Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Sermon
'" freeing" Masons from burdens and imposts to -wrhich others were subject , and , the . name of "Freer ¦ masons" is said to have been thus originated . It ¦ were no difficult task therefore , herein also to set the infallibiHtyof one age against the infallibility of a later age , and if yielding to misguided counsels ,
¦ assumed infallibility now-a-days , believes there is aught impious or heretical , disloyal or irreligious , in pur lodges and constitutions , why then all ( we who ino . w the facts of the case ) need say , is , this assumed infallibility is infallibly wrong . We can all the more easily , therefore ,, afford to deal with the fulminations of the Vatican , as that holy apostle
from whom we take our name was commanded to do with those seven-fold thunders , whose voices he leard reverberating amongst the hills of Papal Eojne , and whose mutterings when he was about to inscribe them in the Apocalypse , the angel bade him treat with a respectful silence , " Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered , and write them not . "
But I must pass on . Onwards from the times I have glanced at in this rapid survey of 5000 years , the records of Masonry might fairly be "inscribed in letters of gold on the glorious page of English History ; Bishops and Archbishops , both Papal and Protestant , Kings and Princes , were in
succession its Grand Masters and nursing Fathers . An Act of Parliament had , indeed , been passed during the minority of Henry VI . against the Order , but when that monarch came of age , he did what we recommend all who are ignorautly opposed * to Frsemasonry to do—viz ., study its History and
Constitution . The King did so , and he became himself , in consequence , a Mason ; Cardinal Wolsey "was in turn Grand Master of the Order , and was succeeded as such by Thomas Cromwell , Earl of Essex , in 1534 . The celebrated Inigo Jones , and the still more celebrated Christopher Wren ,
occupied the like office , and diligently attended the meetings of their brethren ; and if since their time a great change has come over the general character and constitution of our lodges , —if especially under the remodelling influence of the antiquarian , Elias Ashmole , in 1646 , and yet more especially by virtue
of the all-important Act of Union iu 1813 , when on ¦ the Festival of St . Johu the Evangelist , all the Masons of England were united under the Grand Mastership ofthe Duke of Sussex , aud our present Constitutions in all material points were for ever fixed—if , I say , under the modifying aud mellowing
influence offline , and the guiding genius ofthe great men I have referred to , the Craft is now almost exclusively addicted to speculative or symbolical , rather than to operative or structural JIasonry , then we may fittingly call your attention here to the analogy in this very respect between Freemasonry
and those other ancient guilds of this great metropolis which still bear the names of trades aud mercantile corporations , but have no other connection "with them , except tlie name . AA'itness , for instance , the Fishmongers , the Jlerehant Taylors , the Leathersellers , and almost all the other city companies ; and
whilst it is interesting to trace the like effect of time ¦ upon our own Craft also , it cannot but be regarded as most highly , and I suppose , I may say , exclusively honourable to Freemasonry , tbat whilstall those other companies have indeed splendid charities , which they ably administer for the good of the community ,
around , yet whilst their charities , ( for in truth so it must be spoken ) , are the inherited charities of defunct and bye-gone generations , tothecredit of Freemasonry it may fairly be added that its ample , abundant and most munificent charity as it has flowed on throughout all the centuries past , so it still flows on , a
mighty and a living river of love and life , springing from that kindly and benevolent source which is the heart of every true brother . AVitness here the £ 12 , 500 subscribed a little time since at one single gathering of the brethren ( at which I had myself the happiness to be present . ) This was to further
the education of Masonic boys , and this is but one of the many , very many , Masonic Charities , which here and throughout the world are similarly most liberally supported ; supported , again I repeat , "b y the living charity of the brethren in our own days .
Masons are indeed no longer engaged as their elder brethren in old time , in the Masonic construction of material temples to the honour of God , but they are actively engaged in a grander lodge than even that assembled in the Jewish Church , and under a greater Master than even Solomon in all his glory j engaged ,
I say , in the construction and the adornment of the grandest of all temples ever designed on earth—that spiritual temple of piety , of loving brotherhood , and ¦ of universal charity , of which Jesus Christ himself is the foundation and the chief corner-stone , and of which ye all , christian brethren , arc built up ; to use
St . Peter ' s imagery , appropriate to Opcrative . VIasonry '' living-stones , " or in which blessed Fraternity rather , so to come to the imagery ol my text , altogether very appropriate to Speculative JIasonry , *¦* One is your Master , even Christ , and all ye are brethren . " The context of this passage , I shall readily admit ,
A Sermon
is apparently as inappropriate to Masonry , and seems even to forbid its Orders , as the passage itself is most suitable thereto ; but it is only apparently inappropriate , for if we compare scripture with scripture we may easily see that our Saviour does here by no means forbid the civil , social , and natural
relationship which subsist in society . He plainly cannot mean to forbid the child to call his parent father , or the workman to address his employer as master . It is of the constitution of the Christian church that he is speaking and whilst on the one hand he is obviously demanding a loving , but
absolute submission to Himself , the Grand Master of our Grand Lodge in Heaven , to which from the tesselated floor ( you understand me brother Masons ) of this chequered life of ours , on earth , we must ever look up with hope and desire , He is , on the other hand , urgently inculcating humility and
brotherly love , especially as ever against all ambitious self-seeking aspirations after authority , place andpower . Rightly understood , therefore , the spirit both of the text and of the context is exactly the same as that which brethren throughout all our Masouic studies , in which from the first
moment of our initiation , brotherly love and humility are earnestly taught us . But not these Christian graces only . All the great principles of our religion ( I am speaking , brethren all , in the presence of Masons who are witnesses for me to this truth ) , are so vividly set forth , and so
urgently enforced throughout our whole system , thafc a good Mason cannot be bufc a good man , and in the ripeness of his Masonic faith also , if he but attain to it , a good Christian as well . In allegory I admit it , for " Freemasonry is a peculiarsystem of mortality veiled in allegory , and
illustrated by symbols , " but yet in most expressive allegory is even the whole of Christianity set forth amongst us . Jewish Masons , who have become converts to Christianity have published the deep convictions of their souls that this is so . You yourselves , brethren , all know how the great sacrifice of
your Great JIasler ' s death in Solomon ' s time—a perfect model of truth and honour and unshaken fidelity as he was , and was in all this typical of Christ—has been evidently set forth and impressed upou you . You know how , in imitation of Him , you yourselves have been - 0 how urgently—called
from death to life , aud from a state of darkness to see the Eastern Light which dawns upon in the Light of God ' s truth , and you know with what repeated solemnities you have been again and again charged , so to square your whole lives by the open Bible presented to your view , that the rough ashlar of
your naturally unpolished hearts may be fitted by piety and all virtue for its true place in the Temple of God . Good Heavens ! I cannot but exclaim , when I think the whole thing over , and how overwhelmed and astonished I myself was at the fullness , the excellence and tho beauty of the divine religion taught
amongst you ; when I call to mind the eloquence of those sermons in stones , to which you perpetually pay such earnest attention ; and remember the awful lessons of death and of immortality , and of the great eternity beyond the grave , which you yourselves all taught me ; I say , I cannot but
exclaim , what manner of men ought ye Jlasons to be , iu all godliness and iu all goodness ! Truly , with death continually before you and j'ct with the light of life shining to guide you to the heavens , ye ought . to be deeply in earnest for your own salvation , eveu by faith in our " one Master which
is Christ , at the same time , that ye seek , as I gladly praise you that ye truly do , the good of one another , because indeed , ami , still in the words of my text , " all ye are brethren . " You , AVorshipful Master and brethren , I am persuaded will be liberal in your offerings to-day .
Vou must perforce be so in gratitude for the mercies of God in the preservation of our lodge through a hundred years , but also because the Hampstead Dispensary to which our contributions are to be given , ( hear me , Christians all who are here present ) is for the general good of this whole neighbourhood ;
and what truly can be more Christ-like than to aid as He loved to do , those who suffer from disease aud sickness , whom for an example to us , when He who is our common Master went about doing good , lie was wont to help and to heal , therefore I ask you all . All christian sisters ! as well as christian brethren I to
join with your Jlasonic brethren to-day , and to join liberally with us in this kindly act of brotherhood and benevolence , to which it is my great pleasure earnestly and affectionately to invite you , and may the Almighty God in whose great name our lodge to-day is so solemnly convened , and to whose glory it is
dedicated afresh by this service of prayer aud thanksgiving—may He accept all our offerings , and bless them all , to the relief ofthe suffering and necessitous , and for our good , Oh , join me , all of you , in the prayer . May He prosper in our Masonic lodge the
continual practice ot iemperance , Fortitude , Prudence , and Justice . Those cardinal virtues , as we are taught to esteem them , and may He not only bless our St . John ' s Lodge , No . 107 , iu particular , but also Freemasonry everywhere , all the world round ,
A Sermon
to the greater good of man , and , above all , to His own greater glory 1 " O may her social rules , instructive spread Till Truth erect her long neglected head ; Till through deceitful night she dart her ray , And beam full glorious in the blaze of day ; Till men , by virtuous maxims , learn to move , Till all the peopled world her laws approve , And Adam's race be bound iu brother's love . "
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For tlie Week ending October 23 , 1869 . Monday , October 18 . Quarterly General Meeting Boys' School , Freemasons'Hall ,
at 12 . Lodge No . 21 , "Emulation , " Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st . „ 58 , " Felicity , " London Tav ., Bishopsgate-st . „ 185 , " Tranquillity , " Kadley's Hotel , Blackfriars . „ 720 , " Panmure , " Balham Hotel , Balham .
„ 862 , " Whittington , " Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-st . „ 907 , " Eoyal Alfred , " Freemasons' Hall . „ 1201 , "Eclectic , " Freemasons' Hall . Macdonald Mark Masters' Lodge of Instruction , Lyceum Tav ., 354 , Strand , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . C . Swan , Preceptor . Camden Lodge of Instruction , No . 704 , Adelaide Tavern , Haverstock Hill , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Eastern Star Lodge of Instruction , No . 95 , Eoyal Hotel , Mile-end-raad , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . E . Gottheil , Preceptor .
Tuesday , October 19 . Board of General Purposes , Freemasons' Hall , at 3 . Lodge No . 73 , "Mount Lebanon , " Bridge House Hotel , Southwark . „ 95 , "Eastern Star , " Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-street . „ 435 , " Salisbury , " 71 , Dean-street , Soho .
„ 917 , " Cosmopolitan , " Terminus Htl ., Cannon-st . Chapter 11 , " Enoch , " Freemasons' Hall . „ 19 , " Mount Sinai , " Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-st .
„ 186 , "Industry , ' Freemasons Hall . Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , George Hotel , Aldermanbury at 7 ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor . Domatic Lodge of Instruction , Palmerston Tavern , Grosvenorpark , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 . Faith Lodge of Instruction , Metropolitan Bailway , Victoria
Station , at 8 . Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , Preceptor . Yarborough Lodge of Instruction , Green Dragon , Stepney , at 8 ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor .
"Wednesday , October 20 . General Committee of Grand Chapter , Freemasous' Hall , at 3 . Lodge of Benevolence , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . Lodge No . 30 , " United Mariners , " George , Aldermanbury . „ 140 , " St . George ' s , " Trafalgar Hotel , Greenwich . ,, 174 , " Sincerity , " Cheshire Cheese Tav ., Crutched Friars . „ 619 , " Beadon , " Greyhound , Dulwich . „ 700 , " Nelson , " Masonic Hall , Woolwich .
„ 1150 , "Buckingham & Chandos , "Vreemasons Hall . Mark Lodge , ' Bon Accord , " Free-masons' Tavern . United Strength Lodge of Instruction , 228 , Bull and Gate , Kentish Town-road , at 8 ; Bro . J . N . Frost , Preceptor . Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 , Railway Tavern , Hallway-place , Feuchurch-stveet . at 7 . New Concord Lodge of Instruction . Uosemary Branch Tavern ,
Iloxton , at 8 . Thursday , October 21 . House Committee , Girls' School , at 4 . Lodge No . 49 , "Gihon , " Guildhall Coffee House , Greshamstreet . „ 55 , " Constitutional , " Terminus Hotel , Cannonstreet . „ 169 , " Temperance , " AVhite Swan , Deptford . 1
„ 179 , "Manchester , Andertons Hotel , lleet-st . „ 917 , " Cosmopolitan , " Terminus Htl ., Cannon-st . „ 1139 , " Soutli Norwood , " Goat House Hotel , South Norwood . Finsbury Club of Instruction , " Jolly Anglers' Tavern , ' 42 , Bath-street , City-road . United Mariners Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes Tav ., Mile-eud-road , at 8 ; T . J . Barnes , Preceptor .
Friday , October 22 . House Committee , Boys' School . Lodge No . 181 , "Universal , " Freemasons' Hall . „ 569 , " Fit / . Itoy , " lion . Artillery Co ., Finsbury . „ 861 , "Finsbury , " Jolly Anglers , " Bath-street , St . Luke ' s . Stability Lodge of Instruction , Guildhall Coffee House , at 6 .
Emulation Lodgo of Improvement for M . M . s , Freemasons . HaU , at 7 . Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , George Hotel , Aldermanbury , at 7 ; Bro . Brett , Preceptor , United Pilgrims' Lodge of Instruction , Horns Tavern , Kennington , at 7 .
Belgrave Lodgo of Instruction , Duko of AVellington Hotel , Spring-gardens , Cliaring-cross ; Preceptor , Hro . Pulsford Doric Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes Tavern , Mile-cndroad , at 8 ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . Duke of Edinburgh Lodgo of Instruction , Tho Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar . Saturday , October 23 . [ Nil . ]
To CONSUMPTIVES . —A grateful father is desirous of sending by mail , free of charge to allwlio wish it , a copy of the prescription by which his daughter was restored to perfect health from confirmed Consumption , after having beon given up by her physicians and despaired of by her father , a well-known physician , who has now discontinued practice . Sent to any person free . —Address O . P . Brown , Secretary , 2 , lting-street , Covent-garden , London . —A » vr .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Sermon
'" freeing" Masons from burdens and imposts to -wrhich others were subject , and , the . name of "Freer ¦ masons" is said to have been thus originated . It ¦ were no difficult task therefore , herein also to set the infallibiHtyof one age against the infallibility of a later age , and if yielding to misguided counsels ,
¦ assumed infallibility now-a-days , believes there is aught impious or heretical , disloyal or irreligious , in pur lodges and constitutions , why then all ( we who ino . w the facts of the case ) need say , is , this assumed infallibility is infallibly wrong . We can all the more easily , therefore ,, afford to deal with the fulminations of the Vatican , as that holy apostle
from whom we take our name was commanded to do with those seven-fold thunders , whose voices he leard reverberating amongst the hills of Papal Eojne , and whose mutterings when he was about to inscribe them in the Apocalypse , the angel bade him treat with a respectful silence , " Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered , and write them not . "
But I must pass on . Onwards from the times I have glanced at in this rapid survey of 5000 years , the records of Masonry might fairly be "inscribed in letters of gold on the glorious page of English History ; Bishops and Archbishops , both Papal and Protestant , Kings and Princes , were in
succession its Grand Masters and nursing Fathers . An Act of Parliament had , indeed , been passed during the minority of Henry VI . against the Order , but when that monarch came of age , he did what we recommend all who are ignorautly opposed * to Frsemasonry to do—viz ., study its History and
Constitution . The King did so , and he became himself , in consequence , a Mason ; Cardinal Wolsey "was in turn Grand Master of the Order , and was succeeded as such by Thomas Cromwell , Earl of Essex , in 1534 . The celebrated Inigo Jones , and the still more celebrated Christopher Wren ,
occupied the like office , and diligently attended the meetings of their brethren ; and if since their time a great change has come over the general character and constitution of our lodges , —if especially under the remodelling influence of the antiquarian , Elias Ashmole , in 1646 , and yet more especially by virtue
of the all-important Act of Union iu 1813 , when on ¦ the Festival of St . Johu the Evangelist , all the Masons of England were united under the Grand Mastership ofthe Duke of Sussex , aud our present Constitutions in all material points were for ever fixed—if , I say , under the modifying aud mellowing
influence offline , and the guiding genius ofthe great men I have referred to , the Craft is now almost exclusively addicted to speculative or symbolical , rather than to operative or structural JIasonry , then we may fittingly call your attention here to the analogy in this very respect between Freemasonry
and those other ancient guilds of this great metropolis which still bear the names of trades aud mercantile corporations , but have no other connection "with them , except tlie name . AA'itness , for instance , the Fishmongers , the Jlerehant Taylors , the Leathersellers , and almost all the other city companies ; and
whilst it is interesting to trace the like effect of time ¦ upon our own Craft also , it cannot but be regarded as most highly , and I suppose , I may say , exclusively honourable to Freemasonry , tbat whilstall those other companies have indeed splendid charities , which they ably administer for the good of the community ,
around , yet whilst their charities , ( for in truth so it must be spoken ) , are the inherited charities of defunct and bye-gone generations , tothecredit of Freemasonry it may fairly be added that its ample , abundant and most munificent charity as it has flowed on throughout all the centuries past , so it still flows on , a
mighty and a living river of love and life , springing from that kindly and benevolent source which is the heart of every true brother . AVitness here the £ 12 , 500 subscribed a little time since at one single gathering of the brethren ( at which I had myself the happiness to be present . ) This was to further
the education of Masonic boys , and this is but one of the many , very many , Masonic Charities , which here and throughout the world are similarly most liberally supported ; supported , again I repeat , "b y the living charity of the brethren in our own days .
Masons are indeed no longer engaged as their elder brethren in old time , in the Masonic construction of material temples to the honour of God , but they are actively engaged in a grander lodge than even that assembled in the Jewish Church , and under a greater Master than even Solomon in all his glory j engaged ,
I say , in the construction and the adornment of the grandest of all temples ever designed on earth—that spiritual temple of piety , of loving brotherhood , and ¦ of universal charity , of which Jesus Christ himself is the foundation and the chief corner-stone , and of which ye all , christian brethren , arc built up ; to use
St . Peter ' s imagery , appropriate to Opcrative . VIasonry '' living-stones , " or in which blessed Fraternity rather , so to come to the imagery ol my text , altogether very appropriate to Speculative JIasonry , *¦* One is your Master , even Christ , and all ye are brethren . " The context of this passage , I shall readily admit ,
A Sermon
is apparently as inappropriate to Masonry , and seems even to forbid its Orders , as the passage itself is most suitable thereto ; but it is only apparently inappropriate , for if we compare scripture with scripture we may easily see that our Saviour does here by no means forbid the civil , social , and natural
relationship which subsist in society . He plainly cannot mean to forbid the child to call his parent father , or the workman to address his employer as master . It is of the constitution of the Christian church that he is speaking and whilst on the one hand he is obviously demanding a loving , but
absolute submission to Himself , the Grand Master of our Grand Lodge in Heaven , to which from the tesselated floor ( you understand me brother Masons ) of this chequered life of ours , on earth , we must ever look up with hope and desire , He is , on the other hand , urgently inculcating humility and
brotherly love , especially as ever against all ambitious self-seeking aspirations after authority , place andpower . Rightly understood , therefore , the spirit both of the text and of the context is exactly the same as that which brethren throughout all our Masouic studies , in which from the first
moment of our initiation , brotherly love and humility are earnestly taught us . But not these Christian graces only . All the great principles of our religion ( I am speaking , brethren all , in the presence of Masons who are witnesses for me to this truth ) , are so vividly set forth , and so
urgently enforced throughout our whole system , thafc a good Mason cannot be bufc a good man , and in the ripeness of his Masonic faith also , if he but attain to it , a good Christian as well . In allegory I admit it , for " Freemasonry is a peculiarsystem of mortality veiled in allegory , and
illustrated by symbols , " but yet in most expressive allegory is even the whole of Christianity set forth amongst us . Jewish Masons , who have become converts to Christianity have published the deep convictions of their souls that this is so . You yourselves , brethren , all know how the great sacrifice of
your Great JIasler ' s death in Solomon ' s time—a perfect model of truth and honour and unshaken fidelity as he was , and was in all this typical of Christ—has been evidently set forth and impressed upou you . You know how , in imitation of Him , you yourselves have been - 0 how urgently—called
from death to life , aud from a state of darkness to see the Eastern Light which dawns upon in the Light of God ' s truth , and you know with what repeated solemnities you have been again and again charged , so to square your whole lives by the open Bible presented to your view , that the rough ashlar of
your naturally unpolished hearts may be fitted by piety and all virtue for its true place in the Temple of God . Good Heavens ! I cannot but exclaim , when I think the whole thing over , and how overwhelmed and astonished I myself was at the fullness , the excellence and tho beauty of the divine religion taught
amongst you ; when I call to mind the eloquence of those sermons in stones , to which you perpetually pay such earnest attention ; and remember the awful lessons of death and of immortality , and of the great eternity beyond the grave , which you yourselves all taught me ; I say , I cannot but
exclaim , what manner of men ought ye Jlasons to be , iu all godliness and iu all goodness ! Truly , with death continually before you and j'ct with the light of life shining to guide you to the heavens , ye ought . to be deeply in earnest for your own salvation , eveu by faith in our " one Master which
is Christ , at the same time , that ye seek , as I gladly praise you that ye truly do , the good of one another , because indeed , ami , still in the words of my text , " all ye are brethren . " You , AVorshipful Master and brethren , I am persuaded will be liberal in your offerings to-day .
Vou must perforce be so in gratitude for the mercies of God in the preservation of our lodge through a hundred years , but also because the Hampstead Dispensary to which our contributions are to be given , ( hear me , Christians all who are here present ) is for the general good of this whole neighbourhood ;
and what truly can be more Christ-like than to aid as He loved to do , those who suffer from disease aud sickness , whom for an example to us , when He who is our common Master went about doing good , lie was wont to help and to heal , therefore I ask you all . All christian sisters ! as well as christian brethren I to
join with your Jlasonic brethren to-day , and to join liberally with us in this kindly act of brotherhood and benevolence , to which it is my great pleasure earnestly and affectionately to invite you , and may the Almighty God in whose great name our lodge to-day is so solemnly convened , and to whose glory it is
dedicated afresh by this service of prayer aud thanksgiving—may He accept all our offerings , and bless them all , to the relief ofthe suffering and necessitous , and for our good , Oh , join me , all of you , in the prayer . May He prosper in our Masonic lodge the
continual practice ot iemperance , Fortitude , Prudence , and Justice . Those cardinal virtues , as we are taught to esteem them , and may He not only bless our St . John ' s Lodge , No . 107 , iu particular , but also Freemasonry everywhere , all the world round ,
A Sermon
to the greater good of man , and , above all , to His own greater glory 1 " O may her social rules , instructive spread Till Truth erect her long neglected head ; Till through deceitful night she dart her ray , And beam full glorious in the blaze of day ; Till men , by virtuous maxims , learn to move , Till all the peopled world her laws approve , And Adam's race be bound iu brother's love . "
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings
For tlie Week ending October 23 , 1869 . Monday , October 18 . Quarterly General Meeting Boys' School , Freemasons'Hall ,
at 12 . Lodge No . 21 , "Emulation , " Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st . „ 58 , " Felicity , " London Tav ., Bishopsgate-st . „ 185 , " Tranquillity , " Kadley's Hotel , Blackfriars . „ 720 , " Panmure , " Balham Hotel , Balham .
„ 862 , " Whittington , " Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-st . „ 907 , " Eoyal Alfred , " Freemasons' Hall . „ 1201 , "Eclectic , " Freemasons' Hall . Macdonald Mark Masters' Lodge of Instruction , Lyceum Tav ., 354 , Strand , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . C . Swan , Preceptor . Camden Lodge of Instruction , No . 704 , Adelaide Tavern , Haverstock Hill , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Eastern Star Lodge of Instruction , No . 95 , Eoyal Hotel , Mile-end-raad , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . E . Gottheil , Preceptor .
Tuesday , October 19 . Board of General Purposes , Freemasons' Hall , at 3 . Lodge No . 73 , "Mount Lebanon , " Bridge House Hotel , Southwark . „ 95 , "Eastern Star , " Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-street . „ 435 , " Salisbury , " 71 , Dean-street , Soho .
„ 917 , " Cosmopolitan , " Terminus Htl ., Cannon-st . Chapter 11 , " Enoch , " Freemasons' Hall . „ 19 , " Mount Sinai , " Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-st .
„ 186 , "Industry , ' Freemasons Hall . Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , George Hotel , Aldermanbury at 7 ; Comp . Brett , Preceptor . Domatic Lodge of Instruction , Palmerston Tavern , Grosvenorpark , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 . Faith Lodge of Instruction , Metropolitan Bailway , Victoria
Station , at 8 . Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , Preceptor . Yarborough Lodge of Instruction , Green Dragon , Stepney , at 8 ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor .
"Wednesday , October 20 . General Committee of Grand Chapter , Freemasous' Hall , at 3 . Lodge of Benevolence , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . Lodge No . 30 , " United Mariners , " George , Aldermanbury . „ 140 , " St . George ' s , " Trafalgar Hotel , Greenwich . ,, 174 , " Sincerity , " Cheshire Cheese Tav ., Crutched Friars . „ 619 , " Beadon , " Greyhound , Dulwich . „ 700 , " Nelson , " Masonic Hall , Woolwich .
„ 1150 , "Buckingham & Chandos , "Vreemasons Hall . Mark Lodge , ' Bon Accord , " Free-masons' Tavern . United Strength Lodge of Instruction , 228 , Bull and Gate , Kentish Town-road , at 8 ; Bro . J . N . Frost , Preceptor . Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 193 , Railway Tavern , Hallway-place , Feuchurch-stveet . at 7 . New Concord Lodge of Instruction . Uosemary Branch Tavern ,
Iloxton , at 8 . Thursday , October 21 . House Committee , Girls' School , at 4 . Lodge No . 49 , "Gihon , " Guildhall Coffee House , Greshamstreet . „ 55 , " Constitutional , " Terminus Hotel , Cannonstreet . „ 169 , " Temperance , " AVhite Swan , Deptford . 1
„ 179 , "Manchester , Andertons Hotel , lleet-st . „ 917 , " Cosmopolitan , " Terminus Htl ., Cannon-st . „ 1139 , " Soutli Norwood , " Goat House Hotel , South Norwood . Finsbury Club of Instruction , " Jolly Anglers' Tavern , ' 42 , Bath-street , City-road . United Mariners Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes Tav ., Mile-eud-road , at 8 ; T . J . Barnes , Preceptor .
Friday , October 22 . House Committee , Boys' School . Lodge No . 181 , "Universal , " Freemasons' Hall . „ 569 , " Fit / . Itoy , " lion . Artillery Co ., Finsbury . „ 861 , "Finsbury , " Jolly Anglers , " Bath-street , St . Luke ' s . Stability Lodge of Instruction , Guildhall Coffee House , at 6 .
Emulation Lodgo of Improvement for M . M . s , Freemasons . HaU , at 7 . Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , George Hotel , Aldermanbury , at 7 ; Bro . Brett , Preceptor , United Pilgrims' Lodge of Instruction , Horns Tavern , Kennington , at 7 .
Belgrave Lodgo of Instruction , Duko of AVellington Hotel , Spring-gardens , Cliaring-cross ; Preceptor , Hro . Pulsford Doric Lodge of Instruction , Three Cranes Tavern , Mile-cndroad , at 8 ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . Duke of Edinburgh Lodgo of Instruction , Tho Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar . Saturday , October 23 . [ Nil . ]
To CONSUMPTIVES . —A grateful father is desirous of sending by mail , free of charge to allwlio wish it , a copy of the prescription by which his daughter was restored to perfect health from confirmed Consumption , after having beon given up by her physicians and despaired of by her father , a well-known physician , who has now discontinued practice . Sent to any person free . —Address O . P . Brown , Secretary , 2 , lting-street , Covent-garden , London . —A » vr .