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MASONIC ASSURANCE COMPANY , 9 , NEW BRIDGE-STREET , LONDON . ESTABLISHED 1868 . rpHE ADDRESS recently issued by the- newly * appointed Chairman , B 110 . J . RANKIN STEBBING , P . G . D ., may be obtained on application at the offices of the Company . FREDERICK BIGG , P . M ., Manager . Active Agents will be treated with liberality .
"'""'""" NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY , ESTABLISHED 1845 . Conducted under the official supervision of the State of New York . $ j 00 , 000 have been deposited with Trustees in England . Life Assurance only . Purel y Mutual . All Profits annuall y to Policy Holders . Accumulated Funds , December 31 st , 1870 ... . £ ' 3 , 172 , 244 Surplus over all Liabilities , and Reserve Fund 389 , 322 Income for Year 1870 1 , 317 , 271 Bro . M . X . COHEN , SPECIAL AGENT , 76 & 77 , CHEAPSIDE , E . C .
Norwich and London ACCIDENT INSURANCE A S S O C I A T i O X . ESTAIIMSIIKI ) 18 5 ( 1 . SUBSCRIHED CAPITAL £ 100 , 000 . For Insuring against ACCIDENTAL DEATH , With Compensation for Personal Injury , Caused by Accidents CHII-. I Oriiers—ST . GILES'S STREET , NORWICH . LONDON : 10 , OLD JEWRY CIIAMHERS . Secretary : Cii . viti . HS 11 . GII . M . VN , E SI | . London Manager : Mr . Grantor : Powi-t . i ..
THE NEW MASONIC CANDLES , Imiie , Durif mid Curinlliiini , Enillriiintieiilli / Jinni ^ ed Jnr Worshipful Master , Senior and Junior Wardens . fis . per set of 3 one-pound Candles . Packing Cases dil . each . JSKO . GEORGE KEXXIXGS MASONIC DEPOTS , 2 , 3 , \ 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , AND 108 , FLEET STREET , E . C . J . E . PETERS , ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVER AND FANCY EN AM El . I . EH , 41 , Clerkenwell Close . Writing , Engraving of every description , Masonic Emblems Engraved or Enamelled ; old enamelled Work repaired ; Country Orders attended to with despatch .
For Cheap Watches , Clocks , Gold Chains and Jeicellery , go lo KIBBLES ' , 22 , G R A C 1-: C HIMICII ST R M V . T yone door from Lombard-street I . Golil Watches Lz l . is-Silver Watches t ' l ^ s-Timepieces from ys . 6 d . Every aiticle warranted . Plate , \\ V . telle-, and Jewellery bought or exchnue-ed . List of Prices post free . SHEPPARD & Co . PRIME CANADIAN HAMS . ' [> 9 d . lb . 1 13 iS . 1 15 , BOROUGH , Y LONDON BRIDGE , S . E . S . WELCH , WRITER AND GRAINER . 6 , AIAIDKNUKXI ) COURT , ALDERSGATE STREET , E . C . ROSE CROIX TRACING BOARDS , Five Guineas the Pair . MASONIC DEPOTS , 2 , 3 , ec 4 . LITTLE BRITAIN " , AND i . iS , FLEET-STREET .
LONDON AND SUBURBAN MUTUAL BUILDING SOCIETY , Knrolled in iSis , pursuant to Act oi" Parliament . SMARMS , £ 2 $ each , may be paid in one sum , or by Monthly Subscriptions of ( s . per share . INVKSTING MKMBKRS receive $ percent . Interest , and Share of Surplus Protits . MONKY ADVANCED ON MORTGAGF , without Premium , for any term of years . Uro . J ONATHAX TAYLOR ( Doric 933 ) , Secretary . Offices : —ioJa , FcYichurch-strect , K . C .
THE BIRKBECK Is the only Puilding Society whose Annual Receipts exceeds O X !• : M I L L I O N ! //«?(* ft ) Purchase , i House for 7 : rr » Citiactis per Month , With immediate possession ami no Rent to pa v . Apple at the Ofliceof the HIUKUKCK LUlLniNC . SOCU ' CTY , 21 ) & 30 , Southampton-buildings , Ohanecrv-lane . llo-r tn purchase < i Plot of Land for i-ii-c Shillings per Muntli , With immediate possession . cither foriJuildingorOardeningpurposes apply at the Oilice of the IJ 1 KK 1 SKCK FRFF . I lOLI ) LAND SO ( 'lI \ TY , 2 i ) & 30 Southampton-buildings , Chancer \ -lane . Uoir to Int'cst Mtincv irith siif ' crv tit £ 4 per cent Interest , Apply to the Oilice of the lllKKIlF . CK HANK . All sums under X ' 50 re ] i ; iyable upon demand . Current accounts opened similar to Ordinary Rankers . Cheque Hooks supplied . OtVice hours from 10 till 4 daily , on Mondays from 10 till n , and on Saturdays from 10 till 2 . A small pamphlet , containing full particulars , may be obtained gratis , or sent Post-free on application to FKAXCIS RAVKNscRorr , Manager .
rpHE SOUTH-WESTERN IXDEX LIST of Furnished and Unfurnished Houses to be let , and of Instates for sale in the South-west of London , is published Monthly hy i \ lK . IAS . STLYF . NS , AUCTIONFF . R & LSTATL AOLNT . CLAIM 1 AM COMMON , S . W . A useful work of reference for those seeking Residences , and saving much trouble in obtaining information of properties for disposal in the S . W . district . Send post-card with your nddre .-s , and a copy will be forwarded by return post .
' Y It K L O N I ) O N M I R R O R . Published every Saturday ; price 4 < 1 . The object of this journal is to set forth the claims of the manv Religious , Kducational , l ! cne \ olent , and Prudential Institutions of the I ' nileil Kingdom , and week by week to report their proceedings , whether as Meetings , Sermons , Anniversaries , or KUctions , so as to present these National Institutions to the favour of the Public . Oilice , 5 <| , Southampton-row , Russell-siiuare , London , W . C .
t 4 r ] " 1 HK FREEMASON ' " () E ST . LOUIS . —The Largest Masonic Monthly in the World . Published at St . Louis , Mo ., by Oeorge Frank Oouley , ( irand Secretary ami Recorder of the four Orand Hodies of Missimri . The 1 ' reemason contains tidinus from e \ ery ijuarter of the world , and will be found of great adxantage to all Masons , especially those interested in American atlairs . Terms S 2 per annum , and to those who subscribe for the London Freemason the price will be . ^ i . 50 currency . Postage free . Subscriptions rccciwd b \ the London " Freemason . " nPHE MASOXIC TROWEL . —A Ahismiic lournal , puhlisheil on the isth of ewry month , by 11 . ( L Keyno ' lds , Jimr ., Springtield , Illinois , Lnited States of America . Sixteen pages , large ipiarto . Circulation 20 , 000 monthlx . Terms to he obtained , ami Subscriptions received at the Freemason Oilice , 2 , , 1 , and 4 , Little Uritain , and forwarded free of charge . * Turni . Mi " si PKKV . ML . "—Common Sense . Lamps , llaths , Cutlen , Prushes , l- ' endcrs ami Fire Irons Llcctroplate and . \ ickel-Sil \ er Ooods .
R . D . PARR , General House Furnishing Ironmonger , . p , iii . ACKMAN STKi-: i : r , noKorc . 11 . fJ l'THRS nothing iwtrnonliiKirv , hut KKALLY ( Iti'in Articles at fair and rea-onahle prices . He does not keep an " Immense Stock , " but suilicienth large lor am person lo select from . I le does not sell " cheaper than every other house in the Trade , " but quite as cheap as any . A visit will , at all times be wry much appreciated . r PII E J E "WISH CHRONICLE Price Twopence . OITKL : 4 ; , 1 L \ Si ; CKY Snl'ARK , K . C . TESSELATED CARPETING . lull Lodges , Chapters , Encampments , & c . lour I'Vcl wide , ? t !<) per Yard , MASONIC DKPOTS , . ? , t \ . V 4 , I . ITTLK BUITAIX , AND u ; X , I'Li : !; ' ! ' STKKKT , li . C .
Bro . WJLLIAMS . MASONIC EMBLEMS Lithographic Artist > A Designed and Engraved ENGRAVER ON M- % , STONlC WOOD , WOOD . ^ 9 ti $£ >*' e , S ? or VELLUM . ¦ S . l-Vathi-i'Mimc / N ^ a ^ ' \ 25 , Acton Start , Buildiiiy ' s , ! lolboin , / * - * London , W . C GLEKFIELD STARCH U the only kind used in I ! er . Maje-tv ' s l . aundrv . Tim-- Ladies who haw w „ i \ ct used the Glenticid Starch , are respecilully soliciteil to giw ii a ' irial , and , carefully lollow out the directions printed on i-wi \ " package . It » - ralh .. r more dh ! j ; 'Ult to maUe Or : n other Starchi-, but when this is overcome , ik ,-y will s : ; v , like tlie < luwn s LaumLe . ' -s , t ! ial ii i .-- the line- ' . Starch thev cwrm . ed . When » .. ii , r _ . i \ ioc Ik ,- ( , 1 . ni'dd , see lh . il j . m -.. [ it .
BRIDGE HOUSE HOTEL , LONDON BRIDGE , Opposite the South Eastern , and London , Brighton , , and South Coast Railways . r PHIS Hotel has great facilities for Meetings , f'li .-iritable Institutions , Wedding Breakfasts , Public Dinners , Units , Soirees , anil is allovveil to be in real domestic comfort , one o f the Best i 11 the Metropolis , the raritfon application to lOSKI'H H . SPENCKU . THE GREAT WESTERN HOTEL ( SNOW Una . STATION ) BIRMINGHAM . "One of the most elegant , comfortable anil economical Hotels in tile three kingilnms . — 7 ' he Field , Jul ; ' 31 , iSOn . " " from experience e . 'tini-il bv repeated visits , we are happy to be able to testify to lite exceeding comfort of this Motel . We have much pleasure m vecommenthviii it . " —The Kn ^ ' tiiccr , October M , 1 S 70 . " An establishment remarkable for its able management , reasonable charges , anil general comfort . "—Hell's Life , June , 31 , 1 S 71 . (' •nod Jeeniiiiiliidiititiii fny / . ridges , Cluifdeis , Cife . City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , LONDON . "VyELL adapted for Banquets , Balls , Amateur Dramatic . Knlertaiumcnts , Public Meetings , and Arbitrations . The large I hill is capable ol seating upwards of Twelve I lumlreil people . Svnxi . Y Si'F . xeKR , Manager . Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-st ., E . C . g l'AClOUS Dining-rooms , Chop and Steakrooms , Luncheon-bars , ami Smoking Rooms . Rooms of all sizes , suitable for Auction Sales , Consultations , Arbitrations , Ruilding Societies , & e . ; also for Freemasons' Lodges and Banquets , Private Uinners & e . Guildhall Tavern Company ( I . imiteil ) t 32 ami j . > , Grcsham-strcct , C ( Kou (; K * CitA \ vH ) Ki » , Manager ami Secretary . Masons' Hall Tavern , MASONS' AYKNUK , UASINGHALL-STRHKT , CITY . r PHK nbovc old-estahlishod Tavern is NOW X OPKN , newly decorated , by Urn . CHARI . KS GOSDF . X , late Manager oi the Freemasons' Tavern Company . Fvcry accommodation will be foumlfor Lodges , ( hapters , j \ lark and other decrees , for their Meetings , Dinners , Suppers , & c , and every attention will be paid to their comfort and enjoyment by the new Proprietor ,. The Alexandra Restaurant , ; , CONDUIT-STREET , REGENT-STREET . Public and Pmate Dining Ronnie . Fhst-clas < Cooking and Wines . Open for Suppers alter the Theatres . Uro . 1 * . HILFRKICH , Proprietor . 1 ? EEYES , SOX and CO ., Printers , Wholesale Stationers , and Account Rook Manufacturers , PLAYHOUSE YARD , BI . ACKFRIARS , LOXDOX , E . C . Next the ** 'limes " Oflicc . REEVES , SOX and CO . Publishers . REEVES , SON and CO . Newspaper Printer ? . REEVES , SOX and CO ., Magazine Printers , REEVES , SOX and CO ., law Printer-. R EEVES , SON and co ., Comnurcinl Printers . J ^ EEVES , SON and CO ., SIiow Card Printers . REEVES , SON and CO ., Label Printers . REEVES , SON and CO ., Ornamental ami Colour Printers REEVES , SOX anil CO ., Hanker * ' Cheque Printer * . REEVES , SOX and CO ., Copper Plate Printer . ? . R EEVES , SON and co ., Lithographic Printers , J ^ EEVES , SOX and CO ., Lithographic Artists . REEVES , SOX and CO ., Map Printers and (" olourcrs . REEVES , SON and CO ., Designers . REEVES , SOX and CO ., Stereotypers , REEVES , SOX and CO ., Kngravcrs and Die-Sinkers . REEVES , SOX and CO ., olU-r many ailvair tages to . Manufacturers and all persons requiring la ' rge quantie of Paper and Printing , as they possess the most apnrowd niacin ncn , as well as every other facility far executing orders , entrusted to thcin in the cheapest and hc .-t manner . As PITSLISI 1 KRS , their Oiliccs are wry central , ami tliey render accounts monthly . Printed and Published b \ the Proprietor , Brother ( JEOIHIE KE \ -NI . VU at hi . s Oilices , 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain , and 19 s , Fleet-street in the Cily of London , and 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool , in the Count } r . | Lancaster , —S . wi'Ki' / . v , MA-. IN , . ; :.
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
MASONIC ASSURANCE COMPANY , 9 , NEW BRIDGE-STREET , LONDON . ESTABLISHED 1868 . rpHE ADDRESS recently issued by the- newly * appointed Chairman , B 110 . J . RANKIN STEBBING , P . G . D ., may be obtained on application at the offices of the Company . FREDERICK BIGG , P . M ., Manager . Active Agents will be treated with liberality .
"'""'""" NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY , ESTABLISHED 1845 . Conducted under the official supervision of the State of New York . $ j 00 , 000 have been deposited with Trustees in England . Life Assurance only . Purel y Mutual . All Profits annuall y to Policy Holders . Accumulated Funds , December 31 st , 1870 ... . £ ' 3 , 172 , 244 Surplus over all Liabilities , and Reserve Fund 389 , 322 Income for Year 1870 1 , 317 , 271 Bro . M . X . COHEN , SPECIAL AGENT , 76 & 77 , CHEAPSIDE , E . C .
Norwich and London ACCIDENT INSURANCE A S S O C I A T i O X . ESTAIIMSIIKI ) 18 5 ( 1 . SUBSCRIHED CAPITAL £ 100 , 000 . For Insuring against ACCIDENTAL DEATH , With Compensation for Personal Injury , Caused by Accidents CHII-. I Oriiers—ST . GILES'S STREET , NORWICH . LONDON : 10 , OLD JEWRY CIIAMHERS . Secretary : Cii . viti . HS 11 . GII . M . VN , E SI | . London Manager : Mr . Grantor : Powi-t . i ..
THE NEW MASONIC CANDLES , Imiie , Durif mid Curinlliiini , Enillriiintieiilli / Jinni ^ ed Jnr Worshipful Master , Senior and Junior Wardens . fis . per set of 3 one-pound Candles . Packing Cases dil . each . JSKO . GEORGE KEXXIXGS MASONIC DEPOTS , 2 , 3 , \ 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , AND 108 , FLEET STREET , E . C . J . E . PETERS , ORNAMENTAL ENGRAVER AND FANCY EN AM El . I . EH , 41 , Clerkenwell Close . Writing , Engraving of every description , Masonic Emblems Engraved or Enamelled ; old enamelled Work repaired ; Country Orders attended to with despatch .
For Cheap Watches , Clocks , Gold Chains and Jeicellery , go lo KIBBLES ' , 22 , G R A C 1-: C HIMICII ST R M V . T yone door from Lombard-street I . Golil Watches Lz l . is-Silver Watches t ' l ^ s-Timepieces from ys . 6 d . Every aiticle warranted . Plate , \\ V . telle-, and Jewellery bought or exchnue-ed . List of Prices post free . SHEPPARD & Co . PRIME CANADIAN HAMS . ' [> 9 d . lb . 1 13 iS . 1 15 , BOROUGH , Y LONDON BRIDGE , S . E . S . WELCH , WRITER AND GRAINER . 6 , AIAIDKNUKXI ) COURT , ALDERSGATE STREET , E . C . ROSE CROIX TRACING BOARDS , Five Guineas the Pair . MASONIC DEPOTS , 2 , 3 , ec 4 . LITTLE BRITAIN " , AND i . iS , FLEET-STREET .
LONDON AND SUBURBAN MUTUAL BUILDING SOCIETY , Knrolled in iSis , pursuant to Act oi" Parliament . SMARMS , £ 2 $ each , may be paid in one sum , or by Monthly Subscriptions of ( s . per share . INVKSTING MKMBKRS receive $ percent . Interest , and Share of Surplus Protits . MONKY ADVANCED ON MORTGAGF , without Premium , for any term of years . Uro . J ONATHAX TAYLOR ( Doric 933 ) , Secretary . Offices : —ioJa , FcYichurch-strect , K . C .
THE BIRKBECK Is the only Puilding Society whose Annual Receipts exceeds O X !• : M I L L I O N ! //«?(* ft ) Purchase , i House for 7 : rr » Citiactis per Month , With immediate possession ami no Rent to pa v . Apple at the Ofliceof the HIUKUKCK LUlLniNC . SOCU ' CTY , 21 ) & 30 , Southampton-buildings , Ohanecrv-lane . llo-r tn purchase < i Plot of Land for i-ii-c Shillings per Muntli , With immediate possession . cither foriJuildingorOardeningpurposes apply at the Oilice of the IJ 1 KK 1 SKCK FRFF . I lOLI ) LAND SO ( 'lI \ TY , 2 i ) & 30 Southampton-buildings , Chancer \ -lane . Uoir to Int'cst Mtincv irith siif ' crv tit £ 4 per cent Interest , Apply to the Oilice of the lllKKIlF . CK HANK . All sums under X ' 50 re ] i ; iyable upon demand . Current accounts opened similar to Ordinary Rankers . Cheque Hooks supplied . OtVice hours from 10 till 4 daily , on Mondays from 10 till n , and on Saturdays from 10 till 2 . A small pamphlet , containing full particulars , may be obtained gratis , or sent Post-free on application to FKAXCIS RAVKNscRorr , Manager .
rpHE SOUTH-WESTERN IXDEX LIST of Furnished and Unfurnished Houses to be let , and of Instates for sale in the South-west of London , is published Monthly hy i \ lK . IAS . STLYF . NS , AUCTIONFF . R & LSTATL AOLNT . CLAIM 1 AM COMMON , S . W . A useful work of reference for those seeking Residences , and saving much trouble in obtaining information of properties for disposal in the S . W . district . Send post-card with your nddre .-s , and a copy will be forwarded by return post .
' Y It K L O N I ) O N M I R R O R . Published every Saturday ; price 4 < 1 . The object of this journal is to set forth the claims of the manv Religious , Kducational , l ! cne \ olent , and Prudential Institutions of the I ' nileil Kingdom , and week by week to report their proceedings , whether as Meetings , Sermons , Anniversaries , or KUctions , so as to present these National Institutions to the favour of the Public . Oilice , 5 <| , Southampton-row , Russell-siiuare , London , W . C .
t 4 r ] " 1 HK FREEMASON ' " () E ST . LOUIS . —The Largest Masonic Monthly in the World . Published at St . Louis , Mo ., by Oeorge Frank Oouley , ( irand Secretary ami Recorder of the four Orand Hodies of Missimri . The 1 ' reemason contains tidinus from e \ ery ijuarter of the world , and will be found of great adxantage to all Masons , especially those interested in American atlairs . Terms S 2 per annum , and to those who subscribe for the London Freemason the price will be . ^ i . 50 currency . Postage free . Subscriptions rccciwd b \ the London " Freemason . " nPHE MASOXIC TROWEL . —A Ahismiic lournal , puhlisheil on the isth of ewry month , by 11 . ( L Keyno ' lds , Jimr ., Springtield , Illinois , Lnited States of America . Sixteen pages , large ipiarto . Circulation 20 , 000 monthlx . Terms to he obtained , ami Subscriptions received at the Freemason Oilice , 2 , , 1 , and 4 , Little Uritain , and forwarded free of charge . * Turni . Mi " si PKKV . ML . "—Common Sense . Lamps , llaths , Cutlen , Prushes , l- ' endcrs ami Fire Irons Llcctroplate and . \ ickel-Sil \ er Ooods .
R . D . PARR , General House Furnishing Ironmonger , . p , iii . ACKMAN STKi-: i : r , noKorc . 11 . fJ l'THRS nothing iwtrnonliiKirv , hut KKALLY ( Iti'in Articles at fair and rea-onahle prices . He does not keep an " Immense Stock , " but suilicienth large lor am person lo select from . I le does not sell " cheaper than every other house in the Trade , " but quite as cheap as any . A visit will , at all times be wry much appreciated . r PII E J E "WISH CHRONICLE Price Twopence . OITKL : 4 ; , 1 L \ Si ; CKY Snl'ARK , K . C . TESSELATED CARPETING . lull Lodges , Chapters , Encampments , & c . lour I'Vcl wide , ? t !<) per Yard , MASONIC DKPOTS , . ? , t \ . V 4 , I . ITTLK BUITAIX , AND u ; X , I'Li : !; ' ! ' STKKKT , li . C .
Bro . WJLLIAMS . MASONIC EMBLEMS Lithographic Artist > A Designed and Engraved ENGRAVER ON M- % , STONlC WOOD , WOOD . ^ 9 ti $£ >*' e , S ? or VELLUM . ¦ S . l-Vathi-i'Mimc / N ^ a ^ ' \ 25 , Acton Start , Buildiiiy ' s , ! lolboin , / * - * London , W . C GLEKFIELD STARCH U the only kind used in I ! er . Maje-tv ' s l . aundrv . Tim-- Ladies who haw w „ i \ ct used the Glenticid Starch , are respecilully soliciteil to giw ii a ' irial , and , carefully lollow out the directions printed on i-wi \ " package . It » - ralh .. r more dh ! j ; 'Ult to maUe Or : n other Starchi-, but when this is overcome , ik ,-y will s : ; v , like tlie < luwn s LaumLe . ' -s , t ! ial ii i .-- the line- ' . Starch thev cwrm . ed . When » .. ii , r _ . i \ ioc Ik ,- ( , 1 . ni'dd , see lh . il j . m -.. [ it .
BRIDGE HOUSE HOTEL , LONDON BRIDGE , Opposite the South Eastern , and London , Brighton , , and South Coast Railways . r PHIS Hotel has great facilities for Meetings , f'li .-iritable Institutions , Wedding Breakfasts , Public Dinners , Units , Soirees , anil is allovveil to be in real domestic comfort , one o f the Best i 11 the Metropolis , the raritfon application to lOSKI'H H . SPENCKU . THE GREAT WESTERN HOTEL ( SNOW Una . STATION ) BIRMINGHAM . "One of the most elegant , comfortable anil economical Hotels in tile three kingilnms . — 7 ' he Field , Jul ; ' 31 , iSOn . " " from experience e . 'tini-il bv repeated visits , we are happy to be able to testify to lite exceeding comfort of this Motel . We have much pleasure m vecommenthviii it . " —The Kn ^ ' tiiccr , October M , 1 S 70 . " An establishment remarkable for its able management , reasonable charges , anil general comfort . "—Hell's Life , June , 31 , 1 S 71 . (' •nod Jeeniiiiiliidiititiii fny / . ridges , Cluifdeis , Cife . City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , LONDON . "VyELL adapted for Banquets , Balls , Amateur Dramatic . Knlertaiumcnts , Public Meetings , and Arbitrations . The large I hill is capable ol seating upwards of Twelve I lumlreil people . Svnxi . Y Si'F . xeKR , Manager . Guildhall Tavern , Gresham-st ., E . C . g l'AClOUS Dining-rooms , Chop and Steakrooms , Luncheon-bars , ami Smoking Rooms . Rooms of all sizes , suitable for Auction Sales , Consultations , Arbitrations , Ruilding Societies , & e . ; also for Freemasons' Lodges and Banquets , Private Uinners & e . Guildhall Tavern Company ( I . imiteil ) t 32 ami j . > , Grcsham-strcct , C ( Kou (; K * CitA \ vH ) Ki » , Manager ami Secretary . Masons' Hall Tavern , MASONS' AYKNUK , UASINGHALL-STRHKT , CITY . r PHK nbovc old-estahlishod Tavern is NOW X OPKN , newly decorated , by Urn . CHARI . KS GOSDF . X , late Manager oi the Freemasons' Tavern Company . Fvcry accommodation will be foumlfor Lodges , ( hapters , j \ lark and other decrees , for their Meetings , Dinners , Suppers , & c , and every attention will be paid to their comfort and enjoyment by the new Proprietor ,. The Alexandra Restaurant , ; , CONDUIT-STREET , REGENT-STREET . Public and Pmate Dining Ronnie . Fhst-clas < Cooking and Wines . Open for Suppers alter the Theatres . Uro . 1 * . HILFRKICH , Proprietor . 1 ? EEYES , SOX and CO ., Printers , Wholesale Stationers , and Account Rook Manufacturers , PLAYHOUSE YARD , BI . ACKFRIARS , LOXDOX , E . C . Next the ** 'limes " Oflicc . REEVES , SOX and CO . Publishers . REEVES , SON and CO . Newspaper Printer ? . REEVES , SOX and CO ., Magazine Printers , REEVES , SOX and CO ., law Printer-. R EEVES , SON and co ., Comnurcinl Printers . J ^ EEVES , SON and CO ., SIiow Card Printers . REEVES , SON and CO ., Label Printers . REEVES , SON and CO ., Ornamental ami Colour Printers REEVES , SOX anil CO ., Hanker * ' Cheque Printer * . REEVES , SOX and CO ., Copper Plate Printer . ? . R EEVES , SON and co ., Lithographic Printers , J ^ EEVES , SOX and CO ., Lithographic Artists . REEVES , SOX and CO ., Map Printers and (" olourcrs . REEVES , SON and CO ., Designers . REEVES , SOX and CO ., Stereotypers , REEVES , SOX and CO ., Kngravcrs and Die-Sinkers . REEVES , SOX and CO ., olU-r many ailvair tages to . Manufacturers and all persons requiring la ' rge quantie of Paper and Printing , as they possess the most apnrowd niacin ncn , as well as every other facility far executing orders , entrusted to thcin in the cheapest and hc .-t manner . As PITSLISI 1 KRS , their Oiliccs are wry central , ami tliey render accounts monthly . Printed and Published b \ the Proprietor , Brother ( JEOIHIE KE \ -NI . VU at hi . s Oilices , 2 , 3 , and 4 , Little Britain , and 19 s , Fleet-street in the Cily of London , and 2 , Monument-place , Liverpool , in the Count } r . | Lancaster , —S . wi'Ki' / . v , MA-. IN , . ; :.