Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article LODGE OF BENEVOLENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE OF QUEBEC. Page 1 of 1 Article ROSICRUCIAN SOCIETY. Page 1 of 1 Article THE TOTTENHAM MASONIC HALL. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
In , Brazil , notwithstanding recent struggles , Freemasonry is progressing . Up to last March there were in thai conntry 16 9 Symbolical Lodges , of which 1 , 39 follow the Rite Ecossais , 16 the
French Kite , 10 the Kite Adonhiramite , 1 the Rite Schroeder , 1 the Rite of York , and 2 the Kite of Adoption . There are also 121 High Grade Chapters .
In the Argentine Confederation , the elections for 3 years , from 187 *; to 1878 , have terminated in the election of Bro . Ch . Urien as Grand Master ; Bros . Victory , Suarej ' , S . Boado , J . Miguens , F . Egusquizh , and Carbalado are elected Councillors ; and Bro . Lima , G . S .
A lelegram dated Milan , Tuesday night , says , "The Emperor has visited thc Scala to-night , and the house presented a very brilliant sight . His Majesty came forward four times , and each
time the applause was enthusiastic . He looked thoroughly delig hted with his reception . He has expressed his satisfaction with the review . A large number of Freemasons have arrived to greet the Prussian Grand Master . "
The " City of Westminster Lodge , No . 1 JJ 63 , will be consecrated on Friday next , the 29 th inst ., at the Regent Masonic Hall , Regentstreet , VV ., by Bro . R . Wentworth Little , Prov .
G . S . W . Middlesex , at 3 30 p . m . The officers for appointment are , Bro . B . H . Swallow , P . M . 383 , i ' rov . G . S . Middlesex , W . M . ; Bro . the Kev . P . M . Holden , P . G . C . Middlesex , S . W . j Bro . E . White , 177 , 130 *; , j . W .
The Fifteen Sections will be worked in the Star Lodge of Instruction , at the Marquis of Granby , Nea * Cross Road , on Saturday the 30 th October next , when Bro . T . H . Pulsford , P . M . 1158 , will preside . Lodge opened at 6 . 30 precisely .
The Fifteen Sections will be worked by the Members of the Salisbury Lodge of Instruction , it 2 , Westminster Chambers , Victo ria-street , S . W ., on Tuesday , November 2 nd , at 7 o ' clock .
Thc Fifteen Sections will be worked in the Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 , on Tuesday , the 26 th inst . Held at Bro . Allen ' s , " Royal Edward , " Triangle , Hackney . Bro . Marx-Gross in the chair .
The Archbishop of Canterbury has received a reply to the address presented to the Prince of Wales by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts . His Royal Highness , through General Knollys , expresses his
admiration for the missionaries , and assures the Archbishop that there will be no omission of any opportunity that may present itself during his visit to India to give encouragement to those earnest men .
On Thursday , Oct . 14 , Bro . Hadley , the Alderman-elect of Castle Baynard , entertained a large number of his friends and supporters at dinner , at the London Tavern . Following as it did im r mediately upon the declaration as to the result
of the scrutiny , the gathering was naturally of a very hearty and enlivening character , the main business of the evening being the rendering of thanks on the one hand , and of congratulations on the other . Even the room in which the
dinner was held presented a more than ordinarily attractive appearance , the London Tavern having been recently painted and redecorated , the effect being most satisfactory . The chair was , of course , occupied by Bro . Hadley , who was supported on
either hand by Mr . Stafford Northcote and Dr . Hardy , the list of guests also including the names of Major Wielaud , Mr . Blakesley , C . C . ; Bro . J . Gale , C . C , Mr . P . McKinlay , C . C , Mr . Joseph
Newbon , Mr . Stafford Northcote , jun ., Mr . John Hudson , Mr . C . Walton , Mr . W . S . Oram , Bro . Dosell , and others , the party numbering about one hundred and fifty .
The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire took place on Wednesday in the Cutlers' Hall , Sheffield . A report of the proceedings will appear in our next .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Bro . Robert Canton will preside at the autumn dinner of the Past Officers' Club , to be held at the Raglan Hotel on Friday , 29 th inst . CHRIST ' HOSPITAL . —Thc- annual dinner , on
the birthday of King Edward VI ., will be held at thc London Tavern , on Monday , the 25 th inst . Bro . J . D . Allcroft , treasurer of Christ ' s Hospital , will preside .
LORINERS COMPANY . —On the invitation of Bro . Alderman and Sheriff Knight , the Master , Wardens , and Court of Asssistants will accompany him in the civic procession to Westminster on the 9 th of November next .
A very fine jack , weighing i 7 lbs ., was caught on Saturday last . at the Rye House Fishery ( Bro . Teale ' s * ) . THE BALAKLAVA BANQUET . —The following railway companies have consentod to grant free
passes to any of the survivors of the Balaklava charge proceeding to London on Monday next who are unable to defray their own expenses : —The Great Northern , tlie London and Northwestern , the Great Western , the London and
South-Western , and the London , Brighton , and South Coast . Nearl y £ i $ o has already been subscribed towards the banquet fund . Sir Roger Palmer will be prevented from being present by his duties as High Sheriff of Dublin . Lord
George Paget , the senior surviving officer , will attend the dinner , and it is hoped that he will take the chair on the occasion . It has been decided to invite to the banquet Miss Elizabeth Thompson , the well-known painter of battle
scenes . Ihe Great Northern Railway Company have kindly offered to convey all those invited to the banquet on Monday , 25 th inst ., at the Alexandra Palace . The " Daily Telegraph" of
Tuesday last acknowledged the receipt of ^ i 5 s . from the members of the Macdonald Lodge of Mark Masters , No . 104 , sent in aid of the " Balaklava Banquet . "
PRINCE LEOPOLD AND THE FREEDOM OI * THE CITY . —The City Lands Committee are making arrangements for the forthcoming presentation to H . R . H . Prince Leopold ofthe freedom of the City , to which he is entitled by
patrimony . Upwards of 700 invitations have been issued for the dejeuner to the members of the Corporation , the masters of the principal City companies , the leading merchants and bankers , chairmen of some of the" public companies , and other persons of distinction .
Bro . Sir John Bennett made a good fight for thu vacant gown of Alderman for the Cordwainer Ward . He was , however , beaten by Mr . Nottage . Sir John bore his defeat with unfailing good temper .
The mother and friends of Lucy Maria Taylor , of Huddersfield , desire to return their warmest thanks to those Governors and subscribers who
have so generously responded to their appeal on her behalf by recording their votes in her favour , so as to secure her election to the benefits of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls .
Bro . George . Newman , W . M . 192 , has removed his " City Auction and Estate Agency " offices from 26 , Great Winchester-street , to 51 , London Wall .
A Convent General of the United Religious and Military Orders of the Temple and of St . J ohn of Jerusalem , Palestine , Rhodes and Malta , will be held at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannonstreet , on Friday next , the 29 th inst ., at 4 o ' clock .
The " Bombay Gazette " ofthe 24 th ulc . says that the Prince of Wales will , during his stay in Bombay , present colours to the 21 st Native Infantry , better known as the Marine Battalion , the oldest corps on the Bombay establishment
having been raised a century ago . Madras is prepared to spend ^ 1000 in li re-works to celebrate the arrival of the Prince . The young Gaekwar of Baroda will present his Royal Highness with a magnificent silver tea service , exhibiting in high relief the character of the
Masonic And General Tidings.
Hindoo Pantheon . The work is to be executed by Trichinopoly and Tanjore silver smiths , under the superintendence of a European silver smiths ' firm of Madras . The Duke of Buckingham and Chandos
accompanied b y his three daughters , Lady Anna Gore Langton , and suite , left Gravesend in Messrs . Green ' s steamship Sultan , to take up his new position as Governor of Madras . His Grace will officiall y receive the Prince of Wales at Madras on the 6 th December .
COLONIAL AND FOREIGN SUBSCRIBERS are informed that acknowledgments of remittances re ceived will in future be published in the first number of every month . NOTICE . —It is very necessary for our friends to advise us of all money orders they remit , more especially those from thc United States of America and India ; otherwise we cannot tell where to credit them .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
Lodge of Benevolence met on Wednesday evening at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . P ., S . V . P ., in thc President ' s chair ; Bio . James Brett , P . G . P ., J . V . P ., in the S . W . chair ; and Bro . E . P . Albert , A . G . P ., in the J . W . chair . There were also present Bros . S . Rawson , P . G . M
China ; John Savage , P . G . D . ; Wm . Smith , P . G . S . Samuel May , P . G . S . ; T . J . Sabine , P . G . S . B . Middlesex-C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P . ; H . Bartlett , II . Garrod , W . Stephen . ? , W . Mann , W . C . Parsons , C . Moody , F . Binckes , P . G . S . ; Charles Lacey , Reed , Bingemann , Hunt , Marsh , Herbert Dicketts , P . G . S . ; Benj . Head , P . G . D . ; Moore ,
Dilley , Lewin , G . Brown , Thirkle , Fry , W . Steward , Tomkins , Wood , Cobham , Baldwin , Austin , Vockins , Keags , Thompson , Wise , W . T . Howe , H . M . Levy , John Hervey , G . S . ; 11 . G . Buss , A . A . Pendlebury , and many others . Grants made at the previous meeting were confirmed , and the new cases were relieved with a total sum of £ 555 .
Grand Lodge Of Quebec.
The annual communication was held in the City of Montreal , on the 22 nd and 23 rd September . There was a large attendance of oflicers of Grand Lodge and delegates from private lodges from all parts of the province . The new regalia for the G . L . Officers , manufactured by Bro . George Kenning , of London , England , was much admired .
OFFICEIIS or G . L . OF QUEBEC . —1875-76 . M . W . Bro . John II . Graham , L . L . D ., Richmond , * * Grand Master . R . W . Bro . James O . Halloran , Q ; C , Swcetsburgh , D . G . M . R . W . Bro . Samuel Johnston , Esq ., Montreal , G . S . W .
R . W . Bro . Cornelius Judge , Esq ., G . J . W . R . W . Bro ; 11 . M . Alexander , Esq ., Montreal , G . Treas . R . W . Bro . H . R . Nye , M . A ., Iron Hill , G . Chaplain . R . W . Bro . S . R . Whitman , St . Armand ' s , G . Registrar . R . W . Rro . J . II . Isaacson , N . P ., Montreal , G . Sec . [ The address of the Grand Master will be given next week . ]
Rosicrucian Society.
Thc usual October meeting of the above society was held at the Royal Masonic Hall 011 Thursday , the 14 th inst . Present—Bros . Dr . Woodman , Rev . W . B . Church , Thomas , Foulger , Hubbard , Marsh , Massa , Rosenthal , Kenning , and others . The minutes of the last meeting were readand confirmed . Some other routine work having been performed , the M . C . was then closed .
The Tottenham Masonic Hall.
The application made to the Middlesex magistrates by Mr . Poland , on behalf of Bro . Oddy , of the Seven Sisters ' Hotel , Page Green , Tottenham , for a music licence to that establishment was unanimously granted . The memorial in support of the application was signed by the Vicar of
Tottenham , the senior churchwarden , one or more of the overseers , and a large number of Bro . Oddy ' s immediate neighbours . The case was also recommended by the local magistrates , and there was no opposition of any kind . The primary object of Bro . Oddy in seeking the licence was to enable Masonic and other influential bodies to give
occasional concerts and miscellaneous entertainments , in which music would fcrm a chief feature , the splendid hall , which he has just erected at his own cost , being peculiarly adapted for such purposes . Few nei ghbourhoods possess such a fine room ; and for Masonic business it may be said to stand unrivalled in the suburbs of London . The acoustic
properties are perfect ; and the ventilation—so important where large assemblies take place—is arranged on the most approved principles . It will comfortably seat nearly 250 persons . The decorations are now complete ; and the artistic manner in which the painting , & c , has been carried through speaks much for Bro . Oddy ' s taste . The work ,
from first to last , was done from his own designs anil under his personal superintendence ; and the result is highly satisfactory . Brilliantly lighted and decorated with choice flowers as the noble apartment has been of late , it presents an appearance of which the visitors felt justly proud ; and when better known , there can be no doubt that thc hall will be largely patronised .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
In , Brazil , notwithstanding recent struggles , Freemasonry is progressing . Up to last March there were in thai conntry 16 9 Symbolical Lodges , of which 1 , 39 follow the Rite Ecossais , 16 the
French Kite , 10 the Kite Adonhiramite , 1 the Rite Schroeder , 1 the Rite of York , and 2 the Kite of Adoption . There are also 121 High Grade Chapters .
In the Argentine Confederation , the elections for 3 years , from 187 *; to 1878 , have terminated in the election of Bro . Ch . Urien as Grand Master ; Bros . Victory , Suarej ' , S . Boado , J . Miguens , F . Egusquizh , and Carbalado are elected Councillors ; and Bro . Lima , G . S .
A lelegram dated Milan , Tuesday night , says , "The Emperor has visited thc Scala to-night , and the house presented a very brilliant sight . His Majesty came forward four times , and each
time the applause was enthusiastic . He looked thoroughly delig hted with his reception . He has expressed his satisfaction with the review . A large number of Freemasons have arrived to greet the Prussian Grand Master . "
The " City of Westminster Lodge , No . 1 JJ 63 , will be consecrated on Friday next , the 29 th inst ., at the Regent Masonic Hall , Regentstreet , VV ., by Bro . R . Wentworth Little , Prov .
G . S . W . Middlesex , at 3 30 p . m . The officers for appointment are , Bro . B . H . Swallow , P . M . 383 , i ' rov . G . S . Middlesex , W . M . ; Bro . the Kev . P . M . Holden , P . G . C . Middlesex , S . W . j Bro . E . White , 177 , 130 *; , j . W .
The Fifteen Sections will be worked in the Star Lodge of Instruction , at the Marquis of Granby , Nea * Cross Road , on Saturday the 30 th October next , when Bro . T . H . Pulsford , P . M . 1158 , will preside . Lodge opened at 6 . 30 precisely .
The Fifteen Sections will be worked by the Members of the Salisbury Lodge of Instruction , it 2 , Westminster Chambers , Victo ria-street , S . W ., on Tuesday , November 2 nd , at 7 o ' clock .
Thc Fifteen Sections will be worked in the Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 , on Tuesday , the 26 th inst . Held at Bro . Allen ' s , " Royal Edward , " Triangle , Hackney . Bro . Marx-Gross in the chair .
The Archbishop of Canterbury has received a reply to the address presented to the Prince of Wales by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts . His Royal Highness , through General Knollys , expresses his
admiration for the missionaries , and assures the Archbishop that there will be no omission of any opportunity that may present itself during his visit to India to give encouragement to those earnest men .
On Thursday , Oct . 14 , Bro . Hadley , the Alderman-elect of Castle Baynard , entertained a large number of his friends and supporters at dinner , at the London Tavern . Following as it did im r mediately upon the declaration as to the result
of the scrutiny , the gathering was naturally of a very hearty and enlivening character , the main business of the evening being the rendering of thanks on the one hand , and of congratulations on the other . Even the room in which the
dinner was held presented a more than ordinarily attractive appearance , the London Tavern having been recently painted and redecorated , the effect being most satisfactory . The chair was , of course , occupied by Bro . Hadley , who was supported on
either hand by Mr . Stafford Northcote and Dr . Hardy , the list of guests also including the names of Major Wielaud , Mr . Blakesley , C . C . ; Bro . J . Gale , C . C , Mr . P . McKinlay , C . C , Mr . Joseph
Newbon , Mr . Stafford Northcote , jun ., Mr . John Hudson , Mr . C . Walton , Mr . W . S . Oram , Bro . Dosell , and others , the party numbering about one hundred and fifty .
The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire took place on Wednesday in the Cutlers' Hall , Sheffield . A report of the proceedings will appear in our next .
Masonic And General Tidings.
Bro . Robert Canton will preside at the autumn dinner of the Past Officers' Club , to be held at the Raglan Hotel on Friday , 29 th inst . CHRIST ' HOSPITAL . —Thc- annual dinner , on
the birthday of King Edward VI ., will be held at thc London Tavern , on Monday , the 25 th inst . Bro . J . D . Allcroft , treasurer of Christ ' s Hospital , will preside .
LORINERS COMPANY . —On the invitation of Bro . Alderman and Sheriff Knight , the Master , Wardens , and Court of Asssistants will accompany him in the civic procession to Westminster on the 9 th of November next .
A very fine jack , weighing i 7 lbs ., was caught on Saturday last . at the Rye House Fishery ( Bro . Teale ' s * ) . THE BALAKLAVA BANQUET . —The following railway companies have consentod to grant free
passes to any of the survivors of the Balaklava charge proceeding to London on Monday next who are unable to defray their own expenses : —The Great Northern , tlie London and Northwestern , the Great Western , the London and
South-Western , and the London , Brighton , and South Coast . Nearl y £ i $ o has already been subscribed towards the banquet fund . Sir Roger Palmer will be prevented from being present by his duties as High Sheriff of Dublin . Lord
George Paget , the senior surviving officer , will attend the dinner , and it is hoped that he will take the chair on the occasion . It has been decided to invite to the banquet Miss Elizabeth Thompson , the well-known painter of battle
scenes . Ihe Great Northern Railway Company have kindly offered to convey all those invited to the banquet on Monday , 25 th inst ., at the Alexandra Palace . The " Daily Telegraph" of
Tuesday last acknowledged the receipt of ^ i 5 s . from the members of the Macdonald Lodge of Mark Masters , No . 104 , sent in aid of the " Balaklava Banquet . "
PRINCE LEOPOLD AND THE FREEDOM OI * THE CITY . —The City Lands Committee are making arrangements for the forthcoming presentation to H . R . H . Prince Leopold ofthe freedom of the City , to which he is entitled by
patrimony . Upwards of 700 invitations have been issued for the dejeuner to the members of the Corporation , the masters of the principal City companies , the leading merchants and bankers , chairmen of some of the" public companies , and other persons of distinction .
Bro . Sir John Bennett made a good fight for thu vacant gown of Alderman for the Cordwainer Ward . He was , however , beaten by Mr . Nottage . Sir John bore his defeat with unfailing good temper .
The mother and friends of Lucy Maria Taylor , of Huddersfield , desire to return their warmest thanks to those Governors and subscribers who
have so generously responded to their appeal on her behalf by recording their votes in her favour , so as to secure her election to the benefits of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls .
Bro . George . Newman , W . M . 192 , has removed his " City Auction and Estate Agency " offices from 26 , Great Winchester-street , to 51 , London Wall .
A Convent General of the United Religious and Military Orders of the Temple and of St . J ohn of Jerusalem , Palestine , Rhodes and Malta , will be held at the City Terminus Hotel , Cannonstreet , on Friday next , the 29 th inst ., at 4 o ' clock .
The " Bombay Gazette " ofthe 24 th ulc . says that the Prince of Wales will , during his stay in Bombay , present colours to the 21 st Native Infantry , better known as the Marine Battalion , the oldest corps on the Bombay establishment
having been raised a century ago . Madras is prepared to spend ^ 1000 in li re-works to celebrate the arrival of the Prince . The young Gaekwar of Baroda will present his Royal Highness with a magnificent silver tea service , exhibiting in high relief the character of the
Masonic And General Tidings.
Hindoo Pantheon . The work is to be executed by Trichinopoly and Tanjore silver smiths , under the superintendence of a European silver smiths ' firm of Madras . The Duke of Buckingham and Chandos
accompanied b y his three daughters , Lady Anna Gore Langton , and suite , left Gravesend in Messrs . Green ' s steamship Sultan , to take up his new position as Governor of Madras . His Grace will officiall y receive the Prince of Wales at Madras on the 6 th December .
COLONIAL AND FOREIGN SUBSCRIBERS are informed that acknowledgments of remittances re ceived will in future be published in the first number of every month . NOTICE . —It is very necessary for our friends to advise us of all money orders they remit , more especially those from thc United States of America and India ; otherwise we cannot tell where to credit them .
Lodge Of Benevolence.
Lodge of Benevolence met on Wednesday evening at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . P ., S . V . P ., in thc President ' s chair ; Bio . James Brett , P . G . P ., J . V . P ., in the S . W . chair ; and Bro . E . P . Albert , A . G . P ., in the J . W . chair . There were also present Bros . S . Rawson , P . G . M
China ; John Savage , P . G . D . ; Wm . Smith , P . G . S . Samuel May , P . G . S . ; T . J . Sabine , P . G . S . B . Middlesex-C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P . ; H . Bartlett , II . Garrod , W . Stephen . ? , W . Mann , W . C . Parsons , C . Moody , F . Binckes , P . G . S . ; Charles Lacey , Reed , Bingemann , Hunt , Marsh , Herbert Dicketts , P . G . S . ; Benj . Head , P . G . D . ; Moore ,
Dilley , Lewin , G . Brown , Thirkle , Fry , W . Steward , Tomkins , Wood , Cobham , Baldwin , Austin , Vockins , Keags , Thompson , Wise , W . T . Howe , H . M . Levy , John Hervey , G . S . ; 11 . G . Buss , A . A . Pendlebury , and many others . Grants made at the previous meeting were confirmed , and the new cases were relieved with a total sum of £ 555 .
Grand Lodge Of Quebec.
The annual communication was held in the City of Montreal , on the 22 nd and 23 rd September . There was a large attendance of oflicers of Grand Lodge and delegates from private lodges from all parts of the province . The new regalia for the G . L . Officers , manufactured by Bro . George Kenning , of London , England , was much admired .
OFFICEIIS or G . L . OF QUEBEC . —1875-76 . M . W . Bro . John II . Graham , L . L . D ., Richmond , * * Grand Master . R . W . Bro . James O . Halloran , Q ; C , Swcetsburgh , D . G . M . R . W . Bro . Samuel Johnston , Esq ., Montreal , G . S . W .
R . W . Bro . Cornelius Judge , Esq ., G . J . W . R . W . Bro ; 11 . M . Alexander , Esq ., Montreal , G . Treas . R . W . Bro . H . R . Nye , M . A ., Iron Hill , G . Chaplain . R . W . Bro . S . R . Whitman , St . Armand ' s , G . Registrar . R . W . Rro . J . II . Isaacson , N . P ., Montreal , G . Sec . [ The address of the Grand Master will be given next week . ]
Rosicrucian Society.
Thc usual October meeting of the above society was held at the Royal Masonic Hall 011 Thursday , the 14 th inst . Present—Bros . Dr . Woodman , Rev . W . B . Church , Thomas , Foulger , Hubbard , Marsh , Massa , Rosenthal , Kenning , and others . The minutes of the last meeting were readand confirmed . Some other routine work having been performed , the M . C . was then closed .
The Tottenham Masonic Hall.
The application made to the Middlesex magistrates by Mr . Poland , on behalf of Bro . Oddy , of the Seven Sisters ' Hotel , Page Green , Tottenham , for a music licence to that establishment was unanimously granted . The memorial in support of the application was signed by the Vicar of
Tottenham , the senior churchwarden , one or more of the overseers , and a large number of Bro . Oddy ' s immediate neighbours . The case was also recommended by the local magistrates , and there was no opposition of any kind . The primary object of Bro . Oddy in seeking the licence was to enable Masonic and other influential bodies to give
occasional concerts and miscellaneous entertainments , in which music would fcrm a chief feature , the splendid hall , which he has just erected at his own cost , being peculiarly adapted for such purposes . Few nei ghbourhoods possess such a fine room ; and for Masonic business it may be said to stand unrivalled in the suburbs of London . The acoustic
properties are perfect ; and the ventilation—so important where large assemblies take place—is arranged on the most approved principles . It will comfortably seat nearly 250 persons . The decorations are now complete ; and the artistic manner in which the painting , & c , has been carried through speaks much for Bro . Oddy ' s taste . The work ,
from first to last , was done from his own designs anil under his personal superintendence ; and the result is highly satisfactory . Brilliantly lighted and decorated with choice flowers as the noble apartment has been of late , it presents an appearance of which the visitors felt justly proud ; and when better known , there can be no doubt that thc hall will be largely patronised .