Article CONSECRATION of a NEW LODGE at GEORGE TOWN, DEMERARA. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE CRAFT. Page 1 of 2 Article THE CRAFT. Page 1 of 2 →
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Consecration Of A New Lodge At George Town, Demerara.
thoughts of men from things sublunary to those which exist in the Temple above . Its duties had respect to all relations of life—the citizens , the family , the country . To every nation on the face of the globe a Mason ' s duties reached . In glowing words , which we can not reproduce , W . P . M . Oliver took all
by storm , and , after expressing the fervent wish that the Mount Olive Lodge would proceed in its career of success and prosperity , and passing a deserved eulogy on the W . M ., P . M . ' s and Officers , he sat down amidst the plaudits of the Craft . At the conclusion of W . P . M . Bro . Oliver ' s
eulogium , W . P . M . Bro . Klien addressed the W . P . M . presiding thus : — " Worshipful Sir , doth this hall and the plan upon which it is constructed meet your approbation ? " Receiving an affirmative reply , the brother proceeded : — " Worshipful P . M ., the hall in which we are now assembled , and the plan upon
which it is constructed having met with your approbation , it is the desire ofthe Fraternity that it should be now consecrated and dedicated according to ancient form and usage . " Then the W . P . M . presiding directed a procession to be formed which was done in regular order .
The rest ofthe brethren kept their places standing , and assisted in singing the Dedication Ode . The procession went round the hall during the singing of the first verse , at the end of which the P . M . having arrived at the east , the vessel with corn was presented to him , taking which and striking
three times with the mallet he poured it on the lodge , saying at the same time , " In the name ofthe Great Jehovah to whom be all honour and glory , I do solemnly consecrate this Hall of Freemasonry . " Grand Honours once . While the second veisc was being sung the
procession went round the hall a second time , the P . M . having arrived at the east , the vessel with the wine was presented to him , taking which and sprinkling some over the lodge said , " In the name of St . John , I do solemnly dedicate this hall to virtue . " Grand Honours twice .
The procession went round the third time while the third verse was being sung , at the end thereof , the P . M . having again arrived at the East , the vessel with the oil was presented to him , taking which and sprinkling some on the lodge , he said , " In the name of the whole Fraternity I do solemnly
Dedicate this hall to Universal Benevolence . " Grand Honours three times . A solemn invocation was then made by the W . P . M ., after which he declared the hall Consecratedand Dedicated to all purposes of Freemasonry . On the Presiding Officer taking his scat under the
Canopy , the Consecration hymn was sung . After which the W . M ., Bro . John C . Devonish , in a short but effective and mellifluous speech , gracefully returned thanks to the W . P . M ., to the officers and members of the Union and Phccnix Lodges , as well as to all the visiting brethren ofthe
Craft present . While the collection was being taken up , an ode to charity was sung . This being done , the Grand Procession was reformed as at the beginning and returned in the s imc order to the room below , where the lodge was
c ' osed in due form . A sumptuous supper was prepared in another part of the building , and after the brethren had divested themselves of their regalia , they joyously repaired to the banquctting hall , where ample justice was done to the splendid array of creature comforts
which the tables groaned under . During the evening , the following toasts were drunk , and postprandial speeches and replies made : — " The Queen , " " The Grand Master of England , " " The Presiding Officer , " "The Worshipful Masters , Past Masters , and Officers of the Union and Phccnix Lodges , " " The Visiting Brethren . "
Thus terminated the sublime ceremony of the Dedication and Consecration of the Mount Olive Lodge . A ceremony which will not be soon forgotten by the Craft who participated in it . Long may Uiiion , Mount Olive , and Phccnix Lodges exist , and long may they co-operate in effectuating and perpetuating the grand results of the Order . All hail I
GENERAL M ELLINET has not accepted the Grand Mastership of the Freemasons of France , and M . Carnot having refused the candidacy , the Masonic body has decided provisionally to suppress the Grand Mastership , reserving its final resolution on the subject till next year .
A C ONCLAVE of Knights of the Red Cross of Rome and Constantine will be consecrated and opened at the Ship Hotel , Southend , Essex , on Monday , the 4 . 1 I 1 day of July , at two o ' clock . The ceremony will be performed by Sir Kt . Marsh ,
G . A ., the Inspector-General for Essex , assisted by Sir Kt . Cubitt , G . H ., and other dignitaries of the Order . Any Sir Kt . or candidate for the order wishing to attend will please address to Sir Kt . Morton Edwards , Recorder pro . tern ., 18 , Hollywood-road , Brompton .
The Craft.
Reports 0 f Utitstrnic ifcetiiicrs .
—•—METROPOLITAN . Bedford Lodge , No . 157 . —The summer meeting of this flourishing lodge was held at Bro . Wm . Holland's , the North Woolwich Gardens , on Friday , the loth instant . Present : Bros .. John Smith , W . M . ; Jno . Hills , S . W . ; Wm . Holland , J . W . ; I . Lavender , Treas . ; Saml . Hill , Sec . ; G . J . Silcock , S . D . ; J . Jehu , J . D . ; also C . H .
Price , P . M ., J . Brig ? s , Robert Howland , Lear , Drew , Frdk . Tullitt , James Fowler , R . E . Fades , M . Walker ; and the following visitors , who had the honour of being invited to the lodge , W . Worthington ( S . D . 858 ) , T . Butler ( J . D . 53 ) , J . J . Homer , Percy , G . Pymm ( W . M . 749 ) , Edward Harper ( I . G . 749 ) , R . Hammond ( 13 ) , E . Coste ( P . M . 9 ) , W . II . Bayles ( S . W . 9 ) , Chas . Roberts
( P . M . 657 ) , Henry llollis ( I . G . 167 ) , W . H . Waghorn ( I . G . 9 ° 4 ) , W . Janitor . ( 1298 ) , A . R . Green ( 861 ) . A most sumptuous banquet was served in the Grand Dining Room in Bro . Holland ' s usual satisfactory maimer , and the pleasures of the evening were not a little enhanced by the brethren participating in the many and varied amusements provided by Bro . Holland in his far-famed
gardens . Caveac Lodge , No . 176 . —On Saturday , June nth , at Radley ' s Hotel , this ancient and flourishing lodge held its installation meeting . Punctually at 4 p . m . the W . M ., Bro . XV . N . Smith , opened the lodge . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . Bro . P . A . Nairne , P . M .. took the chair . He ,
in an able , impressive , and correct manner installed Bro . Thomas Quihampton as the W . M ., who appointed as his officers : Bros . R . S . Foreman , S . W . ; H . Besley , I . W . ; P . Browne , P . M . Treas . ; E , Litchfield , P . M . ; Sec ; F . II . Godsell , S . D . ; Jermyu . J . D . ; XV . D . Barnett , I . G . ; C . Browne , P . M ., D . C ; J . F . Smyth , W . S . ; A . Towers , W . S . ; Riley , P . M ., Tyler , XV . N .
Smith , I . P . M . The addresses were given in an impressive manner , and were listened to with great attention . A hearty bust of applause was-given at their termination . The lodge was then closed . Bro . Hart had served up a good banquet and superior dessert . The " usual loyal toasts were given and received . A pleasant evening was spent . Visitors : W . J . Starkey , W . M ., 222 . ; F .
Walters , W . M . 1309 ; Cook , P . M . 197 ; Griffiths , P . M . 171 ; C . II . Feiling , J . W . 706 . ; L . II . Feiling , 706 ; F . K . Stead , 21 ; F . Giles , 203 ; A . Pussey , 215 ; G . Leimanny , I . G . 890 ; Marshall , 742 ; and others . Whittington Lodge , A ' o . 862 . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Monday , the 13 th inst . Bro . Weaver , W . M ., presided ,
and was supported by Bros . Taylor as S . W . ; Salsbury , J . W . ; Brett , G . Purs . ; Little , Sec . ; Jones , J . D . ; Frickenhaus , J . D . ; Smith , I . G . ; and Adult . Mr . George Milner was duly initiated , and Bros . Bullock and Sissotis were raised to the degree of M . M . The consideration of the arrangements for holding a summer festival was the next business , and , after some discussion , it was unanimously resolved to hold it at the Greyhound Hotel ,
Richmond , on Saturday , the 23 rd July . Bro . Noyce , the proprietor ofthe Greyhound , being the very prince of hosts , the brethren may anticipate a great treat under his judicious catering , and , doubtless , there will be a large muster of brethren on the occasion to enjoy a run through the park or a spurt on the water . Slight refreshment followed the proceedings in lodge , after which the brethren separated .
Macdonald Lodge , A ' o . 1216 . —The ordinary monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Lodge Rooms , Head-quarters of the First Surrey Rifles , at Camberwell , on Wednesday , the 8 th instant ., when were present : — Bros . James Stevens , W . M . ; G . II . N . Bridges , J . D ., as S . W . ; S . I-I . WagstafT , J . W . ; Dr . Eugene Cronin , Treas . ; J . J . Curtis , Sec . ; G . Waterall , S . D . ; J . H .
Hastie , D . C . ; XV . J . Messenger , I . G . ; M . S . Larlham and E . Newton , Stewards ; also Bros . Francis , Shairp , Puckle , John B . Pike , James B . Pike , Camell , Kelbro , & c , and visiting brethren Q . Dix , No . S 62 , and M . B . Nuwton , No . 21 . The lodge having been opened and minutes confirmed , the ceremonies of initiation and raising were rehearsed in a most effective manner . The
W . M . then announced that a suggestion he had made , that the lodge should present to the corps with which it is so closely connected , a challenge cup , to be contested for by the shooting members of the corps , had met with a very hearty response . It was contemplated that a cup jf the value of fifty guineas would be obtained by the individual contributions of the members of the lodge , and he now proposed that an annual sum of five guineas
should be voted hy the lodge for the respective winners of the cup . lie placed the proposition on the minutes as a notice of motion for the ensuing meeting . After the dispatch of some other Masonic business , the lodge was closed , and in consequence of the Wimbledon Meeting being appointed for the early part of July , the next meeting of the lodge was fixed for the second Wednesday in August .
MIDDLESEX . Harroio Lodge , A ' o . 1310 . —This lodge met on Tuesday , June 14 th , at the Railway Hotel , Harrow . In the unavoidable absence of Itro . J . Coutts , W . M ., A . G . P ., the lodge was opened by Bro . F . Wallers , P . M . Sec . Bro . G . Pymm , I . G . and W . M . 749 took the chair , lie
, raised Bro . J . F . Woodley , 169 , to the the third degree . Passed Hros . Cox and J . Harrison to the second degree . Initiated Dr . Tyte . The work was well and ably done , and business being ended , the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to banquet . There was ( jut one visitor present .
The Craft.
PROVINCIAL •BERWICK-ON-TWEEO . —Lodge St . David , No . 393 . — This lodge held its regular meeting within their own lodge room , Church-street Hall , Berwick , on the evening of Tuesday , 7 th June . TheW . Master , F . S . Macgregor , occupied the chair ; the Wardens in their places . The lodge being opened and the minutes of last meeting read and con
firmed , two brethren were balloted for , from Scottish Constitution , for affiliation , and passed the ballot unanimously . Two petitions were read , one craving to be admitted as a member of the ancient and honourable Order , the other from a brother of a different Constitution for affiliation . A motion was then carried unanimously to the effect that two pillars be made for the lodge , a design being
submitted and approved of . A brother in America sent his fraternal greetings . No further business coming before the brethren , the lodge was then called from labour to refreshment . The routine toasts were gone through in the usual loyal and patriotic manner . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Northumberland and Benvick-on-Tweed was the special toast ofthe evening , and Bro . Winlaw , P . M .,
made a most excellent reply , with feeling terms of regard for the late demise of the Provincial Grand Master , saying that he hoped the present Provincial Grand Master would find as much esteem in the hearts of those whom he was now working with in the great cause of Freemasonry . The songs of the members , and most especially the imitation of "Sims Reeves " bv the Treasurer , was
most wonderful . The Worshipful Master enlivened the evening ' s harmony by a song of " Whisper what thou feelest , " with a touch of sympathy worth respect from even those who may term themselves critics . The lodge was then called from refreshment to labour , and closed in due form , the brethren vvell satisfied with a thorough evening of Masonic pleasure .
HERTFORD . —Hertford Lodge , No . 403 . —A lodge of emergency was held at the Town Hall , Hertford , on Tuesday last , when Bro . Harry George Rowel ! , of Bombay , was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . Bro . Cocks , P . M ., raised the candidate , and Bro . H . Muggeridgc , performed the closing ceremony . The brethren present were Bros . Drummond , W . M . ; H . B . Hodges ,
S . W . ; W . B Heath , J . W . pro . tern . ; O . H . Wagner , S . D . ; T . S . Carter , J . D ., who acted as S . D . ; C . P . Wyman , Org . ; C . B . Jones , I . G . ; J . R . Cocks , P . M ., D . J . H . O'Brien , II . Mug . eridge , S . Austin , P . M . ; J . Boatwright , IT . Thomas , and S . Nealc . The visitors were W . B . Heath , W . M . Berkhampstead Lodge , and L . Harvey , 9 . The brethren afterwards adjourned to
the Salisbury Anns , where a sumptuous banquet was provided . WALTIIAM CROSS . —Gresham Lodge , No . 869 . —This lodge met on Saturday , the nth inst ., at the Four Swans , Waltham Cross , the XV . Bro . Walter E . Gomperlz , Past P . G . P ., W . M ., in the chair , supported by all the officers and a good attendance of brethren and visitors , the lodge was opened in ancient form , and with solemn prayer and
the opening hymn , Bro . Bilby , P . M . 861 , presiding at the harmonium . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , and Bros . XV . Stephens and E . G . Pottle , were both passed to second the degree in a most perfect maimer , Bro . J . E . Grocott , the S . D ., giving the lecture on the lodge board in a most perfect manner and with great feeling . The XV . Master then said : Brethren , here
we end the year for which we were invested with the collars and jewels of our respective offices , it only remaini lg for me to install my successor ; but before I proceed t ) that duty and claim the surrender of the emblems of your offices , I take this opportunity of expressing my unqualified satisfaction and delight at the manner in which every officer has discharged his respective duty , at the same
time to express my deep sense of obligation for the many proofs you have given of your fraternal regard and earnest desire to promote the efficiency of the lodge , and in conclusion to say , tnat it will be my greatest pleasure as well my bounden duty , to afford to each in their progress towards the occupation of this chair , every assistance or instruction that the experience of the past year may
enable me to render . - . Bro . Dr . R . Bruce , Prov . J . G . D ., S . W ., the W . M .-elect , was then presented by P . M . Rook for the benefit of installation , which the W . M ., Bro . GomperU , performed in a manner that entitled him to the very warm expressions of appreciation with which he was greeted ; indeed the addresses we never remember having heard delivered with so much earnestness and
feeling , or to have inspired so much reverence and awe , ceremonies worked like this cannot fail to produce good results . The newly-installed Master then invested the following brethren as offi-ers for the ensuing year : —fames Forsyth , S . W . ; J . E . Grocott , J . W . ; Capt . W . C . Barnes . S . D . ; F . D . R . Copestick , J . D . ; Joseph Copestick , I . G . ; F . O . Vallentin , Treas . ; W . E . Gompcrtz , Sec . ; Hy . Etherington and J . Lewis , S . ; A . Wylie , O . ;
C . Rook , P . M ., IXC . Aftersome routine business was gone through , the lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayer , and the brethren after a walk through the beautiful grounds and green-houses attached to the house , sat down to a very nicely served banquet . Amongst the brethren we observe 1 , Bros . J . Tustin , II . Tucker , Thos . Lines , J . Lewis , XV . C . Barnes , jun ., S . II . Hunt ,
W . Stephens , Ihos . Stephens , J . G . Grocott , Wylie , Cox , Etherington , Rook , P . M . ; Terry , P . M ., Prov . G . S . IJ . ; F . D . R . Copistick , Joseph Copestick , and O . F . Vallentin . The visitors were , Bros . Bilbcy ( P . M . S 61 ) , S . Muggeridgc ( 192 ) , S . II . Wagsiaff ( J . D . 1216 ) , T . Fullan ( IOJI ) , Wolpert ( P . M . ) , R . Hunting ( 42 ) , G . Cord well ( Prov . G . R . Middlesex , P . M . 3 and 788 . ) The
brethren having ihoroughly enjoyed the good things provided and returned thanks the cloth was cleared , and the usual loyal and fraternal toasts having been drank , the I . M ., P . M . liro . GoTipertz , proposed the toast of the evening , that of ihe W . M ., saying he was sure the brethren would agree with him that if earnest ze ' al , perseverencc , and a strict attention to duty were necessary
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of A New Lodge At George Town, Demerara.
thoughts of men from things sublunary to those which exist in the Temple above . Its duties had respect to all relations of life—the citizens , the family , the country . To every nation on the face of the globe a Mason ' s duties reached . In glowing words , which we can not reproduce , W . P . M . Oliver took all
by storm , and , after expressing the fervent wish that the Mount Olive Lodge would proceed in its career of success and prosperity , and passing a deserved eulogy on the W . M ., P . M . ' s and Officers , he sat down amidst the plaudits of the Craft . At the conclusion of W . P . M . Bro . Oliver ' s
eulogium , W . P . M . Bro . Klien addressed the W . P . M . presiding thus : — " Worshipful Sir , doth this hall and the plan upon which it is constructed meet your approbation ? " Receiving an affirmative reply , the brother proceeded : — " Worshipful P . M ., the hall in which we are now assembled , and the plan upon
which it is constructed having met with your approbation , it is the desire ofthe Fraternity that it should be now consecrated and dedicated according to ancient form and usage . " Then the W . P . M . presiding directed a procession to be formed which was done in regular order .
The rest ofthe brethren kept their places standing , and assisted in singing the Dedication Ode . The procession went round the hall during the singing of the first verse , at the end of which the P . M . having arrived at the east , the vessel with corn was presented to him , taking which and striking
three times with the mallet he poured it on the lodge , saying at the same time , " In the name ofthe Great Jehovah to whom be all honour and glory , I do solemnly consecrate this Hall of Freemasonry . " Grand Honours once . While the second veisc was being sung the
procession went round the hall a second time , the P . M . having arrived at the east , the vessel with the wine was presented to him , taking which and sprinkling some over the lodge said , " In the name of St . John , I do solemnly dedicate this hall to virtue . " Grand Honours twice .
The procession went round the third time while the third verse was being sung , at the end thereof , the P . M . having again arrived at the East , the vessel with the oil was presented to him , taking which and sprinkling some on the lodge , he said , " In the name of the whole Fraternity I do solemnly
Dedicate this hall to Universal Benevolence . " Grand Honours three times . A solemn invocation was then made by the W . P . M ., after which he declared the hall Consecratedand Dedicated to all purposes of Freemasonry . On the Presiding Officer taking his scat under the
Canopy , the Consecration hymn was sung . After which the W . M ., Bro . John C . Devonish , in a short but effective and mellifluous speech , gracefully returned thanks to the W . P . M ., to the officers and members of the Union and Phccnix Lodges , as well as to all the visiting brethren ofthe
Craft present . While the collection was being taken up , an ode to charity was sung . This being done , the Grand Procession was reformed as at the beginning and returned in the s imc order to the room below , where the lodge was
c ' osed in due form . A sumptuous supper was prepared in another part of the building , and after the brethren had divested themselves of their regalia , they joyously repaired to the banquctting hall , where ample justice was done to the splendid array of creature comforts
which the tables groaned under . During the evening , the following toasts were drunk , and postprandial speeches and replies made : — " The Queen , " " The Grand Master of England , " " The Presiding Officer , " "The Worshipful Masters , Past Masters , and Officers of the Union and Phccnix Lodges , " " The Visiting Brethren . "
Thus terminated the sublime ceremony of the Dedication and Consecration of the Mount Olive Lodge . A ceremony which will not be soon forgotten by the Craft who participated in it . Long may Uiiion , Mount Olive , and Phccnix Lodges exist , and long may they co-operate in effectuating and perpetuating the grand results of the Order . All hail I
GENERAL M ELLINET has not accepted the Grand Mastership of the Freemasons of France , and M . Carnot having refused the candidacy , the Masonic body has decided provisionally to suppress the Grand Mastership , reserving its final resolution on the subject till next year .
A C ONCLAVE of Knights of the Red Cross of Rome and Constantine will be consecrated and opened at the Ship Hotel , Southend , Essex , on Monday , the 4 . 1 I 1 day of July , at two o ' clock . The ceremony will be performed by Sir Kt . Marsh ,
G . A ., the Inspector-General for Essex , assisted by Sir Kt . Cubitt , G . H ., and other dignitaries of the Order . Any Sir Kt . or candidate for the order wishing to attend will please address to Sir Kt . Morton Edwards , Recorder pro . tern ., 18 , Hollywood-road , Brompton .
The Craft.
Reports 0 f Utitstrnic ifcetiiicrs .
—•—METROPOLITAN . Bedford Lodge , No . 157 . —The summer meeting of this flourishing lodge was held at Bro . Wm . Holland's , the North Woolwich Gardens , on Friday , the loth instant . Present : Bros .. John Smith , W . M . ; Jno . Hills , S . W . ; Wm . Holland , J . W . ; I . Lavender , Treas . ; Saml . Hill , Sec . ; G . J . Silcock , S . D . ; J . Jehu , J . D . ; also C . H .
Price , P . M ., J . Brig ? s , Robert Howland , Lear , Drew , Frdk . Tullitt , James Fowler , R . E . Fades , M . Walker ; and the following visitors , who had the honour of being invited to the lodge , W . Worthington ( S . D . 858 ) , T . Butler ( J . D . 53 ) , J . J . Homer , Percy , G . Pymm ( W . M . 749 ) , Edward Harper ( I . G . 749 ) , R . Hammond ( 13 ) , E . Coste ( P . M . 9 ) , W . II . Bayles ( S . W . 9 ) , Chas . Roberts
( P . M . 657 ) , Henry llollis ( I . G . 167 ) , W . H . Waghorn ( I . G . 9 ° 4 ) , W . Janitor . ( 1298 ) , A . R . Green ( 861 ) . A most sumptuous banquet was served in the Grand Dining Room in Bro . Holland ' s usual satisfactory maimer , and the pleasures of the evening were not a little enhanced by the brethren participating in the many and varied amusements provided by Bro . Holland in his far-famed
gardens . Caveac Lodge , No . 176 . —On Saturday , June nth , at Radley ' s Hotel , this ancient and flourishing lodge held its installation meeting . Punctually at 4 p . m . the W . M ., Bro . XV . N . Smith , opened the lodge . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . Bro . P . A . Nairne , P . M .. took the chair . He ,
in an able , impressive , and correct manner installed Bro . Thomas Quihampton as the W . M ., who appointed as his officers : Bros . R . S . Foreman , S . W . ; H . Besley , I . W . ; P . Browne , P . M . Treas . ; E , Litchfield , P . M . ; Sec ; F . II . Godsell , S . D . ; Jermyu . J . D . ; XV . D . Barnett , I . G . ; C . Browne , P . M ., D . C ; J . F . Smyth , W . S . ; A . Towers , W . S . ; Riley , P . M ., Tyler , XV . N .
Smith , I . P . M . The addresses were given in an impressive manner , and were listened to with great attention . A hearty bust of applause was-given at their termination . The lodge was then closed . Bro . Hart had served up a good banquet and superior dessert . The " usual loyal toasts were given and received . A pleasant evening was spent . Visitors : W . J . Starkey , W . M ., 222 . ; F .
Walters , W . M . 1309 ; Cook , P . M . 197 ; Griffiths , P . M . 171 ; C . II . Feiling , J . W . 706 . ; L . II . Feiling , 706 ; F . K . Stead , 21 ; F . Giles , 203 ; A . Pussey , 215 ; G . Leimanny , I . G . 890 ; Marshall , 742 ; and others . Whittington Lodge , A ' o . 862 . —An emergency meeting of this lodge was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Monday , the 13 th inst . Bro . Weaver , W . M ., presided ,
and was supported by Bros . Taylor as S . W . ; Salsbury , J . W . ; Brett , G . Purs . ; Little , Sec . ; Jones , J . D . ; Frickenhaus , J . D . ; Smith , I . G . ; and Adult . Mr . George Milner was duly initiated , and Bros . Bullock and Sissotis were raised to the degree of M . M . The consideration of the arrangements for holding a summer festival was the next business , and , after some discussion , it was unanimously resolved to hold it at the Greyhound Hotel ,
Richmond , on Saturday , the 23 rd July . Bro . Noyce , the proprietor ofthe Greyhound , being the very prince of hosts , the brethren may anticipate a great treat under his judicious catering , and , doubtless , there will be a large muster of brethren on the occasion to enjoy a run through the park or a spurt on the water . Slight refreshment followed the proceedings in lodge , after which the brethren separated .
Macdonald Lodge , A ' o . 1216 . —The ordinary monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Lodge Rooms , Head-quarters of the First Surrey Rifles , at Camberwell , on Wednesday , the 8 th instant ., when were present : — Bros . James Stevens , W . M . ; G . II . N . Bridges , J . D ., as S . W . ; S . I-I . WagstafT , J . W . ; Dr . Eugene Cronin , Treas . ; J . J . Curtis , Sec . ; G . Waterall , S . D . ; J . H .
Hastie , D . C . ; XV . J . Messenger , I . G . ; M . S . Larlham and E . Newton , Stewards ; also Bros . Francis , Shairp , Puckle , John B . Pike , James B . Pike , Camell , Kelbro , & c , and visiting brethren Q . Dix , No . S 62 , and M . B . Nuwton , No . 21 . The lodge having been opened and minutes confirmed , the ceremonies of initiation and raising were rehearsed in a most effective manner . The
W . M . then announced that a suggestion he had made , that the lodge should present to the corps with which it is so closely connected , a challenge cup , to be contested for by the shooting members of the corps , had met with a very hearty response . It was contemplated that a cup jf the value of fifty guineas would be obtained by the individual contributions of the members of the lodge , and he now proposed that an annual sum of five guineas
should be voted hy the lodge for the respective winners of the cup . lie placed the proposition on the minutes as a notice of motion for the ensuing meeting . After the dispatch of some other Masonic business , the lodge was closed , and in consequence of the Wimbledon Meeting being appointed for the early part of July , the next meeting of the lodge was fixed for the second Wednesday in August .
MIDDLESEX . Harroio Lodge , A ' o . 1310 . —This lodge met on Tuesday , June 14 th , at the Railway Hotel , Harrow . In the unavoidable absence of Itro . J . Coutts , W . M ., A . G . P ., the lodge was opened by Bro . F . Wallers , P . M . Sec . Bro . G . Pymm , I . G . and W . M . 749 took the chair , lie
, raised Bro . J . F . Woodley , 169 , to the the third degree . Passed Hros . Cox and J . Harrison to the second degree . Initiated Dr . Tyte . The work was well and ably done , and business being ended , the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to banquet . There was ( jut one visitor present .
The Craft.
PROVINCIAL •BERWICK-ON-TWEEO . —Lodge St . David , No . 393 . — This lodge held its regular meeting within their own lodge room , Church-street Hall , Berwick , on the evening of Tuesday , 7 th June . TheW . Master , F . S . Macgregor , occupied the chair ; the Wardens in their places . The lodge being opened and the minutes of last meeting read and con
firmed , two brethren were balloted for , from Scottish Constitution , for affiliation , and passed the ballot unanimously . Two petitions were read , one craving to be admitted as a member of the ancient and honourable Order , the other from a brother of a different Constitution for affiliation . A motion was then carried unanimously to the effect that two pillars be made for the lodge , a design being
submitted and approved of . A brother in America sent his fraternal greetings . No further business coming before the brethren , the lodge was then called from labour to refreshment . The routine toasts were gone through in the usual loyal and patriotic manner . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Northumberland and Benvick-on-Tweed was the special toast ofthe evening , and Bro . Winlaw , P . M .,
made a most excellent reply , with feeling terms of regard for the late demise of the Provincial Grand Master , saying that he hoped the present Provincial Grand Master would find as much esteem in the hearts of those whom he was now working with in the great cause of Freemasonry . The songs of the members , and most especially the imitation of "Sims Reeves " bv the Treasurer , was
most wonderful . The Worshipful Master enlivened the evening ' s harmony by a song of " Whisper what thou feelest , " with a touch of sympathy worth respect from even those who may term themselves critics . The lodge was then called from refreshment to labour , and closed in due form , the brethren vvell satisfied with a thorough evening of Masonic pleasure .
HERTFORD . —Hertford Lodge , No . 403 . —A lodge of emergency was held at the Town Hall , Hertford , on Tuesday last , when Bro . Harry George Rowel ! , of Bombay , was raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . Bro . Cocks , P . M ., raised the candidate , and Bro . H . Muggeridgc , performed the closing ceremony . The brethren present were Bros . Drummond , W . M . ; H . B . Hodges ,
S . W . ; W . B Heath , J . W . pro . tern . ; O . H . Wagner , S . D . ; T . S . Carter , J . D ., who acted as S . D . ; C . P . Wyman , Org . ; C . B . Jones , I . G . ; J . R . Cocks , P . M ., D . J . H . O'Brien , II . Mug . eridge , S . Austin , P . M . ; J . Boatwright , IT . Thomas , and S . Nealc . The visitors were W . B . Heath , W . M . Berkhampstead Lodge , and L . Harvey , 9 . The brethren afterwards adjourned to
the Salisbury Anns , where a sumptuous banquet was provided . WALTIIAM CROSS . —Gresham Lodge , No . 869 . —This lodge met on Saturday , the nth inst ., at the Four Swans , Waltham Cross , the XV . Bro . Walter E . Gomperlz , Past P . G . P ., W . M ., in the chair , supported by all the officers and a good attendance of brethren and visitors , the lodge was opened in ancient form , and with solemn prayer and
the opening hymn , Bro . Bilby , P . M . 861 , presiding at the harmonium . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , and Bros . XV . Stephens and E . G . Pottle , were both passed to second the degree in a most perfect maimer , Bro . J . E . Grocott , the S . D ., giving the lecture on the lodge board in a most perfect manner and with great feeling . The XV . Master then said : Brethren , here
we end the year for which we were invested with the collars and jewels of our respective offices , it only remaini lg for me to install my successor ; but before I proceed t ) that duty and claim the surrender of the emblems of your offices , I take this opportunity of expressing my unqualified satisfaction and delight at the manner in which every officer has discharged his respective duty , at the same
time to express my deep sense of obligation for the many proofs you have given of your fraternal regard and earnest desire to promote the efficiency of the lodge , and in conclusion to say , tnat it will be my greatest pleasure as well my bounden duty , to afford to each in their progress towards the occupation of this chair , every assistance or instruction that the experience of the past year may
enable me to render . - . Bro . Dr . R . Bruce , Prov . J . G . D ., S . W ., the W . M .-elect , was then presented by P . M . Rook for the benefit of installation , which the W . M ., Bro . GomperU , performed in a manner that entitled him to the very warm expressions of appreciation with which he was greeted ; indeed the addresses we never remember having heard delivered with so much earnestness and
feeling , or to have inspired so much reverence and awe , ceremonies worked like this cannot fail to produce good results . The newly-installed Master then invested the following brethren as offi-ers for the ensuing year : —fames Forsyth , S . W . ; J . E . Grocott , J . W . ; Capt . W . C . Barnes . S . D . ; F . D . R . Copestick , J . D . ; Joseph Copestick , I . G . ; F . O . Vallentin , Treas . ; W . E . Gompcrtz , Sec . ; Hy . Etherington and J . Lewis , S . ; A . Wylie , O . ;
C . Rook , P . M ., IXC . Aftersome routine business was gone through , the lodge was closed in due form and with solemn prayer , and the brethren after a walk through the beautiful grounds and green-houses attached to the house , sat down to a very nicely served banquet . Amongst the brethren we observe 1 , Bros . J . Tustin , II . Tucker , Thos . Lines , J . Lewis , XV . C . Barnes , jun ., S . II . Hunt ,
W . Stephens , Ihos . Stephens , J . G . Grocott , Wylie , Cox , Etherington , Rook , P . M . ; Terry , P . M ., Prov . G . S . IJ . ; F . D . R . Copistick , Joseph Copestick , and O . F . Vallentin . The visitors were , Bros . Bilbcy ( P . M . S 61 ) , S . Muggeridgc ( 192 ) , S . II . Wagsiaff ( J . D . 1216 ) , T . Fullan ( IOJI ) , Wolpert ( P . M . ) , R . Hunting ( 42 ) , G . Cord well ( Prov . G . R . Middlesex , P . M . 3 and 788 . ) The
brethren having ihoroughly enjoyed the good things provided and returned thanks the cloth was cleared , and the usual loyal and fraternal toasts having been drank , the I . M ., P . M . liro . GoTipertz , proposed the toast of the evening , that of ihe W . M ., saying he was sure the brethren would agree with him that if earnest ze ' al , perseverencc , and a strict attention to duty were necessary