Article CONSECRATION OF THE LODGE OF ASAPH, No. I3I9. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Reviews. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE OF QUEBEC. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE OF QUEBEC. Page 1 of 1 Article THE ROAD WE TRAVEL ON. Page 1 of 1
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Consecration Of The Lodge Of Asaph, No. I3i9.
As the consecrator , therefore , of a temple wherein to cultivate the divine attribute of love , Bro . Little was entitled to the best thanks of the brethren . Bro . Chamberlin seconded the motion , which was unanimously adopted ; and on the motion of Bro . Coote , seconded by Bro . Weaver , Bro . Little
was elected an honorary member . A similar compliment was paid to the veteran Bro . Adams , P . G . P ., and to Bro . Coward , G . O ., for their valuable assistance , and the services of the acting D . C , I . G ., and the choir were also cordially acknowledged .
The following brethren , most of whom were present , were then proposed as joining members , subject to the ballot : —Bros . C . Coote , jun ., F . Ledger of the Era , A . Phasey , H . Baker , T . Edgar , W . Haines , E . Frewin , J . Perry , J . Boatwright , T . Wells , G . Horton , W . Maby , R . Samson , G . Crcmer
E . Dearie , Mus . Doc , G . Tyler , C . Harper , jun ., W . T . Wrighton , T . Gough , F . Stevens , D . James , T . H . Thorne , G . Honey , W . Froggatt , C . Fitzgerald , W . Dawson and C S . Jeykell , all connected with the music or the drama . The names of eight gentlemen for initiation were also proposed by the
W . M . and seconded by the S . W . The lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting-room , ancl it is but bare justice to the Freemasons' Tavern Company to state that the cuisine and wines were all that could be desired .
The W . M . gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts with fluency and effect , Bros . Coward and Adams responding for the Grand Officers ; after which Bro . Little proposed " The health of Bro . E . Stanton Jones , the first Master , coupled with Prosperity to the Lodge of Asaph . " Bro . Little
expatiated warmly upon thc zeal and ability of the W . M ., and congratulated him and the founders upon having so happily attained their cherished wish of opening a lodge for brethren associated with music and the drama . He assured the lodge that in selecting Bro . Jones' for so important a post ,
they had done well and wisely , as was indeed amply proved by his efficiency as a ruler in the Craft on a previous occasion . The toast was received with great applause , and the worthy W . M . expressed his thanks very happily for the corc ' . w . reception of his name .
The Consecrating Master " was then given from the chair , and met with unanimous approbation , and Bro . Little , in responding , expressed hissinccre gratification for having contributed to the success and pleasure of the meeting . At this juncture thc Grand Secretary , Bro . Hervey
( who had previously attended a meeting of No . 7 ) was announced , and his arrival was greeted with the utmost enthusiasm ; in fact , it created quite a furoi-c . His health was immediately drank with all the honours , and in his reply the respected G . Sec . said he was taken by surprise at the warmth of his
reception , and felt deeply indebted to thc brethren for so signal a mark of their esteem . He felt that as his own lodge had met under the same roof that evening , he could not leave without wishing success to the brethren , and in conclusion he proposed every happiness and prosperity to thc Lodge of
Asaph . Bro . C . Coote , after thanking the G . Secretary for the great assistance he had been to thc founders of the lodge , ancl for his kindness and urbanity whenever the brethren had to wait on him , proposed " The Health of Bro . David James , " of the
Vaudeville Theatre , as the representative of the dramatic art . He was sorry there were not more of that profession present ; but as they were engaged in their ordinary occupations at that late hour , every excuse was to be made for them .
Bro . David James returned thanks for so high a compliment , and hoped that this lodge would be thc means of amalgamating , more than was the case at present , the dramatic and the musical professions .
lhe W . M . then proposed "The Visitors , " with which he connected the name of Bro . S . Pollitzer , W . M . 1017 , who returned thanks in a neat speech . For " The Wardens ancl rest of the officers , " Bro . Coote , sen ., replied in his usual eloquent and graceful style , tlie other officers also ably responding , and the proceedings were soon afterwards brought to a close .
It is needless to add that solos , duets , chants , and glees were an especial feature of thc evening ' s entertainment , Bro . Coward presiding with his wonted spirited execution at thc pianoforte . A quaint song by Bro . Coote , accompanied musically hy himself , was also greatly applauded , and the whole of the arrangements throughout were simply Perfection .
Besides the brethren already named , we noticed Bros . G . Pymm , W . M . 749 ; H . Thompson , P . M . 6 ocj , P . D . G . D . Canterbury , N . Z . ; II . Massey , P . M . 619 ; J . Smith , W . M . 157 ; Pierce Egan
P -M . 231 ( thc celebrated novelist ) ; C . B . Payne , P . M . 27 ; 11 . Sadler , J . W . 147 ; W . H . Waghorn , LG . 946 ; J . F . Starkie , 53 ; G . W . Martin , 1 . M . 201 ; and C . Harper , jun ., 332 .
Reviews .
* The ABC Universal Freight List . We have great satisfaction in announcing to our commercial ancl mercantile readers that a weekly paper has been successfully established ,
which will supply a want long felt in the city and port of London . The chief object of this publication is to furnish brokers , merchants , captains , agents , and ship-builders with reliable
information upon the important interests which they represent ; and from the knowledge we have of tlie editor of the A B C , we feel satisfied that the Freight List will be a great boon to the large circle interested in shipping and commerce .
Grand Lodge Of Quebec.
On the 19 th ult ., the new Grand Lodge of Quebec met for despatch of business at the Masonic Chambers , Notre Dame-street . The meeting was important , for upon the success of it depended the future welfare , of the Grand Lodge .
There can nowbe no doubt that the Grand Lodge of Quebec will be fully recognised in any magisterial act . "Whatever may be thought of the wisdom and expediency of separate provincial
legislatures , the arguments are equally applicable to Grand Lodges of Freemasons . The address ofthe M . W . Grand Master exhausts the argument , and we recommend it to the njost serious consideration of all Freemasons .
The lodge was opened in ample form by the M . W . Bro . J . H . Graham , LL . D ., first Grand Master of the Province of Quebec , assisted by R . W . Bros . M . R . Meigs , M . D ., P . M ., as Grand Senior Warden ; R . J- Dunbar , as Junior Grand
Warden * Rev . C . P . Reid , M . A ., Chaplain ; Edson Kemp , B . A ., B . C . L ., W . M ., Sec . ; and the other subordinate oflicers . The hall was crowded with visitors and deputies from the following lodges : —Albion and St .
John ' s , Quebec City - Prevost , Durham ; Nelson , Philipsburg ; Golden Rule , Stanstead ; St . Andrew ' s , Quebec City ; St . George ' s , Montreal Zetland , Montreal ; Haringt m , Quebec City ; Hoyle , Lacolle ; St . Francis , Richmond ; Victoria
Sherbrooke ; Stanbridge , Stanbndge ; Montreal Kilwinning , Montreal ; Clarenceville , Clarenccville ; Royal Alfred , Montreal ; Victoria , Montreal ; Tuscan , Levis ; Ascot , Leimoxville ; Ashlar , Coaticook ; Fresliburg , Frelisbttrg ; Doric ,
Danville ; St . Johns , Masonville ; Milton , Three Rivers , P . Q . ; Abercorn , Abercorn ; Corner Stone , Cowansvillc ; Clarke , Ormstown ; St . Charles , Point St . Charles ; and Brown , West Farnliam .
The following foreign lodges were also represented - . —Texas , New Hampshire , Maine , and the District of Columbia .
After some routine business the Grand Master delivered an address , which contained : \\\ eloquent and expressive resume of the progress of the Grand Lodge of Quebec since its formation . From this we gather , that nine Grand Lodges
have recognised the Grand Lodge of Quebec ; seven additional lodges in the province have given in their adhesion to the movement , including the Albion Lodge , late Xo . 17 English Registry , the oldest lodge in Norlli America ;
and live new lodges have been added to the roll . Among other subjects the Grand Master refers to the war in Europe , and appeals to the brethren to " follow the noble example of the Grand Lodge
of England to aid tlie sick and wounded in the present war , " and our learned brother concluded his masterly address with lhe following truly Masonic sentiments : —
With thirty ( or thirty-one ) prosperous lodges on our registry , and with every prospect of continued healthy increase , with prudence , zeal , and thc spirit of self-sacrifice among our members-with peace , concord , and unanimity of purpose at home , and rcceivinj ; constantly such kindly , fraternal proof of
Grand Lodge Of Quebec.
consideration , recognition , and support from distinguished , brethren , and from sister Grand Lodges abroad , it well becomes us thankfully ancl gratefully to rejoice in such prosperity ; and cannot be otherwise than that every true Masonic heart is gladdened to learn ofthe wondrous advancement of our
fraternity everywhere throughout the civilised world , and that multitudes of every clime , kindred , ancl tongue are crowding our temple gates , and that our brethren everywhere are earnestly engaged in thc prosecution of our grand design of honouring God , and promoting peace , union , prosperity , and goodwill
among men , as " all true Masons have done , from thc beginning of the world , and will do to the end of time . " And now , brethren , in closing , let me assure you that , while I have not been unmindful of the distinguished honour which you conferred upon me by electing me the first Grand Master of
the Grand Lodge of Quebec , contrary , as most of you are aware , to my proposals relative thereto , I have to regret that the arduous duties of my profession have left me but little time to perform satisfactorily to myself the important duties of this office , especially in such a crisis as we have unnecessarily
been called upon to pass through ; ancl whatever mistakes may have been made , they are but renewed illustrations of the old , old truth , that " to err is human , " and , whatever have been our successes , let them all be ascribed to Him by whom " kings reign , and princes decree justice ; " and while , with
renewed vigour and unswerving fidelity , we carry onward and upward to completion this our grand Masonic edifice , till thc cope-stone shall have been placed amidst shouts of universal rejoicing—let us all faithfully execute the grand designs drawn by
the Almighty Hand upon the trestle board of our existence , and delineated for our guidance in the volume of thc Sacred Law , so that at last our work may be found worthy the acceptance of the Grand Master above , the Great Architect and Supreme Ruler of the Universe—Amen , and Amen .
After the closing of the Grand Lodge the Junior Grand Warden ' s gavel was supreme . The brethren then adjourned to thc " Carlton , " for dinner . The banquet was complimentary to the Grand Lodge of Quebec , and the expenses were borne
by the Freemasons of the Montreal Lodges , who have acknowledged the Grand Lodge of Quebec . The lodges which have so done are the majority . About 120 sat down , under the presidency of IV . Bro . John Holder Isaacson , who ably filled the duties of the chair . The usual loval toasts
were proposed , ancl although thc dinner was a thing unusual among Freemasons , a "teetotal " one , it did not prevent their jollity nor their warm expressions of devotedness to the Queen ancl the Royal Family . The toast of the evening , " The Grand Master of Quebec , " was received
with immense enthusiasm . 1 lie reply of R . W . Bro . Graham was eloquent , and lie expressed himself desirous of a restoration of peace and harmony with the Grand Lodge of Quebec . The entertainment was enlivened with songs , and a happier meeting was rarely ever witnessed . —Montreal Ncios .
The Road We Travel On.
I 1 Y 11 RO . D . S . I . EAVITT . A poor , benighted stranger Did seek our door to gain , We ask'd if he was worthy , And why he made this claim .
With trembling voice he answered ; The Great I Am I serve , And from the Ancient Charges My steps shall never swerve .
He entered in an ancient way , With blessings on his head , The torture he did feel that day is what the Cowans dread .
A jewel bright before him lies , In bright array tlie brethren stand , With heart sincere and tearful eyes lie hears the Master ' s stern command .
J OSHUA . —This book is thus entitled because it relates lo the things transacted hy Joshua , the successor of Moses . Il embraces a period of about thirty years , giving an account of the coni'iiest ol the land ol Canaan , the division of the conquered hind according to the tribes , and lhe dying exhortation of Jo . ihua to his people . IT is difficult to persuade mankind that the love of virtue is the love of dicnvielves .
WISDOM is a solid and entire building , of which every piece keeps its place and carries its mark .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Lodge Of Asaph, No. I3i9.
As the consecrator , therefore , of a temple wherein to cultivate the divine attribute of love , Bro . Little was entitled to the best thanks of the brethren . Bro . Chamberlin seconded the motion , which was unanimously adopted ; and on the motion of Bro . Coote , seconded by Bro . Weaver , Bro . Little
was elected an honorary member . A similar compliment was paid to the veteran Bro . Adams , P . G . P ., and to Bro . Coward , G . O ., for their valuable assistance , and the services of the acting D . C , I . G ., and the choir were also cordially acknowledged .
The following brethren , most of whom were present , were then proposed as joining members , subject to the ballot : —Bros . C . Coote , jun ., F . Ledger of the Era , A . Phasey , H . Baker , T . Edgar , W . Haines , E . Frewin , J . Perry , J . Boatwright , T . Wells , G . Horton , W . Maby , R . Samson , G . Crcmer
E . Dearie , Mus . Doc , G . Tyler , C . Harper , jun ., W . T . Wrighton , T . Gough , F . Stevens , D . James , T . H . Thorne , G . Honey , W . Froggatt , C . Fitzgerald , W . Dawson and C S . Jeykell , all connected with the music or the drama . The names of eight gentlemen for initiation were also proposed by the
W . M . and seconded by the S . W . The lodge was then closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting-room , ancl it is but bare justice to the Freemasons' Tavern Company to state that the cuisine and wines were all that could be desired .
The W . M . gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts with fluency and effect , Bros . Coward and Adams responding for the Grand Officers ; after which Bro . Little proposed " The health of Bro . E . Stanton Jones , the first Master , coupled with Prosperity to the Lodge of Asaph . " Bro . Little
expatiated warmly upon thc zeal and ability of the W . M ., and congratulated him and the founders upon having so happily attained their cherished wish of opening a lodge for brethren associated with music and the drama . He assured the lodge that in selecting Bro . Jones' for so important a post ,
they had done well and wisely , as was indeed amply proved by his efficiency as a ruler in the Craft on a previous occasion . The toast was received with great applause , and the worthy W . M . expressed his thanks very happily for the corc ' . w . reception of his name .
The Consecrating Master " was then given from the chair , and met with unanimous approbation , and Bro . Little , in responding , expressed hissinccre gratification for having contributed to the success and pleasure of the meeting . At this juncture thc Grand Secretary , Bro . Hervey
( who had previously attended a meeting of No . 7 ) was announced , and his arrival was greeted with the utmost enthusiasm ; in fact , it created quite a furoi-c . His health was immediately drank with all the honours , and in his reply the respected G . Sec . said he was taken by surprise at the warmth of his
reception , and felt deeply indebted to thc brethren for so signal a mark of their esteem . He felt that as his own lodge had met under the same roof that evening , he could not leave without wishing success to the brethren , and in conclusion he proposed every happiness and prosperity to thc Lodge of
Asaph . Bro . C . Coote , after thanking the G . Secretary for the great assistance he had been to thc founders of the lodge , ancl for his kindness and urbanity whenever the brethren had to wait on him , proposed " The Health of Bro . David James , " of the
Vaudeville Theatre , as the representative of the dramatic art . He was sorry there were not more of that profession present ; but as they were engaged in their ordinary occupations at that late hour , every excuse was to be made for them .
Bro . David James returned thanks for so high a compliment , and hoped that this lodge would be thc means of amalgamating , more than was the case at present , the dramatic and the musical professions .
lhe W . M . then proposed "The Visitors , " with which he connected the name of Bro . S . Pollitzer , W . M . 1017 , who returned thanks in a neat speech . For " The Wardens ancl rest of the officers , " Bro . Coote , sen ., replied in his usual eloquent and graceful style , tlie other officers also ably responding , and the proceedings were soon afterwards brought to a close .
It is needless to add that solos , duets , chants , and glees were an especial feature of thc evening ' s entertainment , Bro . Coward presiding with his wonted spirited execution at thc pianoforte . A quaint song by Bro . Coote , accompanied musically hy himself , was also greatly applauded , and the whole of the arrangements throughout were simply Perfection .
Besides the brethren already named , we noticed Bros . G . Pymm , W . M . 749 ; H . Thompson , P . M . 6 ocj , P . D . G . D . Canterbury , N . Z . ; II . Massey , P . M . 619 ; J . Smith , W . M . 157 ; Pierce Egan
P -M . 231 ( thc celebrated novelist ) ; C . B . Payne , P . M . 27 ; 11 . Sadler , J . W . 147 ; W . H . Waghorn , LG . 946 ; J . F . Starkie , 53 ; G . W . Martin , 1 . M . 201 ; and C . Harper , jun ., 332 .
Reviews .
* The ABC Universal Freight List . We have great satisfaction in announcing to our commercial ancl mercantile readers that a weekly paper has been successfully established ,
which will supply a want long felt in the city and port of London . The chief object of this publication is to furnish brokers , merchants , captains , agents , and ship-builders with reliable
information upon the important interests which they represent ; and from the knowledge we have of tlie editor of the A B C , we feel satisfied that the Freight List will be a great boon to the large circle interested in shipping and commerce .
Grand Lodge Of Quebec.
On the 19 th ult ., the new Grand Lodge of Quebec met for despatch of business at the Masonic Chambers , Notre Dame-street . The meeting was important , for upon the success of it depended the future welfare , of the Grand Lodge .
There can nowbe no doubt that the Grand Lodge of Quebec will be fully recognised in any magisterial act . "Whatever may be thought of the wisdom and expediency of separate provincial
legislatures , the arguments are equally applicable to Grand Lodges of Freemasons . The address ofthe M . W . Grand Master exhausts the argument , and we recommend it to the njost serious consideration of all Freemasons .
The lodge was opened in ample form by the M . W . Bro . J . H . Graham , LL . D ., first Grand Master of the Province of Quebec , assisted by R . W . Bros . M . R . Meigs , M . D ., P . M ., as Grand Senior Warden ; R . J- Dunbar , as Junior Grand
Warden * Rev . C . P . Reid , M . A ., Chaplain ; Edson Kemp , B . A ., B . C . L ., W . M ., Sec . ; and the other subordinate oflicers . The hall was crowded with visitors and deputies from the following lodges : —Albion and St .
John ' s , Quebec City - Prevost , Durham ; Nelson , Philipsburg ; Golden Rule , Stanstead ; St . Andrew ' s , Quebec City ; St . George ' s , Montreal Zetland , Montreal ; Haringt m , Quebec City ; Hoyle , Lacolle ; St . Francis , Richmond ; Victoria
Sherbrooke ; Stanbridge , Stanbndge ; Montreal Kilwinning , Montreal ; Clarenceville , Clarenccville ; Royal Alfred , Montreal ; Victoria , Montreal ; Tuscan , Levis ; Ascot , Leimoxville ; Ashlar , Coaticook ; Fresliburg , Frelisbttrg ; Doric ,
Danville ; St . Johns , Masonville ; Milton , Three Rivers , P . Q . ; Abercorn , Abercorn ; Corner Stone , Cowansvillc ; Clarke , Ormstown ; St . Charles , Point St . Charles ; and Brown , West Farnliam .
The following foreign lodges were also represented - . —Texas , New Hampshire , Maine , and the District of Columbia .
After some routine business the Grand Master delivered an address , which contained : \\\ eloquent and expressive resume of the progress of the Grand Lodge of Quebec since its formation . From this we gather , that nine Grand Lodges
have recognised the Grand Lodge of Quebec ; seven additional lodges in the province have given in their adhesion to the movement , including the Albion Lodge , late Xo . 17 English Registry , the oldest lodge in Norlli America ;
and live new lodges have been added to the roll . Among other subjects the Grand Master refers to the war in Europe , and appeals to the brethren to " follow the noble example of the Grand Lodge
of England to aid tlie sick and wounded in the present war , " and our learned brother concluded his masterly address with lhe following truly Masonic sentiments : —
With thirty ( or thirty-one ) prosperous lodges on our registry , and with every prospect of continued healthy increase , with prudence , zeal , and thc spirit of self-sacrifice among our members-with peace , concord , and unanimity of purpose at home , and rcceivinj ; constantly such kindly , fraternal proof of
Grand Lodge Of Quebec.
consideration , recognition , and support from distinguished , brethren , and from sister Grand Lodges abroad , it well becomes us thankfully ancl gratefully to rejoice in such prosperity ; and cannot be otherwise than that every true Masonic heart is gladdened to learn ofthe wondrous advancement of our
fraternity everywhere throughout the civilised world , and that multitudes of every clime , kindred , ancl tongue are crowding our temple gates , and that our brethren everywhere are earnestly engaged in thc prosecution of our grand design of honouring God , and promoting peace , union , prosperity , and goodwill
among men , as " all true Masons have done , from thc beginning of the world , and will do to the end of time . " And now , brethren , in closing , let me assure you that , while I have not been unmindful of the distinguished honour which you conferred upon me by electing me the first Grand Master of
the Grand Lodge of Quebec , contrary , as most of you are aware , to my proposals relative thereto , I have to regret that the arduous duties of my profession have left me but little time to perform satisfactorily to myself the important duties of this office , especially in such a crisis as we have unnecessarily
been called upon to pass through ; ancl whatever mistakes may have been made , they are but renewed illustrations of the old , old truth , that " to err is human , " and , whatever have been our successes , let them all be ascribed to Him by whom " kings reign , and princes decree justice ; " and while , with
renewed vigour and unswerving fidelity , we carry onward and upward to completion this our grand Masonic edifice , till thc cope-stone shall have been placed amidst shouts of universal rejoicing—let us all faithfully execute the grand designs drawn by
the Almighty Hand upon the trestle board of our existence , and delineated for our guidance in the volume of thc Sacred Law , so that at last our work may be found worthy the acceptance of the Grand Master above , the Great Architect and Supreme Ruler of the Universe—Amen , and Amen .
After the closing of the Grand Lodge the Junior Grand Warden ' s gavel was supreme . The brethren then adjourned to thc " Carlton , " for dinner . The banquet was complimentary to the Grand Lodge of Quebec , and the expenses were borne
by the Freemasons of the Montreal Lodges , who have acknowledged the Grand Lodge of Quebec . The lodges which have so done are the majority . About 120 sat down , under the presidency of IV . Bro . John Holder Isaacson , who ably filled the duties of the chair . The usual loval toasts
were proposed , ancl although thc dinner was a thing unusual among Freemasons , a "teetotal " one , it did not prevent their jollity nor their warm expressions of devotedness to the Queen ancl the Royal Family . The toast of the evening , " The Grand Master of Quebec , " was received
with immense enthusiasm . 1 lie reply of R . W . Bro . Graham was eloquent , and lie expressed himself desirous of a restoration of peace and harmony with the Grand Lodge of Quebec . The entertainment was enlivened with songs , and a happier meeting was rarely ever witnessed . —Montreal Ncios .
The Road We Travel On.
I 1 Y 11 RO . D . S . I . EAVITT . A poor , benighted stranger Did seek our door to gain , We ask'd if he was worthy , And why he made this claim .
With trembling voice he answered ; The Great I Am I serve , And from the Ancient Charges My steps shall never swerve .
He entered in an ancient way , With blessings on his head , The torture he did feel that day is what the Cowans dread .
A jewel bright before him lies , In bright array tlie brethren stand , With heart sincere and tearful eyes lie hears the Master ' s stern command .
J OSHUA . —This book is thus entitled because it relates lo the things transacted hy Joshua , the successor of Moses . Il embraces a period of about thirty years , giving an account of the coni'iiest ol the land ol Canaan , the division of the conquered hind according to the tribes , and lhe dying exhortation of Jo . ihua to his people . IT is difficult to persuade mankind that the love of virtue is the love of dicnvielves .
WISDOM is a solid and entire building , of which every piece keeps its place and carries its mark .