Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 2 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 2 of 2 Article INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
at the City Terminus Hotel , the regular meeting of this old lodge was held . Bro . Eaves , W . M ., presided , supported by Bros . Sparkes , S . W . ; Aldridge , J . W . ; Veal , P . M ., Treas . ; Fowler , P . M ., Sec ; Fowler , S . D .: Weston , J . D . ; F . G . Brown , I . G . ; Wilson , Watson , Ford , II . Renshaw , S . Renshaw , Harper , and Randall , P . M . ' s ; and others . The minutes ofthe previous meeting
were read ancl confirmed , and the report of the Audit Committee adopted . A distressed brother ( formerly a member of this lodge ) had ^ 50 voted from the Charity Fund of the lodge . His petition to the Lodge of Benevolence received the unanimous support of the lodge , and was duly signed . The result of ballots were the unanimous re-election of the W . M . and the Treasurer .
The usual P . M . s jewel was unanimously voted to the W . M . Bro . Fowler , P . M . and Sec , was accepted as the Steward to represent the lodge at the forthcoming Festival of the Royal Benevolent Institution . The lodge was then closed . Visitors : Bros . F . Walters , W . M . 1309 , and Parker , 435 . The usual good banquet was served ; toasts were given , and music , ably rendered by
Bro . Parker , whose well-known ability needs no comment , brought a happy evening to a close . Dalhousie Lodge , No . S 60 . —At Anderton's . Hotel , Fleet-street , on the 10 th inst ., this well-established lodge held its usual meeting under the presidency of Bro . J . W . Williams , W . M . The lodge was opened and the minutes read and confirmed , Bro . Bristo , P . M . Treas ., took the
chair , and 111 his accustomed admirable manner passed Bro . Allen , and initiated Mr . Wm . Guest , ( L . V ., Romanroad , Old Ford ) . There were present Bros . Hardy , S . VV . ; Thomson , J . W . ; Littell , P . M . ; S . Smith , Org . ; Ingram , Sec . ; Dal wood , J . D . ; Wallington , D . C . ; and others . Visitors : Bros . F . Walters , W . M . 1309 ; Cavalier , and Gilchrist . After the lodge was closed ,
Bro . Littell , P . M ., with his accustomed grace and courtesy , presided over the festive board . Bro . Clemow provided his usual good banquet , and Bro . W . Smith attended with politeness and attentivcness to the comfort of all present . The cloth having been cleared , the usual toasts were given and responded lo . During the evening several songs were well sung , Bro . Bristo , P . M . and
Treas ., gave in a faultless manner , "The Village Blacksmith , " which was received with marked attention . Bro . Hermann sang an Irish comic song with success . Bro . Thomson gave "Miss Robinson , " which was well received . Bro . Skinner sang " Who deeply , drinks of wine . " Bro . Seymour Smith , with his usual kindness and urbanity , presided at the piano ; he also sang several songs , ancl
amongst thein an amusing " medley . " . Bro . Bristo responded for the P . M . ' s ; F . Walters for the visitors . Nearly £$ were collected at the banquet table in aid of the " George Tedder " and the Life Boat funds , proving that with all the enjoyments at this lodge , charity is not forgotten . After spending the usual happy evening the brethren separated .
MIDDLESEX . Acacia Lodge , No . 1309 . —On Wednesday , the 9 th inst ., at the Railway Hotel , Potter ' s Bar , Middlesex , this lodge was held , Bro . F . Walters , W . M ., presided , and was supported by Bros . E . Sillifant , P . M . Treas ., as S . W . ; J . H . Butten , J . W . ; G . Cattel , P . M ., Sec . ; E . W . Richardson , S . D . ; J . Clemmans , I . D . ; C . F . Hall ,
I . G . ; T . R . Tustin , D . C . ; Glave , Hilliarc ,, West and Minctery . A ballot for a candidate for initiation was declared to be unanimous in favour of his admission . Bro . West was raised , and Mr . Minctery initiated , both ceremonies being ably performed , thc lodge was closed . Visitors ,: Bros . C . Stahi- ( P . M . S 71 ) , and Selby 157 . Refreshment followed labour .
PROVINCIAL . HINCKLEY . —Knights of Malta , No . 50 . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , 26 th ult ., the W . M ., Bro . Rev . W . Langley , in the chair . The only business before the lodge was raising the Rev . Bro . P . IT . Plielp , who was afterwards invested with the collar of Chaplain . The attendance was very good .
BOURNEMOUTH , HANTS . —Lodge of Hengist , A o . 195 . —At the regular meeting of this lodge , on the 3 rd instant , the W . M , and Treasurer for the ensuing year wore elected hy ballot . Bro . Joseph Moore was examined , and afterwards raised to the sublime degree of a M . M ., the charge being given by thc Chaplain ( the W . M .-elect ) , Bro . Newnham . Mr . Chistopher Holloway , grocer , of the
Arcade , Bournemouth , was also duly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Ancient Freemasonry , thc charge being * given and the working tools presented hy Bro . Briant , P . M . Thc duties of W . M . were very ably performed by Bro . E . W . Rehheck , P . M . The lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to a banquet at thc Bcllevue Hotel , after which the usual toasts were duly honoured .
LEICESTER . —St . Johns Lodge , No . 279 . —The brethren of this lodge assembled for their regular monthly meeting at the Freemasons' Hall , Ilalford-street , under the presidency of thc W . M ., Bro . W . E . S . Stanley , M . R . C . S . The business on the summons was two passings . Accordingly , on the lodge being opened and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed , the candidates ( Bros .
Shuttlewood and Statham ) were called to thc pedestal and examined , after which they retired , and the lodge having been opened in the second degree , the W . M . duly passed them as F . C . ' s , and afterwards gave thc lecture on the tracing board . The lodge having been closed in the second degree , Bro . Kelly , P . G . M ., presented , through the lodge , to the library of thc hall a conv of "The
Kingston Masonic Annual , " just published , aiid in particular drew attention to a very valuable and interesting article hy Bro . Hughan , "A History of Freemasonry at Y " - " * , " quoting a passage from one of the old Constitutions , there printed , showing that in lhe lodges or guilds ° f O perative Masons in ancient times women as well as men were made Masons . —Thanks having been voted to
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Bro . Kelly for his present , on his proposition , seconded by Bro . Clarke , P . M ., a copy of Mr . J . Toulmin Smith ' s work on " The Ancient English Gilds " was ordered to be purchased for the library out of the lodge funds . —Bro . Deane , P . P . G . Reg ., on behalf of the Howe and Charnwood Lodge , No . 1007 , Loughborough , announced that the annual festival of that lodge and the installation of the
W . M .-elect would take place on Tuesday , the 27 th inst ., ancl lie invited the brethren of the two Leicester lodges to be present on the occasion , promising them a hearty welcome . —Two gentlemen were proposed as candidates for our mysteries , after which the lodge was closed ancl the brethren adjourned to refreshment . In addition to the P . G . M . and W . M ., there were present : Bros . Clarke
and Weare , P . M . 's ; Stretton , S . W . ; Rev . Dr . Haycroft , as J . W . ( in the absence of Bro . Crow ) ; George Toller , P . G . Sec , as Sec . ( in the absence of Bro . Dr . Pearce ) ; Palmer , S . D . ; Wuldowson , I . G . ; Matts , Statham , Shuttlewood , Blankley , M'Allister , and Deane . Visitors Bros . W . B . Smith and Duff , P . M . ' s ; Revds . J . F . Hoiforcl and Fry ; S . S . Partridge , No . 523 ; and Preston
No . 301 . LANCASTER . —Lodge of Fortitude , No . 281 . —The regular meeting of this old-established lodge was held on Wednesday evening , the gth Nov ., at the Masonic-rooms , Athenrcum . Present : W . Bro . John Hatch , W . M . ; W . Bio . Stanton , as I . P . M . ; Bios . C . Hartley , S . W . ; John Barrow , J . W . ; E . Simpson , P . M . and Sec . ; W .
Heald , S . D . ; B . Mills , as J . D . ; W . Hall , I . G . ; W . Bros . G . Kelland , P . M . ; , W . King , P . M . ; W . H . Bagnall , P . M . ; J . Daniel Moore , P . M . and Past Prov . G . Supt . of Wks . ; Bros . Tilley , Dickenson , J . Harrison , E . Airey , Taylor , Stanley , Beeley , and Watson . The lodge was opened , minutes confirmed , and other business transacted . The ballot was taken , and proved unanimously
in favour of Bros . Robert Sander Bateson ( of Charity Lodge , No . 563 , Umballa , India , surgeon in the Indian Army ) , Richard Coupland , Rev . T . B . Hinde , M . A ., and Rev . Adam Wright , ALA . ( all of the Rowley Lodge ) . A ballot was then taken for Mr . William Hayes , of Lancaster , as a candidate for initiation , who was duly elected . The W . M ., in accordance with notice given at thc
lastmeeting , proposed that the sum often guineas be voted from the lodge funds for the Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows . This was seconded by Bro . Edmund Simpson , P . M . and Sec , and carried unanimously . Applications for votes for admission into the Royal Albert Asylum for Idiots at Lancaster were presented , and the appropriation of the votes deferred until
the publication of the list of candidates , and then vested in a committee lo consist of the W . M ., Wardens , and Past Masters of the lodge . Bro . Dr . Moore , P . M ., presented to the lodge a handsome album , to contain portraits of all the Past Masters of the lodge , and a unanimous vote of thanks was awarded to him , on the proposition of the W . M ., seconded by Bro . Simpson , P . M . and Sec . It
was announced that a Lodge of Emergency would be held on Friday , the nth inst ., when the first and third degrees would be conferred , and the lodge was closed in due form . The Emergency Meeting was held on the nth inst ., as announced , and was attended by W . Bro . Hatch , W . M . ; Bros . Storey , I . P . M . ; Hartley , S . W . ; Barrow , J . W . ; Simpson , P . M ., Sec . ; Harrison , as S . D . ;
Budd , as J . D . ; Hall , I . G . ; P . M . ' s Whimpray and Dr . Moore ; Bros . Greenall , Mills , Stanley , Taylor , Dickenson , Tilley , and Watson . The lodge was opened , and the circular convening the meeting of emergency read . Bros . Dickenson and Tilley having given proof of their
proficiency as Craftsmen , were raised to the degree of M . M . hy the W . M . Mr . William Hayes was also dul y initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry by the W . M ., the working tools being presented by the S . W . There being no other business before the lodge it was closed in due form .
WATFORD . — Watford Lodge , No . 404 . —This wellestablished lodge held its regular meeting on Friday , the nth inst ., at whicli there was a good attendance . Bro . G . II . Cottame , W . M ., presided . A ballot was taken for the admission of Messrs . W . IT . Blenkinsop and F . J . Sedgwick , and the result being unanimous in their favour ,
they were duly initiated . Present besides those named ; The R . W . Bro . Wm . Stuart , Prov . G . M . ; R . W . Bro . George Francis , D . Prov . G . M . ; Bios . Stevenson , S . W . ; Fellowes , J . W . ; C . H . Finch , P . M . ; J . Sedgwick , P . M ., and several others . A lodge of instruction has recentl y been formed in connection with this lodge , Bro . How , P . M ., being thc preceptor .
IPSWICH . — Prince of Wales' Lodge , No . 959 . —At the regular monthly meeting of this lodge , held on the 7 th inst ., a large number of the members met together , with several visitors from lodges in the town and the neighbouring province of Essex , & c . The lodge being opened in due form , the minutes of the last regular lodge were read and confirmed , after which Bros . Osmond and Dennis
were examined and retired , and the lodgo being opened in the second degree , these brethren were passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge being opened in thc third degree , Bro . Abbott was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge having closed in third and second degrees , Mr . Jeffries , ballotted for and accepted at a
previous lodge , was regularly admitted and initiated into the mysteries of the Craft . Several communications were read hy the Secretary , and two brothers proposed as joining members . One gentleman was proposed for initiation , and there being no other business before the lodge , it was closed in ancient form .
LANCASTKU . — Rowley Lodge , No . 1051 . —The regular meeting ol this lodge was held on Monday evening week , at the Masonic-rooms , Atlienxum . The chair of K . S . was occupied by the W . M ., Bro . William Hall , who was supported by the following brethren : Bros . J . D . Moore , P . P . G . Supt . of Wks ., as I . P . M . and Sec . ; W . J . Sly , as S . W . ; Colonel Whitle , J . W . ; W . Bro . John Hatch , W . M . 281 ; Bros . Wilson Barker , Treas . :
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
E . Airey , J . Conlon , R . Taylor , and J . Watson . 'I he lodge was opened at half-past seven o ' clock , the minutes of the preceding meeting read and confirmed , and other business transacted . The W . M . presented to the lodge an application for subscriptions to the Freemasons' Lifeboat , and several applications for votes to the Royal Albert Asylum for Idiots at Lancaster , and suggested that
the appropriation of the lodge voles should stand over until the list of candidates and announcement of tbe number of votes to be given had been published . Bro . Dr . Moore announced that he had consented to represent the Lodge of Fortitude and Rowley Lodge at the festival ofthe Institution for Aged Freemasons ancl their Widows , to be held in January next , and would be glad to receive
subscriptions from the brethren on behalf of that excellent charity . He also stated his intention of serving on the next Stewardship of the Boys' School at the ensuing festival . There being no other business before the lodge , it was closed in due form . SCARBOROUGH . —Denison Lodge , No . 124 S . —This select and thriving lodge held its regular meeting in the
lodgeroom at the Grand Hotel , on Thursday , the nth inst ., when the following were present : Bros . S . II . Armitage , M . D ., W . M . ; J . Groves , S . W . ; J . Donner , J . W . ; J . E . Green , Hon . Sec . ; J . Kitchen , Treas . ; H . W . Garnett , S . D . ; A . Fricour , J . D . ; H . C . Martin , P . M ., I . G . ; J . Verity , Tyler ; Sir H . Johnstone , Bait ., M . P . P . M ., P . P . G . S . W .: W . F . Rooke , M . D ., P . M .,
P . P . G . J . W . ; the Worshipful thc Mavor of Scarborough , J . W . Woodall , J . ., P . M ., P . RG . S . W . ; H . W . Smyth , P . M ., D . P . G . M . Lincoln ; E . Locock , P . M ., P . P . G . S . W . Lincoln ; A . J . Brookwcll , P . M ., P . G . Dir . of Cers . ; W . Pencock , P . M . ; II . A . Williamson , P . M . ; J . J . P . Moody , P . M . ; R . II . Peacock , W . M . 200 , and many others whose names we did not
obtain . The lodge was opened at 5 p . m ., and the minutes were read and confirmed . Mr . A . W . Smethurst was ballotted for , elected , and initiated by thc W . M . in a very impressive manner . Bro . Hunt passed an examination in the first degree , and retired . He was readmitted , and passed to the second degree by Bro . Williamson , P . M ., in his usual very able manner . Five guineas were voted
m aid of the sick and wounded in the present war , and three guineas to a distressed worthy brother . Bro . Fricour , the highly-esteemed manager of lhe hotel and the Secretary to the Ball Committee m aid of the Masonic charities ( which took place in the hotel ) , gave notice that , after defraying all expenses , between ^ 33 and ^ 34 had been realized . On receiving this announcement a vote of
thanks was proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously to Bro . Fricour for his able assistance , & c , in the arrangements of the ball . Bro . Fricour acknowledged the compliment in his usual kind-hearted , fraternal way . The lodge was now closed in due form , ancl the brethren retired to the quarterly banquet , which was served in the
usual excellent style for which this hotel is famous , the wines also being very choice . Ample justice having been clone to the good things thus provided , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and drank , and a most pleasant evening spent , the brethren retiring in peace and harmony .
Belgrave Lodge of Instruction , Ao . 749 . —The usual weekly meeting was held on Friday , the 4 th inst ., at the Wellington Hotel , Spring-gardens , Bro . John Smith , W . M . 157 , presided , supported bv Bros . G . Pynun , W . M . 749 , S . W . ; E . Harper , J . W . ; Pnlsford , P . M ., Preceptor ; Waghorn , S . D . ; and Darke , I . G . After the usual ceremony had been worked , Bro . J . Smith
W . M ., worked the first sectioh and Bro . Hamilton the second section . Bro . J . Smith , W . M ., on behalf of the members of this , the mother lodge , presented Bro . G . Pymm with a handsome Past Master ' s collar , also a massive jewel , which had been subscribed by the voluntary contributions of his officers in Lodge 749 , his year of
office being at an end on the 9 th inst . as W . JI . Bro . G , Pymm , W . M . 749 , and W . M .-elect 1310 , in a suitable speech acknowledged the gift . The other business having been disposed of , the lodge was closed . Present : Bros . Homewood , Langfield , Wright , Nott , Patton , Vaughan , P . M . ; W . Ough , P . G . P . ; and others .
Stanhope Lodge of Instruction , No . 1269 . —A new lodge of instruction for the Sydenham , Norwood , Dulwich , and Forest Hill districts was established on the 2 nd instant , under the name of the Stanhope Lodge of Instruction , No . 1269 , at thc Thicket Hotel , Anerley , close to the railway station ofthe Crystal Palace . Bro . Lassam , the proprietor ofthe hotel , was elected Treasurer , Bro . Baker ,
Secretary , and Bro . II . W . Lindus , the first Master of the parent lodge , Preceptor . The arrangements necessary for the conduct of the lodge were made , and the brethren afterwards sat down to one of Bro . Lassam ' s neat little banquets , and spent the remainder of the evening in joviality and pleasure . Thc lodge will meet at the Thicket Hotel every Wednesday evening during the session at half-past seven o ' clock .
The Royal Arch Chapter of Improvement . —The usual weekly convocation of the R . A . Chapter of Improvement was held on Thursday evening . The offices were well filled , and the ceremony of exaltation , & c ., very admirably performed . There arc nearly 150 members of this chapter already , and on attending its meetings one cannot but be impressed with the truth of lhe statements contained in the article on lodges of instruction written in THE FREEMASON a few weeks ago .
Thc speech of Bro . Dr . Berry at Burghersdorph , S . A . ; a report of the Consecration of thc Emblema 1 ic Lodge , No . 1321 ; and reports of Lodges Star in the East ( 650 ) , Hertford ( 403 ) , Dalhousie ( 571 , Canada ) , Capper ( 1076 ) , St . Peter's ( 1330 ) , the Plantagenct Conclave , and the Wluttingtor . Lodge of Instruction will appear next week .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
at the City Terminus Hotel , the regular meeting of this old lodge was held . Bro . Eaves , W . M ., presided , supported by Bros . Sparkes , S . W . ; Aldridge , J . W . ; Veal , P . M ., Treas . ; Fowler , P . M ., Sec ; Fowler , S . D .: Weston , J . D . ; F . G . Brown , I . G . ; Wilson , Watson , Ford , II . Renshaw , S . Renshaw , Harper , and Randall , P . M . ' s ; and others . The minutes ofthe previous meeting
were read ancl confirmed , and the report of the Audit Committee adopted . A distressed brother ( formerly a member of this lodge ) had ^ 50 voted from the Charity Fund of the lodge . His petition to the Lodge of Benevolence received the unanimous support of the lodge , and was duly signed . The result of ballots were the unanimous re-election of the W . M . and the Treasurer .
The usual P . M . s jewel was unanimously voted to the W . M . Bro . Fowler , P . M . and Sec , was accepted as the Steward to represent the lodge at the forthcoming Festival of the Royal Benevolent Institution . The lodge was then closed . Visitors : Bros . F . Walters , W . M . 1309 , and Parker , 435 . The usual good banquet was served ; toasts were given , and music , ably rendered by
Bro . Parker , whose well-known ability needs no comment , brought a happy evening to a close . Dalhousie Lodge , No . S 60 . —At Anderton's . Hotel , Fleet-street , on the 10 th inst ., this well-established lodge held its usual meeting under the presidency of Bro . J . W . Williams , W . M . The lodge was opened and the minutes read and confirmed , Bro . Bristo , P . M . Treas ., took the
chair , and 111 his accustomed admirable manner passed Bro . Allen , and initiated Mr . Wm . Guest , ( L . V ., Romanroad , Old Ford ) . There were present Bros . Hardy , S . VV . ; Thomson , J . W . ; Littell , P . M . ; S . Smith , Org . ; Ingram , Sec . ; Dal wood , J . D . ; Wallington , D . C . ; and others . Visitors : Bros . F . Walters , W . M . 1309 ; Cavalier , and Gilchrist . After the lodge was closed ,
Bro . Littell , P . M ., with his accustomed grace and courtesy , presided over the festive board . Bro . Clemow provided his usual good banquet , and Bro . W . Smith attended with politeness and attentivcness to the comfort of all present . The cloth having been cleared , the usual toasts were given and responded lo . During the evening several songs were well sung , Bro . Bristo , P . M . and
Treas ., gave in a faultless manner , "The Village Blacksmith , " which was received with marked attention . Bro . Hermann sang an Irish comic song with success . Bro . Thomson gave "Miss Robinson , " which was well received . Bro . Skinner sang " Who deeply , drinks of wine . " Bro . Seymour Smith , with his usual kindness and urbanity , presided at the piano ; he also sang several songs , ancl
amongst thein an amusing " medley . " . Bro . Bristo responded for the P . M . ' s ; F . Walters for the visitors . Nearly £$ were collected at the banquet table in aid of the " George Tedder " and the Life Boat funds , proving that with all the enjoyments at this lodge , charity is not forgotten . After spending the usual happy evening the brethren separated .
MIDDLESEX . Acacia Lodge , No . 1309 . —On Wednesday , the 9 th inst ., at the Railway Hotel , Potter ' s Bar , Middlesex , this lodge was held , Bro . F . Walters , W . M ., presided , and was supported by Bros . E . Sillifant , P . M . Treas ., as S . W . ; J . H . Butten , J . W . ; G . Cattel , P . M ., Sec . ; E . W . Richardson , S . D . ; J . Clemmans , I . D . ; C . F . Hall ,
I . G . ; T . R . Tustin , D . C . ; Glave , Hilliarc ,, West and Minctery . A ballot for a candidate for initiation was declared to be unanimous in favour of his admission . Bro . West was raised , and Mr . Minctery initiated , both ceremonies being ably performed , thc lodge was closed . Visitors ,: Bros . C . Stahi- ( P . M . S 71 ) , and Selby 157 . Refreshment followed labour .
PROVINCIAL . HINCKLEY . —Knights of Malta , No . 50 . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , 26 th ult ., the W . M ., Bro . Rev . W . Langley , in the chair . The only business before the lodge was raising the Rev . Bro . P . IT . Plielp , who was afterwards invested with the collar of Chaplain . The attendance was very good .
BOURNEMOUTH , HANTS . —Lodge of Hengist , A o . 195 . —At the regular meeting of this lodge , on the 3 rd instant , the W . M , and Treasurer for the ensuing year wore elected hy ballot . Bro . Joseph Moore was examined , and afterwards raised to the sublime degree of a M . M ., the charge being given by thc Chaplain ( the W . M .-elect ) , Bro . Newnham . Mr . Chistopher Holloway , grocer , of the
Arcade , Bournemouth , was also duly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Ancient Freemasonry , thc charge being * given and the working tools presented hy Bro . Briant , P . M . Thc duties of W . M . were very ably performed by Bro . E . W . Rehheck , P . M . The lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to a banquet at thc Bcllevue Hotel , after which the usual toasts were duly honoured .
LEICESTER . —St . Johns Lodge , No . 279 . —The brethren of this lodge assembled for their regular monthly meeting at the Freemasons' Hall , Ilalford-street , under the presidency of thc W . M ., Bro . W . E . S . Stanley , M . R . C . S . The business on the summons was two passings . Accordingly , on the lodge being opened and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed , the candidates ( Bros .
Shuttlewood and Statham ) were called to thc pedestal and examined , after which they retired , and the lodge having been opened in the second degree , the W . M . duly passed them as F . C . ' s , and afterwards gave thc lecture on the tracing board . The lodge having been closed in the second degree , Bro . Kelly , P . G . M ., presented , through the lodge , to the library of thc hall a conv of "The
Kingston Masonic Annual , " just published , aiid in particular drew attention to a very valuable and interesting article hy Bro . Hughan , "A History of Freemasonry at Y " - " * , " quoting a passage from one of the old Constitutions , there printed , showing that in lhe lodges or guilds ° f O perative Masons in ancient times women as well as men were made Masons . —Thanks having been voted to
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Bro . Kelly for his present , on his proposition , seconded by Bro . Clarke , P . M ., a copy of Mr . J . Toulmin Smith ' s work on " The Ancient English Gilds " was ordered to be purchased for the library out of the lodge funds . —Bro . Deane , P . P . G . Reg ., on behalf of the Howe and Charnwood Lodge , No . 1007 , Loughborough , announced that the annual festival of that lodge and the installation of the
W . M .-elect would take place on Tuesday , the 27 th inst ., ancl lie invited the brethren of the two Leicester lodges to be present on the occasion , promising them a hearty welcome . —Two gentlemen were proposed as candidates for our mysteries , after which the lodge was closed ancl the brethren adjourned to refreshment . In addition to the P . G . M . and W . M ., there were present : Bros . Clarke
and Weare , P . M . 's ; Stretton , S . W . ; Rev . Dr . Haycroft , as J . W . ( in the absence of Bro . Crow ) ; George Toller , P . G . Sec , as Sec . ( in the absence of Bro . Dr . Pearce ) ; Palmer , S . D . ; Wuldowson , I . G . ; Matts , Statham , Shuttlewood , Blankley , M'Allister , and Deane . Visitors Bros . W . B . Smith and Duff , P . M . ' s ; Revds . J . F . Hoiforcl and Fry ; S . S . Partridge , No . 523 ; and Preston
No . 301 . LANCASTER . —Lodge of Fortitude , No . 281 . —The regular meeting of this old-established lodge was held on Wednesday evening , the gth Nov ., at the Masonic-rooms , Athenrcum . Present : W . Bro . John Hatch , W . M . ; W . Bio . Stanton , as I . P . M . ; Bios . C . Hartley , S . W . ; John Barrow , J . W . ; E . Simpson , P . M . and Sec . ; W .
Heald , S . D . ; B . Mills , as J . D . ; W . Hall , I . G . ; W . Bros . G . Kelland , P . M . ; , W . King , P . M . ; W . H . Bagnall , P . M . ; J . Daniel Moore , P . M . and Past Prov . G . Supt . of Wks . ; Bros . Tilley , Dickenson , J . Harrison , E . Airey , Taylor , Stanley , Beeley , and Watson . The lodge was opened , minutes confirmed , and other business transacted . The ballot was taken , and proved unanimously
in favour of Bros . Robert Sander Bateson ( of Charity Lodge , No . 563 , Umballa , India , surgeon in the Indian Army ) , Richard Coupland , Rev . T . B . Hinde , M . A ., and Rev . Adam Wright , ALA . ( all of the Rowley Lodge ) . A ballot was then taken for Mr . William Hayes , of Lancaster , as a candidate for initiation , who was duly elected . The W . M ., in accordance with notice given at thc
lastmeeting , proposed that the sum often guineas be voted from the lodge funds for the Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows . This was seconded by Bro . Edmund Simpson , P . M . and Sec , and carried unanimously . Applications for votes for admission into the Royal Albert Asylum for Idiots at Lancaster were presented , and the appropriation of the votes deferred until
the publication of the list of candidates , and then vested in a committee lo consist of the W . M ., Wardens , and Past Masters of the lodge . Bro . Dr . Moore , P . M ., presented to the lodge a handsome album , to contain portraits of all the Past Masters of the lodge , and a unanimous vote of thanks was awarded to him , on the proposition of the W . M ., seconded by Bro . Simpson , P . M . and Sec . It
was announced that a Lodge of Emergency would be held on Friday , the nth inst ., when the first and third degrees would be conferred , and the lodge was closed in due form . The Emergency Meeting was held on the nth inst ., as announced , and was attended by W . Bro . Hatch , W . M . ; Bros . Storey , I . P . M . ; Hartley , S . W . ; Barrow , J . W . ; Simpson , P . M ., Sec . ; Harrison , as S . D . ;
Budd , as J . D . ; Hall , I . G . ; P . M . ' s Whimpray and Dr . Moore ; Bros . Greenall , Mills , Stanley , Taylor , Dickenson , Tilley , and Watson . The lodge was opened , and the circular convening the meeting of emergency read . Bros . Dickenson and Tilley having given proof of their
proficiency as Craftsmen , were raised to the degree of M . M . hy the W . M . Mr . William Hayes was also dul y initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry by the W . M ., the working tools being presented by the S . W . There being no other business before the lodge it was closed in due form .
WATFORD . — Watford Lodge , No . 404 . —This wellestablished lodge held its regular meeting on Friday , the nth inst ., at whicli there was a good attendance . Bro . G . II . Cottame , W . M ., presided . A ballot was taken for the admission of Messrs . W . IT . Blenkinsop and F . J . Sedgwick , and the result being unanimous in their favour ,
they were duly initiated . Present besides those named ; The R . W . Bro . Wm . Stuart , Prov . G . M . ; R . W . Bro . George Francis , D . Prov . G . M . ; Bios . Stevenson , S . W . ; Fellowes , J . W . ; C . H . Finch , P . M . ; J . Sedgwick , P . M ., and several others . A lodge of instruction has recentl y been formed in connection with this lodge , Bro . How , P . M ., being thc preceptor .
IPSWICH . — Prince of Wales' Lodge , No . 959 . —At the regular monthly meeting of this lodge , held on the 7 th inst ., a large number of the members met together , with several visitors from lodges in the town and the neighbouring province of Essex , & c . The lodge being opened in due form , the minutes of the last regular lodge were read and confirmed , after which Bros . Osmond and Dennis
were examined and retired , and the lodgo being opened in the second degree , these brethren were passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge being opened in thc third degree , Bro . Abbott was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge having closed in third and second degrees , Mr . Jeffries , ballotted for and accepted at a
previous lodge , was regularly admitted and initiated into the mysteries of the Craft . Several communications were read hy the Secretary , and two brothers proposed as joining members . One gentleman was proposed for initiation , and there being no other business before the lodge , it was closed in ancient form .
LANCASTKU . — Rowley Lodge , No . 1051 . —The regular meeting ol this lodge was held on Monday evening week , at the Masonic-rooms , Atlienxum . The chair of K . S . was occupied by the W . M ., Bro . William Hall , who was supported by the following brethren : Bros . J . D . Moore , P . P . G . Supt . of Wks ., as I . P . M . and Sec . ; W . J . Sly , as S . W . ; Colonel Whitle , J . W . ; W . Bro . John Hatch , W . M . 281 ; Bros . Wilson Barker , Treas . :
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
E . Airey , J . Conlon , R . Taylor , and J . Watson . 'I he lodge was opened at half-past seven o ' clock , the minutes of the preceding meeting read and confirmed , and other business transacted . The W . M . presented to the lodge an application for subscriptions to the Freemasons' Lifeboat , and several applications for votes to the Royal Albert Asylum for Idiots at Lancaster , and suggested that
the appropriation of the lodge voles should stand over until the list of candidates and announcement of tbe number of votes to be given had been published . Bro . Dr . Moore announced that he had consented to represent the Lodge of Fortitude and Rowley Lodge at the festival ofthe Institution for Aged Freemasons ancl their Widows , to be held in January next , and would be glad to receive
subscriptions from the brethren on behalf of that excellent charity . He also stated his intention of serving on the next Stewardship of the Boys' School at the ensuing festival . There being no other business before the lodge , it was closed in due form . SCARBOROUGH . —Denison Lodge , No . 124 S . —This select and thriving lodge held its regular meeting in the
lodgeroom at the Grand Hotel , on Thursday , the nth inst ., when the following were present : Bros . S . II . Armitage , M . D ., W . M . ; J . Groves , S . W . ; J . Donner , J . W . ; J . E . Green , Hon . Sec . ; J . Kitchen , Treas . ; H . W . Garnett , S . D . ; A . Fricour , J . D . ; H . C . Martin , P . M ., I . G . ; J . Verity , Tyler ; Sir H . Johnstone , Bait ., M . P . P . M ., P . P . G . S . W .: W . F . Rooke , M . D ., P . M .,
P . P . G . J . W . ; the Worshipful thc Mavor of Scarborough , J . W . Woodall , J . ., P . M ., P . RG . S . W . ; H . W . Smyth , P . M ., D . P . G . M . Lincoln ; E . Locock , P . M ., P . P . G . S . W . Lincoln ; A . J . Brookwcll , P . M ., P . G . Dir . of Cers . ; W . Pencock , P . M . ; II . A . Williamson , P . M . ; J . J . P . Moody , P . M . ; R . II . Peacock , W . M . 200 , and many others whose names we did not
obtain . The lodge was opened at 5 p . m ., and the minutes were read and confirmed . Mr . A . W . Smethurst was ballotted for , elected , and initiated by thc W . M . in a very impressive manner . Bro . Hunt passed an examination in the first degree , and retired . He was readmitted , and passed to the second degree by Bro . Williamson , P . M ., in his usual very able manner . Five guineas were voted
m aid of the sick and wounded in the present war , and three guineas to a distressed worthy brother . Bro . Fricour , the highly-esteemed manager of lhe hotel and the Secretary to the Ball Committee m aid of the Masonic charities ( which took place in the hotel ) , gave notice that , after defraying all expenses , between ^ 33 and ^ 34 had been realized . On receiving this announcement a vote of
thanks was proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously to Bro . Fricour for his able assistance , & c , in the arrangements of the ball . Bro . Fricour acknowledged the compliment in his usual kind-hearted , fraternal way . The lodge was now closed in due form , ancl the brethren retired to the quarterly banquet , which was served in the
usual excellent style for which this hotel is famous , the wines also being very choice . Ample justice having been clone to the good things thus provided , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and drank , and a most pleasant evening spent , the brethren retiring in peace and harmony .
Belgrave Lodge of Instruction , Ao . 749 . —The usual weekly meeting was held on Friday , the 4 th inst ., at the Wellington Hotel , Spring-gardens , Bro . John Smith , W . M . 157 , presided , supported bv Bros . G . Pynun , W . M . 749 , S . W . ; E . Harper , J . W . ; Pnlsford , P . M ., Preceptor ; Waghorn , S . D . ; and Darke , I . G . After the usual ceremony had been worked , Bro . J . Smith
W . M ., worked the first sectioh and Bro . Hamilton the second section . Bro . J . Smith , W . M ., on behalf of the members of this , the mother lodge , presented Bro . G . Pymm with a handsome Past Master ' s collar , also a massive jewel , which had been subscribed by the voluntary contributions of his officers in Lodge 749 , his year of
office being at an end on the 9 th inst . as W . JI . Bro . G , Pymm , W . M . 749 , and W . M .-elect 1310 , in a suitable speech acknowledged the gift . The other business having been disposed of , the lodge was closed . Present : Bros . Homewood , Langfield , Wright , Nott , Patton , Vaughan , P . M . ; W . Ough , P . G . P . ; and others .
Stanhope Lodge of Instruction , No . 1269 . —A new lodge of instruction for the Sydenham , Norwood , Dulwich , and Forest Hill districts was established on the 2 nd instant , under the name of the Stanhope Lodge of Instruction , No . 1269 , at thc Thicket Hotel , Anerley , close to the railway station ofthe Crystal Palace . Bro . Lassam , the proprietor ofthe hotel , was elected Treasurer , Bro . Baker ,
Secretary , and Bro . II . W . Lindus , the first Master of the parent lodge , Preceptor . The arrangements necessary for the conduct of the lodge were made , and the brethren afterwards sat down to one of Bro . Lassam ' s neat little banquets , and spent the remainder of the evening in joviality and pleasure . Thc lodge will meet at the Thicket Hotel every Wednesday evening during the session at half-past seven o ' clock .
The Royal Arch Chapter of Improvement . —The usual weekly convocation of the R . A . Chapter of Improvement was held on Thursday evening . The offices were well filled , and the ceremony of exaltation , & c ., very admirably performed . There arc nearly 150 members of this chapter already , and on attending its meetings one cannot but be impressed with the truth of lhe statements contained in the article on lodges of instruction written in THE FREEMASON a few weeks ago .
Thc speech of Bro . Dr . Berry at Burghersdorph , S . A . ; a report of the Consecration of thc Emblema 1 ic Lodge , No . 1321 ; and reports of Lodges Star in the East ( 650 ) , Hertford ( 403 ) , Dalhousie ( 571 , Canada ) , Capper ( 1076 ) , St . Peter's ( 1330 ) , the Plantagenct Conclave , and the Wluttingtor . Lodge of Instruction will appear next week .