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United Grand Lodge.
Brother H . M ., of the Bedford Lodge , No . i 57 > London , £ 50 . The widow of the late Brother J . S . K ., of the Adams Lodge , No . 158 , Sheerness , £ 100 . 9 . Report of . the Board of General Purposes .
To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient 1 ' ree and Accepted Masons of England . The Board of General Purposes beg to submit a statement of the Grand Lodge Accounts at the last Meetinsr of the Finance Committee ,
held on Friday , the 15 th day of November instant , shewing a balance in the of the Grand Treasurer of £ 3 , 49 6 ns ., and in the hands of the Grand S . ecretary for Petty Cash , £ / $ . ( Signed ) HORACE LLOYD . President .
18 . Proposed Motions . By Bro . J . Rankin Stebbing , P . G . D . 1 . —That it shall be competent for any Lodge to declare that any one of its members has ceased to be a subscribing member , providing the following rules be strictly observed : —
lhat a proposition to that effect be handed to the VV . Master or Secretary , in writing , signed by any member of the Lodge , at least fourteen days before the then next regular meeting of the Lodge . 1 hat notire is iven to the member to whom
it refers , by a registered letter , that such a proposition has been made , and whicli letter shall contain also his regular Lodge summons . That notice is also given in the summonses for the next regular Lodge that it will be proposed to remove a brother from the list of members at
that meeting . That a ballot shall take place on the proposition being read in open Lodge , and if there shall appear to be a majority of two-thirds of those present in favour of the same , the \ V . Master or brother presiding shall declare the
same to be carried ; and on the confirmation of minutes of proceeding at the next regular Lodge , so far as relates to the said proposition , the brother shall cease to be a member of the Lodge accordingly . By Bro . Francis Bennoch , P . M ., No . 1 .
2 . —That the question of the propriety of reducing the rent of Tavern be referred to the Board of General Purposes to consider and determine .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft lilasonvfi . GLOUCESTERSHIRE .
Cini'iMXG SODBURY . —Tyndall Lodge (\ 'o , t . 3 ^ . 3 ) - —( jn Wednesday , the 20 th inst ., theannual banquet and installation of AV . M . of this lodge took place at the Masonic Hall , Chipping Sodbury . Bro . Samuel Davis , SAV ., was the W . M . elect , and the installation ceremony was
performed by the W . M ., Bro . G . Rennie Powell , P . G . P . Glo ., assisted by Bros . C . Partridge , P . M ., P . Prov . G . J . W . Glo . ; Osborne Dauncey , P . M , P . Prov . G . S . D . Glo . ; Benham , P . M ., P . Prov . G . D . D . Bristol ; Compton , P . M ., P . Prov . G . D . C . Bristol- , 11 . Bennett , P . M ., P . G . S . B . Glo . ;
and Hazard , P . M ., in the presence ot upwards ol 40 bn iliri . 11 , among whom were many visitors from Biistol . I'he following hrethren were then appointed to ollice by Bio . Samuel Davis , W . M . LP . AL , Bro . G . R . Powell ; S . W ., Bio . F . J . Vizard ; J . W ., Bro . J . D . B . Trenlield ; Treasurer ,
Bro . J . Trenlield ; Steward , Bro . Winsc . iinbe Henry Howard Hartley ; Secretar y , Bro . D . miel Beshy ; S . U ., Bro . Bush ; J . D ., llro . li . O . Limbrick ; Organist , Iiro . lies : D . C , Bro . W . Taylor ; l . G . Bro . J . C . Wallop ; Tyler , Bro . Hull , ay . The brethren then went in procession lo the
George Hotel , where they sat down , to the 1 umber oi between 40 and 50 , to a most re . ' . ii r -, '_ .- •' repast , under the presidency of Hro . Samuel Davis , 'W . M . After the dinner , which was a in . ably served by Iiro . Higgs , the usual lo , al a ni Masonic loasts were proposed and drunk v . it ' i great enthusiasm . The health ofthe " ' 1 lie v / ii . cer ;
of tlie Grand Lo ' g- ol G ! o . iiv > d . er .-hirc , " «; b le sponiied to by ii o . C i ' . i : iridic . "' ihe W . M . of 1363 " iv as received with much enlhusia : in , as was also that of " The W . M . ' s and brethien ofthe
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
other Lodges of the Province , " proposed by Bro . J . Trenlield , and responded to by Bro . Bennett , P . M . No . 270 . "The Visiting Brethren" was proposed by Bro . Taylor , and responded to by Bro . Benham , P . Prov . G . D . C . Bristol . The toast of " The Immediate P . M . " ( Bro . Rennie Powell ) was proposed by Bro . II . H . Hartley ,
and that of "I'he Orticers ofthe Tyndall Lodge " by Bro . Compton . "The health of the Lord of the Manor" ( Bro . H . H . Hartley ) and of "The Balitl" Burgesses of Chipping Sodbury" ( coupled with the name of Bro . J . Trenlield ) having been proposed and responded to , the final toast of the evening brought the proceedings to a close .
WAVERTREE . —Duke of Edinburgh . Lodge ( No . 1182 ) .- — -The usual monthly meeting of the brethren connected with this loilge was held on Wednesday afternoon , the 20 th inst ., at the Coffee House , Wavertree , and as the after proceedings were of more than ordinary interest
there was a large gathering of members and visitors . Bro . W . Pughe , W . M ., opened the lodge shortly after five o ' clock , supported by Bros . P . R . Thorne , I . P . M . ; Williams , S . W . ,- Ed ginton , J . W . ; W . Brown , Treas . ; j . G . Bales , Sec . ; and R . Martin , inn ., S . D . ; amongst the visitors
were Bros . P . M . Larsen , P . M . 594 ; Sargent , P . M . 594 ; J . Scott , P . M . 594 ; and H . Pearson , P . M . 249 . After the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and conlirmed , Mr . Ellison , being in attendance , was duly prepared and admitted into the Order . About thirty
brethren subsequently sat down to an excellent repast , and during the evening Bro . Pughe , W . M . presented in most fitting terms a very handsome P . M . ' s jewel to Bro . Thorne , LP . M ., in recognition of his services during his long connection with the lodge , and especially during his year of oflice . Bro . Thorne acknowledged the
gift in an eloquent speech , and remarked that the true brotherly feeling which had been shown towards him wonld never be forgotten , but would incite him still more to the faithful discharge of his Masonic duties . After spending an exceedingly pleasant evening the brethren separated at an early hour .
MIDDLESEX . HAMPTON . —Lebanon Lodge ( No . 1326 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this young and prosperous lodge was held at the Red Lion Hotel , Lion Square , Thames Street , Hampton , on Thursday , 21 st inst . At the appointed hour , one o ' clock pm ., the lodge was opened by Bro . S .
Wickens , I . P . M . and Treasurer , ; Bros F . Walters P . M ., Sec , as S . W .: II . A . Dubois , J . W . Hammond , P . M .. S . D . ; and some dozen others being present . The minutes of the meeting of October 1 7 th were read and unanimously conlirmed . Ballots , taken separately ,
were unanimous in favour of the admission ol Bros . W . 11 . Cox , 87 , and George Black , 840 , as joining members . Messrs . Hair ) - Thomas , Joseph Rose Thompson , Joseph Thompson , Henry Goodman , Charles Heitzmann , Thomas Walkley . Alfred William Dray , Kdward Fielding ,
and William Partridge , as candidates lor initiation . The heavy agenda paper of business was relieved by the presiding ollicer passing Bros . W . IL Dye , and G . Arnold , to the second degree , raising Bros . J . Symes , - and W . -Mocks ( 1275 ) to the third degree , and initiating Messrs . !' . Walkely
and A . W . Dray into freemasonry . Immediately the lodge was opened the dispensation was read which granted permission for seven candidates to be . initiated if ciey attended , that number having been at previous lodge unanimously elected . Bro . S . Wickens , I . P . M . and
Treasurer , having conierred the ceremonies oil all the candidates who were present , called the lodge oil' from labour to refreshment , awaiting the arrival of the next train due from London , Only a few minutes elapsed before it came , and by it arrived a large number of thebrethren . Bro .
John Thomas -Moss , P . G . S . D . Middlesex , W . M ., having arrived , look the Cnair . He initiated Messrs . 1 iarry Thcnias , J . R . Thompson , Joseph Thompson , Charles Heitzmann . and Henry Goodwin into the seciels and mysteries ol ancient Freemasonry , ll is needless lo add that wilh two such experienced Past Masters who presided
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
that the work was well and ably done . On the proposition ofthe indefatigable Secretary , Bro . F . Walters , P . M ., and seconded by the Treasurer Bro . S . Wickens , P . M ., it was unanimously resolved that the W . M ., Hro . John Thomas Moss ,
P . G . S . D ., Middlesex be elected the Steward to represent the lodge at the forthcoming festival of the Royal Benevolent Institution , to be held on Wednesday , January the 29 th , 1873 . When the W . M ., arose to acknowledge this vote he received quite an ovation . He in a feeling good
speech thanked the brethren for this mark of their approbation . He assured them he should do all in his power to support the charity and the lodge he represented . He trusted every member would subscribe to the charity , so that he might have a srood list . He alluded in forcible terms
to the approaching elections ofthe Secretaryships of the two Masonic Charities , and urged all who had votes to attend , expressing hopes to see Bros . J . Terry and R . Wentworth Little , as the succesful candidates , Pie intended , should their Provincial Grand Secretary , Bro R . Wentworth
Little , get elected as thc Secctary of the Girls ' School , to serve as Steward to represent thelodge at the next festival , which would be held in May , 1873 , and he anticipated seeing a large number of Stewards on that occasion . Hc hoped to secure the services of at least a dozen of the
members as Stewards on that occasion . He intended the Lebanon Lodge to rally round their' Provincial Grand Secretary if he were elected to that important position . He anticipated being able to state at next lodge meeting that their P . G . See .
was successful . He felt sanguine about it . lhe usual large number of propositions were then received . Finding so much work to do and so many anxious to be initiated , it was unanimously resolved to have an emergency meeting on
December J 8 th , at one o ' clock p . m . The vacancy caused by the lamented death of Bro . Joseph Catchpole , J . D ., was filled by promoting Bro . J . W . J ackson , I . G ., to j . D ' ., and Bro . E . Gilbert , I . G . Some other business having
been disposed of , the lodge was closed . There were present , besides those alread y named , liros . H . Gloster , j . W . Baldwin , G . Reynolds , II . Cutress , T . Clarke , li . Gilbert , R . Lawrence , E . H . Thiellay , J . Wells , E . Hopwood , P . M . ;
W . II . Hawkes , W . Lyons , G . li . Wood , W . P . Saunders , J . Hayward , and many others . The large list of visitors included— -Bros . W . Smeed , P . G . J . W . Middlesex ; E . W . Mackney , W . M . 134 ; S . Homewood , "W . M . 749 ; W . J . Laing ,
P . M . 45 ; li . Triptree , 13 ; H . Barrett , 244 ; li . Mallett , ' I . G . 141 ; R . T . Elsam , S . W . and W . M . Elect 889 ; S . Brown , 780 , and others . The lodge room having been , since the last meeting , enlarged , from the designs of thc eminent
architect , Hro . R . T . Elsam , and carried out under his superintendence , by Bro . H . Cutress , was approved of by all present . Great credit is due to both of those breihren ; the architect , for so skillfully arranging the plans , and the builder for so promptly and successfully carrying out thc
designs . I'he new room was well lilled , and thc banquet , as usual here , was first-class , livery one seemed to enjoy himself . The breihren seperaled early . Hro . R . Lawrence , the energetic young landlord , by his careful attention to the wauls of all , pleased and made comfortable all who were present .
KoRTIIUMI 51 iRLA . Nl ) . ALNWICK . —Alnivic . k Lodge ( No . 1267 ) . — - ^ most successful meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , in the ancient town ol Alnwick , on Wednesday , the 6 th instant , on the
occasion ol Bro . Edward Thew Turnbull , SAV " . and Treasurer , being installed as W . M . of 1 167 . The Installing Ollicer was Hro . W . Davidson , P . M ., P . G . J . D . Northumberland , whose rendering of the beautiful ceremony was most etl ' eclive .
Hro . IiinibuJJ invested his ollieers as follows : — Iiro . Blair , I . P . M . ; Bro . G . W . Hushby , S . W . ; tiro . U . Heatley , J . W . ; Bro . Rev . George Selb y Thompson , Vicar of Acklington , ALA ., Chaplain ; Bro . J . W . Bowey , Treasurer ; Bro . A
Robertson , Secretary ; Hro . J . Davidson , S . D . ; Hm . George Simpson , J . D- ;• Hro . lidwanl Allen , l . G . ; Bro . W . Walters , 'P yler : Bro .- , . Johnson and i hill , Stewards . After the appointment of Committees , tho proposition of a brother as
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
United Grand Lodge.
Brother H . M ., of the Bedford Lodge , No . i 57 > London , £ 50 . The widow of the late Brother J . S . K ., of the Adams Lodge , No . 158 , Sheerness , £ 100 . 9 . Report of . the Board of General Purposes .
To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient 1 ' ree and Accepted Masons of England . The Board of General Purposes beg to submit a statement of the Grand Lodge Accounts at the last Meetinsr of the Finance Committee ,
held on Friday , the 15 th day of November instant , shewing a balance in the of the Grand Treasurer of £ 3 , 49 6 ns ., and in the hands of the Grand S . ecretary for Petty Cash , £ / $ . ( Signed ) HORACE LLOYD . President .
18 . Proposed Motions . By Bro . J . Rankin Stebbing , P . G . D . 1 . —That it shall be competent for any Lodge to declare that any one of its members has ceased to be a subscribing member , providing the following rules be strictly observed : —
lhat a proposition to that effect be handed to the VV . Master or Secretary , in writing , signed by any member of the Lodge , at least fourteen days before the then next regular meeting of the Lodge . 1 hat notire is iven to the member to whom
it refers , by a registered letter , that such a proposition has been made , and whicli letter shall contain also his regular Lodge summons . That notice is also given in the summonses for the next regular Lodge that it will be proposed to remove a brother from the list of members at
that meeting . That a ballot shall take place on the proposition being read in open Lodge , and if there shall appear to be a majority of two-thirds of those present in favour of the same , the \ V . Master or brother presiding shall declare the
same to be carried ; and on the confirmation of minutes of proceeding at the next regular Lodge , so far as relates to the said proposition , the brother shall cease to be a member of the Lodge accordingly . By Bro . Francis Bennoch , P . M ., No . 1 .
2 . —That the question of the propriety of reducing the rent of Tavern be referred to the Board of General Purposes to consider and determine .
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Craft lilasonvfi . GLOUCESTERSHIRE .
Cini'iMXG SODBURY . —Tyndall Lodge (\ 'o , t . 3 ^ . 3 ) - —( jn Wednesday , the 20 th inst ., theannual banquet and installation of AV . M . of this lodge took place at the Masonic Hall , Chipping Sodbury . Bro . Samuel Davis , SAV ., was the W . M . elect , and the installation ceremony was
performed by the W . M ., Bro . G . Rennie Powell , P . G . P . Glo ., assisted by Bros . C . Partridge , P . M ., P . Prov . G . J . W . Glo . ; Osborne Dauncey , P . M , P . Prov . G . S . D . Glo . ; Benham , P . M ., P . Prov . G . D . D . Bristol ; Compton , P . M ., P . Prov . G . D . C . Bristol- , 11 . Bennett , P . M ., P . G . S . B . Glo . ;
and Hazard , P . M ., in the presence ot upwards ol 40 bn iliri . 11 , among whom were many visitors from Biistol . I'he following hrethren were then appointed to ollice by Bio . Samuel Davis , W . M . LP . AL , Bro . G . R . Powell ; S . W ., Bio . F . J . Vizard ; J . W ., Bro . J . D . B . Trenlield ; Treasurer ,
Bro . J . Trenlield ; Steward , Bro . Winsc . iinbe Henry Howard Hartley ; Secretar y , Bro . D . miel Beshy ; S . U ., Bro . Bush ; J . D ., llro . li . O . Limbrick ; Organist , Iiro . lies : D . C , Bro . W . Taylor ; l . G . Bro . J . C . Wallop ; Tyler , Bro . Hull , ay . The brethren then went in procession lo the
George Hotel , where they sat down , to the 1 umber oi between 40 and 50 , to a most re . ' . ii r -, '_ .- •' repast , under the presidency of Hro . Samuel Davis , 'W . M . After the dinner , which was a in . ably served by Iiro . Higgs , the usual lo , al a ni Masonic loasts were proposed and drunk v . it ' i great enthusiasm . The health ofthe " ' 1 lie v / ii . cer ;
of tlie Grand Lo ' g- ol G ! o . iiv > d . er .-hirc , " «; b le sponiied to by ii o . C i ' . i : iridic . "' ihe W . M . of 1363 " iv as received with much enlhusia : in , as was also that of " The W . M . ' s and brethien ofthe
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
other Lodges of the Province , " proposed by Bro . J . Trenlield , and responded to by Bro . Bennett , P . M . No . 270 . "The Visiting Brethren" was proposed by Bro . Taylor , and responded to by Bro . Benham , P . Prov . G . D . C . Bristol . The toast of " The Immediate P . M . " ( Bro . Rennie Powell ) was proposed by Bro . II . H . Hartley ,
and that of "I'he Orticers ofthe Tyndall Lodge " by Bro . Compton . "The health of the Lord of the Manor" ( Bro . H . H . Hartley ) and of "The Balitl" Burgesses of Chipping Sodbury" ( coupled with the name of Bro . J . Trenlield ) having been proposed and responded to , the final toast of the evening brought the proceedings to a close .
WAVERTREE . —Duke of Edinburgh . Lodge ( No . 1182 ) .- — -The usual monthly meeting of the brethren connected with this loilge was held on Wednesday afternoon , the 20 th inst ., at the Coffee House , Wavertree , and as the after proceedings were of more than ordinary interest
there was a large gathering of members and visitors . Bro . W . Pughe , W . M ., opened the lodge shortly after five o ' clock , supported by Bros . P . R . Thorne , I . P . M . ; Williams , S . W . ,- Ed ginton , J . W . ; W . Brown , Treas . ; j . G . Bales , Sec . ; and R . Martin , inn ., S . D . ; amongst the visitors
were Bros . P . M . Larsen , P . M . 594 ; Sargent , P . M . 594 ; J . Scott , P . M . 594 ; and H . Pearson , P . M . 249 . After the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and conlirmed , Mr . Ellison , being in attendance , was duly prepared and admitted into the Order . About thirty
brethren subsequently sat down to an excellent repast , and during the evening Bro . Pughe , W . M . presented in most fitting terms a very handsome P . M . ' s jewel to Bro . Thorne , LP . M ., in recognition of his services during his long connection with the lodge , and especially during his year of oflice . Bro . Thorne acknowledged the
gift in an eloquent speech , and remarked that the true brotherly feeling which had been shown towards him wonld never be forgotten , but would incite him still more to the faithful discharge of his Masonic duties . After spending an exceedingly pleasant evening the brethren separated at an early hour .
MIDDLESEX . HAMPTON . —Lebanon Lodge ( No . 1326 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this young and prosperous lodge was held at the Red Lion Hotel , Lion Square , Thames Street , Hampton , on Thursday , 21 st inst . At the appointed hour , one o ' clock pm ., the lodge was opened by Bro . S .
Wickens , I . P . M . and Treasurer , ; Bros F . Walters P . M ., Sec , as S . W .: II . A . Dubois , J . W . Hammond , P . M .. S . D . ; and some dozen others being present . The minutes of the meeting of October 1 7 th were read and unanimously conlirmed . Ballots , taken separately ,
were unanimous in favour of the admission ol Bros . W . 11 . Cox , 87 , and George Black , 840 , as joining members . Messrs . Hair ) - Thomas , Joseph Rose Thompson , Joseph Thompson , Henry Goodman , Charles Heitzmann , Thomas Walkley . Alfred William Dray , Kdward Fielding ,
and William Partridge , as candidates lor initiation . The heavy agenda paper of business was relieved by the presiding ollicer passing Bros . W . IL Dye , and G . Arnold , to the second degree , raising Bros . J . Symes , - and W . -Mocks ( 1275 ) to the third degree , and initiating Messrs . !' . Walkely
and A . W . Dray into freemasonry . Immediately the lodge was opened the dispensation was read which granted permission for seven candidates to be . initiated if ciey attended , that number having been at previous lodge unanimously elected . Bro . S . Wickens , I . P . M . and
Treasurer , having conierred the ceremonies oil all the candidates who were present , called the lodge oil' from labour to refreshment , awaiting the arrival of the next train due from London , Only a few minutes elapsed before it came , and by it arrived a large number of thebrethren . Bro .
John Thomas -Moss , P . G . S . D . Middlesex , W . M ., having arrived , look the Cnair . He initiated Messrs . 1 iarry Thcnias , J . R . Thompson , Joseph Thompson , Charles Heitzmann . and Henry Goodwin into the seciels and mysteries ol ancient Freemasonry , ll is needless lo add that wilh two such experienced Past Masters who presided
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
that the work was well and ably done . On the proposition ofthe indefatigable Secretary , Bro . F . Walters , P . M ., and seconded by the Treasurer Bro . S . Wickens , P . M ., it was unanimously resolved that the W . M ., Hro . John Thomas Moss ,
P . G . S . D ., Middlesex be elected the Steward to represent the lodge at the forthcoming festival of the Royal Benevolent Institution , to be held on Wednesday , January the 29 th , 1873 . When the W . M ., arose to acknowledge this vote he received quite an ovation . He in a feeling good
speech thanked the brethren for this mark of their approbation . He assured them he should do all in his power to support the charity and the lodge he represented . He trusted every member would subscribe to the charity , so that he might have a srood list . He alluded in forcible terms
to the approaching elections ofthe Secretaryships of the two Masonic Charities , and urged all who had votes to attend , expressing hopes to see Bros . J . Terry and R . Wentworth Little , as the succesful candidates , Pie intended , should their Provincial Grand Secretary , Bro R . Wentworth
Little , get elected as thc Secctary of the Girls ' School , to serve as Steward to represent thelodge at the next festival , which would be held in May , 1873 , and he anticipated seeing a large number of Stewards on that occasion . Hc hoped to secure the services of at least a dozen of the
members as Stewards on that occasion . He intended the Lebanon Lodge to rally round their' Provincial Grand Secretary if he were elected to that important position . He anticipated being able to state at next lodge meeting that their P . G . See .
was successful . He felt sanguine about it . lhe usual large number of propositions were then received . Finding so much work to do and so many anxious to be initiated , it was unanimously resolved to have an emergency meeting on
December J 8 th , at one o ' clock p . m . The vacancy caused by the lamented death of Bro . Joseph Catchpole , J . D ., was filled by promoting Bro . J . W . J ackson , I . G ., to j . D ' ., and Bro . E . Gilbert , I . G . Some other business having
been disposed of , the lodge was closed . There were present , besides those alread y named , liros . H . Gloster , j . W . Baldwin , G . Reynolds , II . Cutress , T . Clarke , li . Gilbert , R . Lawrence , E . H . Thiellay , J . Wells , E . Hopwood , P . M . ;
W . II . Hawkes , W . Lyons , G . li . Wood , W . P . Saunders , J . Hayward , and many others . The large list of visitors included— -Bros . W . Smeed , P . G . J . W . Middlesex ; E . W . Mackney , W . M . 134 ; S . Homewood , "W . M . 749 ; W . J . Laing ,
P . M . 45 ; li . Triptree , 13 ; H . Barrett , 244 ; li . Mallett , ' I . G . 141 ; R . T . Elsam , S . W . and W . M . Elect 889 ; S . Brown , 780 , and others . The lodge room having been , since the last meeting , enlarged , from the designs of thc eminent
architect , Hro . R . T . Elsam , and carried out under his superintendence , by Bro . H . Cutress , was approved of by all present . Great credit is due to both of those breihren ; the architect , for so skillfully arranging the plans , and the builder for so promptly and successfully carrying out thc
designs . I'he new room was well lilled , and thc banquet , as usual here , was first-class , livery one seemed to enjoy himself . The breihren seperaled early . Hro . R . Lawrence , the energetic young landlord , by his careful attention to the wauls of all , pleased and made comfortable all who were present .
KoRTIIUMI 51 iRLA . Nl ) . ALNWICK . —Alnivic . k Lodge ( No . 1267 ) . — - ^ most successful meeting of this lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , in the ancient town ol Alnwick , on Wednesday , the 6 th instant , on the
occasion ol Bro . Edward Thew Turnbull , SAV " . and Treasurer , being installed as W . M . of 1 167 . The Installing Ollicer was Hro . W . Davidson , P . M ., P . G . J . D . Northumberland , whose rendering of the beautiful ceremony was most etl ' eclive .
Hro . IiinibuJJ invested his ollieers as follows : — Iiro . Blair , I . P . M . ; Bro . G . W . Hushby , S . W . ; tiro . U . Heatley , J . W . ; Bro . Rev . George Selb y Thompson , Vicar of Acklington , ALA ., Chaplain ; Bro . J . W . Bowey , Treasurer ; Bro . A
Robertson , Secretary ; Hro . J . Davidson , S . D . ; Hm . George Simpson , J . D- ;• Hro . lidwanl Allen , l . G . ; Bro . W . Walters , 'P yler : Bro .- , . Johnson and i hill , Stewards . After the appointment of Committees , tho proposition of a brother as