Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
'Craft Hfosonvg , BRITANMI- LOIIGK ( No . 33 ) . —A meeting or this lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Friday , the toth inst . There were present Bros . Lewis Crombic , P . S . G . D ., P . Prov . G . M . Aberdeen , P . G . S . ; Henry Bridges , P . M .,
P . G . S . B ., D . P . G . M . Somerset : Thomas Alfred Chubb , P . G . S . : Augustus George Church , P . M . ; [ ohn Strapp , P . M ., P . G . S .: " john Sampson Pcirce , P . M ., P . G . S . : Francis Webb Shields , P . M . ; William Smith , P . M ., P . G . S . ; Magnus Ohren , S . W . ; James Glaisher , W . M .: fabez
James E . C . Healey , George Nelson Strawbridge , Charles Horsley , Edmund Burke , Chas . Wills Turner , John Davis , William Clouston , John Chynoweth , Charles Pawley , Thomas Spencer , David Hodge , William Thomas Sugg , J ohn Dixon , George Eedes Eachns , Frederick George
Finch , Henry Rowland , Thomas Didymns Parker , M . D ., John Nuegeli Sharp , Ricardo Cope , M . D ., Theodore Anthony Rochussen , Frederick Anthur Paget ; Francis Pondered , Joseph Wni . Wright , James Ricks , John Urlwin , William Perkins Roddy , William Bloore , Arthur Kwind
Hodge , Francis William Wilcox , and several other brethren . Letters of apology for absence were sent ( o the W . M . from Lord Richard Grosvenor , Sir Win . A . Rose Alderman , and Sir F . Wyatt Truscott . The visitors were : —Brost Marwood , P . M . 291 , P . G . W . for Somerset : Capt ,
King , P . M . r i ; Taylor , P . M . 18 , P . G . AY . for Middlesex : Woodman , P . M . 66 ; Maine , 4 ; Horwood , 2 S ; Gadsden , 35 ; AVilliams , 49 : Hogg , ¦ ; S ; Milne , 11 73 : Long , u ~ , o ; Percy , 6 90 ; Hallowcs , 709 ; Levick , 1227 : and Beckingsale , 131 . The lodge was opened at five o ' clock .
Bros . Romans anel Goodall were passed to the second degree . Bro . Magnus Ohien , was verx ' ably installed as W . M . of the Britannic b y ihe retiring Past Master , Bro . Glaisher , Prox . S . G . Warden for Middlesex . The installation having been very ably performed , the W . M . appointed
and invested his officers asiollows :- -Bros . Fredk . George Finch , S . W . ; George F . eeles Kaolins , J . . ' ; John Chynoweth , S . D . ; I ' ras . Pend red , J D . ; John Davis , I . G . : John Sampson Pcirce , M . of Cers . ; Lexvis Croinbio , Treas . : Thomas Alford Chubb , Sec .: and Bro . Speight was , \ - elected Tyler for the ensuing year .
Roxvi . OAK LiM »; r . ( No . S 71 . )— -An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 15 th inst ., at the White Swan Tavern , 2 * 17 , High-street , Deptford , Bro . J . W . Reed , W . M ., opened the lodge . There were present —Bros . NV . Myall , SAY . ; G . Andrews , | . W . ;
W . Andrews , P . M ., Treas . ; F . Walters , P . M .. Sec ; S . C . Lewin , S . D . ; H . J . Tuson , J . D . J . J . Pakes , I . G . ; R . Hanna ' n , D . C . ; F . G . Skinner , W . S .: P . C , H . Wilkie , W . | . Siexey . R . Killick , J . G . Vohnian , II . J . Wells , II . J . Dawe , R . James , G . J . Limn , G . Harvey , F . R ,
Hood , W . Shaw , & c . The visitors were : —Bros ; W . Herbert , 73 ; G . Chapman , P . M ., Sec . 147 ; F . H . Thomas , 481 ; f . J . West , P . M ., - ^ S ; J , A . Smith , 548 ; II . Nell , 1326 ; R . R . Millington , 1326 ; anel W . F . Payne , 1316 . The ballot taken for a candidate for initiation was
unanimous in favour of his admission . In consequence of the W . M . having to attend to some urgent private business , he was compelled to leave early . Bro . AN ' . Andrews , P . M ., Treas ., took the chair , and in an able manner , initiated Air .
W . A . R . Harris in Freemasonry , and passed Bros . W . J . Siexey . P . C . II . Wilkie , and 11 . Nell , 1326 . to the second degree . Some oilier business being disposed of , the lodge was closed . A banquet was served .
MAcnnx . xLii LonoK , ( No . 1216 ) . — The fourth anniversary meeting of this lodge was held at the Head Quarters of the First Surrey Rifles , Camberwell , on the 8 th inst ., under ' very melanchol y circumstances . On the previous day
the . highly respected Commander of the Corps , whose name the lodge bears , Lieut .-Col . . Macdonald , had been called away after a short but severe illness , anel the sael event cast a gloom , as well over the countenances of the brethren , as over the entire proceedings of the evening . AL
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
tiiough the intimation of the loss the corps and the members of the lodge had sustained , had but a few hours previously been made , the brethren attended in full Masonic mourning , the furniture of ( he lodge was draped , the preparations for the
annual banquet were staved ,-and , with the Regimental Flag at "half-mast" in its immediate neighbourhood , the Macdonald Lodge carried out the necessary business of the evening with saddened spirit and feelings of respectful
reverence for the memory of their beloved and gallant Commander . There were present on this occasion Bros . S . H . WagstatF , W . M .: James Stevens , I . P . M . ; G . Waterall , SAY . ; G . H . N . Bridges , J . W . : Dr . Cronin , Treas . ; J . J .
Coras , Sec .: Messenger , S . D .: Haskie , J . D . ; Larlham , I . G . ; Carrell and Hammond , Stewards ; John Thomas , P . M . ; Schott , Cachett , Harper , Haggar , A . Williams , Allen , Cozens , Hale , Grax " . Garland , Walton , Fountain , Ross , Fletcher ,
Grant , and other members , and visiting brethren C . Swan , Prov . Grand D . : W . Gompertz , Prov . Grand D . C . : Fox , P . M . n ;; Chard , P . M . 907 ; Russell , S . W . 22 ; Cushing , J . W . 2 S 4 ; H . Puckle , 17 6 " * i . J . Wilkinson , 176 ; | . Webster ,
174 , Szc , t \; e . The sail ' event above recorded occasioned the absence of several other members , in order that thev mig ht make arrangements connected spe'eially with the corps , and amongst them were several candidates for the respective
degrees . I Toxxexer , other candidates being present , the degree of Alaster Mason xx'as first conferred on Bro . Harper , and subsequently Bro . F . H . Cozens was passed to the degree of Fellow-Craft . The well established working of
the lodge was never better displayed than in the ceremony oi raising on this occasion , the associations ol the moment , lvn , ' ering the solemn character of the ritual more than ordinarily impressive . The lodge , having been resumeclto the
first degree , was called off for a Brief period for refreshment , as on ordinary occasions , at the conclusion of which , the W . M . 'proposed the usual loyal and masonic toasts , which were drank in silence , anel the lodge was then called on .
Bro . George Waterall , SAN ' ., was presented by the I . P . M ' ., as W . M . elect , and the W . M ., Bro . NN agstaif , in most admirable manner / installed him as his successor in the chair of K . S ., the whole of 1 his beautiful ceremony and the sewcra ! addressee
in conclusion , being rendered in perfect style . Tlis newly installed Master inxistetl his oificers as follows , viz . :- —Bros . Wagsiaii " , I . P . M . ; Bridges , S . W , : Messenger , J AN ' . ; Dr . Cronin , ( unanimously rc-e . lccteiVi Vivas .: I . | . Curtis , Sec
Iiaslie , S . D . : Larlham , J . D . ; Council , I . G . ; I lummond and Fletcher , Stewards ; J . Stevens , P . M ., for Dicker , D . C . : Cozens , Org . ; Grant , Tyler . Air . Edward Eldridge was introduced alter ballot , and duly initialed into ihe order .
I'lie report 01 tne Audit Committee was received and adopted , and great satisfaction was expressed in reference to the nature of the accounts , by which it appeared . that the lodge xx as eiitirelx" free from liability of any kind , and that after
having secured its valuable furniture , estimated lobe of the value of JJ 230 at leasi . and having also subscribed liberally lo the Masonic Charities , its current and future subscriptions would be subject only to the ordinary expenses of management and
the promotion of good Masonic works . The business of the lodge was concluded by the presentation to the retiring W . M ., Bro . NVagstaif , of the customary elegant P . M . Jewel of the lodge , which had been well and worthily earned by that brother , and was received bv him with
expressions of gratification anel assurances ol further gooel offices on his pari , in promoting the welfare of the lodge and the happiness of its members . The lodge was ihen closed , and the " closing hymn " having been sung , the brethren separated , to meet again , as private members of
the First Surrey Rifle Corp ^ , around the graveof him whose , honoured name will ever remain associated witIi their lodge and its proceedings .
INSTRUCTION . B ;; M ; ; : Lonci : OF INSTRUCTION ( NO . 749 . )—This well-known Lodge of instruction , held at the Wellington Hotel , Spring-gardens , SAN ' ., met on Friday , the 10 th inst ., for the purpose of working the Fifteen Sections . Bro . Puls-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ford , P . M . 11 58 , W . M . ; John Thomas , P . M . 507 , S . W ., Pymm , P . M . 749 , 1310 , anel S . D . 12 7 ^ ' , J . W .:. and Scott , 749 , Hon . Sec . The following brethren were also present , viz . : —• Bros . Ough , P . G . P . ; Gardiner , Bunell , Loxy ,
Pervvmau , Koch , Collart , Poupard , Waghorne , Biadon , Binnie , Wright , Wheeler , txc , & e . The . questions were put b y the W . AL , and answered by the following brethren : —Bros . Ough , Pvnirn , Swallow , Bentley , Salmon , John Thomas ,
Sedgwick , Welsford , Larlham , Cates , Huddleston , Alanders , Noke , and Watts . After which . it was unanimously resolved , that a vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes of the lodge to Bro . Prece'ptor Pulsford , for the . masterly manner in
which he put the questions , and likewise to the fifteen brethren , for the admirable manner in which they were answered . The lodge was closed in the usual manner , and the brethren parted soon after ten o ' clock , well satisfied with the progress made in Freemasonry .
CAMBRIDGESHIRE . CxvtURini . r ..- —Scientific Lodge ( No . 88 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Red Lion Hotel , Cambridge , on Monday evening last , under the presidency of the
NV . M . Bro . J . A . Dimmock . The lodge having been duly opened , Bro . Past Alaster Dimmock , proceeded to give the lecture on the Tracing lloiird in the second degree , in an efficient manner . The Secretary reported a communication
ironi the Grand Lodge , stating that the sanction of the Grand Lodge had been granted to a request from this lodge to wear the centenary jewel , it having been in existence since \ ~ i \ A .
The other business being of a routine nature tlit . * lodge was closed in the three degrees , anel the brethren proceeded to the banquet , and tin ; evening was spent in a most harmonious man ner .
DURHAM . St . . vm-ati , \ xii . — 111 Ilia m son Ledge ( No . 949 ) . —The annual meeting of the members of this lodge was held at the Royal Motel , Aronkwearniouth , on the afternoon of Alondav , the 6 th inst ., for the installation of the W . AL , and the appointment of the officers for ensuing twelve
months . There was an usually large attendance of the brethren , among whom were the W . Alasiers of the other lodges in Sunderland , and a numerous body of Past Masters , the Board of Installed Masters , numbering sexvnteen . After the transaction of the ordinary routine business .
Bro . J . is . If . Coatcs was duly installed in the chair by the outgoing W . M . ( Bro . Liddell ) who officiated as Installing Master in a very impressive and able manner . The newlv-installcd W . AL then invested the follow 'intr officers , viz .: —•• Bros . W . Liddell , I . P . AL ; W . Bryans , S . W . ; | .
Forster , | . W .: R . AN ' . Halfknighi , P . M ., Treas . ; | . Barlow . Sec : R . Hudson , P . M ., M . of C . ; K . Gardner , S . l ) ., R . Shaelfo-. th , J . D . ; J . Harrison , I . G . ; J . 11 . Foster , O .: J . Thompson , Tyler ; J . Taylor and E . Beekwith , Slew arils ; and j . Kggleslone and 0 . Bell , Auditors . The
annual festival was held the same evening , the NV . M ., ( Bro . J . II . Coatcs ) in the chair . At this also there was a large attendance of the brethren , among whom were : —Bros . R . W . Halfkni ght , P . M . and P . Prov . G . P .: R . Hudson , P .. AI . anel P . G . D . of Cers . ; W . Liddell , P . M . ; the AN ' . M . of
St . John ' s Lodge , No . 80 , ( Bro . Wilson ) , and Past Masters Crookes , P . G . S .: Hvisteiulabl , P . - Prov . G . P . ; Wade , P . Prov . D . of C . ; Dixon , P . G . P . ; and Bro . G . Young , I . G . ; the W . AL ( Bro . NVandless ) of the Phecnix Lodge , No . 94 ; Past . Alasier Rise-borough , Bros . Lutcrt , SAN ' , and
Pearson , P . SAN ' , anel D . C ; and the W . M . ( Bro . J . | . Clay ) of the Palatine Lodge , No . 97 , uml Past Masters Allison and Skelton , P . G . S . B ., and Bros . R . Humphrey , SAN ' . ; II . Fryer , 1 . 1 ) . ; and | . Humphrey , I . G . ; Bro . Fitzavrald ,
P . M ., . Marquis of Granbv Lodge , No . 124 ( Durham ) ; the NV .. U . ( Bro . Forster ) of the Fawcett Lodge , No . 661 , ( Seaham ); and Bros . Armstrong , SAV ., and AN ' ells S . D . ; Bro . Bowey of Alnxvick Lodge , No . 1167 , ( Alnwick ) ; \ c , Art :. Tii . ' usual loval and Masonic toasts
having been g iven anil duly honoured , the I . P . AL , ( Bro . " Liddell ) , proposed the toast of the W . AL , speaking in flattering terms of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
'Craft Hfosonvg , BRITANMI- LOIIGK ( No . 33 ) . —A meeting or this lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Friday , the toth inst . There were present Bros . Lewis Crombic , P . S . G . D ., P . Prov . G . M . Aberdeen , P . G . S . ; Henry Bridges , P . M .,
P . G . S . B ., D . P . G . M . Somerset : Thomas Alfred Chubb , P . G . S . : Augustus George Church , P . M . ; [ ohn Strapp , P . M ., P . G . S .: " john Sampson Pcirce , P . M ., P . G . S . : Francis Webb Shields , P . M . ; William Smith , P . M ., P . G . S . ; Magnus Ohren , S . W . ; James Glaisher , W . M .: fabez
James E . C . Healey , George Nelson Strawbridge , Charles Horsley , Edmund Burke , Chas . Wills Turner , John Davis , William Clouston , John Chynoweth , Charles Pawley , Thomas Spencer , David Hodge , William Thomas Sugg , J ohn Dixon , George Eedes Eachns , Frederick George
Finch , Henry Rowland , Thomas Didymns Parker , M . D ., John Nuegeli Sharp , Ricardo Cope , M . D ., Theodore Anthony Rochussen , Frederick Anthur Paget ; Francis Pondered , Joseph Wni . Wright , James Ricks , John Urlwin , William Perkins Roddy , William Bloore , Arthur Kwind
Hodge , Francis William Wilcox , and several other brethren . Letters of apology for absence were sent ( o the W . M . from Lord Richard Grosvenor , Sir Win . A . Rose Alderman , and Sir F . Wyatt Truscott . The visitors were : —Brost Marwood , P . M . 291 , P . G . W . for Somerset : Capt ,
King , P . M . r i ; Taylor , P . M . 18 , P . G . AY . for Middlesex : Woodman , P . M . 66 ; Maine , 4 ; Horwood , 2 S ; Gadsden , 35 ; AVilliams , 49 : Hogg , ¦ ; S ; Milne , 11 73 : Long , u ~ , o ; Percy , 6 90 ; Hallowcs , 709 ; Levick , 1227 : and Beckingsale , 131 . The lodge was opened at five o ' clock .
Bros . Romans anel Goodall were passed to the second degree . Bro . Magnus Ohien , was verx ' ably installed as W . M . of the Britannic b y ihe retiring Past Master , Bro . Glaisher , Prox . S . G . Warden for Middlesex . The installation having been very ably performed , the W . M . appointed
and invested his officers asiollows :- -Bros . Fredk . George Finch , S . W . ; George F . eeles Kaolins , J . . ' ; John Chynoweth , S . D . ; I ' ras . Pend red , J D . ; John Davis , I . G . : John Sampson Pcirce , M . of Cers . ; Lexvis Croinbio , Treas . : Thomas Alford Chubb , Sec .: and Bro . Speight was , \ - elected Tyler for the ensuing year .
Roxvi . OAK LiM »; r . ( No . S 71 . )— -An emergency meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , the 15 th inst ., at the White Swan Tavern , 2 * 17 , High-street , Deptford , Bro . J . W . Reed , W . M ., opened the lodge . There were present —Bros . NV . Myall , SAY . ; G . Andrews , | . W . ;
W . Andrews , P . M ., Treas . ; F . Walters , P . M .. Sec ; S . C . Lewin , S . D . ; H . J . Tuson , J . D . J . J . Pakes , I . G . ; R . Hanna ' n , D . C . ; F . G . Skinner , W . S .: P . C , H . Wilkie , W . | . Siexey . R . Killick , J . G . Vohnian , II . J . Wells , II . J . Dawe , R . James , G . J . Limn , G . Harvey , F . R ,
Hood , W . Shaw , & c . The visitors were : —Bros ; W . Herbert , 73 ; G . Chapman , P . M ., Sec . 147 ; F . H . Thomas , 481 ; f . J . West , P . M ., - ^ S ; J , A . Smith , 548 ; II . Nell , 1326 ; R . R . Millington , 1326 ; anel W . F . Payne , 1316 . The ballot taken for a candidate for initiation was
unanimous in favour of his admission . In consequence of the W . M . having to attend to some urgent private business , he was compelled to leave early . Bro . AN ' . Andrews , P . M ., Treas ., took the chair , and in an able manner , initiated Air .
W . A . R . Harris in Freemasonry , and passed Bros . W . J . Siexey . P . C . II . Wilkie , and 11 . Nell , 1326 . to the second degree . Some oilier business being disposed of , the lodge was closed . A banquet was served .
MAcnnx . xLii LonoK , ( No . 1216 ) . — The fourth anniversary meeting of this lodge was held at the Head Quarters of the First Surrey Rifles , Camberwell , on the 8 th inst ., under ' very melanchol y circumstances . On the previous day
the . highly respected Commander of the Corps , whose name the lodge bears , Lieut .-Col . . Macdonald , had been called away after a short but severe illness , anel the sael event cast a gloom , as well over the countenances of the brethren , as over the entire proceedings of the evening . AL
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
tiiough the intimation of the loss the corps and the members of the lodge had sustained , had but a few hours previously been made , the brethren attended in full Masonic mourning , the furniture of ( he lodge was draped , the preparations for the
annual banquet were staved ,-and , with the Regimental Flag at "half-mast" in its immediate neighbourhood , the Macdonald Lodge carried out the necessary business of the evening with saddened spirit and feelings of respectful
reverence for the memory of their beloved and gallant Commander . There were present on this occasion Bros . S . H . WagstatF , W . M .: James Stevens , I . P . M . ; G . Waterall , SAY . ; G . H . N . Bridges , J . W . : Dr . Cronin , Treas . ; J . J .
Coras , Sec .: Messenger , S . D .: Haskie , J . D . ; Larlham , I . G . ; Carrell and Hammond , Stewards ; John Thomas , P . M . ; Schott , Cachett , Harper , Haggar , A . Williams , Allen , Cozens , Hale , Grax " . Garland , Walton , Fountain , Ross , Fletcher ,
Grant , and other members , and visiting brethren C . Swan , Prov . Grand D . : W . Gompertz , Prov . Grand D . C . : Fox , P . M . n ;; Chard , P . M . 907 ; Russell , S . W . 22 ; Cushing , J . W . 2 S 4 ; H . Puckle , 17 6 " * i . J . Wilkinson , 176 ; | . Webster ,
174 , Szc , t \; e . The sail ' event above recorded occasioned the absence of several other members , in order that thev mig ht make arrangements connected spe'eially with the corps , and amongst them were several candidates for the respective
degrees . I Toxxexer , other candidates being present , the degree of Alaster Mason xx'as first conferred on Bro . Harper , and subsequently Bro . F . H . Cozens was passed to the degree of Fellow-Craft . The well established working of
the lodge was never better displayed than in the ceremony oi raising on this occasion , the associations ol the moment , lvn , ' ering the solemn character of the ritual more than ordinarily impressive . The lodge , having been resumeclto the
first degree , was called off for a Brief period for refreshment , as on ordinary occasions , at the conclusion of which , the W . M . 'proposed the usual loyal and masonic toasts , which were drank in silence , anel the lodge was then called on .
Bro . George Waterall , SAN ' ., was presented by the I . P . M ' ., as W . M . elect , and the W . M ., Bro . NN agstaif , in most admirable manner / installed him as his successor in the chair of K . S ., the whole of 1 his beautiful ceremony and the sewcra ! addressee
in conclusion , being rendered in perfect style . Tlis newly installed Master inxistetl his oificers as follows , viz . :- —Bros . Wagsiaii " , I . P . M . ; Bridges , S . W , : Messenger , J AN ' . ; Dr . Cronin , ( unanimously rc-e . lccteiVi Vivas .: I . | . Curtis , Sec
Iiaslie , S . D . : Larlham , J . D . ; Council , I . G . ; I lummond and Fletcher , Stewards ; J . Stevens , P . M ., for Dicker , D . C . : Cozens , Org . ; Grant , Tyler . Air . Edward Eldridge was introduced alter ballot , and duly initialed into ihe order .
I'lie report 01 tne Audit Committee was received and adopted , and great satisfaction was expressed in reference to the nature of the accounts , by which it appeared . that the lodge xx as eiitirelx" free from liability of any kind , and that after
having secured its valuable furniture , estimated lobe of the value of JJ 230 at leasi . and having also subscribed liberally lo the Masonic Charities , its current and future subscriptions would be subject only to the ordinary expenses of management and
the promotion of good Masonic works . The business of the lodge was concluded by the presentation to the retiring W . M ., Bro . NVagstaif , of the customary elegant P . M . Jewel of the lodge , which had been well and worthily earned by that brother , and was received bv him with
expressions of gratification anel assurances ol further gooel offices on his pari , in promoting the welfare of the lodge and the happiness of its members . The lodge was ihen closed , and the " closing hymn " having been sung , the brethren separated , to meet again , as private members of
the First Surrey Rifle Corp ^ , around the graveof him whose , honoured name will ever remain associated witIi their lodge and its proceedings .
INSTRUCTION . B ;; M ; ; : Lonci : OF INSTRUCTION ( NO . 749 . )—This well-known Lodge of instruction , held at the Wellington Hotel , Spring-gardens , SAN ' ., met on Friday , the 10 th inst ., for the purpose of working the Fifteen Sections . Bro . Puls-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
ford , P . M . 11 58 , W . M . ; John Thomas , P . M . 507 , S . W ., Pymm , P . M . 749 , 1310 , anel S . D . 12 7 ^ ' , J . W .:. and Scott , 749 , Hon . Sec . The following brethren were also present , viz . : —• Bros . Ough , P . G . P . ; Gardiner , Bunell , Loxy ,
Pervvmau , Koch , Collart , Poupard , Waghorne , Biadon , Binnie , Wright , Wheeler , txc , & e . The . questions were put b y the W . AL , and answered by the following brethren : —Bros . Ough , Pvnirn , Swallow , Bentley , Salmon , John Thomas ,
Sedgwick , Welsford , Larlham , Cates , Huddleston , Alanders , Noke , and Watts . After which . it was unanimously resolved , that a vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes of the lodge to Bro . Prece'ptor Pulsford , for the . masterly manner in
which he put the questions , and likewise to the fifteen brethren , for the admirable manner in which they were answered . The lodge was closed in the usual manner , and the brethren parted soon after ten o ' clock , well satisfied with the progress made in Freemasonry .
CAMBRIDGESHIRE . CxvtURini . r ..- —Scientific Lodge ( No . 88 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Red Lion Hotel , Cambridge , on Monday evening last , under the presidency of the
NV . M . Bro . J . A . Dimmock . The lodge having been duly opened , Bro . Past Alaster Dimmock , proceeded to give the lecture on the Tracing lloiird in the second degree , in an efficient manner . The Secretary reported a communication
ironi the Grand Lodge , stating that the sanction of the Grand Lodge had been granted to a request from this lodge to wear the centenary jewel , it having been in existence since \ ~ i \ A .
The other business being of a routine nature tlit . * lodge was closed in the three degrees , anel the brethren proceeded to the banquet , and tin ; evening was spent in a most harmonious man ner .
DURHAM . St . . vm-ati , \ xii . — 111 Ilia m son Ledge ( No . 949 ) . —The annual meeting of the members of this lodge was held at the Royal Motel , Aronkwearniouth , on the afternoon of Alondav , the 6 th inst ., for the installation of the W . AL , and the appointment of the officers for ensuing twelve
months . There was an usually large attendance of the brethren , among whom were the W . Alasiers of the other lodges in Sunderland , and a numerous body of Past Masters , the Board of Installed Masters , numbering sexvnteen . After the transaction of the ordinary routine business .
Bro . J . is . If . Coatcs was duly installed in the chair by the outgoing W . M . ( Bro . Liddell ) who officiated as Installing Master in a very impressive and able manner . The newlv-installcd W . AL then invested the follow 'intr officers , viz .: —•• Bros . W . Liddell , I . P . AL ; W . Bryans , S . W . ; | .
Forster , | . W .: R . AN ' . Halfknighi , P . M ., Treas . ; | . Barlow . Sec : R . Hudson , P . M ., M . of C . ; K . Gardner , S . l ) ., R . Shaelfo-. th , J . D . ; J . Harrison , I . G . ; J . 11 . Foster , O .: J . Thompson , Tyler ; J . Taylor and E . Beekwith , Slew arils ; and j . Kggleslone and 0 . Bell , Auditors . The
annual festival was held the same evening , the NV . M ., ( Bro . J . II . Coatcs ) in the chair . At this also there was a large attendance of the brethren , among whom were : —Bros . R . W . Halfkni ght , P . M . and P . Prov . G . P .: R . Hudson , P .. AI . anel P . G . D . of Cers . ; W . Liddell , P . M . ; the AN ' . M . of
St . John ' s Lodge , No . 80 , ( Bro . Wilson ) , and Past Masters Crookes , P . G . S .: Hvisteiulabl , P . - Prov . G . P . ; Wade , P . Prov . D . of C . ; Dixon , P . G . P . ; and Bro . G . Young , I . G . ; the W . AL ( Bro . NVandless ) of the Phecnix Lodge , No . 94 ; Past . Alasier Rise-borough , Bros . Lutcrt , SAN ' , and
Pearson , P . SAN ' , anel D . C ; and the W . M . ( Bro . J . | . Clay ) of the Palatine Lodge , No . 97 , uml Past Masters Allison and Skelton , P . G . S . B ., and Bros . R . Humphrey , SAN ' . ; II . Fryer , 1 . 1 ) . ; and | . Humphrey , I . G . ; Bro . Fitzavrald ,
P . M ., . Marquis of Granbv Lodge , No . 124 ( Durham ) ; the NV .. U . ( Bro . Forster ) of the Fawcett Lodge , No . 661 , ( Seaham ); and Bros . Armstrong , SAV ., and AN ' ells S . D . ; Bro . Bowey of Alnxvick Lodge , No . 1167 , ( Alnwick ) ; \ c , Art :. Tii . ' usual loval and Masonic toasts
having been g iven anil duly honoured , the I . P . AL , ( Bro . " Liddell ) , proposed the toast of the W . AL , speaking in flattering terms of