lodge , it was resolved to present him with the handsome testimonial exhibited that evening , consisting of an engrossment on vellum , handsomely framed and glazed . He could have wished that the duty had devolved
upon some one else more able to do justice to it than he was , but if lie did neglect to say anything which the subject deserved , they knew Bro . Waite too well to let that militate in any way against tlie honour they all desired to confer upon him . Addressing Bro . Waite , he said he was deputed by the
Lodge St . Luke ' s , No . 144 , to present to him a little souvenir of tlie great respect and esteem in which he was held by all the members of the lodge during his service , not only as treasurer ot tlie lodge , but for his general amiable and kind conduct and willingness at all times to oblige . He was not onl y
a valuable member of the lodge , but also of tlie Lodge of Instruction attached to it , where he was an able Instructor . He never heard his name mentioned but with tlie greatest possible respect and friendship . He would please accept it , not for its intrinsic value , for if thev were to give him
something of equivalent value he would receive something very valuable indeed . ( Cheers ) . Bro . Waite returned thanks in a few brief , but appropriate remarks . The W . M . said he had another equally pleasing duty to perform , and that was to present to Bro . Dawson , the retiring Master , with a handsome
Past Master ' s Jewel , and he trusted he might long live to wear it and be amongst them . He thanked him cordiall y for what Masonic knoweledgo ho had taught him ( the W . M . ) , and assured him the brethren were well satisfied with tlie manner in which he hud performed his duties . Bro . Dawson ,
I . P . M ., thanked the lodge most heartily for the honour conferred upon him , and said he should always endeavour to do his duty to the best of his poor ability . Some other lodge business having been disposed of , the brethren sat down to an excellent
repast . Cavenc Lodge , No . 17 C—At tlie ordinary meeting of this lodgo on Saturday last , at Dudley ' s Hotel , there was very little business done , on account of but one candidate , ( Bro . J . J . Groves ) , out a good list of aspirants for a position in Freemasonry comiu" *
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
fjrward . This brother who formed the exception was passed to the second by Bro . W . Nelson Smith , W . M ., and as a few items of lodge business only had to be considered , the work of the day was wound up with their discussion , and the pleasures of banquet table followed . Bro . Hart , supplied the best of
viands and wiues , and dessert which might have made an Oriental's mouth water . After the formal toasts had been drank , Bro . P . A . Nairne , I . P . M ., proposed "The Health of the W . M ., " who filled the chair with so much honour to himself and the lodge . The work that evening had fallen short of
thenexpectations , but if there had been more the AV . M ., backed up by his officers , would have done it to perfection . The work of the lodge latterly had very much increased , and with it the accomplishment of the officers ; and for the performance of tlie work a better Master could nofc be found
than Bro . Smith , whose heart was thoroughly in his work . The W . M ., although very gratified at hearing , such kind sentiments expressed , felt that his working was very defective , ancl that itvvouldbe better to say nothing about it . The kind and generous recognition of his endeavours to do his duties
properly made the welfare of Caveac Lodge still more dear to his heart than before . Looking back for years and seeing around the table the P . M . ' s who had kept the lodge in such good order , he felt himself a degenerate brother , but he trusted that though he was unable to give the lodge that go which they
had done , they would overlook his faults or forgive them . As to Bro . Nairne , he was a good fellow for saying what he had , because he could perform the Master ' s duties much better himself . The W . M . afterwards proposed a special toast for Bro . Nairne , upon whom he in his office of Master was very
dependent . Bz-o . Nairne had had for the last three years , to respond so often in one capacity or other to toasts in the lodge , that he was tired of hearing his own voice . What Masonic work he had performed it was only his duty to do , and he was sorry that that night had been such a fallow one as to
leave him comparatively unemployed . To the toast of" The Visitors , " Bro . Griffin responded , and Bro . Charles Browne to that of "P . M . ' s . " Bro . Elijah Litchfield , P . M . and Sec , was honoured with a special toast , which he acknowledged in feeling terms . Bro . Henry Muggeridge responded for 'Tlie . Masonic
Charities . " Amongst the brethren who attended , we noticed , Bros . P . A . Nairne , I . P . M . ; E . Litchfield , P . M ., ( t ' . ie Father of the Lodge ); Pemble Browne , P . A 1 . ; Charles Browne , P . M . ; II . Muggeridge , Alfred Bryant , S . D ., 12 ; F . Walters , P . M . 73 , and W . M ., 871 ; J . T . Trickett , 1104 ; II .
Massey , P . M ., 610 ; Ed . Coates , B . Church , Ed Turner , 11 . S . Foreman , J . M'AJlister , Ii . Besley , J .. H . Godsell , H . Jennings , J . F . Smyth , and H . Puckle . Domatic Lodge , No . 177 . —On Friday last week , this lodge under its respected and able W . M ., Bro .
11 . Tanner , held its first meeting after tho long recess , at Anderton ' s Hotel . Bros . Tomkins , Upham and llassell , were raised and Bro . Sullivan was passed , both these ceremonies being skilfully performed by Bro . Joseph Smith , P . G . P ., P . M . Messrs . Pereival , Geo . Clark , W . Palmer , M . T . Gillo , and E . II .
Macklin , were initiated by the W . M . The minutes of the fenner regular meeting and also of the emergency were read and passed , and some slight questions havcing been put and answered , the W . M . closed the lodge and headed the brethren at the banquet table . The attendance , was numerous , and the P . M . s consisted of
Bro . Joseph Smith , M . llaydon , James Brett , VV . F . Smith , II . Thompson , II . Klines , Carpenter , H . Potter , and T . II , Pulsford . Tho visitors also wuro plentiful and included Bros . F . Walters , P . M . ( 73 ); Millis , W . M . ( 157 ); Dawson ( 186 ); the last of whom
enlivened the evening by singing some pretty songs in masterly style . Tlie toasts were proposed with much good humour and tact by tho W . M ., and Bro , Joseph Smith , and the festivities produced a happy ellect on the mass of the brethren .
Lion and Lamb Lodge , No . 192 The first regular meetinL" * for the season of this old and influential lodge , was held at the . Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Thursday , the 7 th instant , under the Presidency ol Bro . E . King , W . M ., at which about 40 brethren were present . The W . M . being supported by the following
officers , Bros . E . Roberts , J . W ' ., W . Goodyer , P . M ., Treasurer , J . G . Marsh , I . P . M ., Secretary , J . J . Han-is , S . D ., F . Trott , J . D ., Geo . Abbott , I . G ., the lodge was duly oper . ed in the 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd degree , and Bros . Haynes , and Taylor , being present ( after having shewn their proficiency in former degrees ) arc
raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The W . M . then resumed the lodge in the 1 st degree , and Bros . W . Younger , and C . Arkell , being present responded to thc usual questions , and thu lodge was then again opened in tlie 2 nd degree , and the said Bros , were duly passed to that degree . The lodge was then after
sundry business had been disposed of duly closed and adjourned . The Brethren then retired to a sumptuous Bunquet served in Bro . S ydney Spencer ' s , ( the Manager of thc Hotel Co ., ) usual good style , and which was Presided over by Bro . King , the highly respected W . M ., after tlio cloth had been removed the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
usual Masonic Toasts were given , wluc . i were most heartily responded by very excellent speeches , from the Past Masters , Officers , and Visitors . Bro . J . G . Marsh , I . P . M ., at the particular request of the AV . M . proposed a special though solemn toast , to the memory of a departed member of the lodge , Bro . W . Allatsor ,.
whoso death transpired last month , having been a subscribing member of the lodge during the last 18 years—the deceased Bro . had served the office of S . AV ., the intellegence of his death was received with deep regret , and to mark the high esteem in which he was held many of the brethren appeared in Masonic
Mourning . The toast was drank in solemn silence to thc memory of one who was not only highly respected by his lodge , but has left behind him an unsullied name . The company consisted of also the following Bros . J . Johnston , P . ' M . ; Ch . Hosgood , P . M . ; Geo . Kenning , P . J . Warden , H . Davis , E . Taylor , S Haynes , G
Newman , E . Page , AV . Baker , J . R . France , R . £ 0 Bright , ! J . Harvey , J . Kent , J . McKeirnan , A . J Dickenson , R . G . Dixon . Brookman E . Halle , Thos .. Colin , and other brethren . The "Visitors who honoured the lodge on the occasion were Bros . A . Bryant , ( P . M . of the lodge , ) J . D ., 12 ; Thos . White , 22 ; II . B . Dunn , 28 ; Jas . Johnson 295 ; AV . WorreU , 7 C 6 ; Geo .
, King , 766 ; W . Lewens , 766 ; XV . H . Thompson P . M . 7 SS ' ; AV . Clark , 1087 . all of whom expressed themselves highly pleased with the hospitality extended to them by the Lion and Lamb Lodge , for which it has been so long famed , and the cordial ami genial kind ness of the AV . M ., and the brethren generally ; the mc'itinrr was as usual a verv successful one , and
terminated at an early hour . Stability Lodge , No . 217 . —This lodge met at Auderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Tuesday , 5 th inst ., at 5 o ' clock p . m ., the W . M . Bro . Edward Hughes in the chair . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the lat > t ( emergency ) meeting
were confirmed . Bros . Coley and AVilson were examined and entrusted , and the lodge was opened in the second degree , when those brothers were passed to the degree of F . C . Bro . AVarsap passed his examination in a very admirable manner , and the lodge having been opened in the third degree ,
he was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . The lodge was then closed to the second and firsfc degrees , and the petition to Supreme Grand Chapter for permission to hold a Chapter of R . A . Masons , under tho sanction of " Stability " was read aud signed by the VV . M ., Wardens , & c , in open
lodge . On the motion of Bro . Samoa , seconded by Bro . James , S . AV ., two guineas was voted to the Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their AVidows , to be placed on Bro . Taylor ' s list . Nothing further being offered , the lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayer . Visitors
present were Bros . Heath , P . G . S . AA ., Herts ; Fielder , P . M ., Panmure , 715 ; and Coghlan , Caveac , 176 . Crystal Palace Lodge , No . 742 . —This lodge held its last meeting for the season at the Crystal Palace , Sydenham , on Thursday the 7 th inst ., Bro . Samuel Foxall , W . M ., presiding , the minutes of the
pveceeding meeting being read and confirmed , Bro . Marshall was raised to the third degree , Bros . Elsey and Whale wero passed to the second degree and AVm . Pope , Faith Lodge No . 141 was unanimously elected joining member of the lodge . The variousceremonies were admirably and perfectly rendered by the AV . M . The lodge was closed , and the
brethren to the number of 86 sat down to a very recherche banquet , provided iu Bros . Bertram and ' Roberts best style . After the usual loyal toasts , "Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen , " "The Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , Grand Master of Masons , " " His Royal Hig hness the Prince of
AVales , P . G . M . of Masons . Thc AV . M . proposed "The health of the Earl de Grey and Ripon , D . G . M , and the rest of the Grand Officers , coupling with the toast the name o ( the Grand Secretary , tlie V . W . Bro . John Hervey . The AV . M . said that the many excellencies of the Earl de Grev as D . G . M ., had so
often and so properly been commended that he should not then take up their time with tho subject . The other Grand officers had all of them performed their duties iu the most satisfactory manner , and he was sure he spoko the sentiments of every Bro . present when ho said he felt honoured
and proud to have the G . S . Bro . John Hervey amongst them that evening , for we feel that beside the exalted position he holds iu the Craft , which entitled hiin to every mark of respect , that ho is one of Nature ' s noblemen . He has subscribed so liberally to our charities , he has devoted so much of
his valuable time to their welfare , he has assisted so bly at Grand Lodgo and has done so much good , work for Freemasonry , that if ho were to speak for any length of time of the many great and good things lie litis done for Freemasonry , lie should still leave something- unsaid that reflects honor aud
credit on him . But his many excellences are so well known , that a short time ago when tho office of G . S . became vacant , the name of Joint Hervey was prominent ou every brothers lips , as the right man for tho appointment . Tho toast was responded torn thc most hearty and brotherly manlier . In response the G . S . said he thanked the brethren most .