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COSMOPOLITAN MASONICCALENDAR. o On the ist JANUARY , 1871 , Will be published , under the above title , A COMPREHENSIVE MASONIC CALENDAR ,
Materials for zvlrich arc ntnv being collected from Home and Foreign sources . 0 THIS AVork will furnish Lists of Lodges in the United Kingdom , France , Germany , Italy , & c ., together with full particulars of every Grand Masonic body throughout the globe . Grand Secretaries , Scribes , and Recorders of Grand Lodges , Chapters , Conclaves or Encampments , are solicited to forward information before the 1 st October , 1870 , and fraternal assistance from every quarter will be gratefully accepted , in order to render the Calendar worthy of its name , and truly " Cosmopolitan . " Letters to be addressed to the Editor of the " COSMOPOLITAN MASONIC CALENDAR " ( title registered ) . 2 , 3 , & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , LONDON , E . G ., ENGLAND .
THE GRAPHIC Of April 30 th , will contain , amongst other Illustrations , A PORTRAIT OK THE EARL DE GREY & RIPON , Most ] l ' orship / nl Grand Master of / - " rccrnasojis . Price , 6 d . unstamped . ? d . stamped . OFFICE : —190 , STRAND .
THE JEAVISH RECORD . ONE PENNY , WEEKLY . Average Circulation , 23 , 000 . Office : —3 , DEVONSHIRE STREET , 1 SISHOPSUATK . ESTABLISHED \ li , \ . THE J E AV I S H C 11 R O N I C L E , pDT -IDD A WKIIKLV JorKXAt ., devoted to the interests of Judaism , and the Jewish community at home and abroad . PRICE TWOPENCE , Office :- « , FINSBURY SQUARE , E . C .
THE NEW MUSICAL PITCH . COLLARETMOUTRIE , Patent Pianoforte Manufacturer , HAS successfully shown that practically the musical public can have the French low pitch , as well as the English Philharmonic high pilch both available in one instrument . The facility with which this is effected enables the performer to adopt either at his or her option in an instant . This invention , which is secured by Royal Letters Patent , can be applied to any Pianoforte . On view between thc hours of Eleven and Pour , at the Manufactory , 77 , SOUTIIAMI'TON ROW , RUSSELL SrUWUE , LONDON ' , and at thc principal Musical Instrument Dealers in the country . .
THIRD APPLICATION . TO the Governors ancl Subscribers of tlie ROVAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTI . STUTION FOR WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . Vour sympathy and support arc asked at the next Election , MAY 20 th , for CHARLOTTE JACKSON , AGl' . D 6 4 YEARS , AVidow of EDWARD J ACKSON ' , late Relieving Officer , Boston Union . Mrs Jackson , in writing to AV , II . Radley , Boston , Secretary to the Charity Committee for the Province of Linclnshire , says : " 1 am sad , very sad , having no home permanently , my friends are not willing to do any thing for me , indeed , I think my relations are strangers to the sorrows and snuggles of life , or thev would have more a heart of pity towards mc . " Any A ' otes for the above Candidate will he received by Bro . W . II . R . vni . irv , Boston , Lincolnshire .
ROYAL Masonic Benevolent Institution , SEVERAL PROXIES for the above to be EXCHANGED for VOTES for thc Royal Hospital for Incurables , Putney Ilealh . Address , J ESSE OWENS , 40 , A ' orley-road , Junction * road , N .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . OCTOBER ELECTION , 1870 . HPHE VOTES and INTEREST of the X Governors and Subscribers are earnestly solicited on behalf of HARRY TAPPOLET , AGED 9 YEARS , Son of Bro . RICHARD TAPPOLET , who died of pneumonia in March 1 S 61 , leaving a widow and eight children , two dependent on the widow , with an insufficient for their support . Bro . Richard Tappolet was initiated in the Lodge of Temperance , No . 169 , in 18 4 6 ; joined the Lion and Lamb Lodge , No . 192 ; was a P . M . in both lodges , and a member of the Royal Arch Chapter ; he was also a subscriber to all thc Masonic Charities until his death . The case is strongly recommended by the following •Brethreu : — Ebenezer Roberts , W . M . 192 ; Luton . AA . Goodyer , P . M . and Treasurer 192 ; 2 , Little Chester-street . J . Stanborough , P . M . 192 . ; Bartholomew-close . " George Kenning , S . AV . 192 , P . G . S . Middlesex , S . W . 1293 , 1194 ; 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Britain . S . G . Myers , P . M . & Treasurer , 715 ; 33 , Middletonroad . G . Swan , P . M . 201 , S 6 g , P . G . D . Herts . AA . J . Ruel , P . M . Enoch , 11 ; 175 , High Holborn . E . Stillwell , \ . P ., AV . M . 917 ; 27 , & c , Barbican . J . . Ponder , J . AV . 869 ; 6 . Little Britain . W . Weedon , P . M . 101 ; 81 , Fore-street . AV . J . Partridge , P . M . 22 ; Albion-terrace . Proxies wilt be thankfully received by the AA idow , 18 , Culford-road , Kingsland .
MAY ELECTION , 1 S 70 . HPO the Governors and Subscribers of the 1 ROVAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOR AGED FREEMASONS AND THE AVIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . The favour of your A ote and Interest is respectfully and earnestly solicited on behalf of Mrs . MARY ANN HALTON , AGED 60 YEARS , Widow of the late Bro . A \ . IAM HALTON , who was many years in business as an Undertaker in the Essexroad , Islington . He was initiated in the Canonbury Lodge , No . 657 , in 1856 , and continued a member nine years . He joined the De Grey and Ripon Lodge , No . 905 , Ilford , in 1 S 62 , and was W . M .-elect of that Lodge at the time of his death . His Widow is left without any means of support , and is now dependent on friends and her small earnings as a Needlewoman and occasional Nurse . The case is strongly recommended by Bro . Henry Price , AV . M . 657 . „ Charles Roberts , P . M . 657 . „ Edward Cox , AM ' ., P . M . 657 . ,, John G . Chancellor , P . M . 657 and 463 , P . P . G . D . Surrey . „ David AV . Pearse , P . M . 657 . ,, Saml . Hill , P . M . 657 and 157 . ,, Thos . AVescombe , P . M . 905 . „ Saml . May , A ' . P ., AV . M . 23 , P . M . 101 & 7 S 0 . ,, Benjamin P . Todd , P . M . and Treas . 27 . ,, Henry G . Buss , P . M . and Sec . 27 , 657 , 7 S 0 , and 1293 , Prov . G . Treas . Middlesex . ,, John Coutts , P . M . 27 . ,, A . A . lVndlebury , P . M . 10563111 ! 1194 , N . B . Proxies will be thankfully received by Bro . Tonn , 55 , Hi ^ h-strcet , Kingsland , E .
BENEVOLENT Institution for Widows of Freemasons , KITTY WHITE , Of Bodmin , aged 56 years , Candidate for Election May 20 th , 1 S 70 . HPHE late Bro . " \ V . J . AVHITE , P . M ., initiated X A . D . 1 S 32 , in the "One and All" Lodge No . 330 , Bodmin ( Secretary for 34 years , and Subscribing Member for 36 years , of No . 330 , Prov . G . Deacon and Grand Warden of Cornwall ) , died in 1 S 68 , and has left his AVidow totally unprovided for . lie brought up a large family , two of whom were partially , and one wholly , dependent upon him at the lime of his decease . A ' otes are earnestly solicited on behalf of Mrs . WHITE , who is now in ill health . Proxies , and A ' oting Papers for Male Annuitants , or for the Royal Masonic Institutions for Boys and Girls , for exchanges , will be thankfully received by PRESTON . 1 . WALLIS , AV . M . No . 330 , Solicitor , Bodmin . N . B . —The Prov . Grand Masters , the Deputy Prov . Grand Masters , and many Prov . Grand Officers of Devon and Cornwall strongly recommend Mrs . AVhite fur election in May , 1870 .
A Hampshire Freemason is sincerely thanked for his donation in stamps . Further donations are begged from the Craft and others for the poor AA'idow of a Brother , which will be acknowledged by her if sent to Mrs . li . B . S ., care of P . J . Bolton , 4 , Chichester-place , Gray ' s-inn-road , London , AV . C . Senders will oblige by giving their address .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Widows of Freemasons , ELECTION , MAY 1870 . The favour of your A'otes and Interest is earnestly solicited on behalf of Sarah Ann Thiselton ,
AGED 72 . THE Petitioner's late husband AUGUSTUS UNION THISELTON , was Secretary to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys thirty-seven years , and was a Life Governor of the Masonic Institution ; he was Initiated in the Vitruvian Lodge , No . 87 , Lambeth , in 1823 ; joined the Lodge of Antiquity , No . 2 , 1837 , and continued a subscribing member until his death . Petitioner resides at S , AA hite-post-terrace , near Gravesend . Bro . E . HARRIS , Collector to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , 75 , Nichols-square , Hackney-road , will thankfully receive Voting Papers .
SUMMER BANQUETS . . BRO . AVM . HOLLAND respectfully informs the Brethren that he is now prepared to RECEIVE LODGES , at his Summer Retreat , NORTH AVOOLAVICH GARDENS . Having catered successfully during the past year , he has such confidence that he will in every respect fully realise all the Brethren require . For terms , & c , apply to Bro . AV . HOLLAND , Royal Hotel , North AVoolwich .
A YOUNG LADY , residing in Clapham , is desirous of obtaining JUNIOR MUSIC PUPILS ( Instrumental ) . Terms , One Guinea per Quarter . Lessons given at her own or Pupil ' s residence . —Address , Office of this Paper .
M ESSRS . T . TREDINNICK and Co ., Dealers in Stocks , English and Foreign , and Shares , have upon SALE GOA . SEC . paying 10 to 12 per cent . ; other properties 15 to 20 , with strong promise of enhanced market value . They have also selected one or two instances of foreign enterprise , maturing , that will unquestionably advance 100 to 200 per cent . To these they invite attention . Particulars furnished on application , personally or per post , and every information afforded as to railways , banks , insurance and miscellaneous shares . 3 , Crown-court , Threadnecdle-street , Bank , E . C .
TTINE HEAD of HAIR , AVHISKERS , JL MOUSTACHES , and EYE-BROWS . —A retired apothecary , from Wales , will send his noted FORMULA for 13 stamps and stamp-directed envelopes to produce Hair on the Head . AVhiskers and Moustache , on the Face in three weeks . —Mr . EVAN EVAN ' , M . D ., CM ., Dorking , Surrey .
T UXURIANT AVHISKERS , Moustaches , J 1 and a Fine Head of Hair . —Mrs . MERUIAM , Springfield , Mass . U . S ., will send , through her English agents , Messrs . Wesley & Knox , Fcatherstonc-buildings , London , A \ . C , her Recipe ( Formula ) for nine stamps and stamped envelope , producing hair on face or head in a month . A pint bottle sent by rail ( carriage paid ) for 36 stamps . — May be ordered through any Chemist .
STAMMERING . —Rev . E . Danziger ( M . M . ) , 24 , AA'elbcck-strcct , Cavendish-square , London ; North Field Villa , Leeds ; and 71 , Carterstreet , Grccnhays , Manchester , effectually and permanently CURES ALL IMPEDIMENT OF SPEECH , whether due to nervousness or other causes , irrespective of age or sex . No mechanical appliance used . The highest references and testimonials can be obtained on application . No fee if no benefit derived .
CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR . OPIATES , Narcotics , and Squills , are too often invoked to give relief in Coughs , Colds , and all Pulmonary Diseases . Instead of such fallacious remedies , which yield momentary relief at thc expense of enfeebling the digestive organs and thus increasing that debility which lies at the root of the malady , modern science points to CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR as thc true remedy . SELECT TESTIMONIAL . Dr . Rooke , Scarborough , author of the "Anti-Lancet , " says ;— " I have repeatedly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued Cough , Pain , and Irritation of the Chest in cases of Pulmonary Consumption , and I can , with thc greatest confidence , recommend it as a most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment for this disease . " This medicine , which is free from opium and squills , not only allays the local iritation , but improves digestioiv and strengthens the constitution . Hence it is used with the most signal success in Asthmas , Bronchitis , Consumption , Coughs , Influenza , Night Sweats of Consumption , Quinsy , and all affections of thc throat and chest . Sold by all respectable Chemists and Patent Medicine Dealers , in bottles at is . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and ns , each , and wholesale by J . M . CUOSIIV , Chemist , Scarborough . * » * Invalids should read Crosby ' s Prize Treatise on " Diseases of the Lungs and Air-Vessels , " a copy of which can be obtained gratis of any respectable Chemist ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
COSMOPOLITAN MASONICCALENDAR. o On the ist JANUARY , 1871 , Will be published , under the above title , A COMPREHENSIVE MASONIC CALENDAR ,
Materials for zvlrich arc ntnv being collected from Home and Foreign sources . 0 THIS AVork will furnish Lists of Lodges in the United Kingdom , France , Germany , Italy , & c ., together with full particulars of every Grand Masonic body throughout the globe . Grand Secretaries , Scribes , and Recorders of Grand Lodges , Chapters , Conclaves or Encampments , are solicited to forward information before the 1 st October , 1870 , and fraternal assistance from every quarter will be gratefully accepted , in order to render the Calendar worthy of its name , and truly " Cosmopolitan . " Letters to be addressed to the Editor of the " COSMOPOLITAN MASONIC CALENDAR " ( title registered ) . 2 , 3 , & 4 , LITTLE BRITAIN , LONDON , E . G ., ENGLAND .
THE GRAPHIC Of April 30 th , will contain , amongst other Illustrations , A PORTRAIT OK THE EARL DE GREY & RIPON , Most ] l ' orship / nl Grand Master of / - " rccrnasojis . Price , 6 d . unstamped . ? d . stamped . OFFICE : —190 , STRAND .
THE JEAVISH RECORD . ONE PENNY , WEEKLY . Average Circulation , 23 , 000 . Office : —3 , DEVONSHIRE STREET , 1 SISHOPSUATK . ESTABLISHED \ li , \ . THE J E AV I S H C 11 R O N I C L E , pDT -IDD A WKIIKLV JorKXAt ., devoted to the interests of Judaism , and the Jewish community at home and abroad . PRICE TWOPENCE , Office :- « , FINSBURY SQUARE , E . C .
THE NEW MUSICAL PITCH . COLLARETMOUTRIE , Patent Pianoforte Manufacturer , HAS successfully shown that practically the musical public can have the French low pitch , as well as the English Philharmonic high pilch both available in one instrument . The facility with which this is effected enables the performer to adopt either at his or her option in an instant . This invention , which is secured by Royal Letters Patent , can be applied to any Pianoforte . On view between thc hours of Eleven and Pour , at the Manufactory , 77 , SOUTIIAMI'TON ROW , RUSSELL SrUWUE , LONDON ' , and at thc principal Musical Instrument Dealers in the country . .
THIRD APPLICATION . TO the Governors ancl Subscribers of tlie ROVAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTI . STUTION FOR WIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . Vour sympathy and support arc asked at the next Election , MAY 20 th , for CHARLOTTE JACKSON , AGl' . D 6 4 YEARS , AVidow of EDWARD J ACKSON ' , late Relieving Officer , Boston Union . Mrs Jackson , in writing to AV , II . Radley , Boston , Secretary to the Charity Committee for the Province of Linclnshire , says : " 1 am sad , very sad , having no home permanently , my friends are not willing to do any thing for me , indeed , I think my relations are strangers to the sorrows and snuggles of life , or thev would have more a heart of pity towards mc . " Any A ' otes for the above Candidate will he received by Bro . W . II . R . vni . irv , Boston , Lincolnshire .
ROYAL Masonic Benevolent Institution , SEVERAL PROXIES for the above to be EXCHANGED for VOTES for thc Royal Hospital for Incurables , Putney Ilealh . Address , J ESSE OWENS , 40 , A ' orley-road , Junction * road , N .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . OCTOBER ELECTION , 1870 . HPHE VOTES and INTEREST of the X Governors and Subscribers are earnestly solicited on behalf of HARRY TAPPOLET , AGED 9 YEARS , Son of Bro . RICHARD TAPPOLET , who died of pneumonia in March 1 S 61 , leaving a widow and eight children , two dependent on the widow , with an insufficient for their support . Bro . Richard Tappolet was initiated in the Lodge of Temperance , No . 169 , in 18 4 6 ; joined the Lion and Lamb Lodge , No . 192 ; was a P . M . in both lodges , and a member of the Royal Arch Chapter ; he was also a subscriber to all thc Masonic Charities until his death . The case is strongly recommended by the following •Brethreu : — Ebenezer Roberts , W . M . 192 ; Luton . AA . Goodyer , P . M . and Treasurer 192 ; 2 , Little Chester-street . J . Stanborough , P . M . 192 . ; Bartholomew-close . " George Kenning , S . AV . 192 , P . G . S . Middlesex , S . W . 1293 , 1194 ; 2 , 3 & 4 , Little Britain . S . G . Myers , P . M . & Treasurer , 715 ; 33 , Middletonroad . G . Swan , P . M . 201 , S 6 g , P . G . D . Herts . AA . J . Ruel , P . M . Enoch , 11 ; 175 , High Holborn . E . Stillwell , \ . P ., AV . M . 917 ; 27 , & c , Barbican . J . . Ponder , J . AV . 869 ; 6 . Little Britain . W . Weedon , P . M . 101 ; 81 , Fore-street . AV . J . Partridge , P . M . 22 ; Albion-terrace . Proxies wilt be thankfully received by the AA idow , 18 , Culford-road , Kingsland .
MAY ELECTION , 1 S 70 . HPO the Governors and Subscribers of the 1 ROVAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOR AGED FREEMASONS AND THE AVIDOWS OF FREEMASONS . The favour of your A ote and Interest is respectfully and earnestly solicited on behalf of Mrs . MARY ANN HALTON , AGED 60 YEARS , Widow of the late Bro . A \ . IAM HALTON , who was many years in business as an Undertaker in the Essexroad , Islington . He was initiated in the Canonbury Lodge , No . 657 , in 1856 , and continued a member nine years . He joined the De Grey and Ripon Lodge , No . 905 , Ilford , in 1 S 62 , and was W . M .-elect of that Lodge at the time of his death . His Widow is left without any means of support , and is now dependent on friends and her small earnings as a Needlewoman and occasional Nurse . The case is strongly recommended by Bro . Henry Price , AV . M . 657 . „ Charles Roberts , P . M . 657 . „ Edward Cox , AM ' ., P . M . 657 . ,, John G . Chancellor , P . M . 657 and 463 , P . P . G . D . Surrey . „ David AV . Pearse , P . M . 657 . ,, Saml . Hill , P . M . 657 and 157 . ,, Thos . AVescombe , P . M . 905 . „ Saml . May , A ' . P ., AV . M . 23 , P . M . 101 & 7 S 0 . ,, Benjamin P . Todd , P . M . and Treas . 27 . ,, Henry G . Buss , P . M . and Sec . 27 , 657 , 7 S 0 , and 1293 , Prov . G . Treas . Middlesex . ,, John Coutts , P . M . 27 . ,, A . A . lVndlebury , P . M . 10563111 ! 1194 , N . B . Proxies will be thankfully received by Bro . Tonn , 55 , Hi ^ h-strcet , Kingsland , E .
BENEVOLENT Institution for Widows of Freemasons , KITTY WHITE , Of Bodmin , aged 56 years , Candidate for Election May 20 th , 1 S 70 . HPHE late Bro . " \ V . J . AVHITE , P . M ., initiated X A . D . 1 S 32 , in the "One and All" Lodge No . 330 , Bodmin ( Secretary for 34 years , and Subscribing Member for 36 years , of No . 330 , Prov . G . Deacon and Grand Warden of Cornwall ) , died in 1 S 68 , and has left his AVidow totally unprovided for . lie brought up a large family , two of whom were partially , and one wholly , dependent upon him at the lime of his decease . A ' otes are earnestly solicited on behalf of Mrs . WHITE , who is now in ill health . Proxies , and A ' oting Papers for Male Annuitants , or for the Royal Masonic Institutions for Boys and Girls , for exchanges , will be thankfully received by PRESTON . 1 . WALLIS , AV . M . No . 330 , Solicitor , Bodmin . N . B . —The Prov . Grand Masters , the Deputy Prov . Grand Masters , and many Prov . Grand Officers of Devon and Cornwall strongly recommend Mrs . AVhite fur election in May , 1870 .
A Hampshire Freemason is sincerely thanked for his donation in stamps . Further donations are begged from the Craft and others for the poor AA'idow of a Brother , which will be acknowledged by her if sent to Mrs . li . B . S ., care of P . J . Bolton , 4 , Chichester-place , Gray ' s-inn-road , London , AV . C . Senders will oblige by giving their address .
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Widows of Freemasons , ELECTION , MAY 1870 . The favour of your A'otes and Interest is earnestly solicited on behalf of Sarah Ann Thiselton ,
AGED 72 . THE Petitioner's late husband AUGUSTUS UNION THISELTON , was Secretary to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys thirty-seven years , and was a Life Governor of the Masonic Institution ; he was Initiated in the Vitruvian Lodge , No . 87 , Lambeth , in 1823 ; joined the Lodge of Antiquity , No . 2 , 1837 , and continued a subscribing member until his death . Petitioner resides at S , AA hite-post-terrace , near Gravesend . Bro . E . HARRIS , Collector to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , 75 , Nichols-square , Hackney-road , will thankfully receive Voting Papers .
SUMMER BANQUETS . . BRO . AVM . HOLLAND respectfully informs the Brethren that he is now prepared to RECEIVE LODGES , at his Summer Retreat , NORTH AVOOLAVICH GARDENS . Having catered successfully during the past year , he has such confidence that he will in every respect fully realise all the Brethren require . For terms , & c , apply to Bro . AV . HOLLAND , Royal Hotel , North AVoolwich .
A YOUNG LADY , residing in Clapham , is desirous of obtaining JUNIOR MUSIC PUPILS ( Instrumental ) . Terms , One Guinea per Quarter . Lessons given at her own or Pupil ' s residence . —Address , Office of this Paper .
M ESSRS . T . TREDINNICK and Co ., Dealers in Stocks , English and Foreign , and Shares , have upon SALE GOA . SEC . paying 10 to 12 per cent . ; other properties 15 to 20 , with strong promise of enhanced market value . They have also selected one or two instances of foreign enterprise , maturing , that will unquestionably advance 100 to 200 per cent . To these they invite attention . Particulars furnished on application , personally or per post , and every information afforded as to railways , banks , insurance and miscellaneous shares . 3 , Crown-court , Threadnecdle-street , Bank , E . C .
TTINE HEAD of HAIR , AVHISKERS , JL MOUSTACHES , and EYE-BROWS . —A retired apothecary , from Wales , will send his noted FORMULA for 13 stamps and stamp-directed envelopes to produce Hair on the Head . AVhiskers and Moustache , on the Face in three weeks . —Mr . EVAN EVAN ' , M . D ., CM ., Dorking , Surrey .
T UXURIANT AVHISKERS , Moustaches , J 1 and a Fine Head of Hair . —Mrs . MERUIAM , Springfield , Mass . U . S ., will send , through her English agents , Messrs . Wesley & Knox , Fcatherstonc-buildings , London , A \ . C , her Recipe ( Formula ) for nine stamps and stamped envelope , producing hair on face or head in a month . A pint bottle sent by rail ( carriage paid ) for 36 stamps . — May be ordered through any Chemist .
STAMMERING . —Rev . E . Danziger ( M . M . ) , 24 , AA'elbcck-strcct , Cavendish-square , London ; North Field Villa , Leeds ; and 71 , Carterstreet , Grccnhays , Manchester , effectually and permanently CURES ALL IMPEDIMENT OF SPEECH , whether due to nervousness or other causes , irrespective of age or sex . No mechanical appliance used . The highest references and testimonials can be obtained on application . No fee if no benefit derived .
CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR . OPIATES , Narcotics , and Squills , are too often invoked to give relief in Coughs , Colds , and all Pulmonary Diseases . Instead of such fallacious remedies , which yield momentary relief at thc expense of enfeebling the digestive organs and thus increasing that debility which lies at the root of the malady , modern science points to CROSBY'S BALSAMIC COUGH ELIXIR as thc true remedy . SELECT TESTIMONIAL . Dr . Rooke , Scarborough , author of the "Anti-Lancet , " says ;— " I have repeatedly observed how very rapidly and invariably it subdued Cough , Pain , and Irritation of the Chest in cases of Pulmonary Consumption , and I can , with thc greatest confidence , recommend it as a most valuable adjunct to an otherwise strengthening treatment for this disease . " This medicine , which is free from opium and squills , not only allays the local iritation , but improves digestioiv and strengthens the constitution . Hence it is used with the most signal success in Asthmas , Bronchitis , Consumption , Coughs , Influenza , Night Sweats of Consumption , Quinsy , and all affections of thc throat and chest . Sold by all respectable Chemists and Patent Medicine Dealers , in bottles at is . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and ns , each , and wholesale by J . M . CUOSIIV , Chemist , Scarborough . * » * Invalids should read Crosby ' s Prize Treatise on " Diseases of the Lungs and Air-Vessels , " a copy of which can be obtained gratis of any respectable Chemist ,