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SHOP FITTINGS , AND SHOW CASES Manufactured by GEO . TREBLE & SOWS , ., 0 , 41 . 42 , 43 & 44 , GLOUCESTER ST ., HOXTON , LONDON . Show Rooms , with a large assortment of Show Cases , suitable for any trade always in Stock .
EVANS , SON , & COMPANY , Stove , Grate , and Kitchen Range Manufacturers , Hot Water and Gas Engineers , Manufacturing and Furnishing Ironmongers , 33 & 34 , KING WILLIAM STREET , LONDON BRIDGE .
"TRUTH MUST PREVAIL . " —Common Sense . Lamps , Baths , Cutlery , Brushes , Fenders and Fire Irons , Electroplate and Nickel-Silver Goods . . R . D . PARR , General House-Furnishing Ironmonger , 42 , BLACKMAN STREET , BOROUGH , OFFERS nothing extraordinary , but REALLY GOOD Articles at fair and reasonable prices . He does n & t keep an " Immense Stock , " but SUFFICIENTLY LAKCE for any person to select from . He does not sell " cheaper than every other house in the Trade , " but quite as cheap as ANY . A visit will , at all times , be very much appreciated .
Save Half your Coals AND Cure your Smoky Chimneys , by using the PATENT AMERICAN KITCHENER , which can be seen daily iu operation at the Original American Warehouse , 155 , Cheapside , London , E . C . Prices from 4 s . to £ 31 . Illustrated prospectus free . JOSEPH H . RIDDELL & Co ., Proprietors .
Bro . WILLIAM PLATT , Manufacturer of Masonic Jewels , Clothing , Banners , Furniture , Embroideries , & c , 6 , BEAUFORT BUILDINGS , STRAND , LONDON , ( Established 1848 ) , Lodge and Chapter Furniture supplied at the lowest prices . A single article at the Wholesale Price . Terms Cash .
Bro . JAMES ROBERTSON , Masonic Clothier to the P . G . L . of Forfarshire , Supplies MASONIC CLOTHING KOR ANY DEGREE to tbe Hrcthrcn , or by contract to Lodges , Chapters , & c , at moderate prices . 19 , REFORM STREET , DUNDEE , N . Ii .
Picture Frame Makers , & c . H MORRELL , direct Importer of the best •Foreign Frame and Room Mouldings can now offer to his numerous customers every requisite required hi the trade at a great reduction . H . M . has opened another establishment , 68 , Gray ' s-innroad , opposite the entrance to Gray ' s-inn-square , where all orders will receive the same attention as usual . Country customers would do well by writing either to iS , Great St . Andrew-Mreet , L'looiiisbury ; ^ -. Eing-strect , Long-acre ; or 6 S , Gray ' s-inn-road . Holborn , thus saving traveller ' s commission . For trade list send stamped directed envelope . Veneered Maple , Walnut , Rosewood , at the lowest prices
GLENFIELD STARCH is the only kind used in Her Majesty ' s Laundry . THOSE LADIES who have not yet used the GLENI-ILLD STARCH , are respectfully solicited to give it a trial , and carefully follow out the directions printed on every package . It is rather more diffcult to make than other Starches , but when this U overcome , they will say , like the Queen ' s Laundress , that it is the finest Starch they ever used . What you ask for the iilenfield , see that yon eet it .
DO YOU KEEP YOUR OWN HORSES ? No ; wc find wc can do better by sending to POWELL , where we can get every description of Cart or Van at five minutes' notice . He will contract to take goods of every description to or from any of the Docks or Wharves ' , at per ton , or any jnb you offer him . Address POWELL , Carman aud Contractor , 1 . Carthusian-street , Aldersgatestreet , City , E . C .
GALVANIS . M .--PULVERMACHER'S Monthly KLC 0 K 1 ) nrCURKS is 110 : 0 ready tur ihe benefit of Mide-crs , containing documentary evidence "f mnnrkahle cures effected by PULVEKMACMKK ' s I . MI'KOVKIi I ' ATI' . NT Sl' . l . r-. M'IM . K ' . llll . lf Vill . TAELECTKIC CHAIN HANKS and l ' ucKnr 1 ! ATTKI : II : S , and may he had on application to the Sole Inventor and Patentee , J . I .. l ' n . VERMACIIRK , Too , Kc ;; cllt-Mr < - < -t , London . W . A lest on loan seul gratis if required . Caution . —Spurious electric appliances bcine : advertised by ljuack Doctors , Patients should consult I ' ulvenuacher ' s Pamphlet on lhat subject ( free by post ) , embodying other most intercstine . mailer for those suffering from Rheumatic and Neuralgic Pains , I ' unctiuiul Disorders , & c , Kc .
T UXURIANT WHISKERS , Moustaches , and -L- * a Fine Head of Hair . —Mrs . MEUKIAM , Springfield , Mas . * -, U . S ., will send , through her English agents , Messrs . Wesley and Knox , Fcathersionc-buildings , London , W . C , her Recipe ( lom . i . l ; 0 for nine stamps and stamped envelope , producing hair on tare or head in a month . A pint bottle sent by rail ( carriage paid ) for 36 stamps . —May be ordered through any Chemist
FINE HEAD of HAIR , WHISKERS , MOUSTACHES , and KYU-11 KOWS . —A relired Apothecary , finm Wales , will send his nolcd FORMULA for 13 stamps and stamp directed envelope lo produce Hair on ihe Head . Whiskers and Moustache , on the Face in thr . e weeks . —Mr . EVAN EVANS . M . D . CM ., Dorians , Surrey .
t /^ HARLES WATSON and Co ., 30 , Cornhill , ^^ V ^ invite attention to the CORNHILL SHERRY , as r ^ jjjg * - -j S^g'ot™^£Sr**a "d WOTthy ©MIMSMf TTI-IE CORNHILL SHERRY , elegant , pale , and dry , 30 s . per \ S lT ~^ ^ I dozen . Carriage paid . \ ^ # < CV / O J * * . / PHARLES WATSON and Co ., 30 , Cornhill , E . C . ( opposite V *^\\ j \^ J t £ / ^ Royal Exchange . . \ V ^^ SC *^/ THE CORNHILL SHERRY , rich sold , 30 s . per dozen . \/ r- > % i >/ jj ; Carriage paid . No . 30 , Cornhill . T ^ ( 7 / 1 / / pHARLES WATSON and Co ., 30 . Cornhill , ( opposite Royal \ C *» 2 ^\ L ^ o / ^ - Exchange ) , request the favour of a visit to their oid-established NT ^^ ^ 1 / S cellars , 30 , Cornhill , containing a large stock of the Finest Old . N . * S Wines of every country , some curious and rare , to please the ^ \^ r most critical connoisseurs . A fully descriptive Price List .
BRO . LOWENTHAL , of 70 , FENCHURCH STREET , begs to ca'l the attention of the Craft to his newly invented and Registered © This is now acknowledged by the BEST A UTHOR 1 TIES and also GUARANTEED to be the Purest Extract of Cocoa obtainable , combining in a concentrated and soluble form , 'Can finest quality of COCOA NIBS , purified from the excess of fatty matter , with the delicious taste of the best CIIOCOLA TE . WHOLESALE DEPOT , 70 , FENCIITRCH STREET , LONDON , E . C . N . U . —A Qd . packet contains sufficient for 30 Cufs prepared in a minute with boiling water or milk . The British Medical Journal says : '" Chocolatine , ' under this title , Messrs . L . it Co . have introduced a Pure Preparation of Cocoa , which furnishes a most agreeable , digestible and nutritious beverage . It is thoroughly soluble and very delicate in flavor , free from the excess of butter , and suitable for the most fastidious of palates .
i^^^^^S \ JOHHlLW < Ey ' & S ^ MS ^ MDW ( Nan Mercurial ) T 7 OR CLEANING AND POLISHING Silver , 1 Elcclro-platc , Plate Glass , Marble , Kc . Tablets ( 3 d . each . Prepared expressly for the Patent Knife-Cleaning Machines , Indiarubber and Hud" Leather Knife llorads . Knives constantly cleaned with it have a brilliant polish equal to new cutlery . Sold in Packets , 3 d . each ; and Tins , 6 d ., is ., es . 6 d „ and 4 s . each . Prevent friction in cleaning and injury lo the knife . Price from 6 d . each . Oakcy ' s Wellington knife Polish should be used with the boards . Sold everywhere by tirocers . Ironmongers , P . rnshniakers . Oilmen , Chemists , .-ic . Wholesale by JOHN OAKEY AND SONS , MANLTACTLT . ICRS OF 172 , BLACKFRIARS ROAD .
¦ ?/$§&KPYRETICSALINE r * j ( S f'P' || ^/ A \ 's " ,,, sl ^ b-. " r- ** i | 1 . - ' - vitalizing , and re * <^ 3 f KT * IF 5 »* £ ^ C £ } MI ] freshing . It gives instant relief in ^ 3 K ^ l ^ jfLfjwi / i I ^« Iache , Sea or Bilious Sickness , and ^ - ** V ^^ is ^ S ^^ M * ' ' - ')* cure- * the worst form of Eruptive 0 ^ N & S-s ^ jjrf ^/ or Skin Complaint * . 'I'hc various diseases 252 ^ ^& f $ f *'^ ari-. ing from Cnn-tipation . tbe Liver or " ^* V ^ Llood Impiirities . Inoculation , the restdts * X of breathing air infected with Fever , Measles , or Small Pox - —J ARE CURED AND PREVENTED liV ITS USE . Sold by .-ill Chemists , ; im ] t ) ie M . iker , in Patent ( Hiss Stoppered Mottles , at ^ s . od ., 4 * . ( id ., ns ., and ais . eaeh , A otic * my Trade Mark , and be'oare of spurious imitations . H . LAMl'LOUGII , n . * , Ifoi . iioRN- II 11 . 1 ., LONDON , K . C .
TU- * : MARVI-: L OF SCIKNCH . —KLECTRI--1 CITY ANll MAC . NI-. riSMl CUKE YOURSELF P . Y THE ELECT ! " IC AND MAGKF . 'IIC SELFAIIJUSTINi ; l IKATIVE . SUFFF . KEKS from Ncrvnm Ailments Indigestion , Debility , Weakness , , ' " •,-., CAN Now CURE TIIEMSKLYKS by ihe only " ( . .-A * . 1 I : I : D J ; K \ U : IIY" iu lunope , protected and sanctioned by the Faculty . Free for one Stamp , by W . JENXEI ' , Esq ., S . M . ( Member College , ( ic ) , PF . I'CY HOUSE , BEDFORD Si . ) ., LONDON . jY . ll .- Medieines and Fees suferseaed . ( Rr . Fi ' . ni-tNCF TO TIN -: I . I » » INT ; PHYSICIANS OF THH DAY . ) A TEST f "KATLS .-Seml for Delails . CAI ' TIIJS .-X . H . This is the only acknowledged Curative Appliance as in use iu the various Hospitals aud recognised by the Medical' / acuity of Great Hritain , and none are genuine unless had direct from Mr . IIalter Jenner ; -. oho cautious the public against a person using ^ his name , and imitating his discoveries . Vide Pri'e Medal and Hospital Report * .
, v . \ WHO'S SAXBY ? A ^ --. /' ' The Cheapest and Best Oilman , *\^ 7-20 . 4 > BROMELL'S BUILDINGS , CLAPHAM , 790 . ( Formcry of Bromell ' s Road ) , Where every article of Best Quality is to be obtained at Lowest Market Prices . s . d . Genuine White Lead 30 6 per cwt . Linseed Oil a 10 per gallon . Boiled OU 30 Turps 27 „ Best Patent Dryers , 7 lbs . or 1 / 6 , or 22 o per cwt . Best Double Size .. ., .. to per firkin . Best Town Whiting x 8 per cwt . Painters' Brushes of all hinds . Colours Ground in Oil or Wattr . Ropes , Lines , Twines , Mats , Mops , Pails . Varnishes , Lacquers , Stains . Tin and Iron Wares of all description ! .
' ^ ^ BY APPOINTMENT TO THE QUEEN . 7 \> Bookseller , Stationery Newsagent , Printer , & e . A MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF MASONIC REQUIREMENTS May be seen at BRO . E . FRANKLIN'S , 42 , MOSLEY STREET , corner of ST . NICHOLAS' SQUARE , NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE . Agent for "THE FREEMASON" and the New Masonic Not * Paper and Envelopes , Candles and Perfumes .
F ^ rl ^ y ^^^ l ^ t ^^ lKr ^ fil ^ A NEWLY-DISCOVERED Principle residing in Gum Benjamin ( Styrax Benzoin ) , well known and highly valued by medical practitioners . PRICE'S BEN 20 DYNE is stimulant , anodyne , and mechanically astringent , arresting fluxes and irtemorrhnges of all kinds both external and internal , possessing singular efficacy in the following diseases : —Bronchitis , Consumption , Colic , Cholera , Cold . Cough , Diarrhoea , Dysentery , Debility in all its various forms , Spasms , & c , & c . PRICE'S BENZODYNE has been tried repeatedl y in these cases , and has never failed to cure . _ It immediately relieves all pain , actually sheathing the organs with a protective matter , which defies the action of the most virulent bloodpoisons , aud thus PRICE'S BENZODYNE acts as the most powerful styptic now known to science , being the only effective external application for cuts , bites of insects , and all open wounds . In Cholera , as in Consumption , its effects are astounding , while Chronic Cungh yields to its curative influences in a few hours . PRICE'S BENZOD J 'AY : is specially adapted for Naval , Military or Travellers Medicine Chests , ami'forHospitals and Dispensaries everywhere . Sold in bottles at is . ij ^ d ., 2 s . Qd ., 4 s . 6 d ., ns . and aas ., by all Chemists . Prepared and Guaranteed by MK . PRICE , ANALYTICAL CHEMIST , and sold wholesale by PRICE & . Co ., 2 , Lower Seymour-street , and r > a , Dukc-strcct , Portman-square , London , W . ; or through the following agents :- •LLEWELLYN & Co ., Shanghai , China . LLEWELLYN & Co ., Hiago , Japan . V . wt . msG Sc Co ., Adelaide , Australia . LEVY BROTHERS , Melbourne .
RUPTURES . —Hy Royal Letters Patent . WHITE ' S Moc-Main LEVER TRUSS fls allowed by upwards of £ 00 Medical ^ Men to be the most effective invention in the curative treatment of If KRXIA . The use of a steel spring , so often hurtful in its effects , is here avoided ; a soft bandage being •vorn round the body , while the requisite resisting power is supplied by the MOC-MAIN PAD and PATENT LEvER , fitting with so much ease and closeness that il cannot be detected , and may be worn during sleep . A descriptive circular may be had , and the Truss , which cannot fail to fit , forwarded by post , on the circumference of the body , two inches below the hips , being sent to the MANUFACTURER , Mr . WJIITK , 22 S , Piccadilly , London . Price oi a Single Truss , 16 s ., 21 s ,, 26 s . ( 3 d . and 31 s . 6 d . Postage is . „ of a Double Truss , 31 s . Cd ,, 42 s . and 52 s . 6 d . Postage is . 8 d . , , of Umbilical Truss , 42 s . and 52 s . 6 d . Postage is . rod . Post Office Orders to be made payable to J OHN WHITE , Post Office Piccadilly . XP . IVPA TEXTELASTICSTOCKIXGS , KNEECAPS , & c . The material of which these arc made is recommended by the fa . ulty as being peculiarl y ELASTIC and COMPRESSIBLE and the best invention f-r giving efficient aud permanent support in all cases of WEAKNESS , VARICOSE VEINS , Szc . Price , 4 * . 6 cL , 7 s . od . ( u . s . and 16 s . each . Postage 6 d . SPINAL MACHINES , LEG IKON'S , and Every Description of Surgical Appliances . JOHN WHITE . Manufacturer , 228 , Piccadilly , London
STAMMERING . —Rev . E . Danziger ( M . M . ) , 9 , Chester-place , Albany-street , London , N . W . ; North Field Villa , Leeds ; and jx , Carter-strot-t , Grecnhays , Manchester , effectually and permanentl y CURES ALL IMPEDIMENT OFSPEECH , whether due to nervousness or other cases , irrespective of age or sex . No mechanical appliance used . The highest references and testimonials can bt obtained on application . No fee if no benefit derived .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
SHOP FITTINGS , AND SHOW CASES Manufactured by GEO . TREBLE & SOWS , ., 0 , 41 . 42 , 43 & 44 , GLOUCESTER ST ., HOXTON , LONDON . Show Rooms , with a large assortment of Show Cases , suitable for any trade always in Stock .
EVANS , SON , & COMPANY , Stove , Grate , and Kitchen Range Manufacturers , Hot Water and Gas Engineers , Manufacturing and Furnishing Ironmongers , 33 & 34 , KING WILLIAM STREET , LONDON BRIDGE .
"TRUTH MUST PREVAIL . " —Common Sense . Lamps , Baths , Cutlery , Brushes , Fenders and Fire Irons , Electroplate and Nickel-Silver Goods . . R . D . PARR , General House-Furnishing Ironmonger , 42 , BLACKMAN STREET , BOROUGH , OFFERS nothing extraordinary , but REALLY GOOD Articles at fair and reasonable prices . He does n & t keep an " Immense Stock , " but SUFFICIENTLY LAKCE for any person to select from . He does not sell " cheaper than every other house in the Trade , " but quite as cheap as ANY . A visit will , at all times , be very much appreciated .
Save Half your Coals AND Cure your Smoky Chimneys , by using the PATENT AMERICAN KITCHENER , which can be seen daily iu operation at the Original American Warehouse , 155 , Cheapside , London , E . C . Prices from 4 s . to £ 31 . Illustrated prospectus free . JOSEPH H . RIDDELL & Co ., Proprietors .
Bro . WILLIAM PLATT , Manufacturer of Masonic Jewels , Clothing , Banners , Furniture , Embroideries , & c , 6 , BEAUFORT BUILDINGS , STRAND , LONDON , ( Established 1848 ) , Lodge and Chapter Furniture supplied at the lowest prices . A single article at the Wholesale Price . Terms Cash .
Bro . JAMES ROBERTSON , Masonic Clothier to the P . G . L . of Forfarshire , Supplies MASONIC CLOTHING KOR ANY DEGREE to tbe Hrcthrcn , or by contract to Lodges , Chapters , & c , at moderate prices . 19 , REFORM STREET , DUNDEE , N . Ii .
Picture Frame Makers , & c . H MORRELL , direct Importer of the best •Foreign Frame and Room Mouldings can now offer to his numerous customers every requisite required hi the trade at a great reduction . H . M . has opened another establishment , 68 , Gray ' s-innroad , opposite the entrance to Gray ' s-inn-square , where all orders will receive the same attention as usual . Country customers would do well by writing either to iS , Great St . Andrew-Mreet , L'looiiisbury ; ^ -. Eing-strect , Long-acre ; or 6 S , Gray ' s-inn-road . Holborn , thus saving traveller ' s commission . For trade list send stamped directed envelope . Veneered Maple , Walnut , Rosewood , at the lowest prices
GLENFIELD STARCH is the only kind used in Her Majesty ' s Laundry . THOSE LADIES who have not yet used the GLENI-ILLD STARCH , are respectfully solicited to give it a trial , and carefully follow out the directions printed on every package . It is rather more diffcult to make than other Starches , but when this U overcome , they will say , like the Queen ' s Laundress , that it is the finest Starch they ever used . What you ask for the iilenfield , see that yon eet it .
DO YOU KEEP YOUR OWN HORSES ? No ; wc find wc can do better by sending to POWELL , where we can get every description of Cart or Van at five minutes' notice . He will contract to take goods of every description to or from any of the Docks or Wharves ' , at per ton , or any jnb you offer him . Address POWELL , Carman aud Contractor , 1 . Carthusian-street , Aldersgatestreet , City , E . C .
GALVANIS . M .--PULVERMACHER'S Monthly KLC 0 K 1 ) nrCURKS is 110 : 0 ready tur ihe benefit of Mide-crs , containing documentary evidence "f mnnrkahle cures effected by PULVEKMACMKK ' s I . MI'KOVKIi I ' ATI' . NT Sl' . l . r-. M'IM . K ' . llll . lf Vill . TAELECTKIC CHAIN HANKS and l ' ucKnr 1 ! ATTKI : II : S , and may he had on application to the Sole Inventor and Patentee , J . I .. l ' n . VERMACIIRK , Too , Kc ;; cllt-Mr < - < -t , London . W . A lest on loan seul gratis if required . Caution . —Spurious electric appliances bcine : advertised by ljuack Doctors , Patients should consult I ' ulvenuacher ' s Pamphlet on lhat subject ( free by post ) , embodying other most intercstine . mailer for those suffering from Rheumatic and Neuralgic Pains , I ' unctiuiul Disorders , & c , Kc .
T UXURIANT WHISKERS , Moustaches , and -L- * a Fine Head of Hair . —Mrs . MEUKIAM , Springfield , Mas . * -, U . S ., will send , through her English agents , Messrs . Wesley and Knox , Fcathersionc-buildings , London , W . C , her Recipe ( lom . i . l ; 0 for nine stamps and stamped envelope , producing hair on tare or head in a month . A pint bottle sent by rail ( carriage paid ) for 36 stamps . —May be ordered through any Chemist
FINE HEAD of HAIR , WHISKERS , MOUSTACHES , and KYU-11 KOWS . —A relired Apothecary , finm Wales , will send his nolcd FORMULA for 13 stamps and stamp directed envelope lo produce Hair on ihe Head . Whiskers and Moustache , on the Face in thr . e weeks . —Mr . EVAN EVANS . M . D . CM ., Dorians , Surrey .
t /^ HARLES WATSON and Co ., 30 , Cornhill , ^^ V ^ invite attention to the CORNHILL SHERRY , as r ^ jjjg * - -j S^g'ot™^£Sr**a "d WOTthy ©MIMSMf TTI-IE CORNHILL SHERRY , elegant , pale , and dry , 30 s . per \ S lT ~^ ^ I dozen . Carriage paid . \ ^ # < CV / O J * * . / PHARLES WATSON and Co ., 30 , Cornhill , E . C . ( opposite V *^\\ j \^ J t £ / ^ Royal Exchange . . \ V ^^ SC *^/ THE CORNHILL SHERRY , rich sold , 30 s . per dozen . \/ r- > % i >/ jj ; Carriage paid . No . 30 , Cornhill . T ^ ( 7 / 1 / / pHARLES WATSON and Co ., 30 . Cornhill , ( opposite Royal \ C *» 2 ^\ L ^ o / ^ - Exchange ) , request the favour of a visit to their oid-established NT ^^ ^ 1 / S cellars , 30 , Cornhill , containing a large stock of the Finest Old . N . * S Wines of every country , some curious and rare , to please the ^ \^ r most critical connoisseurs . A fully descriptive Price List .
BRO . LOWENTHAL , of 70 , FENCHURCH STREET , begs to ca'l the attention of the Craft to his newly invented and Registered © This is now acknowledged by the BEST A UTHOR 1 TIES and also GUARANTEED to be the Purest Extract of Cocoa obtainable , combining in a concentrated and soluble form , 'Can finest quality of COCOA NIBS , purified from the excess of fatty matter , with the delicious taste of the best CIIOCOLA TE . WHOLESALE DEPOT , 70 , FENCIITRCH STREET , LONDON , E . C . N . U . —A Qd . packet contains sufficient for 30 Cufs prepared in a minute with boiling water or milk . The British Medical Journal says : '" Chocolatine , ' under this title , Messrs . L . it Co . have introduced a Pure Preparation of Cocoa , which furnishes a most agreeable , digestible and nutritious beverage . It is thoroughly soluble and very delicate in flavor , free from the excess of butter , and suitable for the most fastidious of palates .
i^^^^^S \ JOHHlLW < Ey ' & S ^ MS ^ MDW ( Nan Mercurial ) T 7 OR CLEANING AND POLISHING Silver , 1 Elcclro-platc , Plate Glass , Marble , Kc . Tablets ( 3 d . each . Prepared expressly for the Patent Knife-Cleaning Machines , Indiarubber and Hud" Leather Knife llorads . Knives constantly cleaned with it have a brilliant polish equal to new cutlery . Sold in Packets , 3 d . each ; and Tins , 6 d ., is ., es . 6 d „ and 4 s . each . Prevent friction in cleaning and injury lo the knife . Price from 6 d . each . Oakcy ' s Wellington knife Polish should be used with the boards . Sold everywhere by tirocers . Ironmongers , P . rnshniakers . Oilmen , Chemists , .-ic . Wholesale by JOHN OAKEY AND SONS , MANLTACTLT . ICRS OF 172 , BLACKFRIARS ROAD .
¦ ?/$§&KPYRETICSALINE r * j ( S f'P' || ^/ A \ 's " ,,, sl ^ b-. " r- ** i | 1 . - ' - vitalizing , and re * <^ 3 f KT * IF 5 »* £ ^ C £ } MI ] freshing . It gives instant relief in ^ 3 K ^ l ^ jfLfjwi / i I ^« Iache , Sea or Bilious Sickness , and ^ - ** V ^^ is ^ S ^^ M * ' ' - ')* cure- * the worst form of Eruptive 0 ^ N & S-s ^ jjrf ^/ or Skin Complaint * . 'I'hc various diseases 252 ^ ^& f $ f *'^ ari-. ing from Cnn-tipation . tbe Liver or " ^* V ^ Llood Impiirities . Inoculation , the restdts * X of breathing air infected with Fever , Measles , or Small Pox - —J ARE CURED AND PREVENTED liV ITS USE . Sold by .-ill Chemists , ; im ] t ) ie M . iker , in Patent ( Hiss Stoppered Mottles , at ^ s . od ., 4 * . ( id ., ns ., and ais . eaeh , A otic * my Trade Mark , and be'oare of spurious imitations . H . LAMl'LOUGII , n . * , Ifoi . iioRN- II 11 . 1 ., LONDON , K . C .
TU- * : MARVI-: L OF SCIKNCH . —KLECTRI--1 CITY ANll MAC . NI-. riSMl CUKE YOURSELF P . Y THE ELECT ! " IC AND MAGKF . 'IIC SELFAIIJUSTINi ; l IKATIVE . SUFFF . KEKS from Ncrvnm Ailments Indigestion , Debility , Weakness , , ' " •,-., CAN Now CURE TIIEMSKLYKS by ihe only " ( . .-A * . 1 I : I : D J ; K \ U : IIY" iu lunope , protected and sanctioned by the Faculty . Free for one Stamp , by W . JENXEI ' , Esq ., S . M . ( Member College , ( ic ) , PF . I'CY HOUSE , BEDFORD Si . ) ., LONDON . jY . ll .- Medieines and Fees suferseaed . ( Rr . Fi ' . ni-tNCF TO TIN -: I . I » » INT ; PHYSICIANS OF THH DAY . ) A TEST f "KATLS .-Seml for Delails . CAI ' TIIJS .-X . H . This is the only acknowledged Curative Appliance as in use iu the various Hospitals aud recognised by the Medical' / acuity of Great Hritain , and none are genuine unless had direct from Mr . IIalter Jenner ; -. oho cautious the public against a person using ^ his name , and imitating his discoveries . Vide Pri'e Medal and Hospital Report * .
, v . \ WHO'S SAXBY ? A ^ --. /' ' The Cheapest and Best Oilman , *\^ 7-20 . 4 > BROMELL'S BUILDINGS , CLAPHAM , 790 . ( Formcry of Bromell ' s Road ) , Where every article of Best Quality is to be obtained at Lowest Market Prices . s . d . Genuine White Lead 30 6 per cwt . Linseed Oil a 10 per gallon . Boiled OU 30 Turps 27 „ Best Patent Dryers , 7 lbs . or 1 / 6 , or 22 o per cwt . Best Double Size .. ., .. to per firkin . Best Town Whiting x 8 per cwt . Painters' Brushes of all hinds . Colours Ground in Oil or Wattr . Ropes , Lines , Twines , Mats , Mops , Pails . Varnishes , Lacquers , Stains . Tin and Iron Wares of all description ! .
' ^ ^ BY APPOINTMENT TO THE QUEEN . 7 \> Bookseller , Stationery Newsagent , Printer , & e . A MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF MASONIC REQUIREMENTS May be seen at BRO . E . FRANKLIN'S , 42 , MOSLEY STREET , corner of ST . NICHOLAS' SQUARE , NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE . Agent for "THE FREEMASON" and the New Masonic Not * Paper and Envelopes , Candles and Perfumes .
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