Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Knights Templar. Page 1 of 1 Article FINE ARTS IN LIVERPOOL. Page 1 of 1
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Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
The Annual Meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge was held in the Town Hall , Stockton-on-Tccs , under the banner of thc Percy Mark Lodge , No . 122 , li . C , on Tuesday , 19 th November , 1 S 72 .
In the absence of the Earl Percy , M . P ., the R . W . P . G . Master of thc Province , who is on the Continent on account of his health . Prov . Grand Lodge was
presided over by Bro . Anthony Clapham , D . P . G . M . as P . G . M ., supported by Bro . S . Gourlcy , M . D ., P . P . G . S . W . as D . P . G . M . Bros . Benjamin Levy , P . G . S . W ; H . G .
Fabcr , P . G . J . W . ; William Foulsham , P . P . G . J . O ., G . J . O . as P . G . M . O . ; R . B . Harpley , P . G . S . O . ; R . I-I . Stafford as P . G . J . O . ; Rev . James Milner , P . G . Chap . ; Rev . Canon Tristram , LL . D ., P . P . G . Chap . ; Rev . li . L . Marrett , M . A ., P . P . G . Chap . ;
R . F . Cook , M . D ., P . G . Reg . M . ; J . ^ Strachan , P . G . Sec ; C . I'Anson , P . G . S . D
Thos . Whitwell , P P . G . Reg . as P . G . J . D . ; Jno . Trotter as P . G . D . C . ; J . S . Bycrs as P . G . Org . ; Thomas Walton as P . G . I . G . ; the W . M ' . s , Wardens' and Overseers of thc Lodges in the Province .
The acting P . G . Al . feelingly explained the cause of the absence of the M . W . P . G . M ., and while regretting the cause expressed a hope that it would now soon be removed . A very satisfactory report was read from
the Committee of General Purposes on the position of Mark Masonry in the Province , and thc Masters of the various Lodges handed in reports from them to the same effect .
Bro . Richard Henry Holmes was unanimously elected Prov . G . Treasurer for the
ensuing year . The D . P . G . M ., in the name of thc R . W . Prov . Grand Master , invested the following
brethren as officers for the ensuing year : — D . P . G . M ., Bro . Anthony Clapham , ofthe Northumberland and Berwick Lodge ; P . G . S . W .. Hro . Rev . Canon H . B . Tristram .
L . L . D ., W . M . Eclectic Lodge , 39 ; P . G . J . W ., Bro . Rev . E . L . Marrett , M . A ., W . M . Hotspur Lodge , 135 ; P . G . M . O ., Bro . Chas I'Anson , Junr ., W . M . Percy Lodge , 122 ; P . G . S . O ., Bro . Robert Dixon , W . M . Hnion Lodge , 124 ; P . G . J . O ., Bro . R . F . Cook , J / . /? .,
Northumberland and Berwick Lodge ; P . G . Chap ., Bro . Rev . Vyvyan H . Moyle , Percy Lodge , 122 ; P . G ., Treas . Bro . R . II . Holmes , Northumberland and Berwick Lodge ; P . G . Reg . M ., Bro . John Trotter ,
Percy Lodge , 122 ; P . G . Sec , Bro . T . V . Strachan , Northumberland and Berwick Lodge , and Hotspur Lodge , 135 ; P . G . S . D ., Bro . Robert Humphrey , Union Lodge , 124 ; P . C . J . D ., Bro . A . C . Knowles , Percy Lodge ,
' 22 ; i ' . G . I . W ., Bro . C . 'J ' . Casebourne , Eclectic Lodge , 39 ; P . G . D . C , Bro . Benj , Levy , P . P . G . S . W . Union Lodge , 124 ; P . G . O . g ., Pro . Joshua S . Byers , Percy
Lodge , 122 ; P . G . I . G ., Bro . R . li . Stall ord , Eclectic Lodge , 39 ; P . G . Tyler , Bro . Jno . S . Trotter , Northumberland and Berwick Lodge .
The Right Hon . Earl Percy ' s Patent as Prov . G . Master expiring in February next , it was unanimously resolved to recommend his Lordship to the M . W . G . M . M . M for reelection as P . G . Master .
Ihe Prov . G . Registrar and Secretary were directed to draw up an expression of the lodge ' s regret at tite illness of the
R . W . P . G . M ., and hopes for Ids speedy restoration to health , and forward the same when signed by the D . P . G . Master on behalf of the Lodge .
Mark Masonry.
Thc Auditors were re-elected and four brethren on thc Committee of General Purposes , after which Prov . Grand Lodge was duly closed . The brethren afterwards partook of a
very recherche Banquet in thc Hall attached to the Lodge . The chair was occupied by Bro . Clapham , D . P . G . M ., supported by Bro . Foulsham , G . J . O . ; Bra . D . Gourley , P . P . G . S . W .: 13 ro . Fabcr , P . P . G . T . W . ;
and the vice-chair was filled by Bro . thc Rev . Canon PL B . Tristram , L . L . D . P . P . G . C , P . G . S . W . ; supported by Bro . Lord E . Vane Tempest ; Bro . Rev . K . L . Marrett . M . A ., P . P . G . C , P . P . J . W ., and
other brethren of eminence in the Province . After dinner thc usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drank , and thc evening enlightened by many excellent songs from the Stockton brethren , accompanied on the
piano by the P . G . Org . During the course of thc evening it was announced that tlie R . W . P . G . M ., the Earl Percy , M . P ., Grand Master-elect , was much
improved in health , and although ordered by his medical attendants to winter in Italy , yet there was every prospect of his Lordshi p being restored to complete health with thc new year .
Sou 111 MOLTON . —Fortescue Loage ( No . 9 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this eld and flourishing lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , 011 Monday last , the chair of adoniram was occupied by Bro . Purse , W . M . After the
lodge was opened and the minutes oi " lhe last lodge night were read and confirmed , Bro . J . Tanner Davy , the W . M .-elect , was duly installed in lhe chair as W . M . for the year ensuing , he then appointed and invested the following
brethren , ollieers of the lodge tor the year ensuing —Bros . Purse , I . P . M . ; Bryant , S . W . ; J . T Shapland , J . W . ; Ponsford , M . O . ; Riecard S . O . ; J . E . " Galliford , J . O . ; J . Galliford , Tieas . J . Iv Galliford , Sec . ; Widgery , Reg . of Marks
Higgms , S . D . ; Wood , J . D . ; A . A . Shapland , LC . ; and Kingdon , O . tJ . After voting jQ $ to the Funds of the Royal -Masonic Institution for Boys , and a further sum to the Tyler , who was
suffering from a very severe affliction , the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren then adjourned from labour to refreshment , and ; i very pleasant evening was spent .
DORSETSHIRE . Bat iJi'OK'f . —St . Mary ' s Lodgeof Mark Masons ( No . 121 ) .- -The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 3 ist Oct ., when there was an excellent muster of brethren present .
The chair was occupied by the W . M . Bro . the Rev . P . il . Newnham , Grand Chaplain . The lodge having been opened in ancient form , a ballot was taken for Bro . Robert Leigh , of Beaminster . solicitor , which proved unanimous in
his favour ; and lhe brother being present , was forthwith advanced lo lhe honourable degree ol a . Mar . v Master ; the W .. M . for the first time introducing the improvements in the arrangement of the interesting ceremony which have
been sanctioned during the present year . Afler the ceremony of advancement , the explanatory lecture was delivered in a somewhat novel and extended form , which appeared to excite much interest , and lo give much satisfaction to the
brethren . A ballot was then taken for the W . M . for the ensuing year ; when Bro . Joseph Gundry ( Provincial ( hand Master for Dorset ) , was unanimously elected . Bro . B . P . Gundry was reelected Treasurer . The AV . M . then , pursuant
to notice , called the attention of the brethren lo the desirability of obtaining a warrant to work the Royal Ark -Mariner Degree , in this lodge . He explained that -Mark Lodges had been
accustomed to work this degree from time immemorial ; but lhat an attempt had been made by a body , styling itself the Grand Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners , to invade this undoubted privilege of the Mark Degree : and that he there-
Mark Masonry.
fore deemed it highly desirable that every properly constituted Mark Lodge in the county should apply for a Warrant authorizing it to work the degree , and thereby vindicate its old established rights . After this explanation , a resolution was
unanimously carried , empowering the W . M . to apply for thc Royal Ark Mariner Warrant , the expense of which , it was understood , was merely nominal . The lodge was then closed in ancient form .
BOURNEMOUTH . —Hengist Lodge of Alark Alasters ( No . 125 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms on Tuesday , the 12 th inst . In the unavoidable absence of the W . M . Bro . the Rev . P . H .
Newnham , G . C , ( who was detained elsewhere upon other Masonic business , ) the chair was occupied b y Bro . Edsall , the much esteemed W M . of the Mark Lodge of Amity , No . 132 . The principal business of the evening was the election of the W . M . for tlie ensuing year : and ,
on the ballot being taken , Bro . E . W . Rebbeck , J . W ., was unanimously chosen . The other needful business of the evening being transacted , the lodge was closed in solemn form ; and , this being professedly a " working" and not an " eating " loilge , the brethren separated without remaining to partake of refreshment .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
_ o- YORKSHIRE . IEUDDF . RSKIELD . —Hofc Encampment ( No . 4 ) . —The regular meeting of this Encampment took place at the Freemasons' Hall , on Friday , the Sth inst ., for the election of E . C . for lhe er . suing year . Sir Knt . Thomas Burgess , ist Captain for 1872 , was unanimously elected to
tlie post of E . C . for 1073 . 1 he following names Lire part of the Sir Knts . present : —Sir Knts . John Fisher , P . E C , Prov . Grand Com . of West Yorkshire ; Bentley Shaw , P . E . C , D . P . G . M . of West Yorkshire ; J . Perkington , P . E . C , Prov . ( Jrand Mark Master of West Yorkshire
Jonas Craven , P . E . C , Prov . C Reg . of West Yorkshire ; llenry Smith , P . E . C , Prov . Grand Sec . of West Yorkshire ; Jowett , P . E . C , & c . ; J . Rile } - , P . E . C . ; and several other Sir Knights . The encampment was opened at 7 . 15 , closed at 0 . 15 in peace and concord . During theevening
the Prov . ( hand Commander of West Yorkshire gave notice that he intended holding his first Provincial Encampment in the above rooms on the 2 S 1 J 1 inst ., it being the first Provincial Conclave since his installation as Provincial Grand Commander , if it met with the feelings of the
Sir Knights belonging to the No . 4 Encampment . The notice was received with pleasure , and they gratefully accepted the honour . The Provincial Grand Conclave will be opened between 4 and 5 o ' clock in the afternoon , exact time not stated ( prelim ) .
Fine Arts In Liverpool.
l'UOl'OSKD PUKSKNTATloN 'I ' D TIIK MAYOR . AND MK . P . H . RvnntoNK . We understand that a very graceful presentation will shortly be made tu his worship the Mayor ( Bro . E . Samuelson ) and Mr . P . H . Rathbone , both of whom have taken a very
important part in the work ot iostering a love of the Fine Arts in Liverpool al a time when the public laste in this direction had reached a very low point . The efforts of the above-named gentlemen in originating , establishing and carrying out an annual Fine Arts' Exhibition at the
J'ree Library , William Brown-street , having been crowned with the most signal success , and this has not been unobserved or forgotten by the artists who are more immediately interested in these exhibitions . We hear that two folios of sketches are being got up , to which the most
prominent metropolitan and provincial artists represented at the present exhibition are contributors , and these will be presented in the course of a few weeks to Bro . his worship the Mayor and Mr . P . II . Rathbone , in recognition of their valuable services in connection with these Fine Art Exhibitions .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
The Annual Meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge was held in the Town Hall , Stockton-on-Tccs , under the banner of thc Percy Mark Lodge , No . 122 , li . C , on Tuesday , 19 th November , 1 S 72 .
In the absence of the Earl Percy , M . P ., the R . W . P . G . Master of thc Province , who is on the Continent on account of his health . Prov . Grand Lodge was
presided over by Bro . Anthony Clapham , D . P . G . M . as P . G . M ., supported by Bro . S . Gourlcy , M . D ., P . P . G . S . W . as D . P . G . M . Bros . Benjamin Levy , P . G . S . W ; H . G .
Fabcr , P . G . J . W . ; William Foulsham , P . P . G . J . O ., G . J . O . as P . G . M . O . ; R . B . Harpley , P . G . S . O . ; R . I-I . Stafford as P . G . J . O . ; Rev . James Milner , P . G . Chap . ; Rev . Canon Tristram , LL . D ., P . P . G . Chap . ; Rev . li . L . Marrett , M . A ., P . P . G . Chap . ;
R . F . Cook , M . D ., P . G . Reg . M . ; J . ^ Strachan , P . G . Sec ; C . I'Anson , P . G . S . D
Thos . Whitwell , P P . G . Reg . as P . G . J . D . ; Jno . Trotter as P . G . D . C . ; J . S . Bycrs as P . G . Org . ; Thomas Walton as P . G . I . G . ; the W . M ' . s , Wardens' and Overseers of thc Lodges in the Province .
The acting P . G . Al . feelingly explained the cause of the absence of the M . W . P . G . M ., and while regretting the cause expressed a hope that it would now soon be removed . A very satisfactory report was read from
the Committee of General Purposes on the position of Mark Masonry in the Province , and thc Masters of the various Lodges handed in reports from them to the same effect .
Bro . Richard Henry Holmes was unanimously elected Prov . G . Treasurer for the
ensuing year . The D . P . G . M ., in the name of thc R . W . Prov . Grand Master , invested the following
brethren as officers for the ensuing year : — D . P . G . M ., Bro . Anthony Clapham , ofthe Northumberland and Berwick Lodge ; P . G . S . W .. Hro . Rev . Canon H . B . Tristram .
L . L . D ., W . M . Eclectic Lodge , 39 ; P . G . J . W ., Bro . Rev . E . L . Marrett , M . A ., W . M . Hotspur Lodge , 135 ; P . G . M . O ., Bro . Chas I'Anson , Junr ., W . M . Percy Lodge , 122 ; P . G . S . O ., Bro . Robert Dixon , W . M . Hnion Lodge , 124 ; P . G . J . O ., Bro . R . F . Cook , J / . /? .,
Northumberland and Berwick Lodge ; P . G . Chap ., Bro . Rev . Vyvyan H . Moyle , Percy Lodge , 122 ; P . G ., Treas . Bro . R . II . Holmes , Northumberland and Berwick Lodge ; P . G . Reg . M ., Bro . John Trotter ,
Percy Lodge , 122 ; P . G . Sec , Bro . T . V . Strachan , Northumberland and Berwick Lodge , and Hotspur Lodge , 135 ; P . G . S . D ., Bro . Robert Humphrey , Union Lodge , 124 ; P . C . J . D ., Bro . A . C . Knowles , Percy Lodge ,
' 22 ; i ' . G . I . W ., Bro . C . 'J ' . Casebourne , Eclectic Lodge , 39 ; P . G . D . C , Bro . Benj , Levy , P . P . G . S . W . Union Lodge , 124 ; P . G . O . g ., Pro . Joshua S . Byers , Percy
Lodge , 122 ; P . G . I . G ., Bro . R . li . Stall ord , Eclectic Lodge , 39 ; P . G . Tyler , Bro . Jno . S . Trotter , Northumberland and Berwick Lodge .
The Right Hon . Earl Percy ' s Patent as Prov . G . Master expiring in February next , it was unanimously resolved to recommend his Lordship to the M . W . G . M . M . M for reelection as P . G . Master .
Ihe Prov . G . Registrar and Secretary were directed to draw up an expression of the lodge ' s regret at tite illness of the
R . W . P . G . M ., and hopes for Ids speedy restoration to health , and forward the same when signed by the D . P . G . Master on behalf of the Lodge .
Mark Masonry.
Thc Auditors were re-elected and four brethren on thc Committee of General Purposes , after which Prov . Grand Lodge was duly closed . The brethren afterwards partook of a
very recherche Banquet in thc Hall attached to the Lodge . The chair was occupied by Bro . Clapham , D . P . G . M ., supported by Bro . Foulsham , G . J . O . ; Bra . D . Gourley , P . P . G . S . W .: 13 ro . Fabcr , P . P . G . T . W . ;
and the vice-chair was filled by Bro . thc Rev . Canon PL B . Tristram , L . L . D . P . P . G . C , P . G . S . W . ; supported by Bro . Lord E . Vane Tempest ; Bro . Rev . K . L . Marrett . M . A ., P . P . G . C , P . P . J . W ., and
other brethren of eminence in the Province . After dinner thc usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drank , and thc evening enlightened by many excellent songs from the Stockton brethren , accompanied on the
piano by the P . G . Org . During the course of thc evening it was announced that tlie R . W . P . G . M ., the Earl Percy , M . P ., Grand Master-elect , was much
improved in health , and although ordered by his medical attendants to winter in Italy , yet there was every prospect of his Lordshi p being restored to complete health with thc new year .
Sou 111 MOLTON . —Fortescue Loage ( No . 9 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this eld and flourishing lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , 011 Monday last , the chair of adoniram was occupied by Bro . Purse , W . M . After the
lodge was opened and the minutes oi " lhe last lodge night were read and confirmed , Bro . J . Tanner Davy , the W . M .-elect , was duly installed in lhe chair as W . M . for the year ensuing , he then appointed and invested the following
brethren , ollieers of the lodge tor the year ensuing —Bros . Purse , I . P . M . ; Bryant , S . W . ; J . T Shapland , J . W . ; Ponsford , M . O . ; Riecard S . O . ; J . E . " Galliford , J . O . ; J . Galliford , Tieas . J . Iv Galliford , Sec . ; Widgery , Reg . of Marks
Higgms , S . D . ; Wood , J . D . ; A . A . Shapland , LC . ; and Kingdon , O . tJ . After voting jQ $ to the Funds of the Royal -Masonic Institution for Boys , and a further sum to the Tyler , who was
suffering from a very severe affliction , the lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren then adjourned from labour to refreshment , and ; i very pleasant evening was spent .
DORSETSHIRE . Bat iJi'OK'f . —St . Mary ' s Lodgeof Mark Masons ( No . 121 ) .- -The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 3 ist Oct ., when there was an excellent muster of brethren present .
The chair was occupied by the W . M . Bro . the Rev . P . il . Newnham , Grand Chaplain . The lodge having been opened in ancient form , a ballot was taken for Bro . Robert Leigh , of Beaminster . solicitor , which proved unanimous in
his favour ; and lhe brother being present , was forthwith advanced lo lhe honourable degree ol a . Mar . v Master ; the W .. M . for the first time introducing the improvements in the arrangement of the interesting ceremony which have
been sanctioned during the present year . Afler the ceremony of advancement , the explanatory lecture was delivered in a somewhat novel and extended form , which appeared to excite much interest , and lo give much satisfaction to the
brethren . A ballot was then taken for the W . M . for the ensuing year ; when Bro . Joseph Gundry ( Provincial ( hand Master for Dorset ) , was unanimously elected . Bro . B . P . Gundry was reelected Treasurer . The AV . M . then , pursuant
to notice , called the attention of the brethren lo the desirability of obtaining a warrant to work the Royal Ark -Mariner Degree , in this lodge . He explained that -Mark Lodges had been
accustomed to work this degree from time immemorial ; but lhat an attempt had been made by a body , styling itself the Grand Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners , to invade this undoubted privilege of the Mark Degree : and that he there-
Mark Masonry.
fore deemed it highly desirable that every properly constituted Mark Lodge in the county should apply for a Warrant authorizing it to work the degree , and thereby vindicate its old established rights . After this explanation , a resolution was
unanimously carried , empowering the W . M . to apply for thc Royal Ark Mariner Warrant , the expense of which , it was understood , was merely nominal . The lodge was then closed in ancient form .
BOURNEMOUTH . —Hengist Lodge of Alark Alasters ( No . 125 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms on Tuesday , the 12 th inst . In the unavoidable absence of the W . M . Bro . the Rev . P . H .
Newnham , G . C , ( who was detained elsewhere upon other Masonic business , ) the chair was occupied b y Bro . Edsall , the much esteemed W M . of the Mark Lodge of Amity , No . 132 . The principal business of the evening was the election of the W . M . for tlie ensuing year : and ,
on the ballot being taken , Bro . E . W . Rebbeck , J . W ., was unanimously chosen . The other needful business of the evening being transacted , the lodge was closed in solemn form ; and , this being professedly a " working" and not an " eating " loilge , the brethren separated without remaining to partake of refreshment .
Knights Templar.
Knights Templar .
_ o- YORKSHIRE . IEUDDF . RSKIELD . —Hofc Encampment ( No . 4 ) . —The regular meeting of this Encampment took place at the Freemasons' Hall , on Friday , the Sth inst ., for the election of E . C . for lhe er . suing year . Sir Knt . Thomas Burgess , ist Captain for 1872 , was unanimously elected to
tlie post of E . C . for 1073 . 1 he following names Lire part of the Sir Knts . present : —Sir Knts . John Fisher , P . E C , Prov . Grand Com . of West Yorkshire ; Bentley Shaw , P . E . C , D . P . G . M . of West Yorkshire ; J . Perkington , P . E . C , Prov . ( Jrand Mark Master of West Yorkshire
Jonas Craven , P . E . C , Prov . C Reg . of West Yorkshire ; llenry Smith , P . E . C , Prov . Grand Sec . of West Yorkshire ; Jowett , P . E . C , & c . ; J . Rile } - , P . E . C . ; and several other Sir Knights . The encampment was opened at 7 . 15 , closed at 0 . 15 in peace and concord . During theevening
the Prov . ( hand Commander of West Yorkshire gave notice that he intended holding his first Provincial Encampment in the above rooms on the 2 S 1 J 1 inst ., it being the first Provincial Conclave since his installation as Provincial Grand Commander , if it met with the feelings of the
Sir Knights belonging to the No . 4 Encampment . The notice was received with pleasure , and they gratefully accepted the honour . The Provincial Grand Conclave will be opened between 4 and 5 o ' clock in the afternoon , exact time not stated ( prelim ) .
Fine Arts In Liverpool.
l'UOl'OSKD PUKSKNTATloN 'I ' D TIIK MAYOR . AND MK . P . H . RvnntoNK . We understand that a very graceful presentation will shortly be made tu his worship the Mayor ( Bro . E . Samuelson ) and Mr . P . H . Rathbone , both of whom have taken a very
important part in the work ot iostering a love of the Fine Arts in Liverpool al a time when the public laste in this direction had reached a very low point . The efforts of the above-named gentlemen in originating , establishing and carrying out an annual Fine Arts' Exhibition at the
J'ree Library , William Brown-street , having been crowned with the most signal success , and this has not been unobserved or forgotten by the artists who are more immediately interested in these exhibitions . We hear that two folios of sketches are being got up , to which the most
prominent metropolitan and provincial artists represented at the present exhibition are contributors , and these will be presented in the course of a few weeks to Bro . his worship the Mayor and Mr . P . II . Rathbone , in recognition of their valuable services in connection with these Fine Art Exhibitions .