Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic and General Tidings. Page 1 of 1
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Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
THE MARUUIS OF LOKNK , M . P ., distributed on Saturday last the prizes won during the pastyear by memters of the Glasgow Highland Volunteers , and met with a most enthusiastic reception . THE DUKF . OF CONNAUGHT presented the certificates won by the members of the military centre of the St . John's Ambulance Association , which has recently been established at Aldershot . on Saturday last .
NOTWITHSTANDING the opposition offered by the clergymen and nonconformist ministers in the neighbourhood , the Town Council of Kingston-on-Thames has decided to open the Free Library on Sundays for Ihe use of the inhabitants . A STORM of great violence sprang up at Queenstown at midnight on Saturday last , and continued without any abatement until mid-day on Sunday . After a few hours it burst again , and it is reported that considerable damage has been caused .
THE Freemason Christmas issue has reviews of the Craft during the past year , a long article on "The 'Langdale' Masonic MS ., " and several Masonic stories . —Glasgow Herald .
MR . MARK H . J UDGE , who was for so many years connected with the Vestry of Paddington , has settled in Hampstead , having removed to 4 , Kingston-road , West Endlane , N . W . THE ROYAL BARON OF BEEF , weighing 1 S 0 pounds , which graced the Queen's sideboard en Wednesday , was exhibited at Windsor on Saturday . It was decked with purple and gold ribands .
THE PROGRESS OF THE DUCHESS OF YORK towards convalescence has been sc satisfactory , and the infant'prince is in such good health , that the doctors in attendance decided on Saturday last not to issue any more bulletins . Two ANONYMOUS donations of £ 1000 a ° d £ 500 respectively have been sent to the Rev . W . Carlisle , Secretary of the Church Army , in aid of the work that is being done by that organisation among the starving and outcast .
THE DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE , accompanied by Col . Fitz George , visited the Kingston Vale Institute on Tuesday for the purpose of distributing the annual Christmas gifts to the men employed on his Coombe estate . OiN SATURDAY LAST Lady Jeune distributed the prizes won by the girls ot the Hugh Myddelton Board School , Clerkenwell , at the July exhibition of drawing , needlework , and other articles . In doing so , her ladyship delivered an address which was in every way appropriate to the occasion .
H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES having granted a warrant for a lodge in connection with the National Artillery , to be called the National Artillery Lodge , the consecration will be performed on Wednesday , January 15 th next . Bro . Lieut .-Col . J . T . Ritchie , R . A ., will be the first W . M . BRO . SIR J E , GORST , Q . C , M . P ., Vice-President of the Committee of Council on Education , has decided upon taking up his residence at Cambridge—he holds one of the seats in the House of Commons for Cambridge University—and has secured the Master ' s Lodge at Downing College for a period of 12 months .
EARLY ON TUESDAY MORNING an explosion occurred in the coal bunkers of Her Majesty's battleship Repulse at Chatham , by which a number of men were injured and considerable damage was done . The six men who were most seriously hurt were carefully enveloped in wraps and removed to the hospital . A LECTERN given by the parishioners of Wentworth , and others , to the parish church as a memorial of the late Countess Fitzwilliam , was solemnly dedicated on Sunday last in the presence of Earl Fitzwilliam , Lady A . Fitzwilliam , Bro . Viscount Milton , M . P ., the Hon . Thomas and the Hon . Hugh Fitzwilliam , the Hon . T . and Mrs . Dundas , and others .
H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES , attended by Commander the Hon . H . Fortescue and Bro . Sir Francis Knollys left Marlborough House on Tuesday for Sandringham , where , with the Princess and the members of his family , he has been spending Christmas . As in previous years , the Prince and Princess have presented all the old servants of the family with Christmas gifts . II . M . ' s CRUISER BLAKE , Captain A . C . Bromley , arrived at Plymouth on Sunday
afteineon , and reported that early in the morning a serious collision had occurred between the American liner Berlin and the barque Willow Bank , of Glasgow , of 811 tons register . The Berlin had been cruising about the spot where the collision occur red in the hope of ( reding traces of the barque , but unsuccessfully , and it was supposed the latter had foundered , ar . d the crew of 20 were lost .
THE CHRISTMAS NUMBER of the Freemason contains some readable fiction , includirg a story by T . C . Walls—a story ot the coast and of a superstition-haunted old castle . There is a ballad , "The Submerged City , " by F . W . Driver , M . A ., while special interest attaches to the " Largdale Masonic MS ., " with its curious old reproductions . —Sportsman .
BRO . J . MCDOWELL was duly installed asWorshiplul Master of the St . Hilda Ledge , No . 240 , at South Shields on the gth inst . We were very glad to note that in responding to the toast ol his health , the newly-elected W . M . told the brethren that he entirely owed his present position in life through the education he had received in our Boys' School . This is as it should be , and we trust Bro . McDowell ' s manly acknowledgment will be followed by many others who have received thc benefits conferred by our excellent Schools .
HER MAJESTY ' S CHRISTMAS DOLES , known as the "Minor Bounty" and the "Royal Gate" Alms , weie distiibuted in accordance with ancient custom , at the Royal Almonry , Crarg's-court , Charing Cross , on Tuesday , there being upwards of 1000 aged , disabled , and meritorious persons who had previously been recommended by the clergy of selected parishes Ihicughcut the different dioceses of England and Wales . The recipients were chosen by the Lord High Almoner , assisted by the Sub-Almoner , and the payments were made by the Secretary of the Almonry .
A NUMBER OF CANS of dynamite for use in the work of repairing the New Haven Railway were exploded by some unknown means at New Rochelle , in New York State , on Saturday , with such force that three men were hurled through a boarded fence , two of them being killed instantaneously , while the third , who was apparently uninjured , afteiwards went mad . Moreover , a hole eight feet deep was blown in the solid rock , which had been prepaicd for blasting .
LADY METHUEN , who was accompanied by Major-General Lord Methuen , commanding the Heme Distiict , attended at the head-quarters at Somerset House , un Saturday last , and distributed the prizes to the members of the Civil Service Rile Volunteer Corps , of which H . R . H . the Prince of Wales is Honorary Colonel . There was a laige attendance cf members cf the regiment , and the proceedings passed off very satisfactorily .
CHRISTMAS NUMBER OF THE " FREEMASON . " —The link of Charity connects Freemasonry intimately with the spirit of Christmastide , and it is fitting that the chief organ of the Craft—the Freemason , published by Mr . George Kenning—should don its brightest colours at the approach of the season of peace and goodwill . The double Christmas Number affords a good idea of the exti nt and importance of the Masonic
Craft , with its many aspects and ramifications . The most prominent features include well-written reviews of the position and prrgrtss of tbe Mystic Ait during the present year , not omitting those practical features , the benevolent and educational Institutions , which may be regarded as the -laison d ' etre of Freemasonry . Other articles deal with historical manuscripts and certificates connected with the Order , besides current Masonic news and contributions interesting even to the uninitiated . —Liverpool Courier .
A RACE IOR Lire is taking place in our midst every day , and too often , alas , the result ends in death . People , as a rule , are apt to look upon some slight ailment which may overtake them with contempt , and they thus ignore the simple remedies which would speedily restore them to health . When too late they see their error , and bitterly bewail the folly which brings them to a premature grave . Holloway ' s J'ills , if taken in regular doses according to directions , enrich and purify the blood . Disease is thus prevented from weakening the system , and the blessing of a sound constitution is enjoyed . At this season , when fevers , dysentery , and stomach disorders are common , this wonderful medicine is specially useful .
Masonic And General Tidings.
WE ARE r . r . AD TO HF . AR that the Duke of Northumberland , win has reached a very advanced age , and was attacked with serious illness on the 20 th inst ., has shown sign *; of improvement . H . M . ' s DESPATCH VUSSEL "SURPRISI ; , " with Prince and Princess Henry of Prussia on board , have arrived at Malta from Syracuse . Their Rojal Highnesses are staying at ^ the Royal Hotel . THE DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE has graciously consented to preside at the banquet which will be held in the Holborn Restaurant on the fith M ly in aid of the funds of University College Hospital .
BRO . HENRY RUSSELL , the veteran composer of "Cheer , boys , cheer , " and other stirring songs , completed his . 84 th year on Wednesday , and we are glad to say is still in what , for his advanced age , may be described as vigorous health . VVe trust it may be his lot to see many more Christmases . A DOUBLE NUMBER for Christmas of the Freemason ( 16 , Great Queen-street , London ) has been published . It contains , in addition to the ordinary news , a review of
Freemasonry in 1895 , two stories , and a large amount of information interesting to the Craft . —Eastern Morning Times . BRO . ALDERMAN SIR J AMES WHITEHEAD , BART ., presided at the poll at the only contested election of the Common Council . The voting took place in the South Court of the Guildhall , on Tuesday , and resulted in the return of the old members . The Ward in which the election took place was that of Cheap .
THE GREAT HALL of the Church House , with the rooms which have been temporarily fitted for the use of the Upper and Lower Houses of Convocation , will be formally opened by H . R . H . the Duke of York on Tuesday , the nth February , 1 S 96 , when it is hoped that the Duchess of York will be able to be present . THE HIGHEST PRICE ever asked for any book is that affixed to one in Mr . Quaritch ' s Liturgical catalogue , namely , £ 5250 , the book being the Psalms for the Benedictine Monastery of St . James , Mentz . It is the third ever issued from the press , and the second that bears a date—1459 . It was bought in 18 S 4 for £ 4950 by Mr . Ouaritch .
H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES visited the Fine Art Society ' s Galleries on Saturday last , for the purpose of inspecting the exhibition of drawings of " Trilby " by Mr . G . du Maurier , and Mr . Whistler ' s collection of lithographs . In the evening his Royal Highness and suite witnessed the first performance of " One of the B ; st " at the Adelphi Theatre , Strand . ORDERS HAVE BEEN given for the eastern division of the Channel Fleet to be out of the dockyard hands on the 15 th prox ., and when the whole is assembled at Portland it
will be the most powerful ever employed on Channel service , consisting of five first-class battleships , the two largest and fastest cruisers in the Navy , a third-class cruiser , and a torpedo boat . EVERYTHING WAS DONE at the various metropolitan hospitals that could in every way conduce to the comfort and enjoyment of the inmates on Christmas Day . Considerable sums had been raised by subscription for the purpose , and the members of the
medical , surgical , and nursing staff vied with each other in their attempts to make the day pass most pleasantly . THE DISTRIBUTION of her Majesty ' s Christmas gifts at Osborne took place in the Servants' Hall on Tuesday , the recipients being the occupants ot the Whippingham Almshouses and the wives and children of the men employed on the estate . The gifts , which consisted of warm clothing , winter materials , and toys , were presented by the Princess Beatrice and the Duchess of Albany .
IN A PAPER entitled "The Philosophy of Angling , " read this week before the Pis - catorial Society in their Holborn Restaurant Salon , the lecturer , deducing sundry lessons trom the fish , remarked that its cold blood might well be imitated by mankind , inasmuch as the greatest faults and blunders which men commit are done in hot bio 3 d ; in passion ; in the heat of the moment j in a feverish impulse .
BRO . COL . SIR GERARD SMITH , the newly-appointed Governor of Western Australia , has arrived in Perth , where he met with a most cordial reception . _ It will , no doubt , be in the recollection of our readers that at the Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge on the 4 th inst . it was announced that H . R . HT , the M . W . Grand Master , had been pleased to confer the rank of Past Grand Warden on his Excellency .
THE ANCIENT PRIORY Alms of St . Bartholomew the Great , which were founded in 1123 in the reign of Henry I ., by Rahere , and which were revived in ISSI , were distributed at Christmas Eve to some 300 of the poor of the Wards ot St . Sepulchre and Farringdon Without , by the Recorder of the Rahere Fraternitie , the g ifts comprising beef , materials for a pudding , and a shilling to each for coals witK which to cook the dinner .
MASONIC TREAT TO THE AGED AT CLECKHEATON . —Oa the 20 th instant the annual treat to the aged of Cleckheaton provided by the members of the Zetland and Friendship Lodges , took place at the Town Hall . A substantial tea was served in the afternoon to about 120 old folks , and afterwards there were short addresses and an entertainment . Bro . S . Law presided , and gave the aged guests a hearty welcome , and
later on the Rev . W . Leicester also spoke . Songs were sung by several friends , and Mr . S . Blackburn showed his phonograph . As the guests left each received a parcel containing a Christmas loaf and packet of tea , and also a shilling presented by Mr . Alfred Law ; and arrangements were made for parcels to be sent to a number of old folks who could not attend . During the day also there was the annual distribution of material for garments , & c , in connection with the Widows' Fnnd , ol which Mrs . C . P . Anderton is Secretary .
A terrible calamity occurred off Kingstown on Christmas Eve . A barque endeavoured to reach the harbour to escape the fury of the storm , then raging , but failed in the attempt . As she appeared to be in imminent peril , the Lifeboat Civil Service put off to rescue the crew , but she could not get near the vessel , and was herself capsized , and her whole crew of 15 men were drowned . The .: cond Dublin lifeboat also put off and was capsized , but she failed to reach the vessel , and was forced to return , Ifortunitely without loss of any lives . The bodies of 13 of the crew of the first bolt have been washed
ashore . Subscriptions to the amount of over £ 200 were raised the same night for the relatives of those who perished , several of whom were married and leave widows and families behind them . Terrible weather has also prevailed all along the coast and in the channel , and her Majesty ' s turretship , Rupert , which left Plymouth on Saturday last had to put back when off Ushant owing to the heavy seas she had shipped , and the bilge pumps getting out of order , and succeeded in reaching Plymouth on Tuesday mcrning .
ANOTHER ARBA FATALITY . —On Tuesday , the 17 th inst ., Mr . A . Braxton Hicks , Coroner , held an inquiry at the Lambeth Coroner ' s Court as to the death of Julia Whiting , aged 62 years , wife of Bro . Richard Whiting , engineer , lately residing at 41 , Dante-road , Newington Butts . Mrs . Alice Taylor said that while she was at work on the basement floor of the above address she heard a thud in the front area . Witness opened the door and found the deceased l y ing on her back with her feet pressed against the woodwork of the door . William Hewitt , of the Thames Police , said about half-past
five o'clock on the 13 th inst . he heard the deceased call for assistance . Witness found the deceased as described by the last witness . He found a woollen slipper on the pavement near the area steps . The deceased and her husband rented the lirst ll jar . Witness , with the assistance of Police-constable 340 L , removed the deceased to St . Thomas's Hospital , where life was pronounced extinct . The boly was subsequently taken to the Lambeth Mortuary . Charles Dey , the superintendent of the buildings belonging to Messrs . Sutton and Dudley , of New Kent-road , said the height to the
front door was between three to four feet down to the area . The Coroner : Do you think the steps dangerous ? Witness : Ob , no ! The Coroner : What height is the hand-rail ? Witness : Two feet five inches . The Coroner : I should not like to take a house like it , especially now as the winter is approaching . On a slippery night a person might slip and fall down the steps of the area . Bro . Whiting said that four accidents had occurred at the building during ths present year . The Coroner ' s officjr inform ; d
the Coroner that a mm fell down one of the area steps about 12 months ago and was killed . A juryman remarked that the hand-rails were not high enough . Hs considered the steps were unsafe . Mr . L . Home , of St . Thomas ' s Hospital , said he had made a post-mortem examination , and found the deceased ' s skull was fractured by the fall down the area steps . The jury returned a verdict of accidental death , adding that the authorities attention should be called to the low hind-rail . The Coroner said he would write to the proper authorities on the subject .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings.
Masonic and General Tidings .
THE MARUUIS OF LOKNK , M . P ., distributed on Saturday last the prizes won during the pastyear by memters of the Glasgow Highland Volunteers , and met with a most enthusiastic reception . THE DUKF . OF CONNAUGHT presented the certificates won by the members of the military centre of the St . John's Ambulance Association , which has recently been established at Aldershot . on Saturday last .
NOTWITHSTANDING the opposition offered by the clergymen and nonconformist ministers in the neighbourhood , the Town Council of Kingston-on-Thames has decided to open the Free Library on Sundays for Ihe use of the inhabitants . A STORM of great violence sprang up at Queenstown at midnight on Saturday last , and continued without any abatement until mid-day on Sunday . After a few hours it burst again , and it is reported that considerable damage has been caused .
THE Freemason Christmas issue has reviews of the Craft during the past year , a long article on "The 'Langdale' Masonic MS ., " and several Masonic stories . —Glasgow Herald .
MR . MARK H . J UDGE , who was for so many years connected with the Vestry of Paddington , has settled in Hampstead , having removed to 4 , Kingston-road , West Endlane , N . W . THE ROYAL BARON OF BEEF , weighing 1 S 0 pounds , which graced the Queen's sideboard en Wednesday , was exhibited at Windsor on Saturday . It was decked with purple and gold ribands .
THE PROGRESS OF THE DUCHESS OF YORK towards convalescence has been sc satisfactory , and the infant'prince is in such good health , that the doctors in attendance decided on Saturday last not to issue any more bulletins . Two ANONYMOUS donations of £ 1000 a ° d £ 500 respectively have been sent to the Rev . W . Carlisle , Secretary of the Church Army , in aid of the work that is being done by that organisation among the starving and outcast .
THE DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE , accompanied by Col . Fitz George , visited the Kingston Vale Institute on Tuesday for the purpose of distributing the annual Christmas gifts to the men employed on his Coombe estate . OiN SATURDAY LAST Lady Jeune distributed the prizes won by the girls ot the Hugh Myddelton Board School , Clerkenwell , at the July exhibition of drawing , needlework , and other articles . In doing so , her ladyship delivered an address which was in every way appropriate to the occasion .
H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES having granted a warrant for a lodge in connection with the National Artillery , to be called the National Artillery Lodge , the consecration will be performed on Wednesday , January 15 th next . Bro . Lieut .-Col . J . T . Ritchie , R . A ., will be the first W . M . BRO . SIR J E , GORST , Q . C , M . P ., Vice-President of the Committee of Council on Education , has decided upon taking up his residence at Cambridge—he holds one of the seats in the House of Commons for Cambridge University—and has secured the Master ' s Lodge at Downing College for a period of 12 months .
EARLY ON TUESDAY MORNING an explosion occurred in the coal bunkers of Her Majesty's battleship Repulse at Chatham , by which a number of men were injured and considerable damage was done . The six men who were most seriously hurt were carefully enveloped in wraps and removed to the hospital . A LECTERN given by the parishioners of Wentworth , and others , to the parish church as a memorial of the late Countess Fitzwilliam , was solemnly dedicated on Sunday last in the presence of Earl Fitzwilliam , Lady A . Fitzwilliam , Bro . Viscount Milton , M . P ., the Hon . Thomas and the Hon . Hugh Fitzwilliam , the Hon . T . and Mrs . Dundas , and others .
H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES , attended by Commander the Hon . H . Fortescue and Bro . Sir Francis Knollys left Marlborough House on Tuesday for Sandringham , where , with the Princess and the members of his family , he has been spending Christmas . As in previous years , the Prince and Princess have presented all the old servants of the family with Christmas gifts . II . M . ' s CRUISER BLAKE , Captain A . C . Bromley , arrived at Plymouth on Sunday
afteineon , and reported that early in the morning a serious collision had occurred between the American liner Berlin and the barque Willow Bank , of Glasgow , of 811 tons register . The Berlin had been cruising about the spot where the collision occur red in the hope of ( reding traces of the barque , but unsuccessfully , and it was supposed the latter had foundered , ar . d the crew of 20 were lost .
THE CHRISTMAS NUMBER of the Freemason contains some readable fiction , includirg a story by T . C . Walls—a story ot the coast and of a superstition-haunted old castle . There is a ballad , "The Submerged City , " by F . W . Driver , M . A ., while special interest attaches to the " Largdale Masonic MS ., " with its curious old reproductions . —Sportsman .
BRO . J . MCDOWELL was duly installed asWorshiplul Master of the St . Hilda Ledge , No . 240 , at South Shields on the gth inst . We were very glad to note that in responding to the toast ol his health , the newly-elected W . M . told the brethren that he entirely owed his present position in life through the education he had received in our Boys' School . This is as it should be , and we trust Bro . McDowell ' s manly acknowledgment will be followed by many others who have received thc benefits conferred by our excellent Schools .
HER MAJESTY ' S CHRISTMAS DOLES , known as the "Minor Bounty" and the "Royal Gate" Alms , weie distiibuted in accordance with ancient custom , at the Royal Almonry , Crarg's-court , Charing Cross , on Tuesday , there being upwards of 1000 aged , disabled , and meritorious persons who had previously been recommended by the clergy of selected parishes Ihicughcut the different dioceses of England and Wales . The recipients were chosen by the Lord High Almoner , assisted by the Sub-Almoner , and the payments were made by the Secretary of the Almonry .
A NUMBER OF CANS of dynamite for use in the work of repairing the New Haven Railway were exploded by some unknown means at New Rochelle , in New York State , on Saturday , with such force that three men were hurled through a boarded fence , two of them being killed instantaneously , while the third , who was apparently uninjured , afteiwards went mad . Moreover , a hole eight feet deep was blown in the solid rock , which had been prepaicd for blasting .
LADY METHUEN , who was accompanied by Major-General Lord Methuen , commanding the Heme Distiict , attended at the head-quarters at Somerset House , un Saturday last , and distributed the prizes to the members of the Civil Service Rile Volunteer Corps , of which H . R . H . the Prince of Wales is Honorary Colonel . There was a laige attendance cf members cf the regiment , and the proceedings passed off very satisfactorily .
CHRISTMAS NUMBER OF THE " FREEMASON . " —The link of Charity connects Freemasonry intimately with the spirit of Christmastide , and it is fitting that the chief organ of the Craft—the Freemason , published by Mr . George Kenning—should don its brightest colours at the approach of the season of peace and goodwill . The double Christmas Number affords a good idea of the exti nt and importance of the Masonic
Craft , with its many aspects and ramifications . The most prominent features include well-written reviews of the position and prrgrtss of tbe Mystic Ait during the present year , not omitting those practical features , the benevolent and educational Institutions , which may be regarded as the -laison d ' etre of Freemasonry . Other articles deal with historical manuscripts and certificates connected with the Order , besides current Masonic news and contributions interesting even to the uninitiated . —Liverpool Courier .
A RACE IOR Lire is taking place in our midst every day , and too often , alas , the result ends in death . People , as a rule , are apt to look upon some slight ailment which may overtake them with contempt , and they thus ignore the simple remedies which would speedily restore them to health . When too late they see their error , and bitterly bewail the folly which brings them to a premature grave . Holloway ' s J'ills , if taken in regular doses according to directions , enrich and purify the blood . Disease is thus prevented from weakening the system , and the blessing of a sound constitution is enjoyed . At this season , when fevers , dysentery , and stomach disorders are common , this wonderful medicine is specially useful .
Masonic And General Tidings.
WE ARE r . r . AD TO HF . AR that the Duke of Northumberland , win has reached a very advanced age , and was attacked with serious illness on the 20 th inst ., has shown sign *; of improvement . H . M . ' s DESPATCH VUSSEL "SURPRISI ; , " with Prince and Princess Henry of Prussia on board , have arrived at Malta from Syracuse . Their Rojal Highnesses are staying at ^ the Royal Hotel . THE DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE has graciously consented to preside at the banquet which will be held in the Holborn Restaurant on the fith M ly in aid of the funds of University College Hospital .
BRO . HENRY RUSSELL , the veteran composer of "Cheer , boys , cheer , " and other stirring songs , completed his . 84 th year on Wednesday , and we are glad to say is still in what , for his advanced age , may be described as vigorous health . VVe trust it may be his lot to see many more Christmases . A DOUBLE NUMBER for Christmas of the Freemason ( 16 , Great Queen-street , London ) has been published . It contains , in addition to the ordinary news , a review of
Freemasonry in 1895 , two stories , and a large amount of information interesting to the Craft . —Eastern Morning Times . BRO . ALDERMAN SIR J AMES WHITEHEAD , BART ., presided at the poll at the only contested election of the Common Council . The voting took place in the South Court of the Guildhall , on Tuesday , and resulted in the return of the old members . The Ward in which the election took place was that of Cheap .
THE GREAT HALL of the Church House , with the rooms which have been temporarily fitted for the use of the Upper and Lower Houses of Convocation , will be formally opened by H . R . H . the Duke of York on Tuesday , the nth February , 1 S 96 , when it is hoped that the Duchess of York will be able to be present . THE HIGHEST PRICE ever asked for any book is that affixed to one in Mr . Quaritch ' s Liturgical catalogue , namely , £ 5250 , the book being the Psalms for the Benedictine Monastery of St . James , Mentz . It is the third ever issued from the press , and the second that bears a date—1459 . It was bought in 18 S 4 for £ 4950 by Mr . Ouaritch .
H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES visited the Fine Art Society ' s Galleries on Saturday last , for the purpose of inspecting the exhibition of drawings of " Trilby " by Mr . G . du Maurier , and Mr . Whistler ' s collection of lithographs . In the evening his Royal Highness and suite witnessed the first performance of " One of the B ; st " at the Adelphi Theatre , Strand . ORDERS HAVE BEEN given for the eastern division of the Channel Fleet to be out of the dockyard hands on the 15 th prox ., and when the whole is assembled at Portland it
will be the most powerful ever employed on Channel service , consisting of five first-class battleships , the two largest and fastest cruisers in the Navy , a third-class cruiser , and a torpedo boat . EVERYTHING WAS DONE at the various metropolitan hospitals that could in every way conduce to the comfort and enjoyment of the inmates on Christmas Day . Considerable sums had been raised by subscription for the purpose , and the members of the
medical , surgical , and nursing staff vied with each other in their attempts to make the day pass most pleasantly . THE DISTRIBUTION of her Majesty ' s Christmas gifts at Osborne took place in the Servants' Hall on Tuesday , the recipients being the occupants ot the Whippingham Almshouses and the wives and children of the men employed on the estate . The gifts , which consisted of warm clothing , winter materials , and toys , were presented by the Princess Beatrice and the Duchess of Albany .
IN A PAPER entitled "The Philosophy of Angling , " read this week before the Pis - catorial Society in their Holborn Restaurant Salon , the lecturer , deducing sundry lessons trom the fish , remarked that its cold blood might well be imitated by mankind , inasmuch as the greatest faults and blunders which men commit are done in hot bio 3 d ; in passion ; in the heat of the moment j in a feverish impulse .
BRO . COL . SIR GERARD SMITH , the newly-appointed Governor of Western Australia , has arrived in Perth , where he met with a most cordial reception . _ It will , no doubt , be in the recollection of our readers that at the Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge on the 4 th inst . it was announced that H . R . HT , the M . W . Grand Master , had been pleased to confer the rank of Past Grand Warden on his Excellency .
THE ANCIENT PRIORY Alms of St . Bartholomew the Great , which were founded in 1123 in the reign of Henry I ., by Rahere , and which were revived in ISSI , were distributed at Christmas Eve to some 300 of the poor of the Wards ot St . Sepulchre and Farringdon Without , by the Recorder of the Rahere Fraternitie , the g ifts comprising beef , materials for a pudding , and a shilling to each for coals witK which to cook the dinner .
MASONIC TREAT TO THE AGED AT CLECKHEATON . —Oa the 20 th instant the annual treat to the aged of Cleckheaton provided by the members of the Zetland and Friendship Lodges , took place at the Town Hall . A substantial tea was served in the afternoon to about 120 old folks , and afterwards there were short addresses and an entertainment . Bro . S . Law presided , and gave the aged guests a hearty welcome , and
later on the Rev . W . Leicester also spoke . Songs were sung by several friends , and Mr . S . Blackburn showed his phonograph . As the guests left each received a parcel containing a Christmas loaf and packet of tea , and also a shilling presented by Mr . Alfred Law ; and arrangements were made for parcels to be sent to a number of old folks who could not attend . During the day also there was the annual distribution of material for garments , & c , in connection with the Widows' Fnnd , ol which Mrs . C . P . Anderton is Secretary .
A terrible calamity occurred off Kingstown on Christmas Eve . A barque endeavoured to reach the harbour to escape the fury of the storm , then raging , but failed in the attempt . As she appeared to be in imminent peril , the Lifeboat Civil Service put off to rescue the crew , but she could not get near the vessel , and was herself capsized , and her whole crew of 15 men were drowned . The .: cond Dublin lifeboat also put off and was capsized , but she failed to reach the vessel , and was forced to return , Ifortunitely without loss of any lives . The bodies of 13 of the crew of the first bolt have been washed
ashore . Subscriptions to the amount of over £ 200 were raised the same night for the relatives of those who perished , several of whom were married and leave widows and families behind them . Terrible weather has also prevailed all along the coast and in the channel , and her Majesty ' s turretship , Rupert , which left Plymouth on Saturday last had to put back when off Ushant owing to the heavy seas she had shipped , and the bilge pumps getting out of order , and succeeded in reaching Plymouth on Tuesday mcrning .
ANOTHER ARBA FATALITY . —On Tuesday , the 17 th inst ., Mr . A . Braxton Hicks , Coroner , held an inquiry at the Lambeth Coroner ' s Court as to the death of Julia Whiting , aged 62 years , wife of Bro . Richard Whiting , engineer , lately residing at 41 , Dante-road , Newington Butts . Mrs . Alice Taylor said that while she was at work on the basement floor of the above address she heard a thud in the front area . Witness opened the door and found the deceased l y ing on her back with her feet pressed against the woodwork of the door . William Hewitt , of the Thames Police , said about half-past
five o'clock on the 13 th inst . he heard the deceased call for assistance . Witness found the deceased as described by the last witness . He found a woollen slipper on the pavement near the area steps . The deceased and her husband rented the lirst ll jar . Witness , with the assistance of Police-constable 340 L , removed the deceased to St . Thomas's Hospital , where life was pronounced extinct . The boly was subsequently taken to the Lambeth Mortuary . Charles Dey , the superintendent of the buildings belonging to Messrs . Sutton and Dudley , of New Kent-road , said the height to the
front door was between three to four feet down to the area . The Coroner : Do you think the steps dangerous ? Witness : Ob , no ! The Coroner : What height is the hand-rail ? Witness : Two feet five inches . The Coroner : I should not like to take a house like it , especially now as the winter is approaching . On a slippery night a person might slip and fall down the steps of the area . Bro . Whiting said that four accidents had occurred at the building during ths present year . The Coroner ' s officjr inform ; d
the Coroner that a mm fell down one of the area steps about 12 months ago and was killed . A juryman remarked that the hand-rails were not high enough . Hs considered the steps were unsafe . Mr . L . Home , of St . Thomas ' s Hospital , said he had made a post-mortem examination , and found the deceased ' s skull was fractured by the fall down the area steps . The jury returned a verdict of accidental death , adding that the authorities attention should be called to the low hind-rail . The Coroner said he would write to the proper authorities on the subject .