Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ORDERS OF CHIVALRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ORDERS OF CHIVALRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
read and confirmed . There were three candidates due for the third degree , viz ., Bros . Sir Henry St . John Halford , Bart ., Albert Pell , MP ., and the Rev . J . F . Halford , but thc two former were unable to attend . The lodge having been opened in the second degree , Bro . J . F . Halford , passed a highly satisfactory examination as a F . C . He then retired , and a M . M . 's lodge having been
opened , he was impressively raised to that sublime degree by the W . M ., assisted by Bro . Charles Johnson on the organ , who led the appropriate chants , as arranged by himself . The lodge was then lowered to the first degree , when Mr . Richard James Lulham , who been elected at a former meeting , was duly initiated . A vote of thanks was unanimously passed , on the motion of the P . G . M .,
seconded by the I . P . M ., to Bros . Johnson and Crow , for their valuable services in supervising the recent repairs and enlargement of the organ , which was acknowledged by Bro . Johnson , who stated that thanks were also due to the W . M . for the time had devoted to the work , and especially in obtaining subscriptions . After some further business had been brought forward the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
LIVERPOOL . —Temple Lodge , No . 1094 . —This lodge held its installation meeting in the Masonic Temple , Liverpool , on Wednesday , April 13 th . Bro . Edwin Mason Sheldon , W . M ., having opened the lodge at 3 o ' clock p . m . ; and the minutes of the last meeting being read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Mr . R . C . Yelland , and he was duly elected . The brethren present
were Bros . James Hamer , P . G . T . ; R . I-I . D . Johnson , P . M . ; Dr . J . R . Smith , P . M . ; J . Mercer Johnson , AID ., P . M . ; Pastor , P . M . ; Crane , P . M ., S . W . ; R . Wylie , P . G . D . C , J . W . ; D . Winstanley , S . D . ; R . Danson , J . D . ; Martin , I . G ; Marsh , Sec ; Wood , Treas . ; J . Deacon , Org . ; and a full lodge . The visitors present were Bros , H . S . Alpass , P . G . Sec , Thomas Wylie ,
P . P . G ., I . G ., J . W . Reg . ; Armstrong , P . P . G . D . ; Jos . Skeif , P . G . Org . ; Wm . Laidlaw , P . G . P . ; Turner , P . M . 86 and 823 ; Edwin Slee , W . M . elect of 155 ; E . Hughes , J . D . 1299 and 249 ; and W . J . Newman , 216 , & c . The lodge was opened in second degree , when Bro . Thos . Marsh having been presented to Bro . Sheldon , W . M ., for installation by Bros . Dr . Meixer Johnson , P . M ., and
J . K . Smith , P . M ., the charges were read by Bro . Thos . Wylie , P . G . R . The lodge opened in the third degree , and a board of installed Masters opened ; Bro . Thos . Marsh , P . M ., P . G . A . D . C . W . L ., was duly installed W . M . The board having been closed , the brethren were admitted , and saluted the W . M ., who was proclaimed on each occasion in thc three degrees . Thc W . M . then
appointed and invested the following brethren as his Officers for the ensuing year—viz ., Bros . E . M . Sheldon , P . M . ; David W . Winstanley , S . W . ; R . Danson , J . W . ; Jos . Wood , Treas . ; C . Sweeting , Sec ; H . Pearson , S . D . ; Richd . R . Martin , J . D . ; H . Newman , I . G . ; J . Deacon ,, Org . ; Pastor , P . M ., M . C ; F . L . Bolton , S . S . ; Thos . Gibson , J . S . ; Bro . Ball , Tyler . Bro . James Hamer ,
P . G . T ., then delivered thc whole of the charges in his usual correct manner . Tlie W . M . proceeded with the initiation of Mr . Yelland , after which Bro . Danson , J . W ., gave thc working tools in a very impressive way . —Tlie banquet was held at the Adelphi Hotel , and the cloth having been withdrawn , the W . M . gave the usual loyal toasts , which were duly honoured . Tlie W . M . then
proposed thc " M . W . G . M . Earl of Zetland , and Earl de Grey and Ripon , R . W . D . G . M . " " The R . W . P . G . M Sir Thos . G . F . Hesketh , Bart ., M . P ., and the Deputy-Lord Skelmersdale , " coupled with the name of Bro . Alpass , P . G . Sec , P . P . G . S . B ., who duly responded in very feeling and appropriate terms , thanking tlie brethren for the honour of drinking his health with the name of the
R . W . P . G . M . — " Our Masonic Charities " was then given , and duly responded to by Bro . Captain II . Newman . I . G ., who said that he thanked the W . M . for his kindness in coupling his name with thc toast of the Masonic Charities . He would do all lie could to carry out those charities in word and iu deed , hoping every member would do the same . The " Health of the Worshipful Master , Bro .
Thos . Marsh , W . P . G . A . D . C , " was duly proposed by Bro . Sheldon , P . M ., who said : I have a peculiar pleasure in proposing thc toast of our W . M . Some men obtain their honours from fortuitous circumstances ; others solely from merit . But when I tell you , therefore , that his twelve years of Masonic career has been distinguished by ten years of active service on thc Relief Committee and other
committees , you must agree with mc that he is deserving of thc high post he occupies this day . It is no new honour , however , to him . lie has already presided creditably as the W . M . of Lodge 220 and Lodge 155 , and has lately been appointed P . G . A . D . C . W . L . I had not been many months myself a Mason before I noticed that our esteemed W . M . had a handsome jewel given him
by members not of his oim lodge only , but by brethren ot other lodges , who subscribed to the same to show the mark of esteem in which he was held for hard and honest work in our noble cause . Activity sometimes arouses jealousy ; but in the case of Bro . Marsh , like a skilful captain his ship by all the science that can be brought to bear on the work , the more you know him tlie better you
esteem him . The appointment of the Ofiicers for thc ensuing year must be borne by the brethren generally with perfect submission . It is impossible to please all , but undoubtedly the right men are in the right place . For the comfort of those who arc yearning for office , I may say I never yet saw a deserving brother who failed in due time to obtain that preferment to which he was justly
entitled . One grand feature among the Craft should ever mark itself— "humility , " the only sure means of true advancement . For he that humbleth himself shall be exalted , while the self-exalted will assuredly be abased . ( The toast was well received . )—Bro . Marsh then arose , and in a speecli of much feeling , thanked the lodge for the kindness displayed towards him , and for the hearty and ready way in which he was received by the brethren , saying
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
that as they had so kindly selected him for their Master for the ensuing year , he would endeavour to merit the trust reposed in him , by doing what was just and upright . Yet he felt that he had a serious duty to perform , but notwithstanding all that he would do his duty to the best of his ability , and hoped that all the brethren would respond to his call . It now onlv remained for him to hooe that the
good work so well begun might be zealously proceeded with , and that they would continue in brotherly love and prosperity until time shouldbe no more . —The " Visitors " was next given , and duly responded to by Bro . Edwin Slee , J . W . 6 S 0 , W . M . elect 155 ; also by Bros . Turner , P . M ., E . Hughes , 129 S and 249 , and W . J . Newman , 216 . who all said tho . v wc-rc- much nlpasod with the pond
working of the lodge , and complimented the officers and brethren for their efforts , acknowledged the princely honour they had received . —The " Newly-initiated Brothers " was then given , and responded to by Bro . R . C . Yelland . —The W . M . proposed the " Health of Bro . E . M . Sheldon , I . P . M ., " and observed that the lodge was greatly indebted to him , for he was always ready to do
anything in his power for the good of thc lodge or Freemasonry . He ( Bro . Sheldon ) was a mason , not in word , but in the full sincerity of his heart . Had it not been for the affliction and illness of our esteemed Past Master , he would have done more for the lodge , but knowing his duties as a doctor , he had done all he could , with great credit to himself and thc approbation of his brethren .
( The toast was received with enthusiasm ) . —Bro . Sheldon , P . M ., rose and said : W . M ., Officers , and Brethren , in cordially thanking you for the way in which you have received the toast , allow me to state that I shall entertain a greatful remembrance of your great forbearance during my year of office . I had not been installed very long before the hand of affliction was laid upon me , and , as vouknow , my
life was despaired of . It pleased the G . A . O . T . U . to restore me to health , and permit me to exercise my faculties in our common cause . Whatever there has been deficient in me I know you will overlook ; and if I have in any way contributed to the success of the lodge , it is due in a great maasure to the officers of the lodge I have had the pleasure of working with . I hope that under our present
W . M . the lodge will become increasingly useful and a pattern to other lodges in the province . Brethren , I again thank you . — The W . M . then gave the "Officers of Lodge of 1094 . —Bro . D . W . Winstanley , S . W ., responded in very feeling terms , and said he and the other officials of the lodge were deeply grateful for the kind
reception they had received , and trusted every officer would be at his post when called upon by the W . M ., and he Bro . Winstanley was sure they would prove worthy of the office given them that day . A very pleasant evening was altogether spent , and the brethren expressed their desire for the time when they should meet again .
FOREIGN . AUSTRALIA . —Alpine Lodge , No . 107 S , E . G . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Bridge-street , Wood ' s Point , Victoria , on November 12 th , 1 S 69 . The business other than financial , consisted of one raising , one passing , and thc installation of Bro . S . W . Simpson , as W . M . for thc ensuing year . By dispensation from District Grand Lodne of Victoria . P . M .
J . C . Mahan , conducted the installation , as well as the raising , & c , in a masterly style . Thc following brethren were installed as officers : Bros . Peter Simpson , W . M . ; Robert Brookes Peters , S . W . ; John Bowen , J . W . ; John Kelly , S . D . ; William Henry Matthews , J . D ., and John Patrick Quinn , Treas . Lodge business concluded , the brethren retired to the Commercial Hotel , where a grand banquet was held , terminating at high twelve , when the brethren separated in peace and harmony .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . Jerusalem Chapter , No . 1 S 5 . —A convocation of this highly working chapter was held at the Freemasons ' Tavern , Great Queen-street , on Tuesday , the 12 th inst . There being no candidate for exaltation , thc M . E . Z . and officers proceeded to work the whole of the ceremony of exaltation , to prove to the younger Companions thc
necessity of acquiring and knowing what R . A . is . After thc able working , this being the night for installing thc principals and officers for the ensuing year , tlic retiring M . E . Z ., Comp . Harris , then proceeded to install his successor , Comp . Steven , to the first chair , in a most able manner , which elicited the applause of every Companion present , after which Comp . Steven installed Comp .
Davidge to the second chair , which proved that he was not deficient in thc duties of his high position . After which Comp . P . Z ., installed Comp . Ifarficld to ( lie chair of J . The M . E . Z . invested with thc collar of office , Comps . Sheen , Scribe E . ; Patten , Treas . ; Oberdoffer , P . S ., who appointed Comps . Albeit and Smith , his Asst . S . 's ; Comp . Hoare , Janitor . Tlie visitors were , Comps .
Biggs , P . Z ., St . Andrew ' s , 222 , and E . P . Albert , P . Z . 18 S . The chapter was then closed in due form , and the Comps . repaired to an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Dowsing of the tavern . Comp . Biggs returned thanks for the Grand Officers , and Comp . E . P . Albert , for the visitors . The Comps . separated at eleven o ' clock in perfect harmony and good will .
Orders Of Chivalry.
METROPOLITAN . Plantagenet Conclave , No . 2 . —An assembly of the Knights of the Chivalric Order was held at the Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Monday the nth inst . V . E .
Orders Of Chivalry.
Sir Knight John Boyd , M . P . Sov ., presided , supported by his Officers as follows : E . Sir Knight D . R . Still , S . G . ; Sir Knight F . H . Gilbart , PI . P . ; V . E . Sir Knight T . Cubitt , G . H ., Treasuier ; V . I . Sir Knight J . G . Marsh , G . Archt ., Recorder ; Sir Knight G . S . States , Herald ; V . I . Sir Knight R . W . Little , G . Recorder ; ancl E . Sir Knight J . Brett ; assisted also by other Sir Knights
Companions in Arms . 1 he Conclave having been opened in Imperial form , and the minutes of the last assembly read and confirmed , 111 . Sir Knight Little then presided in the chair of Constantine , and proceeded to open a College of Viceroys , when Sir Knight F . H . Gilbart was duly consecrated to the priestly Order in a solemn and impressive manner , and inducted into the chair of V . E . The
College having been duly closed , the 111 . presiding Sovthen opened a Senate of Princes , and E . Sir Knight D . R . Still was enthroned in Imperial form in the chair of Constantine as M . P . S . for the ensuing year . The newlyenthroned Sov . then appointed his officers , viz . : Sir Knight G . S . States , S . G . and Recorder ; Sir Knight Jos . Last , J . G . ; Sir Knight William Carter , H . P . ; Sir
Knight Thos . Cubitt , H . P . Treasurer ; 111 . Sir Knight J . G . Marsh , G . A . was unanimously elected an Honorary Member of the Conclave , for his services in connection with the Order , particularly in this Conclave . Tlie Permanent Council having been appointed for the ensuing year , the Conclave was closed in imperial form and adjourned . The Companions then adjourned to
refreshment , when a very pleasant evening was spent under the genial , and able presidency of the new M . P . S ., E . Sir Knight Still , who gave the customary loyal and chivalric toasts of the evening in a manner highly commendable , and from what we observed we can truly say this Conclave , No . 2 , ( the first which led the way in carrying out the resuscitation and successful development of the Order ) will by the exertion of its officers and members , many
of whom are well-known and distinguished in the Craft , retain its position as one of the most important Conclaves on the roll . The Conclave was honoured by the company of E . Sir Knight Morton Edwards , of the Premier Conclave , who returned thanks for the visitors' toast . The Companions having had a harmonious and pleasant meeting , much enlivened by the vocal talent of several of its members , retired at an early hour .
PROVINCIAL . J ERSEY . —Concord Conclave , No . 8 . —An assembly of this Conclave was held at the Masonic Temple , on Thursday , the 14 th inst . Thc conclave was opened by ' jSir Knt . P . W . Benham , M . P . S ., assisted by Sir Knts . M . Tracy , V . C . ; A . Schmitt , P . S ., Rcc . ; Ph . Binet , C . II . Mann , S . G . Ellis , A . Owen , & c , when the minutes of the
previous meeting were read and confirmed , ballots were taken for nine candidates named on thc agenda paper , when the followingbeinginattendance , were most efficiently installed as Knights of the Order by the M . P . S . : —R . W . Bro . Col . Ed . C . Malet de Carteret , Prov . G . Master ; Bros . Alex . Low , M . D ., J . W ., 95 S ; John W . Bussnet , Asst .
Sec . 590 ; W . Edwin Lott , P . M . 245 , P . G . Org . ; Major Philip M . De La Taste , S 77 ; Ed . Pond , S 77 ; Sergeant-Major R . A . F . Finney , 244 ; Alex . J . Boullier , 1003 . The Conclave was then closed , and the Sir Knts . adjourned to the banquet-room , where a supper was provided . After a most pleasant evening , the knights separated .
K . H . S . Mount Carincl Sanctuary . —A special meeting of the K . U . S . was helil at thc St . John of Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , on Tuesday the 19 th inst ., when the Sanctuary was duly opened by the Prelate and M . E . C ., Bro . Knight R . Wentworth Little , Registrar-General of the Order , assisted by Bro . Knights If . G .
Buss , Hospitaller-General , and J . G . Marsh , S . B ., members of the Council ; and by Bro . Knights W . F . N . Quilty , Sub . Prior ; J . Brett , C . G . ; Dr . C . II . Rogcrsllarrison , Chan . ; S . Foxall , 2 nd Lieut . ; Dr . W . R . Woodman , G . S . V . ; D . R . Still , V . ; G . Kenning , II . ; and F . Walters . The following selected candidates were then admitted to thc fust and second points of the Order :
Sir Knt . Tohn Hervey , G . II . C , Premier Conclave : — „ Raynham W . Stewart , G . A . H ., M . P . S ., St . Andrew ' s Conclave , No . 15 ; ,, Jas . Terry , K . G . C ., Rose & Lily Conclave , No . 3 ; ,, Thomas Cubitt , G . II ., Premier Conclave ; ,, EdwinSillifant , II . P ., St . Gcorge ' sConclave , No . l 8 ; ,, W . West Smith , Premier Conclave ;
,, John R . Foulger , Roman Eagle Conclave , No . 6 ; ,, Morton Edwards , Premier Conclave ; ,, John W . Barrett , Premier Conclave . A Commandery of the Holy Order of St . John was then opened , and the above-named Knights , after the usual
preliminaries , were dubbed and created Knights of St . John thc Evangelist . The Commandery was then closed , and the Knights adjourned to the refectory , where a bounteous repast was provided by Bro . Host Wickens , to which twenty sat down , under the presidency of the M . E . C ., Bro . Knight Little . Thc usual toasts were duly honoured .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
METROPOLITAN . Mount Calvary Chapter S . P . R . + —A meeting of this chapter was held at the Freemasons'Tavern , Great Queenslrcet , on Thursday , the 21 st inst . Ex . and Perf . Bro . Donald M . Dewar , M . W . S ., presided , and most efficiently conducted the beautiful ceremony of perfection . 111 . Bros . Capt . N . G . Phillips , 33 ° , G . Treas . Gen . ; 0
Hyde Pullen , 33 ; S . Rosenthal , 35 ° ; F . Binckes , 30 ° ; F . Dubosc , 30 "; W . Paas , P . M . W . S . ; R . W . Stewart , W . Roebuck , J . Stohwasscr , C . Swan , W . Fish , J . Hervey , R . Wentworth Little , and C . II . Driver were among those present . Thc 18 ° was conferred upon Bros . E . H . Kimber , F . R . G . S ., G . F . Norris , and G . H . Gottlieb . A banquet followed the work in the chapter .
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
read and confirmed . There were three candidates due for the third degree , viz ., Bros . Sir Henry St . John Halford , Bart ., Albert Pell , MP ., and the Rev . J . F . Halford , but thc two former were unable to attend . The lodge having been opened in the second degree , Bro . J . F . Halford , passed a highly satisfactory examination as a F . C . He then retired , and a M . M . 's lodge having been
opened , he was impressively raised to that sublime degree by the W . M ., assisted by Bro . Charles Johnson on the organ , who led the appropriate chants , as arranged by himself . The lodge was then lowered to the first degree , when Mr . Richard James Lulham , who been elected at a former meeting , was duly initiated . A vote of thanks was unanimously passed , on the motion of the P . G . M .,
seconded by the I . P . M ., to Bros . Johnson and Crow , for their valuable services in supervising the recent repairs and enlargement of the organ , which was acknowledged by Bro . Johnson , who stated that thanks were also due to the W . M . for the time had devoted to the work , and especially in obtaining subscriptions . After some further business had been brought forward the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
LIVERPOOL . —Temple Lodge , No . 1094 . —This lodge held its installation meeting in the Masonic Temple , Liverpool , on Wednesday , April 13 th . Bro . Edwin Mason Sheldon , W . M ., having opened the lodge at 3 o ' clock p . m . ; and the minutes of the last meeting being read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Mr . R . C . Yelland , and he was duly elected . The brethren present
were Bros . James Hamer , P . G . T . ; R . I-I . D . Johnson , P . M . ; Dr . J . R . Smith , P . M . ; J . Mercer Johnson , AID ., P . M . ; Pastor , P . M . ; Crane , P . M ., S . W . ; R . Wylie , P . G . D . C , J . W . ; D . Winstanley , S . D . ; R . Danson , J . D . ; Martin , I . G ; Marsh , Sec ; Wood , Treas . ; J . Deacon , Org . ; and a full lodge . The visitors present were Bros , H . S . Alpass , P . G . Sec , Thomas Wylie ,
P . P . G ., I . G ., J . W . Reg . ; Armstrong , P . P . G . D . ; Jos . Skeif , P . G . Org . ; Wm . Laidlaw , P . G . P . ; Turner , P . M . 86 and 823 ; Edwin Slee , W . M . elect of 155 ; E . Hughes , J . D . 1299 and 249 ; and W . J . Newman , 216 , & c . The lodge was opened in second degree , when Bro . Thos . Marsh having been presented to Bro . Sheldon , W . M ., for installation by Bros . Dr . Meixer Johnson , P . M ., and
J . K . Smith , P . M ., the charges were read by Bro . Thos . Wylie , P . G . R . The lodge opened in the third degree , and a board of installed Masters opened ; Bro . Thos . Marsh , P . M ., P . G . A . D . C . W . L ., was duly installed W . M . The board having been closed , the brethren were admitted , and saluted the W . M ., who was proclaimed on each occasion in thc three degrees . Thc W . M . then
appointed and invested the following brethren as his Officers for the ensuing year—viz ., Bros . E . M . Sheldon , P . M . ; David W . Winstanley , S . W . ; R . Danson , J . W . ; Jos . Wood , Treas . ; C . Sweeting , Sec ; H . Pearson , S . D . ; Richd . R . Martin , J . D . ; H . Newman , I . G . ; J . Deacon ,, Org . ; Pastor , P . M ., M . C ; F . L . Bolton , S . S . ; Thos . Gibson , J . S . ; Bro . Ball , Tyler . Bro . James Hamer ,
P . G . T ., then delivered thc whole of the charges in his usual correct manner . Tlie W . M . proceeded with the initiation of Mr . Yelland , after which Bro . Danson , J . W ., gave thc working tools in a very impressive way . —Tlie banquet was held at the Adelphi Hotel , and the cloth having been withdrawn , the W . M . gave the usual loyal toasts , which were duly honoured . Tlie W . M . then
proposed thc " M . W . G . M . Earl of Zetland , and Earl de Grey and Ripon , R . W . D . G . M . " " The R . W . P . G . M Sir Thos . G . F . Hesketh , Bart ., M . P ., and the Deputy-Lord Skelmersdale , " coupled with the name of Bro . Alpass , P . G . Sec , P . P . G . S . B ., who duly responded in very feeling and appropriate terms , thanking tlie brethren for the honour of drinking his health with the name of the
R . W . P . G . M . — " Our Masonic Charities " was then given , and duly responded to by Bro . Captain II . Newman . I . G ., who said that he thanked the W . M . for his kindness in coupling his name with thc toast of the Masonic Charities . He would do all lie could to carry out those charities in word and iu deed , hoping every member would do the same . The " Health of the Worshipful Master , Bro .
Thos . Marsh , W . P . G . A . D . C , " was duly proposed by Bro . Sheldon , P . M ., who said : I have a peculiar pleasure in proposing thc toast of our W . M . Some men obtain their honours from fortuitous circumstances ; others solely from merit . But when I tell you , therefore , that his twelve years of Masonic career has been distinguished by ten years of active service on thc Relief Committee and other
committees , you must agree with mc that he is deserving of thc high post he occupies this day . It is no new honour , however , to him . lie has already presided creditably as the W . M . of Lodge 220 and Lodge 155 , and has lately been appointed P . G . A . D . C . W . L . I had not been many months myself a Mason before I noticed that our esteemed W . M . had a handsome jewel given him
by members not of his oim lodge only , but by brethren ot other lodges , who subscribed to the same to show the mark of esteem in which he was held for hard and honest work in our noble cause . Activity sometimes arouses jealousy ; but in the case of Bro . Marsh , like a skilful captain his ship by all the science that can be brought to bear on the work , the more you know him tlie better you
esteem him . The appointment of the Ofiicers for thc ensuing year must be borne by the brethren generally with perfect submission . It is impossible to please all , but undoubtedly the right men are in the right place . For the comfort of those who arc yearning for office , I may say I never yet saw a deserving brother who failed in due time to obtain that preferment to which he was justly
entitled . One grand feature among the Craft should ever mark itself— "humility , " the only sure means of true advancement . For he that humbleth himself shall be exalted , while the self-exalted will assuredly be abased . ( The toast was well received . )—Bro . Marsh then arose , and in a speecli of much feeling , thanked the lodge for the kindness displayed towards him , and for the hearty and ready way in which he was received by the brethren , saying
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
that as they had so kindly selected him for their Master for the ensuing year , he would endeavour to merit the trust reposed in him , by doing what was just and upright . Yet he felt that he had a serious duty to perform , but notwithstanding all that he would do his duty to the best of his ability , and hoped that all the brethren would respond to his call . It now onlv remained for him to hooe that the
good work so well begun might be zealously proceeded with , and that they would continue in brotherly love and prosperity until time shouldbe no more . —The " Visitors " was next given , and duly responded to by Bro . Edwin Slee , J . W . 6 S 0 , W . M . elect 155 ; also by Bros . Turner , P . M ., E . Hughes , 129 S and 249 , and W . J . Newman , 216 . who all said tho . v wc-rc- much nlpasod with the pond
working of the lodge , and complimented the officers and brethren for their efforts , acknowledged the princely honour they had received . —The " Newly-initiated Brothers " was then given , and responded to by Bro . R . C . Yelland . —The W . M . proposed the " Health of Bro . E . M . Sheldon , I . P . M ., " and observed that the lodge was greatly indebted to him , for he was always ready to do
anything in his power for the good of thc lodge or Freemasonry . He ( Bro . Sheldon ) was a mason , not in word , but in the full sincerity of his heart . Had it not been for the affliction and illness of our esteemed Past Master , he would have done more for the lodge , but knowing his duties as a doctor , he had done all he could , with great credit to himself and thc approbation of his brethren .
( The toast was received with enthusiasm ) . —Bro . Sheldon , P . M ., rose and said : W . M ., Officers , and Brethren , in cordially thanking you for the way in which you have received the toast , allow me to state that I shall entertain a greatful remembrance of your great forbearance during my year of office . I had not been installed very long before the hand of affliction was laid upon me , and , as vouknow , my
life was despaired of . It pleased the G . A . O . T . U . to restore me to health , and permit me to exercise my faculties in our common cause . Whatever there has been deficient in me I know you will overlook ; and if I have in any way contributed to the success of the lodge , it is due in a great maasure to the officers of the lodge I have had the pleasure of working with . I hope that under our present
W . M . the lodge will become increasingly useful and a pattern to other lodges in the province . Brethren , I again thank you . — The W . M . then gave the "Officers of Lodge of 1094 . —Bro . D . W . Winstanley , S . W ., responded in very feeling terms , and said he and the other officials of the lodge were deeply grateful for the kind
reception they had received , and trusted every officer would be at his post when called upon by the W . M ., and he Bro . Winstanley was sure they would prove worthy of the office given them that day . A very pleasant evening was altogether spent , and the brethren expressed their desire for the time when they should meet again .
FOREIGN . AUSTRALIA . —Alpine Lodge , No . 107 S , E . G . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , Bridge-street , Wood ' s Point , Victoria , on November 12 th , 1 S 69 . The business other than financial , consisted of one raising , one passing , and thc installation of Bro . S . W . Simpson , as W . M . for thc ensuing year . By dispensation from District Grand Lodne of Victoria . P . M .
J . C . Mahan , conducted the installation , as well as the raising , & c , in a masterly style . Thc following brethren were installed as officers : Bros . Peter Simpson , W . M . ; Robert Brookes Peters , S . W . ; John Bowen , J . W . ; John Kelly , S . D . ; William Henry Matthews , J . D ., and John Patrick Quinn , Treas . Lodge business concluded , the brethren retired to the Commercial Hotel , where a grand banquet was held , terminating at high twelve , when the brethren separated in peace and harmony .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . Jerusalem Chapter , No . 1 S 5 . —A convocation of this highly working chapter was held at the Freemasons ' Tavern , Great Queen-street , on Tuesday , the 12 th inst . There being no candidate for exaltation , thc M . E . Z . and officers proceeded to work the whole of the ceremony of exaltation , to prove to the younger Companions thc
necessity of acquiring and knowing what R . A . is . After thc able working , this being the night for installing thc principals and officers for the ensuing year , tlic retiring M . E . Z ., Comp . Harris , then proceeded to install his successor , Comp . Steven , to the first chair , in a most able manner , which elicited the applause of every Companion present , after which Comp . Steven installed Comp .
Davidge to the second chair , which proved that he was not deficient in thc duties of his high position . After which Comp . P . Z ., installed Comp . Ifarficld to ( lie chair of J . The M . E . Z . invested with thc collar of office , Comps . Sheen , Scribe E . ; Patten , Treas . ; Oberdoffer , P . S ., who appointed Comps . Albeit and Smith , his Asst . S . 's ; Comp . Hoare , Janitor . Tlie visitors were , Comps .
Biggs , P . Z ., St . Andrew ' s , 222 , and E . P . Albert , P . Z . 18 S . The chapter was then closed in due form , and the Comps . repaired to an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Dowsing of the tavern . Comp . Biggs returned thanks for the Grand Officers , and Comp . E . P . Albert , for the visitors . The Comps . separated at eleven o ' clock in perfect harmony and good will .
Orders Of Chivalry.
METROPOLITAN . Plantagenet Conclave , No . 2 . —An assembly of the Knights of the Chivalric Order was held at the Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Monday the nth inst . V . E .
Orders Of Chivalry.
Sir Knight John Boyd , M . P . Sov ., presided , supported by his Officers as follows : E . Sir Knight D . R . Still , S . G . ; Sir Knight F . H . Gilbart , PI . P . ; V . E . Sir Knight T . Cubitt , G . H ., Treasuier ; V . I . Sir Knight J . G . Marsh , G . Archt ., Recorder ; Sir Knight G . S . States , Herald ; V . I . Sir Knight R . W . Little , G . Recorder ; ancl E . Sir Knight J . Brett ; assisted also by other Sir Knights
Companions in Arms . 1 he Conclave having been opened in Imperial form , and the minutes of the last assembly read and confirmed , 111 . Sir Knight Little then presided in the chair of Constantine , and proceeded to open a College of Viceroys , when Sir Knight F . H . Gilbart was duly consecrated to the priestly Order in a solemn and impressive manner , and inducted into the chair of V . E . The
College having been duly closed , the 111 . presiding Sovthen opened a Senate of Princes , and E . Sir Knight D . R . Still was enthroned in Imperial form in the chair of Constantine as M . P . S . for the ensuing year . The newlyenthroned Sov . then appointed his officers , viz . : Sir Knight G . S . States , S . G . and Recorder ; Sir Knight Jos . Last , J . G . ; Sir Knight William Carter , H . P . ; Sir
Knight Thos . Cubitt , H . P . Treasurer ; 111 . Sir Knight J . G . Marsh , G . A . was unanimously elected an Honorary Member of the Conclave , for his services in connection with the Order , particularly in this Conclave . Tlie Permanent Council having been appointed for the ensuing year , the Conclave was closed in imperial form and adjourned . The Companions then adjourned to
refreshment , when a very pleasant evening was spent under the genial , and able presidency of the new M . P . S ., E . Sir Knight Still , who gave the customary loyal and chivalric toasts of the evening in a manner highly commendable , and from what we observed we can truly say this Conclave , No . 2 , ( the first which led the way in carrying out the resuscitation and successful development of the Order ) will by the exertion of its officers and members , many
of whom are well-known and distinguished in the Craft , retain its position as one of the most important Conclaves on the roll . The Conclave was honoured by the company of E . Sir Knight Morton Edwards , of the Premier Conclave , who returned thanks for the visitors' toast . The Companions having had a harmonious and pleasant meeting , much enlivened by the vocal talent of several of its members , retired at an early hour .
PROVINCIAL . J ERSEY . —Concord Conclave , No . 8 . —An assembly of this Conclave was held at the Masonic Temple , on Thursday , the 14 th inst . Thc conclave was opened by ' jSir Knt . P . W . Benham , M . P . S ., assisted by Sir Knts . M . Tracy , V . C . ; A . Schmitt , P . S ., Rcc . ; Ph . Binet , C . II . Mann , S . G . Ellis , A . Owen , & c , when the minutes of the
previous meeting were read and confirmed , ballots were taken for nine candidates named on thc agenda paper , when the followingbeinginattendance , were most efficiently installed as Knights of the Order by the M . P . S . : —R . W . Bro . Col . Ed . C . Malet de Carteret , Prov . G . Master ; Bros . Alex . Low , M . D ., J . W ., 95 S ; John W . Bussnet , Asst .
Sec . 590 ; W . Edwin Lott , P . M . 245 , P . G . Org . ; Major Philip M . De La Taste , S 77 ; Ed . Pond , S 77 ; Sergeant-Major R . A . F . Finney , 244 ; Alex . J . Boullier , 1003 . The Conclave was then closed , and the Sir Knts . adjourned to the banquet-room , where a supper was provided . After a most pleasant evening , the knights separated .
K . H . S . Mount Carincl Sanctuary . —A special meeting of the K . U . S . was helil at thc St . John of Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' s Gate , Clerkenwell , on Tuesday the 19 th inst ., when the Sanctuary was duly opened by the Prelate and M . E . C ., Bro . Knight R . Wentworth Little , Registrar-General of the Order , assisted by Bro . Knights If . G .
Buss , Hospitaller-General , and J . G . Marsh , S . B ., members of the Council ; and by Bro . Knights W . F . N . Quilty , Sub . Prior ; J . Brett , C . G . ; Dr . C . II . Rogcrsllarrison , Chan . ; S . Foxall , 2 nd Lieut . ; Dr . W . R . Woodman , G . S . V . ; D . R . Still , V . ; G . Kenning , II . ; and F . Walters . The following selected candidates were then admitted to thc fust and second points of the Order :
Sir Knt . Tohn Hervey , G . II . C , Premier Conclave : — „ Raynham W . Stewart , G . A . H ., M . P . S ., St . Andrew ' s Conclave , No . 15 ; ,, Jas . Terry , K . G . C ., Rose & Lily Conclave , No . 3 ; ,, Thomas Cubitt , G . II ., Premier Conclave ; ,, EdwinSillifant , II . P ., St . Gcorge ' sConclave , No . l 8 ; ,, W . West Smith , Premier Conclave ;
,, John R . Foulger , Roman Eagle Conclave , No . 6 ; ,, Morton Edwards , Premier Conclave ; ,, John W . Barrett , Premier Conclave . A Commandery of the Holy Order of St . John was then opened , and the above-named Knights , after the usual
preliminaries , were dubbed and created Knights of St . John thc Evangelist . The Commandery was then closed , and the Knights adjourned to the refectory , where a bounteous repast was provided by Bro . Host Wickens , to which twenty sat down , under the presidency of the M . E . C ., Bro . Knight Little . Thc usual toasts were duly honoured .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
METROPOLITAN . Mount Calvary Chapter S . P . R . + —A meeting of this chapter was held at the Freemasons'Tavern , Great Queenslrcet , on Thursday , the 21 st inst . Ex . and Perf . Bro . Donald M . Dewar , M . W . S ., presided , and most efficiently conducted the beautiful ceremony of perfection . 111 . Bros . Capt . N . G . Phillips , 33 ° , G . Treas . Gen . ; 0
Hyde Pullen , 33 ; S . Rosenthal , 35 ° ; F . Binckes , 30 ° ; F . Dubosc , 30 "; W . Paas , P . M . W . S . ; R . W . Stewart , W . Roebuck , J . Stohwasscr , C . Swan , W . Fish , J . Hervey , R . Wentworth Little , and C . II . Driver were among those present . Thc 18 ° was conferred upon Bros . E . H . Kimber , F . R . G . S ., G . F . Norris , and G . H . Gottlieb . A banquet followed the work in the chapter .