Article DISTRICT GRAND LODGE OF BOMBAY. Page 1 of 1 Article DISTRICT GRAND LODGE OF BOMBAY. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 2 →
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District Grand Lodge Of Bombay.
A Special Communication was holden at the Freemasons' Hall , Byculla , on Saturday , the ist October , at three o ' clock in the afternoon . Present : R . W . Bro . the Hon . Justice Gibbs , D . G . M . ; W . Bros . Thomas Diver . M . D ., D . D . G . M . ; Captain Brownlow Hush Matliew ,
R . E ., P . D . J . G . W ., as D . S . G . W . ; Colonel Lewis Wm . Penn , C . B ., R . A ., D . S . G . D ., as D . J . G . W .: Wm . Henry Hussey , D . G . Sec . ; Alfred Swift , P . D . J . G . D . ; Charles Beard , D . G . Sword-Bearer ; Bros . John Thomas , D . G . Org . ; John Innes , D . G . Steward ; and Bros . Benjamin Robinson , Nosherwanjee Coyajee , Charles Greaves , and
John Innes officiated respectively as Deacons , Director of Ceremonies , and Pursuivant . The following lodges were represented : — St . George ( 549 ) , Concord ( 757 ) , Truth ( 944 ) , Star of India ( 1062 ) , Emulation ( noo ) , and Eastern Star ( 1189 ) . The District Grand Lodge was opened in ample form , and the summons read .
The District Grand Master stated that this meeting had been convened specially for the consideration of an apology tendered by Mr . George Bease for his conduct , which had led this District Grand Lodge to expel him from Masonry . The circumstance was doubtless fresh
in the minds of all the brethren present , and they were probably aware that Mr . Bease had appealed to the Grand Lodge of England against the sentence , but that up to the present time the appeal had not been heard . After his ( R . W . Bro . Gibbs' ) installation into the office of District
Grand Master , lie was told that Mr . Bease wished to apologise , and was asked if he would consider an apology , if tendered . To this he replied that he would give an apology his best consideration . Shortly afterwards the D . G . Sec . received a letter from Mr . Bease tendering his
apology . This letter was first sent to the R . W . Past D . G . Master , and then laid before the General Purposes Committee , who expressed a doubt as to one point in the apology . To clear this doubt the D . G . Sec . wrote to Mr . Bease , and
received a satisfactory reply . A telegram was sent to the Grand Lodge to suspend proceedings in the matter of the appeal , and the papers were re-submitted to the General Purposes Committee , whose report , together with the apology , the D . G . Sec . will now read .
Read : — " To IV . H . Hussey , Esq ., District Grand Secretary of Bombay . " Mazagon , 20 th August , 1870 . " Dear Sir , —The great delay that has taken place in the adjudication of my case , now pending before
the Grand Lodge of England , has given me ample time to think the matter over , and to take thc advice of my friends as to what means I could adopt to bring this , to mc , most painful subject to a speedy conclusion . I therefore request you will be good enough to lay this letter before thc R . W .
the D . G . M . for his consideration . " By the advice of my Masonic friends , I beg now respectfully to record my deep regret for all tbat has been published in thc Masonic Record which was considered objectionable by the late R . W . D . G . M . and the D . G . Lodge , to whom I tender
my sincere apology , and at thc same tunc pledge my most solemn promise that I will not hereafter publish anything subversive of Masonic discipline . " I trust that this , my sincere apology , may be favourably considered hythe R . W . the D . G . M . and D . G . Lodge , and that I may be restored to my
privileges as a Master Mason . Should this , my request , be complied with , I shall feel thankful if telegraphic notice can be sent home , stating that I withdraw my appeal . " I remain , Sir , yours faithfully , ( Signed ) "GEORGE BEASE , " Editor Masonic Record . "
" To George Bease , Editor 'Masonic Record . ' " Bombay , 26 th August , 1870 . " Dear Sir , —I have to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated the 20 th inst ., ancl am commanded by thc Hon . the R . W . D . G . M . to ask you to be kind enough to state clearly whether thc apology which
you have tendered is meant to include regret for the disrespect you displayed towards theP . RAV . D . G . M . by publishing disparaging and contemptuous reflections on him personally , subsequent to your expulsion by this District Grand Lodge ? ( Signed ) "W . H . HUSSEY , District Grand Secretary . "
District Grand Lodge Of Bombay.
" To W . H . Hussey , Esq ., District Grand Secretary " Bombay , 26 th August , 1870 . " Dear Sir , —In reply to your letter of this day ' s date , I beg to state for the information ofthe Hon .
the R . W . D . G . M . that the apology I tendered on the 20 th inst . was clearly intended to include all that was published in the Masonic Record calculated to give offence to the late R . W . D . G . M . ( Signed ) "GEORGE BEASE . "
" REPORT OF THE DISTRICT GRAND LODGE GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE . " To the R . W . the District Grand Master and District Grand Lodge of Bombay and its territories . " Your committee have read with much pleasure the letters addressed to W . Bro . D . G . Secretary by
Mr . George Bease apologising to the R . W . the District Grand Master and District Grand Lodge , for having published objectionable matter in the Masonic Record of Western India , \ A \\ c \\ led to his suspension from Masonic functions , and finally to his expulsion from the Order ; also for the
disrespect he displayed towards the Past R . W . D . G . M . by publishing in the same periodical , subsequently to his expulsion by the D . G . Lodge , disparagingand contemptuous reflections on R . W . Bro . George Taylor personally ; and praying for restoration to Masonic privileges as a M . M .
Your committee are of opinion that the apology is frank and complete , inasmuch as it conveys deep penitence for the offences committed , and a solemn pledge as to future conduct . They therefore earnestly recommend that it be accepted by the
R . W . D . G . M . and D . G . L ., and that Mr . Bease be fully restored to Masonic privileges on the conditions imposed by himself , viz ., that he will not hereafter publish anything subversive of Masonic discipline . ( Signed ) "THOMAS DIVER , D . P . G . M ., President . "
The D . G . Master said that the report of the General Purposes Committee quite accorded with his views . He' thought that Mr . Bease , by soliciting and adopting the advice of a distinguished brother Mason , had taken the proper course , and he therefore had much pleasure in
proposing " 1 hat this District Grand Lodge do accept and confirm the recommendation of the General Purposes Committee , cancel the sentence of expulsion passed upon Bro . Bease on the 17 th March , 1 S 69 , and restore him to his former position in the Craft . "
W . Bro . Dr . Diver , D . D . G . M ., seconded the proposition , and said he hoped that the cloud of discord would now be removed for ever . The proposition was carried unanimously . Bro . Bease ( whowas waiting in the dining-hall
to learn the result of the meeting ) was called up and admitted into Grand Lodge . The D . G . M . made known to him the decision of the D . G . L ., and said he might now resume the badge of love and friendship , and take his stand in the Masonic world as heretofore .
Bro . Bease expressed heartfelt thanks to the Grand Lodge for treating his apology in the manner it had done , and he re-assured the brethren that he would never again exceed the bounds allowed Masonic journalists .
The D . G . Master stated that since the day for this meeting was fixed , the English mail arrangements had been altered , and it was owing to its being mail-day that there was such a scanty attendance . Neither he nor the D . G . Sec .
contemplated this . However , he had heard many of the Worshipful Members of this District Grand Lodge express a hope that Bro . Beasc ' s case would be decided as it had been , and he entertained no doubt that every Mason would rejoice to learn how happily it had terminated .
The D G . L . was then closed with solemn prayer .
Mark Masonry.
INAUGURATION OFTHE GRAND LODGE OF M . M . MASONS OF BOMBAY . The inaugural meeting of the above Grand Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Mazagon , Bombay , on Thursday , the 29 th September last . After tbe transaction of the private business of Lodge Holmesdale in the East , No . 72 , the Right 0
Worshipful Brother the Hon . J . Gibbs , 33 , P . G . M . of M . M . M . of Bombay , was received by the W . M ., officers , and brethren of Lodge Holmesdale with thc customary honours . The Prov . Grand Lodge was then inaugurated in due form in its midst , and the officers of Lodge Holmesdale were requested for the time being to act as officers of the Prov . G .
Mark Masonry.
Lodge . W . Brother J . Percy Leith , the P . G . M . nominate , being announced , was admitted , and conducted to the dais , when the patent of his appointment was read , and after having expressed his unqualified assent to the ancient charges , was duly installed by-R . W . Bro . the Hon . James Gibbs as the Provincial Grand Master of Mark Master
Masons of " Bombay and its Territories " for the next three years , or until his successor be appointed . The R . W . Prov . Grand Master then invested R . W . Bro . the Hon . James Gibbs as Past Provincial Grand Master . The following brethren were duly appointed and invested with the collar and badge of their respective offices : —
W . Bro . J . Dixon Dep . Prov . G . Master . „ C . Hyne P . G . Senior Warden . „ Col . L . W . Penn ... P . G . Junior Warden . ,, Capt . B . H . Mathew P . G . Master Overseer . Bro . A . C . Gumpert P . G . Senior Overseer . ,, C . A . Langley P . G . Junior Overseer .
,, M . Balfour P . G . Chaplain . W . Bro . E . Tyrrell Leith ... P . G . Registrar . ,, H . H . Avron P . G . Secretary . Bro . T . Crawford P . G . Senior Deacon .
,, G . W . R . Malms ... ... P . G . Junior Deacon . „ A . F . Shepherd P . G . Inspr . of Works . „ E . Gleave P . G . Dir . of Cers . ,, W . M . Tennant P . G . Asst . Dir . of Cers . ,, W . Stephens P . G . Sword-bearer . ,, H . Ainsworth P . G . Standard-bearer .
„ J . Thomas P . G . Organist . „ J * . O . Weeks P . G Inner Guard . „ M . B Cohen P . G . Steward . „ J . C . Melville P . G . Steward . „ J . W . Seager P . G . Tyler .
The ballot having been taken , Bro . A Swift was unanimously elected P . G . Treasurer , and thereupon duly invested . Bro . J . W . Seager was unanimously elected P . G . Tyler .
The R . W . Prov . G . M . then referred to the zealous manner in which the W . Brother H . H . Avron had performed his various Masonic duties , and the assistance afforded by him to the Craft in general , and the carrying out of the beautiful degree of M . M . in particular , in Bombay , and intimated that he had , to manifest his approval , appointed that W . Bro . a
Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden . ( This announcement was received wijh marked approval . ) The R . W . Prov . Grand Master proposed a vote of thanks to R . W . Bro . J . Gibbs for thc able services rendered to the Craft , and especially to M . M ., by him as P . G . M . during his term of office , and at the same time expressed a hope that Bro . Gibbs would
often be seen amongst them . ( Carried by acclamation . ) R . W . Bro . J . Gibbs said : I beg to return you my very sincere thanks for the kind manner in which you have acceded to the proposal put before you by the P . G . M . for a vote of thanks to me for my conduct whilst reigning over you for the past five years .
It is a source of very great satisfaction to me to mc to have been long connected with Masonry in this part of India . So long ago as 1 S 47 I joined the Craft . When I was last at home it was very gratifying to me to have been able to prevail with the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons to introduce Mark Masonry into Western India . Viscount
Holmesdale , who was then the Grand Master of M . M ., was very kind to mc , and appointed mc the first Provincial Grand Master of the Order in Western India , and he also conferred on me thc honour of the rank of Past Senior Grand Warden of thc Grand Lodge of England . It was not long after ' Holmesdale' had begun to work than an
application was made for a charter for Lodge ' Sinus . ' The latter lodge , after fluctuating in the ascendancy and in thc other direction , has now , I believe , at last taken a position which bids fair to hold her own in honest rivalry with Lodge ' Holmesdale . ' I can only say that I trust the reign of the R . W . Bro . Leith as P . G . M . of Uombay will be a flourishing
one , and that ere long he will find many Mark Lodges established—if not more in Bombay itself , certainly in his province . There is a very promising future before Mark Masonry , and I trust it will not be long , and that 1 shall see thc clay , when all the Orders shall be acknowledged . It is a great satisfaction to mc , as it will be to every member of the
Craft , to know that steps are being taken to unite the various degrees which now work under separate Grand Lodges and Councils , so that they may work in more harmony together . Steps with that end in view have been taken in England , ancl I trust erelong we shall find the beginning of that which in the end will be the perfection of Masonry—all the Orders working under one head . I congratulate
the Mark Masons of this province on having such a distinguished Brother to preside over them as the R . W . Bro . Leith , ancl I am quite sure from his present choice of Grand Officers , he intends that Mark Masonry shall take a " marked * ' place in India and our colonies and dependencies . The R . W . Prov . Grand Master said : I cannot help thanking our R . W . Brother Gibbs for the very *
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
District Grand Lodge Of Bombay.
A Special Communication was holden at the Freemasons' Hall , Byculla , on Saturday , the ist October , at three o ' clock in the afternoon . Present : R . W . Bro . the Hon . Justice Gibbs , D . G . M . ; W . Bros . Thomas Diver . M . D ., D . D . G . M . ; Captain Brownlow Hush Matliew ,
R . E ., P . D . J . G . W ., as D . S . G . W . ; Colonel Lewis Wm . Penn , C . B ., R . A ., D . S . G . D ., as D . J . G . W .: Wm . Henry Hussey , D . G . Sec . ; Alfred Swift , P . D . J . G . D . ; Charles Beard , D . G . Sword-Bearer ; Bros . John Thomas , D . G . Org . ; John Innes , D . G . Steward ; and Bros . Benjamin Robinson , Nosherwanjee Coyajee , Charles Greaves , and
John Innes officiated respectively as Deacons , Director of Ceremonies , and Pursuivant . The following lodges were represented : — St . George ( 549 ) , Concord ( 757 ) , Truth ( 944 ) , Star of India ( 1062 ) , Emulation ( noo ) , and Eastern Star ( 1189 ) . The District Grand Lodge was opened in ample form , and the summons read .
The District Grand Master stated that this meeting had been convened specially for the consideration of an apology tendered by Mr . George Bease for his conduct , which had led this District Grand Lodge to expel him from Masonry . The circumstance was doubtless fresh
in the minds of all the brethren present , and they were probably aware that Mr . Bease had appealed to the Grand Lodge of England against the sentence , but that up to the present time the appeal had not been heard . After his ( R . W . Bro . Gibbs' ) installation into the office of District
Grand Master , lie was told that Mr . Bease wished to apologise , and was asked if he would consider an apology , if tendered . To this he replied that he would give an apology his best consideration . Shortly afterwards the D . G . Sec . received a letter from Mr . Bease tendering his
apology . This letter was first sent to the R . W . Past D . G . Master , and then laid before the General Purposes Committee , who expressed a doubt as to one point in the apology . To clear this doubt the D . G . Sec . wrote to Mr . Bease , and
received a satisfactory reply . A telegram was sent to the Grand Lodge to suspend proceedings in the matter of the appeal , and the papers were re-submitted to the General Purposes Committee , whose report , together with the apology , the D . G . Sec . will now read .
Read : — " To IV . H . Hussey , Esq ., District Grand Secretary of Bombay . " Mazagon , 20 th August , 1870 . " Dear Sir , —The great delay that has taken place in the adjudication of my case , now pending before
the Grand Lodge of England , has given me ample time to think the matter over , and to take thc advice of my friends as to what means I could adopt to bring this , to mc , most painful subject to a speedy conclusion . I therefore request you will be good enough to lay this letter before thc R . W .
the D . G . M . for his consideration . " By the advice of my Masonic friends , I beg now respectfully to record my deep regret for all tbat has been published in thc Masonic Record which was considered objectionable by the late R . W . D . G . M . and the D . G . Lodge , to whom I tender
my sincere apology , and at thc same tunc pledge my most solemn promise that I will not hereafter publish anything subversive of Masonic discipline . " I trust that this , my sincere apology , may be favourably considered hythe R . W . the D . G . M . and D . G . Lodge , and that I may be restored to my
privileges as a Master Mason . Should this , my request , be complied with , I shall feel thankful if telegraphic notice can be sent home , stating that I withdraw my appeal . " I remain , Sir , yours faithfully , ( Signed ) "GEORGE BEASE , " Editor Masonic Record . "
" To George Bease , Editor 'Masonic Record . ' " Bombay , 26 th August , 1870 . " Dear Sir , —I have to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated the 20 th inst ., ancl am commanded by thc Hon . the R . W . D . G . M . to ask you to be kind enough to state clearly whether thc apology which
you have tendered is meant to include regret for the disrespect you displayed towards theP . RAV . D . G . M . by publishing disparaging and contemptuous reflections on him personally , subsequent to your expulsion by this District Grand Lodge ? ( Signed ) "W . H . HUSSEY , District Grand Secretary . "
District Grand Lodge Of Bombay.
" To W . H . Hussey , Esq ., District Grand Secretary " Bombay , 26 th August , 1870 . " Dear Sir , —In reply to your letter of this day ' s date , I beg to state for the information ofthe Hon .
the R . W . D . G . M . that the apology I tendered on the 20 th inst . was clearly intended to include all that was published in the Masonic Record calculated to give offence to the late R . W . D . G . M . ( Signed ) "GEORGE BEASE . "
" REPORT OF THE DISTRICT GRAND LODGE GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE . " To the R . W . the District Grand Master and District Grand Lodge of Bombay and its territories . " Your committee have read with much pleasure the letters addressed to W . Bro . D . G . Secretary by
Mr . George Bease apologising to the R . W . the District Grand Master and District Grand Lodge , for having published objectionable matter in the Masonic Record of Western India , \ A \\ c \\ led to his suspension from Masonic functions , and finally to his expulsion from the Order ; also for the
disrespect he displayed towards the Past R . W . D . G . M . by publishing in the same periodical , subsequently to his expulsion by the D . G . Lodge , disparagingand contemptuous reflections on R . W . Bro . George Taylor personally ; and praying for restoration to Masonic privileges as a M . M .
Your committee are of opinion that the apology is frank and complete , inasmuch as it conveys deep penitence for the offences committed , and a solemn pledge as to future conduct . They therefore earnestly recommend that it be accepted by the
R . W . D . G . M . and D . G . L ., and that Mr . Bease be fully restored to Masonic privileges on the conditions imposed by himself , viz ., that he will not hereafter publish anything subversive of Masonic discipline . ( Signed ) "THOMAS DIVER , D . P . G . M ., President . "
The D . G . Master said that the report of the General Purposes Committee quite accorded with his views . He' thought that Mr . Bease , by soliciting and adopting the advice of a distinguished brother Mason , had taken the proper course , and he therefore had much pleasure in
proposing " 1 hat this District Grand Lodge do accept and confirm the recommendation of the General Purposes Committee , cancel the sentence of expulsion passed upon Bro . Bease on the 17 th March , 1 S 69 , and restore him to his former position in the Craft . "
W . Bro . Dr . Diver , D . D . G . M ., seconded the proposition , and said he hoped that the cloud of discord would now be removed for ever . The proposition was carried unanimously . Bro . Bease ( whowas waiting in the dining-hall
to learn the result of the meeting ) was called up and admitted into Grand Lodge . The D . G . M . made known to him the decision of the D . G . L ., and said he might now resume the badge of love and friendship , and take his stand in the Masonic world as heretofore .
Bro . Bease expressed heartfelt thanks to the Grand Lodge for treating his apology in the manner it had done , and he re-assured the brethren that he would never again exceed the bounds allowed Masonic journalists .
The D . G . Master stated that since the day for this meeting was fixed , the English mail arrangements had been altered , and it was owing to its being mail-day that there was such a scanty attendance . Neither he nor the D . G . Sec .
contemplated this . However , he had heard many of the Worshipful Members of this District Grand Lodge express a hope that Bro . Beasc ' s case would be decided as it had been , and he entertained no doubt that every Mason would rejoice to learn how happily it had terminated .
The D G . L . was then closed with solemn prayer .
Mark Masonry.
INAUGURATION OFTHE GRAND LODGE OF M . M . MASONS OF BOMBAY . The inaugural meeting of the above Grand Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Mazagon , Bombay , on Thursday , the 29 th September last . After tbe transaction of the private business of Lodge Holmesdale in the East , No . 72 , the Right 0
Worshipful Brother the Hon . J . Gibbs , 33 , P . G . M . of M . M . M . of Bombay , was received by the W . M ., officers , and brethren of Lodge Holmesdale with thc customary honours . The Prov . Grand Lodge was then inaugurated in due form in its midst , and the officers of Lodge Holmesdale were requested for the time being to act as officers of the Prov . G .
Mark Masonry.
Lodge . W . Brother J . Percy Leith , the P . G . M . nominate , being announced , was admitted , and conducted to the dais , when the patent of his appointment was read , and after having expressed his unqualified assent to the ancient charges , was duly installed by-R . W . Bro . the Hon . James Gibbs as the Provincial Grand Master of Mark Master
Masons of " Bombay and its Territories " for the next three years , or until his successor be appointed . The R . W . Prov . Grand Master then invested R . W . Bro . the Hon . James Gibbs as Past Provincial Grand Master . The following brethren were duly appointed and invested with the collar and badge of their respective offices : —
W . Bro . J . Dixon Dep . Prov . G . Master . „ C . Hyne P . G . Senior Warden . „ Col . L . W . Penn ... P . G . Junior Warden . ,, Capt . B . H . Mathew P . G . Master Overseer . Bro . A . C . Gumpert P . G . Senior Overseer . ,, C . A . Langley P . G . Junior Overseer .
,, M . Balfour P . G . Chaplain . W . Bro . E . Tyrrell Leith ... P . G . Registrar . ,, H . H . Avron P . G . Secretary . Bro . T . Crawford P . G . Senior Deacon .
,, G . W . R . Malms ... ... P . G . Junior Deacon . „ A . F . Shepherd P . G . Inspr . of Works . „ E . Gleave P . G . Dir . of Cers . ,, W . M . Tennant P . G . Asst . Dir . of Cers . ,, W . Stephens P . G . Sword-bearer . ,, H . Ainsworth P . G . Standard-bearer .
„ J . Thomas P . G . Organist . „ J * . O . Weeks P . G Inner Guard . „ M . B Cohen P . G . Steward . „ J . C . Melville P . G . Steward . „ J . W . Seager P . G . Tyler .
The ballot having been taken , Bro . A Swift was unanimously elected P . G . Treasurer , and thereupon duly invested . Bro . J . W . Seager was unanimously elected P . G . Tyler .
The R . W . Prov . G . M . then referred to the zealous manner in which the W . Brother H . H . Avron had performed his various Masonic duties , and the assistance afforded by him to the Craft in general , and the carrying out of the beautiful degree of M . M . in particular , in Bombay , and intimated that he had , to manifest his approval , appointed that W . Bro . a
Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden . ( This announcement was received wijh marked approval . ) The R . W . Prov . Grand Master proposed a vote of thanks to R . W . Bro . J . Gibbs for thc able services rendered to the Craft , and especially to M . M ., by him as P . G . M . during his term of office , and at the same time expressed a hope that Bro . Gibbs would
often be seen amongst them . ( Carried by acclamation . ) R . W . Bro . J . Gibbs said : I beg to return you my very sincere thanks for the kind manner in which you have acceded to the proposal put before you by the P . G . M . for a vote of thanks to me for my conduct whilst reigning over you for the past five years .
It is a source of very great satisfaction to me to mc to have been long connected with Masonry in this part of India . So long ago as 1 S 47 I joined the Craft . When I was last at home it was very gratifying to me to have been able to prevail with the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons to introduce Mark Masonry into Western India . Viscount
Holmesdale , who was then the Grand Master of M . M ., was very kind to mc , and appointed mc the first Provincial Grand Master of the Order in Western India , and he also conferred on me thc honour of the rank of Past Senior Grand Warden of thc Grand Lodge of England . It was not long after ' Holmesdale' had begun to work than an
application was made for a charter for Lodge ' Sinus . ' The latter lodge , after fluctuating in the ascendancy and in thc other direction , has now , I believe , at last taken a position which bids fair to hold her own in honest rivalry with Lodge ' Holmesdale . ' I can only say that I trust the reign of the R . W . Bro . Leith as P . G . M . of Uombay will be a flourishing
one , and that ere long he will find many Mark Lodges established—if not more in Bombay itself , certainly in his province . There is a very promising future before Mark Masonry , and I trust it will not be long , and that 1 shall see thc clay , when all the Orders shall be acknowledged . It is a great satisfaction to mc , as it will be to every member of the
Craft , to know that steps are being taken to unite the various degrees which now work under separate Grand Lodges and Councils , so that they may work in more harmony together . Steps with that end in view have been taken in England , ancl I trust erelong we shall find the beginning of that which in the end will be the perfection of Masonry—all the Orders working under one head . I congratulate
the Mark Masons of this province on having such a distinguished Brother to preside over them as the R . W . Bro . Leith , ancl I am quite sure from his present choice of Grand Officers , he intends that Mark Masonry shall take a " marked * ' place in India and our colonies and dependencies . The R . W . Prov . Grand Master said : I cannot help thanking our R . W . Brother Gibbs for the very *