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Royal Arch.
F . Piggott , P . G . P . S ., I . P . Z . ; Oliver Papworth , P . Z ., P . G . H ., S . E . ; W . Hutchinson , S . N . ; T . Hunnybun , P . P . G . S . B ., Treas . ; W . B . Sheppard , P . S . ; G . Chennell , ist A . S . ; A . K . Chaplin , P . G . Treas ., 2 nd A . S .: B . Chennell , P . Z ., P . P . G . H ., D . C . j A . W . Aldrich , P . G . O ., Org . ; J . V . Pryor , P . Z ., P . P . G . S . N ., Steward ; and G . A . Allen , Janitor . Bros . Tollemache and Langridge , of SS , vvere afterwards elected and exalled . The chiefs were assi-ted by Comps . B . Chennell , P . Z ., and F . Piggott , I . P . Z . At the banquet vvhich followed the customary loyal and Masonic toasts vvere duly honoured .
Comp . J . Royston . II . 441 , responded for "The Provincial Grand Officers / and Comp . J . Sheldrick , P . Z . 441 , for " The Visitors . "
Jerusalem Chapter , No . 185 . A meeting of this old chapter vvas held at the Freemasons' Tavern . Great Queenstreet , on the ioth inst . Among those present were Comps . Dr . Frve , M . E . Z . ; Capt . T . C . Walls , P . D . G . D . C , P . Z ., as 11 . : Cleghorn , P . Z ., as J . ; G . Davis , P . Z ., S . E . ; Hill , S . N . ; I larfeld , P . Z ., Treas . ; Witthaus , P . S . ; Harnley , ist A . S . ; Johnston , 2 nd AS . ; N . Moss , J . P ., P . Z . ; and T . C . Edmunds , P . Z ., Janitor . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The chapter was then closed , and the companions adjourned to banquet . The usual toasts followed .
The I . P . Z ., in proposing "The Health of the birst Principal , " expressed his regret lhat Comp . Dr . Frye had had no work to do since his installation in April last . He ( the M . E . Z . ) vvas an able exponent of the lilual , and it vvas to be hopsd that ere be vacated the chair an opportunity would be given him of displaying his abilities . The M . E . Z ., having replied , gave the toast of "The Past Principals . " He
congratulated Ihe chapter upon possessing so many excellent workers in the Royal Arch Degree , amongst whom might be mentioned Cnmps . G . Davis and Cleghorn . There were also two other popular members , Comp . 1 larfeld , their excellent Treasurer , and Comp . N . Moss , whose services vvere always at the disposal of the companions . He coupled the toast vvith the names of Comps . N . Moss and Cleghorn .
Those companions having replied , the toast of "The Officers" terminated the proceedings .
Buckingham Chapter , No . 591 . The annual convocation of the above chapter vvas held at the Masonic Hail , Aylesbury , on Wednesday , the iSth inst ., when there vvere present Comps . E . T , Mackrill , M . E . Z . ; J . W . Burgess , H . j J . BI ' . J . ; J . J . Thomas , P . Z . ; L . Paulton , P . Z . ; J . Fdgington , P . Z . ; S . Payne , P . Z . ; O . J . Grace , P . Z ., P . G . S . Eng . ; J . Knight , P . Z . ; J . Williams , P . Z ., S . E . ; J . J . Simcox , S . N . ; Surfieet , P . S . ; Sherwin , Asst . Soj . ; Ball , Coppuck , Cornick , Dr . Parker , Lomas , Hubbard , J . Payne , Janitor ; and J . N . Hodgkinson , Asst . Janitor .
The chapter having been duly opened , the minutes were read and confirmed . Next followed the ballot for four brethren , which proved unanimous , and Ihey were duly exalted , the work being done in an excellent manner . The Three Principals vvere next installed , viz ., Comps . Burgess , as M . E . Z . ; Bliss , as H . ; and Williams , as J . j the installation ceremony being performed by Comp . J . Williams , P . Z . The M . E . Z . then appointed and invested his ollicers as follows : Comps . Surfieet , S . N . j Williams , P . Z .,
S . E . ; Simcox , P . S . ; Sherwin , ist . A . S . ; Hubbard , 2 nd A . S . ; and Edgington , Auditor and Organist . The M . E . Z . then , in very suitaUe words , presented on behalf of the chapter a P . Z . 's jewel to Comp . Mackrill , as a small token of their appreciation of his work during the past year . Comp . Mackrill duly responded , and thanked the chapter . The chapter was then closed , and the companions afterwards dined together .
Letters of apology were received from several companions , and a congratulatory telegram was received from the Grand Superintendent , Comp . J . S . Brownrigg . Ihe usual Masonic leasts vvere given , and a pleasant evening was spent .
Humphrey Cheetham Chapter , No . 645 . The regular meeting vvas held on Tuesday , the 17 th instant , at Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester . The chapter was opened by Comp . C . 11 . Arnold , M . E . Z ., in the chair . The minutes of Ihe previous meeting were read and confirmed . The business on the summons showed an exaltation of liro . Isidore E . A . Giitz , which ceremony vvas performed by the fo'lowintr companions : Comps . J . E . Lees , P . Z , P . P . G . T ., who pave lhc first lecture ; Child , P ' / .., the second ; and j . II . Sillitoe . P . G . D . of C , P . G . II ., Ihe ihird , whilst Ccmp . S . Moore performed the duties of P . S . All through Ihe rercnunv vvas admirably rendered , and was a great treat to all who beheld it .
'Ihe following vvere present : Comps . C H . Arnold , M . E . Z . ; Nathan Heywood , II . ; Child , P . Z ., EclingJ . ; J . 11 . Sillitce , P . Z ., P . G . S . B ., P . G . H . ; A . H . Jefferis , P . Z ., P . P . G . J . ; J . E . Lees , P . P . G . Treas . ; S . VVaiburton , P . G . S . ; G . S . " Smith , P . Z ., P . P . G . Oig ., Org . ; R . VV . Rnutley , S . N . ; Sam Moore , P . S .. Loose , ist A S . ; ar . d C . II . flower , P . G . Janitor . Visitors * . Comps . Midgley , P . Z ., and S . J . Mills .
Kennington Chapter , No . 1381 . This chapter met at the Horns Tavern , Kennington P . uk , on the 12 th inst ., when lliere were present , amrng others , Comps . Dannis , M . E . Z . ; Caot . Wall-- , P . Z ., P . D . G . D . C , as II . ; II . Salter , P . Z .. as J . ; II . Higgins , P . Z ., P . P . G . D . C , S . E . ; A Lundie , S . N . ; Gecrgc Everett , P . Z ., P . G . Treas ., Ireas . ; Colwrll , P . S . ; Smith , ist A S . ; 11 . J . Lardner , P . Z ., P . P . G . S . B . ; VV . \ V . Westley , P . Z . j and Whitney .
Thc minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . I he name of a candidate for joining having been proposed and seconded , the chapter was c ' osei . Refreshment fcllcvvcd labour , and upon the removal of the cloth the M . E . Z . gave the usual toasts . Ccmp . Geo . Everett , P . G . Treas ., responded on behalf of "The Grand Ollicers . "
He then p'cpo . 'fd " Ihe Health of the M . E . Z . " In thc course of his remarks he said that their First Principal during his lenu c cf the chair in the Kennington Lodje had vvoiked well . His yean f eifhecas VV . M . had been a most successful one . Hovever , there had been a dearih of candidates in the Koyal Arch Drgree in No . 13 S 1 , and Comp . Dennis had had co opportunities of distinguishing himself as he had done in the mother lodge . Nevertheless , the chapter was very prosperous .
The M . E . Z . havirg replied , gave ' * The Past Principals , " coupled with the names of Comps . Lardner and Westley , whose talents in the general work of Freemasonry vvere well known . These companions having replied , the M . E . Z . gave "The S . E . and Treasurer " and " The Ollicers . " During the prccecdings some excellent instrumental and vocal selections were given .
Selwyn Chapter , No . 1901 . Ihe regular convccatic . 11 cf this successful and flourishing South Lond n chapter was held at the Montpelier Hold , Chcumeit-rcad , Peckham , S . E ., on Thursday , the ¦ 2 th inst . Present : Comps . C . II . Stone , M . E . Z . ; B . Morgan , H . j T . Grummant , P . Z ., acting J . ; Jcl . 11 Lighlfcot , I . P . Z ., acting S . E . ; Win . Beecroft , S . N . ; R . W .
Thc mar , P . S . ; C A . Adams , ist A . S . ; H . Cornford , 2 nd A . S . ; Thos . Bowler , Janitor ; Walter Davids , P . Z . ; Edwin Gauntlett , P . Z . ; VVm . Wills , J . elect ; Fred Pow , K . Agglcton , VV . B . Hardin ' ck , J . Hands , J . Austin , F . \ V . Downs , J . Atkinson , and II . Hayward . Visiters : Ccmps . John Loader , M . E . Z . elect 1 C 22 ; G . Benedetti , P . Z . 1275 , M . E . Z . elect 1329 ; F . E . Choveaux , Org . 1 G 22 ; Wm . Snell , 121 G ; Jas . Blcck , I . 73 ; and James Hunker , S . N . 1471 .
'Ihe chapter vvas opened , and the minutes of the installation meeting in October having been read and confirmed , Comp . Win . Wills , J . elect , was presented by Comp . J . I . ightf'Gt , I . P . Z ., to Comp . T . Grummant , who performed the installation of the third chair , Ccmp . Wills being installed in a very perfect and impressive manner . The ballot vvas next taken lor Brcs . j . Hands , W . M . 115 S ; J . Austin , P . M ., Sec 115 S ; Joseph 'Alkinscn , 115 S ; and V . Wm . Downes , 115 S , which , proving unanimous , they were
exalted ir . to Royal Arch Msseriry most ctnimcndably , the lectures being given by the Principals in such a manner as to call forth a rn < st favourable comment by all present . Apologies were tendered from Comp . W . 11 . llu < , W , P . Z ,, Treas ., on account of being unwell , and also from Comp . T . VV . Gay , S . E ., being the 23 th anniversary of his wedding day , for which he received hearty congratulations . L _ The business of the chapter ended , it was closed , and the companions adjourned to
Royal Arch.
a sumptuous repast , supplied by the worthy host , Comp . F . E . Pow , which vvas highly appreciated . The cloth removed , the usual loyal and Royal Arch toasts vvere given and received right royally . Also th-. t of " The Pro G . Z ., G . H ., and G . J ., and the rest of the Grand Officers , " the M . E . Z . commenting upon their excellent working and assistance given for the benefit of the Craft and Royal Arch Masonry . Comp . Lightfoot , I . P . Z ., next proposed the toastof "The M . E . Z ., " remarking
upon the excellent start on that , the first night after exaltation , of having four such worthy exaltees . He also congratulated the M . E . Z . on the manner the splendid ceremony had been performed , and he would say to the companions that Comp . Stone was reaping somewhat of the reward he so richly deserved for the yeoman service he had done and vvas doing for the good of Freemasonry . He hoped that the M . E . Z . might be spared to continue in such good work , and he asked the companions to drink to the toast in a bumper .
In response , the M . E . Z . most heartily thanked Comp . Lightfoot for such kind remarks , and to all the companions for its reception so cordially . He would assure the companions that he should continue to perform whatever duties might devolve upon him to the utmost of his power and specially to maintain the cause of right and uphold the prestige of the Selwyn Chapter . The toast of " The H . and J . " was next given by the M . E . Z ., vvho remarked that from the manner each had performed his respective duties , the Selwyn Chapter had a bright future and need not fear from want of proper guidance . Comps . B . Morgan , H ., and Wm . Wills , J ., most suitably responded .
The toast of "The Exaltees was next presented with terms of strong recommendation , the M . E . Z . stating that for years they had proved themselves most faithful to their lodge , and novv , upon their admittance into the Supreme Degree , the companions of the Selwyn Chapter gave them a most hearty welcome . Comps . Hands , Austin , Atkinson , and Downes very suitably replied . The M . E . Z . next presented the toast of "The Visitors , " which was received vvith great cordiality .
Comps . Benedetti , Loader , Block , Snell , and Bunker each responded , acknowledging the great compliment paid him , and one and all paying the highest compliment on the work they had witnessed in the chapter . The toast of "The Past Principals " received at the hands of the M . E . Z . that mead of praise it so thoroughly deserved . The chapter was honoured by the presence of the three Principals vvho vvere first installed in the chapter , and the M . E . Z . remarked it would be his aim to emulate them and carry out the duties appertaining to the first chair in the same efficient manner . This vvas replied to very forcibly bv Comps . Davies , Gauntlett , and Lightfoot .
The M . E . Z . next gave the toast of " The Officers , " particularly remarking upon the excellent work of the Sojourners , who vvere fully competent to perform the whole of their duty . Also of Comp . T . Grummant , P . Z ., D . C , sponsor of the M . E . Z . in Royal Arch Masonry , one whom they all had to thank for his able assistance in the Star Chapter of Instruction , of which he vvas the excellent Preceptor . Comp . R . VVeddall Thomas , P . S ., very ably responded . The Janitor ' s toast closed a most happy meeting . Comp . Choveaux acted as Organist and accompanyist , assisted by Comps . B . Morgan , Grummant ( reciter ) , and J . Lightfoor , who added greatly to the harmony .
Our Portrait Gallary.
Our portrait Gallary .
BRO . FRED ARNOLD , Worshipful Master of the Wilson lies Lodge , No . 2054 , Rickmansworth , Herts , whose portrait we present , was initiated in the Ecc ' eston Lodge , No . 1624 , in vvhich he first passed through the chair , and he is now acting again this year as
I . P . M . He vvas the first W . M . of the Piccadill y Lodge , No . 2550 , which he recently vacated with honour and he completed his brilliant term of office , which was a successful one in every sense , and his great efforts were much appreciated by the members of that lodge . Our brother is also M . E . Z . of the Lily of Richmond Chapter , No . 820 , and P . S . of the Westbourne Chapter , No . 1426 . He has acted twice as Steward for the Girls , and last year he took up the magnificent
sum of £ 411 13 s . Gd ., which placed him second on the list . He has been Steward for the Old People , and is going up for the Boys next June . It has been our pleasure to witness the superb working of Bro . Arnold , and it goes without saying that he isa great acquisition to the several lodges he is connected vvith . He has the highest interests of Freemasonry at heart , and under his vigorous rule the Wilson lies Lodge cannot but flourish .
THK PRINCESS Cnui . sri AN , accompanied by her daughter , the Princess Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein , opened a sale of work in connection with the Children's Salon , in Westminster Town Hall , on Saturday last . The work , which is of various kinds , i * produced by the children of wealthy people in England and abroad , and the proceeds of the sale go towards ameliorating the condition of poor children . In the course of the proceedings the children of the Salon gave a number of very artistic national dances , while thc infant class of the Fleet-road Board School sang and recited very prettily .
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Royal Arch.
F . Piggott , P . G . P . S ., I . P . Z . ; Oliver Papworth , P . Z ., P . G . H ., S . E . ; W . Hutchinson , S . N . ; T . Hunnybun , P . P . G . S . B ., Treas . ; W . B . Sheppard , P . S . ; G . Chennell , ist A . S . ; A . K . Chaplin , P . G . Treas ., 2 nd A . S .: B . Chennell , P . Z ., P . P . G . H ., D . C . j A . W . Aldrich , P . G . O ., Org . ; J . V . Pryor , P . Z ., P . P . G . S . N ., Steward ; and G . A . Allen , Janitor . Bros . Tollemache and Langridge , of SS , vvere afterwards elected and exalled . The chiefs were assi-ted by Comps . B . Chennell , P . Z ., and F . Piggott , I . P . Z . At the banquet vvhich followed the customary loyal and Masonic toasts vvere duly honoured .
Comp . J . Royston . II . 441 , responded for "The Provincial Grand Officers / and Comp . J . Sheldrick , P . Z . 441 , for " The Visitors . "
Jerusalem Chapter , No . 185 . A meeting of this old chapter vvas held at the Freemasons' Tavern . Great Queenstreet , on the ioth inst . Among those present were Comps . Dr . Frve , M . E . Z . ; Capt . T . C . Walls , P . D . G . D . C , P . Z ., as 11 . : Cleghorn , P . Z ., as J . ; G . Davis , P . Z ., S . E . ; Hill , S . N . ; I larfeld , P . Z ., Treas . ; Witthaus , P . S . ; Harnley , ist A . S . ; Johnston , 2 nd AS . ; N . Moss , J . P ., P . Z . ; and T . C . Edmunds , P . Z ., Janitor . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The chapter was then closed , and the companions adjourned to banquet . The usual toasts followed .
The I . P . Z ., in proposing "The Health of the birst Principal , " expressed his regret lhat Comp . Dr . Frye had had no work to do since his installation in April last . He ( the M . E . Z . ) vvas an able exponent of the lilual , and it vvas to be hopsd that ere be vacated the chair an opportunity would be given him of displaying his abilities . The M . E . Z ., having replied , gave the toast of "The Past Principals . " He
congratulated Ihe chapter upon possessing so many excellent workers in the Royal Arch Degree , amongst whom might be mentioned Cnmps . G . Davis and Cleghorn . There were also two other popular members , Comp . 1 larfeld , their excellent Treasurer , and Comp . N . Moss , whose services vvere always at the disposal of the companions . He coupled the toast vvith the names of Comps . N . Moss and Cleghorn .
Those companions having replied , the toast of "The Officers" terminated the proceedings .
Buckingham Chapter , No . 591 . The annual convocation of the above chapter vvas held at the Masonic Hail , Aylesbury , on Wednesday , the iSth inst ., when there vvere present Comps . E . T , Mackrill , M . E . Z . ; J . W . Burgess , H . j J . BI ' . J . ; J . J . Thomas , P . Z . ; L . Paulton , P . Z . ; J . Fdgington , P . Z . ; S . Payne , P . Z . ; O . J . Grace , P . Z ., P . G . S . Eng . ; J . Knight , P . Z . ; J . Williams , P . Z ., S . E . ; J . J . Simcox , S . N . ; Surfieet , P . S . ; Sherwin , Asst . Soj . ; Ball , Coppuck , Cornick , Dr . Parker , Lomas , Hubbard , J . Payne , Janitor ; and J . N . Hodgkinson , Asst . Janitor .
The chapter having been duly opened , the minutes were read and confirmed . Next followed the ballot for four brethren , which proved unanimous , and Ihey were duly exalted , the work being done in an excellent manner . The Three Principals vvere next installed , viz ., Comps . Burgess , as M . E . Z . ; Bliss , as H . ; and Williams , as J . j the installation ceremony being performed by Comp . J . Williams , P . Z . The M . E . Z . then appointed and invested his ollicers as follows : Comps . Surfieet , S . N . j Williams , P . Z .,
S . E . ; Simcox , P . S . ; Sherwin , ist . A . S . ; Hubbard , 2 nd A . S . ; and Edgington , Auditor and Organist . The M . E . Z . then , in very suitaUe words , presented on behalf of the chapter a P . Z . 's jewel to Comp . Mackrill , as a small token of their appreciation of his work during the past year . Comp . Mackrill duly responded , and thanked the chapter . The chapter was then closed , and the companions afterwards dined together .
Letters of apology were received from several companions , and a congratulatory telegram was received from the Grand Superintendent , Comp . J . S . Brownrigg . Ihe usual Masonic leasts vvere given , and a pleasant evening was spent .
Humphrey Cheetham Chapter , No . 645 . The regular meeting vvas held on Tuesday , the 17 th instant , at Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-street , Manchester . The chapter was opened by Comp . C . 11 . Arnold , M . E . Z ., in the chair . The minutes of Ihe previous meeting were read and confirmed . The business on the summons showed an exaltation of liro . Isidore E . A . Giitz , which ceremony vvas performed by the fo'lowintr companions : Comps . J . E . Lees , P . Z , P . P . G . T ., who pave lhc first lecture ; Child , P ' / .., the second ; and j . II . Sillitoe . P . G . D . of C , P . G . II ., Ihe ihird , whilst Ccmp . S . Moore performed the duties of P . S . All through Ihe rercnunv vvas admirably rendered , and was a great treat to all who beheld it .
'Ihe following vvere present : Comps . C H . Arnold , M . E . Z . ; Nathan Heywood , II . ; Child , P . Z ., EclingJ . ; J . 11 . Sillitce , P . Z ., P . G . S . B ., P . G . H . ; A . H . Jefferis , P . Z ., P . P . G . J . ; J . E . Lees , P . P . G . Treas . ; S . VVaiburton , P . G . S . ; G . S . " Smith , P . Z ., P . P . G . Oig ., Org . ; R . VV . Rnutley , S . N . ; Sam Moore , P . S .. Loose , ist A S . ; ar . d C . II . flower , P . G . Janitor . Visitors * . Comps . Midgley , P . Z ., and S . J . Mills .
Kennington Chapter , No . 1381 . This chapter met at the Horns Tavern , Kennington P . uk , on the 12 th inst ., when lliere were present , amrng others , Comps . Dannis , M . E . Z . ; Caot . Wall-- , P . Z ., P . D . G . D . C , as II . ; II . Salter , P . Z .. as J . ; II . Higgins , P . Z ., P . P . G . D . C , S . E . ; A Lundie , S . N . ; Gecrgc Everett , P . Z ., P . G . Treas ., Ireas . ; Colwrll , P . S . ; Smith , ist A S . ; 11 . J . Lardner , P . Z ., P . P . G . S . B . ; VV . \ V . Westley , P . Z . j and Whitney .
Thc minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . I he name of a candidate for joining having been proposed and seconded , the chapter was c ' osei . Refreshment fcllcvvcd labour , and upon the removal of the cloth the M . E . Z . gave the usual toasts . Ccmp . Geo . Everett , P . G . Treas ., responded on behalf of "The Grand Ollicers . "
He then p'cpo . 'fd " Ihe Health of the M . E . Z . " In thc course of his remarks he said that their First Principal during his lenu c cf the chair in the Kennington Lodje had vvoiked well . His yean f eifhecas VV . M . had been a most successful one . Hovever , there had been a dearih of candidates in the Koyal Arch Drgree in No . 13 S 1 , and Comp . Dennis had had co opportunities of distinguishing himself as he had done in the mother lodge . Nevertheless , the chapter was very prosperous .
The M . E . Z . havirg replied , gave ' * The Past Principals , " coupled with the names of Comps . Lardner and Westley , whose talents in the general work of Freemasonry vvere well known . These companions having replied , the M . E . Z . gave "The S . E . and Treasurer " and " The Ollicers . " During the prccecdings some excellent instrumental and vocal selections were given .
Selwyn Chapter , No . 1901 . Ihe regular convccatic . 11 cf this successful and flourishing South Lond n chapter was held at the Montpelier Hold , Chcumeit-rcad , Peckham , S . E ., on Thursday , the ¦ 2 th inst . Present : Comps . C . II . Stone , M . E . Z . ; B . Morgan , H . j T . Grummant , P . Z ., acting J . ; Jcl . 11 Lighlfcot , I . P . Z ., acting S . E . ; Win . Beecroft , S . N . ; R . W .
Thc mar , P . S . ; C A . Adams , ist A . S . ; H . Cornford , 2 nd A . S . ; Thos . Bowler , Janitor ; Walter Davids , P . Z . ; Edwin Gauntlett , P . Z . ; VVm . Wills , J . elect ; Fred Pow , K . Agglcton , VV . B . Hardin ' ck , J . Hands , J . Austin , F . \ V . Downs , J . Atkinson , and II . Hayward . Visiters : Ccmps . John Loader , M . E . Z . elect 1 C 22 ; G . Benedetti , P . Z . 1275 , M . E . Z . elect 1329 ; F . E . Choveaux , Org . 1 G 22 ; Wm . Snell , 121 G ; Jas . Blcck , I . 73 ; and James Hunker , S . N . 1471 .
'Ihe chapter vvas opened , and the minutes of the installation meeting in October having been read and confirmed , Comp . Win . Wills , J . elect , was presented by Comp . J . I . ightf'Gt , I . P . Z ., to Comp . T . Grummant , who performed the installation of the third chair , Ccmp . Wills being installed in a very perfect and impressive manner . The ballot vvas next taken lor Brcs . j . Hands , W . M . 115 S ; J . Austin , P . M ., Sec 115 S ; Joseph 'Alkinscn , 115 S ; and V . Wm . Downes , 115 S , which , proving unanimous , they were
exalted ir . to Royal Arch Msseriry most ctnimcndably , the lectures being given by the Principals in such a manner as to call forth a rn < st favourable comment by all present . Apologies were tendered from Comp . W . 11 . llu < , W , P . Z ,, Treas ., on account of being unwell , and also from Comp . T . VV . Gay , S . E ., being the 23 th anniversary of his wedding day , for which he received hearty congratulations . L _ The business of the chapter ended , it was closed , and the companions adjourned to
Royal Arch.
a sumptuous repast , supplied by the worthy host , Comp . F . E . Pow , which vvas highly appreciated . The cloth removed , the usual loyal and Royal Arch toasts vvere given and received right royally . Also th-. t of " The Pro G . Z ., G . H ., and G . J ., and the rest of the Grand Officers , " the M . E . Z . commenting upon their excellent working and assistance given for the benefit of the Craft and Royal Arch Masonry . Comp . Lightfoot , I . P . Z ., next proposed the toastof "The M . E . Z ., " remarking
upon the excellent start on that , the first night after exaltation , of having four such worthy exaltees . He also congratulated the M . E . Z . on the manner the splendid ceremony had been performed , and he would say to the companions that Comp . Stone was reaping somewhat of the reward he so richly deserved for the yeoman service he had done and vvas doing for the good of Freemasonry . He hoped that the M . E . Z . might be spared to continue in such good work , and he asked the companions to drink to the toast in a bumper .
In response , the M . E . Z . most heartily thanked Comp . Lightfoot for such kind remarks , and to all the companions for its reception so cordially . He would assure the companions that he should continue to perform whatever duties might devolve upon him to the utmost of his power and specially to maintain the cause of right and uphold the prestige of the Selwyn Chapter . The toast of " The H . and J . " was next given by the M . E . Z ., vvho remarked that from the manner each had performed his respective duties , the Selwyn Chapter had a bright future and need not fear from want of proper guidance . Comps . B . Morgan , H ., and Wm . Wills , J ., most suitably responded .
The toast of "The Exaltees was next presented with terms of strong recommendation , the M . E . Z . stating that for years they had proved themselves most faithful to their lodge , and novv , upon their admittance into the Supreme Degree , the companions of the Selwyn Chapter gave them a most hearty welcome . Comps . Hands , Austin , Atkinson , and Downes very suitably replied . The M . E . Z . next presented the toast of "The Visitors , " which was received vvith great cordiality .
Comps . Benedetti , Loader , Block , Snell , and Bunker each responded , acknowledging the great compliment paid him , and one and all paying the highest compliment on the work they had witnessed in the chapter . The toast of "The Past Principals " received at the hands of the M . E . Z . that mead of praise it so thoroughly deserved . The chapter was honoured by the presence of the three Principals vvho vvere first installed in the chapter , and the M . E . Z . remarked it would be his aim to emulate them and carry out the duties appertaining to the first chair in the same efficient manner . This vvas replied to very forcibly bv Comps . Davies , Gauntlett , and Lightfoot .
The M . E . Z . next gave the toast of " The Officers , " particularly remarking upon the excellent work of the Sojourners , who vvere fully competent to perform the whole of their duty . Also of Comp . T . Grummant , P . Z ., D . C , sponsor of the M . E . Z . in Royal Arch Masonry , one whom they all had to thank for his able assistance in the Star Chapter of Instruction , of which he vvas the excellent Preceptor . Comp . R . VVeddall Thomas , P . S ., very ably responded . The Janitor ' s toast closed a most happy meeting . Comp . Choveaux acted as Organist and accompanyist , assisted by Comps . B . Morgan , Grummant ( reciter ) , and J . Lightfoor , who added greatly to the harmony .
Our Portrait Gallary.
Our portrait Gallary .
BRO . FRED ARNOLD , Worshipful Master of the Wilson lies Lodge , No . 2054 , Rickmansworth , Herts , whose portrait we present , was initiated in the Ecc ' eston Lodge , No . 1624 , in vvhich he first passed through the chair , and he is now acting again this year as
I . P . M . He vvas the first W . M . of the Piccadill y Lodge , No . 2550 , which he recently vacated with honour and he completed his brilliant term of office , which was a successful one in every sense , and his great efforts were much appreciated by the members of that lodge . Our brother is also M . E . Z . of the Lily of Richmond Chapter , No . 820 , and P . S . of the Westbourne Chapter , No . 1426 . He has acted twice as Steward for the Girls , and last year he took up the magnificent
sum of £ 411 13 s . Gd ., which placed him second on the list . He has been Steward for the Old People , and is going up for the Boys next June . It has been our pleasure to witness the superb working of Bro . Arnold , and it goes without saying that he isa great acquisition to the several lodges he is connected vvith . He has the highest interests of Freemasonry at heart , and under his vigorous rule the Wilson lies Lodge cannot but flourish .
THK PRINCESS Cnui . sri AN , accompanied by her daughter , the Princess Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein , opened a sale of work in connection with the Children's Salon , in Westminster Town Hall , on Saturday last . The work , which is of various kinds , i * produced by the children of wealthy people in England and abroad , and the proceeds of the sale go towards ameliorating the condition of poor children . In the course of the proceedings the children of the Salon gave a number of very artistic national dances , while thc infant class of the Fleet-road Board School sang and recited very prettily .