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To ADVERTISERS . THE Circulation of THE FREEMASON being now at the rate of nearly Half-a-million per annum , It offers peculiar facilities to all who advertise . It is well known that the Fraternity of Freemasons is a large and constantly increasing body , mainly composed of the influential and educated classes of society ; and as The Freemason Is now the accepted organ ofthe Brotherhood in the United Kingdom , and also enjoys an extensive sale in the colonies and foreign parts , its advantages as an advertising medium can scarcely be overrated . For terms apply to GEORGE KENNING , 198 , FLEET STREET , LONDON , E . C .
NOTICE . 0 TJie Subscription to THE FREEMASON is now 10 s . per annum , post-free , payable m advance . Vol . I ., bound in cloth 4 s . 6 d . Vol . II ., ditto 7 s . 6 d . Vol . III ., ditto 15 s . od . Reading Cases to hold 52 numbers ... 2 s . 6 d . United States of America . THE FREEMASON is delivered free in any part of the United States for 12 s . per annum , payable in advance .
NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS . —?—The Office of THE FREEMASON is now transferred lo 198 , FLEET STREET , E . C . All communications for the Editor or Publisher should therefore be forwarded to that address . All communications for TUB FUKKMASON should be written legibly on one side of the paper only , and , if intended for insertion in the current number , must be received not Liter than 10 o ' clock a . m . on Thursdays , unless in very special cases . The name and address of every writer must be sent to us in confidence .
The Freemason , SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER 23 , 1871 . THE FRRHMASON is published on Saturday Mornings in time for the early trains . The price of Tim FRKKMASON is Twopence per week ; annual subscription , 10 s . ( payable in advance ) . All communications , letters , & c ,, to be addressed to the EDITOR 198 , Fleet-street , E . C . The Editor will pay careful attention to all MSS . entrusted to him but cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied by pontage stamps .
The Mission Of Freemasonry.
IN a utilitarian age , like the present , no institution , however venerable—no system , however deeply rooted or widely extendedcan long hope to escape that crucial test of
criticism which is expressed in the somewhat cynical words , " cui bono ? " To fancy that Freemasonry is an exception to this wholesome rule , is simply to deceive
ourselves ; on the contrary , it is precisely from a fraternity like ours that the world expects most , and , mainly , because the influence of Masonic teachings is supposed to be as
powerful as it is pure . It is , of course , well known that the Craft comprises within its fold a vast number of adherents in every civilised country and clime , and it is
likewise believed that all are actuated by the same principles and inspired by thc same fraternal sentiments . But , as wc have had occasion to point out before , the Masonic
The Mission Of Freemasonry.
code is variously interpreted in various places . In France , the teachings of Freemasonry have been warped into identity with , the doctrines of i 78 o , and the mottoes of a
revolutionary horde have been pressed into the service of a peaceful association . Hence the delusions which at times betray our French brethren into acts which are high
treason against the Brotherhood . In Germany , the Institution has kept aloof from politics , but the consideration of subjects which affect the general vvellbeing
of the community is not prohibited in the lodges . A large proportion of the German Masons are men of education and experience , and probably no other nation in the
world has produced so many elaborate and philosophical treatises on the origin , progress , and objects of the Craft . Admission into the Masonic Order is not very easily
obtained in Germany , and a long probation —generally a year or more—must be submitted to before an Apprentice can be advanced to the next degree , or a
Craftsman to that of Master . The high grades are not in much favour among our Teutonic cousins , although many of the Templar leaders , such as Baron Hunde , during the
last century were natives of Germany . The ceremonial duties of Freemasonry are conducted with great solemnity in most of the German lodges , and the Fraternity is
respected by men of all ranks . But it is only in England that we find powerful organizations at work to give practical effect to the benevolent principles inculcated by
thc teachings of the Craft . Beyond doubt , much private assistance is rendered by our brethren abroad to necessitous cases , but there are no institutions corresponding with
our Masonic Schools , our Asylum , or our Annuity Fund . And , in this respect , we hold that thc mission of Freemasonry is not fully fulfilled by Continental Masons .
In the present age , we want something more than the ideal link of brotherhood ^ and our union should be cemented by deeds and not by words . Our acts ought also to
be on a scale commensurate with the dignity and importance of the Order—not desultory acts of generosity , but regulated by a high sense of justice , and a desire to confer permanent benefit .
English Masons aresomctim . es reproached for their love of conviviality , and the pleasures of the table , but , happily , this does not prevent them from supporting—and
nobly supporting — institutions for the education of the young , and thc shelter of the old . There is no reason why the Masonic body in Germany , France , Spain ,
or Italy should not dedicate a portion of their funds to thc accomplishment of similar results . They are rich enough , and numerous enough , to ensure success , if
they will but undertake the duty . Even our brethren in thc United States , energetic and enthusiastic as they are , have
been somewhat behindhand in this matter . The Grand Lodge of New York , we believe , is now collecting funds for thc payment of annuities to aged Masons in distress , and
The Mission Of Freemasonry.
no doubt the excellent example will be followed by the other State Grand Lodges . If such a course were generally adopted , we should hear less about the alleged
inconsistency between Masonic precept and Masonic practice — good works flowing naturally from the faith that is in us . We are far from urging that Freemasonry should
be suffered to degenerate into a mere benefit society ; neither do we think that there is any parallelism between the case of a zealous Mason , who , after long years
of good service , is provided for by his brethren , and thc case of a member of a friendly society , who can claim so much because he has contributed to the society ' s
funds , although he may never have advanced its interests , or worked for it , as very many Masons work for the Craft . We do hold , however , that no deserving Mason should
be abandoned to the rigors of poverty and adversity in his old age ; we do hold that it is the duty of the Brotherhood to succour him in his hour of distress , literally and
substantially . If our French friends spent less money upon banners and sashes , and some of our brethren in England curtailed their post prandial enjoyments , what a fund
might be raised for the widow and the orphan , and those ancient members of the household who have no place to lay their heads . It is a subject which deserves not
only consideration , but instant action , and we hope our Continental brethren will take the hint and inaugurate the movement in their lodges . Schools for youth , retreats
forold age—such should be thc programme of thc Fraternity , wheresoever dispersed . This would at once place Freemasonry at the head of all thc philanthropic systems in the world — it would be an all-sufficient
answer to inquiring minds which might seek to probe the mysteries of Masonic science , and wc need hardly add that it
would prove a stimulus to many earnest Masonic workers to continue their exertions for thc permanent progress and prosperity ofthe Order .
We do not question the fact that Freemasonry is even now superior to any other organization in the beneficence of its
members , and the brotherly feeling which , with but rare exceptions , prevails amongst its followers . But its mission will never be
satisfactorily achieved until every land can boast of possessing Masonic institutions akin to those supported by the English Craft .
NEW LODGE IN DUBLIN . —Masonic Lodge No . 227 was constituted on Monday , thc nth inst ., by R . W . Bro . the Rev . Simpson G . Morrison , P . G . C , when the following officers ( to whom the warrant was granted ) were installed with due ceremony Bros . William Doolin , P . M . 494 , W . M . ; Thomas
Callinan , S . W . ; and Thomas Fitzgerald , J . W . Bros . Morrison ( Dublin ) , Yarker ( Manchester ) , and Ashworth ( Rochdale ) were proposed for honorary membership , and twenty-one other brethren for affiliation as subscribing members . The lodge being duly closed , the brethren present , to the number of thirty , proceeded to the Royal Arcade Hotel ,
where an excellent banquet was provided for them by Bro . Augustc Mouillot , W . M . 120 . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and very heartily responded to , and the brethren separated at an early hour , wishing every success to the new * lodge . A large number of P . M . ' s and other officers of lodges assisted at the ceremony of constitution-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To ADVERTISERS . THE Circulation of THE FREEMASON being now at the rate of nearly Half-a-million per annum , It offers peculiar facilities to all who advertise . It is well known that the Fraternity of Freemasons is a large and constantly increasing body , mainly composed of the influential and educated classes of society ; and as The Freemason Is now the accepted organ ofthe Brotherhood in the United Kingdom , and also enjoys an extensive sale in the colonies and foreign parts , its advantages as an advertising medium can scarcely be overrated . For terms apply to GEORGE KENNING , 198 , FLEET STREET , LONDON , E . C .
NOTICE . 0 TJie Subscription to THE FREEMASON is now 10 s . per annum , post-free , payable m advance . Vol . I ., bound in cloth 4 s . 6 d . Vol . II ., ditto 7 s . 6 d . Vol . III ., ditto 15 s . od . Reading Cases to hold 52 numbers ... 2 s . 6 d . United States of America . THE FREEMASON is delivered free in any part of the United States for 12 s . per annum , payable in advance .
NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS . —?—The Office of THE FREEMASON is now transferred lo 198 , FLEET STREET , E . C . All communications for the Editor or Publisher should therefore be forwarded to that address . All communications for TUB FUKKMASON should be written legibly on one side of the paper only , and , if intended for insertion in the current number , must be received not Liter than 10 o ' clock a . m . on Thursdays , unless in very special cases . The name and address of every writer must be sent to us in confidence .
The Freemason , SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER 23 , 1871 . THE FRRHMASON is published on Saturday Mornings in time for the early trains . The price of Tim FRKKMASON is Twopence per week ; annual subscription , 10 s . ( payable in advance ) . All communications , letters , & c ,, to be addressed to the EDITOR 198 , Fleet-street , E . C . The Editor will pay careful attention to all MSS . entrusted to him but cannot undertake to return them unless accompanied by pontage stamps .
The Mission Of Freemasonry.
IN a utilitarian age , like the present , no institution , however venerable—no system , however deeply rooted or widely extendedcan long hope to escape that crucial test of
criticism which is expressed in the somewhat cynical words , " cui bono ? " To fancy that Freemasonry is an exception to this wholesome rule , is simply to deceive
ourselves ; on the contrary , it is precisely from a fraternity like ours that the world expects most , and , mainly , because the influence of Masonic teachings is supposed to be as
powerful as it is pure . It is , of course , well known that the Craft comprises within its fold a vast number of adherents in every civilised country and clime , and it is
likewise believed that all are actuated by the same principles and inspired by thc same fraternal sentiments . But , as wc have had occasion to point out before , the Masonic
The Mission Of Freemasonry.
code is variously interpreted in various places . In France , the teachings of Freemasonry have been warped into identity with , the doctrines of i 78 o , and the mottoes of a
revolutionary horde have been pressed into the service of a peaceful association . Hence the delusions which at times betray our French brethren into acts which are high
treason against the Brotherhood . In Germany , the Institution has kept aloof from politics , but the consideration of subjects which affect the general vvellbeing
of the community is not prohibited in the lodges . A large proportion of the German Masons are men of education and experience , and probably no other nation in the
world has produced so many elaborate and philosophical treatises on the origin , progress , and objects of the Craft . Admission into the Masonic Order is not very easily
obtained in Germany , and a long probation —generally a year or more—must be submitted to before an Apprentice can be advanced to the next degree , or a
Craftsman to that of Master . The high grades are not in much favour among our Teutonic cousins , although many of the Templar leaders , such as Baron Hunde , during the
last century were natives of Germany . The ceremonial duties of Freemasonry are conducted with great solemnity in most of the German lodges , and the Fraternity is
respected by men of all ranks . But it is only in England that we find powerful organizations at work to give practical effect to the benevolent principles inculcated by
thc teachings of the Craft . Beyond doubt , much private assistance is rendered by our brethren abroad to necessitous cases , but there are no institutions corresponding with
our Masonic Schools , our Asylum , or our Annuity Fund . And , in this respect , we hold that thc mission of Freemasonry is not fully fulfilled by Continental Masons .
In the present age , we want something more than the ideal link of brotherhood ^ and our union should be cemented by deeds and not by words . Our acts ought also to
be on a scale commensurate with the dignity and importance of the Order—not desultory acts of generosity , but regulated by a high sense of justice , and a desire to confer permanent benefit .
English Masons aresomctim . es reproached for their love of conviviality , and the pleasures of the table , but , happily , this does not prevent them from supporting—and
nobly supporting — institutions for the education of the young , and thc shelter of the old . There is no reason why the Masonic body in Germany , France , Spain ,
or Italy should not dedicate a portion of their funds to thc accomplishment of similar results . They are rich enough , and numerous enough , to ensure success , if
they will but undertake the duty . Even our brethren in thc United States , energetic and enthusiastic as they are , have
been somewhat behindhand in this matter . The Grand Lodge of New York , we believe , is now collecting funds for thc payment of annuities to aged Masons in distress , and
The Mission Of Freemasonry.
no doubt the excellent example will be followed by the other State Grand Lodges . If such a course were generally adopted , we should hear less about the alleged
inconsistency between Masonic precept and Masonic practice — good works flowing naturally from the faith that is in us . We are far from urging that Freemasonry should
be suffered to degenerate into a mere benefit society ; neither do we think that there is any parallelism between the case of a zealous Mason , who , after long years
of good service , is provided for by his brethren , and thc case of a member of a friendly society , who can claim so much because he has contributed to the society ' s
funds , although he may never have advanced its interests , or worked for it , as very many Masons work for the Craft . We do hold , however , that no deserving Mason should
be abandoned to the rigors of poverty and adversity in his old age ; we do hold that it is the duty of the Brotherhood to succour him in his hour of distress , literally and
substantially . If our French friends spent less money upon banners and sashes , and some of our brethren in England curtailed their post prandial enjoyments , what a fund
might be raised for the widow and the orphan , and those ancient members of the household who have no place to lay their heads . It is a subject which deserves not
only consideration , but instant action , and we hope our Continental brethren will take the hint and inaugurate the movement in their lodges . Schools for youth , retreats
forold age—such should be thc programme of thc Fraternity , wheresoever dispersed . This would at once place Freemasonry at the head of all thc philanthropic systems in the world — it would be an all-sufficient
answer to inquiring minds which might seek to probe the mysteries of Masonic science , and wc need hardly add that it
would prove a stimulus to many earnest Masonic workers to continue their exertions for thc permanent progress and prosperity ofthe Order .
We do not question the fact that Freemasonry is even now superior to any other organization in the beneficence of its
members , and the brotherly feeling which , with but rare exceptions , prevails amongst its followers . But its mission will never be
satisfactorily achieved until every land can boast of possessing Masonic institutions akin to those supported by the English Craft .
NEW LODGE IN DUBLIN . —Masonic Lodge No . 227 was constituted on Monday , thc nth inst ., by R . W . Bro . the Rev . Simpson G . Morrison , P . G . C , when the following officers ( to whom the warrant was granted ) were installed with due ceremony Bros . William Doolin , P . M . 494 , W . M . ; Thomas
Callinan , S . W . ; and Thomas Fitzgerald , J . W . Bros . Morrison ( Dublin ) , Yarker ( Manchester ) , and Ashworth ( Rochdale ) were proposed for honorary membership , and twenty-one other brethren for affiliation as subscribing members . The lodge being duly closed , the brethren present , to the number of thirty , proceeded to the Royal Arcade Hotel ,
where an excellent banquet was provided for them by Bro . Augustc Mouillot , W . M . 120 . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and very heartily responded to , and the brethren separated at an early hour , wishing every success to the new * lodge . A large number of P . M . ' s and other officers of lodges assisted at the ceremony of constitution-