Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Leopold Lodge.
The south-east of London—that part which lies upon the shores ofthe Thames between London Bridge and Rotherhithe , known by the name of Bermondsey—was enriched on the 7 th inst . by the consecration of a new lodge , named after our Royal Brother Leopold , numbered on the
registry of the Grand Lodge as No . 1 . 571 . Ihe home , at least for the present , of the new lodge is the Woolpack Tavern , in Bermondsey-street , a name that bespeaks the general work in the neig hbourhood ; and to meet the wants of the merchant-workers there , the charter of the
Leopold was granted . Bro . James Terry , the able , courteous , and energetic Secretary of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , P . G . Director of Ceremonies of Herts , and a learned Past Master , having-filled the office of Master to several lodges , was , by special command , the
consecrating officer , and he fulfilled the duty without the usual assistance of a clerical brother , he being his own Chaplain . ' Bro . Terry , on taking the chair , appointed as his pro tem . S . W . Bro . H . G . Buss , the Provincial Grand Treasurer of Middlesex , and Bro . John Coutts , P . G . P ., as Junior
Warden . The lodge thus formed—and very handsome it looked with the furniture and appointments by Bro . Kenning—the consecrating officer arranged the new lodge brethren in order , and after Bro . Sherwin , who presided at the harmonium , had played a solemn march , the usunl
address on the nature of the meeting was delivered with that point and exquisite elocution for which Bro . Terry has made himself famous . The address was given by the Secretary , and the petition and warrant having been read , the brethren signified their approval of the officers named in the warrant—Bros . Charles William
Kent , P . M . 879 , as W . M . designate ; Henry Hudson , as S . W . ; H . Bartlett , ' P . M . 147 , as Treasurerj and others . The presiding officer , amid the breathless attention of the large company , delivered the oration in a charming manner , and then was sung the hymn which ends" God of the widow , hear ,
Our work of mercy bless ; God of the fatherless , be near , And grant us great success . " The prayers and invocation were given by Bro . Terry throughout , and the Scriptures having been read in those parts having touching references
to the ceremony , the lodge board were uncovered , and the elements of consecration were displayed in the usual manner , and then the psalm followed" O Lord ,. how joyful ' tis to sec The Brethren joined in love to Thee ; On Thee alone their heart relies ,
Their only strength Thy grace supplies . " Bro . Terry , acting as Chaplain , then performed the duties which follow , and giving , with clerical effect , Ihe second portion of the prayer . The hymn ,
" Guide me , O Thou Great Jehovah , " having been chanted , Bro . Terry , as presiding officer , dedicated and constituted the lodge . The ceremony of installing . Bro . Kent as W . M . was then performed b y Bro . Terry , who ' was untiring in his work , which he rendered with
perfect Emulation ritual . The appointment of officers followed , and the first minutes recorded were a vote of thanks to Bro . Terry for his services , and his election , unanimously , as an honorary member of the lodge he had consecrated . The brethren then adjourned to an
excellent dinner , and the only fault was that it was rather-delayed , so much , indeed , that the a ter dinner toasts had to be briefl y given . They were mostly shorn of replies , for the necessity of catching trains-had taken many of the brethren away , and among others the " brief chronicler of the time . "
llin . ioWAv s PiLr . s : Winter , s |> cirilics . —All can climate tire disaihantagcs to lhc human system from breathing ; foul air , such a « must necessarily Ire inhaled during our winters . The safest corrcclivcs and best ptnilicrs of lire lilirod are Hollnwnv'o balsamic J'ills , u-Jiii-h are loo well known and too highly esteemed lorcimin : commendation here . Ik-sides cleansing the system , thev improve lhc appetite , render digestion perfect , admirably regulate'he liver , increase tire secretion nf thc kidneys , tlicy mildly vet ell ' cctuallv ad upon the bowels without gripinrj or causing aiiv income memo . So lorn ; as human nature remains what it is , every person will now and again rcouirc regulation of organs disordered hy irrcr-ular or 100 ircnerons livlngjnid too liberal potations . —ADVT . J "
Consecration Of The Avalon Chapter, No. 446, At Wells.
The ceremony of the consecration of the Avalon Chapter , attached to the Benevolent Lodge , No . 44 6 , was held in the Town Hall , Wells , Somerset , on Tuesday , the . 30 th ult . ( St . Andrew ' s Day ) , by M . E . Comp . S . G . Homfray , Standard Bearer ' of Grand-Chapter , P . Z ., G . A . D . C . England , and D . P . G . M . of
Monmouthshire , assisted by M . E . Comp . H . J . Gratte , P . Z ., as H . ; and M . E . Comp . H . Hellyer , as J . •Amongst others the ' following companions were present : —E . Turner Payne , Past Gd . Std . Br . ; F . R . Prirleaux ; W . Marchant , A . Baily , T . E Jelley , F . W . Wood , F . PI . Woodforde , J . B . Colthurst , W . B . Stocker , ] . Wedgwood Yecles , W . Westcott ,
J . Phillis , J . C . Hunt , J . Chandler , J . W . Parfett , F . Fisher , J . Cornwall , J . E . Wilson , D . Williams , & c , & c . Chapter was opened by the acting Principals at 2 . 1 . 5 , and the Acting Scribe E ., read the petition , and the Charter of Constitution from Grand Chapter , after which the consecrating
M . E . Z . proceeded to consecrate the following companions into a regular chapter , viz r—M . E . Comp . R . C Else , as L . ; A . T . Perkins , as H . ; and E . Bath , as J . j S . H . Gierke , S . G . Homfray . C . L . F . Edwards , Win . Long , J . A . Bright ,
John Hurd , F . C . George , and W . J . Welsh . The Acting Principal J ., M . E . Comp . Hy . Hellyer , delivered a most interesting and excellent oration on the nature and principles of the Order , and the chapter was duly dedicated and consecrated .
The Acting M . E . Z . then proceeded to install in due form , Comp . R . C . Else , as M . E . Z . ; Comp . Alfred T . Perkins , as H . ; and Comp . Edward Bath , as J . for the ensuing twelve months , and on the readmission of all companions below those ranks he delivered the charge in a most impiessive manner .
The companions then proceeded to elect officers for the ensuing year , when the following were elected and invested with their collars b y the M . E . Z ., viz : —Comp . C . L . F . Edwards , E . ; Win . Long , N . j J . A . Bright , P . Soj . The election of Treasurer and Janitor , as well as
the apppointment of the other officers , was deferred until the first regular meeting , when there would be a larger number of companions belonging to the chapter . The M . E . Z . then said that the first duty of the newly consecrated chapter , and which duty
devolved upon him as the first Z ., was to propose a vote of thanks to the M . E . Comp . S . G . Homfray , who had kindly come from a distance to perform the ceremonies of the d ., y , and who had performed them in so able and impressive a manner . Comp . Peikins , H ., seconded the vote , and added that it would be a great pleasure to
the chapter , and a lasting memento of M . E . Comp . Homfray ' s services to the companions on this day , if he would accept the office of I . P . Z . M . E . Comp . Homfray having signified his . willingness to accept this office , the vote of thanks and election of office were carried by acclamation .
M . E . Comp . S . G . Homfray , I . P . Z ., then rose , and said that the next minute that ought to appear on the books of this chapter was a vote of thanks to Comp . A . T . Perkins , H ., as ii was through his untiring energy that this chapter has been brought into existence ; that it was
he who prepared the petition , got the signatures attached to it , and sent it to the Supreme Grand Chapter ; and that he has since been at the sole trouble and expense o ( fitting up the chapter , thc excellence of the furniture and the completeness of the fittings of which , must have
been the admiration of all who were there that day , as also the completeness of the arrangements which had made the proceedings of this day such a success . He therefore proposed a cordial vote of / hanks to the Comp . H ., and also that the chapter should shew their appreciation
of his services , and make him a sli ght recompense for the trouble and anxiety he had gone through , by presenting him with a handsome R . A . jewel . M . K . Comp . K . C , Else , Z ., seconded the proposition , which was carried by acclamation .
Consecration Of The Avalon Chapter, No. 446, At Wells.
1 ( There were five candidates proposed for exaltation , and four companions as joining members . •The business being concluded , the chapter
was closed , and the companions adjourned to the bjnquet , which was provided by Bro . F . C . Wickenden , of Lodge 446 , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to . ¦ ' ' Comp . Kenning furnished the chapter .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
We have been requested to insert the following : — URGENT APPEAL . 51 , Threadneedle-street , City , E . C , November , ( 8 / J . - Dear Sir and'Brother , —
1 trust the cause will plead for the liberty in addressing you on the following ' subject : —The " Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows' of Freemasons " have at the present time great calls on their funds , and the increasing number of
applicants makes it necessary for every Mason to plead on behalf of so excellent an institution . Knowing with what a liberal hand all our Masonic institutions are supported by the Craft ,. I now appeal to the ladies , viz ., mothers , wives , daughters , and friends of Mas ons , in order that
where a guinea cannot Le obtained onr ladies may appeal among their many friends for shillings as well as larger sums . You will see by the sheet enclosed , the lady to whom you hand my contribution sheet will have whatever is collected placed in her name on the list of
subscribers , or life donors , as the sum will allow . Kindly assist me in forwarding the object I have in view by handing the list enclosed to a lady . As a Steward at the festival in February , I hope to present a list of donations , Sec ., which will be called " The Ladies' List , " , feeling assured that
this appeal , if placed before them , will prove a great success . . "' . ' -.. This appeal is made to the ladies , viz ., mothers , wives , daughters , and friends of Masons , on behalf of the aged Freemasons and widows of Freemasons . The smallest contributions will be
thankfully received , if only from one shilling upwards . A few hundred pounds raised in this way will be the means of softening the sorrows of those who , in their declining years , cannot assist themselves ; but with your aid they may
( after having borne the heat and burden of the day ) settle down in the evening of life , exempt from further toil . Let me , in their behalf , touch your hearts . BRO . FRANCIS FKLLOWS , Steward , No . igi .
Masonic Female Orphan School , Dublin.
A general meeting of the Board of Governors of the Masonic Female Orphan School was held at the School House , Burlington-road , on 1 ' tiesday , the 7 th of December , R . W . Robert Shekleton , D . G . M ., Vice-Patron , in the chair .
The minutes of the previous meeting having been read , were confirmed and signed . The following report from the scrutineers of the ballot was then read : —We , the undersigned scrutineers of the ballot for the election of four pupils into the Masonic Female Orphan School ,
have to report that , with the aid of the Assistant Secretary , we have examined the several voting papers tent in . The total number of papers received up to the time of the scrutiny was 1130 . Of these 18 were not properly signed , aud ' . < - , 1 were from Governors whose subscriptions were
unpaid . The recording of the rejected votes ¦ would not have made any alteration in the relative position of the candidates . Florence Hendley , daughter of James Hendley , of Lodge 242 , Boyle , Lieutenant and
Quartermaster of the Mayo Militia , and previously of the 80 th regiment •, Laura Bradburne , daughter of Samuel Tudor Bradburne , of Lodges 20 and 125 , Dublin , accountant ; Ida Florence Ankefell , of Lodge r . , Mullingar , station master on the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Leopold Lodge.
The south-east of London—that part which lies upon the shores ofthe Thames between London Bridge and Rotherhithe , known by the name of Bermondsey—was enriched on the 7 th inst . by the consecration of a new lodge , named after our Royal Brother Leopold , numbered on the
registry of the Grand Lodge as No . 1 . 571 . Ihe home , at least for the present , of the new lodge is the Woolpack Tavern , in Bermondsey-street , a name that bespeaks the general work in the neig hbourhood ; and to meet the wants of the merchant-workers there , the charter of the
Leopold was granted . Bro . James Terry , the able , courteous , and energetic Secretary of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , P . G . Director of Ceremonies of Herts , and a learned Past Master , having-filled the office of Master to several lodges , was , by special command , the
consecrating officer , and he fulfilled the duty without the usual assistance of a clerical brother , he being his own Chaplain . ' Bro . Terry , on taking the chair , appointed as his pro tem . S . W . Bro . H . G . Buss , the Provincial Grand Treasurer of Middlesex , and Bro . John Coutts , P . G . P ., as Junior
Warden . The lodge thus formed—and very handsome it looked with the furniture and appointments by Bro . Kenning—the consecrating officer arranged the new lodge brethren in order , and after Bro . Sherwin , who presided at the harmonium , had played a solemn march , the usunl
address on the nature of the meeting was delivered with that point and exquisite elocution for which Bro . Terry has made himself famous . The address was given by the Secretary , and the petition and warrant having been read , the brethren signified their approval of the officers named in the warrant—Bros . Charles William
Kent , P . M . 879 , as W . M . designate ; Henry Hudson , as S . W . ; H . Bartlett , ' P . M . 147 , as Treasurerj and others . The presiding officer , amid the breathless attention of the large company , delivered the oration in a charming manner , and then was sung the hymn which ends" God of the widow , hear ,
Our work of mercy bless ; God of the fatherless , be near , And grant us great success . " The prayers and invocation were given by Bro . Terry throughout , and the Scriptures having been read in those parts having touching references
to the ceremony , the lodge board were uncovered , and the elements of consecration were displayed in the usual manner , and then the psalm followed" O Lord ,. how joyful ' tis to sec The Brethren joined in love to Thee ; On Thee alone their heart relies ,
Their only strength Thy grace supplies . " Bro . Terry , acting as Chaplain , then performed the duties which follow , and giving , with clerical effect , Ihe second portion of the prayer . The hymn ,
" Guide me , O Thou Great Jehovah , " having been chanted , Bro . Terry , as presiding officer , dedicated and constituted the lodge . The ceremony of installing . Bro . Kent as W . M . was then performed b y Bro . Terry , who ' was untiring in his work , which he rendered with
perfect Emulation ritual . The appointment of officers followed , and the first minutes recorded were a vote of thanks to Bro . Terry for his services , and his election , unanimously , as an honorary member of the lodge he had consecrated . The brethren then adjourned to an
excellent dinner , and the only fault was that it was rather-delayed , so much , indeed , that the a ter dinner toasts had to be briefl y given . They were mostly shorn of replies , for the necessity of catching trains-had taken many of the brethren away , and among others the " brief chronicler of the time . "
llin . ioWAv s PiLr . s : Winter , s |> cirilics . —All can climate tire disaihantagcs to lhc human system from breathing ; foul air , such a « must necessarily Ire inhaled during our winters . The safest corrcclivcs and best ptnilicrs of lire lilirod are Hollnwnv'o balsamic J'ills , u-Jiii-h are loo well known and too highly esteemed lorcimin : commendation here . Ik-sides cleansing the system , thev improve lhc appetite , render digestion perfect , admirably regulate'he liver , increase tire secretion nf thc kidneys , tlicy mildly vet ell ' cctuallv ad upon the bowels without gripinrj or causing aiiv income memo . So lorn ; as human nature remains what it is , every person will now and again rcouirc regulation of organs disordered hy irrcr-ular or 100 ircnerons livlngjnid too liberal potations . —ADVT . J "
Consecration Of The Avalon Chapter, No. 446, At Wells.
The ceremony of the consecration of the Avalon Chapter , attached to the Benevolent Lodge , No . 44 6 , was held in the Town Hall , Wells , Somerset , on Tuesday , the . 30 th ult . ( St . Andrew ' s Day ) , by M . E . Comp . S . G . Homfray , Standard Bearer ' of Grand-Chapter , P . Z ., G . A . D . C . England , and D . P . G . M . of
Monmouthshire , assisted by M . E . Comp . H . J . Gratte , P . Z ., as H . ; and M . E . Comp . H . Hellyer , as J . •Amongst others the ' following companions were present : —E . Turner Payne , Past Gd . Std . Br . ; F . R . Prirleaux ; W . Marchant , A . Baily , T . E Jelley , F . W . Wood , F . PI . Woodforde , J . B . Colthurst , W . B . Stocker , ] . Wedgwood Yecles , W . Westcott ,
J . Phillis , J . C . Hunt , J . Chandler , J . W . Parfett , F . Fisher , J . Cornwall , J . E . Wilson , D . Williams , & c , & c . Chapter was opened by the acting Principals at 2 . 1 . 5 , and the Acting Scribe E ., read the petition , and the Charter of Constitution from Grand Chapter , after which the consecrating
M . E . Z . proceeded to consecrate the following companions into a regular chapter , viz r—M . E . Comp . R . C Else , as L . ; A . T . Perkins , as H . ; and E . Bath , as J . j S . H . Gierke , S . G . Homfray . C . L . F . Edwards , Win . Long , J . A . Bright ,
John Hurd , F . C . George , and W . J . Welsh . The Acting Principal J ., M . E . Comp . Hy . Hellyer , delivered a most interesting and excellent oration on the nature and principles of the Order , and the chapter was duly dedicated and consecrated .
The Acting M . E . Z . then proceeded to install in due form , Comp . R . C . Else , as M . E . Z . ; Comp . Alfred T . Perkins , as H . ; and Comp . Edward Bath , as J . for the ensuing twelve months , and on the readmission of all companions below those ranks he delivered the charge in a most impiessive manner .
The companions then proceeded to elect officers for the ensuing year , when the following were elected and invested with their collars b y the M . E . Z ., viz : —Comp . C . L . F . Edwards , E . ; Win . Long , N . j J . A . Bright , P . Soj . The election of Treasurer and Janitor , as well as
the apppointment of the other officers , was deferred until the first regular meeting , when there would be a larger number of companions belonging to the chapter . The M . E . Z . then said that the first duty of the newly consecrated chapter , and which duty
devolved upon him as the first Z ., was to propose a vote of thanks to the M . E . Comp . S . G . Homfray , who had kindly come from a distance to perform the ceremonies of the d ., y , and who had performed them in so able and impressive a manner . Comp . Peikins , H ., seconded the vote , and added that it would be a great pleasure to
the chapter , and a lasting memento of M . E . Comp . Homfray ' s services to the companions on this day , if he would accept the office of I . P . Z . M . E . Comp . Homfray having signified his . willingness to accept this office , the vote of thanks and election of office were carried by acclamation .
M . E . Comp . S . G . Homfray , I . P . Z ., then rose , and said that the next minute that ought to appear on the books of this chapter was a vote of thanks to Comp . A . T . Perkins , H ., as ii was through his untiring energy that this chapter has been brought into existence ; that it was
he who prepared the petition , got the signatures attached to it , and sent it to the Supreme Grand Chapter ; and that he has since been at the sole trouble and expense o ( fitting up the chapter , thc excellence of the furniture and the completeness of the fittings of which , must have
been the admiration of all who were there that day , as also the completeness of the arrangements which had made the proceedings of this day such a success . He therefore proposed a cordial vote of / hanks to the Comp . H ., and also that the chapter should shew their appreciation
of his services , and make him a sli ght recompense for the trouble and anxiety he had gone through , by presenting him with a handsome R . A . jewel . M . K . Comp . K . C , Else , Z ., seconded the proposition , which was carried by acclamation .
Consecration Of The Avalon Chapter, No. 446, At Wells.
1 ( There were five candidates proposed for exaltation , and four companions as joining members . •The business being concluded , the chapter
was closed , and the companions adjourned to the bjnquet , which was provided by Bro . F . C . Wickenden , of Lodge 446 , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to . ¦ ' ' Comp . Kenning furnished the chapter .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
We have been requested to insert the following : — URGENT APPEAL . 51 , Threadneedle-street , City , E . C , November , ( 8 / J . - Dear Sir and'Brother , —
1 trust the cause will plead for the liberty in addressing you on the following ' subject : —The " Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows' of Freemasons " have at the present time great calls on their funds , and the increasing number of
applicants makes it necessary for every Mason to plead on behalf of so excellent an institution . Knowing with what a liberal hand all our Masonic institutions are supported by the Craft ,. I now appeal to the ladies , viz ., mothers , wives , daughters , and friends of Mas ons , in order that
where a guinea cannot Le obtained onr ladies may appeal among their many friends for shillings as well as larger sums . You will see by the sheet enclosed , the lady to whom you hand my contribution sheet will have whatever is collected placed in her name on the list of
subscribers , or life donors , as the sum will allow . Kindly assist me in forwarding the object I have in view by handing the list enclosed to a lady . As a Steward at the festival in February , I hope to present a list of donations , Sec ., which will be called " The Ladies' List , " , feeling assured that
this appeal , if placed before them , will prove a great success . . "' . ' -.. This appeal is made to the ladies , viz ., mothers , wives , daughters , and friends of Masons , on behalf of the aged Freemasons and widows of Freemasons . The smallest contributions will be
thankfully received , if only from one shilling upwards . A few hundred pounds raised in this way will be the means of softening the sorrows of those who , in their declining years , cannot assist themselves ; but with your aid they may
( after having borne the heat and burden of the day ) settle down in the evening of life , exempt from further toil . Let me , in their behalf , touch your hearts . BRO . FRANCIS FKLLOWS , Steward , No . igi .
Masonic Female Orphan School , Dublin.
A general meeting of the Board of Governors of the Masonic Female Orphan School was held at the School House , Burlington-road , on 1 ' tiesday , the 7 th of December , R . W . Robert Shekleton , D . G . M ., Vice-Patron , in the chair .
The minutes of the previous meeting having been read , were confirmed and signed . The following report from the scrutineers of the ballot was then read : —We , the undersigned scrutineers of the ballot for the election of four pupils into the Masonic Female Orphan School ,
have to report that , with the aid of the Assistant Secretary , we have examined the several voting papers tent in . The total number of papers received up to the time of the scrutiny was 1130 . Of these 18 were not properly signed , aud ' . < - , 1 were from Governors whose subscriptions were
unpaid . The recording of the rejected votes ¦ would not have made any alteration in the relative position of the candidates . Florence Hendley , daughter of James Hendley , of Lodge 242 , Boyle , Lieutenant and
Quartermaster of the Mayo Militia , and previously of the 80 th regiment •, Laura Bradburne , daughter of Samuel Tudor Bradburne , of Lodges 20 and 125 , Dublin , accountant ; Ida Florence Ankefell , of Lodge r . , Mullingar , station master on the