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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
joining member , of an applicant for initiation , and other business , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Queen ' s Head , where a most sumptuous banquet was prepared and done justice to . The Worshipful Master was also supported on his right and left by his worthy
Chaplain , the esteemed installing officer , Bro . Rev . E . L . Marrett , P . C . 1167 , and P . Prov . G . C . Northumberland ; Past Masters Blair , Burn , Heatley , Biggs , and others . The vicechairs were suitably filled by the S . and J . Wardens . One of the most agreeable and harmonious
evenings was spent , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts being succeeded by exquisite singing by various members . The Rev . Chaplain , in a telling speech , proposed " The Prov . Grand Master of Northumberland , Earl Percy , " who is also a P . M . of Alnwick Lodge , and gladdened the hearts
of all present , by assuring them that he had only recently heard of his lordship ' s health being almost fully re-established , This was followed by a burst of cheering and Masonic honours ; then the stirring notes of " Chevy Chase , " and " The Campbells are coming , " rang from the
Northumberland pipes of Bro . Mulvaney , a master of the art . The Installing Officer , in . proposing the health ofthe W . M ., congratulated the lodge on its selection , and paid a high compliment to the officers of the Iodge for their careful working , & c .
WOLVERHAMPTON . —Lodge of Honour ( No . 526 ) . —Friday , the Sth November , A . L . 5872 , will be remembered as a red letter day in the annals of this lodge , as then the Earl of Shrewsbury and Talbot , P . G . M . Staffordshire , was installed as W . M . for the ensuing twelve months ,
and until a successor shall be appointed and installed in his stead . The lodge on this occasion was held in the News-room of the Exchange , it being anticipated that the popular character and truly Masonic bearing of the noble Lord , would attract a much more numerous concourse than
could conveniently be accomodated in the regular lodge room , an expectation which was amply realized , for on the opening of the lodge a lew minutes after 3 , it was at once seen that careful management would be required to enable the different parts of the ceremonies to be performed
with the proper ellect . The chair was taken b y the W . Bro . G . S . Tudor , W . M . and D . P . G . M . of the province , who went through the whole of the work in a most admirable and effective manner , that left nothing to be desired . The Board of Installed Masters was one of the largest
ever seen in this province , there being no fewer than thirty-two present . After the new W . M . had been placed in the chair of K . S ., the Board of I . Ms , declared closed , and the lodge regularly worked down to the fust degree , the ollieers for the current year were invested by the W . M .
as follows : —Bros . G . Higham , S . W . ; Steen , J , W . ; Rev . J . H . Key , Chaplain ; C . A . ' Newnham , Treasurer ; J . H . Love , Secretary ; A . S . Hill , Q . C , ALP ., S . D . ; W . Y . Brevitt , J . D . ; H . Cope , I . G . ; Colenzo , Tyler . The Treasurer , in presenting his annual report , made the
gratifying announcement that after discharging all liabilities , a handsome surplus was in hand , and likewise that ihere were no arrears , every subscription being paid up , an announcement we are sorry to say not heard so often as it ought to be in lodges which we have been called on to report .
'I'he labours of the day being over , the lodge adjourned for refreshment to the large , room at the Swan Hotel , where a banquet , comprising thc delicacies of the season . , was laid before the brethren . A most enjoyable evening was passed , a feast of reason and a flow of soul , the part ) '
breaking up directly afler 9 , thus practically obeying the ancient charge " to consult your health by not continuing together too late or ton long from home after lodge hours are past . " Among the brethren present , were—Bro . G . S . Tudor , D . P . G . M . ; C . A . Newnham , 1 ' . Prov . S . G . W . ;
Kitson , P . Prov . G . R . ; F . Turton , P . S . G . D . H . Lewis , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Foster Gouglli P . D . P . G . M . ; W . i'lewker , C Matthews , P . Prov . | . G . W . : B . llicklin , P . 1 W . (' ,. D . ; and Rev . j . H . lies , P . l'rov . G . C , all P . M . ' s of 326 also , Bro . John Stone , - jid ; | . Dales J lewsmi , 726 : George Baldwin . 280 and 'fio , P . G . R .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Worcestershire ; William Dallow , 419 and 601 ; S . J . Fellows , 419 ; C . H . King , P . Prov . S . G . D . 419 ; Thomas Whittles , 966 ; John Bodenham , 726 ; Arthur Britton , 419 , 601 ; H . Sheppard , 60 s ; E . Bagaley , 419 ; W . Maskew , 98 , 637 , P . Prov . G . S . of Works ; F . K . Ryles , 98 , P . G . P . ;
H . Wodehouse , 726 , P . G . S . of Works ; T . Stanford , 347 , and others . Most of the above mentioned brethren are members of P . G . L ., but we are not able in all cases to give them their proper rank , they themselves not having entered it in the Tyler ' s book .
BRADFORD . —Harmony Lotlge ( No . 600 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 21 st inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Salem-street ; Bro . C . F . Unna , AV . M ., in the chair , when Bro . Captain Mackintosh , P . M . Caledonian , 134 , was elected a joining
member , and Mr . Bernard Nathan was initiated . There was a large attendance of the brethren of this flourishing lodge , as well as visiting brethren , the W . Ms , and brethren of the lodges of Hope , 302 , and Pentalpha , 974 , having received invitations to pay an official visit . The W . M . went
through the entire working in a most impressive and telling manner . After the completion of business , the W . M . invited all the brethren , numbering over 50 , to adjourn into thc refreshment room to supper , over which he presided , supported on his right by Bros . Will . W . Barlow ,
AV . M . Hope , 302 ; M . Rhodes , P . M . 302 ; J . A . Unna , P . M . 600 , P . Prov . G . R . ; C H . Taylor , P . M . 302 ; S . O . Bailey , P . M . 600 , P . Prov . G . S . of W . ; Captain Mackintosh , P . M . Caledonian , 134 ; Isidor Ahrens , P . M . 600 ; Thomas Peel , P . M . 600 ; J . Beanland , P . M . 600 ; T .
Dewhirst , P . M . 600 ; and on his left b y AV . Wright , P . M . 600 ; J . J . Schaeppi , P . M . 302 , Prov . G . S . D . ; J . Leeson , P . M . 974 ; J . J ohnson , P . M . 600 ; f . Goldstein , P . M . 600 ; John Ambler , P . S . W . 302 , W . M . elect of Pental pha , 974 . On the cloth being drawn , theW . M . gave
all the loyal and Masonic toasts , interspersed b y racy and very appropriate remarks . Bro . Schaeppi , Prov . G . S . D ., replied on the part of the Provincial Grand . Master and the rest of the Provincial Grand Officers , thanking the brethren present for their very kind reception
and entertainment , at the same time paying a high compliment to the W . M . for thc way in which he went through the work in the lodge . The W . M ., in proposing what he termed the toast of theevening , namely , "The Visitors , " coupled with it the name of Bro . Will . W . Barlow , W . M . of
the Lodge of Hope , 302 ( Hro . Richardson , W . M . of the Pentalpha , having apologized for leaving , ) whom he was glad to see visiting their lodge , and referring to the time when he was a boy and his father was a retrular attendant as a
member ofthe Hope Lodge , said he often wondered what it was that induced him , such an ardent business man , to leave his warehouse at an earlier hour than usual to go to lodge meetings , and it was not until he became a Alason that he
divined the cause , lie concluded by proposing the toast in highly eulogistic terms . Bro . Barlow , W . M . 302 , responded , thanking theW . M . on the part of the members of the Hope Lodge and himself for the kind and at the same time complimentary , terms on whicli he had introduced the
toast to the meeting , and also expressing his obligation to the brethren for the hearty manner in whicli it had been received , thanking them , too , for their hospitable entertainment and expressing , the wish that they would , whenever they could , pay frequent visits to the Hope , when he could
promise them an equall y hearty reception . Bro . Leeson P . M . Pental pha , 974 , acknowledged the toast ( in the absence of his W . M . ) on the part of that lodge , expressing ( lie pleasure it had afforded him in being present , and regretting that Bro . Richardson ., W . M ., had been compelled to retire afler the business of the lodge was
concluded . Bro . M . Rhodes , P . M . 302 , also made a few exceedingly happy and humorous remarks in thanking lhe W . M . for his entertainment , expressing the pleasure it had afforded him to witness tlie admirable manner in which he had gone through the work in thelodge . And alluding to Iiro . I . A . Il ' nna , P . M ., P . I ' i . -v . C ' . R .. the respected father of thc W . M . who sat bv his side , said he
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
was reminded of what he heard the other day , namely , that a son of his had been making a speech , and the friend who related it to him remarked that when the young ones could do so well it was time for the old ones to give up ; and he thought he might say the same to his dear
friend sitting by him . He concluded by again thanking them for this evening ' s enjoyment . Bro . Will . AV . Barlow , AV . M . Hope , 302 , then proposed health , long life , and prosperity to Bro . C . 'F . Unna , AV . M . ofthe Harmony Lodge , stating that he well remembered the time to which he had alluded when his father was one of the most
efficient P . Ms , ofthe Hope Lodge , and expressed the gratification it had afforded him to see so venerable and highly respected a brother still taking an active part in Freemasonry , and trusting
that he would be long spared to do so . He was extremely glad to see the son treading in the footsteps of his estimable father , and spoke in the highest possible terms of the way in which he had conducted the business of the eveninsr . The
AV . M . thanked Bro . Barlow very much for the kind words he had uttered , as he felt them very keenly , and expressed his thanks also to all the brethren for the way in which they had received the toast . Before resuming his seat he begged to propose the health of the P . Ms ., who had been
the mainstay of their lodge ; they had from time to time been likened to the ribs of a ship and other such similes , but he should say ( to make a homely allusion ) they were like the warp in a piece , for they might change the weft ( i . e ., thc officers ) according to fancy or fashion , but if they
had a good warp ( i . e ., the P . Ms . ) the piece would be lasting and durable . " Bro . I . A . Unna , P . M ., responded , stating that he was glad to see so many visiting brethren including severa 1 P . Ms , from his mother , Lodge of Hope . He regretted that Bro . Beanland , P . M .,. had not
responded to this toast , as he felt they were so much indebted to him for assisting in the working of the Harmony Lodge . They might , however , always rely upon any assistance the P . Ms , could give . And he thanked them very much for the way in which the toast was received .
Bro . Bernson proposed thc health of the newl y initiated Bro . Bernard Nathan , who replied in a few , elegant yet , modest sentences expressive of his admiration ofthe principles ofthe Craft , and of his desire to become an exponent of them . Bro . Peel , P . AL , proposed the health of their newly
joined Bro . Capt . ' Mackintosh , P . M ., who responded expressing his desire , to make himself useful in the Lodge of Harmony , and making slight reference to his military services in India . ' 1 he ( AV . M . then brought this exceedingly agreeable evening ' s proceedings to a close by
giving the T yler s Toast AVe must needs refer to the very excellent songs with which the brethren were favoured by Bros . C . F . Unna , AV . M . ; Sutcliffe , King Solomon , 422 , Australia ; AVhaley , Mitchell , Granham , Bro . AVhitley presiding at the piano .
BRADFORD . —Lodge uf Hope ( No . 302 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Alasonic Hall , Godwin-street , on the iSth instant ; Bro . AVill . AV . Barlow , AV . M ., presiding . There was no business of importance beyond the election of officers for the ensuing year . That
done , the brethren adjourned to the refreshment room to partake of supper . The AV . M . occupied the chair , having on his right Bros . Sugden , P . AI . 302 , ( as LP . M . in the place of Bro . Green , who was prevented being present b y indisposition ) ; J . AVhite , AV . M . Scientific , 439 ; C . H .
laylor , P . AI . 302 ; II . O . Mawswi , P . M . 302 ; C Pratt , P . AL IOJ 8 ; Armitage , P . AI . 302 ; J . Rhodes , P . AL 974 ; and on his left Bro . Rev . J . Oddy , Prov . G . C . and Chaplain ofthe lodge ; Bros . AI . Rhodes , P . AI . 302 ; Hill , P . AI . 302 ; RuUerworth , P . AI . 3 S 7 ; J . J . Schaeppi , P . M .
3 . P , Prov . G . S . D . ; AV . Ibbetson , P . AI . 302 , Prov , G . J . D . ; \ V . Beanland , P . AI . 1034 ; Gaunt , P . AL 302 . The AV . M . proposed the usual loyal and Alasonic toasts . Bros . Rev . J . Oddy , Prov . G . C . and Chaplain ofthe lodge , and [ . [ . Schaeppi
P . AL , Prov . G . S . D ., in excellent addresses , replete with kindly expressions and good counsel , thanked the brethren for their kind ivro niti < nw > l their services . The W . AI . then gave the loast of theevening , " The health of Hro . Geo . Richard-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
joining member , of an applicant for initiation , and other business , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the Queen ' s Head , where a most sumptuous banquet was prepared and done justice to . The Worshipful Master was also supported on his right and left by his worthy
Chaplain , the esteemed installing officer , Bro . Rev . E . L . Marrett , P . C . 1167 , and P . Prov . G . C . Northumberland ; Past Masters Blair , Burn , Heatley , Biggs , and others . The vicechairs were suitably filled by the S . and J . Wardens . One of the most agreeable and harmonious
evenings was spent , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts being succeeded by exquisite singing by various members . The Rev . Chaplain , in a telling speech , proposed " The Prov . Grand Master of Northumberland , Earl Percy , " who is also a P . M . of Alnwick Lodge , and gladdened the hearts
of all present , by assuring them that he had only recently heard of his lordship ' s health being almost fully re-established , This was followed by a burst of cheering and Masonic honours ; then the stirring notes of " Chevy Chase , " and " The Campbells are coming , " rang from the
Northumberland pipes of Bro . Mulvaney , a master of the art . The Installing Officer , in . proposing the health ofthe W . M ., congratulated the lodge on its selection , and paid a high compliment to the officers of the Iodge for their careful working , & c .
WOLVERHAMPTON . —Lodge of Honour ( No . 526 ) . —Friday , the Sth November , A . L . 5872 , will be remembered as a red letter day in the annals of this lodge , as then the Earl of Shrewsbury and Talbot , P . G . M . Staffordshire , was installed as W . M . for the ensuing twelve months ,
and until a successor shall be appointed and installed in his stead . The lodge on this occasion was held in the News-room of the Exchange , it being anticipated that the popular character and truly Masonic bearing of the noble Lord , would attract a much more numerous concourse than
could conveniently be accomodated in the regular lodge room , an expectation which was amply realized , for on the opening of the lodge a lew minutes after 3 , it was at once seen that careful management would be required to enable the different parts of the ceremonies to be performed
with the proper ellect . The chair was taken b y the W . Bro . G . S . Tudor , W . M . and D . P . G . M . of the province , who went through the whole of the work in a most admirable and effective manner , that left nothing to be desired . The Board of Installed Masters was one of the largest
ever seen in this province , there being no fewer than thirty-two present . After the new W . M . had been placed in the chair of K . S ., the Board of I . Ms , declared closed , and the lodge regularly worked down to the fust degree , the ollieers for the current year were invested by the W . M .
as follows : —Bros . G . Higham , S . W . ; Steen , J , W . ; Rev . J . H . Key , Chaplain ; C . A . ' Newnham , Treasurer ; J . H . Love , Secretary ; A . S . Hill , Q . C , ALP ., S . D . ; W . Y . Brevitt , J . D . ; H . Cope , I . G . ; Colenzo , Tyler . The Treasurer , in presenting his annual report , made the
gratifying announcement that after discharging all liabilities , a handsome surplus was in hand , and likewise that ihere were no arrears , every subscription being paid up , an announcement we are sorry to say not heard so often as it ought to be in lodges which we have been called on to report .
'I'he labours of the day being over , the lodge adjourned for refreshment to the large , room at the Swan Hotel , where a banquet , comprising thc delicacies of the season . , was laid before the brethren . A most enjoyable evening was passed , a feast of reason and a flow of soul , the part ) '
breaking up directly afler 9 , thus practically obeying the ancient charge " to consult your health by not continuing together too late or ton long from home after lodge hours are past . " Among the brethren present , were—Bro . G . S . Tudor , D . P . G . M . ; C . A . Newnham , 1 ' . Prov . S . G . W . ;
Kitson , P . Prov . G . R . ; F . Turton , P . S . G . D . H . Lewis , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Foster Gouglli P . D . P . G . M . ; W . i'lewker , C Matthews , P . Prov . | . G . W . : B . llicklin , P . 1 W . (' ,. D . ; and Rev . j . H . lies , P . l'rov . G . C , all P . M . ' s of 326 also , Bro . John Stone , - jid ; | . Dales J lewsmi , 726 : George Baldwin . 280 and 'fio , P . G . R .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Worcestershire ; William Dallow , 419 and 601 ; S . J . Fellows , 419 ; C . H . King , P . Prov . S . G . D . 419 ; Thomas Whittles , 966 ; John Bodenham , 726 ; Arthur Britton , 419 , 601 ; H . Sheppard , 60 s ; E . Bagaley , 419 ; W . Maskew , 98 , 637 , P . Prov . G . S . of Works ; F . K . Ryles , 98 , P . G . P . ;
H . Wodehouse , 726 , P . G . S . of Works ; T . Stanford , 347 , and others . Most of the above mentioned brethren are members of P . G . L ., but we are not able in all cases to give them their proper rank , they themselves not having entered it in the Tyler ' s book .
BRADFORD . —Harmony Lotlge ( No . 600 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 21 st inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Salem-street ; Bro . C . F . Unna , AV . M ., in the chair , when Bro . Captain Mackintosh , P . M . Caledonian , 134 , was elected a joining
member , and Mr . Bernard Nathan was initiated . There was a large attendance of the brethren of this flourishing lodge , as well as visiting brethren , the W . Ms , and brethren of the lodges of Hope , 302 , and Pentalpha , 974 , having received invitations to pay an official visit . The W . M . went
through the entire working in a most impressive and telling manner . After the completion of business , the W . M . invited all the brethren , numbering over 50 , to adjourn into thc refreshment room to supper , over which he presided , supported on his right by Bros . Will . W . Barlow ,
AV . M . Hope , 302 ; M . Rhodes , P . M . 302 ; J . A . Unna , P . M . 600 , P . Prov . G . R . ; C H . Taylor , P . M . 302 ; S . O . Bailey , P . M . 600 , P . Prov . G . S . of W . ; Captain Mackintosh , P . M . Caledonian , 134 ; Isidor Ahrens , P . M . 600 ; Thomas Peel , P . M . 600 ; J . Beanland , P . M . 600 ; T .
Dewhirst , P . M . 600 ; and on his left b y AV . Wright , P . M . 600 ; J . J . Schaeppi , P . M . 302 , Prov . G . S . D . ; J . Leeson , P . M . 974 ; J . J ohnson , P . M . 600 ; f . Goldstein , P . M . 600 ; John Ambler , P . S . W . 302 , W . M . elect of Pental pha , 974 . On the cloth being drawn , theW . M . gave
all the loyal and Masonic toasts , interspersed b y racy and very appropriate remarks . Bro . Schaeppi , Prov . G . S . D ., replied on the part of the Provincial Grand . Master and the rest of the Provincial Grand Officers , thanking the brethren present for their very kind reception
and entertainment , at the same time paying a high compliment to the W . M . for thc way in which he went through the work in the lodge . The W . M ., in proposing what he termed the toast of theevening , namely , "The Visitors , " coupled with it the name of Bro . Will . W . Barlow , W . M . of
the Lodge of Hope , 302 ( Hro . Richardson , W . M . of the Pentalpha , having apologized for leaving , ) whom he was glad to see visiting their lodge , and referring to the time when he was a boy and his father was a retrular attendant as a
member ofthe Hope Lodge , said he often wondered what it was that induced him , such an ardent business man , to leave his warehouse at an earlier hour than usual to go to lodge meetings , and it was not until he became a Alason that he
divined the cause , lie concluded by proposing the toast in highly eulogistic terms . Bro . Barlow , W . M . 302 , responded , thanking theW . M . on the part of the members of the Hope Lodge and himself for the kind and at the same time complimentary , terms on whicli he had introduced the
toast to the meeting , and also expressing his obligation to the brethren for the hearty manner in whicli it had been received , thanking them , too , for their hospitable entertainment and expressing , the wish that they would , whenever they could , pay frequent visits to the Hope , when he could
promise them an equall y hearty reception . Bro . Leeson P . M . Pental pha , 974 , acknowledged the toast ( in the absence of his W . M . ) on the part of that lodge , expressing ( lie pleasure it had afforded him in being present , and regretting that Bro . Richardson ., W . M ., had been compelled to retire afler the business of the lodge was
concluded . Bro . M . Rhodes , P . M . 302 , also made a few exceedingly happy and humorous remarks in thanking lhe W . M . for his entertainment , expressing the pleasure it had afforded him to witness tlie admirable manner in which he had gone through the work in thelodge . And alluding to Iiro . I . A . Il ' nna , P . M ., P . I ' i . -v . C ' . R .. the respected father of thc W . M . who sat bv his side , said he
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
was reminded of what he heard the other day , namely , that a son of his had been making a speech , and the friend who related it to him remarked that when the young ones could do so well it was time for the old ones to give up ; and he thought he might say the same to his dear
friend sitting by him . He concluded by again thanking them for this evening ' s enjoyment . Bro . Will . AV . Barlow , AV . M . Hope , 302 , then proposed health , long life , and prosperity to Bro . C . 'F . Unna , AV . M . ofthe Harmony Lodge , stating that he well remembered the time to which he had alluded when his father was one of the most
efficient P . Ms , ofthe Hope Lodge , and expressed the gratification it had afforded him to see so venerable and highly respected a brother still taking an active part in Freemasonry , and trusting
that he would be long spared to do so . He was extremely glad to see the son treading in the footsteps of his estimable father , and spoke in the highest possible terms of the way in which he had conducted the business of the eveninsr . The
AV . M . thanked Bro . Barlow very much for the kind words he had uttered , as he felt them very keenly , and expressed his thanks also to all the brethren for the way in which they had received the toast . Before resuming his seat he begged to propose the health of the P . Ms ., who had been
the mainstay of their lodge ; they had from time to time been likened to the ribs of a ship and other such similes , but he should say ( to make a homely allusion ) they were like the warp in a piece , for they might change the weft ( i . e ., thc officers ) according to fancy or fashion , but if they
had a good warp ( i . e ., the P . Ms . ) the piece would be lasting and durable . " Bro . I . A . Unna , P . M ., responded , stating that he was glad to see so many visiting brethren including severa 1 P . Ms , from his mother , Lodge of Hope . He regretted that Bro . Beanland , P . M .,. had not
responded to this toast , as he felt they were so much indebted to him for assisting in the working of the Harmony Lodge . They might , however , always rely upon any assistance the P . Ms , could give . And he thanked them very much for the way in which the toast was received .
Bro . Bernson proposed thc health of the newl y initiated Bro . Bernard Nathan , who replied in a few , elegant yet , modest sentences expressive of his admiration ofthe principles ofthe Craft , and of his desire to become an exponent of them . Bro . Peel , P . AL , proposed the health of their newly
joined Bro . Capt . ' Mackintosh , P . M ., who responded expressing his desire , to make himself useful in the Lodge of Harmony , and making slight reference to his military services in India . ' 1 he ( AV . M . then brought this exceedingly agreeable evening ' s proceedings to a close by
giving the T yler s Toast AVe must needs refer to the very excellent songs with which the brethren were favoured by Bros . C . F . Unna , AV . M . ; Sutcliffe , King Solomon , 422 , Australia ; AVhaley , Mitchell , Granham , Bro . AVhitley presiding at the piano .
BRADFORD . —Lodge uf Hope ( No . 302 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Alasonic Hall , Godwin-street , on the iSth instant ; Bro . AVill . AV . Barlow , AV . M ., presiding . There was no business of importance beyond the election of officers for the ensuing year . That
done , the brethren adjourned to the refreshment room to partake of supper . The AV . M . occupied the chair , having on his right Bros . Sugden , P . AI . 302 , ( as LP . M . in the place of Bro . Green , who was prevented being present b y indisposition ) ; J . AVhite , AV . M . Scientific , 439 ; C . H .
laylor , P . AI . 302 ; II . O . Mawswi , P . M . 302 ; C Pratt , P . AL IOJ 8 ; Armitage , P . AI . 302 ; J . Rhodes , P . AL 974 ; and on his left Bro . Rev . J . Oddy , Prov . G . C . and Chaplain ofthe lodge ; Bros . AI . Rhodes , P . AI . 302 ; Hill , P . AI . 302 ; RuUerworth , P . AI . 3 S 7 ; J . J . Schaeppi , P . M .
3 . P , Prov . G . S . D . ; AV . Ibbetson , P . AI . 302 , Prov , G . J . D . ; \ V . Beanland , P . AI . 1034 ; Gaunt , P . AL 302 . The AV . M . proposed the usual loyal and Alasonic toasts . Bros . Rev . J . Oddy , Prov . G . C . and Chaplain ofthe lodge , and [ . [ . Schaeppi
P . AL , Prov . G . S . D ., in excellent addresses , replete with kindly expressions and good counsel , thanked the brethren for their kind ivro niti < nw > l their services . The W . AI . then gave the loast of theevening , " The health of Hro . Geo . Richard-