Article Correspondence. Page 1 of 1 Article Reviews. Page 1 of 1 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 2 →
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Correspondence .
V / e do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed by our correspondents , but we wish , in a spirit of fair play to All , to permit—within certain necessary limits—free discussion . J
THE PROPOSED CHANGES IN THE CONSTITUTION . To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , I hope that nobody will follow the advice of " Lex Scripta , " as the non - confirmation of the minutes in March next would be a calamity and extremely awkward .
Does " Lex Scripta " know , that apart from the never ending *' ' Cambria discussion , the regular business of the Colonial Board does not last more than 15 minutes , so vvhat an Assistant Grand Secretary would find to do I cannot think . The Craft can rely upon certain brethren of Celonial experience being appointed by the Grand Master , and it is open to any brother to propose two or three able brethren of such standing as vvill secure their election .
" Lex Scripta " is in error in writing of Bro . Dr . Pocock as a member of the Board of General Purposes ; he retired in June last . The question of the retiring six is difficult ; it seems rig ht for those who have attended least to drop out , not those who tout and canvas least . —Yours frternally , "OBSERVER . "
Reviews .
HlSTORV OF THE LODGE oi * ST . J AMES , NO . 448 , HALIFAX , on the Roll of the United Grand Lodge of England of Free and Accepted Masons from 1 S 37 to 1 S 90 ; vvith an Account of the Election and Consecration of the Freemasons' Hall , Halifax . By Austin Roberts , P . M ., P . P . G . A . D . C . West Yorkshire . Presented to the lodge January 22 nd , 1 S 94 , by the Author . —Leeds : Goodall and Suddick , Printers , Cookridge-street , 1895 . —The History , vvhich is contained in this exceedingly handsome volume , and has been compiled with so much ability and judgment by Bro . Austin Roberts , is an amplification of the account he delivered of the origin and progress of Lodge No . 44 S , at its
Jubilee Commemoration Festival on the 23 rd October , 1 SS 8 , in the presence of a large and influential gathering of membeis and visitors , prominent among the latter of whom were the late respected Bro . Thomas W . Tew , J . P ., then Prov . G . Master of VVest Yorkshire , and his Deputy , Bro . Henry Smith , Past G . D . of England , lt was a notable occasion in the annals of the lodge , vvhich , like most other lodges , has experienced its vicissitudes of fortune during the 50 years of its existence , but vvhich , at all events , during the latter portion of that period has been uniformly strong in numbers , and exemplary in the discharge of ils appointed duties . Moreover , as there are
circumstances in its career vvhich do not often fall to the lot of the historian of so comparatively young a ledge to record , Bro . Roberts has had at his command ample material for the compilation of an extremely interesting volume , nor do vve think there will be the slightest hesitation on the part of those who read his history in acknowledging that he has made excellent use of his opportunities . The petition for a charter of constitution for the proposed lodge bears date the 24 th December , 1837 , an < ^ was transmitted by the then Dep . Prov . G . Master of West Yorkshire , Bro . Charles Lee , to Bros . White and Harper , joint Secretaries of the United Grand Lodge , on the 4 th January , 1 S 3 S , but it
was not till the 27 th August following that Bro . Lee vvas in a position to announce to the W . M . designate and his brother-founders that the charter had been received . And hereby hangs a tale vvhich is the reverse of creditable to the then executive officers of Grand Lodge . The petition , as vve have said , was forwarded to headquarters on the 4 th January , 1 S 3 S . On the following 4 th May , the Dep . Prov . G . M ., having in the interim been informed that H . R . H . the M . W . G . M . had been pleased to accede to the prayer of the petitioners , and in view of the approaching annua ! meeting of the Prov . G . Lodge of West Yorkshire , at Wakefield , on the 7 th of the same month , addresses a
letter to the G . Secretaries , requesting a reply by return of post , as he is anxious to prove to the brethren that the delay in respect to the lodge warrant has not arisen through any default on his part . At the meeting of Prov , G . Lodge three days later , the Dep . P . G . M . mentioned the circumstances , the following being the entry in the minutes in vvhich the incident is recorded : "The R . W . D . G . M . stated that a petition to the M . W . G . M . the Duke of Sussex , from certain brethren at Thornton , near Bradford , has been received by him and had been transmitted to the G . S . so long ago as January the 4 th , 1 S 3 S , but although the G . S . had intimated that the prayer of the
petitioners had been granted , yet up to that period no Warrant had been received . This created a strong sensation among the brethren . " No corresponding " sensation , " however , appears to have been created in the G . Secretaries' office at Freemasons' Hall . On the 4 th June Bro . Lee again wrote to the G . Secretaries , enclosing a letter he had received from the petitioners , who were desirous of entering upon their Masonic duties , and at the same time Bro . Roberts suggests that he may have forwarded a copy of his letter to the Earl of Mexborough , who vvas then Prov . G . M . of West Yorkshire , invoking his lordship ' s kind offices in their behalf . At all events , on the
27 th June , after an interval , of six months all but one week , Bro . Harper forwards to the D . P . G . M . a dispensation vvhich , when signed by the Deputy , " will answer the purpose until a warrant may be signed by his Royal Highness and forwarded . " Under the dispensation the petitioners lost no time in setting about their duties and met for the first time as a lodge on the gth July , when two candidates for initiation vvere balloted for and approved . At length , on the 27 th August , as already mentioned , the long looked for warrant , dated 17 th March , 1 S 3 S , is in the possession of the Dep . P . G . M ., and it is found possible to suggest the necessity for making arrangements tor the consecration . Owing ,
however , to prior engagements on the part of thc Dep . P . G . M ., and other unavoidable circumstances , the lodge was not consecrated till the 2 yth October , that is to say , nearly ten months after the petition was sent and more than seven months subsequent to the actual date of the warrant . However , the ceremony was performed on the day appointed , by the D . P . G . AI . in the presence of some 50 brethren , of whom 14 vvere members , the style and title being the Loyal Antient St . James ' s Lodge , No . 656 , the place of meeting a private rocm in Thornton , ar . d the lirst VV . Master Bro . lssac Tempest . At Thornton , alter the fust lew years , the lodge suffered from a paucity of members , and at length ic
became manifest that unless something vvas done it would pass out of existence altogether . It was therefore resolved to move tbe lodge to Halifax , and on the Oth July , 185 ( 1 , the bicthien held their first meetingin that town . The change proved so beneficial lhat in the first six months 11 initiates and eight joining members were added to the roll . ln 1 S 60 it joined wilh thc Ledge of Probity—novv No . 61—in entertaining Prov . G . Ledge , while Ihe year following it obtained the sanction of the authorities to change its name to St . James ' s . A few jears later it became a question , not as at Thornton , as to how , considering Ihe paucity of ils members , it should continue to meet and fulfil its
duties , but vvheie , in cor > equerce ol its increased numerical strength , it could find prem ' ses laigc erough to accommodate the ledge . Vatious plans were talked over and ultimately it was lesolved to purchase a sile and erect on it a building cf their own . When Ihis lecame known the Lodge of Probity cxpiessed a wish to join the St . James ' s Lodge in the 1 reclion of thc premises , and arr angc 1111 nls having been agreed upon between Ihe two bodies , the first stone was laid by Bro . rair Henry Edwards , Bart ., M . P ., P . Prov . ( j . VV ., of the Ledge ul Probity , and on the srith August of the following year the two lodges entered into occupation of their new hall , the ceremony of dedicating it tothe
puirxtcs of Fin mascmy being solemnly peilomied by the Earl de Grey and Ripon , D . G . M . of England , ar . d Piov . Grand Master West Yorkshire , on the 24 th November , iSCy . Sircc then lhc lodge has gone on prospering , and , as stated at the outset of this article , celebrated the jubilee ol ils constitution on thc 23 rd October in the presence of liro . Tew , P . G . M ., and Bro . II . Smith , D . P . G . M ., and a laigc muiter ot b . ethren from olher ledges in the province , having the year previous , in conjunction with the Lodge ol Probity , celebrated the ( Jueen's Jubilee by raising the sum of jt ' yoo in part liquidation oi the debt on the hall . cach loege agieeing to contribute a moiety ol the sum , viz .,
it 450 . Having noted the puncipal events recorded in the pages of liro . Roberts History , it only remains for us to express our satisfaction at the very able manner in which he has acquitted himself ol hisdutics as author . His dillicult to see how any one cculd have done ihe work belter . It is an eminently readable book , and one that for its its style if treatment rcll cts ciedit upon Ihe historian , as the events he has described undoubtedly ullttt credit upon the lodge . A vvcrd ot praise iniibt also bs added as to the appearance of the book , which is beautifully printed on toned paper , and handsomely and , at the same time , strongly and substantially buund .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
Caledonian Lodg-e , No . 204 . The installation took place on Wednesday , the nth inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester , when there was a large gathering of brethren present , no doubt on account of Bro . Chas . Duckworth , P . M ., being installed forthe second time into the chair . We must say this ancient lodge has kept its reputation as regards the choice of Master and the excellent manner in vvhich the ceremonies were performed . The chair vvas taken by Bro . E . A . Bretey , W . M ., supported by his ofiicers . The minutes of the
previous meeting vvere read and confirmed , and Bro . Charles Duckworth , P . M ., W . M elect , vvas presented to the Installing Master , Bro . Bretey , who installed his successor in a very able manner . He appointed as Installing Officers , Bros . Normanton , P . M ., as S . W . ; Martin Thomas , P . P . G . D ., as j . W . ; John Cliffz , P . P . G . D . C , as D . C . ; ] . Maxwell , P . P . G . Org ., as Org . ; and Bramwell , P . M ., as I . G . Bro . Duckworth , P . M ., was briefly inducted into the chair of K . S . and duly declared and saluted by the brethren , under the direction of Bro . John Cliffe . Bro . T . Savver , P . M ., presented the working
working tools , Bro . Martin Thomas addressed the W . M ., and Bro . Normanton , P . M ., the Wardens , whilst the brethren vvere addressed by Bro . Bramwell . Bro . John Cliffe , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , vvas , as usual , in very good form , and invested the officers and explained to them the duties of each . They were as follows : Bros . Charles Duckworth , W . M . j E . A . Bretey , I . P . M . ; G . W . Thornhill , S . W . j J . H . Williams , J . W . ;
M . Thomas , P . M ., P . P . G . D ., Chap . ; J . Roberts , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C ., Treas . ; G . T . Mullock , P . M ., Sec . ; Assheton Stanley , S . D ; J . Gordon , J . D . ; John Cliffe , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , D . C . ; W . H . Maxfield , P . M . 1957 , P . P . G . O . Cheshire , Org . ; T . Mawdsley , I . G . j W . Hodgson , Wm . Muir , J . M . Mottram , and Bilsbury , Stwds . ; and E . H . Flower , P . M ., Tyler . Bro . G . T . Mullock , P . M ., Sec , was unanimously elected as Charity Representative .
After all Masonic business had been ended , the lodge vvas closed , and subsequently a banquet vvas held to celebrate the Festival of St . John , and a capital programme of vocal and instrumental music had been arranged . The following contributed songs : Bros . Martin Thomas , Thomas Shorrock , P . M ., J . Parker , and Mark Stafford , P . M ., P . P . G . S . Bro . W . H . Maxfield , P . M ., acted as accompanyist , and Bro . J . S . Derbyshire contributed a solo excellently rendered on the violin . 'The usual toasts were given and responded to , and a very happy evening was spent ,
The following is a list of those present on the occasion : Bros . E . A . Bretey , W . M . j G . W . Thornhill , S . W . ; J . H . Williams , J . W . j G . T . Mullock , P . M ., Sec . j A . Stanley , S . D . j John Gordon , J . D . j John Cliffe , P . P . G . D . C , D . C . j W . H . Max , field . P . M ., P . P . G . O . ; Thos . Mawdsley , I . G . ; E . H . Flower , P . G . T . ; S . Bramwell , P . M . ; C Duckworth , P . M . ; E . H . Normanton , P . M . ; T . Sawer , P . M . ; W . M . Muir , W . Hodgson , lames Watson , J . O . Broad , and J . M . Mottram . Visitors
Bros . R . Timpulo , P . P . G . D . ; J . S . Derbyshire , Mark Stafford , P . M ., P . P . G . S . ; H . Nail , P . P . G . S . ; W . Gadd , W . M . 2464 ; W . Baron , W . M . 1219 ; A . Lawley , P . P . A . G . D . C ; Fred Hilton , P . P . G . D . C ; C . M . J . Schofield , G . Nomby , Sam Locke , P . M . ; H . H . Mayor , H . Grimshaw , W . M . ; John Faulker , T . Shorrock , P . M . ; T . Mottley , P . P . G . D . C . ; John Taylor , P . M . ; Rev . Philip Harris , P . M . ; G . S . Smith , P . P . G . O . East and West Lanes . ; John Brookes , and John Parker .
St . George ' s Lodge , No . 1170 . The regular meeting of this lodge vvas held on Monday , the iGth inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester . The summons showed the work to be an initiation , vvhich is somewhat unusual in this lodge . Bro . J . C . Watham , VV . M ., presided . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . William Brookes , P . M ., Treas ., assumed the chair and initiated the candidate . Bro . Watham presented the working tools , and Bro . A . H . Williams , P . M ., P . P . G . Org ., gave the address to the candidate . All the work was exceedingly well done , Bro . Peter Lawton , P . P . G . D ., acted as J . D . There were 20 brethren present .
Truth Lodge , No . 1458 . The rreeting of this ^ lodge was one of great importance , and took place on Saturday , the 7 th inst ., at the Mosley Hotel , Piccadilly , Manchester . The event was the installation of Bro . W . H . Worsley , S . W ., W . M . elect . He is a brother who for some years past has been an ardent student of Alasonry , and it has always been his ambition to gain
the highest honour it is possible for the members of any lodge to bestow . Having gained the goal , he decided to do all he could to celebrate thc event right loyall y towards his numerous friends . He spared no trouble so that the brethren and visitors might have every pleasure . In fact , it will at once be seen with what popularity Bro . Worsley is held when > ve siw 45 Past Masters in the Board of Installed Masters . The large number of members assembled about 2 . 30 p . m .
The lodge vvas opened by Bro . E . M . Shepherd , W . M ., and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . There being a passing due , the ceremony was performed by Bro . Alfred Hebden , P . P . D . G . D . C , who then vacated the chair , and the position of Installing Master was assumed by Bro . Fred Hilton , P . P . G . D . C , who appointed as Installing Officers Bros . Robert Caldwell , P . P . G . D . C , as S . VV . ; A . Hebden , as J . W . ; B . Carr , P . M ., as I . G . ; and J . W . Abbott , P . P . G . D . C , the latter presenting Bro . Worsley to the Installing Mister . The interesting function was ver * » -aj :.-ui .. nAPrA-... aj I-... u . „ rj . * l . » - _ ......- » .,. ! 1 ... 13 , . I . J . . r > n a /^ _ u - >! * uiLauijr [ rtiiuniicu uy uiuiiiiiuu i 3 i uiujii ? \\\ i \ laiu
„ n ^ . , a » cu uy . : uau , u . * x , . ^ . veu , T . H . Hall , P . M ., Sec . j Davies , P . M . j and Lennard , P . M ., who was duly saluted in the different Degrees . The following brethren were invested for the ensuing year : Bros . E . M . Shepherd , I . P . M . ; T . P . Cooper , S . W . ; A . B . Taylor , J . VV . ; B . Carr , P . M ., Chap . ; F . Hilton , P . M ., Treas . ; T . H . Hall , P . M ., Sec ; L . Hirsch , S . D . ; J . J . Dean , J . D . ; H . Hellewell , I . G . j A . riebden , P . M ., D . C ; and S . Muller
A . Leach , and Oswald Whittaker , Stewards . The ceremony all through vvas interesting , inasmuch as it was an agreeable change to hear several qualified brethren take part . At the cbse of the installation , Bro . VV . H . Worsley took the gavel , and , from the very able and business like way in which he conducted affairs , sha . veJ at one ; h ; vvas a very desirable president , and we have no doubt he will prove an excellent Master . The offertory having been taken , the lodge vvas duly closed .
A banquet subsequently took place , at vvhich the nunerous guests vvere entertain ; 1 . Here , again , the VV . M . shone to great advantage as a president . The usual loyal and other toasts vvere given and responded to . During the evening two presentations vvere nude in the form of jewels—one to Bro . Shepherd , I . P . M ., and the other to B .-o . Alfred Hebden , P . M ., whj his acted as Preceptor and D . C . lor many years . The latter was a fine specimen of design and workmanship , it being a combination of P . M . and D . C with the emblem of Truth beautifully
enamelled on a gold plate on the ribbon suspender . Another presentation was made in the form of a very handsome derrick for the ornamentation of the lodge . Bro . Hebden presented it on behalf of the W . M . ' 1 he elaborate programme was successfully carried out under the direction of Bro . G . II . Bishop , assisted by Bros . Nelson Stokes , Ridsdale , Bowley , P . M ., J . Robinson , and Alexander Marr , and , in addition , the W . M . gave a pianoforte solo , which was must charmingly rendered , and d . lighted the vast assembly .
Ihe folljwmg brethren were p . 'esent : Bros . li . M . Shepherd , VV . M . ; H . L . Burgess , P . M . ; A . B . Taylor , S . VV . ; Fred Hilton , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , Treas . ; T . II . Hall , P . M ., Sec ; A . Hebden , P . M ., P . P . D . G . D . C , D . C ; L . Hirsch , J . D . ; J . Joseph Dean , I . G . ; James Hyde , Tyler ; M . Davies , P . M . ; Buckley Carr , P . M . ; J . Archdale , P . M . ; R . Caldwell , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; G . T . Lenard , P . M . ; Joseph tliltun , 11 . Hellewell , T . Stuart , VV . Dewhurst , E . J . Parkin , T . P . Cooper , J . Peaver , S . Drew , A . Leach , J . H . Morris , and G . II . Bishop . Visitors : Bros , John Chadwick , P . M . 44 , l-. G . S . B ., P . G . Sec . ; II . Nail , P . M . 1375 , 2363 , P . G . Treas . West Lanes . ;
A . Middleton , P . M . O 45 , P . S . G . D j A . II . Dufiin , P . M . 1134 , P . G . D . C . j W . Bee , P . M . 1459 , P . A . G . D . C ; G . R . Lloyd , P . M . 1730 , P . P . G . T . West Lancs . j H . H . Waiburton , P . M . iG . t , P . P . S . G . D . ; J . Gamlin , P . M . C 05 , P . P . G . D . ; P . Duff , P . M . O 03 , P . P . S . G . D . ; TI . L . Roca , P . M . 815 , 2 3 22 , P . P . J . G . D . ; M . Tnomas , P . M . 2303 , P . P . G . D . ; J . VV . Abbott , P . M . 1031 , P . P . G . D . C ; J . Cliffe , P . M . 204 , P . P . G . D . C ; G . llighain , P . M . 10 S 3 , P . P . D . G . D . C ; W . II . Russell , P . M . my , P . P . A . G . D . C ; G . S . Mnith , P . l ' . G . Org . East and West Lanes . ; VV . A . Hepworth , W . M . 103 ; II . J . Harrison , W . M . 581 ; G . Proudman , W . M . 1013 , J . VV . 249 O ; Geo . B . Guodfellow , W . M . 1030 ; Robt . Lingard , W . M . 1003 ; J . Orme , VV . M . 1459 ; John
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Correspondence .
V / e do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions expressed by our correspondents , but we wish , in a spirit of fair play to All , to permit—within certain necessary limits—free discussion . J
THE PROPOSED CHANGES IN THE CONSTITUTION . To the Editor of the "Freemason . " Dear Sir and Brother , I hope that nobody will follow the advice of " Lex Scripta , " as the non - confirmation of the minutes in March next would be a calamity and extremely awkward .
Does " Lex Scripta " know , that apart from the never ending *' ' Cambria discussion , the regular business of the Colonial Board does not last more than 15 minutes , so vvhat an Assistant Grand Secretary would find to do I cannot think . The Craft can rely upon certain brethren of Celonial experience being appointed by the Grand Master , and it is open to any brother to propose two or three able brethren of such standing as vvill secure their election .
" Lex Scripta " is in error in writing of Bro . Dr . Pocock as a member of the Board of General Purposes ; he retired in June last . The question of the retiring six is difficult ; it seems rig ht for those who have attended least to drop out , not those who tout and canvas least . —Yours frternally , "OBSERVER . "
Reviews .
HlSTORV OF THE LODGE oi * ST . J AMES , NO . 448 , HALIFAX , on the Roll of the United Grand Lodge of England of Free and Accepted Masons from 1 S 37 to 1 S 90 ; vvith an Account of the Election and Consecration of the Freemasons' Hall , Halifax . By Austin Roberts , P . M ., P . P . G . A . D . C . West Yorkshire . Presented to the lodge January 22 nd , 1 S 94 , by the Author . —Leeds : Goodall and Suddick , Printers , Cookridge-street , 1895 . —The History , vvhich is contained in this exceedingly handsome volume , and has been compiled with so much ability and judgment by Bro . Austin Roberts , is an amplification of the account he delivered of the origin and progress of Lodge No . 44 S , at its
Jubilee Commemoration Festival on the 23 rd October , 1 SS 8 , in the presence of a large and influential gathering of membeis and visitors , prominent among the latter of whom were the late respected Bro . Thomas W . Tew , J . P ., then Prov . G . Master of VVest Yorkshire , and his Deputy , Bro . Henry Smith , Past G . D . of England , lt was a notable occasion in the annals of the lodge , vvhich , like most other lodges , has experienced its vicissitudes of fortune during the 50 years of its existence , but vvhich , at all events , during the latter portion of that period has been uniformly strong in numbers , and exemplary in the discharge of ils appointed duties . Moreover , as there are
circumstances in its career vvhich do not often fall to the lot of the historian of so comparatively young a ledge to record , Bro . Roberts has had at his command ample material for the compilation of an extremely interesting volume , nor do vve think there will be the slightest hesitation on the part of those who read his history in acknowledging that he has made excellent use of his opportunities . The petition for a charter of constitution for the proposed lodge bears date the 24 th December , 1837 , an < ^ was transmitted by the then Dep . Prov . G . Master of West Yorkshire , Bro . Charles Lee , to Bros . White and Harper , joint Secretaries of the United Grand Lodge , on the 4 th January , 1 S 3 S , but it
was not till the 27 th August following that Bro . Lee vvas in a position to announce to the W . M . designate and his brother-founders that the charter had been received . And hereby hangs a tale vvhich is the reverse of creditable to the then executive officers of Grand Lodge . The petition , as vve have said , was forwarded to headquarters on the 4 th January , 1 S 3 S . On the following 4 th May , the Dep . Prov . G . M ., having in the interim been informed that H . R . H . the M . W . G . M . had been pleased to accede to the prayer of the petitioners , and in view of the approaching annua ! meeting of the Prov . G . Lodge of West Yorkshire , at Wakefield , on the 7 th of the same month , addresses a
letter to the G . Secretaries , requesting a reply by return of post , as he is anxious to prove to the brethren that the delay in respect to the lodge warrant has not arisen through any default on his part . At the meeting of Prov , G . Lodge three days later , the Dep . P . G . M . mentioned the circumstances , the following being the entry in the minutes in vvhich the incident is recorded : "The R . W . D . G . M . stated that a petition to the M . W . G . M . the Duke of Sussex , from certain brethren at Thornton , near Bradford , has been received by him and had been transmitted to the G . S . so long ago as January the 4 th , 1 S 3 S , but although the G . S . had intimated that the prayer of the
petitioners had been granted , yet up to that period no Warrant had been received . This created a strong sensation among the brethren . " No corresponding " sensation , " however , appears to have been created in the G . Secretaries' office at Freemasons' Hall . On the 4 th June Bro . Lee again wrote to the G . Secretaries , enclosing a letter he had received from the petitioners , who were desirous of entering upon their Masonic duties , and at the same time Bro . Roberts suggests that he may have forwarded a copy of his letter to the Earl of Mexborough , who vvas then Prov . G . M . of West Yorkshire , invoking his lordship ' s kind offices in their behalf . At all events , on the
27 th June , after an interval , of six months all but one week , Bro . Harper forwards to the D . P . G . M . a dispensation vvhich , when signed by the Deputy , " will answer the purpose until a warrant may be signed by his Royal Highness and forwarded . " Under the dispensation the petitioners lost no time in setting about their duties and met for the first time as a lodge on the gth July , when two candidates for initiation vvere balloted for and approved . At length , on the 27 th August , as already mentioned , the long looked for warrant , dated 17 th March , 1 S 3 S , is in the possession of the Dep . P . G . M ., and it is found possible to suggest the necessity for making arrangements tor the consecration . Owing ,
however , to prior engagements on the part of thc Dep . P . G . M ., and other unavoidable circumstances , the lodge was not consecrated till the 2 yth October , that is to say , nearly ten months after the petition was sent and more than seven months subsequent to the actual date of the warrant . However , the ceremony was performed on the day appointed , by the D . P . G . AI . in the presence of some 50 brethren , of whom 14 vvere members , the style and title being the Loyal Antient St . James ' s Lodge , No . 656 , the place of meeting a private rocm in Thornton , ar . d the lirst VV . Master Bro . lssac Tempest . At Thornton , alter the fust lew years , the lodge suffered from a paucity of members , and at length ic
became manifest that unless something vvas done it would pass out of existence altogether . It was therefore resolved to move tbe lodge to Halifax , and on the Oth July , 185 ( 1 , the bicthien held their first meetingin that town . The change proved so beneficial lhat in the first six months 11 initiates and eight joining members were added to the roll . ln 1 S 60 it joined wilh thc Ledge of Probity—novv No . 61—in entertaining Prov . G . Ledge , while Ihe year following it obtained the sanction of the authorities to change its name to St . James ' s . A few jears later it became a question , not as at Thornton , as to how , considering Ihe paucity of ils members , it should continue to meet and fulfil its
duties , but vvheie , in cor > equerce ol its increased numerical strength , it could find prem ' ses laigc erough to accommodate the ledge . Vatious plans were talked over and ultimately it was lesolved to purchase a sile and erect on it a building cf their own . When Ihis lecame known the Lodge of Probity cxpiessed a wish to join the St . James ' s Lodge in the 1 reclion of thc premises , and arr angc 1111 nls having been agreed upon between Ihe two bodies , the first stone was laid by Bro . rair Henry Edwards , Bart ., M . P ., P . Prov . ( j . VV ., of the Ledge ul Probity , and on the srith August of the following year the two lodges entered into occupation of their new hall , the ceremony of dedicating it tothe
puirxtcs of Fin mascmy being solemnly peilomied by the Earl de Grey and Ripon , D . G . M . of England , ar . d Piov . Grand Master West Yorkshire , on the 24 th November , iSCy . Sircc then lhc lodge has gone on prospering , and , as stated at the outset of this article , celebrated the jubilee ol ils constitution on thc 23 rd October in the presence of liro . Tew , P . G . M ., and Bro . II . Smith , D . P . G . M ., and a laigc muiter ot b . ethren from olher ledges in the province , having the year previous , in conjunction with the Lodge ol Probity , celebrated the ( Jueen's Jubilee by raising the sum of jt ' yoo in part liquidation oi the debt on the hall . cach loege agieeing to contribute a moiety ol the sum , viz .,
it 450 . Having noted the puncipal events recorded in the pages of liro . Roberts History , it only remains for us to express our satisfaction at the very able manner in which he has acquitted himself ol hisdutics as author . His dillicult to see how any one cculd have done ihe work belter . It is an eminently readable book , and one that for its its style if treatment rcll cts ciedit upon Ihe historian , as the events he has described undoubtedly ullttt credit upon the lodge . A vvcrd ot praise iniibt also bs added as to the appearance of the book , which is beautifully printed on toned paper , and handsomely and , at the same time , strongly and substantially buund .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
Caledonian Lodg-e , No . 204 . The installation took place on Wednesday , the nth inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester , when there was a large gathering of brethren present , no doubt on account of Bro . Chas . Duckworth , P . M ., being installed forthe second time into the chair . We must say this ancient lodge has kept its reputation as regards the choice of Master and the excellent manner in vvhich the ceremonies were performed . The chair vvas taken by Bro . E . A . Bretey , W . M ., supported by his ofiicers . The minutes of the
previous meeting vvere read and confirmed , and Bro . Charles Duckworth , P . M ., W . M elect , vvas presented to the Installing Master , Bro . Bretey , who installed his successor in a very able manner . He appointed as Installing Officers , Bros . Normanton , P . M ., as S . W . ; Martin Thomas , P . P . G . D ., as j . W . ; John Cliffz , P . P . G . D . C , as D . C . ; ] . Maxwell , P . P . G . Org ., as Org . ; and Bramwell , P . M ., as I . G . Bro . Duckworth , P . M ., was briefly inducted into the chair of K . S . and duly declared and saluted by the brethren , under the direction of Bro . John Cliffe . Bro . T . Savver , P . M ., presented the working
working tools , Bro . Martin Thomas addressed the W . M ., and Bro . Normanton , P . M ., the Wardens , whilst the brethren vvere addressed by Bro . Bramwell . Bro . John Cliffe , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , vvas , as usual , in very good form , and invested the officers and explained to them the duties of each . They were as follows : Bros . Charles Duckworth , W . M . j E . A . Bretey , I . P . M . ; G . W . Thornhill , S . W . j J . H . Williams , J . W . ;
M . Thomas , P . M ., P . P . G . D ., Chap . ; J . Roberts , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C ., Treas . ; G . T . Mullock , P . M ., Sec . ; Assheton Stanley , S . D ; J . Gordon , J . D . ; John Cliffe , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , D . C . ; W . H . Maxfield , P . M . 1957 , P . P . G . O . Cheshire , Org . ; T . Mawdsley , I . G . j W . Hodgson , Wm . Muir , J . M . Mottram , and Bilsbury , Stwds . ; and E . H . Flower , P . M ., Tyler . Bro . G . T . Mullock , P . M ., Sec , was unanimously elected as Charity Representative .
After all Masonic business had been ended , the lodge vvas closed , and subsequently a banquet vvas held to celebrate the Festival of St . John , and a capital programme of vocal and instrumental music had been arranged . The following contributed songs : Bros . Martin Thomas , Thomas Shorrock , P . M ., J . Parker , and Mark Stafford , P . M ., P . P . G . S . Bro . W . H . Maxfield , P . M ., acted as accompanyist , and Bro . J . S . Derbyshire contributed a solo excellently rendered on the violin . 'The usual toasts were given and responded to , and a very happy evening was spent ,
The following is a list of those present on the occasion : Bros . E . A . Bretey , W . M . j G . W . Thornhill , S . W . ; J . H . Williams , J . W . j G . T . Mullock , P . M ., Sec . j A . Stanley , S . D . j John Gordon , J . D . j John Cliffe , P . P . G . D . C , D . C . j W . H . Max , field . P . M ., P . P . G . O . ; Thos . Mawdsley , I . G . ; E . H . Flower , P . G . T . ; S . Bramwell , P . M . ; C Duckworth , P . M . ; E . H . Normanton , P . M . ; T . Sawer , P . M . ; W . M . Muir , W . Hodgson , lames Watson , J . O . Broad , and J . M . Mottram . Visitors
Bros . R . Timpulo , P . P . G . D . ; J . S . Derbyshire , Mark Stafford , P . M ., P . P . G . S . ; H . Nail , P . P . G . S . ; W . Gadd , W . M . 2464 ; W . Baron , W . M . 1219 ; A . Lawley , P . P . A . G . D . C ; Fred Hilton , P . P . G . D . C ; C . M . J . Schofield , G . Nomby , Sam Locke , P . M . ; H . H . Mayor , H . Grimshaw , W . M . ; John Faulker , T . Shorrock , P . M . ; T . Mottley , P . P . G . D . C . ; John Taylor , P . M . ; Rev . Philip Harris , P . M . ; G . S . Smith , P . P . G . O . East and West Lanes . ; John Brookes , and John Parker .
St . George ' s Lodge , No . 1170 . The regular meeting of this lodge vvas held on Monday , the iGth inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester . The summons showed the work to be an initiation , vvhich is somewhat unusual in this lodge . Bro . J . C . Watham , VV . M ., presided . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . William Brookes , P . M ., Treas ., assumed the chair and initiated the candidate . Bro . Watham presented the working tools , and Bro . A . H . Williams , P . M ., P . P . G . Org ., gave the address to the candidate . All the work was exceedingly well done , Bro . Peter Lawton , P . P . G . D ., acted as J . D . There were 20 brethren present .
Truth Lodge , No . 1458 . The rreeting of this ^ lodge was one of great importance , and took place on Saturday , the 7 th inst ., at the Mosley Hotel , Piccadilly , Manchester . The event was the installation of Bro . W . H . Worsley , S . W ., W . M . elect . He is a brother who for some years past has been an ardent student of Alasonry , and it has always been his ambition to gain
the highest honour it is possible for the members of any lodge to bestow . Having gained the goal , he decided to do all he could to celebrate thc event right loyall y towards his numerous friends . He spared no trouble so that the brethren and visitors might have every pleasure . In fact , it will at once be seen with what popularity Bro . Worsley is held when > ve siw 45 Past Masters in the Board of Installed Masters . The large number of members assembled about 2 . 30 p . m .
The lodge vvas opened by Bro . E . M . Shepherd , W . M ., and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . There being a passing due , the ceremony was performed by Bro . Alfred Hebden , P . P . D . G . D . C , who then vacated the chair , and the position of Installing Master was assumed by Bro . Fred Hilton , P . P . G . D . C , who appointed as Installing Officers Bros . Robert Caldwell , P . P . G . D . C , as S . VV . ; A . Hebden , as J . W . ; B . Carr , P . M ., as I . G . ; and J . W . Abbott , P . P . G . D . C , the latter presenting Bro . Worsley to the Installing Mister . The interesting function was ver * » -aj :.-ui .. nAPrA-... aj I-... u . „ rj . * l . » - _ ......- » .,. ! 1 ... 13 , . I . J . . r > n a /^ _ u - >! * uiLauijr [ rtiiuniicu uy uiuiiiiiuu i 3 i uiujii ? \\\ i \ laiu
„ n ^ . , a » cu uy . : uau , u . * x , . ^ . veu , T . H . Hall , P . M ., Sec . j Davies , P . M . j and Lennard , P . M ., who was duly saluted in the different Degrees . The following brethren were invested for the ensuing year : Bros . E . M . Shepherd , I . P . M . ; T . P . Cooper , S . W . ; A . B . Taylor , J . VV . ; B . Carr , P . M ., Chap . ; F . Hilton , P . M ., Treas . ; T . H . Hall , P . M ., Sec ; L . Hirsch , S . D . ; J . J . Dean , J . D . ; H . Hellewell , I . G . j A . riebden , P . M ., D . C ; and S . Muller
A . Leach , and Oswald Whittaker , Stewards . The ceremony all through vvas interesting , inasmuch as it was an agreeable change to hear several qualified brethren take part . At the cbse of the installation , Bro . VV . H . Worsley took the gavel , and , from the very able and business like way in which he conducted affairs , sha . veJ at one ; h ; vvas a very desirable president , and we have no doubt he will prove an excellent Master . The offertory having been taken , the lodge vvas duly closed .
A banquet subsequently took place , at vvhich the nunerous guests vvere entertain ; 1 . Here , again , the VV . M . shone to great advantage as a president . The usual loyal and other toasts vvere given and responded to . During the evening two presentations vvere nude in the form of jewels—one to Bro . Shepherd , I . P . M ., and the other to B .-o . Alfred Hebden , P . M ., whj his acted as Preceptor and D . C . lor many years . The latter was a fine specimen of design and workmanship , it being a combination of P . M . and D . C with the emblem of Truth beautifully
enamelled on a gold plate on the ribbon suspender . Another presentation was made in the form of a very handsome derrick for the ornamentation of the lodge . Bro . Hebden presented it on behalf of the W . M . ' 1 he elaborate programme was successfully carried out under the direction of Bro . G . II . Bishop , assisted by Bros . Nelson Stokes , Ridsdale , Bowley , P . M ., J . Robinson , and Alexander Marr , and , in addition , the W . M . gave a pianoforte solo , which was must charmingly rendered , and d . lighted the vast assembly .
Ihe folljwmg brethren were p . 'esent : Bros . li . M . Shepherd , VV . M . ; H . L . Burgess , P . M . ; A . B . Taylor , S . VV . ; Fred Hilton , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C , Treas . ; T . II . Hall , P . M ., Sec ; A . Hebden , P . M ., P . P . D . G . D . C , D . C ; L . Hirsch , J . D . ; J . Joseph Dean , I . G . ; James Hyde , Tyler ; M . Davies , P . M . ; Buckley Carr , P . M . ; J . Archdale , P . M . ; R . Caldwell , P . M ., P . P . G . S . B . ; G . T . Lenard , P . M . ; Joseph tliltun , 11 . Hellewell , T . Stuart , VV . Dewhurst , E . J . Parkin , T . P . Cooper , J . Peaver , S . Drew , A . Leach , J . H . Morris , and G . II . Bishop . Visitors : Bros , John Chadwick , P . M . 44 , l-. G . S . B ., P . G . Sec . ; II . Nail , P . M . 1375 , 2363 , P . G . Treas . West Lanes . ;
A . Middleton , P . M . O 45 , P . S . G . D j A . II . Dufiin , P . M . 1134 , P . G . D . C . j W . Bee , P . M . 1459 , P . A . G . D . C ; G . R . Lloyd , P . M . 1730 , P . P . G . T . West Lancs . j H . H . Waiburton , P . M . iG . t , P . P . S . G . D . ; J . Gamlin , P . M . C 05 , P . P . G . D . ; P . Duff , P . M . O 03 , P . P . S . G . D . ; TI . L . Roca , P . M . 815 , 2 3 22 , P . P . J . G . D . ; M . Tnomas , P . M . 2303 , P . P . G . D . ; J . VV . Abbott , P . M . 1031 , P . P . G . D . C ; J . Cliffe , P . M . 204 , P . P . G . D . C ; G . llighain , P . M . 10 S 3 , P . P . D . G . D . C ; W . II . Russell , P . M . my , P . P . A . G . D . C ; G . S . Mnith , P . l ' . G . Org . East and West Lanes . ; VV . A . Hepworth , W . M . 103 ; II . J . Harrison , W . M . 581 ; G . Proudman , W . M . 1013 , J . VV . 249 O ; Geo . B . Guodfellow , W . M . 1030 ; Robt . Lingard , W . M . 1003 ; J . Orme , VV . M . 1459 ; John