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CANNON STREET HOTEL . The Most Comfortable House for Visitors . Trains every TEN Minutes to and from Charing Cross and the District Railway . BREAKFASTS served from Six a . m . LUNCHEONS , at 2 / 6 and upwards , from 12 till 4 p . m . TABLE D'HOTE DINNERS , at 3 / 6 and 5 / -, served between 5 . 30 and 9 p . m . COFFEE ROOM and RESTAURANTS OPEN to the PUBLIC . THE MOST RECHERCHE WEDDING BREAKFASTS , Luncheons and Dinners , For Small and Large Private and Public Parties , served in Private Rooms . SPLENDID BALL ROOM AND RECEPTION ROOMS . Dates open for PUBLIC DINNERS , MASONIC and other MEETINGS and CONCERTS . * , * A NEW DANCING FLOOR has been laid in the Ball Room , which is lit up by electric lig ht . Bro . J . A . BERTHER , Manager .
JOHNGOW, f ^ ' NEW BROAD ST ., E . C . ^ r ( . Outside Railway Station ) . ^ riffli ^ HONEY LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE . J V ) u v 93 ) THEOBALD'S ED ., HOLBOKN , W . C . -j 125 , BROMPTON ROAD , S . W . 1 ^ Ww ^ ' IOHN GOW always has on . sale the VJJ * Largest Stock in London oi the Very Best ^ . rt Quality at Lowest Prices . Barrelled Ov ^ PERFECTLY-F ITTED OYSTER SALOON I Now Open at New Broad Street .
WEST CENTRAL Dentalassociation 220 , HIGH HOLBORN ( NEXT DOOR to HOLBORN RESTAURANT ) . Messrs . MULUNERd GRANT . ARTIFICIAL TEETH of the Best Quality , with all the latest Improvements . AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE CHARGES . AINLESS EXTRACTION by NITROUS OXIDE GAS and COCAINE . Consultations Free . Hours 9 to 7 .
/cyCOCKERELL'S \ > 13 , CORNHILL , E . C . NJ — f ^ y ' For Prices , see Daily Papers . Cj ^ / Trucks direct from the * Colliery to every Railway Station .
VEMBLES'IMPROVED PIANOS With Iron and Wood Backs Combined . The Strings being insulated from the Iron Frame , a very Pure and Brilliant Tone is produced . PRICE LISTS FREE . C . VENABLES AND Co ., 87 & 189 , Essex Road , ISLINGTON , N .
BRETHREN visiting the ¦ . -..... "I ..... *** CITY of LONDON should SliUl OVJH U not neglect paying a visit to this W well-known Establishment . ORIGINAL The ONE and FOUR o ' clock Fist Dinners , Pa tion NERSstilIenjoytheiro , drepu - ' Noted Punch , Wines of the ONE AND FOUR Choicest Brands . Dinners , a la carte , O ' CLOCK . Chops , Steaks , & c , from the Grill . Noted Punch . SIMPSON'S , BIRD-IN-HAND COURT . 76 , CHEAPSIDE , LONDON . The largest and most comfortable Smoking Eoom in the City ,
PATENTED IN ENGLAND & AMERICA . [ Established 187 s . A SELF-ACTING PIANO . MUSIC WITHOUT HANDS . Being one of the most unique and useful instruments ever introduced to the public . Powerfully constructed—highly finished Each Cylinder plays ten tunes . Extra Cylinders can be obtained ! Any music can be selected . Pianists no longer required . No juio . wledge required whatever in setting in motion A child can play them . Will stand all climates . Construction as ordinary pianoforte . Superior tone . Manufactured expressly for Colonial export . Specially adapted for Clubs , Hotels , Societies , Bazaars . Write for Prospectus . 6 . Rissone & Co ., 30 , Wamer St ., Clerkenwell , London , E . C . Manufacturers of all kinds of Handle Pianos and Organs .
MANCHESTER HOTEL , ALDERSGATE STREET , E . G . Notice to Secretaries of Masonic Lodges , Clubs , and other Institutions . The Proprietors of the above Hotel , having recently added ¦ a number of commodious Rooms to the Establishment , suitable for LODGE M EETINGS , BANQUETS , DINNERS , & C , will be glad to furnish Terms and Particulars for the use of same on application .
ROMAGRANDCAFE AND RESTAURANT , 266 , HIGH HOLBORN ( Next door to Inns of Court Hotel ) . Under entirely New Management . A SPECIAL 2 / 6 TABLE D'HOTE DINNER . PUBLIC AOT PRIVATE DINING * ROOMS UPSTAIRS . Suppers and Refreshments till 12 . 15 p . m . THE GRILL OPEN TILL 12 P . M . Best Wine and Beer on the Premises . O . CLERICI , Proprietor .
ANDERTON'SHOTELADDTAVERN, FLEET STREET LONDON In connection with the Eoyal Clarence Hotel , llfracombe ; and Peacock Hotel , and Eoyal Hotel , Boston Lincolnshire . The central position of ANDERTON'S renders this Tavern unequalled for Masonic Banquets , Public Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , Meetings of Creditors , Arbitrations or Jovial Gatherings . The Rooms reserved for the above business consist of DINING HALL , PILLAR HALL , MASONIO HALL , CHAPTER , and numerous Smaller Booms . The RESTAURANT on Eastern Side of Hotel Entrance is open to the Public from 7 a . m . to 7 p . m . for BKEAKPASTS , LUNCHEONS , TEAS , and DINNERS . F . H . CLEMOW , Proprietor .
THOMAS GIBBS ( Late Superintendent lirighton Police Fire Brigade ) , SEA HOUSE HOTEL , MIME STREET , BRIGHTON . Choicest Wines and Spirits . Fine Foreign Cigars . Billiards . PRIVATE APARTMENTS .
W.WALLER, TheatricalCostumierandWigMer. Fancy Costumes supplied for Balls , Fetes , and Carnivals . Portable Theatres & Scenery Pitted in Town or Country . Costumes for every published Play may be had on Hire . Also Dress Suits for Banquets , Balls , & c . Estimates and Catalogue of Goods forwarded on application . U & 86 , Tabernacle Street , Finsbury Square , London ,
JUST PUBLISHED . —CLOTH , 2 s . 6 d . A HE-ISSUE OP TheOriginofMasonicRitual&Tradition A LECTURE ON THE THREE DEGREES , By Bro . WM . ROWBOTTOM , P . M . 1028 , With facsimile of a very rare Masonic Engraving published in 1789 . " Exquisitely clear anil singularly correct in everything wherein I may ie any authority or guide . "—Professor PIAZZI SMYTH . ' * Very ably put together and suggests many serious considerations . "The Freemason . " Will he found of considerable interest to many besides Masons . "Church hells . OXFORD : S . ROWBOTTOM & SON . LONDON : GEORGE KENNING , 16 , GT . QUEEN ST ., W . C .
TWO MASONIO SONGS BY THE LATE BRO . JAMES C . BAKER , Mus . Doc , With Quartet and Chorus , ENTITLED"WELCOME" AND "THEMYSTICTIE." POST FREE , is . each nett . Usual Price 2 s . KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOTSi , 2 , 3 , 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , 195 & 197 ALDERSGATE ST ., 16 , GREAT QUEEN ST ., W . C , LONDON .
HEPBURN and COCKS , ESTABLISHED 1700 . 93 , CHANCERY LANE , LONDON , W . C . ( Two Doors North of Union Bank ) , DEED . BALLOT , GASH , and DESPATCH BOX . and FIRE-PROOF SAFE MANUFACTURERS . Air-Tight and Travelling Boxes in stock , and made to order , O / Sces and Strong Eooms Fitted up with Iron Frames and Shelves . Sets f Stands and Boxes made to fit Recesses to Order . Estimates given . Price Lists . «*» N . B .-STRONG DEED BOXES o £ the following dimensions forwarded carnage paid pro nett cash—viz . i 16 in . by 12 in . by 9 * in ., 17 s . fid . 14 in . by 10 in . by 8 in ., 14 s , 6 d . ; and 13 in . by 9 in . by 7 s " ., Us . 6 d .
GENERAL ASSURANCE COMPANY . ESTABLISHED 1837 . LIFE , FIRE , MORTGAGES , ANNUITIES Chief Office : 103 , Cannon Street , London , E . G . CAPITAL and RESERVES £ 2 , 100 , 000 . Board of Directors . Sir ANDREW LUSK , Bart ., Chairman . Principal ANGUS , D . D . JOSEPH BOLTON DOE , Esq ., J . P . The Most Hon . the Marquis of EXETER . Lieut .-Colonel F . D . GREY . JAMES MACK , Esq ., J . P . GEORGE PITT , Esq . Lord GILBERT KENNEDY . JAMES PILKINGTON , Esq ., J . P . HENRY WILLIAM RIPLEY , Esq . WILLIAM STRANG , Esq . Right Hon . C . PELHAM VILLIERS , M . P . The Company undertakes Life Assurance of every kind at moderate rates , and on terms and conditions which compare favourably vvith those of other Companies . Policies are made indisputable after 5 years . Regulations are in force for securing to the Assured the benefit of the surrender value of a Policy in the event of its lapse . Fire Insurances are accepted at tariff rates . All Claims settled with liberality and despatch . Prospectuses and Proposal Forms may be obtained on application at the Chief Office , or any of the Branches . HENRY WARD , Secretary and Manager .
LONDON FEVER HOSPITAL , LIVERPOOL EOAD , N . Close on 700 cases of Diphtheria , Scarlet , and other Infectious Fevers have been treated in this Hospital since the . beginning of this year ; each case a dangerous and protracted illness . Expenses have been , and still are , very heavy , and Additional HELP is earnestly ASKED . A Subscription of a Guinea after the first year , or a Donation of Ten Guineas , will secure prompt admission and free treatment for servants of contributors . Cheques may be made payable to the Secretary at the Hospital , MAJOR W . CHRISTIE . Bankers—Messrs . Dimsdale & Co ., 50 , Cornhill , E . C .
FUNERAL REFORM . Simple , Reverent , and Inexpensive Funerals . Explanatory Pamphlet gratis LONDON NECROPOLIS CO ., 2 , LANCASTER PLACE , STRAND . W . C . PATENT EARTH TO EAETH PERISHABLE COFFINS .
PAINS IN THE HEAD , PACE , AND LIMBS , GOUT , RHEUMATISM , AND RHEUMATIC GOUT , Immediately TRADE'S and Speedily Relieved lb , cured by r ~* OUT AND T 3 HEUMATIC piLLS . Which require neither confinement nor alteration of diet . IMPORTANT TESTDIONIAL TEOM _ . o Tj * jADE'S MB . FRANK WRIGHT , piLLS . - - The Comedian . I . „ TC TRADE'S piLLS . - Prince of Wales Theatre , „„ . „ TRADE'S Birmingham , Feb . 19 th , 1887 . plLl * * 3 ' x-i Dear Sir , —I havo been a great suf- IL — TQ TRADE'S forei * from the gout for the past five pm * " * " * ¦ ^ years . As thero are so many actors suf- . _ TTTq TRADE'S fering from this terrible scourge , I write piuuB " XJ this for thoir benefit and the public at - *• „ TRADE'S large . Your Pills will keep off any at- piW ' ' J - ' tack of gout if taken at the first twinge , A rTT o TRADE'S as prescribed . and if after the disease has piw - - set in will cure it in two or three days . T T TRADE'S I would sooner think of going on the piw ° ' - stage without my wig than neglecting _ TTTa , TRADE'S to have a bottle of your really wonderful piw *" ' - Pills ahout me . „ 0 -E ] ADE'S Yours faithfully , pHiau FBAHK WEIGHT , Comedian . _ TTT . S Jj-JADE'S Mr . G . Eade . pH-W"Ci ADE'S Do not be persuaded to take any other pH * 1 , ' - * - *• Pills for the above distressing , painful _ -, TT * r , g , TRADE'S disorders , as EADE'S have been proved p" * " * " - * •" hy thousands to be the safest and most TT T a TjjADE'S effectual remedy . piuuw Sold by al Chemists and Medicine Vendors , in Bottles is . l | d ., and 2 s . 9 d . GEORGE EADE , 727 Goswell Rd ., London .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CANNON STREET HOTEL . The Most Comfortable House for Visitors . Trains every TEN Minutes to and from Charing Cross and the District Railway . BREAKFASTS served from Six a . m . LUNCHEONS , at 2 / 6 and upwards , from 12 till 4 p . m . TABLE D'HOTE DINNERS , at 3 / 6 and 5 / -, served between 5 . 30 and 9 p . m . COFFEE ROOM and RESTAURANTS OPEN to the PUBLIC . THE MOST RECHERCHE WEDDING BREAKFASTS , Luncheons and Dinners , For Small and Large Private and Public Parties , served in Private Rooms . SPLENDID BALL ROOM AND RECEPTION ROOMS . Dates open for PUBLIC DINNERS , MASONIC and other MEETINGS and CONCERTS . * , * A NEW DANCING FLOOR has been laid in the Ball Room , which is lit up by electric lig ht . Bro . J . A . BERTHER , Manager .
JOHNGOW, f ^ ' NEW BROAD ST ., E . C . ^ r ( . Outside Railway Station ) . ^ riffli ^ HONEY LANE MARKET , CHEAPSIDE . J V ) u v 93 ) THEOBALD'S ED ., HOLBOKN , W . C . -j 125 , BROMPTON ROAD , S . W . 1 ^ Ww ^ ' IOHN GOW always has on . sale the VJJ * Largest Stock in London oi the Very Best ^ . rt Quality at Lowest Prices . Barrelled Ov ^ PERFECTLY-F ITTED OYSTER SALOON I Now Open at New Broad Street .
WEST CENTRAL Dentalassociation 220 , HIGH HOLBORN ( NEXT DOOR to HOLBORN RESTAURANT ) . Messrs . MULUNERd GRANT . ARTIFICIAL TEETH of the Best Quality , with all the latest Improvements . AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE CHARGES . AINLESS EXTRACTION by NITROUS OXIDE GAS and COCAINE . Consultations Free . Hours 9 to 7 .
/cyCOCKERELL'S \ > 13 , CORNHILL , E . C . NJ — f ^ y ' For Prices , see Daily Papers . Cj ^ / Trucks direct from the * Colliery to every Railway Station .
VEMBLES'IMPROVED PIANOS With Iron and Wood Backs Combined . The Strings being insulated from the Iron Frame , a very Pure and Brilliant Tone is produced . PRICE LISTS FREE . C . VENABLES AND Co ., 87 & 189 , Essex Road , ISLINGTON , N .
BRETHREN visiting the ¦ . -..... "I ..... *** CITY of LONDON should SliUl OVJH U not neglect paying a visit to this W well-known Establishment . ORIGINAL The ONE and FOUR o ' clock Fist Dinners , Pa tion NERSstilIenjoytheiro , drepu - ' Noted Punch , Wines of the ONE AND FOUR Choicest Brands . Dinners , a la carte , O ' CLOCK . Chops , Steaks , & c , from the Grill . Noted Punch . SIMPSON'S , BIRD-IN-HAND COURT . 76 , CHEAPSIDE , LONDON . The largest and most comfortable Smoking Eoom in the City ,
PATENTED IN ENGLAND & AMERICA . [ Established 187 s . A SELF-ACTING PIANO . MUSIC WITHOUT HANDS . Being one of the most unique and useful instruments ever introduced to the public . Powerfully constructed—highly finished Each Cylinder plays ten tunes . Extra Cylinders can be obtained ! Any music can be selected . Pianists no longer required . No juio . wledge required whatever in setting in motion A child can play them . Will stand all climates . Construction as ordinary pianoforte . Superior tone . Manufactured expressly for Colonial export . Specially adapted for Clubs , Hotels , Societies , Bazaars . Write for Prospectus . 6 . Rissone & Co ., 30 , Wamer St ., Clerkenwell , London , E . C . Manufacturers of all kinds of Handle Pianos and Organs .
MANCHESTER HOTEL , ALDERSGATE STREET , E . G . Notice to Secretaries of Masonic Lodges , Clubs , and other Institutions . The Proprietors of the above Hotel , having recently added ¦ a number of commodious Rooms to the Establishment , suitable for LODGE M EETINGS , BANQUETS , DINNERS , & C , will be glad to furnish Terms and Particulars for the use of same on application .
ROMAGRANDCAFE AND RESTAURANT , 266 , HIGH HOLBORN ( Next door to Inns of Court Hotel ) . Under entirely New Management . A SPECIAL 2 / 6 TABLE D'HOTE DINNER . PUBLIC AOT PRIVATE DINING * ROOMS UPSTAIRS . Suppers and Refreshments till 12 . 15 p . m . THE GRILL OPEN TILL 12 P . M . Best Wine and Beer on the Premises . O . CLERICI , Proprietor .
ANDERTON'SHOTELADDTAVERN, FLEET STREET LONDON In connection with the Eoyal Clarence Hotel , llfracombe ; and Peacock Hotel , and Eoyal Hotel , Boston Lincolnshire . The central position of ANDERTON'S renders this Tavern unequalled for Masonic Banquets , Public Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , Meetings of Creditors , Arbitrations or Jovial Gatherings . The Rooms reserved for the above business consist of DINING HALL , PILLAR HALL , MASONIO HALL , CHAPTER , and numerous Smaller Booms . The RESTAURANT on Eastern Side of Hotel Entrance is open to the Public from 7 a . m . to 7 p . m . for BKEAKPASTS , LUNCHEONS , TEAS , and DINNERS . F . H . CLEMOW , Proprietor .
THOMAS GIBBS ( Late Superintendent lirighton Police Fire Brigade ) , SEA HOUSE HOTEL , MIME STREET , BRIGHTON . Choicest Wines and Spirits . Fine Foreign Cigars . Billiards . PRIVATE APARTMENTS .
W.WALLER, TheatricalCostumierandWigMer. Fancy Costumes supplied for Balls , Fetes , and Carnivals . Portable Theatres & Scenery Pitted in Town or Country . Costumes for every published Play may be had on Hire . Also Dress Suits for Banquets , Balls , & c . Estimates and Catalogue of Goods forwarded on application . U & 86 , Tabernacle Street , Finsbury Square , London ,
JUST PUBLISHED . —CLOTH , 2 s . 6 d . A HE-ISSUE OP TheOriginofMasonicRitual&Tradition A LECTURE ON THE THREE DEGREES , By Bro . WM . ROWBOTTOM , P . M . 1028 , With facsimile of a very rare Masonic Engraving published in 1789 . " Exquisitely clear anil singularly correct in everything wherein I may ie any authority or guide . "—Professor PIAZZI SMYTH . ' * Very ably put together and suggests many serious considerations . "The Freemason . " Will he found of considerable interest to many besides Masons . "Church hells . OXFORD : S . ROWBOTTOM & SON . LONDON : GEORGE KENNING , 16 , GT . QUEEN ST ., W . C .
TWO MASONIO SONGS BY THE LATE BRO . JAMES C . BAKER , Mus . Doc , With Quartet and Chorus , ENTITLED"WELCOME" AND "THEMYSTICTIE." POST FREE , is . each nett . Usual Price 2 s . KENNING'S MASONIC DEPOTSi , 2 , 3 , 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , 195 & 197 ALDERSGATE ST ., 16 , GREAT QUEEN ST ., W . C , LONDON .
HEPBURN and COCKS , ESTABLISHED 1700 . 93 , CHANCERY LANE , LONDON , W . C . ( Two Doors North of Union Bank ) , DEED . BALLOT , GASH , and DESPATCH BOX . and FIRE-PROOF SAFE MANUFACTURERS . Air-Tight and Travelling Boxes in stock , and made to order , O / Sces and Strong Eooms Fitted up with Iron Frames and Shelves . Sets f Stands and Boxes made to fit Recesses to Order . Estimates given . Price Lists . «*» N . B .-STRONG DEED BOXES o £ the following dimensions forwarded carnage paid pro nett cash—viz . i 16 in . by 12 in . by 9 * in ., 17 s . fid . 14 in . by 10 in . by 8 in ., 14 s , 6 d . ; and 13 in . by 9 in . by 7 s " ., Us . 6 d .
GENERAL ASSURANCE COMPANY . ESTABLISHED 1837 . LIFE , FIRE , MORTGAGES , ANNUITIES Chief Office : 103 , Cannon Street , London , E . G . CAPITAL and RESERVES £ 2 , 100 , 000 . Board of Directors . Sir ANDREW LUSK , Bart ., Chairman . Principal ANGUS , D . D . JOSEPH BOLTON DOE , Esq ., J . P . The Most Hon . the Marquis of EXETER . Lieut .-Colonel F . D . GREY . JAMES MACK , Esq ., J . P . GEORGE PITT , Esq . Lord GILBERT KENNEDY . JAMES PILKINGTON , Esq ., J . P . HENRY WILLIAM RIPLEY , Esq . WILLIAM STRANG , Esq . Right Hon . C . PELHAM VILLIERS , M . P . The Company undertakes Life Assurance of every kind at moderate rates , and on terms and conditions which compare favourably vvith those of other Companies . Policies are made indisputable after 5 years . Regulations are in force for securing to the Assured the benefit of the surrender value of a Policy in the event of its lapse . Fire Insurances are accepted at tariff rates . All Claims settled with liberality and despatch . Prospectuses and Proposal Forms may be obtained on application at the Chief Office , or any of the Branches . HENRY WARD , Secretary and Manager .
LONDON FEVER HOSPITAL , LIVERPOOL EOAD , N . Close on 700 cases of Diphtheria , Scarlet , and other Infectious Fevers have been treated in this Hospital since the . beginning of this year ; each case a dangerous and protracted illness . Expenses have been , and still are , very heavy , and Additional HELP is earnestly ASKED . A Subscription of a Guinea after the first year , or a Donation of Ten Guineas , will secure prompt admission and free treatment for servants of contributors . Cheques may be made payable to the Secretary at the Hospital , MAJOR W . CHRISTIE . Bankers—Messrs . Dimsdale & Co ., 50 , Cornhill , E . C .
FUNERAL REFORM . Simple , Reverent , and Inexpensive Funerals . Explanatory Pamphlet gratis LONDON NECROPOLIS CO ., 2 , LANCASTER PLACE , STRAND . W . C . PATENT EARTH TO EAETH PERISHABLE COFFINS .
PAINS IN THE HEAD , PACE , AND LIMBS , GOUT , RHEUMATISM , AND RHEUMATIC GOUT , Immediately TRADE'S and Speedily Relieved lb , cured by r ~* OUT AND T 3 HEUMATIC piLLS . Which require neither confinement nor alteration of diet . IMPORTANT TESTDIONIAL TEOM _ . o Tj * jADE'S MB . FRANK WRIGHT , piLLS . - - The Comedian . I . „ TC TRADE'S piLLS . - Prince of Wales Theatre , „„ . „ TRADE'S Birmingham , Feb . 19 th , 1887 . plLl * * 3 ' x-i Dear Sir , —I havo been a great suf- IL — TQ TRADE'S forei * from the gout for the past five pm * " * " * ¦ ^ years . As thero are so many actors suf- . _ TTTq TRADE'S fering from this terrible scourge , I write piuuB " XJ this for thoir benefit and the public at - *• „ TRADE'S large . Your Pills will keep off any at- piW ' ' J - ' tack of gout if taken at the first twinge , A rTT o TRADE'S as prescribed . and if after the disease has piw - - set in will cure it in two or three days . T T TRADE'S I would sooner think of going on the piw ° ' - stage without my wig than neglecting _ TTTa , TRADE'S to have a bottle of your really wonderful piw *" ' - Pills ahout me . „ 0 -E ] ADE'S Yours faithfully , pHiau FBAHK WEIGHT , Comedian . _ TTT . S Jj-JADE'S Mr . G . Eade . pH-W"Ci ADE'S Do not be persuaded to take any other pH * 1 , ' - * - *• Pills for the above distressing , painful _ -, TT * r , g , TRADE'S disorders , as EADE'S have been proved p" * " * " - * •" hy thousands to be the safest and most TT T a TjjADE'S effectual remedy . piuuw Sold by al Chemists and Medicine Vendors , in Bottles is . l | d ., and 2 s . 9 d . GEORGE EADE , 727 Goswell Rd ., London .