Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC MEETINGS IN LIVERPOOL, &c. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
Constitutional Lodge of Instruction , ( 50 ) , Wheatsheaf Hotel , Hand-con : ' - , Holborn , at 7 ; Bro . J . Ii . Stacey , P . M ., 1 S 0 , Preceptor .
WEDNESDAY , DEC . 4 . Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge , at fi for 7 p . m . Lodge 511 , Zetland , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Pythagorean Lodge of Instruction ( 79 ) , Prince of Orange , Greenwich , at S ; Bro . J . Robt . Nash , Preceptor . United Strength Lodge of Instruction ( 22 S ) , tlie Grafton Arms , Prince of Wales ' s-road , Kentish-town , at 8 ;
Bro . J . N . Frost , Preceptor . Israel Lodge of Instruction , Rising Sun Tavern , Globe-road , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . New Concord Lodge of Instruction , Rosemary Brancf Tavern , Hoxton , at 8 . Confidence Lodge of Instruction , Railway Tav ., London street , City , at 7 . 30 . Koyal Union Lodge of Instruction , Horse and Groom
Tavern , Winsley-street , Oxford-street , at 8 ; Bro . T . A , Adams , Preceptor . Peckham Lodge of Instruction , Maismore Arms , Park-road , Peckham , at 8 ; Bro . David Rose , Preceptor . Temperance in the East Lodge of Instruction , George the Fourth , Catherine-street , Poplar . Stanhope Lodge of Instiuction . Thicket Hotel , Anerley , at 7 . 30 p . m . ; Bro . H . W . Lindus , Preceptor .
THURSDAY , DEC . 3 . Lodge 10 , Westminster and Keystone , Freemasons' llall . ,, 27 , Egyptian , Andeiton's Ilotel , Fleet-street .
„ 43 , Strong Man , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' sgale , Clerkenwell . ., 192 , Lion and Lamb , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street .
,, 227 , lonic , Ship and Turtle , l . cadcnhali-sliccl . ,, 231 , Si . Andrew's , Freemasons' llall . ,, 33 8 , La Tolerance , Freemasons' llall . „ 554 , Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney . „ 822 , Victoria Rifles , Freemason * ' llall . ,, 1133 , Excelsior , Sydney Arms , Lewisham-road . ,, 1178 , Perfect Ashlar , Gicgoiian Arms , Bermondsey . road .
» 1 . S 31 , St . Clement Danes . 2113 , Miami . „ 13 ( 10 , Roval Arthur , Duke of Edinburgh Hotel , New Wimbledon . Chapter 2 , St . James , Fieeinnsons' I lall . ,, 9 , Mnriah , Albion Tavern , Aldei'sgalc-slicct . Mark Lodge 144 , Grosvenor , Caledonian Hotel , Adelphi . The R . A . Chapter of Improvement , Freemasons' I
lall-Fidelity Lodge of Instruction ( 3 ) , Yorkshire Grey , London , St ., Tottenham Court-road , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Panmure Lodge of Instruction ( 720 ) , Balham Ilolel , Balham , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . John Thomas , Preceptor . Finsbury Lodge of Inslruclion , Jolly Anglers' Tavern , Bath-street , City-road ; Bro . Slean , Preceptor . United Mariners' Lodge of Instruction , Tluee Cranes ,
Mile-end-road , at 8 ; Bio . I . J . Barnes , Preceptor . Whittington Lodge of Instruction ( Sfi 2 ) , Crown Tavern , llolborn , at 8 ; Bio . Lewis Alexander , P . M . 18 S , Preceptor . Chigwell Lodge of Instruction , Bald-faced Stag Hotel , Buckhuist-hill , at 7 . 30 . Doric Chapter of Instruction . Three Ciancs Tavern , _\
lilcend-rtiad , at 8 ; Comp . 1 . J . Bai lies , Preceptor . libury Lodge of Instruction , Uro . l ' almei's , 12 , Pousoiibv » st ., Millbank .
1-iiiiiAY , Dia . 11 . Lodge 706 , Moicncc Nightingale , Ma-onic llall . William stieet . Woolwich . Rqc . I lotiiscy . Andeitiui ' s I Intel , l'ieei-.-tiect . ,. 1275 , Slur , . \ i . iii | uis of Gratibv . Tau rn , New C 10 — load . Chapter 8 , Briii-h , I ' lii-ma-oii- ' I I . iii .
,, 239 , Piiuee ol Wale-, Wii . is ' s . Iti . ' . im-. St . J . inu-. Mark Lodge 8 , Thi-tic , l ' i . cmo-ov . ' Tnu-in . St . George ' s Lodge oi la- u in ii ni . 1 1 40 \ lor . ' ....-icr Mason ' s , Globe ' Tavein . Hnv . il Hill . Gic .-av . ieh . Stability . Lodge ni In-uik ' -ion , ' . 2 1 7 ' . GuiYi . all T ..-vcin , 3 ; . Giv- ! i : iui--l . n :. I ' ll ., et I ' I : Inn . lieiuv Mugeei ' i'lgc P . M . 1 . 12 mil 71 ; . I ' HVUH -r .
Robcil limns l .-dgei ' In i . u . iinii , t ' liiou Tavein , Air-.-l ., Hegent-st ., ; . l S : Bio . \\ . Vv ' a :-na , P . M . Unions huiiilal 0 . 1 I .:, lee nf Ini - jUn . t . incut fur M . ? d . ' s , Freeinasi n- ' 1 l . iii , . it 7 . Tcmpciaucc Ln-. lge nl In-ti u . tion , YLtmia T .: v . Victoriaload , Deptfoid , at 8 .
Jiuidett Coutts Loilge ni I ,.-i : uciioa ' 1 : 70 ) , Appioac ! Tavein , Appioach-ioad , \ ictoiia-p ., ; k , at 8 ; Bin . Geo W . Yciiv , Pieccj . t . ir . Clapton Lodge of ln-11 iu tion , V . hitc Hait , Cla ; ten . a ! 7 . 30 Bio . Johu S . iu . uU-i-, Ptcn-j in-. - . Koyal Stand . ud Lod _ , e nl lie 11 ueiion ! i 2 r >') , The t ' astli
Tavern , lli . Howay , at ti ; 11 , c it . I . ve {' . ..-. '> . 103 , W . M . 1 298 ) , Pieceplor . Pythagoican Chapter uf In-lructinn ( No . 79 ) , Piince o ! Orange , Grccnwich-iond , at 8 ; Cmnp . VV . Wcit Smith , Preceptor . Westbourne Lodge of instruction ( 733 ) , lloiscnnil Groom , Wiiisley-street , Oxford-slieit , at 8 .
Metropolitan Lodge of in-ti uclii .: i , P . atugal Hotel , Fleet stieet , at 7 ; Bin . Brett , Picccptor . Belgrave Loilge of Instiuction , Duke of Wellington Ilolel Spring-gai den-, Cha ring-cross ; Hro . I ' ul-f . : i , | . Preceptor Doric Lodge of In .-li ucti . in , 'I ' niee C . 'i'iiis T . i . un , Mi !_ .
rnil-in . nl , at S : Bio . Isaac .-: nj : i .-, ruei-pt .-ir . Buigoviic Lodge ol In-Miction , Giaiton . ' mil--, fili . ee ol Wales ' . —load , S . W ., -it 8 . St . Luk-j ' s l . od ; e ol lu-iiuctiia ' . i- ' , 4 i Two C . tiv ..: _ . 33 , Brompton-ioad , S . W .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
United Pilgrims Lodge of Instruction , Duke of Edinburgh , Shephcrd ' s-lane , Brixton , at 7 ; Bro . J . Thomas , P . M ., Preceptor . Duke of Edinburgh Lodge of Instruction , Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar , at 7 ; Bro . D . S . Potts , Preceptor . St . James's Lodge of Instruction , Gregorian Anns Tavern , Jamaica-road , Bermondsey , at 8 ; Bro . Howes , P . M ., Preceptor .
Masonic Meetings In Liverpool, &C.
For thc Weekending Friday , December 6 , 1 S 72 . MONDAY , DEC . 2 . Skelmersdale Lodge , Blundell-sands Hotel , Great Crosby , at fi . De Tabley Chapter , Seacombe Hotel , Seacombe at fi . Evciton Lodge of Instiuction , Jlasonic Temple , Liverpool , at 7 . 30 .
I UESD . VY , DEC . 3 . St . John of Jerusalem Chapter , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , fi . Merchants' Lodge of Instruction , Masonic Temple , fi . Downshire Loilge of Instruction , 90 , Duke-street , 7 .
WEDNESDAY , DEC . 4 . Chapter of Fidelity , 1 , Hamilton-square , Birkenhead , fi . St . John ' s Lodge ( fi 73 ) , 90 , Duke-street , Liverpool , 6 . 30 . Royal Victoria Lodge (^ 013 ) , Masonic Temple , fi . De Grey and Kipon Lodge of Instruction ( 1 ;^ fi ) , rjo ,
Noith Ilill-sticel , Toxteth-park , Liverpool , 7 . 30 . TneusiiAv , Dee . 3 . Mariner .- ' Lodge ( 249 ) . Masonic Temple . I lope-street , 0 . Cestrian Lodge ( 423 ) , Grosvenor I Intel , Chester , 4 . Biidgcvvatcr Chapter , Masonic I lall , Runcorn , f > .
Fiu DAY , Due . ( 1 . Selton Lodge ( 680 ) , Adelphi Ilotel , Liverpool , 4 . 30 . Walton Chapter , Masonic llall . Kiikdale , fi . Neptune Loilge ( 12 ( 14 ) , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , fi . " livery innlllcr anil lionaeUe-. u v must otten ail a- linnili
plujdtLin in thc numerous nine . — € s ami acridem * lhat occur . -iniiini : ehililren .-mil -er \ , inl _ i . Fur many n ! these r . ise- I lime used t l . ivio ' s t ' ain Killer with null eminent ruirce— , thai I consiilcr il imli .-pen .-ahle in uiy lamili meilieir . c ! i" \ . "— _ V , ; ..,. i- V ?* l-: \ . m :: i :, r .
cMfrliscmcnls . MASONIC"INSTITUTION TOR GIRLS . St . John ' s Hill . Battersea Rise , S . W . Ollice : 3 , Freema-on- ' I lall , ( heat Unci n-slrcct , W . C . At a meeting ol' the General Committee of the above Institution , held at l- ' reemasons' llall , ( Jreat Queen-street , London , W . C , on Thursday , lhe 2 S 1 I 1 day of November , 1 S 72 , fur the jinrpose jl' electing a Secretary , llro . . Major folin Creaton . Vice-President , in the chair , alter the preliminary business , the Governors proceeded lo the election , -which terminated with the following result : — Voles . Bro . W . 1 lovvley liurdcr ... 1 2 „ II . W . Durnford Green 2 Kobert Wentworth Little ; 1 7 Joseph Lockiiigton Putter I And the Chairman declared Robert "Wentworth Little dttlv elected . W . LVM ., -Stli Xov . i . * S 7 __ :. Aciing Secretary . Caboelonian Ilotel , K ' . i ;; i . i
,. J ^ BRO . E . WATKINS , O BOTTLE M > : RC : IAN'i \ 12 , Jev / ry » sL , Aid gale . Wines housed am ! l . ottli d . "Wine Baskets on hire . Contracts made for any lime or quantity .
KENNING'S NEW BALLOT BOX , 1 . : -, ' vf >\ - ;; . , 1 .-- ^ Kw : & i ;^ siscfW ^ y;m^^^^w Price llnrly bhilunys .
MASONIC ASSURANCE COMPANY , 9 , NEW BRIDGE-STREET , LONDON . Chairman , | . Rankin Stebbing Esq . Standing Counsel 1 Iorace Lloyd , Esq ., Q . C . Solicitors Messrs . Heritage , Evans , & Heritage . One per cent , of the new Premiums annually appropriated to Masonic Charities . FREDERICK BIGG , P . M ., Manager .
NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY , ESTABLISHED 1 S 45 . Conducted under the official supervision of thc State of New York . $ 100 , 000 have been deposited with Trustees in England . Life Assurance only . Purely Mutual . All Profits annually to Policy Holders . Accumulated Funds , December 31 st , 1 S 70 ... . £ , ^ , 172 , 244 Surplus over all Liabilities , and Reserve Fund 389 , 322 Income for Year 1870 1 , 317 , 271 M . X . COHEN , SPECIAL AGENT , 76 & 77 , CHEAPSIDE , E . C .
BRITISH EQUITABLE ASSURANCE - COMi'ANV . 4 , Uiiccn-sticct-placc , London , E . C . SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT . New business , 1 . 9 J 4 policies for ^ ' 320 , 319 . New annual income , . 19 , 820 . 172 death claims paid lor . 128 , 487 iSs . id . 20 claims for matured policies , f . 2 , i ^~ , Ss . 41 I . Paid for surrenders , £ 1 , 777 . Laid by in year , £ , - , 6 , 307 . In force 1 7 , 009 ' policies for £ 2 , 930 , 210 . Annual premium income , . £ 93 , 998 . Paid for death claims iu 17 year-, under 1 , 173 policies . £ 'X 7 o ; . S . Accumulated fund inciea-cdto £ 273 , 073 . W . S . COVER , Managing Director .
Norwich and London ACCIDENT INSURANCE ASSOCIATION . EsTAiiusiii ;!) iS ;(> . SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL £ 100 , 000 . Eor Insuring against ACCIDENTAL DEATH , With Compensation for Personal Injury , Caui' . 'd by Accidents CHIEF OI-YICI-S—ST . GILES'S STREET , NORWICH . LOMION : 4 . ; , MOOKGATE-ST . Secretary : Cu . viii . rs It . OILMAN , Esq . London Manager : Mr . Gi : oi : i ; i ; Powia . i ..
\!\ ON E V . —LOAN ' S grained immediately . x fri'iu £ ioot'i £ 2 , 000 : 11 5 per cent ., icpayable over Three , t- ' oor , or 1 'ive Year .-, mi Pei-onal Secuiilv and life Police el'fecle : ! wilh lile Wli . VI'Oi- ' ENGLAND INSURANCE CO ., t l ' .-iaiili-h-cd 1 H 07 . ) Apply t 1 the Siipciiutcn-lcnt of Agents . J . CitCCKEiv , Neville Stieet , \ ev . ca _ -lle . Aleuts Wanted . C ^ ENERAL EL ' N ' ERAL ESTABLLSM-, MENT , Si , Cily-ioad , E . C , oppo-he tl . e l- 'inslniry Schools , and 24 , Siiuti-igate-ioad , De lieauvoir Town . N . , A ^» Bros . SINCLAIR & SOivI J | / v ^^ beg to call thc jiulilic attention to their ^ * 0 % = ** . Scale of Charge .-, lo Mill all clas _ . es , to any of tl . e Meliopolilan Cenieteiie .-, or ott . er ) ilaces . Eor fuitlier inforniation , -ec I Must rated Bool , and Eili mates , foiwaidcdon applic . ition . iN ' u connection vv ill ) any olher establishment .
Q K A N T ' S . MOREL L A C 11 E R R Y VJ IIKANHY . sri'Pi . ii' . i ) 10 ULi-t M . \ 1 i . siv THI-: ( ii'i : i- ; x . 'I Iii' il .-ti .-ii . ii , I . i- ( in nr , 10 no 1 In- 1 . 1 li 11111- K . lit _ Vlii , i-l ! .- i ,-ii | ii-r-i-ili _ . _ v-iiii-iii 1 , 1 : 1 m liiii :-i-lii . Id-. 1 111 ,. li liiiniiivil In .- [ nrl-men , ii '" l L-: il- < , ivriiiniiii-nil .-. l In ll . c i .,.-:.: il pii . ii- —inn : i ' -: i 1 .-ilu-ilik-Imoi - in IM , , 1 VM-. -il . m- — . ' - (' i-ili-r 1 , 1 ' :. iiv Wine . \ li-iili : iiil , nr direct uf T . liKAN I ' , Uii-iilL-rv , Mniil . l . iii-. - . ' 42 ? . per ilu / . cii , ' -: i-li . I ' . image l .-ii . l .
' " ¦'• ' "" V . i ^' "' r ^ v *' ' ' ;' w ' - - ' -. ' v ' . v . VV ' . ' . * , ¦ ;' ¦ " . ' '" ''" , " ' ¦* 1 ;'' . ' . ' ¦' ¦ •¦' : . ¦ ; -l j ([ U ? ;^ f ^/ Y ^^ f •' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ W ;\ -: V- ; ' - ¦ ' ;; v '' v - - ' ^ i : -v . ' *^ fl $% i &^ ) liyi . T \ A \] l , CnpKiiIivl , ami OHMH I in tlie \ 'ino-| ; ..:. ! , ; i 1 ' i . UH'i . r ¦ i-.- 'i llu l : „ i i l .: ; . ; i .: > ' iinj-nilcl . 1 Si'U hv ui . ii ! iiu'ivlii'i : --ii , ' , ' . ' ¦ •¦¦\ . -. ! . li LiiMlc , ; H Hi rec , H \ , i . i'ic , . ; ti iv . . 'i \ c > en ¦ ' . ' 1 ; .- . ti . ¦ .::--., ; o- , ' : c-., , i : » l ~ c > . c ; icli < i ; , v iln / cii i ; t > c , l )\ ' C ' . JJ ) . \ . ^ . t . \ , \ U .- ^ ,, ic i ] n | . <_ il '_ 'i ' , t . S , I ' cnclHiicli-biiikiin ^ t-, t ' ci . chui ' Lij-fcii ' ttt , Lonilun . Cacti with ortlcr .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
Constitutional Lodge of Instruction , ( 50 ) , Wheatsheaf Hotel , Hand-con : ' - , Holborn , at 7 ; Bro . J . Ii . Stacey , P . M ., 1 S 0 , Preceptor .
WEDNESDAY , DEC . 4 . Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge , at fi for 7 p . m . Lodge 511 , Zetland , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Pythagorean Lodge of Instruction ( 79 ) , Prince of Orange , Greenwich , at S ; Bro . J . Robt . Nash , Preceptor . United Strength Lodge of Instruction ( 22 S ) , tlie Grafton Arms , Prince of Wales ' s-road , Kentish-town , at 8 ;
Bro . J . N . Frost , Preceptor . Israel Lodge of Instruction , Rising Sun Tavern , Globe-road , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . Isaac Saqui , Preceptor . New Concord Lodge of Instruction , Rosemary Brancf Tavern , Hoxton , at 8 . Confidence Lodge of Instruction , Railway Tav ., London street , City , at 7 . 30 . Koyal Union Lodge of Instruction , Horse and Groom
Tavern , Winsley-street , Oxford-street , at 8 ; Bro . T . A , Adams , Preceptor . Peckham Lodge of Instruction , Maismore Arms , Park-road , Peckham , at 8 ; Bro . David Rose , Preceptor . Temperance in the East Lodge of Instruction , George the Fourth , Catherine-street , Poplar . Stanhope Lodge of Instiuction . Thicket Hotel , Anerley , at 7 . 30 p . m . ; Bro . H . W . Lindus , Preceptor .
THURSDAY , DEC . 3 . Lodge 10 , Westminster and Keystone , Freemasons' llall . ,, 27 , Egyptian , Andeiton's Ilotel , Fleet-street .
„ 43 , Strong Man , Old Jerusalem Tavern , St . John ' sgale , Clerkenwell . ., 192 , Lion and Lamb , City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street .
,, 227 , lonic , Ship and Turtle , l . cadcnhali-sliccl . ,, 231 , Si . Andrew's , Freemasons' llall . ,, 33 8 , La Tolerance , Freemasons' llall . „ 554 , Yarborough , Green Dragon , Stepney . „ 822 , Victoria Rifles , Freemason * ' llall . ,, 1133 , Excelsior , Sydney Arms , Lewisham-road . ,, 1178 , Perfect Ashlar , Gicgoiian Arms , Bermondsey . road .
» 1 . S 31 , St . Clement Danes . 2113 , Miami . „ 13 ( 10 , Roval Arthur , Duke of Edinburgh Hotel , New Wimbledon . Chapter 2 , St . James , Fieeinnsons' I lall . ,, 9 , Mnriah , Albion Tavern , Aldei'sgalc-slicct . Mark Lodge 144 , Grosvenor , Caledonian Hotel , Adelphi . The R . A . Chapter of Improvement , Freemasons' I
lall-Fidelity Lodge of Instruction ( 3 ) , Yorkshire Grey , London , St ., Tottenham Court-road , at 8 ; Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . Panmure Lodge of Instruction ( 720 ) , Balham Ilolel , Balham , at 7 . 30 ; Bro . John Thomas , Preceptor . Finsbury Lodge of Inslruclion , Jolly Anglers' Tavern , Bath-street , City-road ; Bro . Slean , Preceptor . United Mariners' Lodge of Instruction , Tluee Cranes ,
Mile-end-road , at 8 ; Bio . I . J . Barnes , Preceptor . Whittington Lodge of Instruction ( Sfi 2 ) , Crown Tavern , llolborn , at 8 ; Bio . Lewis Alexander , P . M . 18 S , Preceptor . Chigwell Lodge of Instruction , Bald-faced Stag Hotel , Buckhuist-hill , at 7 . 30 . Doric Chapter of Instruction . Three Ciancs Tavern , _\
lilcend-rtiad , at 8 ; Comp . 1 . J . Bai lies , Preceptor . libury Lodge of Instruction , Uro . l ' almei's , 12 , Pousoiibv » st ., Millbank .
1-iiiiiAY , Dia . 11 . Lodge 706 , Moicncc Nightingale , Ma-onic llall . William stieet . Woolwich . Rqc . I lotiiscy . Andeitiui ' s I Intel , l'ieei-.-tiect . ,. 1275 , Slur , . \ i . iii | uis of Gratibv . Tau rn , New C 10 — load . Chapter 8 , Briii-h , I ' lii-ma-oii- ' I I . iii .
,, 239 , Piiuee ol Wale-, Wii . is ' s . Iti . ' . im-. St . J . inu-. Mark Lodge 8 , Thi-tic , l ' i . cmo-ov . ' Tnu-in . St . George ' s Lodge oi la- u in ii ni . 1 1 40 \ lor . ' ....-icr Mason ' s , Globe ' Tavein . Hnv . il Hill . Gic .-av . ieh . Stability . Lodge ni In-uik ' -ion , ' . 2 1 7 ' . GuiYi . all T ..-vcin , 3 ; . Giv- ! i : iui--l . n :. I ' ll ., et I ' I : Inn . lieiuv Mugeei ' i'lgc P . M . 1 . 12 mil 71 ; . I ' HVUH -r .
Robcil limns l .-dgei ' In i . u . iinii , t ' liiou Tavein , Air-.-l ., Hegent-st ., ; . l S : Bio . \\ . Vv ' a :-na , P . M . Unions huiiilal 0 . 1 I .:, lee nf Ini - jUn . t . incut fur M . ? d . ' s , Freeinasi n- ' 1 l . iii , . it 7 . Tcmpciaucc Ln-. lge nl In-ti u . tion , YLtmia T .: v . Victoriaload , Deptfoid , at 8 .
Jiuidett Coutts Loilge ni I ,.-i : uciioa ' 1 : 70 ) , Appioac ! Tavein , Appioach-ioad , \ ictoiia-p ., ; k , at 8 ; Bin . Geo W . Yciiv , Pieccj . t . ir . Clapton Lodge of ln-11 iu tion , V . hitc Hait , Cla ; ten . a ! 7 . 30 Bio . Johu S . iu . uU-i-, Ptcn-j in-. - . Koyal Stand . ud Lod _ , e nl lie 11 ueiion ! i 2 r >') , The t ' astli
Tavern , lli . Howay , at ti ; 11 , c it . I . ve {' . ..-. '> . 103 , W . M . 1 298 ) , Pieceplor . Pythagoican Chapter uf In-lructinn ( No . 79 ) , Piince o ! Orange , Grccnwich-iond , at 8 ; Cmnp . VV . Wcit Smith , Preceptor . Westbourne Lodge of instruction ( 733 ) , lloiscnnil Groom , Wiiisley-street , Oxford-slieit , at 8 .
Metropolitan Lodge of in-ti uclii .: i , P . atugal Hotel , Fleet stieet , at 7 ; Bin . Brett , Picccptor . Belgrave Loilge of Instiuction , Duke of Wellington Ilolel Spring-gai den-, Cha ring-cross ; Hro . I ' ul-f . : i , | . Preceptor Doric Lodge of In .-li ucti . in , 'I ' niee C . 'i'iiis T . i . un , Mi !_ .
rnil-in . nl , at S : Bio . Isaac .-: nj : i .-, ruei-pt .-ir . Buigoviic Lodge ol In-Miction , Giaiton . ' mil--, fili . ee ol Wales ' . —load , S . W ., -it 8 . St . Luk-j ' s l . od ; e ol lu-iiuctiia ' . i- ' , 4 i Two C . tiv ..: _ . 33 , Brompton-ioad , S . W .
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
United Pilgrims Lodge of Instruction , Duke of Edinburgh , Shephcrd ' s-lane , Brixton , at 7 ; Bro . J . Thomas , P . M ., Preceptor . Duke of Edinburgh Lodge of Instruction , Silver Lion , Penny-fields , Poplar , at 7 ; Bro . D . S . Potts , Preceptor . St . James's Lodge of Instruction , Gregorian Anns Tavern , Jamaica-road , Bermondsey , at 8 ; Bro . Howes , P . M ., Preceptor .
Masonic Meetings In Liverpool, &C.
For thc Weekending Friday , December 6 , 1 S 72 . MONDAY , DEC . 2 . Skelmersdale Lodge , Blundell-sands Hotel , Great Crosby , at fi . De Tabley Chapter , Seacombe Hotel , Seacombe at fi . Evciton Lodge of Instiuction , Jlasonic Temple , Liverpool , at 7 . 30 .
I UESD . VY , DEC . 3 . St . John of Jerusalem Chapter , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , fi . Merchants' Lodge of Instruction , Masonic Temple , fi . Downshire Loilge of Instruction , 90 , Duke-street , 7 .
WEDNESDAY , DEC . 4 . Chapter of Fidelity , 1 , Hamilton-square , Birkenhead , fi . St . John ' s Lodge ( fi 73 ) , 90 , Duke-street , Liverpool , 6 . 30 . Royal Victoria Lodge (^ 013 ) , Masonic Temple , fi . De Grey and Kipon Lodge of Instruction ( 1 ;^ fi ) , rjo ,
Noith Ilill-sticel , Toxteth-park , Liverpool , 7 . 30 . TneusiiAv , Dee . 3 . Mariner .- ' Lodge ( 249 ) . Masonic Temple . I lope-street , 0 . Cestrian Lodge ( 423 ) , Grosvenor I Intel , Chester , 4 . Biidgcvvatcr Chapter , Masonic I lall , Runcorn , f > .
Fiu DAY , Due . ( 1 . Selton Lodge ( 680 ) , Adelphi Ilotel , Liverpool , 4 . 30 . Walton Chapter , Masonic llall . Kiikdale , fi . Neptune Loilge ( 12 ( 14 ) , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , fi . " livery innlllcr anil lionaeUe-. u v must otten ail a- linnili
plujdtLin in thc numerous nine . — € s ami acridem * lhat occur . -iniiini : ehililren .-mil -er \ , inl _ i . Fur many n ! these r . ise- I lime used t l . ivio ' s t ' ain Killer with null eminent ruirce— , thai I consiilcr il imli .-pen .-ahle in uiy lamili meilieir . c ! i" \ . "— _ V , ; ..,. i- V ?* l-: \ . m :: i :, r .
cMfrliscmcnls . MASONIC"INSTITUTION TOR GIRLS . St . John ' s Hill . Battersea Rise , S . W . Ollice : 3 , Freema-on- ' I lall , ( heat Unci n-slrcct , W . C . At a meeting ol' the General Committee of the above Institution , held at l- ' reemasons' llall , ( Jreat Queen-street , London , W . C , on Thursday , lhe 2 S 1 I 1 day of November , 1 S 72 , fur the jinrpose jl' electing a Secretary , llro . . Major folin Creaton . Vice-President , in the chair , alter the preliminary business , the Governors proceeded lo the election , -which terminated with the following result : — Voles . Bro . W . 1 lovvley liurdcr ... 1 2 „ II . W . Durnford Green 2 Kobert Wentworth Little ; 1 7 Joseph Lockiiigton Putter I And the Chairman declared Robert "Wentworth Little dttlv elected . W . LVM ., -Stli Xov . i . * S 7 __ :. Aciing Secretary . Caboelonian Ilotel , K ' . i ;; i . i
,. J ^ BRO . E . WATKINS , O BOTTLE M > : RC : IAN'i \ 12 , Jev / ry » sL , Aid gale . Wines housed am ! l . ottli d . "Wine Baskets on hire . Contracts made for any lime or quantity .
KENNING'S NEW BALLOT BOX , 1 . : -, ' vf >\ - ;; . , 1 .-- ^ Kw : & i ;^ siscfW ^ y;m^^^^w Price llnrly bhilunys .
MASONIC ASSURANCE COMPANY , 9 , NEW BRIDGE-STREET , LONDON . Chairman , | . Rankin Stebbing Esq . Standing Counsel 1 Iorace Lloyd , Esq ., Q . C . Solicitors Messrs . Heritage , Evans , & Heritage . One per cent , of the new Premiums annually appropriated to Masonic Charities . FREDERICK BIGG , P . M ., Manager .
NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY , ESTABLISHED 1 S 45 . Conducted under the official supervision of thc State of New York . $ 100 , 000 have been deposited with Trustees in England . Life Assurance only . Purely Mutual . All Profits annually to Policy Holders . Accumulated Funds , December 31 st , 1 S 70 ... . £ , ^ , 172 , 244 Surplus over all Liabilities , and Reserve Fund 389 , 322 Income for Year 1870 1 , 317 , 271 M . X . COHEN , SPECIAL AGENT , 76 & 77 , CHEAPSIDE , E . C .
BRITISH EQUITABLE ASSURANCE - COMi'ANV . 4 , Uiiccn-sticct-placc , London , E . C . SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT . New business , 1 . 9 J 4 policies for ^ ' 320 , 319 . New annual income , . 19 , 820 . 172 death claims paid lor . 128 , 487 iSs . id . 20 claims for matured policies , f . 2 , i ^~ , Ss . 41 I . Paid for surrenders , £ 1 , 777 . Laid by in year , £ , - , 6 , 307 . In force 1 7 , 009 ' policies for £ 2 , 930 , 210 . Annual premium income , . £ 93 , 998 . Paid for death claims iu 17 year-, under 1 , 173 policies . £ 'X 7 o ; . S . Accumulated fund inciea-cdto £ 273 , 073 . W . S . COVER , Managing Director .
Norwich and London ACCIDENT INSURANCE ASSOCIATION . EsTAiiusiii ;!) iS ;(> . SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL £ 100 , 000 . Eor Insuring against ACCIDENTAL DEATH , With Compensation for Personal Injury , Caui' . 'd by Accidents CHIEF OI-YICI-S—ST . GILES'S STREET , NORWICH . LOMION : 4 . ; , MOOKGATE-ST . Secretary : Cu . viii . rs It . OILMAN , Esq . London Manager : Mr . Gi : oi : i ; i ; Powia . i ..
\!\ ON E V . —LOAN ' S grained immediately . x fri'iu £ ioot'i £ 2 , 000 : 11 5 per cent ., icpayable over Three , t- ' oor , or 1 'ive Year .-, mi Pei-onal Secuiilv and life Police el'fecle : ! wilh lile Wli . VI'Oi- ' ENGLAND INSURANCE CO ., t l ' .-iaiili-h-cd 1 H 07 . ) Apply t 1 the Siipciiutcn-lcnt of Agents . J . CitCCKEiv , Neville Stieet , \ ev . ca _ -lle . Aleuts Wanted . C ^ ENERAL EL ' N ' ERAL ESTABLLSM-, MENT , Si , Cily-ioad , E . C , oppo-he tl . e l- 'inslniry Schools , and 24 , Siiuti-igate-ioad , De lieauvoir Town . N . , A ^» Bros . SINCLAIR & SOivI J | / v ^^ beg to call thc jiulilic attention to their ^ * 0 % = ** . Scale of Charge .-, lo Mill all clas _ . es , to any of tl . e Meliopolilan Cenieteiie .-, or ott . er ) ilaces . Eor fuitlier inforniation , -ec I Must rated Bool , and Eili mates , foiwaidcdon applic . ition . iN ' u connection vv ill ) any olher establishment .
Q K A N T ' S . MOREL L A C 11 E R R Y VJ IIKANHY . sri'Pi . ii' . i ) 10 ULi-t M . \ 1 i . siv THI-: ( ii'i : i- ; x . 'I Iii' il .-ti .-ii . ii , I . i- ( in nr , 10 no 1 In- 1 . 1 li 11111- K . lit _ Vlii , i-l ! .- i ,-ii | ii-r-i-ili _ . _ v-iiii-iii 1 , 1 : 1 m liiii :-i-lii . Id-. 1 111 ,. li liiiniiivil In .- [ nrl-men , ii '" l L-: il- < , ivriiiniiii-nil .-. l In ll . c i .,.-:.: il pii . ii- —inn : i ' -: i 1 .-ilu-ilik-Imoi - in IM , , 1 VM-. -il . m- — . ' - (' i-ili-r 1 , 1 ' :. iiv Wine . \ li-iili : iiil , nr direct uf T . liKAN I ' , Uii-iilL-rv , Mniil . l . iii-. - . ' 42 ? . per ilu / . cii , ' -: i-li . I ' . image l .-ii . l .
' " ¦'• ' "" V . i ^' "' r ^ v *' ' ' ;' w ' - - ' -. ' v ' . v . VV ' . ' . * , ¦ ;' ¦ " . ' '" ''" , " ' ¦* 1 ;'' . ' . ' ¦' ¦ •¦' : . ¦ ; -l j ([ U ? ;^ f ^/ Y ^^ f •' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ W ;\ -: V- ; ' - ¦ ' ;; v '' v - - ' ^ i : -v . ' *^ fl $% i &^ ) liyi . T \ A \] l , CnpKiiIivl , ami OHMH I in tlie \ 'ino-| ; ..:. ! , ; i 1 ' i . UH'i . r ¦ i-.- 'i llu l : „ i i l .: ; . ; i .: > ' iinj-nilcl . 1 Si'U hv ui . ii ! iiu'ivlii'i : --ii , ' , ' . ' ¦ •¦¦\ . -. ! . li LiiMlc , ; H Hi rec , H \ , i . i'ic , . ; ti iv . . 'i \ c > en ¦ ' . ' 1 ; .- . ti . ¦ .::--., ; o- , ' : c-., , i : » l ~ c > . c ; icli < i ; , v iln / cii i ; t > c , l )\ ' C ' . JJ ) . \ . ^ . t . \ , \ U .- ^ ,, ic i ] n | . <_ il '_ 'i ' , t . S , I ' cnclHiicli-biiikiin ^ t-, t ' ci . chui ' Lij-fcii ' ttt , Lonilun . Cacti with ortlcr .