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. w ; th a fair attendance . Bro . J . W . Burns , R . W . M ., , nS "' ; c ( j the chair and opened thc lodge , when the mi-° tcs of last regular meeting were read and approved of . T-ipre were present on this occasion Bros . James Booth , lyr . Wm . Wilson , J . W . ; A . McPhee , Sec . ; Paton , Treas !; Stuart , S . D . ; McLachlan , J . D . ; Barr , I . G . ; Sinclair , Tyler ; the R . W . M . being most ably supported esteemed Past Masters John Miller and
tlie two , Bros . Tohn Fraser . The business before the evening was the ' issino * of three E . A . 's to thc degree of Fellow Craft , Bros , n Nicoll and J . L . Barr being for Lodge Commercial , No *? 6 o , they being about to leave this country for Monte Video . The ceremony of passing was performed in a most efficient manner by Bro . J . M . Olliver , S . W ., Lodge Commercial , No . 360 . This being the first time of Bro .
Olliver working this degree , it reflects great credit upon him , and shows the great zeal he must have for the Order , At the conclusion of the ceremony a vote of thanks was nroposedto Bro . Olliver , which was received with acclamation . The lodge was then closed . EDINBURGH . —LODGE ST . J AMES ( No . 97 ) . —The opening meeting of this lodge for the season was held in
their hall , Writers -court , No . 317 , High-street , Edinburgh , on Thursday , the 14 th inst ., with a most sumptuous banquet , Bro . Robert Gordon , R . W . M ., in thc chair . Among those present , members of the lodge , were Bros . J . R . Turnbull , P . M . ; Samuel Aitken , D . M . ; H . McPherson , J . W . ; \ Vm . Hannah , Treas . ; Thos . Millar , Sec . ; Jas . Fowler , Chaplain ; J . Wilson , B . B . ; B . Napier , Bard ; Wm . Bell ,
Steward ; John Anderson , S . B . ; Wm . Martin , I . G *; J . Newbigging , Tyler ; J . C . Tod , G . M . ; J . Melville and J . Turner , the respected Past Masters of Ihe lodge . There was a good attendance of visitors on this occasion , and deputations from Lodge Journeyman , No . 8 , headed by P . M . Hendric , and Lodge St . Stephen , headed by their R . W . M . and Bro . R . C . Brown , P . M . After the dinner ,
which had been most tastefully and plentifully seivcd , the R . W . M ., in proposing the first toast , that of " Her Majesty , " said it was one that was always well received by all classes of her subjects , more especially Freemasons , and he hoped she might be long spared to reign over them . The next toast was that of " The Prince of Wales , Grand Master Mason of England . " He alluded to his departure for India ,
and wished him God speed and a safe return . Other toasts followed in quick succession . There were some excellent songs from several of thc brethren , which contributed very much to the general enjoyment of thc evening , which was spent in a most harmonious manner . GLASGOW . —LODGE ST . MARK ( No . 102 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held within their hall in
Buchananstreet , on Monday nth . inst . The R . W . M ., Bro . James F . Mitchell , presided , the office-bearers present being Bros . D . H . Miller and Thomas Halkett , Past Masters ; A . C . Lindsay Gray , D . M . ; William Nicholson , S . M . ; Thomas Kerr , S . W . j A . C . Paterson , Treas . ; John Smith , Sec . -, Hugh M'Millan , J . D . ; and Seth Dory , S . Steward . There was a good attendance of visiting brethren , among whom
were Bros . Dugald Butler , R . W . M . Lodge 27 , St . Mungo ; R . M . Yuill , R . W . M . Lodge 275 , Shamrock and Thistle ; Charles Scobie and E . Arthur , Mother Kilwinning ; David Home , J . W . 3 J- ; J . Stewart , 360 , & c . The lodge having been duly [ opened , the Chairman read applications for admission to the Order and to that lodge from three candidates , and the ballot was taken as regarded each seriatim .
It being found clear in each case , the candidates having been prepared , were brought in and received the First Degree at the hands of the R . W . M . On the conclusion of the initiation , the compliment of honorary affiliation to the lodge was bestowed upon Bros . Dugald Butler , of Lodge St . Mungo ( 27 ) , and John Stewart , Lodge Commercial ( 360 ) . Thereafter , the Chairman said he had a little piece
of information to give with regard to their property in the lodge building , as to which he had spoken somewhat in detail at last meeting . It was that the matter had now entered upon an epistolary phase , and it had gone so far that the lodge committee had simply had it referred to their law agents , and asked the latter to have a meeting with the trustees . The lodge was then raised to the
Fellow Craft Degree , when two brethren were passed to that degree by the R . W . M ., and subsequently to thc Sublime Degree of Master Mason , to which two were raised at the hands of Brother Halkett , P . M . This concluded the business , and thc lodge was duly closed . OBAN . —LODGE COMMERCIAL ( NO . 180 ) . —This lodge , which is at present in a healthy condition , celebrated its
annual excursion last week . About thirty of the brethren , with their wives and sweethearts , proceeded by thc steamer Mountaineer to Ballacuhlish , and from thence in conveyances to wild and weird Glencoe , which was seen in its most savage beauty , mountain torrents being visible on every side , rushing in milkwhite foam down the sides of the scarred and riven rocks ; and towering over all were the cloud-kissed
peaks of the " Lord Chancellor , " and the wondrous Cave of Ossian . Refreshments were obtained , both going and returning from the glen , at Bro . P . Macculloch's tidy inn at Clachai g ; and on reaching the steamer again a sumptuous repast was partaken of , served up in Bro . Cameron ' s superior style . On reaching Fort William , a landing was made fci a short time , and in the evening all returned to Oban , well
satisfied with the day ' s proceedings . Dancing was indulged 1 , 1 during the trip to the music of bagpipes and violin alternatel y , and mirth , melody , and Masonic geniality abounded , the esteemed R . W . M ., Bro . John Livingston , doing all in nis power to promote the enjoyment of the brethren and their lad y friends . A movement , promoted by recent
remarks in the " Freemason , " is now being made to raise 'be fees of the lodge . GLASGOW . —LODGE STAR ( NO . 219 ) . —The regular joitr . ightl y meeting of this lodge was held in their Hall , ° * ' * s > . Trongate , Glasgow , on Monday , the nth inst ., and was very fully attended . Bro . John Morgan , R . W . M ., Presided , supported by the following officers : —Bros . Jas .
Horn , J . W ., acting S . W . ; G . Miller , acting J . W . ; Bro . Jasper Martin , D . M . ; Smart , Treas . ; Crawford , Sec , and others . Among thc visitors were Bros . J . Burns ., R . W M . Lodge Thistle , 87 ; Wm . Phillips , R . W . M . Lodge Clydesdale , 55 6 ; Muir , D . M . 103 ; J . B . McNaught , S . W . 53 6 ; Weir , J . W . 55 6 ; McLeod , P . M . Shettleston St , John's , ' and a deputation from Lodge 347 , Rutherglen .
headed by the R . W . M ., Bro . Ferguson . 1 he lodge was opened , and thc minutes read and confirmed . Mr . John Brand was then admitted to the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry in thc First Degree , thc ritual being most ably rendered by Bro . Wm . Phillips , R . W . M . Lodge Clydesdale , 55 6 . At the conclusion of thc ordinary business the lodge was called from labour to refreshment ,
when thc usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and heartily responded to . Several brethren contributed to the harmony of the evening with some excellent songs , to the general enjoyment of all present , the last toast bringing the evening to a close . GLASGOW . —LODGE CALEDONIAN RAILWAY ( NO . 354 ) . —The regular fortnightly meeting of this lodge was held in
the Masonic Hall , 30 , Hope-street , Bro . J . Shaw , R . W . M ., in the chair , and the other officers in their respective places . On the lodge being opened , Bro . W . R . Dunn , Secretary , read the minutes of last regular meeting and special meeting , which were approved of . Bro . Angus Drummond then received the degree of Fellow Craft , Bro . D . Reid , R . W . M . of St . Andrew ' s Lodge , 4 65 , officiating . In the
course of the meeting Bro . Shaw , R . W . M ., passed a most handsome *^ I . M . jewel and illuminated address round to the brethren for their inspection , which had been voted by the lodge for presentation to Bro . Carmichael , their late Treasurer , who had left Scotland for New Zealand , and Bro . Stafford , late Senior Warden , who was residing in Carlisle . The brethren were highly pleased with both ,
which will be forwarded to the above-named brethren at the earliest convenience . There being no further business , the lodge closed , and the brethren adjourned to an adjoining room , and spent a short time in harmony . GLASGOW . —LODGE COMMERCIAL ( No . 3 60 ) . —A special meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , 30 , Hopestreet , Glasgow , on Friday , the Sth inst ., for the
nomination of officers for the ensuing year , and conferring the degree of Master Mason upon the following , brethren who were about to leave Scotland for abroad in a few days , viz ., Messrs . D . Nicoll , J . Lyle Barr , and Robert Wilson . Bro . Monro officiated in his usual impressive manner . Considering it was a wet night their was a good attendance on this occasion . Bro . J . M . Olliver occupied his position
as S . W ., and Bro . T . Graham , Junior Warden ; there were also present Bros . D . Lamb , D . M . ; W . Finlay , Treas ; Wm . H . Bickerton , Sec . -, and other officers in their rerespective places . Among the visiting brethren was Bro . Wm . Ferguson , R . W . M . Lodge No . 543 , St . John's , Dalmuir . The following were nominated for office-bearers for the ensuing year : —Bros . John Monro , R . W . M . ;
D . Lamb , D . M .-, W . Finlay , S . M . ; J . M . Olliver , S . W . ; T . Graham , J . W . ; G . Scott , Treas . ; James Coupar , Sec ; Wm . Keiller , S . D . ; D . Reid , J . D . ; W . H . Bickerton , Jeweller ; James McCosh , Dir . of Cers . ; R . Brodie , D . of M . * , A . Sloan , B . B ., and James Minnoch , Tyler , the offices of President of Stewards , Chaplain , and Inner Guard being held over .
GLASGOW . —LODGE COMMERCIAL ( No . 360 ) . —A special meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , 30 , Hope-street , Glasgow , on Tuesday , the 12 th inst . ; Bro . Lamb , D . M ., in the unavoidable absence of Bro . Monro , R . W . M ., presided . Among those present were Bros . J . M . Olliver , S . W . ; Bickerton , Secretary , who acted as J . W . ;
Wm . Finley , Treas . ; Wm . Keiller , I . G . ; R . Brodie ; 3 60 ; R . Wilson , 3 60 ; R . Reid , 360 ; J . Nelson , 3 60 ; J . Johnson , 3 I , and others . The business of the evening was the raising of Bro . Wm . Thomson to the Sublime Degree of M . M ., the ceremony being most ably performed by Bro . D . Lamb , D . M . The lodge was then closed .
GLASGOW . —LODGE GOVANDALE ( NO . 437 ) . —The eleventh anniversary of this most prosperous lodge , was celebrated on Tuesday , the 28 th ult ., with great success . A large number of the members of the lodge and visiting brethren left the lodge room , Portland Buildings , about 6 p . m . and marched in procession through the burgh , headed by tbe Govan instrumental band , returning to
the Lome Hall , where the brethren , with their wives and sweethearts , about 140 in all , sat down and partook of an excellent dinner , Bro . John McFariane , R . W . M ., presiding , Bro . A . Campbell , P . M ., officiating as Croupier . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were then given . "The Queen and the Craft , " "His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , Grand Master Mason of England , "
" The Three Grand Lodges , " and " The Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow , " by the Chairman , Bro . McFariane . In proposing the toast of the Queen , and the Prince of Wales , Bro . McFarlans , in a _ most neat and appropriate speech , pointed out th « many good qualities of Her Majesty , and her appreciation and close relationship with the Order of Freemasonry , also the position of His Royal Highness
the Prince of Wales as Grand Master of England . Bro . McFariane said , respecting the toast of the Three Grand Lodges , he had much pleasure in coupling that toast with the name of Bro . Bickerton , of the "Freemason . " Bro , Bickerton , in replying , thanked the chairman for his kindnrssin coupling his name with this toast , and in thc course of his remarks pointed out the great amount of money that had been given for charitable purposes towards helping
decayed Freemasons , their widows and orphans , in England and Ireland , also of their institutions for the support of the same , and he hoped that the day was not far distant when the Scottish brethren would have their institutions , for the same noble purpose . They had a most worthy brother , the Provincial Grand Master of Wigton and Kirkcudbright , doing all he possibly could , and he hoped one and all would . put their shoulder to the wheel and make
Bro . Harriott ' s scheme a success . The toast of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow was replied to by Bro . Carrick in a most able manner . The toast of the evening was then given , " Prosperity to Lodge Govandale , " by Bro . Don in most genial terms , and duly responded to by the chairman , who , in so doing , was glad at being able to state that thc lodge was never in a more prosperous
condition than at the present . Their meetings were characterised by good attendance , good order , and good conduct , in fact , they were blessed with perfect peace . Several other toasts followed . Between thc toasts the company was enlivened with some most excellent and humorous songs by Bros . McCall , Sutherland , and others . On the conclusion of the proceedings within thc Lome Hall , an adjournment
was made to the lodge room , Portland Buildings , where dancing was commenced , and continued for some time . Altogether the anniversary was a great success , every one spending a most enjoyable and pleasant evening . GLASGOW . —LODGE CLYDESDALE ( NO . 556 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held in their hall ' , 106 , Rose-street South , Glasgow , on Monday , 4 th inst ., Bro .
Wm . Phillips , R . W . M ., presiding ; Bros . J . B . McNaught , S . W . ; John Howie , J . W . There were also present Bro . Dr . Russell , D . M ., and others . Among the visitors we noticed Bros . John Morgan , R . W . M . 219 ; Wm . Ferguson , R . W . M . St . John ' s Operative , 347 , Rutherglen . There was a fair attendance on this occasion . 'I he business before the meeting was the initiation of Mr . J . McDermott ;
passing Bros . J . Ferguson , A . Malcolm , and J . Haggart to the Fellow Craft Degree ; and raising Bros . J . Haggart , J . Ferguson , and T . Henderson to thc Sublime Degree of Master Mason , the ceremonies being performed by Bro . Wm . Phillips , R . W . M . of the lodge , in the E . A . and M . M . Degrees , and Bro . John Morgan , R . W . M . Star Lodge , 219 .
The whole of the degrees were worked in a most able manner . Bro . Phillips read the applications for admission into the Order of Freemasonry ( with the names of their proposers and seconders ) from two gentlemen , who will be brought forward at next regular meeting , and if no objection be offered will then receive the E . A . Degree . The lodge
was then closed . GLASGOW . —CALEDONIAN or UNITY CIIAI ' ( NO . 73 ) . —The annual election and installation of office-bearers in this chapter took place on Tuesday , 28 th ult ., within the Masonic Hall , at No . 170 , Buchanan-street . A Mark Lodge was opened by Bro . G . W . Wheeler , assisted by Bros . George M'Donald and David Gilchrist , acting Senior
and Junior Wardens , respectively . The minutes of last meeting having been read and passed , an application for admission to that degree was read from Bro . David Andrew , M . M . St . John , 3 _ ; and there being no objections he received the same at the hands of Bro . Wheeler . The Mark Lodge was then closed , and thc Royal Arch Chapter opened , when the following office-bearers for thc ensuing
year were declared duly elected , and thereafter installed into office by Comp . J . Crabb , P . Z ., 50 : —G . W . Wheeler , Principal Z . ; John Stewart , Principal H . ; John Kinnaird , Principal J . ; James Balfour , Scribe E ; Edward Arthur , Scribe N . ; John Bannerman , Treas . ; Wm . M'Gregor , First Sojourner ; John Gilles , Second Sojourner ; Thomas Yuille , Third Sojourner ; J . F .
Hanbridge , First Captain ; Thomas Renton , Second Captain ; Alexander Penman , Third Captain ; William Jamieson , Janitor . The chapter was then closed , and a pleasant hour was spent in refreshment . CALTON . — CHAPTER CATHEDRAL ( No . 67 ) . — An emergency meeting of this chapter was held in the Masonic Hall , 22 , Struthers-street , Calton , on Tuesday , the 5 th
instant . Present : —Comps . Duthie , M . E . Z ., 7 * 5 ; G . Pridie , H . ; G . W . Wheeler , Z . 73 ; James Goldie , P . Z . 67 ; Wood , Treas . ; James Dickie , Third Soj ., and others . A Mark Lodge was opened by Bros . Duthie , R . W . M . j G . Pridie , S . W . ; J . Wood , J . W . Applications were read from Bro . J . Dove , Lodge St . Mungo , No . 27 , and from Bro . McDonald , Lodge Commercial , No . 360 . There being
no objection offered , the aforesaid Master Masons entered and received the Mark Degree , and retired . The lodge was then closed , and opened in Excellent Degree , Bro . J . Duthie presiding ; Bros . Pridie , S . W . ; G . W . Whe « ler , J . W . Bros . Dove and McDonald received this degree and retired . A chapter was then formed , Comps . J . Duthie , Z . ; G . Pridie , H ; G . W . Wheeler , J . ; J . Goldie , Scribe
E . ; G . Mason , Scribe N . ; Wood , Treasurer , with other officers . Bros . McDonald and Dove then entered and received the R . A . Degree , Comp . James Duthie , Z ., officiating in his usual efficient manner . There being no further business the chapter was closed in due form by the three Principals . GLASGOW . —CHAPTER PARTICK ( NO . 113 ) . —The meeting of this chapter took place in their lodge room ,
Dumbarton Road , Glasgow , on Tuesday , the jth inst ., for the election and installation of their office-bearers for the ensuing year , when the following companions were duly elected and installed , viz ., Comps . Thomas Hackett , Principal , Z . ; G . Ward , H . ; A . Brunton , J . j W . White , Scribe E . ; W . Barr , Scribe N . ; J . White , Chancellor ; D . Stevenson , Treas . ; J . Tomlinson , First Sojourner ; J . Bain , Second Sojourner ; W . Boag , Third Sojourner . The chapter was then closed in due form .
MOTHERWELL . —Tuesday , the 5 th inst ., was observed by the inhabitants of this town , as an half-holiday on the occasion of the visit of Her Royal Highness the Princess Christian to Dalzell House . Thc shops were closed and business generally suspended . At 5 p . m . the Masonic body marshalled into the Masonic Hall , and
subsequently lined both sides of Merry-street from the arch towards the church , under the supervision of Bro . King , R . W . M ., and included representatives from the following lodges : —St . John ' s Dalziel , 406 ; Hamilton Kilwinning , 7 ; Hamilton 233 ; St . Mary ' s , Coltness , 3 i ; St . Clair , 4 * 27 ; St . John ' s , Woodhall , 30 ^ , and Livingstone , St . Andrew's , Motherwell .
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. w ; th a fair attendance . Bro . J . W . Burns , R . W . M ., , nS "' ; c ( j the chair and opened thc lodge , when the mi-° tcs of last regular meeting were read and approved of . T-ipre were present on this occasion Bros . James Booth , lyr . Wm . Wilson , J . W . ; A . McPhee , Sec . ; Paton , Treas !; Stuart , S . D . ; McLachlan , J . D . ; Barr , I . G . ; Sinclair , Tyler ; the R . W . M . being most ably supported esteemed Past Masters John Miller and
tlie two , Bros . Tohn Fraser . The business before the evening was the ' issino * of three E . A . 's to thc degree of Fellow Craft , Bros , n Nicoll and J . L . Barr being for Lodge Commercial , No *? 6 o , they being about to leave this country for Monte Video . The ceremony of passing was performed in a most efficient manner by Bro . J . M . Olliver , S . W ., Lodge Commercial , No . 360 . This being the first time of Bro .
Olliver working this degree , it reflects great credit upon him , and shows the great zeal he must have for the Order , At the conclusion of the ceremony a vote of thanks was nroposedto Bro . Olliver , which was received with acclamation . The lodge was then closed . EDINBURGH . —LODGE ST . J AMES ( No . 97 ) . —The opening meeting of this lodge for the season was held in
their hall , Writers -court , No . 317 , High-street , Edinburgh , on Thursday , the 14 th inst ., with a most sumptuous banquet , Bro . Robert Gordon , R . W . M ., in thc chair . Among those present , members of the lodge , were Bros . J . R . Turnbull , P . M . ; Samuel Aitken , D . M . ; H . McPherson , J . W . ; \ Vm . Hannah , Treas . ; Thos . Millar , Sec . ; Jas . Fowler , Chaplain ; J . Wilson , B . B . ; B . Napier , Bard ; Wm . Bell ,
Steward ; John Anderson , S . B . ; Wm . Martin , I . G *; J . Newbigging , Tyler ; J . C . Tod , G . M . ; J . Melville and J . Turner , the respected Past Masters of Ihe lodge . There was a good attendance of visitors on this occasion , and deputations from Lodge Journeyman , No . 8 , headed by P . M . Hendric , and Lodge St . Stephen , headed by their R . W . M . and Bro . R . C . Brown , P . M . After the dinner ,
which had been most tastefully and plentifully seivcd , the R . W . M ., in proposing the first toast , that of " Her Majesty , " said it was one that was always well received by all classes of her subjects , more especially Freemasons , and he hoped she might be long spared to reign over them . The next toast was that of " The Prince of Wales , Grand Master Mason of England . " He alluded to his departure for India ,
and wished him God speed and a safe return . Other toasts followed in quick succession . There were some excellent songs from several of thc brethren , which contributed very much to the general enjoyment of thc evening , which was spent in a most harmonious manner . GLASGOW . —LODGE ST . MARK ( No . 102 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held within their hall in
Buchananstreet , on Monday nth . inst . The R . W . M ., Bro . James F . Mitchell , presided , the office-bearers present being Bros . D . H . Miller and Thomas Halkett , Past Masters ; A . C . Lindsay Gray , D . M . ; William Nicholson , S . M . ; Thomas Kerr , S . W . j A . C . Paterson , Treas . ; John Smith , Sec . -, Hugh M'Millan , J . D . ; and Seth Dory , S . Steward . There was a good attendance of visiting brethren , among whom
were Bros . Dugald Butler , R . W . M . Lodge 27 , St . Mungo ; R . M . Yuill , R . W . M . Lodge 275 , Shamrock and Thistle ; Charles Scobie and E . Arthur , Mother Kilwinning ; David Home , J . W . 3 J- ; J . Stewart , 360 , & c . The lodge having been duly [ opened , the Chairman read applications for admission to the Order and to that lodge from three candidates , and the ballot was taken as regarded each seriatim .
It being found clear in each case , the candidates having been prepared , were brought in and received the First Degree at the hands of the R . W . M . On the conclusion of the initiation , the compliment of honorary affiliation to the lodge was bestowed upon Bros . Dugald Butler , of Lodge St . Mungo ( 27 ) , and John Stewart , Lodge Commercial ( 360 ) . Thereafter , the Chairman said he had a little piece
of information to give with regard to their property in the lodge building , as to which he had spoken somewhat in detail at last meeting . It was that the matter had now entered upon an epistolary phase , and it had gone so far that the lodge committee had simply had it referred to their law agents , and asked the latter to have a meeting with the trustees . The lodge was then raised to the
Fellow Craft Degree , when two brethren were passed to that degree by the R . W . M ., and subsequently to thc Sublime Degree of Master Mason , to which two were raised at the hands of Brother Halkett , P . M . This concluded the business , and thc lodge was duly closed . OBAN . —LODGE COMMERCIAL ( NO . 180 ) . —This lodge , which is at present in a healthy condition , celebrated its
annual excursion last week . About thirty of the brethren , with their wives and sweethearts , proceeded by thc steamer Mountaineer to Ballacuhlish , and from thence in conveyances to wild and weird Glencoe , which was seen in its most savage beauty , mountain torrents being visible on every side , rushing in milkwhite foam down the sides of the scarred and riven rocks ; and towering over all were the cloud-kissed
peaks of the " Lord Chancellor , " and the wondrous Cave of Ossian . Refreshments were obtained , both going and returning from the glen , at Bro . P . Macculloch's tidy inn at Clachai g ; and on reaching the steamer again a sumptuous repast was partaken of , served up in Bro . Cameron ' s superior style . On reaching Fort William , a landing was made fci a short time , and in the evening all returned to Oban , well
satisfied with the day ' s proceedings . Dancing was indulged 1 , 1 during the trip to the music of bagpipes and violin alternatel y , and mirth , melody , and Masonic geniality abounded , the esteemed R . W . M ., Bro . John Livingston , doing all in nis power to promote the enjoyment of the brethren and their lad y friends . A movement , promoted by recent
remarks in the " Freemason , " is now being made to raise 'be fees of the lodge . GLASGOW . —LODGE STAR ( NO . 219 ) . —The regular joitr . ightl y meeting of this lodge was held in their Hall , ° * ' * s > . Trongate , Glasgow , on Monday , the nth inst ., and was very fully attended . Bro . John Morgan , R . W . M ., Presided , supported by the following officers : —Bros . Jas .
Horn , J . W ., acting S . W . ; G . Miller , acting J . W . ; Bro . Jasper Martin , D . M . ; Smart , Treas . ; Crawford , Sec , and others . Among thc visitors were Bros . J . Burns ., R . W M . Lodge Thistle , 87 ; Wm . Phillips , R . W . M . Lodge Clydesdale , 55 6 ; Muir , D . M . 103 ; J . B . McNaught , S . W . 53 6 ; Weir , J . W . 55 6 ; McLeod , P . M . Shettleston St , John's , ' and a deputation from Lodge 347 , Rutherglen .
headed by the R . W . M ., Bro . Ferguson . 1 he lodge was opened , and thc minutes read and confirmed . Mr . John Brand was then admitted to the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry in thc First Degree , thc ritual being most ably rendered by Bro . Wm . Phillips , R . W . M . Lodge Clydesdale , 55 6 . At the conclusion of thc ordinary business the lodge was called from labour to refreshment ,
when thc usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and heartily responded to . Several brethren contributed to the harmony of the evening with some excellent songs , to the general enjoyment of all present , the last toast bringing the evening to a close . GLASGOW . —LODGE CALEDONIAN RAILWAY ( NO . 354 ) . —The regular fortnightly meeting of this lodge was held in
the Masonic Hall , 30 , Hope-street , Bro . J . Shaw , R . W . M ., in the chair , and the other officers in their respective places . On the lodge being opened , Bro . W . R . Dunn , Secretary , read the minutes of last regular meeting and special meeting , which were approved of . Bro . Angus Drummond then received the degree of Fellow Craft , Bro . D . Reid , R . W . M . of St . Andrew ' s Lodge , 4 65 , officiating . In the
course of the meeting Bro . Shaw , R . W . M ., passed a most handsome *^ I . M . jewel and illuminated address round to the brethren for their inspection , which had been voted by the lodge for presentation to Bro . Carmichael , their late Treasurer , who had left Scotland for New Zealand , and Bro . Stafford , late Senior Warden , who was residing in Carlisle . The brethren were highly pleased with both ,
which will be forwarded to the above-named brethren at the earliest convenience . There being no further business , the lodge closed , and the brethren adjourned to an adjoining room , and spent a short time in harmony . GLASGOW . —LODGE COMMERCIAL ( No . 3 60 ) . —A special meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , 30 , Hopestreet , Glasgow , on Friday , the Sth inst ., for the
nomination of officers for the ensuing year , and conferring the degree of Master Mason upon the following , brethren who were about to leave Scotland for abroad in a few days , viz ., Messrs . D . Nicoll , J . Lyle Barr , and Robert Wilson . Bro . Monro officiated in his usual impressive manner . Considering it was a wet night their was a good attendance on this occasion . Bro . J . M . Olliver occupied his position
as S . W ., and Bro . T . Graham , Junior Warden ; there were also present Bros . D . Lamb , D . M . ; W . Finlay , Treas ; Wm . H . Bickerton , Sec . -, and other officers in their rerespective places . Among the visiting brethren was Bro . Wm . Ferguson , R . W . M . Lodge No . 543 , St . John's , Dalmuir . The following were nominated for office-bearers for the ensuing year : —Bros . John Monro , R . W . M . ;
D . Lamb , D . M .-, W . Finlay , S . M . ; J . M . Olliver , S . W . ; T . Graham , J . W . ; G . Scott , Treas . ; James Coupar , Sec ; Wm . Keiller , S . D . ; D . Reid , J . D . ; W . H . Bickerton , Jeweller ; James McCosh , Dir . of Cers . ; R . Brodie , D . of M . * , A . Sloan , B . B ., and James Minnoch , Tyler , the offices of President of Stewards , Chaplain , and Inner Guard being held over .
GLASGOW . —LODGE COMMERCIAL ( No . 360 ) . —A special meeting of this lodge was held in their hall , 30 , Hope-street , Glasgow , on Tuesday , the 12 th inst . ; Bro . Lamb , D . M ., in the unavoidable absence of Bro . Monro , R . W . M ., presided . Among those present were Bros . J . M . Olliver , S . W . ; Bickerton , Secretary , who acted as J . W . ;
Wm . Finley , Treas . ; Wm . Keiller , I . G . ; R . Brodie ; 3 60 ; R . Wilson , 3 60 ; R . Reid , 360 ; J . Nelson , 3 60 ; J . Johnson , 3 I , and others . The business of the evening was the raising of Bro . Wm . Thomson to the Sublime Degree of M . M ., the ceremony being most ably performed by Bro . D . Lamb , D . M . The lodge was then closed .
GLASGOW . —LODGE GOVANDALE ( NO . 437 ) . —The eleventh anniversary of this most prosperous lodge , was celebrated on Tuesday , the 28 th ult ., with great success . A large number of the members of the lodge and visiting brethren left the lodge room , Portland Buildings , about 6 p . m . and marched in procession through the burgh , headed by tbe Govan instrumental band , returning to
the Lome Hall , where the brethren , with their wives and sweethearts , about 140 in all , sat down and partook of an excellent dinner , Bro . John McFariane , R . W . M ., presiding , Bro . A . Campbell , P . M ., officiating as Croupier . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were then given . "The Queen and the Craft , " "His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , Grand Master Mason of England , "
" The Three Grand Lodges , " and " The Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow , " by the Chairman , Bro . McFariane . In proposing the toast of the Queen , and the Prince of Wales , Bro . McFarlans , in a _ most neat and appropriate speech , pointed out th « many good qualities of Her Majesty , and her appreciation and close relationship with the Order of Freemasonry , also the position of His Royal Highness
the Prince of Wales as Grand Master of England . Bro . McFariane said , respecting the toast of the Three Grand Lodges , he had much pleasure in coupling that toast with the name of Bro . Bickerton , of the "Freemason . " Bro , Bickerton , in replying , thanked the chairman for his kindnrssin coupling his name with this toast , and in thc course of his remarks pointed out the great amount of money that had been given for charitable purposes towards helping
decayed Freemasons , their widows and orphans , in England and Ireland , also of their institutions for the support of the same , and he hoped that the day was not far distant when the Scottish brethren would have their institutions , for the same noble purpose . They had a most worthy brother , the Provincial Grand Master of Wigton and Kirkcudbright , doing all he possibly could , and he hoped one and all would . put their shoulder to the wheel and make
Bro . Harriott ' s scheme a success . The toast of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow was replied to by Bro . Carrick in a most able manner . The toast of the evening was then given , " Prosperity to Lodge Govandale , " by Bro . Don in most genial terms , and duly responded to by the chairman , who , in so doing , was glad at being able to state that thc lodge was never in a more prosperous
condition than at the present . Their meetings were characterised by good attendance , good order , and good conduct , in fact , they were blessed with perfect peace . Several other toasts followed . Between thc toasts the company was enlivened with some most excellent and humorous songs by Bros . McCall , Sutherland , and others . On the conclusion of the proceedings within thc Lome Hall , an adjournment
was made to the lodge room , Portland Buildings , where dancing was commenced , and continued for some time . Altogether the anniversary was a great success , every one spending a most enjoyable and pleasant evening . GLASGOW . —LODGE CLYDESDALE ( NO . 556 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held in their hall ' , 106 , Rose-street South , Glasgow , on Monday , 4 th inst ., Bro .
Wm . Phillips , R . W . M ., presiding ; Bros . J . B . McNaught , S . W . ; John Howie , J . W . There were also present Bro . Dr . Russell , D . M ., and others . Among the visitors we noticed Bros . John Morgan , R . W . M . 219 ; Wm . Ferguson , R . W . M . St . John ' s Operative , 347 , Rutherglen . There was a fair attendance on this occasion . 'I he business before the meeting was the initiation of Mr . J . McDermott ;
passing Bros . J . Ferguson , A . Malcolm , and J . Haggart to the Fellow Craft Degree ; and raising Bros . J . Haggart , J . Ferguson , and T . Henderson to thc Sublime Degree of Master Mason , the ceremonies being performed by Bro . Wm . Phillips , R . W . M . of the lodge , in the E . A . and M . M . Degrees , and Bro . John Morgan , R . W . M . Star Lodge , 219 .
The whole of the degrees were worked in a most able manner . Bro . Phillips read the applications for admission into the Order of Freemasonry ( with the names of their proposers and seconders ) from two gentlemen , who will be brought forward at next regular meeting , and if no objection be offered will then receive the E . A . Degree . The lodge
was then closed . GLASGOW . —CALEDONIAN or UNITY CIIAI ' ( NO . 73 ) . —The annual election and installation of office-bearers in this chapter took place on Tuesday , 28 th ult ., within the Masonic Hall , at No . 170 , Buchanan-street . A Mark Lodge was opened by Bro . G . W . Wheeler , assisted by Bros . George M'Donald and David Gilchrist , acting Senior
and Junior Wardens , respectively . The minutes of last meeting having been read and passed , an application for admission to that degree was read from Bro . David Andrew , M . M . St . John , 3 _ ; and there being no objections he received the same at the hands of Bro . Wheeler . The Mark Lodge was then closed , and thc Royal Arch Chapter opened , when the following office-bearers for thc ensuing
year were declared duly elected , and thereafter installed into office by Comp . J . Crabb , P . Z ., 50 : —G . W . Wheeler , Principal Z . ; John Stewart , Principal H . ; John Kinnaird , Principal J . ; James Balfour , Scribe E ; Edward Arthur , Scribe N . ; John Bannerman , Treas . ; Wm . M'Gregor , First Sojourner ; John Gilles , Second Sojourner ; Thomas Yuille , Third Sojourner ; J . F .
Hanbridge , First Captain ; Thomas Renton , Second Captain ; Alexander Penman , Third Captain ; William Jamieson , Janitor . The chapter was then closed , and a pleasant hour was spent in refreshment . CALTON . — CHAPTER CATHEDRAL ( No . 67 ) . — An emergency meeting of this chapter was held in the Masonic Hall , 22 , Struthers-street , Calton , on Tuesday , the 5 th
instant . Present : —Comps . Duthie , M . E . Z ., 7 * 5 ; G . Pridie , H . ; G . W . Wheeler , Z . 73 ; James Goldie , P . Z . 67 ; Wood , Treas . ; James Dickie , Third Soj ., and others . A Mark Lodge was opened by Bros . Duthie , R . W . M . j G . Pridie , S . W . ; J . Wood , J . W . Applications were read from Bro . J . Dove , Lodge St . Mungo , No . 27 , and from Bro . McDonald , Lodge Commercial , No . 360 . There being
no objection offered , the aforesaid Master Masons entered and received the Mark Degree , and retired . The lodge was then closed , and opened in Excellent Degree , Bro . J . Duthie presiding ; Bros . Pridie , S . W . ; G . W . Whe « ler , J . W . Bros . Dove and McDonald received this degree and retired . A chapter was then formed , Comps . J . Duthie , Z . ; G . Pridie , H ; G . W . Wheeler , J . ; J . Goldie , Scribe
E . ; G . Mason , Scribe N . ; Wood , Treasurer , with other officers . Bros . McDonald and Dove then entered and received the R . A . Degree , Comp . James Duthie , Z ., officiating in his usual efficient manner . There being no further business the chapter was closed in due form by the three Principals . GLASGOW . —CHAPTER PARTICK ( NO . 113 ) . —The meeting of this chapter took place in their lodge room ,
Dumbarton Road , Glasgow , on Tuesday , the jth inst ., for the election and installation of their office-bearers for the ensuing year , when the following companions were duly elected and installed , viz ., Comps . Thomas Hackett , Principal , Z . ; G . Ward , H . ; A . Brunton , J . j W . White , Scribe E . ; W . Barr , Scribe N . ; J . White , Chancellor ; D . Stevenson , Treas . ; J . Tomlinson , First Sojourner ; J . Bain , Second Sojourner ; W . Boag , Third Sojourner . The chapter was then closed in due form .
MOTHERWELL . —Tuesday , the 5 th inst ., was observed by the inhabitants of this town , as an half-holiday on the occasion of the visit of Her Royal Highness the Princess Christian to Dalzell House . Thc shops were closed and business generally suspended . At 5 p . m . the Masonic body marshalled into the Masonic Hall , and
subsequently lined both sides of Merry-street from the arch towards the church , under the supervision of Bro . King , R . W . M ., and included representatives from the following lodges : —St . John ' s Dalziel , 406 ; Hamilton Kilwinning , 7 ; Hamilton 233 ; St . Mary ' s , Coltness , 3 i ; St . Clair , 4 * 27 ; St . John ' s , Woodhall , 30 ^ , and Livingstone , St . Andrew's , Motherwell .