Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 3 of 3 Article Royal Arch. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Tidings. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
posed "The I . P . M . of the Marquis of Lome Lodge , Bro . T . J . Lancashire . " ( Hear , hear . ) He passed a high eulogium upon the first Master of the lodge , whom he said was , in many respects , his conception of a true Masonic
gentleman . ( Applause . ) Bro . Lancashire , in replying , humourously thrnked the previous speaker . Bro . Sanderson was the first child borne to the Marquis of Lome Lodge ( laughter ) , and hc was p leased to find he was an obedient child , and had
spoken so well of his parent . ( Laughter . ) With regard to the lodge , he had done all he could for the last two years to establish and maintain it , and should not relax his efforts , but continue to do his best for it in the future . Bro . Duncan
proposed the toast of" The W . M ., Officers , ancl Brethren ofthe Lodge of Lights , 148 . " Bro . Bryce replied . The W . M . proposed " The Officers of the Marquis of Lome Lodge . " Bro . Hayes preiposcd " The Visiting Brethren . " After
the toast of the " Masonic Charities' had been honoured , Bro . Sanderson , in a short and effective speech , gave " The Ladies . " He said he approached the task of giving the toast with considerable diffidence , ami yet with great
pleasure . The slightest frown from the ladies darkened our joy ; and the slig htest smile soothed our woes . lie would like to dilate on the subject of his toast , but would refrain . He could say in the words of the
poet" Oh woman ! whose form and whose soul Are the spell and delight of each path we pursue ; Whether sunn'd in the Tropics , or chill'd at thc Pole , If woman be there—there is happiness too . "
He believed that compliment and gallantry were essentially appreciated by the fair sex j but apart from that , all his ideas of beauty had been more than surpassed by the ladies of Leigh . ( Applause . )
LANCASTER . —Lodgeof Fortitude ( No . 28 ) . — A regular meeting of the Lodgeof Instruction , in connection with this lodge , was held on Wednesday last , the 1 , 3 th instant . The Worshipful Master , Bro . W . Hall , occupied the chair , and
was supported by Bro . Dr . Moore , LP . M . and P . G . S . B . England ; Bro . W . Fleming , S . W . John Hatch , P . M ., as J . W . ; E . Simpson , P . M . Secretary , and a number of brethren and visitors After the usual lodge business had been trans
acteel , Bro . Aloore elelivered a short lecture on the Three Grand Principles of Freemasonry , for which a hearty vote of thanks was pioposed and carried by acclamation . Good wishes were offered from brethren representing sever-il lodges , and ultimately the lodge was closeel in due form .
IPSWICH . —British Union Lodge ( No . 114 ) — The usual monthly meeting was held at the MasonicHall , Ipswich , on Thursday , the 14 th . There was not a large muster ofthe brethren , owing no doubt to the inclemency of the weather . This being the night for the election of Worshipful
Master , Treasurer , and Tyler . Bro . Dr . Beaumont R . X ., Senior Warden , was unanimously elected W . M . j Bro . Schulen re-elected Treasurer ancl Bro . Geo . Spalding Tyler . Bro . Emra Holmes P . G . Reg , pursuant to notice rose , to speak on his motion respecting the reduction of subscriptions
of non-resident members , and called attention to an able letter in The Freemason on the subject . Hc had intended to move that brethren residing beyond twenty miles should pay half the usual subscription , but finding through the courtesy of the Secretary , Bro . W . Spalding , that a large
proportion of the brethren resided beyond that distance he was willing to make the limit 50 miles , Inview of this alteration in the motion , and there being so few present he would venture to submit the matter for the consideration of the brethren , and would , if they saw fit ,
postpone the motion , until the next regular meeting . Bro . Boby , P . M ., remarked that anything brought before the lodge by so wellknown a Mason as Bro . Emra Holmes * was worthy of their attention and he thought that his motion had better stand over till next meeting , so that the brethren might have au opportunity ol
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
considering it in its altered form . The W . M ., Bro . Long , said that he was at first disposed to oppose Bro . Holmes motion as it originally stood but after the remarks he had made , he thought it was well worthy of consideration . Bro . Cornell ' s
motion for thc formation of a Lodge of Instruction in connection with this lodge was carried . An Officer ofthe Dragoons having been proposed for initiation , and the other business of thc lodge having been transacted , it was closed with solemn . pray er , and the brethren retired for refreshment .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . WARRINGTON . —Chapter of Elias Ashmole ( No . 148 ) . —A regular convocation of this chapter was held at the chapter rooms on Monday , nth . Sept ., present , Comps . D . W . Finney , M . E . Z . ; W . Monop , H . j W . Richardson , j ' . ; John Bowes , P . Z ., Prov . G . S . B . ; W . S .
Hawkins , E . ; James Jackson , N ., P . J . ; Edelsten as P . S ., and a large number of companions . The chapter was opened in due form , and the minutes read ancl approved . The ballot was then taken for Bros . Reid , Barlow , Wri ght ancl
Sanderson , which being favourable they wcre exalted by Comp . John Bowes , the symbolic and historic lectures being given respectively by the M . E . Z . and H . There being no further business , the chapter was closed .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST . ) LIVERPOOL . —[ Vest Lancashire Lodge ( No . 65 ) . —The usual two-monthly meeting of this lodge of Mark Masons was held on Monday evening , the 4 th instant , at the Masonic Temple , Hopestreet , Liverpool . The lodge was opened in due
form by Bro . Peter M . Larsen , P . M ., acting as W . M ., supported by the following oflicers and brethren : —Bros . J . R . Goepel , F . M . ancl Treas . ; T . Ashmore , S . W . ; f . Taylor , J . W . ; J . Wood , Secretary ; H . Nelson , M . O . ; W . Doyle , J . O . ;
J . C . Lunt , S . D . j M . Mawson , J . D . ; J . E . Jackson , l . G . ; P . Ball , Tyler ; C . Leighton , Organist , and a full attendance of brethren . Thc lodge was opened at six o ' clock , after which the minutes were read and confirmed unanimously ,
ancl a brother was ballotted for . Bro . T . Ashmore , W . M . elect , was then presented to Bro . Larsen , by Bros . Hamer and Goepel , for installation , ancl the ceremony was performed in a highly elfective manner . The W . M . afterwards appointed the
following as his oflicers : —Bros . J . Taylor , S . W . j II . Nelson , J . W . j J . R . Goepel , P . M . as Treas . ( re-appointed ) ; J . Wood , Sec . ( re-appointed for the third time ) ; W . Shortis , M . O . ; J . C . Lant , S . O . ; M . Mawson , J . O . ; J . Iv Jackson , Chap . ;
C . 11 . Hill , Reg . of Marks ; R . Dawson , I . G . ; J . Hayes and C . Tyrer , Stewards ; J . K . Smith , P . M ., as Dir . of Cers . ; and P . Ball , re-elected as Tyler . Thc officers were severally addressed by Bro . Hamer , and the bretliren generally by
Bro . Larcen , the installing Master . Bro . Plaw , being in attendance , was admitted , being properly prepared and dul y obligated , the interesting ceremony being performed by the newly installed W . M . A letter of condolence was adopted and
ordered to be sent b y the Sec . to Bro . T . Clark , I . P . M ., as a mark of sympathy with him upon the death of his wife . After four brethren had
been proposed for exaltation , the lodge was closed , and the brethren sat clown to an excellent banquet . Harmony and good feeling were the order of the evening .
Inthe Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , held at the Gladstone Tavern , Bishopsgate-street , the fifteen sections will be worked , Bro . I lawkins , P . M . Doric Loelge , in the chair .
Mr . T . G . Fermor Hesketh , second son of the late Bro . Sir Thomas G . Fermor I lesketh , Bail . M . P ., R . W . P . G . M . for W . L ., of Rulford Hall , has been placed on the Commission of the Peace ior tlie ceiiiiity of Lancaster .
Masonic Tidings.
Masonic Tidings .
The Suffolk Chronicle , thus speaks of the late Mayor of Ipswich , Bro . G . G . Sampson , who has been four times Mayor of the old town , dignified as the birth place of the great Cardinal Wolsey , to whom , by the way , no statue has yet been erected : — " This day witnessed the usual
municipal ceremonies . The outgoing Mayor retired with eclat—the incoming was greeted with applause . Mr . Sampson has for two years been a most industrious , painstaking , devoted public servant . His ubiquity has been something patriotic . It involved more than a dashing
drive , for time is money , and Mr . Sampson is a professional gentleman whose time is , apart from official duties , pretty well taken up . The hi ghest office in the town he has worthily , loyally , and honourably discharged ; and we should not do our duty did we withhold this testimony to the
value of his services . " Bro . Sampson ( who is one of the oldest medical practitioners in Ipswich , and so famous in this neighbourhood as a whip and owner of fine cattle , " that a certain well-known novelist introduced him . it is said , into one of her novels as the doctor with the
unprofessional hi gh-steppers , " has been a Freemason a great many years , but has latterly almost withdrawn from Masonry . He was dubbed a Knight Templar in the Encampment of Prudence some years since . GALLANT CONDUCT OF A NOISLEMAN . —We
learn from the Pelerboro Advertiser that shortly after midnight on Sunday , theinmates of and persons residing in the neighbourhood of Dunechthouse were awakened by the ringing ofthe alarm bell on the house . On going out they heard
that the west wing of the building was on fire . Supplies of water were got from the cisterns on the tower and a fountain , and efforts were made to subdue the flames . Lord Lindsay was one of the first at the scene of the disaster . When the
fire was at about its worst , it became known that a lady ' s-maid was sleeping in the part which was on fire . Lord Lindsay made his way through fire and smoke to where she was , and they had both just reached a safe position when the roof fell in with a loud crash . Had it not been for
Lord Lindsay ' s courageous conduct , the maid would have perished . After raging for upwards of four hours the flames were subdued , but not before the wing was reduced to a total wreck . The part of thc building destroyed was three stories high , and consisted of the ladies ' -maids '
rooms , the butler ' s rooms , and pantries ; fortunately it contained nothing of special value . The damage clone is estimated at about e £ i , ooo . The origin of the fire is supposed to have been over-heating of the warming pipes in the wing , and the crackling of the wood by the flames was the first indication that the butler had of the
presence of fire . Dunecht-house is thc beautiful Scottish residence of Lord I . indsay , and is situated about 11 miles west of Aberdeen . Lord Lindsay , as many of our readers know , is a distinguished Freemason . He has been appointed
Senior Grand Warden of England , is a member of the 3 i ° A and A Rite , holds the hi gh office of Grand Sub-Prior of the United Orders of the Temple and Hospital , anel is also one of the highest oflicers in the Masonic Order of Rome and Constantine .
AVe recently noticed , in connection with thc Mark Masons of Cheshire , that a new Mark Lodge called the Stamford , No . 14 S , had been opened at the Town Hall , Altrincham , ancl we are glad to record it has met with great success uneler the able Mastership of Bro . James Arthur
Birch , who is well supported b y his officers , Bros . Captain Robert McDonald Smith , as S . W . ; Captain James Walker , J . W . ; and Richard Newhouse , Secretary . In furtherance of the new province the brethren of the Stamford Lodge held an emergency meeting on Saturday last for
the purpose of advancing Bro . tlie Hon . Wilbr-i - ham Egerton , M . P ., R . W . P . G . M . M . elect for Cheshire , and on Friday the 15 th , the brethren ofthe Joppa Lodge , Birkenhead , met and elected Bro . Egerton as a -joining member , and at the
same tune elected him W . M . of that lodge for the ensuing year . As soon as possible after his installation , the ollicers of ihe new province will be chosen . We are glad to learn that Bro . Newhouse has been offered and accepted the Secretaryship .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
posed "The I . P . M . of the Marquis of Lome Lodge , Bro . T . J . Lancashire . " ( Hear , hear . ) He passed a high eulogium upon the first Master of the lodge , whom he said was , in many respects , his conception of a true Masonic
gentleman . ( Applause . ) Bro . Lancashire , in replying , humourously thrnked the previous speaker . Bro . Sanderson was the first child borne to the Marquis of Lome Lodge ( laughter ) , and hc was p leased to find he was an obedient child , and had
spoken so well of his parent . ( Laughter . ) With regard to the lodge , he had done all he could for the last two years to establish and maintain it , and should not relax his efforts , but continue to do his best for it in the future . Bro . Duncan
proposed the toast of" The W . M ., Officers , ancl Brethren ofthe Lodge of Lights , 148 . " Bro . Bryce replied . The W . M . proposed " The Officers of the Marquis of Lome Lodge . " Bro . Hayes preiposcd " The Visiting Brethren . " After
the toast of the " Masonic Charities' had been honoured , Bro . Sanderson , in a short and effective speech , gave " The Ladies . " He said he approached the task of giving the toast with considerable diffidence , ami yet with great
pleasure . The slightest frown from the ladies darkened our joy ; and the slig htest smile soothed our woes . lie would like to dilate on the subject of his toast , but would refrain . He could say in the words of the
poet" Oh woman ! whose form and whose soul Are the spell and delight of each path we pursue ; Whether sunn'd in the Tropics , or chill'd at thc Pole , If woman be there—there is happiness too . "
He believed that compliment and gallantry were essentially appreciated by the fair sex j but apart from that , all his ideas of beauty had been more than surpassed by the ladies of Leigh . ( Applause . )
LANCASTER . —Lodgeof Fortitude ( No . 28 ) . — A regular meeting of the Lodgeof Instruction , in connection with this lodge , was held on Wednesday last , the 1 , 3 th instant . The Worshipful Master , Bro . W . Hall , occupied the chair , and
was supported by Bro . Dr . Moore , LP . M . and P . G . S . B . England ; Bro . W . Fleming , S . W . John Hatch , P . M ., as J . W . ; E . Simpson , P . M . Secretary , and a number of brethren and visitors After the usual lodge business had been trans
acteel , Bro . Aloore elelivered a short lecture on the Three Grand Principles of Freemasonry , for which a hearty vote of thanks was pioposed and carried by acclamation . Good wishes were offered from brethren representing sever-il lodges , and ultimately the lodge was closeel in due form .
IPSWICH . —British Union Lodge ( No . 114 ) — The usual monthly meeting was held at the MasonicHall , Ipswich , on Thursday , the 14 th . There was not a large muster ofthe brethren , owing no doubt to the inclemency of the weather . This being the night for the election of Worshipful
Master , Treasurer , and Tyler . Bro . Dr . Beaumont R . X ., Senior Warden , was unanimously elected W . M . j Bro . Schulen re-elected Treasurer ancl Bro . Geo . Spalding Tyler . Bro . Emra Holmes P . G . Reg , pursuant to notice rose , to speak on his motion respecting the reduction of subscriptions
of non-resident members , and called attention to an able letter in The Freemason on the subject . Hc had intended to move that brethren residing beyond twenty miles should pay half the usual subscription , but finding through the courtesy of the Secretary , Bro . W . Spalding , that a large
proportion of the brethren resided beyond that distance he was willing to make the limit 50 miles , Inview of this alteration in the motion , and there being so few present he would venture to submit the matter for the consideration of the brethren , and would , if they saw fit ,
postpone the motion , until the next regular meeting . Bro . Boby , P . M ., remarked that anything brought before the lodge by so wellknown a Mason as Bro . Emra Holmes * was worthy of their attention and he thought that his motion had better stand over till next meeting , so that the brethren might have au opportunity ol
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
considering it in its altered form . The W . M ., Bro . Long , said that he was at first disposed to oppose Bro . Holmes motion as it originally stood but after the remarks he had made , he thought it was well worthy of consideration . Bro . Cornell ' s
motion for thc formation of a Lodge of Instruction in connection with this lodge was carried . An Officer ofthe Dragoons having been proposed for initiation , and the other business of thc lodge having been transacted , it was closed with solemn . pray er , and the brethren retired for refreshment .
Royal Arch.
Royal Arch .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . WARRINGTON . —Chapter of Elias Ashmole ( No . 148 ) . —A regular convocation of this chapter was held at the chapter rooms on Monday , nth . Sept ., present , Comps . D . W . Finney , M . E . Z . ; W . Monop , H . j W . Richardson , j ' . ; John Bowes , P . Z ., Prov . G . S . B . ; W . S .
Hawkins , E . ; James Jackson , N ., P . J . ; Edelsten as P . S ., and a large number of companions . The chapter was opened in due form , and the minutes read ancl approved . The ballot was then taken for Bros . Reid , Barlow , Wri ght ancl
Sanderson , which being favourable they wcre exalted by Comp . John Bowes , the symbolic and historic lectures being given respectively by the M . E . Z . and H . There being no further business , the chapter was closed .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST . ) LIVERPOOL . —[ Vest Lancashire Lodge ( No . 65 ) . —The usual two-monthly meeting of this lodge of Mark Masons was held on Monday evening , the 4 th instant , at the Masonic Temple , Hopestreet , Liverpool . The lodge was opened in due
form by Bro . Peter M . Larsen , P . M ., acting as W . M ., supported by the following oflicers and brethren : —Bros . J . R . Goepel , F . M . ancl Treas . ; T . Ashmore , S . W . ; f . Taylor , J . W . ; J . Wood , Secretary ; H . Nelson , M . O . ; W . Doyle , J . O . ;
J . C . Lunt , S . D . j M . Mawson , J . D . ; J . E . Jackson , l . G . ; P . Ball , Tyler ; C . Leighton , Organist , and a full attendance of brethren . Thc lodge was opened at six o ' clock , after which the minutes were read and confirmed unanimously ,
ancl a brother was ballotted for . Bro . T . Ashmore , W . M . elect , was then presented to Bro . Larsen , by Bros . Hamer and Goepel , for installation , ancl the ceremony was performed in a highly elfective manner . The W . M . afterwards appointed the
following as his oflicers : —Bros . J . Taylor , S . W . j II . Nelson , J . W . j J . R . Goepel , P . M . as Treas . ( re-appointed ) ; J . Wood , Sec . ( re-appointed for the third time ) ; W . Shortis , M . O . ; J . C . Lant , S . O . ; M . Mawson , J . O . ; J . Iv Jackson , Chap . ;
C . 11 . Hill , Reg . of Marks ; R . Dawson , I . G . ; J . Hayes and C . Tyrer , Stewards ; J . K . Smith , P . M ., as Dir . of Cers . ; and P . Ball , re-elected as Tyler . Thc officers were severally addressed by Bro . Hamer , and the bretliren generally by
Bro . Larcen , the installing Master . Bro . Plaw , being in attendance , was admitted , being properly prepared and dul y obligated , the interesting ceremony being performed by the newly installed W . M . A letter of condolence was adopted and
ordered to be sent b y the Sec . to Bro . T . Clark , I . P . M ., as a mark of sympathy with him upon the death of his wife . After four brethren had
been proposed for exaltation , the lodge was closed , and the brethren sat clown to an excellent banquet . Harmony and good feeling were the order of the evening .
Inthe Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , held at the Gladstone Tavern , Bishopsgate-street , the fifteen sections will be worked , Bro . I lawkins , P . M . Doric Loelge , in the chair .
Mr . T . G . Fermor Hesketh , second son of the late Bro . Sir Thomas G . Fermor I lesketh , Bail . M . P ., R . W . P . G . M . for W . L ., of Rulford Hall , has been placed on the Commission of the Peace ior tlie ceiiiiity of Lancaster .
Masonic Tidings.
Masonic Tidings .
The Suffolk Chronicle , thus speaks of the late Mayor of Ipswich , Bro . G . G . Sampson , who has been four times Mayor of the old town , dignified as the birth place of the great Cardinal Wolsey , to whom , by the way , no statue has yet been erected : — " This day witnessed the usual
municipal ceremonies . The outgoing Mayor retired with eclat—the incoming was greeted with applause . Mr . Sampson has for two years been a most industrious , painstaking , devoted public servant . His ubiquity has been something patriotic . It involved more than a dashing
drive , for time is money , and Mr . Sampson is a professional gentleman whose time is , apart from official duties , pretty well taken up . The hi ghest office in the town he has worthily , loyally , and honourably discharged ; and we should not do our duty did we withhold this testimony to the
value of his services . " Bro . Sampson ( who is one of the oldest medical practitioners in Ipswich , and so famous in this neighbourhood as a whip and owner of fine cattle , " that a certain well-known novelist introduced him . it is said , into one of her novels as the doctor with the
unprofessional hi gh-steppers , " has been a Freemason a great many years , but has latterly almost withdrawn from Masonry . He was dubbed a Knight Templar in the Encampment of Prudence some years since . GALLANT CONDUCT OF A NOISLEMAN . —We
learn from the Pelerboro Advertiser that shortly after midnight on Sunday , theinmates of and persons residing in the neighbourhood of Dunechthouse were awakened by the ringing ofthe alarm bell on the house . On going out they heard
that the west wing of the building was on fire . Supplies of water were got from the cisterns on the tower and a fountain , and efforts were made to subdue the flames . Lord Lindsay was one of the first at the scene of the disaster . When the
fire was at about its worst , it became known that a lady ' s-maid was sleeping in the part which was on fire . Lord Lindsay made his way through fire and smoke to where she was , and they had both just reached a safe position when the roof fell in with a loud crash . Had it not been for
Lord Lindsay ' s courageous conduct , the maid would have perished . After raging for upwards of four hours the flames were subdued , but not before the wing was reduced to a total wreck . The part of thc building destroyed was three stories high , and consisted of the ladies ' -maids '
rooms , the butler ' s rooms , and pantries ; fortunately it contained nothing of special value . The damage clone is estimated at about e £ i , ooo . The origin of the fire is supposed to have been over-heating of the warming pipes in the wing , and the crackling of the wood by the flames was the first indication that the butler had of the
presence of fire . Dunecht-house is thc beautiful Scottish residence of Lord I . indsay , and is situated about 11 miles west of Aberdeen . Lord Lindsay , as many of our readers know , is a distinguished Freemason . He has been appointed
Senior Grand Warden of England , is a member of the 3 i ° A and A Rite , holds the hi gh office of Grand Sub-Prior of the United Orders of the Temple and Hospital , anel is also one of the highest oflicers in the Masonic Order of Rome and Constantine .
AVe recently noticed , in connection with thc Mark Masons of Cheshire , that a new Mark Lodge called the Stamford , No . 14 S , had been opened at the Town Hall , Altrincham , ancl we are glad to record it has met with great success uneler the able Mastership of Bro . James Arthur
Birch , who is well supported b y his officers , Bros . Captain Robert McDonald Smith , as S . W . ; Captain James Walker , J . W . ; and Richard Newhouse , Secretary . In furtherance of the new province the brethren of the Stamford Lodge held an emergency meeting on Saturday last for
the purpose of advancing Bro . tlie Hon . Wilbr-i - ham Egerton , M . P ., R . W . P . G . M . M . elect for Cheshire , and on Friday the 15 th , the brethren ofthe Joppa Lodge , Birkenhead , met and elected Bro . Egerton as a -joining member , and at the
same tune elected him W . M . of that lodge for the ensuing year . As soon as possible after his installation , the ollicers of ihe new province will be chosen . We are glad to learn that Bro . Newhouse has been offered and accepted the Secretaryship .