Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article To Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Original Correspondence. Page 1 of 1 Article Reviews. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THEALEXANDRIACIGARETTECO.'S NEW BBAND . DRAGOUMIS. PREPARED OF THE PUREST TURKISH TOBACCOS . The highest classes of tobacco , however , are converted into the well-known " Dragoumis , " for which the Alexandria Cigarette Company have gained a deservedly high reputation , and we have no hesitation in saying , after a practical test so far as our taste and judgment permit , that they are superior to any we have yet tried , either imported or otherwise . — Whitehall Review Their latest brand , " Dragoumis , " made of a skilful blend of fine Egyptian tobaccos , is full of flavour , yet delicately fragrant enough to please the most fastidious palate . We shall be surprised if "Dragoumis" do not prove the cigarette of the season . —Pump Court .
W.A.VANSANTEN&00., 4 , Fenchurch Avenue , London , CIGARANDCIGARETTEIMPORTERS. Sole Agents for—THE MEXICAN PUFFS CIGARETTES , Manufactured by EOSENTHAII BROS ., New York .
M ASONIC BOOKS . —FOR SALE 40 VOLUMES , including Gould ' s History of Freemasonry , 6 vols , ( unopened ); Findel ' s History , 2 nd edit , j Paton ' s Masonic Jurisprudence ; Mackenzie ' s Royal Masonic Cyclopaedia ( new copy ); Kenning's Masonic Cyclopsedia ( new copy ); Mackey ' s Lexicon ( new copy ); Lenning's ( German ) Cyclopedia ; Krause ' s Records of Masonic Brotherhood ( German ) , 4 vols . ; Krause ' s Uibild der Menschheit ; Fox's Early History ( subscriber ' s copy ); several works by the Rev . G . Oliver , & c , & c . Price £ 10 , open to an offer . —Address , "BOOKS , " 70 , Newman-street , London , W .
A CAMBRIDGE GRADUATE ( P . M ., P . Z ., P . M . W . S . 18 ° , Professor of Latin and Zoology , "The College , " South Kensington ; Examiner 15 years Bexley Heath College ) has some time disengaged for Private or Visiting Tuition . Lectures on History and Natural Science . Foreigners taught English through the medium of French . —Address , F . D ., 62 , Lancaster-road . Notting-hill , W .
FOR SALE . —A very fine impression ( proof before letters ) of the CELEBRATED MASONIC PICTURE , painted by THOMAS STOTHARD , R . A ., and engraved by BARTOLOZZI , representing the FESTIVAL of the FREEMASONS' GIRLS' SCHOOL in 1802 , containing Portraits of the most Eminent Masons of the day . Size 25 inches by 19 inches , with Key , price £ 6 6 s . —Apply at the office of the Freemason .
MI SS EMILY FOXCROFT , « Contralto Vocalist , " Gold Medallist , L . A . M ., CAN BE ENGAGED for MASONIC FESTIVALS , INSTALLATION BANQUETS CONCERTS , & c—For Terms , Address 1 , Hojford Street , W . C .
JUST PUBLISHED , CABINET SIZE , ANEW PHOTOGRAPH , by Bradnee , of Torquay , of Bro . WILLIAM J AMES HUGHAN , r . S . G . D . England , sent post free for 2 / - in Stamps or Postal JJrder , by GEORGE KENNING , Freemason Office , 16 , weat Queen-street , London , W . C .
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOR AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS , CROVDON . GRAND PATRON AND P RESIDENT : HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G .. & c , M . W . G . M . THE ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL Will take place at FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , On Wednesday , 27 th February , 188 9 , Upon which occasion THE RT . HON . THE EARL OF EUSTON , R . W . Prov . G . M . Northants and Hunts , Has been pleased to signify his intention of presiding . Brethren are earnestly invited to accept the Office of Stewards upon this occasion , and they will greatly oblige by forwarding their names and Masonic rank , as soon as convenient , to the Secretary , who will gladly give any information required , and supply them with the necessary circulars , & c . lt is fraternally hoped that upon this occasion , owing to the large number of applicants , and the few vacancies , Brethren will use their influence to obtain donations towards the funds of the Institution , vvhich were never more needed than at the present time . Expenditure in Annuities alone , £ 15 , 000 . Permanent Income only £ 3600 . 428 Annuitants on the Funds . 140 Candidates seeking Amission . JAMES TERRY , Vice-Patron , P . G . S . B ., Secretary . Office—4 , Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C .
HENRY'SGREATINDIANREMEDIES ( LIMITED ) . "HIPPACEA," The Stable and Kennel Repisite . COPY OF LETTER FROM LORD COMBERMERE , re " HIPPACEA . " Carlton Club , 9 th November , 1887 . SIR , I have tried your "Hippacea " both upon myself for rheumatism , and upon a horse for splints . I found it do more good to me than any Embrocation I have ever used , and several of my friends have benefited by its use . I cured the only horse ( of a splint ) that I have ever tried it upon , and shall use it again . Yours faithfully , COMBERMERE . "HIPPACEAPILLS," For purifying the Blood of Dogs , & c , without purging . 12 , Ogwy Street , Nantymoel , Sept . 17 th , 1888 . SIR , I am convinced there is not such another remed y as " Hippacea " to be had . Every other lotion and ointment were complete failures in my dog ' s casenone did the least good . I was on the point of destroying the dog when I made up my mind to try your valuable "Hippacea" as a last resort , and I am g lad to say it has cured it . I gave the box of " Hippacea Pills " to a friend of mine , who had two young dogs with distemper , and to prove your Pills he gave them to only one dog , which got over the malady quite easily , the other dog died . I recommend" Hippacea " to all my friends . ALF . GODDING . PRICES— " Hippacea" 2 / 9 , 5 / 3 , 10 / 3 , post free . " Hippacea Pills " 1 / -, 2 / 6 , and 5 / - per box , of F . H . BOWDEN , Managing Director , 43 , KING WILLIAM STREET , LONDON , E . G ., AND MADRAS , INDIA . TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS—HIPPACEA , LONDON .
ESTABLISHED 1810 . J.CUSWORTH&SONS GRANITE , MARBLE , and STONE WORKS . UPWARDS OF 100 MONUMENTS In Red , Grey , and Silver Grey Polished Granite , Always in Stock at our London Depot , 152 a , PENTONVILLE ROAD . WOBES-Abney Park Cemetery ; East End Knchley ; and Chingford Mount , Chinpford , Estimates and Designs of Monuments , Tombs , Headstones , and Ledgers , in Granite , Marble , and Stone , forwarded free of K charge . Prices include fixing complete at any London Cemetery .
LONSBURYCOLLEGE, ENFIELD CHASE , MIDDLESEX . Healthily situated on the summit of a hill and specially constructed for scholastic purposes . Boys thoroughly prepared for professional or commercial appointments , and for any public examination . Ample and efficient staff of resident ENGLISH AND FOREIGN MASTERS . Every home comfort and unlimited diet . Twelve acres for recreation . Reasonable and inclusive fees . Inspection invited . Winter Term commenced September 17 th . PRINCIPALMr . C . E . TOWN , F . S . Sc . ( London ) .
MASONS' CERTIFICATES , ftc . FRAMED TO ANY DESIGN . H.MORELL 17 and 18 , Great St . Andrew St ., Bloomsbury , W . C , Iion *? jn . Manufacturer and Importer of all kinds of Picture Frame and Decorative Mouldings ( Two Million Feet always in stock ) . Every requisite for the Trade and Exportation . Illustrated Book of . Patterns post free for three penny stamps .
To Correspondents.
To Correspondents .
The following communications among others unavoidably stand over : — "CRAFT LODGES—Canongate Kilwinning , No . 2 ( S . C . ) j Robert Burns , Mo . 25 : Lodgeof the Marches , No . 611 ; Whittington , No . 862 ; Priory , No . 1000 ; and Lodge La France , No . 2060 . LODGES OF INSTRUCTION—Starkie ; Temperance , No . 169 ; Covent Garden , No . 1614 : Chiswick , No . 2012 ;
Stockwell , No . 1339 ; Hyde Park , No . 1425 ; Islington , No . 1471 j and Kensington , No . 1767 . CHAPTER OF INSTRUCTION—Star , No . 1275 . ROYAL ARCH—Friendship Chapter , No . 202 . KNIGHTS TKMPLAR—Jacques de Molay Preceptory , No . 36 .
Presentation to Bro . H . Oxley Wakefield . Historical Notes on Scotch Lodges , by Bro . D . Murray Lyon . BOOKS . Sec , RECEIVED . " Liberal Freemason , " " Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of
Manitoba , " " The Tyler , " " Masonic Review , ' "South African Freemason , " * ' Keystone , " "Freimaurer-ZeitunK , " " La Chaine d'Union , " "Die Bauhutte , " "South Australian Freemason , " '' Proceedings of the Grand Lodgeof New Brunswick , " "Voice of Masonry" ( Chicago ) , "Australian Keystone , " " New Zealand Masonic Journal , " " Freemasons' journal" ( New York ) , " Boletin Oficial , " "Victorian Freemason , " "Freemasons' Repository , " ' . ' Masonic World , " and " Canadian Craftsman . "
Original Correspondence.
© rtgtnal Correspondence ,
" AN OLD MASONIC SONG . " To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , This seems to have been a popular song with th brethren of last century , as it appears to be in many of th lists of songs then published . As well as in the works
mentioned in your last week s edition , it is found along with others in "Wm . Auld ' s History of Masonry , " dedicated to Patrick Earl of Dumfries , Grand Master Mason of Scotland . Edinburgh , 1772 . —Vours fraternally , B . W . D . MONTGOMERY , Sec . X . ( I . C . ) November 19 th .
Eeimfog ,
GRAND LODGE OF ILLINOIS , 1888 . The proceedings , & c , of this large and vigorous Grand Lodge extend to nearly 500 pages , and together make a very readable volume . The Grand Master is M . W . Bro . John C . Smith , who was re-elected to that important office on October 3 rd , 1888 , as was also the Deputy G . M ., thc R . W . Bro . J . M . Pearson , and , as a matter of coursethe
, Grand Secretary , V . W . Bro . Loyal L . Munn , the Grand Treasurer and Grand Wardens being similarly complimented . The Grand Master is much respected , and rules ably as the chief Master Mason out of over 40 , 000 Craftsmen and 700 lodges and upwards . Illinois is onl y second to New York as respects size , the latter Grand Lodge numbering some 72 , 000 members on its roll , being the largest
in America . The returns by Bro . Munn , compiled by him as the beloved Grand Secretary , are most elaborate , and extend to many scores of pages , the " directory " portion giving the names ot the several lodges , post-offices for correspondence , stated meetings , and the names of the several Masters and Secretaries , and a tabular statement showing , with other particulars of value , the membership of each of the 700 odd lodges during 1 S 87 , the number raised ,
admitted , died , expelled , suspended , and admitted during 1888 , as also statistics respecting the number of rejections , initiations , passings , amount of dues , and net tuUls ofmembers to date . The address of the G . M . is well written , and met with the warm approval of the Grand Lod ge . Portions of the correspondence is interesting to us on this side of the " big pond , " as it deils with the America" doctrine of personal , side by side , with that of the British custom of territorial jurisdiction , our well-known Bro . D .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THEALEXANDRIACIGARETTECO.'S NEW BBAND . DRAGOUMIS. PREPARED OF THE PUREST TURKISH TOBACCOS . The highest classes of tobacco , however , are converted into the well-known " Dragoumis , " for which the Alexandria Cigarette Company have gained a deservedly high reputation , and we have no hesitation in saying , after a practical test so far as our taste and judgment permit , that they are superior to any we have yet tried , either imported or otherwise . — Whitehall Review Their latest brand , " Dragoumis , " made of a skilful blend of fine Egyptian tobaccos , is full of flavour , yet delicately fragrant enough to please the most fastidious palate . We shall be surprised if "Dragoumis" do not prove the cigarette of the season . —Pump Court .
W.A.VANSANTEN&00., 4 , Fenchurch Avenue , London , CIGARANDCIGARETTEIMPORTERS. Sole Agents for—THE MEXICAN PUFFS CIGARETTES , Manufactured by EOSENTHAII BROS ., New York .
M ASONIC BOOKS . —FOR SALE 40 VOLUMES , including Gould ' s History of Freemasonry , 6 vols , ( unopened ); Findel ' s History , 2 nd edit , j Paton ' s Masonic Jurisprudence ; Mackenzie ' s Royal Masonic Cyclopaedia ( new copy ); Kenning's Masonic Cyclopsedia ( new copy ); Mackey ' s Lexicon ( new copy ); Lenning's ( German ) Cyclopedia ; Krause ' s Records of Masonic Brotherhood ( German ) , 4 vols . ; Krause ' s Uibild der Menschheit ; Fox's Early History ( subscriber ' s copy ); several works by the Rev . G . Oliver , & c , & c . Price £ 10 , open to an offer . —Address , "BOOKS , " 70 , Newman-street , London , W .
A CAMBRIDGE GRADUATE ( P . M ., P . Z ., P . M . W . S . 18 ° , Professor of Latin and Zoology , "The College , " South Kensington ; Examiner 15 years Bexley Heath College ) has some time disengaged for Private or Visiting Tuition . Lectures on History and Natural Science . Foreigners taught English through the medium of French . —Address , F . D ., 62 , Lancaster-road . Notting-hill , W .
FOR SALE . —A very fine impression ( proof before letters ) of the CELEBRATED MASONIC PICTURE , painted by THOMAS STOTHARD , R . A ., and engraved by BARTOLOZZI , representing the FESTIVAL of the FREEMASONS' GIRLS' SCHOOL in 1802 , containing Portraits of the most Eminent Masons of the day . Size 25 inches by 19 inches , with Key , price £ 6 6 s . —Apply at the office of the Freemason .
MI SS EMILY FOXCROFT , « Contralto Vocalist , " Gold Medallist , L . A . M ., CAN BE ENGAGED for MASONIC FESTIVALS , INSTALLATION BANQUETS CONCERTS , & c—For Terms , Address 1 , Hojford Street , W . C .
JUST PUBLISHED , CABINET SIZE , ANEW PHOTOGRAPH , by Bradnee , of Torquay , of Bro . WILLIAM J AMES HUGHAN , r . S . G . D . England , sent post free for 2 / - in Stamps or Postal JJrder , by GEORGE KENNING , Freemason Office , 16 , weat Queen-street , London , W . C .
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOR AGED FREEMASONS AND WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS , CROVDON . GRAND PATRON AND P RESIDENT : HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G .. & c , M . W . G . M . THE ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL Will take place at FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , On Wednesday , 27 th February , 188 9 , Upon which occasion THE RT . HON . THE EARL OF EUSTON , R . W . Prov . G . M . Northants and Hunts , Has been pleased to signify his intention of presiding . Brethren are earnestly invited to accept the Office of Stewards upon this occasion , and they will greatly oblige by forwarding their names and Masonic rank , as soon as convenient , to the Secretary , who will gladly give any information required , and supply them with the necessary circulars , & c . lt is fraternally hoped that upon this occasion , owing to the large number of applicants , and the few vacancies , Brethren will use their influence to obtain donations towards the funds of the Institution , vvhich were never more needed than at the present time . Expenditure in Annuities alone , £ 15 , 000 . Permanent Income only £ 3600 . 428 Annuitants on the Funds . 140 Candidates seeking Amission . JAMES TERRY , Vice-Patron , P . G . S . B ., Secretary . Office—4 , Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C .
HENRY'SGREATINDIANREMEDIES ( LIMITED ) . "HIPPACEA," The Stable and Kennel Repisite . COPY OF LETTER FROM LORD COMBERMERE , re " HIPPACEA . " Carlton Club , 9 th November , 1887 . SIR , I have tried your "Hippacea " both upon myself for rheumatism , and upon a horse for splints . I found it do more good to me than any Embrocation I have ever used , and several of my friends have benefited by its use . I cured the only horse ( of a splint ) that I have ever tried it upon , and shall use it again . Yours faithfully , COMBERMERE . "HIPPACEAPILLS," For purifying the Blood of Dogs , & c , without purging . 12 , Ogwy Street , Nantymoel , Sept . 17 th , 1888 . SIR , I am convinced there is not such another remed y as " Hippacea " to be had . Every other lotion and ointment were complete failures in my dog ' s casenone did the least good . I was on the point of destroying the dog when I made up my mind to try your valuable "Hippacea" as a last resort , and I am g lad to say it has cured it . I gave the box of " Hippacea Pills " to a friend of mine , who had two young dogs with distemper , and to prove your Pills he gave them to only one dog , which got over the malady quite easily , the other dog died . I recommend" Hippacea " to all my friends . ALF . GODDING . PRICES— " Hippacea" 2 / 9 , 5 / 3 , 10 / 3 , post free . " Hippacea Pills " 1 / -, 2 / 6 , and 5 / - per box , of F . H . BOWDEN , Managing Director , 43 , KING WILLIAM STREET , LONDON , E . G ., AND MADRAS , INDIA . TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS—HIPPACEA , LONDON .
ESTABLISHED 1810 . J.CUSWORTH&SONS GRANITE , MARBLE , and STONE WORKS . UPWARDS OF 100 MONUMENTS In Red , Grey , and Silver Grey Polished Granite , Always in Stock at our London Depot , 152 a , PENTONVILLE ROAD . WOBES-Abney Park Cemetery ; East End Knchley ; and Chingford Mount , Chinpford , Estimates and Designs of Monuments , Tombs , Headstones , and Ledgers , in Granite , Marble , and Stone , forwarded free of K charge . Prices include fixing complete at any London Cemetery .
LONSBURYCOLLEGE, ENFIELD CHASE , MIDDLESEX . Healthily situated on the summit of a hill and specially constructed for scholastic purposes . Boys thoroughly prepared for professional or commercial appointments , and for any public examination . Ample and efficient staff of resident ENGLISH AND FOREIGN MASTERS . Every home comfort and unlimited diet . Twelve acres for recreation . Reasonable and inclusive fees . Inspection invited . Winter Term commenced September 17 th . PRINCIPALMr . C . E . TOWN , F . S . Sc . ( London ) .
MASONS' CERTIFICATES , ftc . FRAMED TO ANY DESIGN . H.MORELL 17 and 18 , Great St . Andrew St ., Bloomsbury , W . C , Iion *? jn . Manufacturer and Importer of all kinds of Picture Frame and Decorative Mouldings ( Two Million Feet always in stock ) . Every requisite for the Trade and Exportation . Illustrated Book of . Patterns post free for three penny stamps .
To Correspondents.
To Correspondents .
The following communications among others unavoidably stand over : — "CRAFT LODGES—Canongate Kilwinning , No . 2 ( S . C . ) j Robert Burns , Mo . 25 : Lodgeof the Marches , No . 611 ; Whittington , No . 862 ; Priory , No . 1000 ; and Lodge La France , No . 2060 . LODGES OF INSTRUCTION—Starkie ; Temperance , No . 169 ; Covent Garden , No . 1614 : Chiswick , No . 2012 ;
Stockwell , No . 1339 ; Hyde Park , No . 1425 ; Islington , No . 1471 j and Kensington , No . 1767 . CHAPTER OF INSTRUCTION—Star , No . 1275 . ROYAL ARCH—Friendship Chapter , No . 202 . KNIGHTS TKMPLAR—Jacques de Molay Preceptory , No . 36 .
Presentation to Bro . H . Oxley Wakefield . Historical Notes on Scotch Lodges , by Bro . D . Murray Lyon . BOOKS . Sec , RECEIVED . " Liberal Freemason , " " Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of
Manitoba , " " The Tyler , " " Masonic Review , ' "South African Freemason , " * ' Keystone , " "Freimaurer-ZeitunK , " " La Chaine d'Union , " "Die Bauhutte , " "South Australian Freemason , " '' Proceedings of the Grand Lodgeof New Brunswick , " "Voice of Masonry" ( Chicago ) , "Australian Keystone , " " New Zealand Masonic Journal , " " Freemasons' journal" ( New York ) , " Boletin Oficial , " "Victorian Freemason , " "Freemasons' Repository , " ' . ' Masonic World , " and " Canadian Craftsman . "
Original Correspondence.
© rtgtnal Correspondence ,
" AN OLD MASONIC SONG . " To the Editor of the " Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , This seems to have been a popular song with th brethren of last century , as it appears to be in many of th lists of songs then published . As well as in the works
mentioned in your last week s edition , it is found along with others in "Wm . Auld ' s History of Masonry , " dedicated to Patrick Earl of Dumfries , Grand Master Mason of Scotland . Edinburgh , 1772 . —Vours fraternally , B . W . D . MONTGOMERY , Sec . X . ( I . C . ) November 19 th .
Eeimfog ,
GRAND LODGE OF ILLINOIS , 1888 . The proceedings , & c , of this large and vigorous Grand Lodge extend to nearly 500 pages , and together make a very readable volume . The Grand Master is M . W . Bro . John C . Smith , who was re-elected to that important office on October 3 rd , 1888 , as was also the Deputy G . M ., thc R . W . Bro . J . M . Pearson , and , as a matter of coursethe
, Grand Secretary , V . W . Bro . Loyal L . Munn , the Grand Treasurer and Grand Wardens being similarly complimented . The Grand Master is much respected , and rules ably as the chief Master Mason out of over 40 , 000 Craftsmen and 700 lodges and upwards . Illinois is onl y second to New York as respects size , the latter Grand Lodge numbering some 72 , 000 members on its roll , being the largest
in America . The returns by Bro . Munn , compiled by him as the beloved Grand Secretary , are most elaborate , and extend to many scores of pages , the " directory " portion giving the names ot the several lodges , post-offices for correspondence , stated meetings , and the names of the several Masters and Secretaries , and a tabular statement showing , with other particulars of value , the membership of each of the 700 odd lodges during 1 S 87 , the number raised ,
admitted , died , expelled , suspended , and admitted during 1888 , as also statistics respecting the number of rejections , initiations , passings , amount of dues , and net tuUls ofmembers to date . The address of the G . M . is well written , and met with the warm approval of the Grand Lod ge . Portions of the correspondence is interesting to us on this side of the " big pond , " as it deils with the America" doctrine of personal , side by side , with that of the British custom of territorial jurisdiction , our well-known Bro . D .