Article THE LEGEND of JOSHUA and the SOLAR and LUNAR MIRACLE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Legend Of Joshua And The Solar And Lunar Miracle.
are said to be removed and overturned , the earth to be shaken out of her place , while the pillars thereof tremble ; tlie everlasting mountains to be scattered , and the perpetual hills to bow ; the depths utter his voice , and to lift up his hands on high , bold and sublime figures of speech , which no one would think of
understanding literally , and insisting that all these extraordinary phenomena occurred . But a very noticeable thing is , that there is a passage in Isaiah ( chap , xxviii ., ) which certainly refers to this defeat of the Amorites by Joshua , as well as to the destruction of Canaanites by Moses , but in which the prophet makes no mention of the miracle of the sun and the moon . He mentions
only one wonderful work or act as indicative of God ' s wrath or vengeance upon the people in the Valley of Gibeon , which was conspicuously displayed in the miraculous shower of destructive hail-stones , assuring those whom he was commanded to menace , that the scourge ordained to
destroy them , should overtake them both by day and by night , ( ver . 18 , 19 . ) He seems to have known nothing of the arresting of the course of nature , and had no idea of the necessity of daylight for the destruction of any people whom Divine Providence had doomed .
Everything seems to concur then in leading to the conclusion , that such a miracle did not take place ; but that Joshua , when he wrote this section of the book , paused at the close of that part wherein he describes the termination of the
great battle , to introduce , as any author might do , a poetical description of the great event , familiar to the people to whom his book was first given , and in which many of the grand events of their history were worthily celebrated .
United Grand Lodge.
The unfortunate circumstance of the barbarous murder of English tourists near Athens by Greek brigands on Friday week has been the means of preventing the Annual Grand Festival being held this year on the usual day . Mr . Vyner , a brother of the Countess de Grey and Ripon , and Mr .
Herbert , a cousin of tlie Earl of Carnarvon being members of the party who were murdered , the Earl de Grey and Ripon could not be installed as Grand Master , or the Earl of Carnarvon be appointed as Deputy-Grand Master . The installation and festival have consequently been postponed , but as it
was necessary to hold the regular meeting , to be in accordance with the laws of Grand Lodge , thc brethren assembled on Wednesday , at Freemasons ' Hall , under the presidency of thc Grand Master , thc Right Hon . the EARL of ZETLAND , at five o'clock , for the purpose of confirming the
minutes of last meeting and adjourning . There was a good attendance of Grand Officers , but the brethren in thc body of the Temple scarcely numbered fifty . The following Grand Officers were present : — The Earl of Zetland , K . T ., G . M . ; Bros . Thos . Hy .
Hall , Prov . G . M . Cambridge , as Deputy G . M . ; Algernon Perkins , P . GAV ., as S . G . W . ; Victor A . Williamson , P . G . W ., as J . G . W . ; Robt . J . Bagshaw , Prov . G . M . Essex ; Col . Burdett , Prov . G . M . Middlesex ; James Dean , District G . M . Quebec ; John Havers , P . G . W . ; / Eneas J . Mclntyre , G . Reg . ;
Samuel Leith Tomkins , G . D . ; Benj . Head , John Savage , Jabez Hogg , H . Browse , R . W . Wheeler , and J . Udall , P . G . Deacons ; J . Ll . Evans , President Bd . General Purposes ; Joshua Nunn , G . S . B . '; E . H . Patten , Wm . Young , Hyde Pullen , P . G . S . B . ' s ; Samuel Rawson , P . Dist . G . M . China ; Sir Albert
Woods , G . D . C . ; Conrad C . Dumas , Asst . G . D . C . ; Rev . R . J . F . Thomas , P . G . Chaplain ; W . Farnfield , P . Asst . G . Sec . ; W . Ough , G . Purst . ; Jas . Brett , Asst . G . Purst . ; and thc following brethren R . W . Stewart , J . Coutts , T . Meggy , H . G . Buss , W . H . Warr , W . Farnfield , J . R . Foulger , Jas . Terry ,
F . Adlard , F . Binckes , Geo . States , Hyde Clarke , R . Spencer , F . Walters , Geo . King , jun . ( P . M . 1238 ) , D . McBindcr ( W . M . 422 ) , R . John ( W . M . 131 ) , E . Harbord ( W . M . 477 ) , W . Dodd ( W . M . 1074 ) , E . Powell ( J . W . 723 ) , W . Hancock ( J . W . 1089 ) , W . F . Cox ( S . W . 1021 ) , G . A Brown ( W . M .
998 ) , D . Owen ( P . M . 998 ) , R . Bond ( P . M . 1098 ) , W . Cocking ( P . M . 275 ) , G . Stacey ( P . M . 209 ) J . Hocken ( W . M . 673 ) , P . M . Larsen ( P . M . 594 ) , C . Stainer ( P . M . 426 ) , E . H . Adams ( P . M . 929 ) , and H . Massey ( P . M . 619 ) . Bro . J HERVEY , G . S ., also attended , and
read the minuter of last Quarterly Communication , which were put and confirmed . The M . W . GRAND MASTER : Brethren , I believe it is hardly necessary for me to state the course of proceedings we have been so unfortunately compelled to adopt ; but in consequence of this most
United Grand Lodge.
horrifying and barbarous murder which has been committed in the East , the Most Worshipful Grand Master-Elect has sustained the loss of a very near relative , and the Deputy Grand Master-Designate also has sustained the same calamitous grief . It is therefore , found impossible to hold a Grand Festival
on this day ; but as the day for Grand Festival is fixed by law , we were obliged to hold this Grand Lodge , in order to get through the necessary business and render the confirmation of the minutes of the last Quarterly Communication binding . It is , therefore , intended to hold the Grand Festival on a
future day ; but , unfortunately , that day cannot yet be named , because in consequence of the funeral of the Most Worshipful Grand Master-Elect ' s brotherin-law having to take place in England , we might fix the day on which that event takes place . Therefore , it is impossible to fix a day at present ; but I shall
take every means in my power to give as early notice as possible of the day when the installation of Grand Master will take place , and Grand Festival be held . I trust I shall be able very soon to do that , but I am sure you will all be aware that it is impossible under existing circumstances , without
conferring with Earl de Grey , to fix the day . I can only say , I will do everything in my power to make it known to the Craft as early as psssible . Bro . Havers wishes to move an address of condolence to the Most Worshipful Grand Master-Elect . Bro . HAVERS : Most Worshipful Grand Master
after what has fallen from your lordship , I have not one word to add . I am quite sure this resolution , which your lordship has put into my hands to move , will meet with the ready acceptance of every brother present . I beg to move , " That this Grand Lodge has received with thc deepest grief , intelligence of
the dreadful calamity which has befallen the Grand Master-Elect , thc Earl De Grey and Ripon and his family , by the massacre of their relative at the hands of brigands in Greece , and desires to express its heartfelt sympathy and commiseration with his lordship in his sad affliction . "
Bro . R . W . STEWART :, I beg to second the motion . Tlic GRAND MASTER having put the motion , it was carried unanimously . Bro . J HAVERS : I have now to move , with your lordship's permission , "That the Grand Master be requested to sign this address , and transmit it to
Earl De Grey . " The GRAND MASTER : I can only say , Brethren , I shall be most happy to sign thc address , in which I thoroughly concur . I assure you for myself , I feel most deeply for Lord De Grey in his affliction . I feel it the more deeply , having known intimately
well the unfortunate young man , his brother-in-law , who has been so brutally massacred . ( After a pause . ) I believe no other business can be transacted on thc present occasion . Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form , and adjourned .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
METROPOLITAN . Grand Stewards' Lodge . —The regular meeting of this lodge took place at the Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday last week , under the presidency ( in the unavoidable absence of Bro . Edward J . Page , W . M ., ) of Bro . Henry Norman , I . P . M ., as W . M . Bro . RalphM . Smith , S . W ., and Bro . Jahcz Tepper , J . W ., when two new members
were elected . The lodge has now thirty-nine members . After lodge the brethren and many distinguished visitors , in all twenty-seven , adjourned to the tavern and partook of banquet and dessert , and spent the evening with much harmony . Lodge of Temperance , No . 169 . —The brethren of this lodge met at the White Swan , High-street , Deptford , on
Thursday , the 21 st of April . The W . M ., Bro . John Thomas Moss , occupied the chair , supported by a goodly number of P . M . ' s , officers , and brethren . The minutes of thc last regular lodge having been read and confirmed , Bros . Copping , Woodley , and Devereux , having given proofs of their efficiency in the first degree , were passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was then opened in the
third degree , and Bros . George Hillstead , John Thomas Holmes Moss , and George Leggett were then raised to the sublime degree of M . M , the ceremony being most impressively rendered . Thc W . M ., Bro . John Thomas Moss , then announced to the lodge that having served as Steward at thc last festival for the Boys' School , he was about to act as Steward at the approaching festival for
the girls , and expressed a hope that thc lodge would assist him in so doing . The brothers then adjourned to refreshment , and the W . M ., in proposing thc toast of thc " P . M . ' s , " passed a high euloginm on Bro . George Bolton , P . M ., for the assistance he had rendered him that evening in thc lodge . —Bro . Bolton , in reply to the toast of the P . M . 's , expressed the gratification he always felt at any
time if he could he of assistance to the W . M ., of any other brother in thc lodge ; and after a very energetic reply from Bro . Alfred Pulley , thc S . W ., who responded for tlie officers , the lodge adjourned until the next meeting in October . Visitor , Bro . Fredk . Walters , P . M . 73 . Rose of Denmark Lodge , No . 975 . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the White Hart , Barnes , on Friday , the 22 nd inst ., Bro . G . T . Nr > yce , thc highly-respected
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
W . M ., was in the chair , and as the ceremonies of the evening were unusually heavy , Bro . Little , P . M . and Sec , assisted him in the work . Bros . C . A . Smith , S . W . ; W . H . Barnard , J . W . ; R . B . Huddleston , S . D . ; S . H . Stevens , J . D . ; and W . Ham , I . G ., were also at their posts , Past Masters Oliver and Newens , and about twenty other brethren were likewise present . Messrs . C . A .
Angel ¦ and E . Harris , were initiated ; Bros . Clipson and Colwell passed , and Bros . Harris , Lemon and Hayes raised . The work was exceedingly well done by the W . M . and his officers . Five visitors were present , including W . Bro . Hyde , W . M . 765 , P . M . 141 . The lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to the
banqueting room , and sat down to a splendid dinner , and it is only dne to the W . M . to state that with great liberality he placed on the table a dozen of champagne , sent specially from his own cellar at Richmond . During the evening , Bro . F . H . Newens was presented with a P . M . ' s jewel , manufactured by Bro . Kenning , of Little Britain . Bro . Hyde responded for the visitors .
MIDDLESEX . Burdett Lodge , No . 1293 . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Clarence Hotel , Teddington , on Saturday , the 23 rd instant , R . W ., Bro . Colonel Burdett , P . G . M ., and W . M ., presided , and was supported by Bros . G . Kenning , S . W . ; R . Kenyon , P . G . Steward , J . W . ; R . Wentworth Little , P . G . Sec , Treas . : W . H . Hubbard ,
P . M ., Sec . ; Major H . W . Palmer , S . D . ; D . R . Still , J . D . ; M . Edwards , I . G . ; H . G . Buss , P . G . Treas ., D . C . ; A . B . Donnithorne , Rev . D . Shaboe , W . West Smith , R . Boncey , D . R . Adams , and J . Weaver . Eleven brethren were accepted as joining members , and Messrs . Wickens , Wiles , and Kotzenburg were initiated . Bro . Donnithorne was then passed to the second degree .
The W . M . invested the Rev . D . Shaboe as Chaplain , and M . Edwards as I . G ., and after the transaction of some formal business , the lodge was closed . The R . W ., Bro Burdett presided at the banquet which succeeded the lodge labours , and a thoroughly enjoyable evening was spent by all present . This lodge promises to become one of the first in the province .
PROVINCIAL . LEICESTER . —John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 523 . —In consequence of the pressure of business now before the lodge , an emergency meeting was held at the Freemasons ' Hall , on Thursday , the 14 th inst ., at which the W . M ., Bro . Geo . Toller , jnn ., F . G . Sec , presided . Among the hrethren present were , Bros . Kelly , P . G . M ., and
Senior P . M . ; A . M . Duff , P . P . G . D ., and I . P . M . ; Buzzard , S . W ., and P . G . A . D . of C . ; Sculthorpe , J . W ., and P . G . Steward ; Baines , Sec . !; Rev . Dr . Haycroft , S . D ., and P . G . Chaplain ; Partridge , J . D . ; Atkins and Sergeant , Stewards ; Charles Johnson ( P . M ., and P . P . G . S . W . Jersey , ) Org . ; Lewin , I . G . ; Bembridge , Tyler ; Rev . W . T . Fry , Mace Moor , and others . Visitors , Bros .
Stanley , W . M ., and P . G . J . D . ; L . A . Clarke , P . M ., and P . G . S . W . ; Palmer , S . D . ; Stannard , P . G . Supt . of Works ; Crow , J . W ., and P . G . Org . ; and Atwood of No . 279 . The lodge having been opened , Bros . C . S . Thomson , W . P . Cox , F . Toone , and A . Ross were duly examined as to their proficiency in the first degree , and the result being satisfactory they retired , and were
afterwards severally introduced , and passed to the degree of F . C . The organ being now quite completed after its recent renovation and enlargement , the Prov . Grand Organist , Bro . Crow , Fellow of the College of Organists , presided with his accustomed skill and ability , and was assisted in the chants of thc degree by Bros . Johnson , Palmer , and others . Universal satisfaction was expressed
at the manner in which the work had been carried out by Mr . Perritt , under the supervision of Bros . Johnson and Crow . On the conclusion of the ceremony and the explanation of the working tools by the W . M ., the lodge was closed to the first degree . The P . G . M . reported that a copy of Bro . Jennings ' s recently published very curious work entitled " Tlie Rosicrucians , their Rites and
Mysteries , " had been procured for the Masonic Library in the hall , and suggested the expediency of appointing a small committee of members of each of thc two local lodges as a means of making the collection more generally useful by a supervision of the loan books , and also by procuring as opportunities might ofler copies of such Masonic works as are at present deficient , and to prepare a proper
catalogue . On the motion of Bro . Duff , I . P . M ., the P . G . M ., the W . M ., and the Rev . Dr . Haycroft were appointed to represent this lodge . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . Prior to the opening of the lodge for business , a meeting of the joint Lodge of Instruction had been held , when Bro . Sculthorpe , as W . M ., went through the ceremony of initiation in a satisfactory manner , after which Bro .
Partridge gave , for the first time , the lecture on the tracingboard most creditably . The regular monthly meeting of the lodge took place on Thursday , the 21 st instant , at thc Freemasons' Hall , Halford-street , under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . George Toller , jun ., Prov . G . Sec , and was numerously attended , nearly forty brethren being present . Thc only officer absent was the Rev . Dr . Haycroft , S . D ., who was in London . The W . M . was supported by thc following P . M . ' s , viz ., W . Kelly , Prov . G . M . ; Rev . John Spittal , Provincial G . Chaplain , and
P . P . G . S . W . ; A . M . Duff , P . P . G . J . D . ; W , B . Smith , Prov . G . Treas ., and P . P . G . J . W ., and Charles Johnson , P . P . G . O ., and P . P . G . S . W ., Jersey . Among the numerous visitors were Bros . E . II . Edwards , Perfect Friendship Lodge , Ipswich ; T . W . Clarke , P . M . 50 , Hinckley , and P . P . G . J . W . ; W . R . Bryan , 100 7 , Loughborough ;
W . Pettifor , P . M ., and P . P . G . S . W . ; W . II . Morris , P . M ., P . P . G . J . D . ; E . J . Crow , J . W ., and Prov . G . Org . ; A . Palmer , J . D . ; R . W . Widdowson , I . G . ; R . Burnham , J . McAllister , F . B . Williams , and G . Santer , of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 279 . The lodge having been opened , the minutes of the last monthly meeting and of the lodge of emergency held on the preceding Thursday were
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Legend Of Joshua And The Solar And Lunar Miracle.
are said to be removed and overturned , the earth to be shaken out of her place , while the pillars thereof tremble ; tlie everlasting mountains to be scattered , and the perpetual hills to bow ; the depths utter his voice , and to lift up his hands on high , bold and sublime figures of speech , which no one would think of
understanding literally , and insisting that all these extraordinary phenomena occurred . But a very noticeable thing is , that there is a passage in Isaiah ( chap , xxviii ., ) which certainly refers to this defeat of the Amorites by Joshua , as well as to the destruction of Canaanites by Moses , but in which the prophet makes no mention of the miracle of the sun and the moon . He mentions
only one wonderful work or act as indicative of God ' s wrath or vengeance upon the people in the Valley of Gibeon , which was conspicuously displayed in the miraculous shower of destructive hail-stones , assuring those whom he was commanded to menace , that the scourge ordained to
destroy them , should overtake them both by day and by night , ( ver . 18 , 19 . ) He seems to have known nothing of the arresting of the course of nature , and had no idea of the necessity of daylight for the destruction of any people whom Divine Providence had doomed .
Everything seems to concur then in leading to the conclusion , that such a miracle did not take place ; but that Joshua , when he wrote this section of the book , paused at the close of that part wherein he describes the termination of the
great battle , to introduce , as any author might do , a poetical description of the great event , familiar to the people to whom his book was first given , and in which many of the grand events of their history were worthily celebrated .
United Grand Lodge.
The unfortunate circumstance of the barbarous murder of English tourists near Athens by Greek brigands on Friday week has been the means of preventing the Annual Grand Festival being held this year on the usual day . Mr . Vyner , a brother of the Countess de Grey and Ripon , and Mr .
Herbert , a cousin of tlie Earl of Carnarvon being members of the party who were murdered , the Earl de Grey and Ripon could not be installed as Grand Master , or the Earl of Carnarvon be appointed as Deputy-Grand Master . The installation and festival have consequently been postponed , but as it
was necessary to hold the regular meeting , to be in accordance with the laws of Grand Lodge , thc brethren assembled on Wednesday , at Freemasons ' Hall , under the presidency of thc Grand Master , thc Right Hon . the EARL of ZETLAND , at five o'clock , for the purpose of confirming the
minutes of last meeting and adjourning . There was a good attendance of Grand Officers , but the brethren in thc body of the Temple scarcely numbered fifty . The following Grand Officers were present : — The Earl of Zetland , K . T ., G . M . ; Bros . Thos . Hy .
Hall , Prov . G . M . Cambridge , as Deputy G . M . ; Algernon Perkins , P . GAV ., as S . G . W . ; Victor A . Williamson , P . G . W ., as J . G . W . ; Robt . J . Bagshaw , Prov . G . M . Essex ; Col . Burdett , Prov . G . M . Middlesex ; James Dean , District G . M . Quebec ; John Havers , P . G . W . ; / Eneas J . Mclntyre , G . Reg . ;
Samuel Leith Tomkins , G . D . ; Benj . Head , John Savage , Jabez Hogg , H . Browse , R . W . Wheeler , and J . Udall , P . G . Deacons ; J . Ll . Evans , President Bd . General Purposes ; Joshua Nunn , G . S . B . '; E . H . Patten , Wm . Young , Hyde Pullen , P . G . S . B . ' s ; Samuel Rawson , P . Dist . G . M . China ; Sir Albert
Woods , G . D . C . ; Conrad C . Dumas , Asst . G . D . C . ; Rev . R . J . F . Thomas , P . G . Chaplain ; W . Farnfield , P . Asst . G . Sec . ; W . Ough , G . Purst . ; Jas . Brett , Asst . G . Purst . ; and thc following brethren R . W . Stewart , J . Coutts , T . Meggy , H . G . Buss , W . H . Warr , W . Farnfield , J . R . Foulger , Jas . Terry ,
F . Adlard , F . Binckes , Geo . States , Hyde Clarke , R . Spencer , F . Walters , Geo . King , jun . ( P . M . 1238 ) , D . McBindcr ( W . M . 422 ) , R . John ( W . M . 131 ) , E . Harbord ( W . M . 477 ) , W . Dodd ( W . M . 1074 ) , E . Powell ( J . W . 723 ) , W . Hancock ( J . W . 1089 ) , W . F . Cox ( S . W . 1021 ) , G . A Brown ( W . M .
998 ) , D . Owen ( P . M . 998 ) , R . Bond ( P . M . 1098 ) , W . Cocking ( P . M . 275 ) , G . Stacey ( P . M . 209 ) J . Hocken ( W . M . 673 ) , P . M . Larsen ( P . M . 594 ) , C . Stainer ( P . M . 426 ) , E . H . Adams ( P . M . 929 ) , and H . Massey ( P . M . 619 ) . Bro . J HERVEY , G . S ., also attended , and
read the minuter of last Quarterly Communication , which were put and confirmed . The M . W . GRAND MASTER : Brethren , I believe it is hardly necessary for me to state the course of proceedings we have been so unfortunately compelled to adopt ; but in consequence of this most
United Grand Lodge.
horrifying and barbarous murder which has been committed in the East , the Most Worshipful Grand Master-Elect has sustained the loss of a very near relative , and the Deputy Grand Master-Designate also has sustained the same calamitous grief . It is therefore , found impossible to hold a Grand Festival
on this day ; but as the day for Grand Festival is fixed by law , we were obliged to hold this Grand Lodge , in order to get through the necessary business and render the confirmation of the minutes of the last Quarterly Communication binding . It is , therefore , intended to hold the Grand Festival on a
future day ; but , unfortunately , that day cannot yet be named , because in consequence of the funeral of the Most Worshipful Grand Master-Elect ' s brotherin-law having to take place in England , we might fix the day on which that event takes place . Therefore , it is impossible to fix a day at present ; but I shall
take every means in my power to give as early notice as possible of the day when the installation of Grand Master will take place , and Grand Festival be held . I trust I shall be able very soon to do that , but I am sure you will all be aware that it is impossible under existing circumstances , without
conferring with Earl de Grey , to fix the day . I can only say , I will do everything in my power to make it known to the Craft as early as psssible . Bro . Havers wishes to move an address of condolence to the Most Worshipful Grand Master-Elect . Bro . HAVERS : Most Worshipful Grand Master
after what has fallen from your lordship , I have not one word to add . I am quite sure this resolution , which your lordship has put into my hands to move , will meet with the ready acceptance of every brother present . I beg to move , " That this Grand Lodge has received with thc deepest grief , intelligence of
the dreadful calamity which has befallen the Grand Master-Elect , thc Earl De Grey and Ripon and his family , by the massacre of their relative at the hands of brigands in Greece , and desires to express its heartfelt sympathy and commiseration with his lordship in his sad affliction . "
Bro . R . W . STEWART :, I beg to second the motion . Tlic GRAND MASTER having put the motion , it was carried unanimously . Bro . J HAVERS : I have now to move , with your lordship's permission , "That the Grand Master be requested to sign this address , and transmit it to
Earl De Grey . " The GRAND MASTER : I can only say , Brethren , I shall be most happy to sign thc address , in which I thoroughly concur . I assure you for myself , I feel most deeply for Lord De Grey in his affliction . I feel it the more deeply , having known intimately
well the unfortunate young man , his brother-in-law , who has been so brutally massacred . ( After a pause . ) I believe no other business can be transacted on thc present occasion . Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form , and adjourned .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Reports of Masonic Meetings .
METROPOLITAN . Grand Stewards' Lodge . —The regular meeting of this lodge took place at the Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday last week , under the presidency ( in the unavoidable absence of Bro . Edward J . Page , W . M ., ) of Bro . Henry Norman , I . P . M ., as W . M . Bro . RalphM . Smith , S . W ., and Bro . Jahcz Tepper , J . W ., when two new members
were elected . The lodge has now thirty-nine members . After lodge the brethren and many distinguished visitors , in all twenty-seven , adjourned to the tavern and partook of banquet and dessert , and spent the evening with much harmony . Lodge of Temperance , No . 169 . —The brethren of this lodge met at the White Swan , High-street , Deptford , on
Thursday , the 21 st of April . The W . M ., Bro . John Thomas Moss , occupied the chair , supported by a goodly number of P . M . ' s , officers , and brethren . The minutes of thc last regular lodge having been read and confirmed , Bros . Copping , Woodley , and Devereux , having given proofs of their efficiency in the first degree , were passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was then opened in the
third degree , and Bros . George Hillstead , John Thomas Holmes Moss , and George Leggett were then raised to the sublime degree of M . M , the ceremony being most impressively rendered . Thc W . M ., Bro . John Thomas Moss , then announced to the lodge that having served as Steward at thc last festival for the Boys' School , he was about to act as Steward at the approaching festival for
the girls , and expressed a hope that thc lodge would assist him in so doing . The brothers then adjourned to refreshment , and the W . M ., in proposing thc toast of thc " P . M . ' s , " passed a high euloginm on Bro . George Bolton , P . M ., for the assistance he had rendered him that evening in thc lodge . —Bro . Bolton , in reply to the toast of the P . M . 's , expressed the gratification he always felt at any
time if he could he of assistance to the W . M ., of any other brother in thc lodge ; and after a very energetic reply from Bro . Alfred Pulley , thc S . W ., who responded for tlie officers , the lodge adjourned until the next meeting in October . Visitor , Bro . Fredk . Walters , P . M . 73 . Rose of Denmark Lodge , No . 975 . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the White Hart , Barnes , on Friday , the 22 nd inst ., Bro . G . T . Nr > yce , thc highly-respected
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
W . M ., was in the chair , and as the ceremonies of the evening were unusually heavy , Bro . Little , P . M . and Sec , assisted him in the work . Bros . C . A . Smith , S . W . ; W . H . Barnard , J . W . ; R . B . Huddleston , S . D . ; S . H . Stevens , J . D . ; and W . Ham , I . G ., were also at their posts , Past Masters Oliver and Newens , and about twenty other brethren were likewise present . Messrs . C . A .
Angel ¦ and E . Harris , were initiated ; Bros . Clipson and Colwell passed , and Bros . Harris , Lemon and Hayes raised . The work was exceedingly well done by the W . M . and his officers . Five visitors were present , including W . Bro . Hyde , W . M . 765 , P . M . 141 . The lodge having been closed , the brethren adjourned to the
banqueting room , and sat down to a splendid dinner , and it is only dne to the W . M . to state that with great liberality he placed on the table a dozen of champagne , sent specially from his own cellar at Richmond . During the evening , Bro . F . H . Newens was presented with a P . M . ' s jewel , manufactured by Bro . Kenning , of Little Britain . Bro . Hyde responded for the visitors .
MIDDLESEX . Burdett Lodge , No . 1293 . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Clarence Hotel , Teddington , on Saturday , the 23 rd instant , R . W ., Bro . Colonel Burdett , P . G . M ., and W . M ., presided , and was supported by Bros . G . Kenning , S . W . ; R . Kenyon , P . G . Steward , J . W . ; R . Wentworth Little , P . G . Sec , Treas . : W . H . Hubbard ,
P . M ., Sec . ; Major H . W . Palmer , S . D . ; D . R . Still , J . D . ; M . Edwards , I . G . ; H . G . Buss , P . G . Treas ., D . C . ; A . B . Donnithorne , Rev . D . Shaboe , W . West Smith , R . Boncey , D . R . Adams , and J . Weaver . Eleven brethren were accepted as joining members , and Messrs . Wickens , Wiles , and Kotzenburg were initiated . Bro . Donnithorne was then passed to the second degree .
The W . M . invested the Rev . D . Shaboe as Chaplain , and M . Edwards as I . G ., and after the transaction of some formal business , the lodge was closed . The R . W ., Bro Burdett presided at the banquet which succeeded the lodge labours , and a thoroughly enjoyable evening was spent by all present . This lodge promises to become one of the first in the province .
PROVINCIAL . LEICESTER . —John of Gaunt Lodge , No . 523 . —In consequence of the pressure of business now before the lodge , an emergency meeting was held at the Freemasons ' Hall , on Thursday , the 14 th inst ., at which the W . M ., Bro . Geo . Toller , jnn ., F . G . Sec , presided . Among the hrethren present were , Bros . Kelly , P . G . M ., and
Senior P . M . ; A . M . Duff , P . P . G . D ., and I . P . M . ; Buzzard , S . W ., and P . G . A . D . of C . ; Sculthorpe , J . W ., and P . G . Steward ; Baines , Sec . !; Rev . Dr . Haycroft , S . D ., and P . G . Chaplain ; Partridge , J . D . ; Atkins and Sergeant , Stewards ; Charles Johnson ( P . M ., and P . P . G . S . W . Jersey , ) Org . ; Lewin , I . G . ; Bembridge , Tyler ; Rev . W . T . Fry , Mace Moor , and others . Visitors , Bros .
Stanley , W . M ., and P . G . J . D . ; L . A . Clarke , P . M ., and P . G . S . W . ; Palmer , S . D . ; Stannard , P . G . Supt . of Works ; Crow , J . W ., and P . G . Org . ; and Atwood of No . 279 . The lodge having been opened , Bros . C . S . Thomson , W . P . Cox , F . Toone , and A . Ross were duly examined as to their proficiency in the first degree , and the result being satisfactory they retired , and were
afterwards severally introduced , and passed to the degree of F . C . The organ being now quite completed after its recent renovation and enlargement , the Prov . Grand Organist , Bro . Crow , Fellow of the College of Organists , presided with his accustomed skill and ability , and was assisted in the chants of thc degree by Bros . Johnson , Palmer , and others . Universal satisfaction was expressed
at the manner in which the work had been carried out by Mr . Perritt , under the supervision of Bros . Johnson and Crow . On the conclusion of the ceremony and the explanation of the working tools by the W . M ., the lodge was closed to the first degree . The P . G . M . reported that a copy of Bro . Jennings ' s recently published very curious work entitled " Tlie Rosicrucians , their Rites and
Mysteries , " had been procured for the Masonic Library in the hall , and suggested the expediency of appointing a small committee of members of each of thc two local lodges as a means of making the collection more generally useful by a supervision of the loan books , and also by procuring as opportunities might ofler copies of such Masonic works as are at present deficient , and to prepare a proper
catalogue . On the motion of Bro . Duff , I . P . M ., the P . G . M ., the W . M ., and the Rev . Dr . Haycroft were appointed to represent this lodge . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . Prior to the opening of the lodge for business , a meeting of the joint Lodge of Instruction had been held , when Bro . Sculthorpe , as W . M ., went through the ceremony of initiation in a satisfactory manner , after which Bro .
Partridge gave , for the first time , the lecture on the tracingboard most creditably . The regular monthly meeting of the lodge took place on Thursday , the 21 st instant , at thc Freemasons' Hall , Halford-street , under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . George Toller , jun ., Prov . G . Sec , and was numerously attended , nearly forty brethren being present . Thc only officer absent was the Rev . Dr . Haycroft , S . D ., who was in London . The W . M . was supported by thc following P . M . ' s , viz ., W . Kelly , Prov . G . M . ; Rev . John Spittal , Provincial G . Chaplain , and
P . P . G . S . W . ; A . M . Duff , P . P . G . J . D . ; W , B . Smith , Prov . G . Treas ., and P . P . G . J . W ., and Charles Johnson , P . P . G . O ., and P . P . G . S . W ., Jersey . Among the numerous visitors were Bros . E . II . Edwards , Perfect Friendship Lodge , Ipswich ; T . W . Clarke , P . M . 50 , Hinckley , and P . P . G . J . W . ; W . R . Bryan , 100 7 , Loughborough ;
W . Pettifor , P . M ., and P . P . G . S . W . ; W . II . Morris , P . M ., P . P . G . J . D . ; E . J . Crow , J . W ., and Prov . G . Org . ; A . Palmer , J . D . ; R . W . Widdowson , I . G . ; R . Burnham , J . McAllister , F . B . Williams , and G . Santer , of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 279 . The lodge having been opened , the minutes of the last monthly meeting and of the lodge of emergency held on the preceding Thursday were