Article MASONIC FEMALE ORPHAN SCHOOL , DUBLIN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE RED CROSS. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS For the Week ending Friday, December 24, 1875. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS For the Week ending Friday, December 24, 1875. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Female Orphan School , Dublin.
Midland Railway ; and Lilla Jane Cullman , daughter of Cormac Michael Cullinan , Lodge 60 , Ennis , assistant surgeon in the army , were then declared duly elected as pupils of the school . From the report of the Finance Committee it appeared that the receipts during November
amounted to ^ 268 , making the total amount now to the credit of the institution ^ 10 , 735 . A cheque was drawn for the month ' s expenses , £ 203 as . 5 d . A ballot having taken place for the honorary
officers and committees of the school for 1876 , the following were declared duly elected : — Chaplains : Rev . John J . Macsorley , G . C . ; Rev . Lord Plunket , G . C . Physicians : John T . Banks , M . D . : George H . Kidd , M . D .
Surgeon : Philip C . Smyly , M . D . Oculist : Sir William R . Wilde . Dentist : John A . Baker , F . R . C . S . I . Honorary Secretary : J oseph Faviere Elring ton , LL . D ., Q . C ., P . G . D .
Education Committee : Hon . Judge Townshend , Right Hon . Hedges E . Chatterton , Lucius H . Deering , George Huband , Charles H . VVoodroffe , Rev . J . J . Macsorley , the Rev . Lord Plunket .
Finance Committee : John G . Gibbon , George Hepburn , Harry Hodges , John A . Hogan , Stuart N . Lane , George H . Major , Thomas H . Sanger . Apprentice Committee : William Allen , Geo . Crowe , John Dunne , Mus . Doc . ; Joseph
Manning , George T . Whitestone . Ladies' Committee : Mrs . W . Allen , Mrs . J . T . Banks , Mrs . J . W . Casson , Mrs . C . J . Ferguson , Mrs . Longfield , Mrs . R . Millner , Hon . Mrs . P . C . Smyly , Mrs . J . F . Townshend , Mrs . C . H . Woodroffe .
The Red Cross.
The " Bulletin International des Societcs de Secours aux Blesses " calls attention to the appearance since the Franco-German War of 1870-71 of some spurious " Orders , " one at Geneva under -the name of "The Order ofthe Red Cross , " whose members are described as
" Templiers , " Joannites , " and " Trinitaires , " and which has an agency in London ; and one in London which started up about the same time , bearing a striking resemblance to the other , and calling itself " The Order of the Temple and of St . John of Jerusalem , " whose members also
profess to be " Trinitaires . " Both these societies appear to have traded upon the reputation of the Red Cross , in adopting as their badge a red cross , with straight ends , upon a white ground , so nearly a copy ofthe well-known insignia of all the national Red Cross societies that the "
Bulletin " has thought proper , in order to distinguish the actual from the would-be Red Cross men , to publish the names of those Englishmen who , in souvenir of services rendered in the cause of humanity during the Franco-German War , have received the decoration of the French National Red Cross Society . The list is as follows ,
.: — H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , Lieut .-Col . Henry Brackenbury , Major C . J . Burgess , Lord Bury , K . C . M . G . j Dr . Sidney Chater , Mr . Henry Crookshank , Dr . Philip Frank , Lieut .-Col . Keith Fraser , Mr . John Furley , Captain
Douglas-Galton , C . B . ; Mr . Ernest Hart , Dr . Henry Kane , Mr . V . Barrington Kennett , Mr . H . Barrington Kennett , Sir Edward Lechmere , Bart . ; Lieut .-CoI . Hon . C . H . Lindsay , Lieut .-Col . Loyd-Lindsay , V . C . ; Mr . J . Lyman , the Duke of Manchester , Mr . W . MacCormac ,
Surgeon-Major Manley , V . C . j Surgeon-Major McNalty , Sir James Paget , Bart . ; Surgeon-Major Porter , Lieut . Rennick , Mr . N . M . de Rothschild , M . P . ; Mr . John Scott , General Sir John St . George , K . C . B . ; the Earl of
Shaftesbury , K . G . j Mr . Stewart Sutherland , Mr . Jenery Shee , Sir Harry Verney , Bart . ; the Duke of Westminster , Mr . Robert Walker , Major de Winton , Surgeon-Major Wyatt , Mr . Edward Walford , Mr . Richard Woof , and Mr . John Smith Young .
DAYLIGHT reflected in dark rooms . Gas superseded in day time . Health , comfort , and economy promoted b y adopting Chappuis' Patent Daylig ht Reflectors . — Manufactory , 69 , Fleet-street , London .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings For The Week Ending Friday, December 24, 1875.
METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS For the Week ending Friday , December 24 , 1875 .
SATURDAY , DECEMBER 18 . Lodge 715 , Panmure , Terminus Hot ., Cannon-st . „ 1364 , Earl of Zetland , Old Town Hall , Hackney . INSTRUCTION . Manchester , 77 , London-st ., Fitzroy-square . Lily , Greyhound , Richmond . Star , Marquis of Granby , New Cross-road . Sinai Chapter , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-sfc .
MONDAY , DECEMBER 20 . Lodge 1 , Grand Masters , Freemasons' Tavern . „ S , British , F . M . H .
„ 21 , Emulation , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st . ., 185 , Tranquillity , Terminus Hot ., Cannon-st . „ 222 , St . Andrew ' s , London Tav ., Bishopsgate-st . „ 720 , Panmure , Balham Hot ., Balham . „ 8 C 2 , Whittington , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st . „ 1201 , Eclectic , F . M . I-I .. Chap . 12 , Prudence , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-st .
INSTRUCTION . Prince Leopold , Lord Stanley Tav ., Kingsland . Strong Man , Jerusalem Tav ., St . John's Gate . Sincerity , Railway Tav ., Fenchurch-street Station . Camden , Stanhope Arms , Up . Jamcs-st ., Camden To . Eastern , Royal Hot .. Mile-end-road . St . James ' s Union , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st .
Wellington , White Swan , Deptford . West Kent , St . Saviour's College , Forest-hill Perfect Ashlar , VictoriaTav ., Lo \ ver-rd ., Rotherhithe . Sydney , White Hart Ho ., Church-rd ., Upper Norwood . Metropolitan , Coach and Horses Hot ., 323 , Strand . TUESDAY , DECEMBER " 21 .
Board of General Purposes , at 4 . Lodge 30 , United Mariners ' , Guildhall Tav . ., 13 , Mount Lebanon , Brid . Hou . Ho ., London-brid . ,, 95 , Eastern Star , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-st . „ 43 $ , Salisbury , F . M . II . Chap . n , Enoch , F . M . H . „ in , Mount Sinai , Anderton's Hot ., Flecl-st .
INSTRUCTION . Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney . Domatic , Surrey M . 11 ., Camberwell New-road . Faith , 2 , Westminster Chambers , Victoria-st . Prince Fredk . Win ., Lord ' s Hot ., St . John's Wood . Dalhousie , King Edward , Triangle , Hackney . Prosperity , Gladstone Tav ., Rishopstrate-st . Within .
St . Marylebone , British Stores Tav ., St . John's Wood . Constitutional , Wheatsheaf IIo ., Hand-court , Holborn . Percy , Grapes Tav ., Little Windmill-st ., W . Israel , Rising Sun Tav ., Globe Roai . Royal Arthur , Prince ' s Head , York-road , Battersea . Metropolitan Chapter , St . Michael ' s Alley , Cornhill . Beacontree , Red Lion , Leytonstone , at 8 .
WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 22 . Board of Benevolence , at C . Lodge 212 , Euphrates , M . H ., Basinghall-street . „ 507 , United Pilgrims , Horns Tav ., Kennington . „ 754 , High Cross , Seven Sisters' Tav ., Tottenham . „ 808 , Temperance in the East , (> , Ncwbj -pi ., Poplar . Chap . 007 , Royal Albert , White Hart , Abchutch-Iane . Red Cross Conclave , 15 , St . Andrew ' s , 08 , Regent-st ., W .
INSTRUCTION . Mt . Lebanon , Windsor Cas . Tav ., Southwark-bd .-rd . Pythagorean , Prince of Orange , Greenwich . New Concord , Rosemary Branch Tav ., Hoxton . Royal Union , Horse and Groom , Winsley-st ., Oxford-st . Confidence , White Hart Tav ., Ahchurch-lane . Peckham , Maismore Arms , Park-road , Peckham .
Stanhope , Thicket Hot ., Anerley . Finsbury Park , Finsbury Park Tav ., Seven Sisters ' -rd . Southwark , Southwark Park Tav ., Southwark Park . Duke of Connaught , Havelock Tav ., Dalston , E . United Strength , Grafton Arms , Kentish-town . Mount Edgcumbe , ig , Jermyn-street , St James ' s . Islington , Crown and Cushion , London Wall .
THURSDAY , DECEMBER 23 . House Committee , Girls' School , at 4 .. Lodge 22 , Neptune , Guildhall Tav ., Gresham-sr . „ 65 , Grenadiers , F . M . II . Chap . 29 , St . Albans , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st .
INSTRUCTION . Egyptian , Hercules Tav ., Lcadcnliall-st . Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-st ., W . Finsbury Jolly Anglers' Tav ., Bath-st ., City-road . United Mariners ' , Three Cranes , Mile-cnd-road . Whittington , Crown Tav ., Holborn . Temperance in the East , Catherine-st ., Poplar .
Ebury , 12 , Ponsonby-st „ Millbank . Highgate , Bull and Gate , Kentish-town . The Great City , in , Cheapside . High Cross , Coach & Horses , High-road , Tottenham . Salisbury , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . Marquis of Ripon , Aibion Tav ., Albion-rd ., Dalston . Doric Chapter , Three Cranes Tav ., Mile-end-road . Prince Frederick William Chapter , St . John's Wood .
FRIDAY , DECEMBER 24 . House Committee , Boys' School . INSTRUCTION . Union Waterloo , Thomas-st ., Woolwich . St . George's , Globe Tav ., Royal-hill , Greenwich . Robert Burns , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . Belgrave , Lyceum Tav ., 354 , Strand .
Unions Emulation ( for M . M . ' s ) , F . M . H . Temperance , Victoria Tav ., Victoria-road , Deptford . Clapton , White Hart , Clapton . Stability , Guildhall Tav ., Gresham-st . Metropolitan , Portugal Hot ., Fleet-st . Westbourne , Horse & Groom , Winsley-st ., 'Oxford-st . Metropolitan , Pentonville-road .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings For The Week Ending Friday, December 24, 1875.
United Pilgrims , Surrey M . H ., Camberwell New-road . St . James's , New Tanners'Arms , Grange-rd ., Bermondsey . Duke of Edinburgh , Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar . Doric , Earl Grey Tay ., Mile-end-road . Burgoyne , Grafton Arms , Prince cf Wales's-road , N . W
St . Luke ' s , Commercial Tav ., King's-road , Chelsea . Chigwell , Bald-faced Stag Hot ., Buckhurst-hill . Burdett Coutts , Approach Tav ., Victoria Park . Pythagorean Chapter , Prince of Orange , Greenwirh-rd . Royal Standard , Finsbury Park Tav ., Holloway . Ranelagh , Clarendon Hot ., Hammersmith .
MASONIC MEETINGS IN WEST LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE . For the Week ending Saturday , December 25 , 187 , 5 . MONDAY , DECEMBER 20 . Lodge 1502 , Israel , M . H ., Liverpool . Chap . 32 , Jerusalem , M . If . Liverpool . Everton L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool .
TUESDAY , DECEMBER 21 . Lodge 6 G 7 , Alliance , M . H ., Liverpool . „ 1225 , Hindpool , HartingtonHo ., Barrow-in-Furness . „ 1276 , Warren , Seacombe Hot ., Seacombe . „ 13 S 4 , Equity , Walker ' s Commercial Hot ., Widnes . WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 22 .
Lodge 32 , St . George's , Adelphi Hot ., Liverpool . „ 220 , Harmony , Garston Hot ., Garston . „ 724 , Derby , M . II ., Liverpool . Chap . 1052 , Callender , P . H , Rusholme . St . John's L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . Neptune L . of 1 ., M . H ., Liverpool . De Grey and Ripon L . of I ., 80 , North Hill-st .
THURSDAY , DECEMBER 23 . Lodge 594 , Downshire , M . H ., Liverpool . „ 1086 , Walton , St . Lawrence ' s Schools , Kirkdale . Chap . 2 id , Sacred Delta , M . H ., Liverpool . FRIDAY , DECEMBER 24 . Chap . ( J 8 o , Sefton , M . H ., Liverpool .
MASONIC MEETINGS IN GLASGOW AND VICINITY . For the Week ending Saturday , December 25 , 1875 . All the Meetings take place at Eight o ' clock . MONDAY , DECEMBER 20 . Lodge 332 , Union , 170 , Buchanan-st . 1 , 5 S G , Clydesdale , 106 , Rose-st .
St . Mungo Encampment , M . H ., 213 , Buchanan-st . TUESDAY , DECEMBER 21 . Lodge 3 J , St . John , 213 , Buchanan-st . „ 73 , Thistle and Rose , 170 , Buchanan-st . „ 87 , Thistle , 30 , Hope-st . „ 437 , Govandale , Portland Arms , Govan .
WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 22 . Lodge 50 s , Burns , St . Mary ' s Commercial Inn , Hurlford . „ 510 , Maryhill , 167 , M . H ., Maryhill . Red Cross Conclave , Glasgow , 213 , Buchanan-st . THURSDAY , DECEMBER 23 . Lodge 290 , Dairy Blair , White Hart Hot ., Dairy . FRIDAY , DECEMBER 24 . Lodge 18 7 , St . John's , Carluke , Black Bull Inn .
SATURDAY , DECEMBER 25 . Lodge 28 , St . John ' s , Black Bull Inn , Kirkintolloch . „ 305 , St . John ' s Woodhall , M . H ., Holytown . Chap . 14 " ! , Robett Burns , F . M . H ., Holytown .
MASONIC MEETINGS IN EDINBURGH AND VICINITY . For the Week ending Saturday , December 25 , 1875 . MONDAY , DECEMBER 20 . Lodge 44 , St . Luke , F . M . H ., Gedrge-st .
TUESDAY , DECEMBER 21 . Lodge 36 , St . David , Ship Hot , E ., Register-st . „ 405 , Rifle , F . M . H ., Georgc-st . WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 22 . Lodge 112 , St . John , Royal Hot ., Musselburgh . THURSDAY , DECEMBER 23 . Lodge 392 , Caledonian , F . H ., George-street .
THE COMPLETE FURNITURE AND APPOINTMENTS FOR fcafotyra, OF SUPERIOR DESIGN AND WORKMANSHIP , MANUI- 'ACTURED IN THREE ftUALlTIES , BY BRO . GEORGE KENNING , P . M ., COMPRISINO Three Pedestals . One Oak or Mahogany Kneeling Three Candlesticks , Oak or Ma- Stool . hogan v . Lamp ( Star in the East ) . Two Columns , Oak or Ma- Third Degree Sheet . hoganv . Bible , with Name and No . of S . W . 1 ' riangle , in Oak or Lodge in Gold . Mahogany with Gilt Tripod , Square and Compasses in Case . l ' nllev Blocks and Windlass Cushion for Bible . and tf ough and Perfect Ash- Ten Officers' Collars . tars . Ten Officers' Jewels . Oak or Mahogany Box , and I . G . Dirk . nine Tools , Plated . O . G . Sword . Three Oak or Mahogany Gavels . Set of Eight Books . One „ „ Maul . Three S g Boards . One „ „ Ballot T-woVaireoVS s . Box and Balls . Three C—e T—s . One pair „ Wands . Two H s . Three Tracing Boards . Three Candles with Emblems . 4 JO , £ 60 , and £ 100 . Chairs , Dais , Tessclated Carpeting , Banners , tee ., & c , on the most moderate terms , according to material , style , & c . For Personal Insignia , & ee List of Clothing and Jewels . MASONIC DEPOTS : LONDON , LIVERPOOL , AND GLASGOW .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Female Orphan School , Dublin.
Midland Railway ; and Lilla Jane Cullman , daughter of Cormac Michael Cullinan , Lodge 60 , Ennis , assistant surgeon in the army , were then declared duly elected as pupils of the school . From the report of the Finance Committee it appeared that the receipts during November
amounted to ^ 268 , making the total amount now to the credit of the institution ^ 10 , 735 . A cheque was drawn for the month ' s expenses , £ 203 as . 5 d . A ballot having taken place for the honorary
officers and committees of the school for 1876 , the following were declared duly elected : — Chaplains : Rev . John J . Macsorley , G . C . ; Rev . Lord Plunket , G . C . Physicians : John T . Banks , M . D . : George H . Kidd , M . D .
Surgeon : Philip C . Smyly , M . D . Oculist : Sir William R . Wilde . Dentist : John A . Baker , F . R . C . S . I . Honorary Secretary : J oseph Faviere Elring ton , LL . D ., Q . C ., P . G . D .
Education Committee : Hon . Judge Townshend , Right Hon . Hedges E . Chatterton , Lucius H . Deering , George Huband , Charles H . VVoodroffe , Rev . J . J . Macsorley , the Rev . Lord Plunket .
Finance Committee : John G . Gibbon , George Hepburn , Harry Hodges , John A . Hogan , Stuart N . Lane , George H . Major , Thomas H . Sanger . Apprentice Committee : William Allen , Geo . Crowe , John Dunne , Mus . Doc . ; Joseph
Manning , George T . Whitestone . Ladies' Committee : Mrs . W . Allen , Mrs . J . T . Banks , Mrs . J . W . Casson , Mrs . C . J . Ferguson , Mrs . Longfield , Mrs . R . Millner , Hon . Mrs . P . C . Smyly , Mrs . J . F . Townshend , Mrs . C . H . Woodroffe .
The Red Cross.
The " Bulletin International des Societcs de Secours aux Blesses " calls attention to the appearance since the Franco-German War of 1870-71 of some spurious " Orders , " one at Geneva under -the name of "The Order ofthe Red Cross , " whose members are described as
" Templiers , " Joannites , " and " Trinitaires , " and which has an agency in London ; and one in London which started up about the same time , bearing a striking resemblance to the other , and calling itself " The Order of the Temple and of St . John of Jerusalem , " whose members also
profess to be " Trinitaires . " Both these societies appear to have traded upon the reputation of the Red Cross , in adopting as their badge a red cross , with straight ends , upon a white ground , so nearly a copy ofthe well-known insignia of all the national Red Cross societies that the "
Bulletin " has thought proper , in order to distinguish the actual from the would-be Red Cross men , to publish the names of those Englishmen who , in souvenir of services rendered in the cause of humanity during the Franco-German War , have received the decoration of the French National Red Cross Society . The list is as follows ,
.: — H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , Lieut .-Col . Henry Brackenbury , Major C . J . Burgess , Lord Bury , K . C . M . G . j Dr . Sidney Chater , Mr . Henry Crookshank , Dr . Philip Frank , Lieut .-Col . Keith Fraser , Mr . John Furley , Captain
Douglas-Galton , C . B . ; Mr . Ernest Hart , Dr . Henry Kane , Mr . V . Barrington Kennett , Mr . H . Barrington Kennett , Sir Edward Lechmere , Bart . ; Lieut .-CoI . Hon . C . H . Lindsay , Lieut .-Col . Loyd-Lindsay , V . C . ; Mr . J . Lyman , the Duke of Manchester , Mr . W . MacCormac ,
Surgeon-Major Manley , V . C . j Surgeon-Major McNalty , Sir James Paget , Bart . ; Surgeon-Major Porter , Lieut . Rennick , Mr . N . M . de Rothschild , M . P . ; Mr . John Scott , General Sir John St . George , K . C . B . ; the Earl of
Shaftesbury , K . G . j Mr . Stewart Sutherland , Mr . Jenery Shee , Sir Harry Verney , Bart . ; the Duke of Westminster , Mr . Robert Walker , Major de Winton , Surgeon-Major Wyatt , Mr . Edward Walford , Mr . Richard Woof , and Mr . John Smith Young .
DAYLIGHT reflected in dark rooms . Gas superseded in day time . Health , comfort , and economy promoted b y adopting Chappuis' Patent Daylig ht Reflectors . — Manufactory , 69 , Fleet-street , London .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings For The Week Ending Friday, December 24, 1875.
METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS For the Week ending Friday , December 24 , 1875 .
SATURDAY , DECEMBER 18 . Lodge 715 , Panmure , Terminus Hot ., Cannon-st . „ 1364 , Earl of Zetland , Old Town Hall , Hackney . INSTRUCTION . Manchester , 77 , London-st ., Fitzroy-square . Lily , Greyhound , Richmond . Star , Marquis of Granby , New Cross-road . Sinai Chapter , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-sfc .
MONDAY , DECEMBER 20 . Lodge 1 , Grand Masters , Freemasons' Tavern . „ S , British , F . M . H .
„ 21 , Emulation , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st . ., 185 , Tranquillity , Terminus Hot ., Cannon-st . „ 222 , St . Andrew ' s , London Tav ., Bishopsgate-st . „ 720 , Panmure , Balham Hot ., Balham . „ 8 C 2 , Whittington , Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet-st . „ 1201 , Eclectic , F . M . I-I .. Chap . 12 , Prudence , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-st .
INSTRUCTION . Prince Leopold , Lord Stanley Tav ., Kingsland . Strong Man , Jerusalem Tav ., St . John's Gate . Sincerity , Railway Tav ., Fenchurch-street Station . Camden , Stanhope Arms , Up . Jamcs-st ., Camden To . Eastern , Royal Hot .. Mile-end-road . St . James ' s Union , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st .
Wellington , White Swan , Deptford . West Kent , St . Saviour's College , Forest-hill Perfect Ashlar , VictoriaTav ., Lo \ ver-rd ., Rotherhithe . Sydney , White Hart Ho ., Church-rd ., Upper Norwood . Metropolitan , Coach and Horses Hot ., 323 , Strand . TUESDAY , DECEMBER " 21 .
Board of General Purposes , at 4 . Lodge 30 , United Mariners ' , Guildhall Tav . ., 13 , Mount Lebanon , Brid . Hou . Ho ., London-brid . ,, 95 , Eastern Star , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-st . „ 43 $ , Salisbury , F . M . II . Chap . n , Enoch , F . M . H . „ in , Mount Sinai , Anderton's Hot ., Flecl-st .
INSTRUCTION . Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney . Domatic , Surrey M . 11 ., Camberwell New-road . Faith , 2 , Westminster Chambers , Victoria-st . Prince Fredk . Win ., Lord ' s Hot ., St . John's Wood . Dalhousie , King Edward , Triangle , Hackney . Prosperity , Gladstone Tav ., Rishopstrate-st . Within .
St . Marylebone , British Stores Tav ., St . John's Wood . Constitutional , Wheatsheaf IIo ., Hand-court , Holborn . Percy , Grapes Tav ., Little Windmill-st ., W . Israel , Rising Sun Tav ., Globe Roai . Royal Arthur , Prince ' s Head , York-road , Battersea . Metropolitan Chapter , St . Michael ' s Alley , Cornhill . Beacontree , Red Lion , Leytonstone , at 8 .
WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 22 . Board of Benevolence , at C . Lodge 212 , Euphrates , M . H ., Basinghall-street . „ 507 , United Pilgrims , Horns Tav ., Kennington . „ 754 , High Cross , Seven Sisters' Tav ., Tottenham . „ 808 , Temperance in the East , (> , Ncwbj -pi ., Poplar . Chap . 007 , Royal Albert , White Hart , Abchutch-Iane . Red Cross Conclave , 15 , St . Andrew ' s , 08 , Regent-st ., W .
INSTRUCTION . Mt . Lebanon , Windsor Cas . Tav ., Southwark-bd .-rd . Pythagorean , Prince of Orange , Greenwich . New Concord , Rosemary Branch Tav ., Hoxton . Royal Union , Horse and Groom , Winsley-st ., Oxford-st . Confidence , White Hart Tav ., Ahchurch-lane . Peckham , Maismore Arms , Park-road , Peckham .
Stanhope , Thicket Hot ., Anerley . Finsbury Park , Finsbury Park Tav ., Seven Sisters ' -rd . Southwark , Southwark Park Tav ., Southwark Park . Duke of Connaught , Havelock Tav ., Dalston , E . United Strength , Grafton Arms , Kentish-town . Mount Edgcumbe , ig , Jermyn-street , St James ' s . Islington , Crown and Cushion , London Wall .
THURSDAY , DECEMBER 23 . House Committee , Girls' School , at 4 .. Lodge 22 , Neptune , Guildhall Tav ., Gresham-sr . „ 65 , Grenadiers , F . M . II . Chap . 29 , St . Albans , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate-st .
INSTRUCTION . Egyptian , Hercules Tav ., Lcadcnliall-st . Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-st ., W . Finsbury Jolly Anglers' Tav ., Bath-st ., City-road . United Mariners ' , Three Cranes , Mile-cnd-road . Whittington , Crown Tav ., Holborn . Temperance in the East , Catherine-st ., Poplar .
Ebury , 12 , Ponsonby-st „ Millbank . Highgate , Bull and Gate , Kentish-town . The Great City , in , Cheapside . High Cross , Coach & Horses , High-road , Tottenham . Salisbury , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . Marquis of Ripon , Aibion Tav ., Albion-rd ., Dalston . Doric Chapter , Three Cranes Tav ., Mile-end-road . Prince Frederick William Chapter , St . John's Wood .
FRIDAY , DECEMBER 24 . House Committee , Boys' School . INSTRUCTION . Union Waterloo , Thomas-st ., Woolwich . St . George's , Globe Tav ., Royal-hill , Greenwich . Robert Burns , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . Belgrave , Lyceum Tav ., 354 , Strand .
Unions Emulation ( for M . M . ' s ) , F . M . H . Temperance , Victoria Tav ., Victoria-road , Deptford . Clapton , White Hart , Clapton . Stability , Guildhall Tav ., Gresham-st . Metropolitan , Portugal Hot ., Fleet-st . Westbourne , Horse & Groom , Winsley-st ., 'Oxford-st . Metropolitan , Pentonville-road .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings For The Week Ending Friday, December 24, 1875.
United Pilgrims , Surrey M . H ., Camberwell New-road . St . James's , New Tanners'Arms , Grange-rd ., Bermondsey . Duke of Edinburgh , Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar . Doric , Earl Grey Tay ., Mile-end-road . Burgoyne , Grafton Arms , Prince cf Wales's-road , N . W
St . Luke ' s , Commercial Tav ., King's-road , Chelsea . Chigwell , Bald-faced Stag Hot ., Buckhurst-hill . Burdett Coutts , Approach Tav ., Victoria Park . Pythagorean Chapter , Prince of Orange , Greenwirh-rd . Royal Standard , Finsbury Park Tav ., Holloway . Ranelagh , Clarendon Hot ., Hammersmith .
MASONIC MEETINGS IN WEST LANCASHIRE AND CHESHIRE . For the Week ending Saturday , December 25 , 187 , 5 . MONDAY , DECEMBER 20 . Lodge 1502 , Israel , M . H ., Liverpool . Chap . 32 , Jerusalem , M . If . Liverpool . Everton L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool .
TUESDAY , DECEMBER 21 . Lodge 6 G 7 , Alliance , M . H ., Liverpool . „ 1225 , Hindpool , HartingtonHo ., Barrow-in-Furness . „ 1276 , Warren , Seacombe Hot ., Seacombe . „ 13 S 4 , Equity , Walker ' s Commercial Hot ., Widnes . WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 22 .
Lodge 32 , St . George's , Adelphi Hot ., Liverpool . „ 220 , Harmony , Garston Hot ., Garston . „ 724 , Derby , M . II ., Liverpool . Chap . 1052 , Callender , P . H , Rusholme . St . John's L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . Neptune L . of 1 ., M . H ., Liverpool . De Grey and Ripon L . of I ., 80 , North Hill-st .
THURSDAY , DECEMBER 23 . Lodge 594 , Downshire , M . H ., Liverpool . „ 1086 , Walton , St . Lawrence ' s Schools , Kirkdale . Chap . 2 id , Sacred Delta , M . H ., Liverpool . FRIDAY , DECEMBER 24 . Chap . ( J 8 o , Sefton , M . H ., Liverpool .
MASONIC MEETINGS IN GLASGOW AND VICINITY . For the Week ending Saturday , December 25 , 1875 . All the Meetings take place at Eight o ' clock . MONDAY , DECEMBER 20 . Lodge 332 , Union , 170 , Buchanan-st . 1 , 5 S G , Clydesdale , 106 , Rose-st .
St . Mungo Encampment , M . H ., 213 , Buchanan-st . TUESDAY , DECEMBER 21 . Lodge 3 J , St . John , 213 , Buchanan-st . „ 73 , Thistle and Rose , 170 , Buchanan-st . „ 87 , Thistle , 30 , Hope-st . „ 437 , Govandale , Portland Arms , Govan .
WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 22 . Lodge 50 s , Burns , St . Mary ' s Commercial Inn , Hurlford . „ 510 , Maryhill , 167 , M . H ., Maryhill . Red Cross Conclave , Glasgow , 213 , Buchanan-st . THURSDAY , DECEMBER 23 . Lodge 290 , Dairy Blair , White Hart Hot ., Dairy . FRIDAY , DECEMBER 24 . Lodge 18 7 , St . John's , Carluke , Black Bull Inn .
SATURDAY , DECEMBER 25 . Lodge 28 , St . John ' s , Black Bull Inn , Kirkintolloch . „ 305 , St . John ' s Woodhall , M . H ., Holytown . Chap . 14 " ! , Robett Burns , F . M . H ., Holytown .
MASONIC MEETINGS IN EDINBURGH AND VICINITY . For the Week ending Saturday , December 25 , 1875 . MONDAY , DECEMBER 20 . Lodge 44 , St . Luke , F . M . H ., Gedrge-st .
TUESDAY , DECEMBER 21 . Lodge 36 , St . David , Ship Hot , E ., Register-st . „ 405 , Rifle , F . M . H ., Georgc-st . WEDNESDAY , DECEMBER 22 . Lodge 112 , St . John , Royal Hot ., Musselburgh . THURSDAY , DECEMBER 23 . Lodge 392 , Caledonian , F . H ., George-street .
THE COMPLETE FURNITURE AND APPOINTMENTS FOR fcafotyra, OF SUPERIOR DESIGN AND WORKMANSHIP , MANUI- 'ACTURED IN THREE ftUALlTIES , BY BRO . GEORGE KENNING , P . M ., COMPRISINO Three Pedestals . One Oak or Mahogany Kneeling Three Candlesticks , Oak or Ma- Stool . hogan v . Lamp ( Star in the East ) . Two Columns , Oak or Ma- Third Degree Sheet . hoganv . Bible , with Name and No . of S . W . 1 ' riangle , in Oak or Lodge in Gold . Mahogany with Gilt Tripod , Square and Compasses in Case . l ' nllev Blocks and Windlass Cushion for Bible . and tf ough and Perfect Ash- Ten Officers' Collars . tars . Ten Officers' Jewels . Oak or Mahogany Box , and I . G . Dirk . nine Tools , Plated . O . G . Sword . Three Oak or Mahogany Gavels . Set of Eight Books . One „ „ Maul . Three S g Boards . One „ „ Ballot T-woVaireoVS s . Box and Balls . Three C—e T—s . One pair „ Wands . Two H s . Three Tracing Boards . Three Candles with Emblems . 4 JO , £ 60 , and £ 100 . Chairs , Dais , Tessclated Carpeting , Banners , tee ., & c , on the most moderate terms , according to material , style , & c . For Personal Insignia , & ee List of Clothing and Jewels . MASONIC DEPOTS : LONDON , LIVERPOOL , AND GLASGOW .