Article Masonic Miscellanea. Page 1 of 1 Article ORDERS OF CHIVALRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1
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Masonic Miscellanea.
Masonic Miscellanea .
His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales will preside at the Anniversary Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , on a Wednesday in May , 1 S 71 .
THE Earl of Dalhottse is to lay the foundationstone of a Masonic lodge in Edinburgh on St . Andrew ' s Day , the 30 th inst ., and the banquet and installation of Grand Lodge office-bearers takes place the same night .
WE have great pleasure in announcing that Bro . Philbrick has been appointed Recorder of Colchester , in the room of Mr . Bushby , one of the recentlyappointed metropolitan police magistrates . IT is proposed shortly to hold a Prov . Grand Mark Lodge for Somerset .
ON the 7 th inst ., nineteen of the brethren of the Lansdown Lodge cf Unity , No . 626 , Chippenham , invited Bro . G . J . Parfitt , the W . M . of that lodge and P . S . G . W . of Wilts , to a sumptuous banquet at
Bro . Rubies , Castle Hotel , Bath , and presented him with a very handsome tea service , inscribed as a testimonial of their high estimation of his great Masonic zeal and attainments .
THE St . James' Union ( No . 1 S 0 ) Lodge of Instruction will hold its annual meeting for working the fifteen sections , on Monday , the 21 st inst ., at the Swan Tavern , 49 , Mount-street , Grosvenorsrjuare , at seven o'clock precisely . The sections will be worked by Bro . J . R . Stacey , the W . M . of
the mother lodge , who has been voted to the chair on this occasion . Several good-working Masons will assist , and wc hope to see a large attendance of thc brethren to support the W . M ., whose excellent working is well known and appreciated by the Craft .
CHARITY is one of the noblest gems that can adorn mankind ; it is nurtured in growing youth , and fostered by the bright example shown by its parents . Like the fable of * ' The Lion ancl the Mouse , " the smallest attribute can contribute to the
relief o ! the greater . An example of this kind has been shown by a young lady , daughter of Bro . Alexander Levy , P . M . 203 , Miss Esther , who has composed , not only the words , but the music of a very excellent song , entitled , " Think of Me , and
Forget Me Not . " The composition is good ancl appropriate , and the music very pretty . Great credit is due to her . The proceeds of the sale are to be devoted to the funds of thc Metropolitan Free Hospital in Devonshire-square , Bishopsgate-strcet ,
and the song is dedicated 10 Bro . Coleman Defiles , of the firm of Messrs . J . Defiles nnd SoiTys , of 147 , Houndsditch . This noble hospital affords relief to all who requite its assistance , like our noble Order , without reference to creed ; and thc highest medical assistance is given free . All who
wish to aid this praiseworthy object can obtain copies of Messrs . W . Williams and Co ., 221 , Tottenham-court-road , tbe well-known publishers . This talented young lady is composing another song , the proceeds to be given for the relief of the poor of the Jewish Board of Guardians .
Orders Of Chivalry.
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . ^ YORKSHIRE . —The regular meeting of the Prince Edward Encampment was held in their rooms , Station House ¦ Hotel , bottoms , Enstwoad , on the 6 th inst . The following Sir Knights were present : —George Normanton , E . C . ; A . Horsfall , as 1 st Capt . ; Fred . Whitaker , 2 nd Capt . ; W . J . Beck , as Expert ; Thomas Seholefieltl
, P . E . C , Prelate ; James Lord , Chancellor ; W . J . Laullcr , Capt . of Lines ; Joseph Greenwood , P . K . C ., Equerry ; "Win . Roberts , l' . ' E . C . : Wm . Hy . Porritt , Watson . Robt Crossley , jun ., - and Jno . Dunning Kaye . After the minutes had been read and confirmed , Sir Knt . Win . Roberts , l' . E . C , P . E . G . U . C of Lancashire , and P . G . C . York , then look the chair ar installing officer , and with
the assistance of the following Past Eminent Commanders , viz ., Sir Kills . George Nonnanton , Jno . Greenwood , Thos . . Seholeliehl and Joseph Greenwood , duly in - . h . d Sir Knl . " ¦ - d . Whitaker , as E . C . for the ensuh . g year . The ^ E . l en appointed the following Sir Kills , as his officers : - Win . Hy . Porritt , Prelate ; James Lord , 1 st Capt . ; John Dunning Kave , 2 nd Capt . ; W . J . Heck , Expert ; W . J . Laldlcr , Capt . of Lines ; A . ' llorsfall ,
Registrar ; Thomas Scholcficld , l' . E . C , Treas ; Robert C-o .- ' . sley , sen ., Almoner ; JohnOrcanwood , l' . E . C , Org . ; Wm . Roberts . I' . P . E . C , D . C . ; Robert Crossley , jun ., 1 si Standard Hearer ; Charles F . Kinks , 2 nd Standard U . a- erer ; Jame ; Pilling , 1 st Herald ; John Pilling , 2 nd Herald ; and Joseph Greenwood , P . E . C , Equerry . The encampment was duly closed in form , and with solemn prayer .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . Chapter of Hope , A o . 206 . —This old chapter has been held in Greenwich for many years past ; although coming originally irom the Lodge of Friendship , yet its members for the most part are local Masons , who belong to lodges held in Greenwich ; but the original origin is yet preserved , as this chapter has never sought to be enrolled
under any ofthe ancient lodges which are held in the old town of Greenwich , and it yet retains the number of the parent lodge from which it sprung . The chapter held its election meeting on Thursday , the 10 th inst ., at the Globe Tavern , Royal Hill , Greenwich , Comp . J . Hasler , M . E . Z ., presiding , who , in admirable manner , did the work of his chair when exalting Bro . H . C . Maguire , 193 .
Other companions present : W . Noak , H . ; A . H . Tattershall , J . ; Johnson , P . Z ., as P . S . ; W . Orchard , S . N . The S . E ., Comp . H . A . Collington , P . Z ., was unavoidably absent through ill health . All the officers were unanimously re-elected , and the chapter was duly closed , when a good banquet followed . Visitors : Comps . R . Boncey ( IL 79 ) and I . Griffin ( S . N . 79 ) .
PROVINCIAL . LEICESTER . —Chapter of Fortitude , No . 279 . —Aeonvocation of this chapter was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , the 9 th inst . In the absence of the First and Second Principals ( the former in Lancashire , and the latter in the United States ) , Comp . Kelly , Prov . G . Supt ., presided as M . E . Z ., and Rev . Comp . Spittall , P . Z ., as
H . The other officers were Comps . Toller , J . ; Stretton , E . ; Buzzard as N . ( in the unavoidable absence of Comp : the Rev . J . E . Smith , of Rugby School ); Partridge , P . S ., and others . Bros . Alfred Layton ( of the Universal Lodge , No . 181 , London ) , Robert Waite and Francis Kemp ( of St . Peter's Lodge , No . 1330 , Market Harborough ) , and Henry Tilleman Hobart ( of thc Ferrers
and Ivanhoe Lodge , No . 779 , Ashby . de-la-Zouch ) , were balloted for and elected . Bro . Waite , the only candidate able to attend on the occasion , was then duly exalted ; but , having to leave by an early train , the historical lecture was necessarily omitted , Comp . Toller giving the symbolical , and Comp . Kelly the mystical lecture . The chapter was then closed , and the companions adjourned to refreshment .
WATFORD . — Watford Chapter , No . 404 . —A Chapter of Emergency was held , on Nov . 11 , for the nomination of candidates for exaltation at the next meeting , when two brethren were proposed . MAN-CHESTER . — Alexandra Chapter , No . 993 . —The annual convocation of this chapter was held on the nth inst , at the Midway Hotel , Levensluihne . The
chapter was opened by Comp . Wm . Abbey , Z . ; supported by John Cove Hind , II . ; Wm . Henry Bihly , J . ; Wm . George Turner , E . ; Richard Timperley , N . ; \ V . Wayne , P . S . ; John Adam Whyatt , S . ; fohn Parker , Treas . ; Henry Turner Organist . 'I lie minutes of lhe previous chapter were read ami confirmed ; after which , all companions below the respective lanks were ordered
to retire , when a Conclave of First Principals wa * formed , and Com ]) . William Abbey , the retiring Z ., installed his successor , Comp . John Cove Hind , into the chair of Z . On the formation of a Conclave of Second and Third Principals respectively , Comp . Abbey , ably assisted by Comp . George Frederick East . P . Z ., installed Companions W . Henry Bihly , If ., and W . Wayne , J . ; afier
which , the Conclave of Third Principals was closed , when the following officers were invested : Comps . Richard Timperley , E . ; George Ardern Yates , N . ; John Adam Whyatt , P . S . ; Henry Turner Rohhcrds , S . ; John Samuel Dethick , S . ; Henry Turner , Organist ; John Parker , Treasurer . It is impossible to speak loo highly of the admirable manner in which Comp . Wm . Abbey , P . Z .,
performed the ceremony of installing and investing the officers ; but such talent and ability has he shown in the working of the chapter during the past year , and so high is lhe respect in which he is held , that the companions subscribed for a £ 10 P . Z . jewel , made of lS-carat gold . This was presented to him by Comp . John Cove Hind , Z ., with a few most appropriate remarks , liuiiiivr that he
might long be spared to wear it as a token of the respect and esteem in which he was held by the companions . — Comp . Abbey acknowledged ihis token of favour in some feeling words . —The Treasurer ' s account was then presented by Comp . John Parker , to whose assiduity and skill in collecting cash enabled him to show lhe chapter entirely free from debt , and with a small balance in hand .
This was considered extremely satisfactory , as the chapter is only four years old , and the furniture ( although beautiful ) very expensive . The chapter having been closed ir . due form , the companions adjourned to refreshment , when lhe toasts of the three Principals were given and responded to , and the companions of this chapter hold Comp . John Cove I Hnd in such estimation for his
urbanity and kindness , combined as it is by firmness and ability , that they are looking forward lo a most happy and prosperous year , and this can scarcely fail to be realized , considering the excellent working displayed by both the Second and Third Principals and the officers throughout , combined with the harmony and unity which prevails amongst the companions .
MKI . TO . V MUWHRAY . — De Mo-. vbray Chapter , AV . 1130 . —Thc regular meeting of this chapter vas held on Tuesday last , at lhe George Hotel . Present : Ex-Comps . F . Pin ' Xe . vcomb , M . E . Z . ; E . J . Orfonl , II . ; and H . Douglas , J . ; also Comps . R . W . W . Langley , P . Z . ; Adcock , Sciibc E . ; J . J . Fast . P . S ; ( . C . " Duncomb ,
Assistant S . ; Bright , Johnson , Kew , Selby , and others . Three candidates out of a list of six were present , and they were exalted to this supreme degree , the lectures being given by Comps . Douglas , Orford , and Langley . The chapter was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
THE CRAFT . DUNDEE . —Lodge Operative , No . 47 , met within their own hall , Irongate , Dundee , on Wednesday , the 9 th inst ., R . W . M . ( Bro . John Logic ) occupying the chair , Bros . MacG- gor , Depute Master ; Past Master Berry , of 375 , acting as Past Master ; D . M . Brew , of 225 , acting Senior Warden ; Henry , Junior Warden . The ceremony
of conducting the candidates through thc various degrees had been undertaken by Bro . W . F . Longmuir , the future R . W . M . of the lodge . There was a very large gathering of the brethren , indeed the business done fully warranted such a large meeting . Four candidates presented themselves for initiation , namely , Messrs . C . Lindsay , Bennett , Gordon and Caralow , their admittance
having been previously unanimously agreed on , they were prepared , and the ceremony of initiation administered by Bro . Berry , the working tools and the lectures following being fully given . Having chosen their instructors , they then retired . The R . W . M . then intimated that a number of candidates were present for the two higher degrees , and asked if it was the desire of the lodge that the degrees
should be gone on with . The brethren , he might say , had shown themselves proficient in the degrees they had previously passed through . The desire being agreed to , Bro . Berry again , at the request ofthe R . W . M ., passed six Apprentices to the degree of Fellow Craft , explaining at some length the lectures and emblems of the degree . R . W . Master ( Logic ) then administered the oath and
obligation of the third degree to the Fellow Crafts then present , raising them to the degree of M . M ., and explaining the traditional history of the degree in his usual able manner . The lodge was then duly reduced and closed . The brethren , under the presidency ofthe R . W . M ., enjoying " m their own hall , half an hour ' s refreshment and harmony after so hard an evening ' s work .
Lodge Forfar and Kincardine , No . 225 , opened their weekly meetings within their own spacious buildings , Meadow-street , Dundee , on Thursday , the 10 th inst ., Bro . Robertson , R . W . M ., in the chair . Bros . Rodger , S . W ., and McNab , J . W . As the weekly meetings were to be inaugurated by a lecture from a Honorary Member of the lodge , Bro . James Berry , P . M . of 375 , there was a
large attendance of members , many office bearers ancl members of the other lodges in town being present . The lodge having been opened in ancient form , Bro . Berry commence ! his lecture a little before nine o ' clock finishing at ten p . m ., thanking the brethren present for the g - eat attention they had given his remarks . The R . W . Master in proposing that a special vote of thanks
be now recorded to Bro . Berry for his able and instructive remarks , said that Bro . Berry had inaugurated these meetings last year and again this year ; not only so , but ou many occasions during his absence Bro . Berry had ably fulfilled the duties of this chair , and therefore the lodge he , was sure , would now record their thanks for lhe
services so willingly given , which being seconded by D . Master , Bro . Brew , was carried with great applause . Thanks having been returned by Pro . Berry , the R . W . M . intimated that on Tuesday next the brethren would please assemble for nominating office-bearers for lhe ensuingycar ; thereafter the lodge was duly closed .
ROYAL ARCH . A MEETING of the companions of the St . Andrew ' s Royal Arch Chapter , No . 69 , was held in Glasgow , on Nov . S 1 I 1 , Comp . W . M'Ewan , M . E . P . Z ., in the chair , supported by Comps . M'Galium , H-, and Lindsay , J . The chapter was opened in the Mark Degree , when Bro . D . Downic wa * advanced to the honourable degree of
Mark Master , and thereafter the chapter was advanced to the degree of Past Master , when Bro . Downie was re-admilted and received said degree . Bro . Meikle , M . M . of 73 , then presented himself , craving admission , and the chapter was reduced to the Mark Degree , when 15 n > . Meikle was re-admilted and received Mark Degree , Comp . Thomas M . Campbell , P . P . Z ., officiating in Mark Degree . The chapter being advanced a second time .
and said brother re-admitted , he received the degree of Past Master , the P . Z . officiating . The chapter was then closed in due and ancient form by the M . E . P . Z ., and the companions adjourned to the ante-room , where they partook of an excellent fish supper , catered by Comp . Mullin . The cloth being removed , the usual Maso . dc toasts were given and responded to . Visitors : Comps . D . Gilchrist , P . Z . 73 , ancl G . Shallow , II . 119 and Steward 119 .
NEW GALLOWAY . —The brethren of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 404 , have , in anwer to an appeal from the Grand Orient of France , through the Grand Lodge of Scotland , subscribed and forwarded through their R . W . M . ( Dr . Millman ) lhe sum of two pounds sterling to the fund for
the relief of lhe families of the killed ancl wounded in thc Franco-Prussian wat . Thus this infant lodge has acted up to one of the great principles of Freemasonry—relief . Other older and richer lodges might do worse than take a hint from their young sister .
INDENTED TAKSEI .. —This is an old name for the ornamented border which surrounds lhe mosaic pavement , now called the tessellated border . INTERRUPTION . —There cannot be a greater rudeness than to interrupt another in the current of his discourse ; for if ii he not impertinence and folly to answer a man befoic we know what he has to say , yet it is a plain
declaration ilial we are weary of his discourse , that we disregard what he says as unfit to entertain the vociety with , and is , in fact , little less than a downright desiring that ourselves may have audience , who have something 10 produce better worth the attention of the company . As this is no ordinary degree of disrespect , it cannot but always give a very great offence , —Martin Clare .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Miscellanea.
Masonic Miscellanea .
His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales will preside at the Anniversary Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , on a Wednesday in May , 1 S 71 .
THE Earl of Dalhottse is to lay the foundationstone of a Masonic lodge in Edinburgh on St . Andrew ' s Day , the 30 th inst ., and the banquet and installation of Grand Lodge office-bearers takes place the same night .
WE have great pleasure in announcing that Bro . Philbrick has been appointed Recorder of Colchester , in the room of Mr . Bushby , one of the recentlyappointed metropolitan police magistrates . IT is proposed shortly to hold a Prov . Grand Mark Lodge for Somerset .
ON the 7 th inst ., nineteen of the brethren of the Lansdown Lodge cf Unity , No . 626 , Chippenham , invited Bro . G . J . Parfitt , the W . M . of that lodge and P . S . G . W . of Wilts , to a sumptuous banquet at
Bro . Rubies , Castle Hotel , Bath , and presented him with a very handsome tea service , inscribed as a testimonial of their high estimation of his great Masonic zeal and attainments .
THE St . James' Union ( No . 1 S 0 ) Lodge of Instruction will hold its annual meeting for working the fifteen sections , on Monday , the 21 st inst ., at the Swan Tavern , 49 , Mount-street , Grosvenorsrjuare , at seven o'clock precisely . The sections will be worked by Bro . J . R . Stacey , the W . M . of
the mother lodge , who has been voted to the chair on this occasion . Several good-working Masons will assist , and wc hope to see a large attendance of thc brethren to support the W . M ., whose excellent working is well known and appreciated by the Craft .
CHARITY is one of the noblest gems that can adorn mankind ; it is nurtured in growing youth , and fostered by the bright example shown by its parents . Like the fable of * ' The Lion ancl the Mouse , " the smallest attribute can contribute to the
relief o ! the greater . An example of this kind has been shown by a young lady , daughter of Bro . Alexander Levy , P . M . 203 , Miss Esther , who has composed , not only the words , but the music of a very excellent song , entitled , " Think of Me , and
Forget Me Not . " The composition is good ancl appropriate , and the music very pretty . Great credit is due to her . The proceeds of the sale are to be devoted to the funds of thc Metropolitan Free Hospital in Devonshire-square , Bishopsgate-strcet ,
and the song is dedicated 10 Bro . Coleman Defiles , of the firm of Messrs . J . Defiles nnd SoiTys , of 147 , Houndsditch . This noble hospital affords relief to all who requite its assistance , like our noble Order , without reference to creed ; and thc highest medical assistance is given free . All who
wish to aid this praiseworthy object can obtain copies of Messrs . W . Williams and Co ., 221 , Tottenham-court-road , tbe well-known publishers . This talented young lady is composing another song , the proceeds to be given for the relief of the poor of the Jewish Board of Guardians .
Orders Of Chivalry.
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . ^ YORKSHIRE . —The regular meeting of the Prince Edward Encampment was held in their rooms , Station House ¦ Hotel , bottoms , Enstwoad , on the 6 th inst . The following Sir Knights were present : —George Normanton , E . C . ; A . Horsfall , as 1 st Capt . ; Fred . Whitaker , 2 nd Capt . ; W . J . Beck , as Expert ; Thomas Seholefieltl
, P . E . C , Prelate ; James Lord , Chancellor ; W . J . Laullcr , Capt . of Lines ; Joseph Greenwood , P . K . C ., Equerry ; "Win . Roberts , l' . ' E . C . : Wm . Hy . Porritt , Watson . Robt Crossley , jun ., - and Jno . Dunning Kaye . After the minutes had been read and confirmed , Sir Knt . Win . Roberts , l' . E . C , P . E . G . U . C of Lancashire , and P . G . C . York , then look the chair ar installing officer , and with
the assistance of the following Past Eminent Commanders , viz ., Sir Kills . George Nonnanton , Jno . Greenwood , Thos . . Seholeliehl and Joseph Greenwood , duly in - . h . d Sir Knl . " ¦ - d . Whitaker , as E . C . for the ensuh . g year . The ^ E . l en appointed the following Sir Kills , as his officers : - Win . Hy . Porritt , Prelate ; James Lord , 1 st Capt . ; John Dunning Kave , 2 nd Capt . ; W . J . Heck , Expert ; W . J . Laldlcr , Capt . of Lines ; A . ' llorsfall ,
Registrar ; Thomas Scholcficld , l' . E . C , Treas ; Robert C-o .- ' . sley , sen ., Almoner ; JohnOrcanwood , l' . E . C , Org . ; Wm . Roberts . I' . P . E . C , D . C . ; Robert Crossley , jun ., 1 si Standard Hearer ; Charles F . Kinks , 2 nd Standard U . a- erer ; Jame ; Pilling , 1 st Herald ; John Pilling , 2 nd Herald ; and Joseph Greenwood , P . E . C , Equerry . The encampment was duly closed in form , and with solemn prayer .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . Chapter of Hope , A o . 206 . —This old chapter has been held in Greenwich for many years past ; although coming originally irom the Lodge of Friendship , yet its members for the most part are local Masons , who belong to lodges held in Greenwich ; but the original origin is yet preserved , as this chapter has never sought to be enrolled
under any ofthe ancient lodges which are held in the old town of Greenwich , and it yet retains the number of the parent lodge from which it sprung . The chapter held its election meeting on Thursday , the 10 th inst ., at the Globe Tavern , Royal Hill , Greenwich , Comp . J . Hasler , M . E . Z ., presiding , who , in admirable manner , did the work of his chair when exalting Bro . H . C . Maguire , 193 .
Other companions present : W . Noak , H . ; A . H . Tattershall , J . ; Johnson , P . Z ., as P . S . ; W . Orchard , S . N . The S . E ., Comp . H . A . Collington , P . Z ., was unavoidably absent through ill health . All the officers were unanimously re-elected , and the chapter was duly closed , when a good banquet followed . Visitors : Comps . R . Boncey ( IL 79 ) and I . Griffin ( S . N . 79 ) .
PROVINCIAL . LEICESTER . —Chapter of Fortitude , No . 279 . —Aeonvocation of this chapter was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , the 9 th inst . In the absence of the First and Second Principals ( the former in Lancashire , and the latter in the United States ) , Comp . Kelly , Prov . G . Supt ., presided as M . E . Z ., and Rev . Comp . Spittall , P . Z ., as
H . The other officers were Comps . Toller , J . ; Stretton , E . ; Buzzard as N . ( in the unavoidable absence of Comp : the Rev . J . E . Smith , of Rugby School ); Partridge , P . S ., and others . Bros . Alfred Layton ( of the Universal Lodge , No . 181 , London ) , Robert Waite and Francis Kemp ( of St . Peter's Lodge , No . 1330 , Market Harborough ) , and Henry Tilleman Hobart ( of thc Ferrers
and Ivanhoe Lodge , No . 779 , Ashby . de-la-Zouch ) , were balloted for and elected . Bro . Waite , the only candidate able to attend on the occasion , was then duly exalted ; but , having to leave by an early train , the historical lecture was necessarily omitted , Comp . Toller giving the symbolical , and Comp . Kelly the mystical lecture . The chapter was then closed , and the companions adjourned to refreshment .
WATFORD . — Watford Chapter , No . 404 . —A Chapter of Emergency was held , on Nov . 11 , for the nomination of candidates for exaltation at the next meeting , when two brethren were proposed . MAN-CHESTER . — Alexandra Chapter , No . 993 . —The annual convocation of this chapter was held on the nth inst , at the Midway Hotel , Levensluihne . The
chapter was opened by Comp . Wm . Abbey , Z . ; supported by John Cove Hind , II . ; Wm . Henry Bihly , J . ; Wm . George Turner , E . ; Richard Timperley , N . ; \ V . Wayne , P . S . ; John Adam Whyatt , S . ; fohn Parker , Treas . ; Henry Turner Organist . 'I lie minutes of lhe previous chapter were read ami confirmed ; after which , all companions below the respective lanks were ordered
to retire , when a Conclave of First Principals wa * formed , and Com ]) . William Abbey , the retiring Z ., installed his successor , Comp . John Cove Hind , into the chair of Z . On the formation of a Conclave of Second and Third Principals respectively , Comp . Abbey , ably assisted by Comp . George Frederick East . P . Z ., installed Companions W . Henry Bihly , If ., and W . Wayne , J . ; afier
which , the Conclave of Third Principals was closed , when the following officers were invested : Comps . Richard Timperley , E . ; George Ardern Yates , N . ; John Adam Whyatt , P . S . ; Henry Turner Rohhcrds , S . ; John Samuel Dethick , S . ; Henry Turner , Organist ; John Parker , Treasurer . It is impossible to speak loo highly of the admirable manner in which Comp . Wm . Abbey , P . Z .,
performed the ceremony of installing and investing the officers ; but such talent and ability has he shown in the working of the chapter during the past year , and so high is lhe respect in which he is held , that the companions subscribed for a £ 10 P . Z . jewel , made of lS-carat gold . This was presented to him by Comp . John Cove Hind , Z ., with a few most appropriate remarks , liuiiiivr that he
might long be spared to wear it as a token of the respect and esteem in which he was held by the companions . — Comp . Abbey acknowledged ihis token of favour in some feeling words . —The Treasurer ' s account was then presented by Comp . John Parker , to whose assiduity and skill in collecting cash enabled him to show lhe chapter entirely free from debt , and with a small balance in hand .
This was considered extremely satisfactory , as the chapter is only four years old , and the furniture ( although beautiful ) very expensive . The chapter having been closed ir . due form , the companions adjourned to refreshment , when lhe toasts of the three Principals were given and responded to , and the companions of this chapter hold Comp . John Cove I Hnd in such estimation for his
urbanity and kindness , combined as it is by firmness and ability , that they are looking forward lo a most happy and prosperous year , and this can scarcely fail to be realized , considering the excellent working displayed by both the Second and Third Principals and the officers throughout , combined with the harmony and unity which prevails amongst the companions .
MKI . TO . V MUWHRAY . — De Mo-. vbray Chapter , AV . 1130 . —Thc regular meeting of this chapter vas held on Tuesday last , at lhe George Hotel . Present : Ex-Comps . F . Pin ' Xe . vcomb , M . E . Z . ; E . J . Orfonl , II . ; and H . Douglas , J . ; also Comps . R . W . W . Langley , P . Z . ; Adcock , Sciibc E . ; J . J . Fast . P . S ; ( . C . " Duncomb ,
Assistant S . ; Bright , Johnson , Kew , Selby , and others . Three candidates out of a list of six were present , and they were exalted to this supreme degree , the lectures being given by Comps . Douglas , Orford , and Langley . The chapter was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
THE CRAFT . DUNDEE . —Lodge Operative , No . 47 , met within their own hall , Irongate , Dundee , on Wednesday , the 9 th inst ., R . W . M . ( Bro . John Logic ) occupying the chair , Bros . MacG- gor , Depute Master ; Past Master Berry , of 375 , acting as Past Master ; D . M . Brew , of 225 , acting Senior Warden ; Henry , Junior Warden . The ceremony
of conducting the candidates through thc various degrees had been undertaken by Bro . W . F . Longmuir , the future R . W . M . of the lodge . There was a very large gathering of the brethren , indeed the business done fully warranted such a large meeting . Four candidates presented themselves for initiation , namely , Messrs . C . Lindsay , Bennett , Gordon and Caralow , their admittance
having been previously unanimously agreed on , they were prepared , and the ceremony of initiation administered by Bro . Berry , the working tools and the lectures following being fully given . Having chosen their instructors , they then retired . The R . W . M . then intimated that a number of candidates were present for the two higher degrees , and asked if it was the desire of the lodge that the degrees
should be gone on with . The brethren , he might say , had shown themselves proficient in the degrees they had previously passed through . The desire being agreed to , Bro . Berry again , at the request ofthe R . W . M ., passed six Apprentices to the degree of Fellow Craft , explaining at some length the lectures and emblems of the degree . R . W . Master ( Logic ) then administered the oath and
obligation of the third degree to the Fellow Crafts then present , raising them to the degree of M . M ., and explaining the traditional history of the degree in his usual able manner . The lodge was then duly reduced and closed . The brethren , under the presidency ofthe R . W . M ., enjoying " m their own hall , half an hour ' s refreshment and harmony after so hard an evening ' s work .
Lodge Forfar and Kincardine , No . 225 , opened their weekly meetings within their own spacious buildings , Meadow-street , Dundee , on Thursday , the 10 th inst ., Bro . Robertson , R . W . M ., in the chair . Bros . Rodger , S . W ., and McNab , J . W . As the weekly meetings were to be inaugurated by a lecture from a Honorary Member of the lodge , Bro . James Berry , P . M . of 375 , there was a
large attendance of members , many office bearers ancl members of the other lodges in town being present . The lodge having been opened in ancient form , Bro . Berry commence ! his lecture a little before nine o ' clock finishing at ten p . m ., thanking the brethren present for the g - eat attention they had given his remarks . The R . W . Master in proposing that a special vote of thanks
be now recorded to Bro . Berry for his able and instructive remarks , said that Bro . Berry had inaugurated these meetings last year and again this year ; not only so , but ou many occasions during his absence Bro . Berry had ably fulfilled the duties of this chair , and therefore the lodge he , was sure , would now record their thanks for lhe
services so willingly given , which being seconded by D . Master , Bro . Brew , was carried with great applause . Thanks having been returned by Pro . Berry , the R . W . M . intimated that on Tuesday next the brethren would please assemble for nominating office-bearers for lhe ensuingycar ; thereafter the lodge was duly closed .
ROYAL ARCH . A MEETING of the companions of the St . Andrew ' s Royal Arch Chapter , No . 69 , was held in Glasgow , on Nov . S 1 I 1 , Comp . W . M'Ewan , M . E . P . Z ., in the chair , supported by Comps . M'Galium , H-, and Lindsay , J . The chapter was opened in the Mark Degree , when Bro . D . Downic wa * advanced to the honourable degree of
Mark Master , and thereafter the chapter was advanced to the degree of Past Master , when Bro . Downie was re-admilted and received said degree . Bro . Meikle , M . M . of 73 , then presented himself , craving admission , and the chapter was reduced to the Mark Degree , when 15 n > . Meikle was re-admilted and received Mark Degree , Comp . Thomas M . Campbell , P . P . Z ., officiating in Mark Degree . The chapter being advanced a second time .
and said brother re-admitted , he received the degree of Past Master , the P . Z . officiating . The chapter was then closed in due and ancient form by the M . E . P . Z ., and the companions adjourned to the ante-room , where they partook of an excellent fish supper , catered by Comp . Mullin . The cloth being removed , the usual Maso . dc toasts were given and responded to . Visitors : Comps . D . Gilchrist , P . Z . 73 , ancl G . Shallow , II . 119 and Steward 119 .
NEW GALLOWAY . —The brethren of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 404 , have , in anwer to an appeal from the Grand Orient of France , through the Grand Lodge of Scotland , subscribed and forwarded through their R . W . M . ( Dr . Millman ) lhe sum of two pounds sterling to the fund for
the relief of lhe families of the killed ancl wounded in thc Franco-Prussian wat . Thus this infant lodge has acted up to one of the great principles of Freemasonry—relief . Other older and richer lodges might do worse than take a hint from their young sister .
INDENTED TAKSEI .. —This is an old name for the ornamented border which surrounds lhe mosaic pavement , now called the tessellated border . INTERRUPTION . —There cannot be a greater rudeness than to interrupt another in the current of his discourse ; for if ii he not impertinence and folly to answer a man befoic we know what he has to say , yet it is a plain
declaration ilial we are weary of his discourse , that we disregard what he says as unfit to entertain the vociety with , and is , in fact , little less than a downright desiring that ourselves may have audience , who have something 10 produce better worth the attention of the company . As this is no ordinary degree of disrespect , it cannot but always give a very great offence , —Martin Clare .