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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
two first-named gentlemen were unavoidably absent . Mr . Cousins was initiated into thc light of Freemasonry by thc W . M . The ballot was also taken for Bro . Stedwcll , P . G . S . Eng ., W . M . of Grand Steward's Lodge , P . P . J . G . W . Middlesex , P . Z ., & c , Sac , and Bro . J . B . Churchill , late of Montefiore Lodge No . 1017 , as joining members , and was declared to be unanimous . Bro . Stedwell afterwards
thanked the W . M . and brethren for having admitted him to thc lodge as a member . A candidate for joining was proposed , and after some other business had been transacted , the lodge was closed in due form . LIVERPOOL . —MERCHANTS' LODGE ( No . 241 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this most influential lodge was held at thc Masonic Mall , Hope-street , Liverpool , on
Tuesday , the 12 th inst ., when Bro . Richard Brown , the W . M ., signalised his first quarterly night by inviting all the newly-appointed P . G . oflicers resident in the locality . Many of these accepted , and thc result was a gathering of the most enjoyable kind . Bro . R . Brown , W . M . ( I Ion . Sec . to thc West Lancashire Masonic Institution ) , occupied thc chair at thc opening of thc lodge , supported by thc
following officers and brethren : —Bros . W . M . Chudley , I . P . M . ; J . J . knight , P . M . ; ] . W . Baker , P . M . ; R . Wilson , P . M ., P . P . G . J . D . ; Ralph Robinson , P . M . ; G . Hutchin , S . W . ; Councillor G . Peel , J . W . ; S . J . McGcorge , P . M . Treas . ; . lames Wivtsor , Sec .-, T . C . loncs , S . D .-, T . H . Sheen , J . D . ; G . Broadbridge , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , D . C ; F . E , Smith , Org . ; T . Salter , I . G . ; P . Ball , Tyler ; W . Hupps ,
John Winsor , T . Goode , C . E . Jones , R . Wade , W . Savage , R . Jones , V . E . King , D . Hughes , J . M . Hewitt , F . Shaw , J . Quaylc , A . Ballard , A . Woolrich , J . T . Pugmire , J . Pendleton , R . W . Williams , A . Hodgkins , R . Pruddah , W . A . Smith , J . Hall , B . Woolf , II . Marks , W . J . Raverty Rev . C . J . O'Reilly , W . M . Norbury , W . Williamson , J , Kirwan , S . Broadbridge , T . M . Stanbury , and R . White .
Thc visitors included Bros . Dr . | . Kellett Smith , P . G . Reg . ; J . Pemberton , P . G . S . ; P . Maemuldrow , P . G . S . ; J . Lunt , P . G . D . C . ; R . Wylie , P . P . G . S . D . ; J . Skeaf , P . G . O . ; B . Drake , 1094 ; H . Nelson , P . M . 1 * 505 , and 673 ; Capt . T . Berry , S . W . i *} - ** ; G . G . Walmsley , 292 ; E . B . Smith , W . M . 14 : 52 ; A . ' Taylor , 1452 ; J . Vaughan , J . W . 86 ; H . Vaughan , S . D . 86 -, R . G . Elstoti , 86 -, W . Levy , 1 S 02 ; S .
Levy , 1502 ; Rev . T . W . Richardson , J . W . 1380 -, J . Penney , i . V « ; T * . G . Bark , W . M . 13 80 ; S . Blinkhorn , 519 ; IJ . Meek , 203 ; W . Cooke , 1289 ; G . Maxwell , 594 . During thc business it was resolved that a Chaplain should be appointed to the lodge at an early meeting . After thc transaction of some formal business , in thc course of which Bro . Fairhurst , 1 J 8 O , was unanimously elected a joining
member , the brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment , under the genial presidency of the popular W . M . ( Bro . Brown ) . An excellent banquet was served by Messrs . Fisk and Fairhurst . The W . M . afterwards gave the toasts of " The Queen , " and " Thc Prince of Wales . " In giving the latter , Bro . Brown said at that moment their G . M . had started on his long journey , and he was sure that every
member of that lodge wished him safety and prosperity during his travels . He was certain that H . R . H . would find m the east not the least hearty welcome from his Masonic brethren . As he journ » ys from west to cast Vic would have thc hearty good wishes of all under his care , and the hope that he might have a safe return to his native country . The next toast was that of " Bro . Lord
Skelmersdale , R . W . Deputy Grand Master , R . W . P . G . M . West Lancashire , " coupled with the names of his P . G . oflicers , past and present . After referring to thc interest his lordship took in Masonry , as was shown on the previous Wednesday at the P . G . Lodge , Bro . Brown said they ought to feel a special pride in West Lancashire , as the P . G . Mister had been made the Deputy Grand Master . The
new P . G . Lodge oflicers were now present , with all their "blushing honours thick upon them , " and he felt proud in being honoured with thc presence of brethren who would , no doubt , do their work in an admirable manner . In a province which comprised more than 2000 brethren it must be exceedingly ' difficult for their P . G . Master to make his selection of officers , but he ( Bro . Brown ) thought they would
all acknowledge that thc honours were distributed very fairly and with wise discretion . Bro . Dr . J . K . Smith , P . G . Reg ., s lid he had in his hands two or three apologies from bret ' . nen who were unable to attend that evening , lie ( Bro . Smith ) thanked thc W . M . and brethren of the Merchants ' Lodge for the very hearty and enthusiastic manner in which the toast had been given and responded to . I le cordially
a knowledge : that hut for the Merchants' Lodge he would nn iriv . Iieid ids piesc- 'il priud position , and referred esp . calls * to the b n lit Iv . had derived lrom the Mas . mic training of the ) m . Br , . Captain . \ J . > u . Bro . J . i . unt , P . G . D . C , and Bro . J . SKt . it , P . G . O ., also responded . Bro . J . I . Knight , P . M ., gave ihe toast of "The Charities . " Bro . . iroadhridge , P . P . G . D . C , in replying for
the London charities , said that Lord Skelmersdale on ' . he previous Wednesday remarked that West Lancashire compared very favourably wilh East Lancashire in regard to these charities , but his lordship did not go quite far enough . He staled that East Lancashire had 1700 votes , to 200 possessed by West Lancashire for the Boys' School , but Lord Skelmersdale did not intimate that East Lancashire had
two perpetual presentations for that school , which cost them icoo guineas each . lt had been suggested that they should purchase a presentation so that one of Captain Mott's children might bc admitted without going to an election , and he thought there would be no great difficulty in securing this . L-. rd Skelmersdale , however , did not allude to the fact that in West Lancashire they had an
institution of their own , which did not exist in East 1-anca-. -hire . Bro . R . Wylie , P . I ' . G . S . D ., responded on behalf 1 f the Hamer Benevolent Fund , and Bro . It . Wilson , l ' . P . o . J . D ., forthe West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , of which he is Hon . Treasurer , urging thc claims ol the charity in an excellent speech . Bro . Chudley , I . P . M ., gave "The Health of the W . M ., " which was received with the greatest enthusiasm . Bro . Brown , W . M .,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
in responding , spoke of the proud position which the Merchants' Lodge occupied in that province , and the many excellent works of charity and true Masonic liberality it had displayed . Speaking of thc furnishing of the Masonic Hall , Bro . Brown said that something like £ 400 or , f , ** oo was required for this purpose , and he could promise that the Merchants' Lodge would find jCioo of the amount if
the rest were contributed by the other lodges . " 1 he Past Masters " was acknowledged by Bros . P . M . ' s Chudley and Robinson , the latter referring especially to thc benefits of the Lodge of Instruction of which he is Preceptor . " The Visiting Brethren " was acknowledged by Bros . J . Vaughan , T . Foulkes , and Captain Berry . " The Officers " was responded to by Bros . G . Hutchin , S . W . ; G . Pect , I . W . ; and S . I . McGeorge , P . M ., Treas . An
excellent musical programme was provided by Bros . Forrester , Foulkes , and others , with Bro . Skeaf , P . G . O ., at the piano . Labour was then resumed , and after several propositions for initiation , thc sum of five guineas was voted to the fund now being raised for thc widows and families of the life boat men who recently lost their lives during thc storm while trying to save thc crew of thc ship Ellen Southard . The lodge was then closed in peace and harmony , after a most enjoyable evening had been spent .
LEICESTER . —ST . J ' S LODGE ( No . 279 ) . —The first meeting of this lodge for the season was held at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on Wednesday evening , the 6 th of October . There were present Bros . J . W . Smith , W . M . ; J . M . MacAllistcr , S . W . ; G . W . Statham , J . W . ; William Weare , P . M ., Treas ; Clement Edwin Stretton , Sec . ; S . Cleaver , S . O . ; Clement Stretton , P . Prov . G . W ., P . M . ; G .
Toller , jun ., P . Ptov . G . S . W ., P . M . S 23 * , S . S . l'artiidgc , P . G . Sec , P . M . -523 ; W . B . Smith , P . M . 523 ; F . J . Baines , P . M . 523 ; G . Clifton , P . M . 1391 ; J . Clemmcy , 830 ; J . Young , I . G . 523 ; S . Knight , 1391 ; and others . The lodge having been opened in due form , and the minutes read and confirmed , Bro . Crick was passed to thc Second Degree , the ceremony being performed and the lecture
delivered by the W . M . It was announced that a letter had been received from Bro . Hughan , P . G . D . ( and an honorary member of this lodge ) , enclosing a presentation copy of his work , " Thc History of Masonry before the Union , " and a cordial vote of thanks was unanimously passed to Bro . Hughan . Bro . Cleaver , S . D ., was elected a P . G . Steward , and Bros . Smith , W . M ., and Statham , J . W ., were elected
as thc representatives of this lodge on the Hall Committee . Bro . MacAllister , S . W ., proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Partridge , P . G . Sec , for the trouble taken by him in compiling the valuable "Freemasons' Calendar for thc Province of Leicestershire and Rutland , " which having been seconded by Bro . Stretton , P . M ., and supported by the W . M ., was carried unanimously . Bro . Partridge suitably
acknowledged the compliment . At the conclusion of a large amount of routine business thc lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren partook of refreshment , after which thc loyal and Masonic toasts followed in their usual order . PETERBOROUGH . —ST . PETER ' S LODGE ( No . 442 ) . —On Thursday evening , 23 rd ult ., the brethren of this lodge met at the Masonic Hall , Boroughbury , in response
to notice issued by the Worshipful Master , Bro . R . H . Griffin , to receive , as a gift to the lodge , a large and beautiful likeness of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , photographed from life by Watkins , and beautifully coloured by hand , framed Arc , by Bro . Gladwell , to which is annexed thc following inscription : " H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , K . G ., & c , & c , Most Worshipful
Grand Master of England . Presented by II . S . M . the Dowager Countess Gleichen to St . Peter ' s Lodge , No . 442 , to commemorate thc Royal Installation , on thc 28 th April , 1875 . Bro . Kcddy had thc honour of representing the illustrious donor , in formally presenting this gift , at a lodge of emergency , held at the Masonic Hall , Peterborough , the 23 rd day of September , 1 S 75 . Bro . R . II .
Griffin , W . M . j Bro . W . Dixey , Secretary . " The follow , ing brethren were present : —Bros . Griffin , W . M . ; 111 . cher , J . W . ; Buckle , P . M .-, E . Vergctte , P . M . ; Paviour , P . M . ; T . Pauk , Treas . -, Dixey , Sec . ; E . Vergctte , S . D . ; Jones , J . D . ; M arson , P . G . D . C ; Kcddy , Beeby , Pearson , Bays , Rutherford , Foskey ; S . D . Allen , P . M . P . P . G . S . W ., 373 ; Robertson , 261 ,
Several brethren who were previously engaged for the , evening sent letters of apology to the Worshipful Master , regretting their absence , and the inclemency of the evening prevented many brethren from the country being present . The lodge being opened , the Secretary ( Bro . Dixey ) read the circular letter convening it . Bro . Kcddy rose , and presented the picture to the Worshipful Master for
the benefit and use of St . Peter's Lodge , No 442 . Bro . Kcddy remarked that it was gratifying to himself that he wns permitted , in the name of Her Serene Highness , to offer tor the acceptance 1 f the loilge so appropriate a present a < th s tribute of te .-peel to Masonry , as represented by His Royal Highness . The Grand Master of English Freemasonry had already proved himself worthy of the
high and honourable position , and His Royal Highness had honoured Freemasonry by accepting the office as head of the Crafl , whilst Protestantism would also be thc gainer , for the cardinal principles of Freemasonry were inspired by the Holy Bible . It was to be hoped that His Royal Highness might favour Peterborough with his presence at the next annual provincial gathering in May next .
The Countess knew nothing of St . Peter ' s Lodge , but as she insisted on making bim a present for services rendered , extending over a period of several months , he ( Bro . Keduy ) suggested to Her Serene Highness , who was residing in the county of Suffolk , that such a gift as this
portrait would be the most gratifying to himself and also most acceptable to the brethren . The Countess left England on the 161 I 1 ult . for Bombay , en route for her home in the Punjab , where she took up i . er residence shortly after her bereavement , and since then , for nearly twenty years , had devoted her life to the education and care of the young ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
and was known and beloved by all classes . She was the first lady who drew the attention of the Government to the importance of the work to which she was devoting her life and she had the gratification to find that , in order to carryout her desires , funds from thc Treasury were placed at her disposal . Bro . Bays observed that this presentation was he felt certain , thc greatest honour that had been conferred '
upon St . Peter ' s Lodge . P . M . Bro . Ed . Vergette and P . M . Bvo . Buckle made a few observations expressive of their appreciation of thc gift . Thc W . M . said he had great pleasure and honour in accepting this very beautiful and admirable likeness of His Royal Highness thc Prince of Wales , in his official clothing as Grand Master of Eng . land ; and closed his observations by thanking Bro . Kcddy
for having been thc means of the lodge becoming p * s . scsscd of such a valuable tribute to loyalty and Masonry . A unanimous vote of thanks was accorded to her Serene Highness . At the close of thc lodge the brethren partook of an excellent supper , P . M . Bro . Vergette having presented a really excellent haunch of venison . Thc usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and duly responded to ,
and , after a most agreeable evening , thc brethren retired to their respective homes . — " Peterborough Standard , " PERFECT ASHLAR LODGE ( No . 1178 ) met on Thursday , October 7 th , at Bridge House Hotel , Southwark . Bro . K . Deakin , W . M ., opened thc lodge . He initiated three gentlemen . Bro . Dr . Dixon , P . M ., installed J . A . Smith , J . W ., W . M . Officers arc : —W . Batchelor ,
S . W . ; W . T . Lover , J . W . ; F . II . Ebsworth , P . M ., Treas . ; F . Walters , P . M ., P . P . G . P . Midx ., Sec ; F . Garbett , S . D . ; J . Stock , J . D . ; J . Wootton , I . G . ; J . Porter , D . C . ; G . J . Grace , P . M ., W . S . A vote of thanks ( to bc entered on minute books ) was given Vo Bro . Dr . Dixon for doing the installation . Banquet and dessert were served . Bro . C . Deakin , at thc banquet table , bad a five-guinea P . M . ' s jewel
presented to him . About seventeen visitors were present . MANCHESTER . —LODGE OF TIIUTII ( NO . 1458 ) . —Thc regular meeting of this lodge was held on Saturday , Oct . 2 nd , at the Royal Archer Hotel . Thc minutes of previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Mr . Walter Nicholson , and being favourable , he was duly initiated into Masonry bv Bro .
Henry Smith , W . M ., the charge being very impressivel y given by Bro . J . E . Hall , P . S . W ., W . M . Ashbury Lodge , 1459 . This being all the business to transact , thc brethren adjourned to refreshment , and after duly honouring thc Masonic toasts , that of the newly-initiated brother was proposed and suitably responded to . The W . M . then proposed " The Visitors , " and said it gave him greater pleasure
than usual in proposing the toast on that occas ' ion , seeing he had a brother present who had worked with him at the Lodge of Instruction , and from whom he had received much Masonic information and instruction . Thc bro . to whom he alluded was Bro . Henry Moxon , W . M . Faith , 581 . He was also glad to receive Bro . J . Moorhouse , of the Imperial George , 78 , and Bro . John Taylor , Sec .
Ashbury , 1459 . Bro . Moxon responded to the toast in suitable terms , saying he had many limes promised himself a treat by visiting the Lodge of Truth , and he had not been disappointed -, he had never felt more at home than he did that evening when he saw so many brethren whom he knew . He had also derived great pleasure in seeing the ceremony so ably performed . In conclusion , he wished the
W . M . with as many of the members of thc Lodge of Truth lo pay him a return visit at their convenience before the expiration of his year as W . M . Bros . Moorhouse and Taylor also acknowledged the toast in suitable terms . After spending a very pleasant evening the brethren separated at 9 . 30 p . m . LEOMINSTER . —ROYM . EnwAitn LOIH-. E ( NO . 892 ) . —
Thc first meeting of this lodge for the present season was held in the lodge-room " ^ on Tuesday evening , Oct 12 th . There were present Bros . M . J . Ellwood , W . M . ; E . Gregg , S . W . -, R . Hayes , J . W . ; P . M . ' s Jukes , Moore , Wormington , iVc , and other brethren . The minutes of last meeting having been read and confirmed , the W . M . proceeded to propose a vote of condolence to thc widow of the late Bro .
Bradford . Thc W . M . alluded to his sudden decease in May last , and to thc fact of his attendance at the installation in the Albeit Hall of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales in April , where he appeared so thoroughly to enjoy himself . After sonic remarks as to his thoroughly good qualities as a brother , a husband , a parent , and a townsman , the Secretary was requested to draw up a letter expressive of
the sympathies of the lodge , and transmit it in due course to Mrs . Bradford . The other business of the lodge having been disposed of , and the lodge closed in due and ample form , the brethren retired to banquet , and spent a thoroughly enjoyable evening . I 10 LBEACII— ALEXANDRA LODGE ( No . 9 85 ) . —Wednesday week was the day appointed for tlie installation of
Bro . J . J . Bartram as W . M . of thc Alexandra Lodge , now held at Ilolbeaeh instead of Long Sutton . The brethren assembled at 4 p . m ., Bro . S . S . Mossop , W . M ., opening the lodge . Bro . Woodrow , P . M ., of Spalding , then conducted the ceremonies in a most impressive manner . At the close , voles of thanks to Bio . Woodrow lor his services , and Bro . Cole , who has acted as Secretary to thc lodge for
many ycais , were carried wilh acclamation . The following oflicers were thai invested , viz ., Bros . W . Ridlington , S . W . ; T . W . Curtis , J . W . ; Ilodgkiti , S . D . ; Jackson , J . D . ; Milns , Sec , and Hargrave , I . G . After ledge , Ihe brethren adjourned lo the Chequer .- ' Hotel , where a most sumptuous and liberal banquet was served by Bro . Hargrave , who deserves the highest possible compliment fot
the manner in which he catered . The wines were also very line , and the evening passed off in thc most harmonious and agreeable manner . Thc usual loyal aud Masonic toasts were given and heartily responded to ; and from what we can learn , there is every reason to hope for a very successful year for the lodge iu its new quarters . DERBY . —HAUTINGTON LODGE ( NO . 1085 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this prosperous lodge was held at thc
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
two first-named gentlemen were unavoidably absent . Mr . Cousins was initiated into thc light of Freemasonry by thc W . M . The ballot was also taken for Bro . Stedwcll , P . G . S . Eng ., W . M . of Grand Steward's Lodge , P . P . J . G . W . Middlesex , P . Z ., & c , Sac , and Bro . J . B . Churchill , late of Montefiore Lodge No . 1017 , as joining members , and was declared to be unanimous . Bro . Stedwell afterwards
thanked the W . M . and brethren for having admitted him to thc lodge as a member . A candidate for joining was proposed , and after some other business had been transacted , the lodge was closed in due form . LIVERPOOL . —MERCHANTS' LODGE ( No . 241 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this most influential lodge was held at thc Masonic Mall , Hope-street , Liverpool , on
Tuesday , the 12 th inst ., when Bro . Richard Brown , the W . M ., signalised his first quarterly night by inviting all the newly-appointed P . G . oflicers resident in the locality . Many of these accepted , and thc result was a gathering of the most enjoyable kind . Bro . R . Brown , W . M . ( I Ion . Sec . to thc West Lancashire Masonic Institution ) , occupied thc chair at thc opening of thc lodge , supported by thc
following officers and brethren : —Bros . W . M . Chudley , I . P . M . ; J . J . knight , P . M . ; ] . W . Baker , P . M . ; R . Wilson , P . M ., P . P . G . J . D . ; Ralph Robinson , P . M . ; G . Hutchin , S . W . ; Councillor G . Peel , J . W . ; S . J . McGcorge , P . M . Treas . ; . lames Wivtsor , Sec .-, T . C . loncs , S . D .-, T . H . Sheen , J . D . ; G . Broadbridge , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , D . C ; F . E , Smith , Org . ; T . Salter , I . G . ; P . Ball , Tyler ; W . Hupps ,
John Winsor , T . Goode , C . E . Jones , R . Wade , W . Savage , R . Jones , V . E . King , D . Hughes , J . M . Hewitt , F . Shaw , J . Quaylc , A . Ballard , A . Woolrich , J . T . Pugmire , J . Pendleton , R . W . Williams , A . Hodgkins , R . Pruddah , W . A . Smith , J . Hall , B . Woolf , II . Marks , W . J . Raverty Rev . C . J . O'Reilly , W . M . Norbury , W . Williamson , J , Kirwan , S . Broadbridge , T . M . Stanbury , and R . White .
Thc visitors included Bros . Dr . | . Kellett Smith , P . G . Reg . ; J . Pemberton , P . G . S . ; P . Maemuldrow , P . G . S . ; J . Lunt , P . G . D . C . ; R . Wylie , P . P . G . S . D . ; J . Skeaf , P . G . O . ; B . Drake , 1094 ; H . Nelson , P . M . 1 * 505 , and 673 ; Capt . T . Berry , S . W . i *} - ** ; G . G . Walmsley , 292 ; E . B . Smith , W . M . 14 : 52 ; A . ' Taylor , 1452 ; J . Vaughan , J . W . 86 ; H . Vaughan , S . D . 86 -, R . G . Elstoti , 86 -, W . Levy , 1 S 02 ; S .
Levy , 1502 ; Rev . T . W . Richardson , J . W . 1380 -, J . Penney , i . V « ; T * . G . Bark , W . M . 13 80 ; S . Blinkhorn , 519 ; IJ . Meek , 203 ; W . Cooke , 1289 ; G . Maxwell , 594 . During thc business it was resolved that a Chaplain should be appointed to the lodge at an early meeting . After thc transaction of some formal business , in thc course of which Bro . Fairhurst , 1 J 8 O , was unanimously elected a joining
member , the brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment , under the genial presidency of the popular W . M . ( Bro . Brown ) . An excellent banquet was served by Messrs . Fisk and Fairhurst . The W . M . afterwards gave the toasts of " The Queen , " and " Thc Prince of Wales . " In giving the latter , Bro . Brown said at that moment their G . M . had started on his long journey , and he was sure that every
member of that lodge wished him safety and prosperity during his travels . He was certain that H . R . H . would find m the east not the least hearty welcome from his Masonic brethren . As he journ » ys from west to cast Vic would have thc hearty good wishes of all under his care , and the hope that he might have a safe return to his native country . The next toast was that of " Bro . Lord
Skelmersdale , R . W . Deputy Grand Master , R . W . P . G . M . West Lancashire , " coupled with the names of his P . G . oflicers , past and present . After referring to thc interest his lordship took in Masonry , as was shown on the previous Wednesday at the P . G . Lodge , Bro . Brown said they ought to feel a special pride in West Lancashire , as the P . G . Mister had been made the Deputy Grand Master . The
new P . G . Lodge oflicers were now present , with all their "blushing honours thick upon them , " and he felt proud in being honoured with thc presence of brethren who would , no doubt , do their work in an admirable manner . In a province which comprised more than 2000 brethren it must be exceedingly ' difficult for their P . G . Master to make his selection of officers , but he ( Bro . Brown ) thought they would
all acknowledge that thc honours were distributed very fairly and with wise discretion . Bro . Dr . J . K . Smith , P . G . Reg ., s lid he had in his hands two or three apologies from bret ' . nen who were unable to attend that evening , lie ( Bro . Smith ) thanked thc W . M . and brethren of the Merchants ' Lodge for the very hearty and enthusiastic manner in which the toast had been given and responded to . I le cordially
a knowledge : that hut for the Merchants' Lodge he would nn iriv . Iieid ids piesc- 'il priud position , and referred esp . calls * to the b n lit Iv . had derived lrom the Mas . mic training of the ) m . Br , . Captain . \ J . > u . Bro . J . i . unt , P . G . D . C , and Bro . J . SKt . it , P . G . O ., also responded . Bro . J . I . Knight , P . M ., gave ihe toast of "The Charities . " Bro . . iroadhridge , P . P . G . D . C , in replying for
the London charities , said that Lord Skelmersdale on ' . he previous Wednesday remarked that West Lancashire compared very favourably wilh East Lancashire in regard to these charities , but his lordship did not go quite far enough . He staled that East Lancashire had 1700 votes , to 200 possessed by West Lancashire for the Boys' School , but Lord Skelmersdale did not intimate that East Lancashire had
two perpetual presentations for that school , which cost them icoo guineas each . lt had been suggested that they should purchase a presentation so that one of Captain Mott's children might bc admitted without going to an election , and he thought there would be no great difficulty in securing this . L-. rd Skelmersdale , however , did not allude to the fact that in West Lancashire they had an
institution of their own , which did not exist in East 1-anca-. -hire . Bro . R . Wylie , P . I ' . G . S . D ., responded on behalf 1 f the Hamer Benevolent Fund , and Bro . It . Wilson , l ' . P . o . J . D ., forthe West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , of which he is Hon . Treasurer , urging thc claims ol the charity in an excellent speech . Bro . Chudley , I . P . M ., gave "The Health of the W . M ., " which was received with the greatest enthusiasm . Bro . Brown , W . M .,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
in responding , spoke of the proud position which the Merchants' Lodge occupied in that province , and the many excellent works of charity and true Masonic liberality it had displayed . Speaking of thc furnishing of the Masonic Hall , Bro . Brown said that something like £ 400 or , f , ** oo was required for this purpose , and he could promise that the Merchants' Lodge would find jCioo of the amount if
the rest were contributed by the other lodges . " 1 he Past Masters " was acknowledged by Bros . P . M . ' s Chudley and Robinson , the latter referring especially to thc benefits of the Lodge of Instruction of which he is Preceptor . " The Visiting Brethren " was acknowledged by Bros . J . Vaughan , T . Foulkes , and Captain Berry . " The Officers " was responded to by Bros . G . Hutchin , S . W . ; G . Pect , I . W . ; and S . I . McGeorge , P . M ., Treas . An
excellent musical programme was provided by Bros . Forrester , Foulkes , and others , with Bro . Skeaf , P . G . O ., at the piano . Labour was then resumed , and after several propositions for initiation , thc sum of five guineas was voted to the fund now being raised for thc widows and families of the life boat men who recently lost their lives during thc storm while trying to save thc crew of thc ship Ellen Southard . The lodge was then closed in peace and harmony , after a most enjoyable evening had been spent .
LEICESTER . —ST . J ' S LODGE ( No . 279 ) . —The first meeting of this lodge for the season was held at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on Wednesday evening , the 6 th of October . There were present Bros . J . W . Smith , W . M . ; J . M . MacAllistcr , S . W . ; G . W . Statham , J . W . ; William Weare , P . M ., Treas ; Clement Edwin Stretton , Sec . ; S . Cleaver , S . O . ; Clement Stretton , P . Prov . G . W ., P . M . ; G .
Toller , jun ., P . Ptov . G . S . W ., P . M . S 23 * , S . S . l'artiidgc , P . G . Sec , P . M . -523 ; W . B . Smith , P . M . 523 ; F . J . Baines , P . M . 523 ; G . Clifton , P . M . 1391 ; J . Clemmcy , 830 ; J . Young , I . G . 523 ; S . Knight , 1391 ; and others . The lodge having been opened in due form , and the minutes read and confirmed , Bro . Crick was passed to thc Second Degree , the ceremony being performed and the lecture
delivered by the W . M . It was announced that a letter had been received from Bro . Hughan , P . G . D . ( and an honorary member of this lodge ) , enclosing a presentation copy of his work , " Thc History of Masonry before the Union , " and a cordial vote of thanks was unanimously passed to Bro . Hughan . Bro . Cleaver , S . D ., was elected a P . G . Steward , and Bros . Smith , W . M ., and Statham , J . W ., were elected
as thc representatives of this lodge on the Hall Committee . Bro . MacAllister , S . W ., proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Partridge , P . G . Sec , for the trouble taken by him in compiling the valuable "Freemasons' Calendar for thc Province of Leicestershire and Rutland , " which having been seconded by Bro . Stretton , P . M ., and supported by the W . M ., was carried unanimously . Bro . Partridge suitably
acknowledged the compliment . At the conclusion of a large amount of routine business thc lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren partook of refreshment , after which thc loyal and Masonic toasts followed in their usual order . PETERBOROUGH . —ST . PETER ' S LODGE ( No . 442 ) . —On Thursday evening , 23 rd ult ., the brethren of this lodge met at the Masonic Hall , Boroughbury , in response
to notice issued by the Worshipful Master , Bro . R . H . Griffin , to receive , as a gift to the lodge , a large and beautiful likeness of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , photographed from life by Watkins , and beautifully coloured by hand , framed Arc , by Bro . Gladwell , to which is annexed thc following inscription : " H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , K . G ., & c , & c , Most Worshipful
Grand Master of England . Presented by II . S . M . the Dowager Countess Gleichen to St . Peter ' s Lodge , No . 442 , to commemorate thc Royal Installation , on thc 28 th April , 1875 . Bro . Kcddy had thc honour of representing the illustrious donor , in formally presenting this gift , at a lodge of emergency , held at the Masonic Hall , Peterborough , the 23 rd day of September , 1 S 75 . Bro . R . II .
Griffin , W . M . j Bro . W . Dixey , Secretary . " The follow , ing brethren were present : —Bros . Griffin , W . M . ; 111 . cher , J . W . ; Buckle , P . M .-, E . Vergctte , P . M . ; Paviour , P . M . ; T . Pauk , Treas . -, Dixey , Sec . ; E . Vergctte , S . D . ; Jones , J . D . ; M arson , P . G . D . C ; Kcddy , Beeby , Pearson , Bays , Rutherford , Foskey ; S . D . Allen , P . M . P . P . G . S . W ., 373 ; Robertson , 261 ,
Several brethren who were previously engaged for the , evening sent letters of apology to the Worshipful Master , regretting their absence , and the inclemency of the evening prevented many brethren from the country being present . The lodge being opened , the Secretary ( Bro . Dixey ) read the circular letter convening it . Bro . Kcddy rose , and presented the picture to the Worshipful Master for
the benefit and use of St . Peter's Lodge , No 442 . Bro . Kcddy remarked that it was gratifying to himself that he wns permitted , in the name of Her Serene Highness , to offer tor the acceptance 1 f the loilge so appropriate a present a < th s tribute of te .-peel to Masonry , as represented by His Royal Highness . The Grand Master of English Freemasonry had already proved himself worthy of the
high and honourable position , and His Royal Highness had honoured Freemasonry by accepting the office as head of the Crafl , whilst Protestantism would also be thc gainer , for the cardinal principles of Freemasonry were inspired by the Holy Bible . It was to be hoped that His Royal Highness might favour Peterborough with his presence at the next annual provincial gathering in May next .
The Countess knew nothing of St . Peter ' s Lodge , but as she insisted on making bim a present for services rendered , extending over a period of several months , he ( Bro . Keduy ) suggested to Her Serene Highness , who was residing in the county of Suffolk , that such a gift as this
portrait would be the most gratifying to himself and also most acceptable to the brethren . The Countess left England on the 161 I 1 ult . for Bombay , en route for her home in the Punjab , where she took up i . er residence shortly after her bereavement , and since then , for nearly twenty years , had devoted her life to the education and care of the young ,
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
and was known and beloved by all classes . She was the first lady who drew the attention of the Government to the importance of the work to which she was devoting her life and she had the gratification to find that , in order to carryout her desires , funds from thc Treasury were placed at her disposal . Bro . Bays observed that this presentation was he felt certain , thc greatest honour that had been conferred '
upon St . Peter ' s Lodge . P . M . Bro . Ed . Vergette and P . M . Bvo . Buckle made a few observations expressive of their appreciation of thc gift . Thc W . M . said he had great pleasure and honour in accepting this very beautiful and admirable likeness of His Royal Highness thc Prince of Wales , in his official clothing as Grand Master of Eng . land ; and closed his observations by thanking Bro . Kcddy
for having been thc means of the lodge becoming p * s . scsscd of such a valuable tribute to loyalty and Masonry . A unanimous vote of thanks was accorded to her Serene Highness . At the close of thc lodge the brethren partook of an excellent supper , P . M . Bro . Vergette having presented a really excellent haunch of venison . Thc usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and duly responded to ,
and , after a most agreeable evening , thc brethren retired to their respective homes . — " Peterborough Standard , " PERFECT ASHLAR LODGE ( No . 1178 ) met on Thursday , October 7 th , at Bridge House Hotel , Southwark . Bro . K . Deakin , W . M ., opened thc lodge . He initiated three gentlemen . Bro . Dr . Dixon , P . M ., installed J . A . Smith , J . W ., W . M . Officers arc : —W . Batchelor ,
S . W . ; W . T . Lover , J . W . ; F . II . Ebsworth , P . M ., Treas . ; F . Walters , P . M ., P . P . G . P . Midx ., Sec ; F . Garbett , S . D . ; J . Stock , J . D . ; J . Wootton , I . G . ; J . Porter , D . C . ; G . J . Grace , P . M ., W . S . A vote of thanks ( to bc entered on minute books ) was given Vo Bro . Dr . Dixon for doing the installation . Banquet and dessert were served . Bro . C . Deakin , at thc banquet table , bad a five-guinea P . M . ' s jewel
presented to him . About seventeen visitors were present . MANCHESTER . —LODGE OF TIIUTII ( NO . 1458 ) . —Thc regular meeting of this lodge was held on Saturday , Oct . 2 nd , at the Royal Archer Hotel . Thc minutes of previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Mr . Walter Nicholson , and being favourable , he was duly initiated into Masonry bv Bro .
Henry Smith , W . M ., the charge being very impressivel y given by Bro . J . E . Hall , P . S . W ., W . M . Ashbury Lodge , 1459 . This being all the business to transact , thc brethren adjourned to refreshment , and after duly honouring thc Masonic toasts , that of the newly-initiated brother was proposed and suitably responded to . The W . M . then proposed " The Visitors , " and said it gave him greater pleasure
than usual in proposing the toast on that occas ' ion , seeing he had a brother present who had worked with him at the Lodge of Instruction , and from whom he had received much Masonic information and instruction . Thc bro . to whom he alluded was Bro . Henry Moxon , W . M . Faith , 581 . He was also glad to receive Bro . J . Moorhouse , of the Imperial George , 78 , and Bro . John Taylor , Sec .
Ashbury , 1459 . Bro . Moxon responded to the toast in suitable terms , saying he had many limes promised himself a treat by visiting the Lodge of Truth , and he had not been disappointed -, he had never felt more at home than he did that evening when he saw so many brethren whom he knew . He had also derived great pleasure in seeing the ceremony so ably performed . In conclusion , he wished the
W . M . with as many of the members of thc Lodge of Truth lo pay him a return visit at their convenience before the expiration of his year as W . M . Bros . Moorhouse and Taylor also acknowledged the toast in suitable terms . After spending a very pleasant evening the brethren separated at 9 . 30 p . m . LEOMINSTER . —ROYM . EnwAitn LOIH-. E ( NO . 892 ) . —
Thc first meeting of this lodge for the present season was held in the lodge-room " ^ on Tuesday evening , Oct 12 th . There were present Bros . M . J . Ellwood , W . M . ; E . Gregg , S . W . -, R . Hayes , J . W . ; P . M . ' s Jukes , Moore , Wormington , iVc , and other brethren . The minutes of last meeting having been read and confirmed , the W . M . proceeded to propose a vote of condolence to thc widow of the late Bro .
Bradford . Thc W . M . alluded to his sudden decease in May last , and to thc fact of his attendance at the installation in the Albeit Hall of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales in April , where he appeared so thoroughly to enjoy himself . After sonic remarks as to his thoroughly good qualities as a brother , a husband , a parent , and a townsman , the Secretary was requested to draw up a letter expressive of
the sympathies of the lodge , and transmit it in due course to Mrs . Bradford . The other business of the lodge having been disposed of , and the lodge closed in due and ample form , the brethren retired to banquet , and spent a thoroughly enjoyable evening . I 10 LBEACII— ALEXANDRA LODGE ( No . 9 85 ) . —Wednesday week was the day appointed for tlie installation of
Bro . J . J . Bartram as W . M . of thc Alexandra Lodge , now held at Ilolbeaeh instead of Long Sutton . The brethren assembled at 4 p . m ., Bro . S . S . Mossop , W . M ., opening the lodge . Bro . Woodrow , P . M ., of Spalding , then conducted the ceremonies in a most impressive manner . At the close , voles of thanks to Bio . Woodrow lor his services , and Bro . Cole , who has acted as Secretary to thc lodge for
many ycais , were carried wilh acclamation . The following oflicers were thai invested , viz ., Bros . W . Ridlington , S . W . ; T . W . Curtis , J . W . ; Ilodgkiti , S . D . ; Jackson , J . D . ; Milns , Sec , and Hargrave , I . G . After ledge , Ihe brethren adjourned lo the Chequer .- ' Hotel , where a most sumptuous and liberal banquet was served by Bro . Hargrave , who deserves the highest possible compliment fot
the manner in which he catered . The wines were also very line , and the evening passed off in thc most harmonious and agreeable manner . Thc usual loyal aud Masonic toasts were given and heartily responded to ; and from what we can learn , there is every reason to hope for a very successful year for the lodge iu its new quarters . DERBY . —HAUTINGTON LODGE ( NO . 1085 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this prosperous lodge was held at thc