Article TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article "FATHER," AS A TITLE OF HONOUR. Page 1 of 1 Article "FATHER," AS A TITLE OF HONOUR. Page 1 of 1 Article Reviews. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC CURIOSITIES. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
' TOWN , DEMERARA 290 THE CRAFTMetropolitan , Middlesex 291 Provincial ... 292 ROYAL ARCH—Metropolitan and Provincial ... 292 INSTRUCTION—Domatic Lodge , No . 177 292 MARK MASONRY—Metropolitan 292 ORDERS OF
CHIVALRYRed Cross of Rome and Constantine ... ... 292 ROYAL ARK MARINERS 292 SCOTLAND—Laying the Foundation-stone of the New Albert Bridge at Glasgow 293 MASONIC P ROGRESS 294 MULTUM IN PARVO 295 CONSECRATION OF THE HERVEY R . A . CHAPTER ¦
No . 1260 293 ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCEThe Ark Mariner Degree and Grand Mark Lodge 296 The Bread and Butter Theory ... ... ... 296 Freemasonry in India ... ... ... ... 296 An Appeal 296 Wants 296
"Father," As A Title Of Honour.
BY BRO . WILLIAM CARPENTER , P . M ., P . Z . In a paper or two of mine , on " Hiram Abif , " which you inserted in THE FREEMASON a few weeks ago , I referred to the circumstance of Joseph having been made
" a father " to Pharaoh , as he himself stated ( Gen . xlv . 8 ) , as a proof that it was no new thing for a person who was
preeminently distinguished and entrusted with power to receive the honorary title of " Father , " as Hiram Abif had done . But there are some circumstances in the
narrative we have of the elevation of Joseph to this honourable position , which illustrates the addiction of ancient , and especially of oriental , people to the use of symbols , in cases where we prosaic Occidentals would
not think of looking for it , and about which I desire to write a few lines , the subject being one of some interest , especially in its relation to Royal Arch Masonry . When Pharaoh made Joseph head " over
his house , " it indicated what is said immediately afterwards : that he had " set Joseph over all the land of Egypt . " The office of " steward " in the house of a mere subj ' ect conferred great power , but when a king
conferred this honour , it meant that the recipient should be the first man in the kingdom after the king himself . "Only on the throne will I be greater than thou , " added Pharaoh •and this perfectly accords
with the practice of Eastern despots to this day , as instance the Pashas and Beys of the Turkish sovereigns , who are still invested with the most arbitrary authority . The " ring " given to Joseph was a badge
of authority , and was a seal-ring , given , no doubt , to attest his official acts . There are numbers of these signet rings cut in the monuments , and many real ones have been found , and arc preserved in private cabinets .
They are still used in Persia and other Eastern countries , in place of the signature of the sovereign . The "vestures of fine linen " in which Joseph was arrayed were another badge of high office . Wilkinson
tells us that in a tomb at Thebes , there is the representation of a " fan-bearer " to the king—a post held only by royal princes and sons of the first nobility—where the priests are clothing him in his new robes , one put-
"Father," As A Title Of Honour.
ting on the necklace , and another arranging his dress , & c . Nor is anything better attested by monumental evidence than the practice of placing a " gold chain , " or necklace , round the necks of those installed into
important posts , as was done by Pharaoh to Joseph . Over one of these sculptured chains in the tomb of Beni Hassan , are the words , " necklace of gold . " But representations of these chains or necklaces are very
numerous . The change in Joseph s name by the king was not only intended to naturalise him , but was another mark of honour , as the name itself imports . Zaphnath-paaneah , we are told by scholars
means , " saviour , " or " sustainer of the age , " a not inappropriate designation , for Joseph , no doubt , not only saved Egypt from starvation , but introduced a system of government which saved the country from
anarchy and disruption , into which it was fast going , and which , for many ages , gave it comparative quiet and prosperity . The marriage of Joseph to Poti-phenah ( a priest ' s daughter ) of On , is worthy of
remark . This word On is the ancient Coptic word for " sun , " we are told ; and the name Poti-phenah means " of" or "belonging to the sun . " Now , On was a very noted city in Egypt , celebrated for the
learning of its priests , and here it was , the Greeks tell us , that Plato and Edocus studied under the priests for thirteen years . The monuments show that this city must have been in existence before Joseph's
time , and Stebo says that in his day the temple was very ancient , while Herodotus speaks of the priests of Heliopolis [ On ] as the most learned men in the country . That Pharaoh should have married Joseph to the
daughter of a high priest of such celebrity —and the high priests were a sort of hereditary princes—is no wonder , because it would at once give him a standing
corresponding with the dignity of the office into which he had just been installed , as the Abi , or " father " of Pharaoh .
Reviews .
? We are favoured by Her Majesty ' s Commissioners with a copy of their "Announcement " respecting the forthcoming series of International Exhibitions , the first of which
is to be held in 1871 . The "Announcement , " which is published in pamphlet form , contains , in 22 pages , a vast deal of valuable information for intending exhibitors , and it cannot but prove almost equally acceptable
to the general public , as they are now enabled to judge on what a comprehensive scale the various exhibitions will be held . The pamphlet is published at the offices of the Commissioners , Upper Kensington Gore . W .
The Church Record . This very interesting evangelical magazine is published monthly byMofifatt and Co ., the enterprising publishers , ' of Southamptonstreet , Strand , and D'Olier-street , Dublin .
The evil doings of the Jesuits are pictured in all their hideous deformity , and we believe the magazine is well calculated to rouse
the somewhat dormant spirit of Anglican Christians to a sense of the bitter intolerance of the Papal Propaganda . [ Several reviews stand over for want of space . ]
'I can confidently recommend your Vegetable Pain Killer as a cure for diarrhcea , dysentery , & c , for I have repeatedly tested its virtues in these diseases , and have never known it fail . I always keep it in the house in case of need . — -RICHARD CLARKSON , 2 , Hopwood-st ., Liverpool . —To Perry Davis & Son , London , W . C . "
Masonic Curiosities.
BY WILLIAM J AMES HUGHAN . P . M . 131 , Prov . Grand Secretary Cornwall , &* c . Below , I have the pleasure of appending , a copy of a certificate issued by Bro . Alex . Deuchar , Grand Master of the Knights Templar of Scotland , A . D . 1823 . It is of
interest , as it connects the degree in Scotland with the authority of H . R . H . the Duke of Kent , by virtue of whose support Knight Templary in Scotland was placed on a firm footing . I am indebted to Bro . M . Campbell Barclay , of Glasgow , for the sight of
the original document , and am informed by him that there are several such warrants still in existence in Scotland , and which are still used to authorise the working of the degree by certain encampments in that country .
I have copied it verbatim et literatim , and respectfully draw attention to the signature of Brother Deuchar , and the fact that the Grand Master describes himself as 90 ° , O .
Misraim . The Knight of Malta appears thereon as a side degree . "Grand Conclave " has been changed to " Chapter General" of late by the authorities in Scotland .
In cruce sains . ! Encampment ) Seal . \ [ Coat of arms . ] His Royal Highness Prince Edward Duke of Kent Strathern First Royal Grand Patron of the Exalted , Religious and Military
Order of The Knights Templars of Scotland and renovator of the order in Britain . To all whom it doth or may concern WE , the Most Eminent Sir Alexander Deuchar
Supreme Grand Master of the Royal Grand Conjj clave of the Knights Templars of Scotland send - | greeting—Know ye that these do certify lhat Sir ¦ j ; Thomas Johnston , Coalier , Barhead , near Paisley , § is regularly registered in the Books of the Royal
. - ^ Grand Conclave of Scotland as having been on § the 10 th day of January 1823 Dubbed a Knight " § Templar in the field of Encampment of The 4 Grand Assembly of Knights Templars , Paisley , c \ and Number 23 on our Registry , and the Bearer < * hereof having produced unto us or our Deputy
I ample and satisfactory proof that he is the person ^ so registered , we have delivered unto him these K presents in Testimony thereof , and caused him " ^ to sign his name on the margin for better security . 2 We therefore recommend him as a Regular Knight Templar unto all Encampments of these Orders around the Globe .
Signed in our name and by our authority , and the seal of our Royal Conclave hereunto appended , at Edinburgh this Twentieth day of March , An . Dom . One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Three , An . Ord . 705 ,
ALEX . DEUCHAR , G . M . R .: G .: Con .: of Scot .: <) o ° .: 0 .: Mis . XV . H . BLACKIR , G . S ., and R . D . C . of Scotland .
We , the M . N . Commander and the Captains of Columns of the Paisley Grand on the Registry of the Royal Grand Conclave of the Knights Templars of Scotland , do hereby certify that our Trusty and Well-beloved Knight Companion Sir Thomas Johnston , Coalier , Barhcad was , on the 10 th day of January , 1823 , regularly admitted into
the Religious and Military Order of the Knights Templars , and subsequently initiated into the mysteries of the Masonic Knights of Malta . ¦ Given under our hands and seal of our Encampment herunto affixed , at Paisley , this Twentieth day of March , 1823 . •ST M . N . Com . To
« g Capt . S . Col . 8 £ « , Secretary . C . N . C . £
AN American pianoforte-maker has invented a colossal engine , which is said to imitate the human voice " in all its registers , " the shrillest notes as well as the most profound . The machine and its inventor are to visit Europe . " Sir" William
Stevens is , according to foreign journals , the name of the inventor ; but from what fount of honour he obtained his knighthood is , looking to the fact of his citizenship , not SQ so . clear as might be .- ** - * . Musical Standard , —[ Is he a Majonic-Knight ? -r-ED . FA " ¦ '
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
' TOWN , DEMERARA 290 THE CRAFTMetropolitan , Middlesex 291 Provincial ... 292 ROYAL ARCH—Metropolitan and Provincial ... 292 INSTRUCTION—Domatic Lodge , No . 177 292 MARK MASONRY—Metropolitan 292 ORDERS OF
CHIVALRYRed Cross of Rome and Constantine ... ... 292 ROYAL ARK MARINERS 292 SCOTLAND—Laying the Foundation-stone of the New Albert Bridge at Glasgow 293 MASONIC P ROGRESS 294 MULTUM IN PARVO 295 CONSECRATION OF THE HERVEY R . A . CHAPTER ¦
No . 1260 293 ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCEThe Ark Mariner Degree and Grand Mark Lodge 296 The Bread and Butter Theory ... ... ... 296 Freemasonry in India ... ... ... ... 296 An Appeal 296 Wants 296
"Father," As A Title Of Honour.
BY BRO . WILLIAM CARPENTER , P . M ., P . Z . In a paper or two of mine , on " Hiram Abif , " which you inserted in THE FREEMASON a few weeks ago , I referred to the circumstance of Joseph having been made
" a father " to Pharaoh , as he himself stated ( Gen . xlv . 8 ) , as a proof that it was no new thing for a person who was
preeminently distinguished and entrusted with power to receive the honorary title of " Father , " as Hiram Abif had done . But there are some circumstances in the
narrative we have of the elevation of Joseph to this honourable position , which illustrates the addiction of ancient , and especially of oriental , people to the use of symbols , in cases where we prosaic Occidentals would
not think of looking for it , and about which I desire to write a few lines , the subject being one of some interest , especially in its relation to Royal Arch Masonry . When Pharaoh made Joseph head " over
his house , " it indicated what is said immediately afterwards : that he had " set Joseph over all the land of Egypt . " The office of " steward " in the house of a mere subj ' ect conferred great power , but when a king
conferred this honour , it meant that the recipient should be the first man in the kingdom after the king himself . "Only on the throne will I be greater than thou , " added Pharaoh •and this perfectly accords
with the practice of Eastern despots to this day , as instance the Pashas and Beys of the Turkish sovereigns , who are still invested with the most arbitrary authority . The " ring " given to Joseph was a badge
of authority , and was a seal-ring , given , no doubt , to attest his official acts . There are numbers of these signet rings cut in the monuments , and many real ones have been found , and arc preserved in private cabinets .
They are still used in Persia and other Eastern countries , in place of the signature of the sovereign . The "vestures of fine linen " in which Joseph was arrayed were another badge of high office . Wilkinson
tells us that in a tomb at Thebes , there is the representation of a " fan-bearer " to the king—a post held only by royal princes and sons of the first nobility—where the priests are clothing him in his new robes , one put-
"Father," As A Title Of Honour.
ting on the necklace , and another arranging his dress , & c . Nor is anything better attested by monumental evidence than the practice of placing a " gold chain , " or necklace , round the necks of those installed into
important posts , as was done by Pharaoh to Joseph . Over one of these sculptured chains in the tomb of Beni Hassan , are the words , " necklace of gold . " But representations of these chains or necklaces are very
numerous . The change in Joseph s name by the king was not only intended to naturalise him , but was another mark of honour , as the name itself imports . Zaphnath-paaneah , we are told by scholars
means , " saviour , " or " sustainer of the age , " a not inappropriate designation , for Joseph , no doubt , not only saved Egypt from starvation , but introduced a system of government which saved the country from
anarchy and disruption , into which it was fast going , and which , for many ages , gave it comparative quiet and prosperity . The marriage of Joseph to Poti-phenah ( a priest ' s daughter ) of On , is worthy of
remark . This word On is the ancient Coptic word for " sun , " we are told ; and the name Poti-phenah means " of" or "belonging to the sun . " Now , On was a very noted city in Egypt , celebrated for the
learning of its priests , and here it was , the Greeks tell us , that Plato and Edocus studied under the priests for thirteen years . The monuments show that this city must have been in existence before Joseph's
time , and Stebo says that in his day the temple was very ancient , while Herodotus speaks of the priests of Heliopolis [ On ] as the most learned men in the country . That Pharaoh should have married Joseph to the
daughter of a high priest of such celebrity —and the high priests were a sort of hereditary princes—is no wonder , because it would at once give him a standing
corresponding with the dignity of the office into which he had just been installed , as the Abi , or " father " of Pharaoh .
Reviews .
? We are favoured by Her Majesty ' s Commissioners with a copy of their "Announcement " respecting the forthcoming series of International Exhibitions , the first of which
is to be held in 1871 . The "Announcement , " which is published in pamphlet form , contains , in 22 pages , a vast deal of valuable information for intending exhibitors , and it cannot but prove almost equally acceptable
to the general public , as they are now enabled to judge on what a comprehensive scale the various exhibitions will be held . The pamphlet is published at the offices of the Commissioners , Upper Kensington Gore . W .
The Church Record . This very interesting evangelical magazine is published monthly byMofifatt and Co ., the enterprising publishers , ' of Southamptonstreet , Strand , and D'Olier-street , Dublin .
The evil doings of the Jesuits are pictured in all their hideous deformity , and we believe the magazine is well calculated to rouse
the somewhat dormant spirit of Anglican Christians to a sense of the bitter intolerance of the Papal Propaganda . [ Several reviews stand over for want of space . ]
'I can confidently recommend your Vegetable Pain Killer as a cure for diarrhcea , dysentery , & c , for I have repeatedly tested its virtues in these diseases , and have never known it fail . I always keep it in the house in case of need . — -RICHARD CLARKSON , 2 , Hopwood-st ., Liverpool . —To Perry Davis & Son , London , W . C . "
Masonic Curiosities.
BY WILLIAM J AMES HUGHAN . P . M . 131 , Prov . Grand Secretary Cornwall , &* c . Below , I have the pleasure of appending , a copy of a certificate issued by Bro . Alex . Deuchar , Grand Master of the Knights Templar of Scotland , A . D . 1823 . It is of
interest , as it connects the degree in Scotland with the authority of H . R . H . the Duke of Kent , by virtue of whose support Knight Templary in Scotland was placed on a firm footing . I am indebted to Bro . M . Campbell Barclay , of Glasgow , for the sight of
the original document , and am informed by him that there are several such warrants still in existence in Scotland , and which are still used to authorise the working of the degree by certain encampments in that country .
I have copied it verbatim et literatim , and respectfully draw attention to the signature of Brother Deuchar , and the fact that the Grand Master describes himself as 90 ° , O .
Misraim . The Knight of Malta appears thereon as a side degree . "Grand Conclave " has been changed to " Chapter General" of late by the authorities in Scotland .
In cruce sains . ! Encampment ) Seal . \ [ Coat of arms . ] His Royal Highness Prince Edward Duke of Kent Strathern First Royal Grand Patron of the Exalted , Religious and Military
Order of The Knights Templars of Scotland and renovator of the order in Britain . To all whom it doth or may concern WE , the Most Eminent Sir Alexander Deuchar
Supreme Grand Master of the Royal Grand Conjj clave of the Knights Templars of Scotland send - | greeting—Know ye that these do certify lhat Sir ¦ j ; Thomas Johnston , Coalier , Barhead , near Paisley , § is regularly registered in the Books of the Royal
. - ^ Grand Conclave of Scotland as having been on § the 10 th day of January 1823 Dubbed a Knight " § Templar in the field of Encampment of The 4 Grand Assembly of Knights Templars , Paisley , c \ and Number 23 on our Registry , and the Bearer < * hereof having produced unto us or our Deputy
I ample and satisfactory proof that he is the person ^ so registered , we have delivered unto him these K presents in Testimony thereof , and caused him " ^ to sign his name on the margin for better security . 2 We therefore recommend him as a Regular Knight Templar unto all Encampments of these Orders around the Globe .
Signed in our name and by our authority , and the seal of our Royal Conclave hereunto appended , at Edinburgh this Twentieth day of March , An . Dom . One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Three , An . Ord . 705 ,
ALEX . DEUCHAR , G . M . R .: G .: Con .: of Scot .: <) o ° .: 0 .: Mis . XV . H . BLACKIR , G . S ., and R . D . C . of Scotland .
We , the M . N . Commander and the Captains of Columns of the Paisley Grand on the Registry of the Royal Grand Conclave of the Knights Templars of Scotland , do hereby certify that our Trusty and Well-beloved Knight Companion Sir Thomas Johnston , Coalier , Barhcad was , on the 10 th day of January , 1823 , regularly admitted into
the Religious and Military Order of the Knights Templars , and subsequently initiated into the mysteries of the Masonic Knights of Malta . ¦ Given under our hands and seal of our Encampment herunto affixed , at Paisley , this Twentieth day of March , 1823 . •ST M . N . Com . To
« g Capt . S . Col . 8 £ « , Secretary . C . N . C . £
AN American pianoforte-maker has invented a colossal engine , which is said to imitate the human voice " in all its registers , " the shrillest notes as well as the most profound . The machine and its inventor are to visit Europe . " Sir" William
Stevens is , according to foreign journals , the name of the inventor ; but from what fount of honour he obtained his knighthood is , looking to the fact of his citizenship , not SQ so . clear as might be .- ** - * . Musical Standard , —[ Is he a Majonic-Knight ? -r-ED . FA " ¦ '