Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article THE GRAND LODGE OF IRELAND. Page 1 of 1 Article THE GRAND LODGE OF IRELAND. Page 1 of 1 Article THE GRAND LODGE OF IRELAND. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 2 →
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NOTICE . The Subscription to THE FREEMASON is now 10 s . per annum , post-free , pat / able in advance . Vol . I ., bound in cloth 4 s . ( id . Vol . 11 ., ditto ; s . ( id . Vol . III ., ditto 15 s . oil . Vol . IV ., ditto 15 s . oil . Reading Cases to hold 52 numbers ... 2 s . ( id . United States of America . THE FREEMASON is delivered free in any part of the United States for 12 s . per annum , payable in advance .
NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS . The Office O / 'THE FREEMASON is now transferred lo 198 , FLEET-STREET , E . C . uill communications for ihe Editor or Publisher should therefore be forwarded to that address .
HJnsfocrs to- Corrcsponbcnts . The following Articles and Communications have been received , but want of space compels us to defer their inseition : — " Aids to Study , " by Bro . Carpenter ; " Illustrations of the History of the Craft , " By a Masonic Student ; Reports of District Grand Lodge of Bengal ; Lodge No , 128 9 ; Prov . Grantl Conclaveof Cambridgeshire ; Girvan Encampment , Glasgow ; Glasgow Council Red Cross ; and Glasgow Royal Ark . Mariners , No . j $ .
TheFreemason, SATURDAY , MAY 18 , 1 S 72 . The 1 'reemason is puhltsiit'd on Saturday . Mornings in time for the early trains . Tlu * price of the Freemason is Twopence per week ; annual subscription , ios . { payable in advance . ) All communications , letters , & c , to lie addressed to the Editor , rgg , Fleet-street , E . C . ihe Hditorwill pay carefulattcntion tonllMSS . •- •ntvusted to him , hut cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied by postage stamps .
The Grand Lodge Of Ireland.
( Co . MMUXU , ' XTKD . ) On Monday , the 2 nd inst ., a large meeting of brethren ( Past Masters ) took place at-the Gresham Hotel , Sackville-street , to discuss the
proposed changes in " Ahunan Kezon " ( Laws or Constitutions ) . Most of the Prov . Grand Lodges were represented . Bro . Commander Charles Scott , R . N ., J . P .,
W . M . , 5 jO , was elected as Chairman , and Bro . Hilton , Prov . Grand Sec . of Antrim , kindly acted as Secretary , who read a correspondence from many of the Provincial Grand Lodges ,
stating the decisions they arrived at , and copies of proposed amendments . The views of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Antrim were adopted , with very slight alterations .
It was unanimously resolved to oppose many of the new laws at the Grand Lodge , and as most of the brethren from Ulster attended , at considerable expense and inconvenience , to have the
question decided , inasmuch as the matter was postponed from November to May , by vote of Grand Lodge ) , the importance of united action was acknowledged by all .
At D ., 30 the Grand Lodge was opened in ample form , by Right Worshi pful R . W . Shekleton D . G . M ., on the Throne . The Masonic Hall was crowded , admission being by ticket , on production of Irish Past Masters' certificates from
Grand Secretary ' s office . The minutes of the previous meeting were read , and a recommendation from the Board of General Purposes to defer the granting of a Past Master ' s certificate for six months to a Master
The Grand Lodge Of Ireland.
of a lodge for alleged unmasonic conduct . The Grand Lodge , having heard the correspondence reatl , refused to adopt the Board ' s views on the subject b y a large majority .
Bros . Lord Athlumney was re-elected as S . G . W ., and General Dunne , elected as Grand Sec . and the Rev . J . J . MacSorley , as Grand Chaplain ; all these brethren received a hearty ovation from the Grand
Lodge , as their names were called to fill their respective posts . The offices of Supt . of Works , Grand Sworel Bearer , and Grand Organist , were elected by
scrip , the voting papers deposited in a box , and scrutineers appointed for next day at four o ' clock . There was some dissatisfaction expressed as
to the manner of taking the votes by calling oyer the roll of the Dublin lodges first , Provincial Grand Lodge next , and then the Subordinate Lodges .
Ihe proposetl changes were then considered . Rule j created a sharp discussion about the clause enabling a brother to be a member of Grand Lodge by paying M 2 annually , without
Ji'is being a subscribing member to a lodge * . This was objected to . Some trifling" change as to rank in Nos . 4 and 6 , was cancelled on a division , and it was decided that the Grand Lodge
should meet monthly as heretofore . A brother from Deny proposed , as an addenda , that one meeting of Grand Lodge each year should take place in Deny , Belfast and Cork . Another brother from Dublin district seconded
this motion , as agricultural shows were held in these p laces periodically . Sir John M . Stewart , Bart ., Prov . G . Master , Tyrone and Fermanagh , objected fo a peripatetic
Grand Lodge , and finally the motion was rejected . Rules 1 and S were ' earried , when the D . G . M . addressed the Grand Lodge , stating he could not spare any more time , on this occasion , to
discuss the proposed changes , anil would postpone them to next meeting of Grand Lodge . Bro . Geo . Jhizlett , S . G . W ., representing Grand Lodge of Armagh , Monaghan , and Louth , very
respectlully requested that another hour-and-ahalf , or at least one hour , might be devoted to the discussion , as there were some very important
rules , which if allowed to pass , would seriousl y affect the Masonic order of the Grand Lodge . The D . G . M . stated he really could not devote
any more time , as he had professional duties to attend to before he went to bed , and that the proposed General Laws Rules and Regulations were freely discussed by the Committee who
framed them , before submitting them for approval to Grand Lodge . Several brethren respectfully represented the hardship of coming from distant parts of Ireland ,
to attend Grand Lodge on this occasion , and implored the Right Worshipful Brother to adjourn Grand Lodge to Friday at ten o ' clock , and proceed with the discussion .
The D . G . M . stated , in reply , he had no power to adjourn the Grand Lodge , nor xx'ould it suit his professional duties to do so , he complimented
the Northren brethren on having no doubt made suitable business arrangements to enable them to stop in town . A very desultory discussion arose as to several propositions of assembling Grand Lodge at an
The Grand Lodge Of Ireland.
early date , to get through the work , at last it was proposed that the suggested laws should be again discussed in May 1873 . This was seconded by Bro . John Hilton , Prov .
Grantl Secretary , . Antrim , and , on a division , was carried by a large majority . 1 grieve , to add that some hissing took place on the discussion of Rule No . 6 , when two of the
Ulster Past Masters attempted to state their views ; the Right Worshipful D . G . M . alluded to it from the throne , and saitl that such conduct was un-masonic , and if again repeated he would
be obliged to request the offenders to leave the Grand Lodge . After the division on Rule No . 6 , a good many of the Dublin brethren retired , seeing the
strong muster of brethren from the North , who were prepared to discuss each new law , before adoption by the Grand Lodge of Ireland . It is hoped this opposition will have a
salutary effect , for tiny attempts at jockeyism , by endeavouring to foist new laws on the Masonic order by a very small section will be promptly met , else we fear that if undue
influences are manifested , and allowed to be unchecked the result will he a schism and a new Grantl Lodge formed North of the Boyne ; at least the feeling is strong against dictation ,
coercion , or persecution by any section . It -was felt by those who came from distant parts of the country that the meeting was held at too late an hour , especially as each Prov .
Grand Lodge had expressed its views on the new laws , which were nexer brought before Grand Lodge , and too much time was wasted at an early part of the evening . 1 hope however
the adjourned meeting will be successful , in a Masonic point of view , and worthy of the noble order of Freemasonry of which the Grand Lodge of Ireland should be one of the brightest representatives .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
CoxsKt'RXTiox' or THE NEW MASONIC IIXI . I .. A great day in the annals of the A . and A . Rite was Wednesday 8 th May , 1872 , and one long to be remembered by the members of that important and truly catholic rite .
The occasion was the consecration of the new Masonic Hall , 33 , Golden-square , which was solemnly dedicated and set apart for the mystic purposes of Freemasonry , exemplified in the higher degrees .
The new hall forms . the third of a series of handsome apartments which make the lower story of 33 Golden-square—the upper chambers being used for the library , reception-rooms , and offices in connection with the Supreme
Council . 3 . 3 ° —whose head quarters are here . The division of the lower story into separate apartments divided from each other b y rich hangings and handsomely decorated folding doors—whilst detracting somewhat from the tout ensemble and
tending to dwarf the proportions of a noble chamber , was no doubt necessitated by the peculiar construction of the premises—a yard at the back , and we believe an adjacent house , having to he taken in as n site for the hall . So far as
convenience is concerned nothing could be better , in the event of the temple being used ( as no doubt it will be ) for the various London Rose Croix Chapters , as the brethren of the hi gher
degrees will readily understand . The new hall only wants height to give it a very fine appearance . It is well proportioned , beautifully decorated , principally in white antl
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NOTICE . The Subscription to THE FREEMASON is now 10 s . per annum , post-free , pat / able in advance . Vol . I ., bound in cloth 4 s . ( id . Vol . 11 ., ditto ; s . ( id . Vol . III ., ditto 15 s . oil . Vol . IV ., ditto 15 s . oil . Reading Cases to hold 52 numbers ... 2 s . ( id . United States of America . THE FREEMASON is delivered free in any part of the United States for 12 s . per annum , payable in advance .
NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS . The Office O / 'THE FREEMASON is now transferred lo 198 , FLEET-STREET , E . C . uill communications for ihe Editor or Publisher should therefore be forwarded to that address .
HJnsfocrs to- Corrcsponbcnts . The following Articles and Communications have been received , but want of space compels us to defer their inseition : — " Aids to Study , " by Bro . Carpenter ; " Illustrations of the History of the Craft , " By a Masonic Student ; Reports of District Grand Lodge of Bengal ; Lodge No , 128 9 ; Prov . Grantl Conclaveof Cambridgeshire ; Girvan Encampment , Glasgow ; Glasgow Council Red Cross ; and Glasgow Royal Ark . Mariners , No . j $ .
TheFreemason, SATURDAY , MAY 18 , 1 S 72 . The 1 'reemason is puhltsiit'd on Saturday . Mornings in time for the early trains . Tlu * price of the Freemason is Twopence per week ; annual subscription , ios . { payable in advance . ) All communications , letters , & c , to lie addressed to the Editor , rgg , Fleet-street , E . C . ihe Hditorwill pay carefulattcntion tonllMSS . •- •ntvusted to him , hut cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied by postage stamps .
The Grand Lodge Of Ireland.
( Co . MMUXU , ' XTKD . ) On Monday , the 2 nd inst ., a large meeting of brethren ( Past Masters ) took place at-the Gresham Hotel , Sackville-street , to discuss the
proposed changes in " Ahunan Kezon " ( Laws or Constitutions ) . Most of the Prov . Grand Lodges were represented . Bro . Commander Charles Scott , R . N ., J . P .,
W . M . , 5 jO , was elected as Chairman , and Bro . Hilton , Prov . Grand Sec . of Antrim , kindly acted as Secretary , who read a correspondence from many of the Provincial Grand Lodges ,
stating the decisions they arrived at , and copies of proposed amendments . The views of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Antrim were adopted , with very slight alterations .
It was unanimously resolved to oppose many of the new laws at the Grand Lodge , and as most of the brethren from Ulster attended , at considerable expense and inconvenience , to have the
question decided , inasmuch as the matter was postponed from November to May , by vote of Grand Lodge ) , the importance of united action was acknowledged by all .
At D ., 30 the Grand Lodge was opened in ample form , by Right Worshi pful R . W . Shekleton D . G . M ., on the Throne . The Masonic Hall was crowded , admission being by ticket , on production of Irish Past Masters' certificates from
Grand Secretary ' s office . The minutes of the previous meeting were read , and a recommendation from the Board of General Purposes to defer the granting of a Past Master ' s certificate for six months to a Master
The Grand Lodge Of Ireland.
of a lodge for alleged unmasonic conduct . The Grand Lodge , having heard the correspondence reatl , refused to adopt the Board ' s views on the subject b y a large majority .
Bros . Lord Athlumney was re-elected as S . G . W ., and General Dunne , elected as Grand Sec . and the Rev . J . J . MacSorley , as Grand Chaplain ; all these brethren received a hearty ovation from the Grand
Lodge , as their names were called to fill their respective posts . The offices of Supt . of Works , Grand Sworel Bearer , and Grand Organist , were elected by
scrip , the voting papers deposited in a box , and scrutineers appointed for next day at four o ' clock . There was some dissatisfaction expressed as
to the manner of taking the votes by calling oyer the roll of the Dublin lodges first , Provincial Grand Lodge next , and then the Subordinate Lodges .
Ihe proposetl changes were then considered . Rule j created a sharp discussion about the clause enabling a brother to be a member of Grand Lodge by paying M 2 annually , without
Ji'is being a subscribing member to a lodge * . This was objected to . Some trifling" change as to rank in Nos . 4 and 6 , was cancelled on a division , and it was decided that the Grand Lodge
should meet monthly as heretofore . A brother from Deny proposed , as an addenda , that one meeting of Grand Lodge each year should take place in Deny , Belfast and Cork . Another brother from Dublin district seconded
this motion , as agricultural shows were held in these p laces periodically . Sir John M . Stewart , Bart ., Prov . G . Master , Tyrone and Fermanagh , objected fo a peripatetic
Grand Lodge , and finally the motion was rejected . Rules 1 and S were ' earried , when the D . G . M . addressed the Grand Lodge , stating he could not spare any more time , on this occasion , to
discuss the proposed changes , anil would postpone them to next meeting of Grand Lodge . Bro . Geo . Jhizlett , S . G . W ., representing Grand Lodge of Armagh , Monaghan , and Louth , very
respectlully requested that another hour-and-ahalf , or at least one hour , might be devoted to the discussion , as there were some very important
rules , which if allowed to pass , would seriousl y affect the Masonic order of the Grand Lodge . The D . G . M . stated he really could not devote
any more time , as he had professional duties to attend to before he went to bed , and that the proposed General Laws Rules and Regulations were freely discussed by the Committee who
framed them , before submitting them for approval to Grand Lodge . Several brethren respectfully represented the hardship of coming from distant parts of Ireland ,
to attend Grand Lodge on this occasion , and implored the Right Worshipful Brother to adjourn Grand Lodge to Friday at ten o ' clock , and proceed with the discussion .
The D . G . M . stated , in reply , he had no power to adjourn the Grand Lodge , nor xx'ould it suit his professional duties to do so , he complimented
the Northren brethren on having no doubt made suitable business arrangements to enable them to stop in town . A very desultory discussion arose as to several propositions of assembling Grand Lodge at an
The Grand Lodge Of Ireland.
early date , to get through the work , at last it was proposed that the suggested laws should be again discussed in May 1873 . This was seconded by Bro . John Hilton , Prov .
Grantl Secretary , . Antrim , and , on a division , was carried by a large majority . 1 grieve , to add that some hissing took place on the discussion of Rule No . 6 , when two of the
Ulster Past Masters attempted to state their views ; the Right Worshipful D . G . M . alluded to it from the throne , and saitl that such conduct was un-masonic , and if again repeated he would
be obliged to request the offenders to leave the Grand Lodge . After the division on Rule No . 6 , a good many of the Dublin brethren retired , seeing the
strong muster of brethren from the North , who were prepared to discuss each new law , before adoption by the Grand Lodge of Ireland . It is hoped this opposition will have a
salutary effect , for tiny attempts at jockeyism , by endeavouring to foist new laws on the Masonic order by a very small section will be promptly met , else we fear that if undue
influences are manifested , and allowed to be unchecked the result will he a schism and a new Grantl Lodge formed North of the Boyne ; at least the feeling is strong against dictation ,
coercion , or persecution by any section . It -was felt by those who came from distant parts of the country that the meeting was held at too late an hour , especially as each Prov .
Grand Lodge had expressed its views on the new laws , which were nexer brought before Grand Lodge , and too much time was wasted at an early part of the evening . 1 hope however
the adjourned meeting will be successful , in a Masonic point of view , and worthy of the noble order of Freemasonry of which the Grand Lodge of Ireland should be one of the brightest representatives .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
CoxsKt'RXTiox' or THE NEW MASONIC IIXI . I .. A great day in the annals of the A . and A . Rite was Wednesday 8 th May , 1872 , and one long to be remembered by the members of that important and truly catholic rite .
The occasion was the consecration of the new Masonic Hall , 33 , Golden-square , which was solemnly dedicated and set apart for the mystic purposes of Freemasonry , exemplified in the higher degrees .
The new hall forms . the third of a series of handsome apartments which make the lower story of 33 Golden-square—the upper chambers being used for the library , reception-rooms , and offices in connection with the Supreme
Council . 3 . 3 ° —whose head quarters are here . The division of the lower story into separate apartments divided from each other b y rich hangings and handsomely decorated folding doors—whilst detracting somewhat from the tout ensemble and
tending to dwarf the proportions of a noble chamber , was no doubt necessitated by the peculiar construction of the premises—a yard at the back , and we believe an adjacent house , having to he taken in as n site for the hall . So far as
convenience is concerned nothing could be better , in the event of the temple being used ( as no doubt it will be ) for the various London Rose Croix Chapters , as the brethren of the hi gher
degrees will readily understand . The new hall only wants height to give it a very fine appearance . It is well proportioned , beautifully decorated , principally in white antl