Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article In Memoriam. Page 1 of 1
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Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
THE BRITISH CHANNEL SQUADRON' left Valencia for Barcelona on Saturday last . BRO . THE DUKE AND DUCHESS OF ST . ALBANS have left Norway in their yacht on their return to England . BRO . GENERAL SIR EVELYN WOOD has returned to London , and resumed his duties at-the War Office . THE FOUNDATION-STONE of a new Masonic Hall at Nantwich will be laid on the 2 nd prox ., by Bro . the Earl of Egerton , P . G . M . Cheshire .
THE CONSECRATION of the Buckingham and Chandos Lodge will take place on the 9 th prox ., at Rock Ferry , by Bio . the Earl of Egerton , P . G . M . IT IS SAID that the Dowager Empress of Russia will visit T . R . H . the Prince and Princess of Wales at Sandringham some time during the month of December .
THE DUKE AND DUCHESS OK * CONNAUGHT , who are staying at Abergeldie Castle , purpose visiting Germany before his Royal Highness resumes his duties at Aldershot about the middle of next month . MONDAY , THE 13 th instant was the 15 th anniversary of the battle of Tel-el-Kebir , which was fought on the 13 th September , 1 SS 2 , and the regiments which took part in the action decorated their colours in commemoration of the victory . IT IS SATISFACTORY to learn on the authority of no less a personage than the Chairman of the Metropolitan Asylums Board that during the fortnight ended on Saturday last , there bad been no case of small-pox reported in London .
THE DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE has been on a visit to Sir George and Ladv Julia Wombwell at Newburgh Priory , and will go north to-morrow ( Saturday ) . While in Scotland his Royal Highness will pay a brief visit to the Queen at Balmoral . THE QUEEN ' S dinner party at Balmoral on Saturday last included the Duchess of Albany and the Princess Elizabeth of Waldeck-Pyrmont , Bro . the Right Hon . Sir Matthew White-Ridley , Bart ., M . P ., and Bro . Sir Robert Collins in attendance upon the Duchess of Albany .
THE SHERIFFS-ELECT , Bro . Alderman Frank Green , and Mr . T . R . Dewar will be solemnly sworn into office at the Guildhall on Tuesday , the 28 th inst ., after which they will adjourn to breakfast and be presented with their chains and badges of office by their respective constituents . FOUNDERS' DAY in connection with the Gordon Boys' Orphanage at Dover was celebrated at Dover on Monday evening , the lads giving two special concerts on the Promenade Pier , with Highland dancing , & c . The annual feast for the boys was provided by a number of the toivnspeoole .
BRO . VISCOUNT WOLSELEY will visit Glasgow on Thursday , the 23 rd inst ., for the purpose of opening the new headquarters of the 3 rd Lanarkshire Rifle Volunteers at Burnbank , but previous to the performance of the ceremony his lordship will be presented with the freedom of the City . THE ANNUAL demonstration at Bournemouth in behalf of the London and South-Western Railway Orphanage took place on Sunday last , when a procession , which included six bands and many members of friendly societies , paraded the streets , and afterwards attended Divine service at St . John's Church , Boscombe .
A FIRE OCCURRED at No . 2 , Bantury-street , Battersea , on Saturday evening last in that portion of lhe premises occupied by a Afr . George Turner , and , unfortunately , his child , Frederick George Turner , aged one J ear , was so severely burnt about the face , chest , and legs , that he died immediately after his removal to a hospital .
THE LORD MAYOR and Lady Mayrress relumed to the Mansion House on Monday frcm Galby Pack , Hertfordshire , where they had been enjoying a brief holiday . On Tuesday his lordship opened the business of the Sessions at the Central Criminal Court , and subsequently took his seat on the bench at Mansion House Police Court . SPIERS AND POND , LIMITED , notify that the share transfer books will be closed from Ihe 21 st to the 30 th instant , both inclusive , for the purpose of preparing dividend warrants for the first instalment of 4 s . per share ( less income tax ) on account of the dividend for the year ending 31 st Maich , iSgS , which will be posted to the shareholders on the 1 st prox .
THE DUKE AND DUCHESS OF VORK during their visit to the Earl of Rosebery at Dalmeney , remained quiet lhat they might epjoy as much rest as possible after their lorg excursion 10 Ireland and the subsequent visit to Glasgow . Their Royal Highnesses attended divine sei vice en board her Majesty's training ship Caledonia , and left Dalmeney for Inverness on Monday morning .
A FATAL BOATING accident occurred on Oulton Broad , near Lowestoft , on Sunday , when Miss Hatch , of Lonsdale-road , Barnes , and Mr . F . Coleman , of Forest Hill , were holh diowned through the upsetting of a boat . At the ** inquest the jury returned a verdict of accidental drowning , and expressed an opinion that a boit with so large a sail unreefed shcuid not have been let out for hire .
GENERAL HUNTER , who is occupying Berber , despatched a couple of gunboats to Ed Dameb , whither Zeki Osman had retired with his dervishes after evacuating Berber and where apparently he had endeavoured to establish a post , but after the exchange of a few shots he retreated inland with so much precipitation that 14 large boats lad-n with grain were left behind and promptly taken possession of .
IT IS SATISFACTORY to note that there was a further reduction last week in the rate of mortality , not only in the metropolis , but also in quite two-thirds of the 33 large towns , whose rates are recorded week by week by the Registrar-General . In London it was 16 . 3 and in Greater London 15 . 3 , while in Halifax , Croydon , and Brighton it stood at 8 . 2 , 9 . 5 , and 13 . 7 respectively . These figures are eminently satistactory .
THE SOUTH LONDON HARRIERS held their autumn meeting at Kennington Oval 01 . Satuiday last , and , as the weather was beautifully fine , there was a large attendance of spectators to the number of between 3000 and 4000 . A splendid track had been prepared , and there wa s some excellent sport shown , the several events being all of them very keenly contested . The 100 yards * invitation race was won by F . Cooper , Bradford , who heat Palmer , the amateur chainnion .
THE Coofh anniversary of the battle of Stirling Uridge was celebrated at Stirling on Monday , when a number of speeches appropriate to the occasion were delivered in the presence of a large concourse ol people assembled near the monument erected to Wallace on the Abbey Craig . In the afternoon a banquet was held under the presidency of Provost Kinins , wh ch was attended by the Earl of Rosebery , Bro . Lord Balfour of Burleigh , the Earl of Moray , and others .
T . R . H . THE PRINCE AND PRINCESS OF WALES , lhe Princess Victoria of Wales , and Prince and Princess Charles of Denmark attended divine service at St . Alban ' s Church , Ctptnhagen , on Sunday morning last , and afterwards lunched with the Empress Dowager of Russia on board the Imperial yacht Standart , there being also invittd the King and Queen cf Denmark and the members of the Danish Royal Family , the British Minister and Lady Scott , and the Baron and Baroness de Mohrenheim .
EARLY ON Tuesday morning , Westminster Steamboat Pier , which had been in use for some 30 years , unexpectedly collapsed , and Edward Gallis , the witchman , who was on duty in his room , just succeeded in making his escape by breaking the glass arid getting upon the roof , whence he was rescued by some bargemen . On the arrival of the 1 hames Police , it was found lhat he was badly cut , and he was promptly removed to St . Thomas's Hospital , and detained for treatment . 11 was afterwards found that the pier had sunk to the bed of the river , only [ the Hag-staff being visible at high water .
MASONIC EXCURSION . —Through the liberality of Bro . J . H . Whadcoat , VV . M . 137 , the Past Masters ancl Officers of the loige , to the number of 18 , spent a pleasant day at Salisbury . On arrival they were ir . et liy the W . M . and Secretary of the Salisbury Lc < Jt ; e , legether wilh Bro , 'J * . Grifiin . Service was altended at the Cathedral , after which Em . South , the Organist , gave a short recital , which was much enjoyed . Dinner was partaken of at the County Hotel . Ihe party afterwards visited Stonehenge , subsequently returning to lhe Ccunty Hotel at Silisbury , where they had tea , and afterwards left for Poole .
Masonic And General Tidings.
BRO . EARL AND COUNTESS AMHERST are staying at Regart , Sutherlandshire . THE PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF CHESHIRE will be held at Sandbich on the 29 th inst . Bio . the Earl of Egerton , P . G . M ., will preside . THE DUKE OF FIFE and Princess Louise ( Duchess of Fife ) drove over from Ml " Lodge to Balmoral , and stayed to luncheon with the Queen , who , in the course of the afternoon , drove to Birkhall to see the Duchess of Albiny .
AMONGST the trophies of the Langeberg operations are iron bedsteads , a spring mat tress , heaps of Sechuana Bibles , and a Masonic Tyler ' s sword ! Can it be possible , asks a confrere , that Lukas and Galishwe were brethren of the Mystic tie : THERE HAS been more sharp fighting on the Indian Frontier , and on Minday the enemy attacked the Samana Forts in force , caoturing tht Svagiri fort . To . *** garrison , which consisted of only 21 men of the 31 st Sikhs died at their posts fiihting .
BRO . THE HON . SCHOMBERG K . MCDONNELL , private Secretary to the Marquis of Salisbury , has left town on leave of absence and has been succeeded at tht * F -reign Office by the Hon . S . Greville , who has just returned from spending his holiday on the Continent . ACCORDI NG TO an announcement in a Berlin paper the Queen has transmitted through the Empress Frederick a magnificent album containing photograohs of the Jubilee Festivities in London and tbe Naval Review at Spitbead to tbe Emperor William oS Germany .
BRO . SIR M . WHITE RIDLEY , Bart ., M . P ., visited Blyth , on Wedneslay , an 1 on behalf of a number nf subscribers presented John Taylor , the retiring coxswain of the Blyth Lifeboat , who had been associated with life-saving for close on half a century with a purse of gold . Taylor is in his 70 th year . THE QUEEN has given a handsome prize such as she has been in the habit of giving since the death of the Prince Consort , for competition among farmers in connection with the Royal South Bucks Agricultural Association , whose ploughing matches will take place at Datchet , on Wednesday , the Gth October .
THE LORD MAYOR has this week sent a further remittance of £ 7000 to the Viceroy of India from the Mansion House Fund for the relief of the sufferers bv famine , raising the total amount remitted to £ 540 , 000 , while the sum raised is about £ 549 , 500 . The subscription list will be closed at the end of the present month . THERE ARE two vacancies in the House of Commins caused by the death in the one case of Sir George Osborne Morgan , who sat for East Denbighs hire , and in the other by the succession to the peerage of the Earl Compton , who represented the Barnsley Division in Yorkshire , on the death of his father the M irquis of N irthiTiptoi .
BRO . THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE has accepted the unanimous invitation of the Corporation and inhabitants of Eastbourne that he should become Mayor for the ensuing year . At the same time , his Grace has inrimated that he shall rely upon th- kind offer of those who are to be be his municipal colleagues to render his duties as light as possible .
THE DUKE AND DUCHESS OF YORK visited Ness Castle on Monday as the guests of f . ord and Lidy Alington , where a number of guests were invited to meet their Royal Highnesses , and on Tuesday they left for Guisachan , where it is their intentm ti make a stay of some time as the guests of Lord Tweedmiuth , in order to enjoy sun : deer-stalking .
THERE , WAS A large attendance at the meeting of the Berks and Bucks Farmers ' Harriers which was held at Maidenhead on Wednesday , for the purpose of electing a new master in the place nf Capt . Collin , resigned . General Thomoson presided and in the end the choice of the meeting fell on Mr . P . Birthropp , who wis chosen by a large majority .
T . R . H . THE PRINCE AND PRINCESS OF WALES , with the Princess Charles and Marie of Denmark , arrived at Frijscnborg , at noon , on Wednesday , in order to join Count Frij ' s shooting oarty . Th » ir Riyal Highnesses were met by the metibersof the Count's family , and were heartily cheered by the people assembled ab-ij the rjjte to the Castle .
THE QUEEN has decided that the gifts and addresses which hive been presentel 11 her Majesty in commemoration of the completion of the OVh vear of her reign shill be publicly exhibited atthe Imoeriil Institute , and that oqe-hilf of the proceeds shill be devoted to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales ' s Hospital Fund . In all probability the exhibition will be opened about the middle of next month .
THE CITY OF BATH will be the scene of an interesting function on Monday , the 1 Sth prox ., when the Duke of Cambridge will visit it for the purpose of laving the foundation-stone of the Art Gallery an ! f jrmally open th *; new Pump-room . After the ceremony , which it is expecte-I will h ° . attended bv a numbar of county magistra-e ** and medical men , the Mayor will entertain his Royal Highness at lunchein in the Guildhall .
FIELD-MARSHAL BRO . LORD R IBRRTS , Commanding the Forces in Irelan J , had a general order issued to the troops under his command exores * ing the high appreciation felt by the Duke of York at the admirable manner in which all the military arrangements in connection with his Royal Highness ' s visit to Ireland had been carried out . This order is issued from the Adjutant-General ' s office , Dublin , to general o ! fi ; ers commanding districts , and by them to troops under their command .
GREAT REGRET is shown at the departure of tbe British Mediterranean Squadron from Trieste , its visit there have been a great success . Admiral Sir A . Hopkins allowed the combined bands of the Fleet to play in the public square of the city , and the whole population turned out to hear them , and greatly aopliuded the performances , our National anthem being received with enthusiasm . The crews all had leave on shore , and their conduct was admirable in all respects .
THE OPERATIONS of the column under Bro . Brigadier-General Yeatman Biggs for the relief of the threatened posts in the Samana range have been completely successful . and Saragari , which had lately been taken by Ihe enemy , has been recaptured . Fort Lockhart was relieved in the morning and Fort Gulistan in the evening of Wednesday . Sir Bindon Blood is also marching steadily forward into the Mohmand country , white the force moving northwards under Genera ! Elles is likewise making considerable progress .
THE KING OF SIAM arrived in Pans from Brussels on Saturday afternoon . His Majesty travelled in the President ' s train , which had been placed at his disposal , and was received on his arrival at tbe northern station by the President and his Ministers , the band with the euird of honour playing the Siamese National Anthem , while the guard presented arms . On Sunday the King visited the Hotel des Invalides , where
he saw the tomb of the lirst Niooleon , the St . Louis Chap ; 1 , in which are the standirds captured in war , and the artillery museum . On Monday he visited Vincennes , and shortly after his return held a reception of the Ambassadors and heads of Legations now in Paris . In the evening the King dined at the Elys . '* e , a State binquet having been arranged in his honour .
SEVER . * . ? , FATAL accidents have recently occurred in connection with cycling . Or , Stephen , of Whittingham Asylum , while riding on Saturday night with other medical men at Hoghton , near R ' ackburn , was thrown with such vi'ilence by a stone gettir . g under the rim of the wheel that he died the same evening of concussion of the brain . In another case W . J . Whittaker , aged iS , of Cromwell-grove , Shepherd ' s Bu- 'h , . vhen riding in the quarter-mile rae- at the Putney track on Saturday last , collided with
another riJer an ! was thrown , flying the same ev-ning from concussion of the brain . In a third case , a lady collided with . 1 cab while riding in the Bayswater-roail ; and in a fourth , the coachman of the Djwager Countess of Kintore , while riding n * . * ar B .-i » mar on Sunday , lost control of his machine , an 1 was thrown over the roadway into th * : Cn-nwell Burn . His body , when found , was frightfully mingled . The deceased has left a widow and six children .
In Memoriam.
In Memoriam .
In loving memory of George Herbert Reynolds , P . M . 3614 , 2191 , :--: * . ' ' ] . i ; , i <\ ro Cied September 15 th , i & r-s .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
THE BRITISH CHANNEL SQUADRON' left Valencia for Barcelona on Saturday last . BRO . THE DUKE AND DUCHESS OF ST . ALBANS have left Norway in their yacht on their return to England . BRO . GENERAL SIR EVELYN WOOD has returned to London , and resumed his duties at-the War Office . THE FOUNDATION-STONE of a new Masonic Hall at Nantwich will be laid on the 2 nd prox ., by Bro . the Earl of Egerton , P . G . M . Cheshire .
THE CONSECRATION of the Buckingham and Chandos Lodge will take place on the 9 th prox ., at Rock Ferry , by Bio . the Earl of Egerton , P . G . M . IT IS SAID that the Dowager Empress of Russia will visit T . R . H . the Prince and Princess of Wales at Sandringham some time during the month of December .
THE DUKE AND DUCHESS OK * CONNAUGHT , who are staying at Abergeldie Castle , purpose visiting Germany before his Royal Highness resumes his duties at Aldershot about the middle of next month . MONDAY , THE 13 th instant was the 15 th anniversary of the battle of Tel-el-Kebir , which was fought on the 13 th September , 1 SS 2 , and the regiments which took part in the action decorated their colours in commemoration of the victory . IT IS SATISFACTORY to learn on the authority of no less a personage than the Chairman of the Metropolitan Asylums Board that during the fortnight ended on Saturday last , there bad been no case of small-pox reported in London .
THE DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE has been on a visit to Sir George and Ladv Julia Wombwell at Newburgh Priory , and will go north to-morrow ( Saturday ) . While in Scotland his Royal Highness will pay a brief visit to the Queen at Balmoral . THE QUEEN ' S dinner party at Balmoral on Saturday last included the Duchess of Albany and the Princess Elizabeth of Waldeck-Pyrmont , Bro . the Right Hon . Sir Matthew White-Ridley , Bart ., M . P ., and Bro . Sir Robert Collins in attendance upon the Duchess of Albany .
THE SHERIFFS-ELECT , Bro . Alderman Frank Green , and Mr . T . R . Dewar will be solemnly sworn into office at the Guildhall on Tuesday , the 28 th inst ., after which they will adjourn to breakfast and be presented with their chains and badges of office by their respective constituents . FOUNDERS' DAY in connection with the Gordon Boys' Orphanage at Dover was celebrated at Dover on Monday evening , the lads giving two special concerts on the Promenade Pier , with Highland dancing , & c . The annual feast for the boys was provided by a number of the toivnspeoole .
BRO . VISCOUNT WOLSELEY will visit Glasgow on Thursday , the 23 rd inst ., for the purpose of opening the new headquarters of the 3 rd Lanarkshire Rifle Volunteers at Burnbank , but previous to the performance of the ceremony his lordship will be presented with the freedom of the City . THE ANNUAL demonstration at Bournemouth in behalf of the London and South-Western Railway Orphanage took place on Sunday last , when a procession , which included six bands and many members of friendly societies , paraded the streets , and afterwards attended Divine service at St . John's Church , Boscombe .
A FIRE OCCURRED at No . 2 , Bantury-street , Battersea , on Saturday evening last in that portion of lhe premises occupied by a Afr . George Turner , and , unfortunately , his child , Frederick George Turner , aged one J ear , was so severely burnt about the face , chest , and legs , that he died immediately after his removal to a hospital .
THE LORD MAYOR and Lady Mayrress relumed to the Mansion House on Monday frcm Galby Pack , Hertfordshire , where they had been enjoying a brief holiday . On Tuesday his lordship opened the business of the Sessions at the Central Criminal Court , and subsequently took his seat on the bench at Mansion House Police Court . SPIERS AND POND , LIMITED , notify that the share transfer books will be closed from Ihe 21 st to the 30 th instant , both inclusive , for the purpose of preparing dividend warrants for the first instalment of 4 s . per share ( less income tax ) on account of the dividend for the year ending 31 st Maich , iSgS , which will be posted to the shareholders on the 1 st prox .
THE DUKE AND DUCHESS OF VORK during their visit to the Earl of Rosebery at Dalmeney , remained quiet lhat they might epjoy as much rest as possible after their lorg excursion 10 Ireland and the subsequent visit to Glasgow . Their Royal Highnesses attended divine sei vice en board her Majesty's training ship Caledonia , and left Dalmeney for Inverness on Monday morning .
A FATAL BOATING accident occurred on Oulton Broad , near Lowestoft , on Sunday , when Miss Hatch , of Lonsdale-road , Barnes , and Mr . F . Coleman , of Forest Hill , were holh diowned through the upsetting of a boat . At the ** inquest the jury returned a verdict of accidental drowning , and expressed an opinion that a boit with so large a sail unreefed shcuid not have been let out for hire .
GENERAL HUNTER , who is occupying Berber , despatched a couple of gunboats to Ed Dameb , whither Zeki Osman had retired with his dervishes after evacuating Berber and where apparently he had endeavoured to establish a post , but after the exchange of a few shots he retreated inland with so much precipitation that 14 large boats lad-n with grain were left behind and promptly taken possession of .
IT IS SATISFACTORY to note that there was a further reduction last week in the rate of mortality , not only in the metropolis , but also in quite two-thirds of the 33 large towns , whose rates are recorded week by week by the Registrar-General . In London it was 16 . 3 and in Greater London 15 . 3 , while in Halifax , Croydon , and Brighton it stood at 8 . 2 , 9 . 5 , and 13 . 7 respectively . These figures are eminently satistactory .
THE SOUTH LONDON HARRIERS held their autumn meeting at Kennington Oval 01 . Satuiday last , and , as the weather was beautifully fine , there was a large attendance of spectators to the number of between 3000 and 4000 . A splendid track had been prepared , and there wa s some excellent sport shown , the several events being all of them very keenly contested . The 100 yards * invitation race was won by F . Cooper , Bradford , who heat Palmer , the amateur chainnion .
THE Coofh anniversary of the battle of Stirling Uridge was celebrated at Stirling on Monday , when a number of speeches appropriate to the occasion were delivered in the presence of a large concourse ol people assembled near the monument erected to Wallace on the Abbey Craig . In the afternoon a banquet was held under the presidency of Provost Kinins , wh ch was attended by the Earl of Rosebery , Bro . Lord Balfour of Burleigh , the Earl of Moray , and others .
T . R . H . THE PRINCE AND PRINCESS OF WALES , lhe Princess Victoria of Wales , and Prince and Princess Charles of Denmark attended divine service at St . Alban ' s Church , Ctptnhagen , on Sunday morning last , and afterwards lunched with the Empress Dowager of Russia on board the Imperial yacht Standart , there being also invittd the King and Queen cf Denmark and the members of the Danish Royal Family , the British Minister and Lady Scott , and the Baron and Baroness de Mohrenheim .
EARLY ON Tuesday morning , Westminster Steamboat Pier , which had been in use for some 30 years , unexpectedly collapsed , and Edward Gallis , the witchman , who was on duty in his room , just succeeded in making his escape by breaking the glass arid getting upon the roof , whence he was rescued by some bargemen . On the arrival of the 1 hames Police , it was found lhat he was badly cut , and he was promptly removed to St . Thomas's Hospital , and detained for treatment . 11 was afterwards found that the pier had sunk to the bed of the river , only [ the Hag-staff being visible at high water .
MASONIC EXCURSION . —Through the liberality of Bro . J . H . Whadcoat , VV . M . 137 , the Past Masters ancl Officers of the loige , to the number of 18 , spent a pleasant day at Salisbury . On arrival they were ir . et liy the W . M . and Secretary of the Salisbury Lc < Jt ; e , legether wilh Bro , 'J * . Grifiin . Service was altended at the Cathedral , after which Em . South , the Organist , gave a short recital , which was much enjoyed . Dinner was partaken of at the County Hotel . Ihe party afterwards visited Stonehenge , subsequently returning to lhe Ccunty Hotel at Silisbury , where they had tea , and afterwards left for Poole .
Masonic And General Tidings.
BRO . EARL AND COUNTESS AMHERST are staying at Regart , Sutherlandshire . THE PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF CHESHIRE will be held at Sandbich on the 29 th inst . Bio . the Earl of Egerton , P . G . M ., will preside . THE DUKE OF FIFE and Princess Louise ( Duchess of Fife ) drove over from Ml " Lodge to Balmoral , and stayed to luncheon with the Queen , who , in the course of the afternoon , drove to Birkhall to see the Duchess of Albiny .
AMONGST the trophies of the Langeberg operations are iron bedsteads , a spring mat tress , heaps of Sechuana Bibles , and a Masonic Tyler ' s sword ! Can it be possible , asks a confrere , that Lukas and Galishwe were brethren of the Mystic tie : THERE HAS been more sharp fighting on the Indian Frontier , and on Minday the enemy attacked the Samana Forts in force , caoturing tht Svagiri fort . To . *** garrison , which consisted of only 21 men of the 31 st Sikhs died at their posts fiihting .
BRO . THE HON . SCHOMBERG K . MCDONNELL , private Secretary to the Marquis of Salisbury , has left town on leave of absence and has been succeeded at tht * F -reign Office by the Hon . S . Greville , who has just returned from spending his holiday on the Continent . ACCORDI NG TO an announcement in a Berlin paper the Queen has transmitted through the Empress Frederick a magnificent album containing photograohs of the Jubilee Festivities in London and tbe Naval Review at Spitbead to tbe Emperor William oS Germany .
BRO . SIR M . WHITE RIDLEY , Bart ., M . P ., visited Blyth , on Wedneslay , an 1 on behalf of a number nf subscribers presented John Taylor , the retiring coxswain of the Blyth Lifeboat , who had been associated with life-saving for close on half a century with a purse of gold . Taylor is in his 70 th year . THE QUEEN has given a handsome prize such as she has been in the habit of giving since the death of the Prince Consort , for competition among farmers in connection with the Royal South Bucks Agricultural Association , whose ploughing matches will take place at Datchet , on Wednesday , the Gth October .
THE LORD MAYOR has this week sent a further remittance of £ 7000 to the Viceroy of India from the Mansion House Fund for the relief of the sufferers bv famine , raising the total amount remitted to £ 540 , 000 , while the sum raised is about £ 549 , 500 . The subscription list will be closed at the end of the present month . THERE ARE two vacancies in the House of Commins caused by the death in the one case of Sir George Osborne Morgan , who sat for East Denbighs hire , and in the other by the succession to the peerage of the Earl Compton , who represented the Barnsley Division in Yorkshire , on the death of his father the M irquis of N irthiTiptoi .
BRO . THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE has accepted the unanimous invitation of the Corporation and inhabitants of Eastbourne that he should become Mayor for the ensuing year . At the same time , his Grace has inrimated that he shall rely upon th- kind offer of those who are to be be his municipal colleagues to render his duties as light as possible .
THE DUKE AND DUCHESS OF YORK visited Ness Castle on Monday as the guests of f . ord and Lidy Alington , where a number of guests were invited to meet their Royal Highnesses , and on Tuesday they left for Guisachan , where it is their intentm ti make a stay of some time as the guests of Lord Tweedmiuth , in order to enjoy sun : deer-stalking .
THERE , WAS A large attendance at the meeting of the Berks and Bucks Farmers ' Harriers which was held at Maidenhead on Wednesday , for the purpose of electing a new master in the place nf Capt . Collin , resigned . General Thomoson presided and in the end the choice of the meeting fell on Mr . P . Birthropp , who wis chosen by a large majority .
T . R . H . THE PRINCE AND PRINCESS OF WALES , with the Princess Charles and Marie of Denmark , arrived at Frijscnborg , at noon , on Wednesday , in order to join Count Frij ' s shooting oarty . Th » ir Riyal Highnesses were met by the metibersof the Count's family , and were heartily cheered by the people assembled ab-ij the rjjte to the Castle .
THE QUEEN has decided that the gifts and addresses which hive been presentel 11 her Majesty in commemoration of the completion of the OVh vear of her reign shill be publicly exhibited atthe Imoeriil Institute , and that oqe-hilf of the proceeds shill be devoted to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales ' s Hospital Fund . In all probability the exhibition will be opened about the middle of next month .
THE CITY OF BATH will be the scene of an interesting function on Monday , the 1 Sth prox ., when the Duke of Cambridge will visit it for the purpose of laving the foundation-stone of the Art Gallery an ! f jrmally open th *; new Pump-room . After the ceremony , which it is expecte-I will h ° . attended bv a numbar of county magistra-e ** and medical men , the Mayor will entertain his Royal Highness at lunchein in the Guildhall .
FIELD-MARSHAL BRO . LORD R IBRRTS , Commanding the Forces in Irelan J , had a general order issued to the troops under his command exores * ing the high appreciation felt by the Duke of York at the admirable manner in which all the military arrangements in connection with his Royal Highness ' s visit to Ireland had been carried out . This order is issued from the Adjutant-General ' s office , Dublin , to general o ! fi ; ers commanding districts , and by them to troops under their command .
GREAT REGRET is shown at the departure of tbe British Mediterranean Squadron from Trieste , its visit there have been a great success . Admiral Sir A . Hopkins allowed the combined bands of the Fleet to play in the public square of the city , and the whole population turned out to hear them , and greatly aopliuded the performances , our National anthem being received with enthusiasm . The crews all had leave on shore , and their conduct was admirable in all respects .
THE OPERATIONS of the column under Bro . Brigadier-General Yeatman Biggs for the relief of the threatened posts in the Samana range have been completely successful . and Saragari , which had lately been taken by Ihe enemy , has been recaptured . Fort Lockhart was relieved in the morning and Fort Gulistan in the evening of Wednesday . Sir Bindon Blood is also marching steadily forward into the Mohmand country , white the force moving northwards under Genera ! Elles is likewise making considerable progress .
THE KING OF SIAM arrived in Pans from Brussels on Saturday afternoon . His Majesty travelled in the President ' s train , which had been placed at his disposal , and was received on his arrival at tbe northern station by the President and his Ministers , the band with the euird of honour playing the Siamese National Anthem , while the guard presented arms . On Sunday the King visited the Hotel des Invalides , where
he saw the tomb of the lirst Niooleon , the St . Louis Chap ; 1 , in which are the standirds captured in war , and the artillery museum . On Monday he visited Vincennes , and shortly after his return held a reception of the Ambassadors and heads of Legations now in Paris . In the evening the King dined at the Elys . '* e , a State binquet having been arranged in his honour .
SEVER . * . ? , FATAL accidents have recently occurred in connection with cycling . Or , Stephen , of Whittingham Asylum , while riding on Saturday night with other medical men at Hoghton , near R ' ackburn , was thrown with such vi'ilence by a stone gettir . g under the rim of the wheel that he died the same evening of concussion of the brain . In another case W . J . Whittaker , aged iS , of Cromwell-grove , Shepherd ' s Bu- 'h , . vhen riding in the quarter-mile rae- at the Putney track on Saturday last , collided with
another riJer an ! was thrown , flying the same ev-ning from concussion of the brain . In a third case , a lady collided with . 1 cab while riding in the Bayswater-roail ; and in a fourth , the coachman of the Djwager Countess of Kintore , while riding n * . * ar B .-i » mar on Sunday , lost control of his machine , an 1 was thrown over the roadway into th * : Cn-nwell Burn . His body , when found , was frightfully mingled . The deceased has left a widow and six children .
In Memoriam.
In Memoriam .
In loving memory of George Herbert Reynolds , P . M . 3614 , 2191 , :--: * . ' ' ] . i ; , i <\ ro Cied September 15 th , i & r-s .