Article PROV. GRAND LODGE OF JERSEY. Page 1 of 1 Article PROV. GRAND LODGE OF JERSEY. Page 1 of 1 Article NEW ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER IN INDIA.. Page 1 of 1 Article NEW ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER IN INDIA.. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF WARWICKSHIRE Page 1 of 1 Article Reviews. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Prov. Grand Lodge Of Jersey.
Ihe annual meeting ofthe Prov . Grand Lodge was held on Wednesday , October 13 th , at the Masonic Temple , when a goodly number of brethren attended to show their fraternal respect to the esteemed Bro . Dr . J . Le Cronier , D . Prov . G . M ., who , owing to the unavoidable absence of
Bro . Col . Malet de Carteret , P . G . M ., opened the Prov . Grand Lodge in form , supported by Bros . A . Schmitt , P . Prov . G . S . W ., as Dep . P . G . M , ; G . J . Renouf , S . W . ; J . Oatley , J . W . ; Ellis A . Owen , Reg . ; P . W . Benham , P . P . G . S . W ., Treas . ; J . O . Le Sueur , Sec . ; C .
Kingsnorth , P . P . G . J . W . ; W . T . Pugsley , P . P . G . J . W . E . Leigh Bennett , S . D . ; R . Barrow , P . S . D . Ed . Martel , D . C ; Ed . Gilley , Asst . D . C . ; J Blampied , P . Asst . D . C . ; Ph . Blampied , P . Asst D . C . ; Abr . Viel , P . G . Supt . of W . ; Jos
O'Flaherty , Pursuivant ; Prov . Grand Stewards , Masters , Past Masters , and Wardens . The Secretary read the minutes of the last Prov . Grand Lodge , which were unanimousl y confirmed .
The reports of several meetings in reference to the Local Fund of Benevolence were read and adopted , showing that they were able to alleviate the distresses of several really deserving brethren . The report of the Board of General Purposes was also read , received and ordered to
be entered on the minutes . The Treasurer presented likewise the financial statement , which was unanimously adopted . From the various transactions of the Committees whose reports were read , we agreeably perceive
that Masonry has progressed during the year , and that the funds , too , appear to be in a health y state . The proceedings of the Preparatory Committee were now read , among which was the following notice of motion by Bro . P . Binet , P . P . G . S . W . : —
" That W . Bro . A . Schmitt , P . P . G . S . W ., ba delegated to represent the Province of Jersey as Steward at the forthcoming Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for the Girls' School , to be holden in May , 1876 , —and that the sum of £ 1 $ 15 s . be voted towards the fund of
sustenance of the said School . " Bro . P . W . Benham , in the absence of Bro . Binet , heartily advocated the cause of the Masonic Girls' School by impressing on the minds of the members present the imperious necessity of liberally supporting the claims of the orphans
of our deceased but deserving brethren . The motion being put to the vote was carried unanimously and by acclamation . Bro . A . Schmitt , kindly undertaking the duties of Prov . Grand Steward , expressed the gratification his heart felt at his being deputed to
represent the Province at the next Festival of the Girls' School , and ardently craved the support of lodges , Chapters , and individual members , to whom his appeal to that effect will be made in due time , hoping it will be practically responded to ; at the same time informing the Prov . Grand
Lodge that the Rt . W . Prov . Grand Master , before he left the island in September , was pleased to signify his cordial pleasure in having his name placed on the list for e ^ ro ros . The brethren were now called to elect a Treasurer for the ensuing year , when Bro . C .
Kingsnorth moved ;— " That Bro , P . W . Benham , who has for several years held that important office , be re-elected , upon whom he passed a well-deserved eulogium for the able and efficient manner in which he Ins discharged his duties . The nomination of Bro . P . W . Benham , seconded
by Bro . J . O . Le Sueur , was then put to the vote , agreed to , and the Acting Prov . G . M . begged to observe that it was with pleasure he had to announce to Bro . Benham the pleasing intelligence of his unanimous re-election . The Treasurer , in acknowledging his obligations to
tne brethren tor their continued confidence in him , begged to assure them that any efforts of his would not be wanting to carry out the duties of his office in as efficient a manner as he possibl y could . The acting P . G . M . appointed and
invested the following Prov . Grand Officers-. — J ohn Oatley Prov . G . S . Warden . Ellis A . Owen Prov . G . J . Warden . Ch . Marett Prov . G . Chap . R . Barrow Prov . G . Reg .
•T- w . Benham Prov . G . Treas . }•O . Le Sueur Prov . G . Sec .
Prov. Grand Lodge Of Jersey.
Gen . T . C . Kelly , C . B . ... Prov . G . S . D . Jos . O'Flaherty Prov . G . J . D . J . Blampied Prov . G . S . of W . Ph . Blampied Prov . G . Dir . of C . Ed . Simons Prov . G . Asst . D . C . J . Le Feuvre Prov . G . S . B . Ph . W . Binet Prov . G . Purst .
Bros . G . F . Baker , S . W . 491 ; , W . T . Dumaresq , S . W . 244 ; Wm . Wetherell , J . W . 1003 W . H . Chapman , J . W . 958 ; W . J . Ennis , S . W . 877 ; and Ch . A . Chanter , J . W . 244 , Prov . Grand Stewards . This being the regular period for electing members of the Local Board of General
Purposes , the scrutineers collected the balloting papers and withdrew . On their return they handed to the A . P . G . M ., a list of the result of the ballot , when the following brethren were declared members of the Board for the ensuing
year : —Bros . A . Schmitt , President ; Ellis A . Owen , P . M . 87 ;; Ph . W . Binet , P . M 590 ; Ed . Martel , W . M . 491 ; Jos . O'Flaherty , P . M . 958 ; F . P . Le Marquand , P . M . 491 ; Ed . Gilley , W . M . 291 : R . Barrow , P . M . 491;—Moved by Bro . A . Schmitt , seconded by Bro . C . Kiugsnorth ,
and unanimously resolved - . — " That a sincere vote of thanks be recorded in the minutes to Bro . Ed . Martel , W M . 958 , for the very effective , able , and courteous manner in which he has discharged the rather onerous duties of Prov . Grand Director of Ceremonies during two
consecutive years . " The Prov . Grand Lodge was closed in form and perfect harmony . The brethren adjourned to the refreshment hall , and sat down to a banquet , under the presidency of the acting P . G . M ., supported on
his right by Bros . A . Schmitt , P . W . Benham , J . O . Le Sueur , R . Barrow , Abr . Viel ; on his left by Bros . G . J . Renouf , VV . T . Pugsley , C . Kingsnorth , Ed . Martel . Bro . Jn . Oatley occupied the vice-chair . On the cloth being removed , and after the usual loyal and Masonic toasts ,
Bro . A . Schmitt gave "The Acting P . G . M ., Bro . Dr . Le Cronier . " In briefly passing in review his eminent services and the judicious manner in which the affairs of the Province have been conducted he needed hardly to dilate upon his many merits as a gentleman and
Mason , because he is so well known to the brethren , and year by year he shows how his interest in the Craft increases . Bro . Dr . Le Cronier in every walk of life has shown himself kind and affable , while in Masonry he has displayed on all occasions , energy , zeal , and a
noble desire to perform the functions of his post to the satisfaction of his brethren . The Chairman , in returning thanks , expressed his deep sense of gratitude for the good and true Masonic feeling shown towards him by the brethren , and that it would be an encouragement to persevere
in the course he had marked out for himself , which , he ventured to hope , would be approved b y the members of the Province . The Chairman gave " The Prov . Grand Officers , Past and Present , " and in so doing he expressed his thanks for their assistance since
his appointment to the distinguished post he is holding . He also conveyed his gratitude to the brethren who accepted office that day , and trusted that the working of the Province would be as efficient and harmonious in the future as it had been in the past . The S . W ., Bro . Oakley ,
in responding to the P . G . M ., promised their most earnest and hearty support . Bro . J . O . Le Sueur in ardent terms proposed " The Masonic Charities , " responded to by Bro . A . Schmitt , who thanked once more the brethren for the difficult task entrusted to him , and in alluding to the great forthcoming Masonic
Festival in May , he trusted that the brethren would make up their minds to liberally support him in his exertions , so that they may be able to show their feeble efforts were not in vain , as the Great Masonic Institutions , in his conception , constituted the strength and glory of English Craft Masonry . After the T yler ' s toast , the company separated shortly before JO o ' clock .
New Royal Arch Chapter In India..
On the 2 uth August the New Royal Arch Chapter " Rock " was opened at Trichioopoly , Madras Presidency , by M . E . Companion Major W . L . Twentyman as Z ., assisted by M . E . Comp . H . Battels as II ., and E . Comp . J . W . Borthistle as J . The provisional warrant from thc
New Royal Arch Chapter In India..
D . G . C . of Chapter was read . The proposed by-laws were read and passed . Comp . Colonel J . W . Doveton was then obligated , intrusted , invested , and installed as E . Comp . H . The companions saluted the newly-installed 1-1 . The following Master Masons were proposed for exaltation . Bros . J . C . Fowler , ; P . Soubier , S . Winfrcd , C . J . Littlewood , Rev . C . Smith , T . Ganapaty Jayer , J . E . Lillywhite ,
V . Streenamalloo Naulu , C . V . Sayambu Jayer , J . G . Coombs , Dr . Mootoosawniy , N . Gabriel ( serving brother ) , Org * . ; G . Kalkovan ( serving brother ) , Janitor . On the 28 th August was the first regular meeting , when nine of the above brethren were exalted . There is every reason to hope the new chapter will flourish , there being already twenty one companions on the register .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Warwickshire
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons was held in the Shire Hall , at Warwick , on Tuesday , 26 th ult ., under the presidency of the Right Hon . Lord Leigh , P . G . M ., and was numerously attended . The brethren afterwards attended Divine service at St .
Mary ' s Church . Bro . C . J . Sutton , W . M . 11 So , presided at the organ , and , as a voluntary , performed " The Victoria March , " by Bro . Otto Brown , of London . Special psalms were chanted . The anthem was " The Hallelujah Chorus . " Meyerbeer's " Grand Coronation March " was played as the brethren left the church .
Thc sermon was preached by the Rev . Bro . Randall , P . G . C , from the text , " Where is the house that ye built unto Me , and where is the place of My rest ? " : Isaiah Ixvi ., 1 . After the closing of the Provincial Grand Lodge the brethren dined together , under the presidency of Lord Leigh , at the Court House .
Reviews .
" The Royal Masonic Cycloptedia . " Edited by Bro . KEN . VKTII R . H . M . tCKK . VZIK . We welcome the first number of this laborious work very sincerely . Knowing something of the toil of compilation , comparison , and collation ourselves , we must give our able brother credit for much care and persevering energy . We welcome gladly another aid to Masonic
students , as an incentive to patient study , and intellectual improvement . It has been too much thc custom in years g * one by to discountenance all original research , and all explanatory works in our ancient Order . And no doubt it is true that readers and students amongst us are few and far between , and most unthankful and unrcmunerative for the most part are the zealous endeavours of Masonic archa ; logists .
Wc trust that Bro . Mackenzie may be rewarded for all . his patient perseverance , and interesting labours , by the friendly patronage of a large circle of readers . The first number is very well printed , contains a great amount of very valuable information , and promises to do credit alike to Freemasonry and to himself . We have perused the first number very carefully , and we again thank Bro . Mackenzie for this valuable contribution to Masonic literature . W .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
For the Week ending Friday , October 29 , 1875 . The Editor will be glad to receive notice from Sscretaries of Craft Lodges , Royal Arch Chapters , Mark Lodges , Preceptories , Conclaves , & c , of any change in place or time of meeting .
SATURDAY , OCTOBER 23 . Audit Committee Boys' School , at 3 . Lodge 12 i ) 3 , Burdetl , Mitre Hotel , Hampton Court . Chap . 176 , Caveac , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . Red Cross Conclave , 6 , Roman Eagle , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-st .
Manchester Lodgeof Instruction ( 179 ) , Yorkshire Grey , 77 , London-st ., Fitzroy-sq ., at 8 ; Bro . H . Ash , Prec . Lily Lodge of Instruction ( 820 ) , Greyhound , Richmond . Star Lodge of Instruction ( 1275 ) , Marquis of Granby , New Cross-road , at 7 ; Bros . Macdonald and Grillin , Preceptois .
MONDAY , OCTOBER 25 . Lodge 28 , Old King ' s Arms , Freemasons' I In . ll . 11 79 , Pythagorean , Ship Hotel , Greenwich . „ 183 , Unity , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-st . „ fjoi , Burgoyne , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-st .
„ no ;; , De Grey and Ripon , Angel Hotel , Gt . llford . CUa p . 25 , Robett Burns , Freemasons' Hall . Prince Leopold Lodge of Instruction ( 1445 ) , Lord Stanley Tavern , Sandringham-road , Kingsland , at 7 ; Bro . T . Austin , Preceptor . Strong Man Lodge of Instruction ( 45 ) , Crown Tavern ,
Clerkenwell Green , at 8 ; Bro . Beckett , Preceptor . Sincerity Lodge of Instruction ( 174 ) , Railway Tavern , Fenchurch-street Station , at 7 . Camden Lodge of Instruction ( 704 ) , Stanhope Arms , Upper James-street , Oval Road , Camden Town , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptcr . Eastern Star Lodge of Instruction ( 95 ) 1 Royal Hotel ,
Mileend-road , at J . 30 ; Bro . E . Gottheil , Preceptor . British Oak Lodge of Instruction ( 813 ) , Bank of Friendship Tavern , Mile-end , at 7 for 8 . St . James ' s Union Lodge of Instruction fi 8 o ) , Union Tavern , Air-st ., Regent-st ., at 8 ; Bro . J . H . Stacey ,
Preceptor . Wellington Lodge of Instruction ( 548 ) , White Swan , Deptford , at 8 j Bros . Shaw and Griffin , Preceptors . West Kent Lodge of Improvement ( 1297 ) , St . Saviour ' s College , Stansted-road , Forest-hill , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . H . W . Lindus , Preceptor .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Prov. Grand Lodge Of Jersey.
Ihe annual meeting ofthe Prov . Grand Lodge was held on Wednesday , October 13 th , at the Masonic Temple , when a goodly number of brethren attended to show their fraternal respect to the esteemed Bro . Dr . J . Le Cronier , D . Prov . G . M ., who , owing to the unavoidable absence of
Bro . Col . Malet de Carteret , P . G . M ., opened the Prov . Grand Lodge in form , supported by Bros . A . Schmitt , P . Prov . G . S . W ., as Dep . P . G . M , ; G . J . Renouf , S . W . ; J . Oatley , J . W . ; Ellis A . Owen , Reg . ; P . W . Benham , P . P . G . S . W ., Treas . ; J . O . Le Sueur , Sec . ; C .
Kingsnorth , P . P . G . J . W . ; W . T . Pugsley , P . P . G . J . W . E . Leigh Bennett , S . D . ; R . Barrow , P . S . D . Ed . Martel , D . C ; Ed . Gilley , Asst . D . C . ; J Blampied , P . Asst . D . C . ; Ph . Blampied , P . Asst D . C . ; Abr . Viel , P . G . Supt . of W . ; Jos
O'Flaherty , Pursuivant ; Prov . Grand Stewards , Masters , Past Masters , and Wardens . The Secretary read the minutes of the last Prov . Grand Lodge , which were unanimousl y confirmed .
The reports of several meetings in reference to the Local Fund of Benevolence were read and adopted , showing that they were able to alleviate the distresses of several really deserving brethren . The report of the Board of General Purposes was also read , received and ordered to
be entered on the minutes . The Treasurer presented likewise the financial statement , which was unanimously adopted . From the various transactions of the Committees whose reports were read , we agreeably perceive
that Masonry has progressed during the year , and that the funds , too , appear to be in a health y state . The proceedings of the Preparatory Committee were now read , among which was the following notice of motion by Bro . P . Binet , P . P . G . S . W . : —
" That W . Bro . A . Schmitt , P . P . G . S . W ., ba delegated to represent the Province of Jersey as Steward at the forthcoming Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for the Girls' School , to be holden in May , 1876 , —and that the sum of £ 1 $ 15 s . be voted towards the fund of
sustenance of the said School . " Bro . P . W . Benham , in the absence of Bro . Binet , heartily advocated the cause of the Masonic Girls' School by impressing on the minds of the members present the imperious necessity of liberally supporting the claims of the orphans
of our deceased but deserving brethren . The motion being put to the vote was carried unanimously and by acclamation . Bro . A . Schmitt , kindly undertaking the duties of Prov . Grand Steward , expressed the gratification his heart felt at his being deputed to
represent the Province at the next Festival of the Girls' School , and ardently craved the support of lodges , Chapters , and individual members , to whom his appeal to that effect will be made in due time , hoping it will be practically responded to ; at the same time informing the Prov . Grand
Lodge that the Rt . W . Prov . Grand Master , before he left the island in September , was pleased to signify his cordial pleasure in having his name placed on the list for e ^ ro ros . The brethren were now called to elect a Treasurer for the ensuing year , when Bro . C .
Kingsnorth moved ;— " That Bro , P . W . Benham , who has for several years held that important office , be re-elected , upon whom he passed a well-deserved eulogium for the able and efficient manner in which he Ins discharged his duties . The nomination of Bro . P . W . Benham , seconded
by Bro . J . O . Le Sueur , was then put to the vote , agreed to , and the Acting Prov . G . M . begged to observe that it was with pleasure he had to announce to Bro . Benham the pleasing intelligence of his unanimous re-election . The Treasurer , in acknowledging his obligations to
tne brethren tor their continued confidence in him , begged to assure them that any efforts of his would not be wanting to carry out the duties of his office in as efficient a manner as he possibl y could . The acting P . G . M . appointed and
invested the following Prov . Grand Officers-. — J ohn Oatley Prov . G . S . Warden . Ellis A . Owen Prov . G . J . Warden . Ch . Marett Prov . G . Chap . R . Barrow Prov . G . Reg .
•T- w . Benham Prov . G . Treas . }•O . Le Sueur Prov . G . Sec .
Prov. Grand Lodge Of Jersey.
Gen . T . C . Kelly , C . B . ... Prov . G . S . D . Jos . O'Flaherty Prov . G . J . D . J . Blampied Prov . G . S . of W . Ph . Blampied Prov . G . Dir . of C . Ed . Simons Prov . G . Asst . D . C . J . Le Feuvre Prov . G . S . B . Ph . W . Binet Prov . G . Purst .
Bros . G . F . Baker , S . W . 491 ; , W . T . Dumaresq , S . W . 244 ; Wm . Wetherell , J . W . 1003 W . H . Chapman , J . W . 958 ; W . J . Ennis , S . W . 877 ; and Ch . A . Chanter , J . W . 244 , Prov . Grand Stewards . This being the regular period for electing members of the Local Board of General
Purposes , the scrutineers collected the balloting papers and withdrew . On their return they handed to the A . P . G . M ., a list of the result of the ballot , when the following brethren were declared members of the Board for the ensuing
year : —Bros . A . Schmitt , President ; Ellis A . Owen , P . M . 87 ;; Ph . W . Binet , P . M 590 ; Ed . Martel , W . M . 491 ; Jos . O'Flaherty , P . M . 958 ; F . P . Le Marquand , P . M . 491 ; Ed . Gilley , W . M . 291 : R . Barrow , P . M . 491;—Moved by Bro . A . Schmitt , seconded by Bro . C . Kiugsnorth ,
and unanimously resolved - . — " That a sincere vote of thanks be recorded in the minutes to Bro . Ed . Martel , W M . 958 , for the very effective , able , and courteous manner in which he has discharged the rather onerous duties of Prov . Grand Director of Ceremonies during two
consecutive years . " The Prov . Grand Lodge was closed in form and perfect harmony . The brethren adjourned to the refreshment hall , and sat down to a banquet , under the presidency of the acting P . G . M ., supported on
his right by Bros . A . Schmitt , P . W . Benham , J . O . Le Sueur , R . Barrow , Abr . Viel ; on his left by Bros . G . J . Renouf , VV . T . Pugsley , C . Kingsnorth , Ed . Martel . Bro . Jn . Oatley occupied the vice-chair . On the cloth being removed , and after the usual loyal and Masonic toasts ,
Bro . A . Schmitt gave "The Acting P . G . M ., Bro . Dr . Le Cronier . " In briefly passing in review his eminent services and the judicious manner in which the affairs of the Province have been conducted he needed hardly to dilate upon his many merits as a gentleman and
Mason , because he is so well known to the brethren , and year by year he shows how his interest in the Craft increases . Bro . Dr . Le Cronier in every walk of life has shown himself kind and affable , while in Masonry he has displayed on all occasions , energy , zeal , and a
noble desire to perform the functions of his post to the satisfaction of his brethren . The Chairman , in returning thanks , expressed his deep sense of gratitude for the good and true Masonic feeling shown towards him by the brethren , and that it would be an encouragement to persevere
in the course he had marked out for himself , which , he ventured to hope , would be approved b y the members of the Province . The Chairman gave " The Prov . Grand Officers , Past and Present , " and in so doing he expressed his thanks for their assistance since
his appointment to the distinguished post he is holding . He also conveyed his gratitude to the brethren who accepted office that day , and trusted that the working of the Province would be as efficient and harmonious in the future as it had been in the past . The S . W ., Bro . Oakley ,
in responding to the P . G . M ., promised their most earnest and hearty support . Bro . J . O . Le Sueur in ardent terms proposed " The Masonic Charities , " responded to by Bro . A . Schmitt , who thanked once more the brethren for the difficult task entrusted to him , and in alluding to the great forthcoming Masonic
Festival in May , he trusted that the brethren would make up their minds to liberally support him in his exertions , so that they may be able to show their feeble efforts were not in vain , as the Great Masonic Institutions , in his conception , constituted the strength and glory of English Craft Masonry . After the T yler ' s toast , the company separated shortly before JO o ' clock .
New Royal Arch Chapter In India..
On the 2 uth August the New Royal Arch Chapter " Rock " was opened at Trichioopoly , Madras Presidency , by M . E . Companion Major W . L . Twentyman as Z ., assisted by M . E . Comp . H . Battels as II ., and E . Comp . J . W . Borthistle as J . The provisional warrant from thc
New Royal Arch Chapter In India..
D . G . C . of Chapter was read . The proposed by-laws were read and passed . Comp . Colonel J . W . Doveton was then obligated , intrusted , invested , and installed as E . Comp . H . The companions saluted the newly-installed 1-1 . The following Master Masons were proposed for exaltation . Bros . J . C . Fowler , ; P . Soubier , S . Winfrcd , C . J . Littlewood , Rev . C . Smith , T . Ganapaty Jayer , J . E . Lillywhite ,
V . Streenamalloo Naulu , C . V . Sayambu Jayer , J . G . Coombs , Dr . Mootoosawniy , N . Gabriel ( serving brother ) , Org * . ; G . Kalkovan ( serving brother ) , Janitor . On the 28 th August was the first regular meeting , when nine of the above brethren were exalted . There is every reason to hope the new chapter will flourish , there being already twenty one companions on the register .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Warwickshire
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons was held in the Shire Hall , at Warwick , on Tuesday , 26 th ult ., under the presidency of the Right Hon . Lord Leigh , P . G . M ., and was numerously attended . The brethren afterwards attended Divine service at St .
Mary ' s Church . Bro . C . J . Sutton , W . M . 11 So , presided at the organ , and , as a voluntary , performed " The Victoria March , " by Bro . Otto Brown , of London . Special psalms were chanted . The anthem was " The Hallelujah Chorus . " Meyerbeer's " Grand Coronation March " was played as the brethren left the church .
Thc sermon was preached by the Rev . Bro . Randall , P . G . C , from the text , " Where is the house that ye built unto Me , and where is the place of My rest ? " : Isaiah Ixvi ., 1 . After the closing of the Provincial Grand Lodge the brethren dined together , under the presidency of Lord Leigh , at the Court House .
Reviews .
" The Royal Masonic Cycloptedia . " Edited by Bro . KEN . VKTII R . H . M . tCKK . VZIK . We welcome the first number of this laborious work very sincerely . Knowing something of the toil of compilation , comparison , and collation ourselves , we must give our able brother credit for much care and persevering energy . We welcome gladly another aid to Masonic
students , as an incentive to patient study , and intellectual improvement . It has been too much thc custom in years g * one by to discountenance all original research , and all explanatory works in our ancient Order . And no doubt it is true that readers and students amongst us are few and far between , and most unthankful and unrcmunerative for the most part are the zealous endeavours of Masonic archa ; logists .
Wc trust that Bro . Mackenzie may be rewarded for all . his patient perseverance , and interesting labours , by the friendly patronage of a large circle of readers . The first number is very well printed , contains a great amount of very valuable information , and promises to do credit alike to Freemasonry and to himself . We have perused the first number very carefully , and we again thank Bro . Mackenzie for this valuable contribution to Masonic literature . W .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
For the Week ending Friday , October 29 , 1875 . The Editor will be glad to receive notice from Sscretaries of Craft Lodges , Royal Arch Chapters , Mark Lodges , Preceptories , Conclaves , & c , of any change in place or time of meeting .
SATURDAY , OCTOBER 23 . Audit Committee Boys' School , at 3 . Lodge 12 i ) 3 , Burdetl , Mitre Hotel , Hampton Court . Chap . 176 , Caveac , Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . Red Cross Conclave , 6 , Roman Eagle , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-st .
Manchester Lodgeof Instruction ( 179 ) , Yorkshire Grey , 77 , London-st ., Fitzroy-sq ., at 8 ; Bro . H . Ash , Prec . Lily Lodge of Instruction ( 820 ) , Greyhound , Richmond . Star Lodge of Instruction ( 1275 ) , Marquis of Granby , New Cross-road , at 7 ; Bros . Macdonald and Grillin , Preceptois .
MONDAY , OCTOBER 25 . Lodge 28 , Old King ' s Arms , Freemasons' I In . ll . 11 79 , Pythagorean , Ship Hotel , Greenwich . „ 183 , Unity , London Tavern , Bishopsgate-st . „ fjoi , Burgoyne , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-st .
„ no ;; , De Grey and Ripon , Angel Hotel , Gt . llford . CUa p . 25 , Robett Burns , Freemasons' Hall . Prince Leopold Lodge of Instruction ( 1445 ) , Lord Stanley Tavern , Sandringham-road , Kingsland , at 7 ; Bro . T . Austin , Preceptor . Strong Man Lodge of Instruction ( 45 ) , Crown Tavern ,
Clerkenwell Green , at 8 ; Bro . Beckett , Preceptor . Sincerity Lodge of Instruction ( 174 ) , Railway Tavern , Fenchurch-street Station , at 7 . Camden Lodge of Instruction ( 704 ) , Stanhope Arms , Upper James-street , Oval Road , Camden Town , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptcr . Eastern Star Lodge of Instruction ( 95 ) 1 Royal Hotel ,
Mileend-road , at J . 30 ; Bro . E . Gottheil , Preceptor . British Oak Lodge of Instruction ( 813 ) , Bank of Friendship Tavern , Mile-end , at 7 for 8 . St . James ' s Union Lodge of Instruction fi 8 o ) , Union Tavern , Air-st ., Regent-st ., at 8 ; Bro . J . H . Stacey ,
Preceptor . Wellington Lodge of Instruction ( 548 ) , White Swan , Deptford , at 8 j Bros . Shaw and Griffin , Preceptors . West Kent Lodge of Improvement ( 1297 ) , St . Saviour ' s College , Stansted-road , Forest-hill , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . H . W . Lindus , Preceptor .